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UO-1 by S Dinda L-10

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BITS Pilani presentation

Srikanta Dinda
BITS Pilani Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

Unit Operation-1
(Code: PE ZC319)
Lecture No. 10
Mass Transfer
Calculate the diffusion coefficient (m2/s) of acetone (CH3COCH3) in
water at 25 oC from the given information. (viscosity of water at 25
°C is 0.8937×10-3 Pa.s, molecular weight of water is 18 kg/kmol,
association parameter is 2.6, molar volumes of carbon, oxygen, and
hydrogen are 0.0148, 0.0074, and 0.0037 m3/kmol, respectively).

Using the Wilke − Chang equation

T ( φMB )

D0AB =1.173×10-16 m2 / s

A = 3* 0.0148 +6*0.0037+0.0074=0.074 m3/kmol

298 ( 2.6 18 )

D0AB =1.173×10-16 = 1.28  10 −9

0.8937  10  (0.074)
-3 0.6

UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad

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Diffusion in Porous Solids
➢ For binary molecular diffusion of solutes in porous
materials (where diffun is considered to occur only in fluid inside
pores), diffusivity term in Fick’s law is expressed as
effective diffusivity (DAB,eff)
DAB,eff =

➢ Fick's law is valid when Kn =(λ/d) <0.05

➢ When Kn >5, molecules bounce from wall to wall rather than

colliding with other molecules & this mode of transport is known
as Knudsen diffusion.

d 8 RT
DK,i =
3 M i

UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad

10/12/2024 4
Mass Transfer

What is the value of Knudsen diffusivity of C2H4 within a

10 nm of pore diameter of a catalyst at 27°C?

d 8 RT
DK,i =
3 M i

Ans: 1.59x10-6 m2/s

UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad

10/12/2024 5
Mass Transfer Coefficient
• When fluid flows past a solid surface/phase boundary
➢ Turbulent region and laminar sublayer are formed
➢ Eddies move rapidly from one place to another & MT is rapid
➢ Molecular diffusion is dominant in laminar sublayers

➢ A number of theories proposed to visualize the MT

mechanism & to develop meaningful expressions for
calculating the MT coefficient.

➢ Most well-known theories are:

✓ Film theory (Whiteman, 1923)
✓ Penetration theory (Higbie, 1935)
✓ Surface renewal theory (Danckwert,1951)

UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad

10/12/2024 6
Film Theory
➢ Fluid flows turbulently past a solid surface
➢ MT occurs at phase boundary

➢ Diffusional MT dominates
near BL & convective MT
dominates away from BL.

i) MT occurs by mol diffun through stagnant fluid layer
ii) Steady state MT, iii) bulk flow term is zero

UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad

10/12/2024 7
Mass Transfer Coefficient
Let area normal to the z direction is 'a'
Rate of input of solute at z = aN A z

Rate of input of solute at z+  z = aN A z+  z

dc A
= -( c Ai − c Ab )
At steady state, aN A z − aN A =0
dz 
z+  z
dc A
d(aN A )  N A = − DAB
or - =0 dz
dc A =DAB ( c Ai − c Ab )
again, aN A = − aDAB 
again N A = k L ( c Ai − c Ab )
d 2 dc A
or =0
dz 2
integrating using the BC,  k L = DAB / 
when z=0, c A = c Ai & z= , c A = c Ab so k L is linearly depends on DAB
then c A = c Ai − ( c Ai − c Ab )

UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad

10/12/2024 8
Mass Transfer Coefficient
• Most of the industrial processes of mass transfer are
unsteady-state processes.
• Contact time between phases is too short to achieve a
stationary state.
• This non-stationary phenomenon is not generally
taken into account by the film model.
• More realistic models of the process have been
proposed by Higbie (penetration model) and by
Danckwerts (surface renewal model).

