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DS- 2024 –Annexure 11.44 Approval for Electrical Installation

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ilaterashisa §a13 BEIM Cistitutbn Co. Ltd

Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co*, Ltd.

bitIce of the Superintending Engineer, Urban CiPole Nashik, 2nd Floor, Prosper Park; Shin,gada Talao, Nashik t- 422001
2,30gX141,3,),40$0,IP E-Mall: Www,thenskurbanaimahadiscomin
SE/Ntt/T/HT/61044br. , . DATE:

TO, 7 a 0 -7 3 9 4 .1 8 DEC you

The Executive Engineer,

SUB: Joint Inspection of fresh load sanction On 11 kV level to the Installation of incoming HT
consumer- M/s.. Apollo .HoSpitals Enterprises -Ltd., Survey no:. St/A/IN,:Plot no. I, Near
Swami Narayan -tagafi AtIle-dn-Naka, PanchaWatii Naehlk. :

REF: 1) T.0..L..SE/NUC/T/NU-840/05233 Dtd:I6.08.2013 [Sanction]

2) ConSurnet's*iplIathtion received dated 17.12.2013 & 18;12:2013

In connection with the above fresh Load sanction as below is accorded to above Fresh 11 O.
HT consumer vide letter under reference.

Connected Load Cortract.beinprid. Purpose

Fresh 1735 KW , 935 KVA Hospitals

1) The 'payinent of Rs. 21,32,420/7 as per 'sanction letter & Rse, 13,840/- ..qt. per corrigendum k
effected- by.:_consumei-JatwthjszoffieeqrdthrMITOWd:'-'7:4"8-5,1
.429Ent 4414/61310:Dtd:.21.09.2013 resp.
2) Final CerMISSien for citarging-'dfictiSt"T/F of 750 x2E= 1500 KVA is obtained from the Electrica
insnector, Nasik vide Letter No: 253/2013 Dtd. 13.12.2013.
3) final permission for charging of metering Cubicle of 50/5 Amp (11 KV). is
. obtained from the
Electricallnspector, -Nasik'vide Letter No 252/2013 Dtd. 13.12.2013.
4) The Agr6drrient is executed by consumer on dated 20..11..2013,
5) The consumer has submitted theTest Report for total load to this Office on dtd 17.12.2013.
It is requested to carry out the joint Inspection of installation in co-ordination with the Ex.
Engineer, Urban. Testing Division, Nashik. Also. See.
that adequate Capacity of capacitors will .
provided by the consumer to Maintain the Power factor.
The adequacy of metering Should be. chicked. Consumer should be asked to comply the
observationS; if any Of joint Inspedflon•rbpoft.

[R.D. Chavan]
Cop to.- .
'The Ex Engineer, MSEDCL, Urban:Testing Division,- Nashlk.
2) The Dy, Ex: Engineer,-MSEDCE;--PanCilaWati Sub-Division; Nashik. .
3) M/s. Abell° Hespitals'-'EliferAlS4404.-
SUrvey no, 287/A/1,A/, 'PlOt no, 1, Near Swami Narayan
' Nagar; Adgaon
: It is requested to submit .mandatory.doctiment -Valid
MPCB, Certifitate.at'theearlieSt ta.thiscoffice.for processing of release
: of your-NT poWer supply:.

JO lin inspger fan

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HI{ nc wed bar%
Branch NaStelc .

I •1 eta II k_V HT P S . naturr.313

day of
made at NaShik on the
14 0.W...tn./att., 94* 41 •
ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION CO.LTD.(here in after called"The Supplier"which ex-
pression; where ever thei
context so admits, shall include his successors and alsigns ) of the
one part And. ft P9. 1,- t o Has.p.t.torrt-s
en.telFzi..5.E. L-R4 .
(hereinafter called "The Consumer") The Consumer Shall disclose his full identity by disclos-
ing his name and his corporate nature Le.whether individual firm corporation, educational
institution, etc. which expression, wherever the context so ad m its,shall include his heirs, ex-
ecutorsiadministractors its successors in business and premitted assigns of tIM other pail.

WHEREAS at the request of the Consumer the Supplier has agreed to supply to the
Consumer electrical eneegy for the purpose. ( The purpose for which power is required.
should be mentioned in specific details e.g. Flour Mill, Ginning & esesing Fac my.
Vegitable Oil Factory, Spinning & Weaving Mill etc.) of rTO5 p I :b
at the
the Consumer's pre iseuiluated at
P 1 • No i f .,,tiusta 'MO • 2,.8.7. .. .ic
" . .1.14.1 )
o MIrelerms ,and subject,to the conditions
hereinafter Contained. , P 'wool , Alcutto Is •


In this Agreement unless the context otherwise requires: Definition
The Act' shall mean the Indian Efectribity Act 2003, as amended time to time such
other enactment governing the supply and use of electrical energy as may be in force from
time to time.

