Oxford Cambridge and RSA
For first assessment in 2017
• Support you with a body of knowledge Skills Guides – we’ve produced a set of Skills Guides
that grows throughout the lifetime of the that are not specific to Chemistry, but each covers a
specification topic that could be relevant to a range of qualifications
– for example, communication, legislation and
• Provide you with a range of suggestions so you research. Download the guides at
can select the best activity, approach or context
for your particular students
Active Results – a free online results analysis service
• Make it easier for you to explore and interact to help you review the performance of individual
with our resource materials, in particular to students or your whole school. It provides access to
develop your own schemes of work detailed results data, enabling more comprehensive
• Create an ongoing conversation so we can analysis of results in order to give you a more accurate
develop materials that work for you. measurement of the achievements of your centre and
individual students. For more details refer to
approach where the specification is divided into topics, Our new A Level in Chemistry A builds on our existing
each covering different key concepts of chemistry. popular course. We’ve based the redevelopment of
Teaching of practical skills is integrated with the our A level sciences on an understanding of what
theoretical topics and they’re assessed both through works well in centres large and small and have updated
written papers and, for A level only, the Practical areas of content and assessment where stakeholders
Endorsement. have identified that improvements could be made.
We’ve undertaken a significant amount of consultation
Chemistry B (Salters) – a context-led approach. through our science forums (which include
Learners study chemistry in a range of different representatives from learned societies, HE, teaching
contexts, conveying the excitement of contemporary and industry) and through focus groups with teachers.
chemistry. Ideas are introduced in a spiral way with Our papers and specifications have been trialled in
topics introduced in an early part of the course centres during development to make sure they work
reinforced later. The ‘B’ specification places a particular well for all centres and learners.
emphasis on an investigational and problem-solving
approach to practical work and is supported by The content changes are an evolution of our legacy
extensive new materials developed by the University of offering and will be familiar to centres already
York Science Education Group. following our courses, but are also clear and logically
laid out for centres new to OCR, with assessment
All of our specifications have been developed with models that are straightforward to administer. We have
subject and teaching experts. We have worked in close worked closely with teachers and HE representatives
consultation with teachers and representatives from to provide high quality support materials to guide you
Higher Education (HE) with the aim of including up- through the new qualifications.
OCR’s A Level in Chemistry A specification aims to • develop their interest in and enthusiasm for
encourage learners to: the subject, including developing an interest in
further study and careers associated with the
• develop essential knowledge and understanding subject
of different areas of the subject and how they
relate to each other • understand how society makes decisions about
scientific issues and how the sciences contribute
• develop and demonstrate a deep appreciation to the success of the economy and society (as
of the skills, knowledge and understanding of exemplified in ‘How Science Works’ (HSW)).
scientific methods
• develop competence and confidence in a variety
of practical, mathematical and problem solving
• is laid out clearly in a series of teaching modules • highlights opportunities for the introduction of
with Additional guidance added where required key mathematical requirements (see Section 5d
to clarify assessment requirements and the additional guidance column for each
module) into your teaching
• is co-teachable with the AS level
• identifies, within the Additional guidance how
• embeds practical requirements within the the skills, knowledge and understanding of How
teaching modules Science Works (HSW) can be incorporated within
Teacher support
The extensive support offered alongside this • mock examinations service – a free service
specification includes: offering a practice question paper and mark
scheme (downloadable from a secure location).
• delivery guides – providing information on
assessed content, the associated conceptual Along with:
development and contextual approaches to
delivery • Subject Advisors within the OCR science team to
help with course queries
• transition guides – identifying the levels of
demand and progression for different key stages • teacher training
for a particular topic and going on to provide • Science Spotlight (our termly newsletter)
links to high quality resources and ‘checkpoint
tasks’ to assist teachers in identifying learners • OCR Science community
‘ready for progression’
• a consultancy service (to advise on Practical
• lesson elements – written by experts, providing Endorsement requirements)
all the materials necessary to deliver creative
• Practical Skills Handbook
classroom activities
• Maths Skills Handbook.
• Active Results (see Section 1a)
• ExamBuilder (see Section 1a)
The specification has been designed to be co- • Reaction rates and equilibrium (quantitative)
teachable with the standalone AS Level in Chemistry A
• pH and buffers
qualification. The first four modules comprise the AS
Level in Chemistry A course and learners studying the • Enthalpy, entropy and free energy
A Level continue with the content of modules 5 and
6. The internally assessed Practical Endorsement skills • Redox and electrode potentials
also form part of the full A level (see Module 1.2). • Transition elements
A summary of the content for the A level course is as Module 6 – Organic chemistry and analysis
• Aromatic compounds
Module 1 – Development of practical skills in
chemistry • Carbonyl compounds
Module 1 of the specification content relates to the Opportunities for carrying out activities that could
practical skills learners are expected to gain throughout count towards the Practical Endorsement are indicated
the course, which are assessed throughout the throughout the specification. These are shown in
written examinations and also through the Practical the Additional guidance column as PAG1 to PAG11
Endorsement (see Section 5). (Practical Activity Group, see Section 5). There are
a wide variety of opportunities to assess PAG12
Practical activities are embedded within the learning throughout the specification.
outcomes of the course to encourage practical
activities in the classroom which contribute to the
achievement of the Practical Endorsement
(Section 5) as well as enhancing learners’
understanding of chemical theory and practical skills.
Chemistry is a practical subject and the development needed to collect and analyse empirical data. Skills in
of practical skills is fundamental to understanding planning, implementing, analysing and evaluating, as
the nature of chemistry. Chemistry A gives learners outlined in 1.1, will be assessed in the written papers.
many opportunities to develop the fundamental skills
1.1 Practical skills assessed in a written examination
Practical skills are embedded throughout all the Learners will be required to develop a range of
content of this specification. practical skills throughout the course in preparation for
the written examinations.
