Doc 3sem 2 unit
Doc 3sem 2 unit
Doc 3sem 2 unit
An electrodynamometer or simply Dynamometer wattmeter is an instrument
that is universally used for the measurement of DC as well as AC electric
It works on the principle of dynamometer, that is a mechanical force acts
between two current carrying conductors.
Construction of Electrodynamometer
The electrodynamometer wattmeter has a fixed coil divided into two parts
and is connected in series with the load and caries the load current (I 1). The
moving coil is connected across the load through a series resistance (R) and
carries a current (I2) proportional to the load voltage. The fixed coil is called
as Current Coil and the moving coil is called as Potential Coil. The controlling
torque is provided by two spiral springs. Air friction damping is provided in
electrodynamometer wattmeter. A pointer is attached with the moving coil.
Working Principle of Electrodynamometer
When electrodynamometer wattmeter is connected in the circuit to measure
the electric power. The current coil carries the load current and the potential
coil carries a current proportional to the load voltage. Because of the current
in the two coils, a mechanical force acts between them due to which the
moving coil (potential coil) moves and hence the pointer attached to it. The
pointer comes to rest at a position where the deflecting torque and
controlling torque become equal.
When the current is reversed in the circuit, the reversal of current takes place
in both the current coil and potential coil so that the direction of the
deflecting torque remains unchanged. Hence, the electrodynamometer
wattmeter can be used for the measurement of DC as well as AC power.
Can be used for measurement of AC as well as DC power.
They have uniform scale.
High accuracy can be obtained.
The stray magnetic field may affect the wattmeter readings. In order to prevent
this, the instrument should be enclosed in a soft-iron case.
At low power factors, serious errors may be caused by the inductance of potential
2. What is an Ohmmeter? Types and Applications
An ohmmeter can be defined as, it is one kind of electronic device mainly used
for calculating electrical resistance of a circuit, and the unit of resistance is
ohm. Electrical resistance is a calculation of how much an object resists
allowing the flow of current through it. There are different types of meters
available with different sensitivity levels such as micro, mega and milli-
ohmmeters. The micro-ohmmeter is used for calculating very low resistances
with high precision at specific test currents.
Micro-Ohmmeter is a portable device, mainly used for calculating current,
voltage, as well as for diodes testing. This type of meter comprises several
selectors for choosing the preferred function, and it automatically ranges to
select most measurements. Mega-ohmmeter is mainly used for calculating the
large resistance values. Milli-Ohmmeter is useful for calculating low-
resistance at high precision to verify the value of the electrical circuit.
Working Principle
The working principle of ohmmeter is, it comprises of a needle and two test
leads. The needle deflection can be controlled with the battery current.
Initially, the two test leads of the meter can be shorted together to calculate
the resistance of an electrical circuit. Once the two leads of the meter are
shorted, then the meter can be changed for appropriate action in a fixed range.
The needle comes back to the highest point on the meter scale, and the
current in the meter will be highest. An ohmmeter circuit diagram is shown
Applications of Ohmmeter
This meter can be used to ensure the continuity of the circuit which means if
the sufficient flow of current or huge flow of current through the circuit then
the circuit will be detached.
These are broadly used in electronic labs in engineering to test the electronic
These are used for small ICs such as PCBs.
Insulation Resistance
Insulation resistance is resistance in ohms of wires, cables, and electrical
equipment, which is used to safeguard the electrical systems like electrical
motors from any accidental damages like electrical shocks or sudden
discharges of current leakages in wires.
Principle of Megger
The principle of Megger is based on moving coil in the instrument. When
current is flowing in a conductor, which is placed in a magnetic field, it
experiences a torque.
DC generator
2 Coils (Coil A, Coil B)
Crank handle
terminal X & Y
It can produce an accurate result
It is very handy and easy to operate
It can be used anywhere
It can produce very quick results
It is robust and safe to use
The hand-driven type is difficult to operate. The result produced is also
not quite accurate.
An electronic type would require an external power supply
The electronic type is quite expensive
Applications of Megger
Used for the insulation of windings
Used to test electronic devices
Used to measure the resistance of insulators
Generally, energy meters are integrating meters that can record power
utilized by the load for a particular interval of time. There are various types of
energy meters among induction type energy meter are most popular can be
used for ac measurements only. Depending upon the supply available there
are two types of induction type energy meters.
Single Phase Induction Type Energy Meter
Three Phase Induction Type Energy Meter
Construction of Energy Meter:
The energy meter has four main parts. They are the
1. Driving System
2. Moving System
3. Braking System
4. Registering System
2. Moving System – The moving system is the aluminum disc mounted on the
shaft of the alloy. The disc is placed in the air gap of the two electromagnets.
The eddy current is induced in the disc because of the change of the magnetic
field. This eddy current is cut by the magnetic flux. The interaction of the flux
and the disc induces the deflecting torque.
When the devices consume power, the aluminum disc starts rotating, and
after some number of rotations, the disc displays the unit used by the load.
The number of rotations of the disc is counted at particular interval of time.
The disc measured the power consumption in kilowatt hours.
3. Braking system – The permanent magnet is used for reducing the rotation
of the aluminum disc. The aluminum disc induces the eddy current because of
their rotation. The eddy current cut the magnetic flux of the permanent
magnet and hence produces the braking torque.
This braking torque opposes the movement of the disc, thus reduces their
speed. The permanent magnet is adjustable due to which the braking torque is
also adjusted by shifting the magnet to the other radial position.
The rotation of the disc is transmitted to the pointers of the different dial for
recording the different readings. The reading in kWh is obtained by multiply
the number of rotations of the disc with the meter constant.