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1 author:
Anil Kumar
All content following this page was uploaded by Anil Kumar on 27 September 2021.
Anil Kumar
Department of Mechanical & Automation Engineering, G B Pant Engineering College, Okhla,
In Internal combustion engines, efficiency of engine is around 30 %, roughly 30% of the fuel
energy is wasted in exhaust gases, and 30% in cooling and 10% are unaccountable losses. Efforts
are made to catch this 30% energy of exhaust gases. If this waste heat energy is tapped and
converted into usable energy, the overall efficiency of an engine can be improved.
Here, we have modified an automobile for extracting heat from the exhaust. We have
demonstrated a concept of extracting heat in a moving vehicle by using copper coil as heat
exchanger. We allowed exhaust gases coming out of engine to pass through an insulated box. The
Heat carried by the exhaust gases is extracted inside the box through copper coil and can be used
for various purposes.
Keywords: Heat exchanger, exhaust, four stroke engine, Exhaust Gas Temperature Gauge, LMTD
1. Introduction
Problem Definition
In recent years the scientific and public awareness on environmental and energy issues has
brought in major interests to the research of advanced technologies particularly in highly efficient
internal combustion engines.
Substantial thermal energy is available from the exhaust gases in modern automotive engines.
Two-thirds of the energy from combustion in a vehicle is lost as waste heat, of which 30-40% is in
the form of hot exhaust Gas.
“The large amount of heat carried by the exhaust gases goes waste into environment”.
This large amount of energy from the stream of exhausted gases could potentially be used
for waste heat energy recovery to increase the work output of the engine.
The latest developments and technologies on waste heat recovery of exhaust gas from internal
combustion engines (ICE) includes thermoelectric generators (TEG), Organic Rankine cycle
(ORC), six-stroke cycle IC engine and new developments on turbocharger Technology.
1. ―A highly efficient six-stroke internal combustion engine cycle with water injection for in-
cylinder exhaust heat recovery‖ by Conklin JC, Szybist JP.
A concept adding two strokes to the Otto or Diesel engine cycle to increase fuel efficiency is
presented here. It can be thought of as a four-stroke Otto or Diesel cycle followed by a two-stroke
heat recovery steam cycle. A partial exhaust event coupled with water injection adds an additional
power stroke. Waste heat from two sources is effectively converted into usable work: engine
coolant and exhaust gas. Conklin and Szybist investigated that the percentage of fuel energy
converted to useful work only 10.4% and also found the thermal energy lost through exhaust gas
about 27.7%.
2. ―Performance of a Thermo acoustic Sound Wave Generator driven with Waste Heat of
Automobile Gasoline Engine‖ by Hatazawa M, Sugita H, Ogawa T, SeoY.
A new type of thermo acoustic sound wave generator driven with the waste heat of a 4cycle
automobile gasoline engine is described. The exhaust-pipe connected sound wave generator, in
which the hot heat exchanger is set in the exhaust pipe in order to recover the waste heat of
exhaust gas, is proposed. A temperature of 780°C of exhaust gas in the exhaust is observed. In a
conventional thermo acoustic sound wave generator, sound waves originate at a temperature of
the hot heat exchanger, TH, of 200-300°C and become sufficient at 700°C. It is confirmed that the
new generator generates sufficient sound waves and its performance is almost equal to that of the
electric heater driven generator at a thermal input of 300 W, which corresponds to slightly more
than 1% of the heat quantity of exhaust gas provided under the condition that the number of
engine revolutions is 2 600 rpm and that the throttle opening is 35%.
3. ―Potential applications of thermoelectric waste heat recovery in the automotive industry‖ by
Yang J.
Several proposed applications of thermoelectric (TE) waste heat recovery devices in the
automotive industry are reviewed. To assess the feasibility of these applications at a vehicle level,
the effect of electrical load and weight on fuel economy for a series of cars and trucks was
investigated. These results will help us to identify the appropriate vehicle platforms for TE waste
heat recovery, and to establish a set of requirements for an automotive TE waste heat recovery
subsystem. The key to the realization of this technology is still the continued development of new
materials with increased efficiency.
4. ―Automobile engine tribology — approaching the surface‖ by C.M. Taylor.
There has been relentless pressure in the second half of the 20th century to develop ever more
fuel efficient and compact automobile engines with reduced environmental impact.
From the viewpoint of the tribologist this means increasing specific loads, speeds and
temperatures for the major frictional components of the engine, namely, the piston assembly, the
valve train and the journal bearings, and lower viscosity engine oils with which to lubricate them.
Inevitably, this leads to decreasing oil film thicknesses between the interacting surfaces of these
components and a more crucial role for the topography and surface profile of the two surfaces in
determining tribological performance. This paper reviews the nature of the surfaces encountered
in the piston assembly, valve train and journal bearings of the internal combustion engine and how
In addition, any time you use your brakes, energy initially used to overcome inertia is lost.
Only about 15 percent of the energy from the fuel you put in your tank gets used to move your car
down the road or run useful accessories, such as air conditioning. The rest of the energy is lost to
engine and driveline inefficiencies and idling. Therefore, the potential to improve fuel efficiency
with advanced technologies is enormous.