1.1.1 Planning
Learning outcomes Additional guidance
Learners should be able to demonstrate and
apply their knowledge and understanding of:
(a) experimental design, including to solve problems Including selection of suitable apparatus, equipment
set in a practical context and techniques for the proposed experiment.
1.1.2 Implementing
Learning outcomes Additional guidance
Learners should be able to demonstrate and
apply their knowledge and understanding of:
(a) how to use a wide range of practical apparatus As outlined in the content of the specification and
and techniques correctly the skills required for the Practical Endorsement.
(b) appropriate units for measurements M0.0
(c) presenting observations and data in an HSW8
appropriate format.
1.1.4 Evaluation
Learning outcomes Additional guidance
Learners should be able to demonstrate and
apply their knowledge and understanding of:
(a) how to evaluate results and draw conclusions HSW6
(b) the identification of anomalies in experimental
(c) the limitations in experimental procedures
(d) precision and accuracy of measurements and M1.3
data, including margins of error, percentage
errors and uncertainties in apparatus
(e) refining experimental design by suggestion of HSW3
improvements to the procedures and apparatus.
Learners should develop and practise a wide range of Please refer to Section 5 (the Practical Endorsement) of
practical skills throughout the course as preparation for this specification to see the list of practical experiences
the Practical Endorsement, as well as for the written all learners should cover during the course. Further
examinations. advice and guidance on the Practical Endorsement
2 The experiments and skills required for the Practical
can be found in the Practical Skills Handbook support
Endorsement will allow learners to develop and
This module acts as an important bridge into AS and The importance of these basic chemical concepts
A Level Chemistry from the study of chemistry within is seen as a prerequisite for all further chemistry
science courses at GCSE level. modules, and it is recommended that this module
should be studied first during this course.
This module provides learners with a knowledge and
understanding of the important chemical ideas that This module allows learners to develop important
underpin the study of A Level Chemistry: quantitative techniques involved in measuring masses,
• atomic structure
gas and solution volumes, including use of volumetric
• quantitative chemistry: formulae, equations, Learners are also able to develop their mathematical
amount of substance and the mole skills during their study of amount of substance and
• reactions of acids when carrying out quantitative practical work.
This section builds directly from GCSE Science, starting The role of acids, bases and salts in chemistry is
with basic atomic structure and isotopes. developed in the context of neutralisation reactions.
Important basic chemical skills are developed: writing Finally, redox reactions are studied within the context
chemical formulae, constructing equations and of oxidation number and electron transfer.
calculating chemical quantities using the concept of
amount of substance.
(d) the terms anhydrous, hydrated and water of M0.2, M2.2, M2.3, M2.4
crystallisation and calculation of the formula
of a hydrated salt from given percentage PAG1
composition, mass composition or based on
experimental results
Calculation of reacting masses, gas volumes and mole concentrations
(e) calculations, using amount of substance in mol, M0.0, M0.1, M0.4, M1.1, M2.2, M2.3, M2.4
Learners will be expected to express concentration
(i) mass
in mol dm–3 and g dm–3.
(ii) gas volume
(iii) solution volume and concentration
(f) the ideal gas equation: M0.0, M0.1, M0.4, M1.1, M2.2, M2.3, M2.4
pV = nRT
The value for R is provided on the Data Sheet.
Learners will be expected to express quantities in
SI units.
(g) use of stoichiometric relationships in calculations M0.2
2.1.4 Acids
Learning outcomes Additional guidance
Learners should be able to demonstrate and
apply their knowledge and understanding of:
Acids, bases, alkalis and neutralisation
(a) the formulae of the common acids (HCl, H2SO4,
HNO3 and CH3COOH) and the common alkalis
(NaOH, KOH and NH3) and explanation that acids
release H+ ions in aqueous solution and alkalis
release OH– ions in aqueous solution
(b) qualitative explanation of strong and weak acids
in terms of relative dissociations
(c) neutralisation as the reaction of:
(i) H+ and OH– to form H2O
(ii) acids with bases, including carbonates,
metal oxides and alkalis (water-soluble
bases), to form salts, including full equations
Acid–base titrations
(d) the techniques and procedures used when PAG2
preparing a standard solution of required HSW4 Many opportunities to carry out experimental
concentration and carrying out acid–base and investigative work.
(e) structured and non-structured titration M0.1, M0.2, M1.1, M1.2, M2.2, M2.3, M2.4
calculations, based on experimental results of
familiar and non-familiar acids and bases.
The focus of this module is inorganic and physical techniques involved in determination of energy
chemistry, the applications of energy use to changes and reaction rates.
everyday life and industrial processes, and current
environmental concerns associated with sustainability. There are opportunities for developing mathematical
skills when studying enthalpy changes and reaction
The content within this module assumes knowledge rates and when carrying out quantitative practical
and understanding of the chemical concepts developed work.
in Module 2: Foundations in chemistry.
Synoptic assessment
This module provides learners with a knowledge and
understanding of the important chemical ideas that This module provides a context for synoptic
underpin the study of inorganic and physical chemistry: assessment and the subject content links strongly with
content encountered in Module 2: Foundations in
• the periodic table: periodic and group properties chemistry.
• enthalpy changes and their determination • Atoms, moles and stoichiometry
• rates of reaction • Acid and redox reactions
• reversible reactions and chemical equilibrium • Bonding and structure
• consideration of energy and yield in improving Knowledge and understanding of Module 2 will be
sustainability. assumed and examination questions will be set that
link its content with this module and other areas of
This module allows learners to develop important
qualitative practical skills, especially observational
skills required for analysis, and accurate quantitative
Periodic trends are first studied to extend the Finally, this section looks at how unknown ionic
understanding of structure and bonding. Group compounds can be analysed and identified using
properties are then studied using Group 2 and the simple test-tube tests.
halogens as typical metal and non-metal groups
respectively, allowing an understanding of redox
reactions to be developed further.