✓ Penetration theory Surface renewal theory

UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad

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Mass Transfer Coefficient
➢ Concept of mass transfer co-efficient was introduced as a
simple & practical approach to solve complex situations

molar flux (N A )
Mass transfer coefficient (k c ) =
conc. difference(c A )

➢ Various types of MT coefficients are defined depending upon

i)phases of MT (liq/gas) ii)choice of driving force, iii)diffun of A
through stagnant B or counter diffusion

for gas phase, N A = k G (p A1 − p A 2 ) = k y (y A1 − y A 2 ) = k c (c A1 − c A 2 )

for liq. phase, N A = k L (c A1 − c A 2 ) =k x (x A1 − x A 2 )

kc ~ 10-2 m/s & δ~ 1mm ; kL ~ 10-5 m/s & δ~ 0.1mm

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UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad Campus
Dimensionless Group in MT
convective heat flux h T hl
Nusselt No (Nu) = = =
conductive heat flux (k / l)T k
convective mass flux k cl
Sherwood No (Sh) = =
diffusional mass flux D AB

Momentum Diffusivity C P  Momentum Diffusivity (  /  )

Pr = = Sc = =
thermal Diffusivity k Mass Diffusivity DAB

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UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad Campus
Gas Absorption
• Gas Processing, Refineries, petrochemical industries
• Gas dehydration
• Removal of CO2 and H2S
• Hydrocarbon absorbers for lean oil
• Sour water strippers
• Synthesis gas processing
• Ethylene oxide absorption

• Gas is dispersed in liquid: tray/plate tower

• Liquid is dispersed in gas: packed & spray tower,

venturi scrubber
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UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad Campus
Tray or Plate Column

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UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad Campus
Functions of Tray
• It allows gas to flow through holes
• It separates the column into no. of compartments,
each of which constitutes a stage. MT occurs on trays

Types of Tray
• Bubble –Cap tray
• Sieve tray
• Valve tray

• Bubble-cap dia: 1-6 inch

• Slot size: 0.5-1.5 inch length, 0.25-inch width
• Cap pitch: cap dia + 2inch
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UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad Campus
Sieve Tray & Valve Tray
Sieve Tray
• Hole dia: ⅛ - ½ inch

• Holes are arranged on a triangular

/square pitch

• Pitch: 2.5-5 dHole

Valve Tray
• It provides variable area for gas flow depending on gas flow rates
• Good choice for fouling fluids
• Offers low ∆P

• Dis. adv.: mechanical wear & corrosion

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UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad Campus
Features of Tray Column
Hydraulic Gradient:
• Diff bet the clear liq height at inlet & outlet on a tray
• Objective to overcome resistance of liq flow on a tray
• Normally it kept <½ inch
• Excessive gradient can
cause vapor channeling,
or liq dumping
• Hydraulic gradient for
sieve < valve < bubble
cap tray

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UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad Campus
Features of Tray Column
• Small leaking of liq through perforations from an
upper tray to a lower tray is called weeping
• Excessive weeping will lead to dumping.
• This is caused by low vap flow and when vap ΔP is
insufficient to hold up the liquid on the tray

Entrainment/ flooding:
• Entrainment refers to the liquid carried by vapor up
• Can caused by high vapor flow & small-size droplets.
• Excessive entrainment can lead to flooding.

max. flow rates design vap T / P

Turndown Ratio = =
min. flow rates min. operable T / P
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UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad Campus
Packed Towers

• used for continuous contact bet liq &

gas in both counter & co-current flow

• vertical column filled with packing

material which should provide a large
interfacial surface bet liq & gas per
unit volume of packed space

• liquid is distributed over & trickles

down through bed

• Packing materials should be

chemically inert & should possess
enough strength to permit easy

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UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad Campus
Packed Towers
• Packings are of 3 major types: random, regular & grid
• Random packings are simply dumped into the tower during
installation and allowed to fall at random
• MOC of packing materials: Ceramic, metal, or plastic
• 1st-generation packing: raschig ring, Lessing ring, berl saddle &
spiral ring
• 2nd-generatn packing: Pall rings, Hy-Pak, intalox saddle
• 3rd-generatn packing: fleximax & flexisaddle

Hy-Pak pall ring

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UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad Campus
Plate vs. Packed Towers
Plate tower Packed tower

ΔP More (area for gas flow is Less (area for gas flow is >50 %
<15% of col dia) of col dia)

Liquid holdup More (~10% of tower vol) Less (~5% of tower vol)

Liq residence time More (less suitable for heat Less (more suitable for heat
sensitive material) sensitive material)

For handling of Less preferred due to more More preferred due to less
corrosive compd metallic components metallic components

For handling of Less preferred due to high More preferred

foaming compd chances of entrainment

For handling More preferred Less preferred to avoid chocking

suspended solid

Heat removal Comparatively easier Comparatively difficult

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UO-1 by S. Dinda; BITS PILANI, Hyderabad Campus

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