1. Possibility of heat recovery and availability from I.C. Engine
Waste heat is heat, which is generated in a process by way of fuel combustion or chemical
reaction, and then ―dumped‖ into the environment even though it could still be reused for some
useful and economic purpose. This heat depends in part on the temperature of the waste heat
gases and mass flow rate of exhaust gas. Waste heat losses arise both from equipment
inefficiencies and from thermodynamic limitations on equipment and processes.
Exhaust gases immediately leaving the engine can have temperatures as high as 842-1112°F [450-
600°C]. Consequently, these gases have high heat content, carrying away as exhaust emission.
Fig. 1 shows total energy distributions from internal combustion engine.
C. Heat Exchanger
Heat exchangers are devices used to transfer heat energy from one fluid to another. Typical heat
exchangers experienced by us in our daily lives include condensers and evaporators used in air
conditioning units and refrigerators. Boilers and condensers in thermal power plants are examples
of large industrial heat exchangers. There are heat exchangers in our automobiles in the form of
radiators and oil coolers. Heat exchangers are also abundant in chemical and process industries.
Heat Transfer Considerations
The energy flow between hot and cold streams, with hot stream in the bigger diameter tube, is as
shown in Figure 7.1. Heat transfer mode is by convection on the inside as well as outside of the
inner tube and by conduction across the tube. Since the heat transfer occurs across the smaller
tube, it is this internal surface which controls the heat transfer process. By convention, it is the
outer surface, termed Ao, of this central tube which is referred to in describing heat exchanger
area. Applying the principles of thermal resistance,
Schematic Diagram:
Apparatus is designed to extract the heat from exhaust of an IC engine. Exhaust from the
engine flow through an insulated tube, which is connected to exhaust pipe at one end and
insulated box at the other. Insulated tube helps to maintain temperature of the exhaust with
minimum atmospheric loss. In the box, exhaust flow through copper coil here heat is
2. Components:-
1) Cylindrical box: - Cylindrical box is used to capture the extracted heat and acts as
heating box.
2) Copper coil (Heat Exchanger): - A heat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat
between one or more fluids. The fluids may be separated by a solid wall to prevent mixing or
they may be in direct contact. Copper coil of outside diameter 0.5 inch is used.
3) Insulation: - Thermal insulation is the reduction of heat transfer (the transfer of thermal
energy between objects of differing temperature) between objects in thermal contact or in
range of radiative influence. A layer of insulation is fixed inside and outside cylindrical box to
trap heat extracted.
4) Battery operated fan: - Fan is run by motor, which is used to distribute heat evenly in the
5) Digital thermal sensor: - It is used to find the change in temperature with time
6) Switch: - It is used to on and off fan.
7) Cast iron connections: - Different types of socket are used to assemble the project
1. Temperature of Exhaust
Exhaust gas temperature gauge:-An exhaust gas temperature gauge (EGT gauge) is a meter used
to monitor the exhaust gas temperature of an internal combustion engine in conjunction with a
thermocouple-type pyrometer. EGT gauges are found in certain cars and airplanes. By monitoring
EGT, the driver or pilot can get an idea of the vehicle's air-fuel ratio.
*Temperature of exhaust gas is around 150-200°C for Bajaj Caliber 115cc.
20 Temperature(in degree Celsius)
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330
6. Conclusion
SO by using this Method we will be able to find that we can use the heat of exhaust gases can be
utilized or can be used for a fruitful function. In our method the heat transfer rate is- is 250.67
Objective of this project was to design, analyze and fabricate a method to extract heat from the
exhaust of IC engine. We found the amount of heat extracted and the increase in temperature of
the box in a fixed interval of time. The method has very vast application as the heat extracted is
free of cost. It can be customized as per the requirements.
1. Hatazawa M, SugitaH, OgawaT, SeoY. ―Performance of a thermo acoustic sound wave generator
driven with waste heat of automobile gasoline engine‖. Transactions of the Japan Society of
Mechanical Engineers 2004; 70(689):292–9.
2. Stabler F. ―Automotive applications of high efficiency thermoelectric‖, in DARPA/ONR program
review and DOE high efficiency thermoelectric workshop. 2002: San Diego, CA.
3. Taylor CM. ―Automobile engine tribology—design considerations for efficiency and durability‖.
Wear 1998; 221(1):1–8
4. Yang J. ―Potential applications of thermoelectric waste heat recovery in the automotive
industry‖, in International conference on thermoelectric 2005:155-159.
5. Omura, ―Mastering Autocad 2000 for Mechanical Engineers‖ BPB Publications, 2 nd Edition, 1998.
6. P.K. Nag, ―Engineering Thermodynamics‖, Tata McGraw Hill
7. R.K. Rajput, ―Thermal Engineering‖, Laxmi Publications.
8. Conklin JC, Szybist JP.‖A highly efficient six-stroke internal combustion engine cycle with water
injection for in-cylinder exhausts heat recovery‖. Energy 2010; 35:1658–64.