3.1.2 Group 2
Learning outcomes Additional guidance
Learners should be able to demonstrate and
apply their knowledge and understanding of:
Redox reactions and reactivity of Group 2 metals
(a) the outer shell s2 electron configuration and the
loss of these electrons in redox reactions to form
2+ ions
(b) the relative reactivities of the Group 2 elements Reactions with acids will be limited to those
Mg → Ba shown by their redox reactions with: producing a salt and hydrogen.
(i) oxygen
(ii) water
(iii) dilute acids
(c) the trend in reactivity in terms of the first and M3.1
second ionisation energies of Group 2 elements
down the group (see also 3.1.1 c) Definition of second ionisation energy is not
required, but learners should be able to write an
equation for the change involved.
Reactions of Group 2 compounds
(d) the action of water on Group 2 oxides and the
approximate pH of any resulting solutions,
including the trend of increasing alkalinity
(e) uses of some Group 2 compounds as bases,
including equations, for example (but not limited
(i) Ca(OH)2 in agriculture to neutralise acid
(ii) Mg(OH)2 and CaCO3 as ‘antacids’ in treating
(c) the trend in reactivity of the halogens Cl 2, Br2 Including colour change in aqueous and organic
and I2, illustrated by reaction with other halide solutions.
(d) explanation of the trend in reactivity shown in
(c), from the decreasing ease of forming 1– ions,
in terms of attraction, atomic radius and electron
(e) explanation of the term disproportionation as
oxidation and reduction of the same element,
illustrated by:
(i) the reaction of chlorine with water as used
in water treatment
(ii) the reaction of chlorine with cold, dilute
aqueous sodium hydroxide, as used to form
(iii) reactions analogous to those specified in (i)
and (ii)
(f) the benefits of chlorine use in water treatment HSW9,10,12 Decisions on whether or not to
(killing bacteria) contrasted with associated chlorinate water depend on balance of benefits and
risks (e.g. hazards of toxic chlorine gas and risks, and ethical considerations of people’s right to
possible risks from formation of chlorinated choose. Consideration of other methods of purifying
hydrocarbons) drinking water.
Characteristic reactions of halide ions
(g) the precipitation reactions, including ionic Complexes with ammonia are not required other
equations, of the aqueous anions Cl –, Br– and than observations.
I– with aqueous silver ions, followed by aqueous
ammonia, and their use as a test for different PAG4 (see also 3.1.4 a)
halide ions. HSW4 Qualitative analysis.
This section introduces physical chemistry within the Reversible reactions are then studied, including
general theme of energy. the dynamic nature of chemical equilibrium and
the influence of conditions upon the position of
Learners first learn about the importance of equilibrium.
enthalpy changes, their uses and determination from
experimental results including enthalpy cycles. Finally, the integrated roles of enthalpy changes,
rates, catalysts and equilibria are considered as a
This section then investigates the ways in which a way of increasing yield and reducing energy demand,
change in conditions can affect the rate of a chemical improving the sustainability of industrial processes.
reaction, in terms of activation energy, the Boltzmann
distribution and catalysis.
Bond enthalpies
(f) (i) explanation of the term average bond M0.0, M0.2, M2.2, M2.3, M2.4
enthalpy (as the breaking of 1 mol of bonds
in gaseous molecules) Formal definition of average bond enthalpy not
(ii) explanation of exothermic and endothermic
reactions in terms of enthalpy changes Learners are expected to understand that an actual
associated with the breaking and making of bond enthalpy may differ from the average value.
chemical bonds
(iii) use of average bond enthalpies to calculate
enthalpy changes and related quantities
(see also 2.2.2 f)
Hess’ law and enthalpy cycles
(g) Hess’ law for construction of enthalpy cycles and M0.0, M0.2, M1.1, M2.2, M2.3, M2.4, M3.1
calculations to determine indirectly:
Definition of Hess’ law not required.
(i) an enthalpy change of reaction from
Unfamiliar enthalpy cycles will be provided.
enthalpy changes of combustion
(ii) an enthalpy change of reaction from HSW2 Application of the principle of conservation of
enthalpy changes of formation energy to determine enthalpy changes.
(iii) enthalpy changes from unfamiliar enthalpy
(h) the techniques and procedures used to M3.1, M3.2
determine enthalpy changes directly and
To include the enthalpy changes covered in 5.2.1 c.
HSW4 Opportunities for carrying out experimental
and investigative work.
Version 2.8 © OCR 2024
26 A Level in Chemistry A
3.2.2 Reaction rates
Learning outcomes Additional guidance
Learners should be able to demonstrate and
apply their knowledge and understanding of:
Simple collision theory
(a) the effect of concentration, including the
pressure of gases, on the rate of a reaction, in
terms of frequency of collisions 2
(b) calculation of reaction rate from the gradients M3.1, M3.2, M3.5
of graphs measuring how a physical quantity
changes with time Suitable physical quantities to monitor could include
concentration, gas volume, mass, etc.
(c) explanation of the role of a catalyst: Details of processes are not required.
(i) in increasing reaction rate without being
used up by the overall reaction
(ii) in allowing a reaction to proceed via a
different route with lower activation energy,
as shown by enthalpy profile diagrams
(d) (i) explanation of the terms homogeneous and
heterogeneous catalysts
(ii) explanation that catalysts have great HSW9,10 Benefits to the environment of improved
economic importance and benefits for sustainability weighed against toxicity of some
increased sustainability by lowering catalysts.
temperatures and reducing energy demand
from combustion of fossil fuels with
resulting reduction in CO2 emissions
(e) the techniques and procedures used to PAG9
investigate reaction rates including the HSW4 Many opportunities to carry out experimental
measurement of mass, gas volumes and time and investigative work.
The Boltzmann distribution
(f) qualitative explanation of the Boltzmann M3.1
distribution and its relationship with activation
energy (see also 3.2.1 c)
(g) explanation, using Boltzmann distributions, M3.1
of the qualitative effect on the proportion of
molecules exceeding the activation energy and HSW1,2,5 Use of Boltzmann distribution model to
hence the reaction rate, for: explain effect on reaction rates.
(i) temperature changes
(ii) catalytic behaviour (see also 3.2.2 c).
This module introduces organic chemistry and its This module also provides learners with an opportunity
important applications to everyday life, including to develop important organic practical skills, including
current environmental concerns associated with use of Quickfit apparatus for distillation, heating under
sustainability. reflux and purification of organic liquids.
The module assumes knowledge and understanding In the context of this module, it is important that
of the chemical concepts developed in Module 2: learners should appreciate the need to consider
Foundations in chemistry. responsible use of organic chemicals in the
environment. Current trends in this context include
The module provides learners with a knowledge and reducing demand for hydrocarbon fuels, processing
understanding of the important chemical ideas that plastic waste productively, and preventing use of
underpin the study of organic chemistry: ozone-depleting chemicals.
• nomenclature and formula representation, Synoptic assessment
functional groups, organic reactions and
isomerism This module provides a context for synoptic
assessment and the subject content links strongly with
• aliphatic hydrocarbons the content encountered in Module 2: Foundations in
• alcohols and haloalkanes chemistry.
• organic practical skills and organic synthesis • Atoms, moles and stoichiometry
This section is fundamental to the study of organic functional groups, isomerism and reaction mechanisms
chemistry. using curly arrows.
This section introduces the various types of structures The initial ideas are then developed within the context
used routinely in organic chemistry, nomenclature, of the hydrocarbons: alkanes and alkenes.
and the important concepts of homologous series,
R R"
R' R'''
This section introduces two further functional Finally, the important techniques of infrared
groups: alcohols and haloalkanes, and considers the spectroscopy and mass spectrometry are used to
importance of polarity and bond enthalpy to organic illustrate instrumental analysis as a valuable tool for
reactions. identifying organic compounds.
4.2.1 Alcohols
Learning outcomes Additional guidance
Learners should be able to demonstrate and
apply their knowledge and understanding of:
Properties of alcohols
(a) (i) the polarity of alcohols and an explanation,
in terms of hydrogen bonding, of the water
solubility and the relatively low volatility of
alcohols compared with alkanes (see also
2.2.2 l and 4.1.2 c)
(ii) classification of alcohols into primary,
secondary and tertiary alcohols
Reactions of alcohols
(b) combustion of alcohols
(i) the oxidation of primary alcohols to form PAG7 (see also 6.3.1 c)
aldehydes and carboxylic acids; the control
of the oxidation product using different
reaction conditions
(ii) the oxidation of secondary alcohols to form
(iii) the resistance to oxidation of tertiary
(d) elimination of H2O from alcohols in the presence Mechanism not required.
of an acid catalyst (e.g. H3PO4 or H2SO4) and heat
to form alkenes
(e) substitution with halide ions in the presence of Mechanism not required.
acid (e.g. NaBr/H2SO4) to form haloalkanes.
4.2.2 Haloalkanes
Learning outcomes Additional guidance
Learners should be able to demonstrate and
apply their knowledge and understanding of:
Substitution reactions of haloalkanes
(a) hydrolysis of haloalkanes in a substitution PAG7 (see also 6.3.1 c)
(i) by aqueous alkali
(ii) by water in the presence of AgNO3 and
ethanol to compare experimentally the
rates of hydrolysis of different carbon–
halogen bonds
(b) definition and use of the term nucleophile (an
electron pair donor)
(c) the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution in the HSW1,2 Use of reaction mechanisms to explain
hydrolysis of primary haloalkanes with aqueous organic reactions.
alkali (see also 4.1.1 h–i)
(d) explanation of the trend in the rates of hydrolysis
of primary haloalkanes in terms of the bond
enthalpies of carbon–halogen bonds (C–F, C–Cl,
C–Br and C–I)
• redox chemistry
• transition elements.
The largely qualitative treatment of reaction rates There are many opportunities for developing
and equilibria encountered in Module 3 is developed mathematical skills, including use of logarithms and
within a quantitative and graphical context. exponents, when studying the content of this section
and when carrying out quantitative practical work.
This section also allows learners to develop practical
quantitative techniques involved in the determination
of reaction rates and pH.
HSW8 Use of rate equations.
(c) calculation of the rate constant, k, and related M0.0, M0.1, M0.4, M1.1, M2.2, M2.3, M2.4
quantities, from a rate equation including
determination of units
Rate graphs and orders
(d) from a concentration–time graph: M0.1, M0.4, M1.1, M3.1, M3.2, M3.3, M3.4, M3.5
(i) deduction of the order (0 or 1) with respect
Concentration–time graphs can be plotted from
to a reactant from the shape of the graph
continuous measurements taken during the course
(ii) calculation of reaction rates from the of a reaction (continuous monitoring).
measurement of gradients (see also 3.2.2 b)
(e) from a concentration–time graph of a first order M3.1, M3.2
reaction, measurement of constant half-life, t1/2
Learners should be aware of the constancy of half-
life for a first order reaction.
(f) for a first order reaction, determination of the M0.1, M0.4, M1.1, M2.3, M2.4, M2.5
rate constant, k, from the constant half-life, t1/2,
using the relationship: k = ln 2/t1/2 Learners will not be required to derive this equation
from the exponential relationship between
concentration and time, [A] = [A0]e–kt.
(g) from a rate–concentration graph: M0.1, M0.4, M1.1, M3.1, M3.2, M3.3, M3.4, M3.5
(i) deduction of the order (0, 1 or 2) with
Rate–concentration data can be obtained from initial
respect to a reactant from the shape of the
rates investigations of separate experiments using
different concentrations of one of the reactants.
(ii) determination of rate constant for a first Clock reactions are an approximation of this method
order reaction from the gradient where the time measured is such that the reaction
has not proceeded too far.
[HA]equilibrium ~ [HA]undissociated
i.e. [HA] >> [H+]
Born–Haber cycles are used as a theoretical model Redox chemistry permeates chemistry and the
to illustrate the energy changes associated with ionic introductory work in Module 2 is developed further
bonding. within this section, including use of volumetric
analysis for redox titrations and an introduction of
Entropy and free energy are then introduced as electrochemistry in the context of electrode potentials.
concepts used to predict quantitatively the feasibility
of chemical change.
5.2.1 Lattice enthalpy
Learning outcomes Additional guidance
Learners should be able to demonstrate and
apply their knowledge and understanding of:
Lattice enthalpy
(a) explanation of the term lattice enthalpy Definition required.
(formation of 1 mol of ionic lattice from gaseous
ions, ∆LEH) and use as a measure of the strength
of ionic bonding in a giant ionic lattice
(see also 2.2.2 b–c)
Born–Haber and related enthalpy cycles
(b) use of the lattice enthalpy of a simple ionic solid M2.2, M2.3, M2.4, M3.1
(e.g. NaCl, MgCl 2) and relevant energy terms for:
Relevant energy terms: enthalpy change of
(i) the construction of Born–Haber cycles
formation, ionisation energy, enthalpy change of
(ii) related calculations atomisation and electron affinity.
Definition required for first ionisation energy
(see also 3.1.1 c) and enthalpy change of formation
(see also 3.2.1 d) only.
This section provides learners with a deeper This section includes the role of ligands in complex
knowledge and understanding of the periodic table ions, stereochemistry, precipitation, ligand substitution
within the context of the transition elements. and redox reactions. The colour changes and
observations in these reactions increase the toolkit
of qualitative inorganic tests for identifying unknown
ionic compounds.
This section extends the range of functional groups The important carbonyl compounds, aldehydes and
encountered in Module 4. ketones, are then studied.
Aromatic compounds are first introduced, including Finally, carboxylic acids and their related functional
the central role of delocalisation within the chemistry groups, acyl chlorides and esters, are studied. The
of arenes and phenols. Directing groups are also importance of acyl chlorides in organic synthesis is
introduced, including their importance to organic emphasised.
This section focuses on organic nitrogen compounds, to consider multi-stage synthetic routes towards an
including amines, amides and amino acids. Chirality organic product.
and optical isomerism is also introduced.
This module allows learners many opportunities to
Condensation polymerisation is also introduced and further develop their organic practical skills, especially
compared with addition polymerisation. in preparing and purifying organic solids, including
recrystallisation and determination of melting points.
The importance of carbon–carbon bond formation in
organic synthesis is stressed. Learners are also able
6.2.1 Amines
Learning outcomes Additional guidance
Learners should be able to demonstrate and
apply their knowledge and understanding of:
Basicity and preparation of amines
(a) the basicity of amines in terms of proton Comparison of basicity of different amines not
acceptance by the nitrogen lone pair and the required.
reactions of amines with dilute acids, e.g. Restricted to inorganic acids.
HCl (aq), to form salts
(d) identification of chiral centres in a molecule of M4.2, M4.3
any organic compound.
This section develops and complements the The instrumentation methods of analysis studied
spectroscopic areas of organic chemistry previously during the A level course provide learners with an
encountered (see Module 4: Core organic chemistry; important base of knowledge, understanding and
4.2.4 Analytical techniques). awareness for further study in Higher Education and in
many areas of employment in the broad scientific field.
This section demonstrates how analytical techniques
introduced in Module 4 (infrared spectroscopy, mass This section also looks at how unknown organic
spectrometry and elemental analysis) may be used
in combination with NMR spectroscopy to provide
functional groups can be analysed and identified using
simple test-tube tests.
evidence of structural features in molecules.
6.3.2 Spectroscopy
Learning outcomes Additional guidance
2 Learners should be able to demonstrate and
apply their knowledge and understanding of:
NMR Spectroscopy
(a) analysis of a carbon-13 NMR spectrum of an M3.1
organic molecule to make predictions about:
All carbon-13 NMR spectra that are assessed will be
(i) the number of carbon environments in the
proton decoupled.
In examinations, NMR chemical shift values will be
(ii) the different types of carbon environment provided on the Data Sheet.
present, from chemical shift values Restricted to functional groups studied in the A level
(iii) possible structures for the molecule specification.
This component is worth 100 marks and is split into Section B includes short answer question styles
two sections and assesses content from teaching (structured questions, problem solving, calculations,
modules 1, 2, 3 and 5. Learners answer all questions. practical) and extended response questions. This
section of the paper is worth 85 marks.
Section A contains multiple choice questions. This
section of the paper is worth 15 marks.
This component is worth 100 marks and is split into Section B includes short answer question styles
two sections and assesses content from teaching (structured questions, problem solving, calculations,
modules 1, 2, 4 and 6. Learners answer all questions. practical) and extended response questions. This
section of the paper is worth 85 marks.
Section A contains multiple choice questions. This
section of the paper is worth 15 marks.
This component assesses content from across all Question styles include short answer (structured
teaching modules 1 to 6. Learners answer all questions. questions, problem solving, calculations, practical) and
This component is worth 70 marks. extended response questions.
Performance in this component is reported separately Learners may work in groups but must demonstrate
to the performance in the A level as measured and record independent evidence of their competency.
through externally assessed components 01 to 03. Teachers who award a pass to their learners must be
This non-exam assessment component rewards the confident that each learner consistently and routinely
development of practical competency in chemistry exhibits the competencies listed in Section 5g and has
and is teacher assessed. Learners demonstrate demonstrated competence in all the skills detailed in
competence in the range of skills and techniques section 1.2.1 and in all the apparatus and techniques
specified in Section 1.2 of the specification by carrying detailed in Section 1.2.2 before completion of the
out a minimum of 12 assessed practical activities. The A level course. The practical activities provided by
Practical Endorsement is teacher assessed against the OCR are all mapped against the specification and
Common Practical Assessment Criteria as specified in assessment criteria.
Section 5g.
Assessment Objective
* The Practical Endorsement is assessed and reported separately from the overall A level grade (see Section 5).
3e. Language
This qualification is available in English only. All
assessment materials are available in English only and
all candidate work must be in English.
3f. Assessment availability
There will be one examination series available This specification will be certificated from the June
each year in May/June to all learners. All examined 2017 examination series onwards.
components must be taken in the same examination
series at the end of the course.
Synoptic assessment involves the explicit drawing • applying knowledge and understanding of more
together of knowledge, understanding and skills than one area to a particular situation or context
learned in different parts of the A level course. The
emphasis of synoptic assessment is to encourage the • using knowledge and understanding of principles
development of the understanding of the subject as a and concepts in planning experimental and
discipline. All components within Chemistry A contain investigative work and in the analysis and
an element of synoptic assessment. evaluation of data
3 • bringing together scientific knowledge and
understanding from different areas of the
subject and applying them.
The information in this section is designed to give an More information about the processes and deadlines
overview of the processes involved in administering involved at each stage of the assessment cycle can be
this qualification so that you can speak to your exams found in the Administration area of the OCR website.
officer. All of the following processes require you to
submit something to OCR by a specific deadline. OCR’s Admin overview is available on the OCR website
4a. Pre-assessment
Estimated entries
Estimated entries are your best projection of the Estimated entries should be submitted to OCR by the
number of learners who will be entered for a specified deadline. These do not incur a cost and do
qualification in a particular series. not commit your centre in any way.
Final entries
Final entries provide OCR with detailed data for Final entries must be submitted to OCR by the
each learner, showing each assessment to be taken. published deadlines or late entry fees will apply.
It is essential that you use the correct entry code,
considering the relevant entry rules. All learners taking A Level in Chemistry A must be
entered for one of the entry options shown on the
following table:
Private candidates
Private candidates may enter for OCR assessments. The Practical Endorsement is an essential part of the
course and will allow learners to develop skills for
A private candidate is someone who pursues a course further study or employment, as well as imparting
of study independently but takes an examination important knowledge that is part of the specification.
or assessment at an approved examination centre.
A private candidate may be a part-time student, Private candidates need to contact OCR approved
someone taking a distance learning course, or centres to establish whether they are prepared to
someone being tutored privately. They must be based host them as a private candidate. The centre may
in the UK. charge for this facility and OCR recommends that the
arrangement is made early in the course.
The A Level Chemistry A qualification requires learners
to complete a Practical Endorsement incorporating Further guidance for private candidates may be found
a minimum of 12 practical activities, allowing them on the OCR website:
to demonstrate a range of practical skills, use of
apparatus and techniques to fulfil the Common
Practical Assessment Criteria.
The practical science statement is contained within Please see the JCQ publication Instructions for
the NEA Centre Declaration Form which can be found conducting non-examination assessments for further
on the OCR website at information.
By signing the form, the centre is confirming that
they are meeting all the requirements detailed in Any failure by a centre to provide a practical science
the specification, including that they have provided statement to OCR in a timely manner (by means of
all candidates the opportunity to undertake the an NEA Centre Declaration Form) will be treated as
prescribed practical activities. malpractice and/or maladministration [under General
Condition A8 (Malpractice and maladministration)].
Centres must provide a written practical science b) Whilst undertaking the practical activities, all
statement confirming that reasonable opportunities candidates have written and retained a record of
have been provided to all learners being submitted their work.
for entry for assessment to undertake at least twelve
appropriate practical activities. Centres should have records confirming points (a) to
(b) above available as they may be requested as part of
The practical science statement is contained within the the monitoring process.
NEA Centre Declaration Form, this form can be found
on the OCR website at Any failure by a centre to provide a practical science
statement to OCR in a timely manner (by means of
By signing the form, the centre is confirming that: an NEA Centre Declaration Form) will be treated as
malpractice and/or maladministration [under General
a) At least twelve practical activities have been Condition A8 (Malpractice and maladministration)].
completed by each candidate enabling them to
demonstrate competence in all skills, apparatus
and techniques as specified in OCR’s A Level
science specifications. 4
Collecting evidence of student performance to ensure resilience in the qualifications system
Regulators have published guidance on collecting For more detailed information on collecting evidence
evidence of student performance as part of long- of student performance please visit our website at:
term contingency arrangements to improve the
resilience of the qualifications system. You should qualifications/assessment/
review and consider this guidance when delivering this
qualification to students at your centre.
Learners who are retaking the qualification can choose Learners must decide at the point of entry whether
to either retake the endorsement or carry forward they are going to carry forward the endorsement or
their most recent result for that component (even if it not.
was awarded by another awarding organisation or if it
was awarded for an alternative suite). The result for the endorsement may be carried forward
for the lifetime of the specification and there is no
To carry forward the result, you must use the carry restriction on the number of times the result may be
forward entry option (see table in Section 4a). carried forward. However, only the most recent
non-absent result may be carried forward.
A level qualifications are graded on the scale: A*, A, B, Results for the A Level Sciences Practical Endorsements
C, D, E, where A* is the highest. Learners who fail to will be shown independently of the qualification
reach the minimum standard for E will be Unclassified grade on the certificate. Candidates who fulfil the
(U). Only subjects in which grades A* to E are attained requirements and reach the minimum standard will be
will be recorded on certificates. awarded a Pass grade. Candidates who fail to reach the
minimum standard will be recorded as ‘Not Classified’
and this will also be reported on the certificate.
Results are released to centres and learners for The following supporting information will be available:
information and to allow any queries to be resolved
before certificates are issued. • raw mark grade boundaries for each component
Centres will have access to the following results • weighted mark grade boundaries for each entry
information for each learner: option.
Until certificates are issued, results are deemed to
• the grade for the qualification
be provisional and may be subject to amendment.
• the raw mark for each component A learner’s final results will be recorded on an OCR
• the total weighted mark for the qualification.
The qualification title will be shown on the certificate
as ‘OCR Level 3 Advanced GCE in Chemistry A’.
4g. Malpractice
Any breach of the regulations for the conduct Detailed information on malpractice can be found
of examinations and coursework may constitute in the Suspected Malpractice in Examinations and
malpractice (which includes maladministration) and Assessments: Policies and Procedures published by 4
must be reported to OCR as soon as it is detected. JCQ.
The information in this sheet is for the use of candidates following Chemistry A (H032 / H432).
1 tonne = 106 g
220 200
200 180
180 160
160 140
140 120
120 100
100 80
80 60
60 40
40 20
20 0
δ // ppm
1H NMR chemical shifts relative to TMS
12 11
11 10
10 9
9 8
8 7
7 6
6 5
5 4
4 3
3 2
2 1
1 0
δ / ppm
δ / ppm
Chemical shifts are variable and can vary depending on the solvent, concentration and substituents. As a result, shifts may be outside the ranges indicated above.
OH and NH chemical shifts are very variable and are often broad. Signals are not usually seen as split peaks.
Note that CH bonded to ‘shifting groups’ on either side, e.g. O–CH2–C=O, may be shifted more than indicated above.
1 Key 18
1 atomic number 2
H Symbol He
hydrogen name helium
1.0 2 relative atomic mass 13 14 15 16 17 4.0
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be B C N O F Ne
lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon
6.9 9.0 10.8 12.0 14.0 16.0 19.0 20.2
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon
23.0 24.3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 27.0 28.1 31.0 32.1 35.5 39.9
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton
39.1 40.1 45.0 47.9 50.9 52.0 54.9 55.8 58.9 58.7 63.5 65.4 69.7 72.6 74.9 79.0 79.9 83.8
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon
85.5 87.6 88.9 91.2 92.9 95.9 101.1 102.9 106.4 107.9 112.4 114.8 118.7 121.8 127.6 126.9 131.3
55 56 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
• 57–71
132.9 137.3 178.5 180.9 183.8 186.2 190.2 192.2 195.1 197.0 200.6 204.4 207.2 209.0
•• 89–103 104
actinoids copernicium flerovium
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
• 138.9 La
Version 2.8 © OCR 2024
140.1 140.9 144.2 144.9 150.4 152.0 157.2 158.9 162.5 164.9 167.3 168.9 173.0 175.0
A Level in Chemistry A
Exemplification of the
Areas of the specification which
mathematical skill in the context
Mathematical skill to be exemplify the mathematical
of A Level Chemistry (assessment
assessed skill (assessment is not limited
is not limited to the examples
to the examples below)
The following will be counted as Level 2 (or higher) • simple substitution with little choice of equation
mathematics: or data
• structured question formats using GCSE
• application and understanding requiring choice
mathematics (based on 2012 GCSE mathematics
of data or equation to be used
• problem solving involving use of mathematics
Additional guidance on the assessment of mathematics
from different areas of maths and decisions
within chemistry is available on the OCR website as a
about direction to proceed
separate resource, the Maths Skills Handbook.
For members, the CLEAPSS® guide, PS90, Making and Where project work or investigations, sometimes
5 recording risk assessments in school science1 offers
appropriate advice.
linked to work-related activities, are included in
specifications this may well lead to the use of novel
procedures, chemicals or microorganisms, which are
Most education employers have adopted nationally not covered by the employer’s model risk assessments.
available publications as the basis for their Model Risk The employer should have given guidance on how
Assessments. to proceed in such cases. Often, for members, it will
involve contacting CLEAPSS®.
1These,and other CLEAPSS® publications, are on the CLEAPSS® Science Publications website Note that
CLEAPSS® publications are only available to members. For more information about CLEAPSS® go to
Investigative Research
10 11
Rates of
reaction –
Unscaffolded initial rates pH measurement
6 7 8 9
Qualitative Rates of
1 2 3 4 5
Table 1 Practical activity requirements for the OCR Chemistry Practical Endorsement
Practical activity group Techniques/skills covered (minimum) Example of a suitable practical activity Specification reference
(PAG) (a range of examples will be available (examples)
from the OCR website and centres can
devise their own activity)
1 Moles determination • Measurement of mass Determination of the composition of 2.1.3(d), 2.1.3(h)
• Measurement of volume of gas copper(II) carbonate
2 Acid–base titration • Measurement of volume of a liquid Titration of sodium hydrogencarbonate 2.1.4(d)
• Use of volumetric flask, including accurate technique against hydrochloric acid
for making up a standard solution
• Titration, using burette and pipette
• Use of acid–base indicators in titrations of weak/
strong acids with weak/strong bases
3 Enthalpy determination • Measurement of temperature Determination of the enthalpy change 3.2.1(e), 3.2.1(h)
of neutralisation
4 Qualitative analysis of • Use of apparatus for qualitative tests for ions Identification of the anions and cations 3.1.3(g), 3.1.4(a), 5.3.2(a)
ions • Make and record qualitative observations present in a mixture of Group 2 salts
5 Synthesis of an organic • Heating under reflux1 Synthesis of a haloalkane 4.2.3(a)
liquid • Purification using a separating funnel
• Distillation
• Risk assessment
6 Synthesis of an organic • Purification by recrystallisation Synthesis of aspirin 6.2.5(a), 6.3.1(a)
solid • Use of melting point apparatus
• Use of thin layer or paper chromatography
• Filtration
• Heating under reflux1
• Risk assessment
Version 2.8 © OCR 2024
7 Qualitative analysis of Use of apparatus for qualitative tests for organic Identifying functional groups in a series 4.1.3(f), 4.2.1(c), 4.2.2(a),
A Level in Chemistry A
organic functional groups functional groups of unknown organic compounds 6.1.1(h), 6.1.2(a), 6.1.2(d),
• Heating using water bath or electric heater 6.1.2(e), 6.1.3(b), 6.3.1(c)
• Make and record observations
A Level in Chemistry A
Version 2.8 © OCR 2024
Practical activity group Techniques/skills covered (minimum) Example of a suitable practical activity Specification reference
(PAG) (a range of examples will be available (examples)
from the OCR website and centres can
devise their own activity)
8 Electrochemical cells • Set up of electrochemical cells and measurement of The effect of concentration on the cell 5.2.3(g)
voltages potential of an electrochemical cell
9 Rates of reaction – • Measurement of rate of reaction by a continuous Finding the half-life of a reaction 3.2.2(e), 5.1.1(h)
continuous monitoring monitoring method
method • Measurement of time
• Use of appropriate software to process data2
10 Rates of reaction – • Measurement of rate of reaction by an initial rate Finding the order and rate constant for 5.1.1(b), 5.1.1(h)
initial rates method method a reaction
• Use of appropriate software to process data2
• Identify and control variables
11 pH measurement • Measurement of pH Identifying unknown solutions via pH 5.1.3(o)
12 Research skills • Apply investigative approaches How long does it take iron tablets to Opportunities throughout
• Use online and offline research skills break down in the stomach? specification
• Correctly cite sources of information
1,2 These techniques/skills may be covered in either of the groups indicated.
The technique, ‘Safely and carefully handling solids and liquids, including corrosive, irritant, flammable and toxic substances (1.2.2 k)’ needs to be covered across the
selection of activities.
It is expected that the following skills will be developed across all activities, regardless of the exact selection of activities. The ability to:
• safely and correctly use a range of practical equipment and materials (1.2.1 b)
• follow written instructions (1.2.1 c)
• make and record observations/measurements (1.2.1 d)
• keep appropriate records of experimental activities (1.2.1 e)
• present information and data in a scientific way (1.2.1 f)
• use a wide range of experimental and practical instruments, equipment and techniques (1.2.1 j).
The practical activities can be completed at any point 1.2.2), will receive a ‘Pass’ grade (note that the
during the two year A level course at the discretion of practical activity tracker available from OCR
the centre. Candidates starting from a standalone AS allows confirmation that the activities selected
can count A level practical activities carried out during cover all the requirements).
the AS year towards the A level Practical Endorsement
provided that they are appropriately recorded. It is • There will be no direct assessment of practical
recommended therefore that candidates starting AS skills for AS qualifications
maintain a record of practical activities carried out (e.g. • Students will answer questions in the AS
this could be in the form of a ‘log book’ or ‘practical and A level examination papers that assess
portfolio’) that could be counted towards the Practical the requirements of Appendix 5a (Practical
Endorsement. For candidates who then decide to skills identified for indirect assessment and
follow a full A level, having started from AS, they can developed through teaching and learning,
carry this record with them into their A level study. covered in Section 1.1) from the prescribed
subject content, published by the Department
The assessment of practical skills is a compulsory
for Education. These questions may draw on, or
requirement of the course of study for A level
range beyond, the practical activities included in
qualifications in chemistry. It will appear on all
the specification.
students’ certificates as a separately reported result,
alongside the overall grade for the qualification. The In order to achieve a pass, students will need to:
arrangements for the assessment of practical skills
are common to all awarding organisations. These • develop these competencies by carrying out
arrangements include: a minimum of 12 practical activities (PAG1
5 • A minimum of 12 practical activities to be carried
to PAG12), which allow acquisition of all the
skills, apparatus and techniques outlined in the
out by each student which, together, meet the requirements of the specification (Sections 1.2.1
requirements of Appendices 5b (Practical skills and 1.2.2)
identified for direct assessment and developed
through teaching and learning, covered in • consistently and routinely exhibit the
Section 1.2.1) and 5c (Use of apparatus and competencies listed in the CPAC (Table 2) before
techniques, covered in Section 1.2.2) from the completion of the A-level course
the prescribed subject content, published by • keep an appropriate record of their practical
the Department for Education. The required work, including their assessed practical activities
practical activities are defined by each awarding
organisation (see Fig. 1 and Table 1) • be able to demonstrate and/or record
independent evidence of their competency,
• Teachers will assess students against Common including evidence of independent application
Practical Assessment Criteria (CPAC) issued by of investigative approaches and methods to
the awarding organisations. The CPAC (see practical work.
Table 2) are based on the requirements of
Appendices 5b and 5c of the subject content The practical activities prescribed in the subject
requirements published by the Department for specification (PAG1 to PAG12) will provide
Education, and define the minimum standard opportunities for demonstrating competence in all the
required for the achievement of a pass. skills identified, together with the use of apparatus and
techniques for each subject. However, students can
• Each student will keep an appropriate record also demonstrate these competencies in any additional
of their practical work, including their assessed practical activity undertaken throughout the course of
practical activities study which covers the requirements of appendix 5b
• Students who demonstrate the required and 5c (covered in Sections 1.2.1 and 1.2.2).
standard across all the requirements of the
Students may work in groups but teachers who award
CPAC, incorporating all the skills, apparatus and
a pass to their students need to be confident of
techniques (as defined in Sections 1.2.1 and
individual students’ competence.
4d Admin of
January 2.4 2c Content of Guidance on the new definition of moles 2.1.3(a)
2019 modules 1 to 6
Update to average bond enthalpy guidance 3.2.1(f)
May 2020 2.5 1d How do I find Insertion of Online Support Centre link
out more
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OCR is part of Cambridge University Press & Assessment, a department of the University of Cambridge.
For staff training purposes and as part of our quality assurance programme your call may be recorded or monitored. ©OCR 2024 Oxford Cambridge and
RSA Examinations is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England. Registered office The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 8EA.
Registered company number 3484466. OCR is an exempt charity.
OCR operates academic and vocational qualifications regulated by Ofqual, Qualifications Wales and CCEA as listed in their qualifications registers including
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