" The Rule" shall mettotherules and regulations for the time to time begins in force
from time to time under the Act
With in a period of 30 days from the date of intimation from Chief Engineer Commencement
Maharashtra State Electricity Dist.CoLtd.(hereinafter referred to as" the Chief Engineer" of Supply
which expression shall include any other officer authorised by the Supplier to Perform the
function of the Chief Engineer specified in this agreement and any other Officer or Officers
authorised by the Chief Engineer) that the MSEDCL is in a position to commence supply and
to make electrical energy available.TheConsumer shall commence to take supply of the
electrical energy under this Agreement and the date of commencement of supply shall be the
date of expiration of the said 30 days period or the date of actual commencement of supply, .a•
whichever date is earlier,and from such date Consumer shall become liable to pay the Sup-
• 0
plier the amount of minimum guarantee as hereinafter provided, unless in the opinion of the
Chief Engineer the Consumer is unable to commence to take supply for causes beyond his
control in which event the date of commencement of supply may be extended by the Chief
Engineer at his absolute discretion by a perid not exceeding six months.
The date of commencement of Supply to be fixed by the Chief Engineer shall not be
earlier than the date indicated by the Consumer at the time of original application for supply.
The Consumer shall complete all the arrangements for receiving supply, and make available
suitable accomodation, for housing the Supplier's equipment and apparatus aS per clause 6
hereunder at least three months prior to the date initially indicated by the Consumer for taking
supply. If the Supplier is ready in all respect to commence supply same in respect of ai
work or works remaining to be done on the Consumer's premises due to nOn-completion
suitable accomodation and or incomplete works of the Consumer to receive supply, the Co;
sumer shall be liable to pay the amount of in i n imum guarantee as hereinafter provided as if the
supply is actually commenced from the date of expiration of said notice of three month
unless the Chief Engineer has granted any extension of time as provided in sub clause (4 'e
above, d
3. • C
During the period of supply hereinafter mentioned, the supplier shall supply to [14 LogooAand
Consumer and the Consumer shall take from the Supplier all the electrical energy required by`
the Cons
Consui —flerKand
mer for the purpose herinabove recited at the Consumer's premises 'located;
at AO, ctaois .
Up to a maximum of ...... 1.7.35 KW 9 9- /KVA(Fereinafter cal leq
2 tar

the connected load and the" Contract Demand") Subject to provisions of caluse 7 hereof.
Sanction Ref No 0 2-3 Dt Can fji 4
1G • 08 9--0 13 .
Total load I 735, KW • ED CZ,
3.5....KvA • —41 vt.

Apo& Hospit 'Ianage e

System of

Points of
4. The
The supply of electrical energy to the Consumer Shall be
in the form of three phase
current at a frequency of 50 cycle per second and a pressure of
..... t. . li. . PO ...... .. Volts, Subject to the tolerance limits permitted by the Act.
Delivery The point of delivery for the supply of electrical energy shall be as shoWn in
approved by MSEDCL for the purpose•of this Agreement maintenance by the Supplier of
draw ing
the electrical energy of the above stated voltage and frequency at the said point of delivery
shall constitute the supply of electrical energy. The Supply shall.be metered at the point of
delivery on the HT Side
Metering on 5(b) . ..
LT.Side Where the metering is' done on the low voltage side of supply either on the grounds
of economy or on account of non availability of high voltage metering equipment or any other
reason, the quantity of electricity consumed in any month on the high voltage side for billing
purpose will be computed by adding 2% to the demand registered on the low tension side for
determination of the billing demand and 5% to the consumption in units registered on the L.T.
side to determine the consumption on
the FLT. Side of the transformer.
• Aceommo- 6:
Agreement . The consumer shall provide and continue to provide during the continuance of this
dation for
supplier's. without any charges accommodation to be approved by the Chief Engineer for
apparatus . the housing Supplier's equi pment and appartus necessary for the performance of this Agree-
ment. The supplier shall be it liberty to bring upon the accommodation so provided at the
Consumer Premises not also the cables required for the supply of electrical energy to the
Consumer but also the cables accessories and equipment necessary for giving connections to
other Consumer through the cables and terminal situated on the Consumer's premises pro-
vided the supply to the Consumer shall in no way be interfer-ed with or its comintity jeopordised
at a result of such action on the part of the Supplier.
Consumer 7(a)
incresed The Consumer may from time to time request the Chief Engineer in writting for
appror additional supply in excess of contract demand and the Supplier shall iflake such additional
;$0 supply available within 180 days from the date of such written request, provided the Supplier.
has such additional electrical energy and the material to make such additional electrical
energy available for suppliers and provided further that having regard to the unexpired term
of this Agreement it would in the opinion of the Chief Engineer, be economic to the make
t>, -to such additional supply available to the Co
h5f eao ezfria
im‘ ,15
In the event of the supplier agreeing to make such additional supply available the
onsumer Shall pay such contribution towards the cost of making such additional supply
vailable as may be prescribed in clause 7 of condition of supply.
If such additional supply is made avilb
aale by the Sup
specified in clause 3 hereof shall be incresed to the same extent.plierthe Contract Demand
Charges of 8(a)
Sapp! The Consumer shall pay to the Supplier every month at the office of the Chief Engi
• neer or as may be othenvise required, charges including m in Mullin charges here in after for
the electical energy supplied to the Cons umer during the needing month at the tariffs
• specified in the Supplier's stahdard tarifTScedule
............... applicable to the
class of service and in force from time to time. If during the currency of this Agreement the
tariffs are revised, incresed or decreased such revised, increased or' decreased, tariffs from
the date specified shall apply to the Consumer during and for the unexpired period of the
present Agreement A Copy of the tariff current schedule applicable to this Agreement is set
out in the first Schedule attached hereto.
(b) •
The tariff set out on the Schedule does not include any tax.ditty or other direct or
indirect charges on electrical energy. That may be payable in accordance with any law in force
or which may increase the cost of Production. Such Charges will be payable by the Con-
sumer in addition to be tariff charges.
Minimum 9(a)
guarantee In consideration of the benefit of the special obligations assumed and / or invest-
merits made by the Supplier for the benefit of the Consumer The Consumer hereby gurantees
not be
that total annual charges payable by him for the electrical energy consumed here under shall
lest than Rs .... Q19441
.2C0,0f..... .............. or the monthly minimum charges
payable under clause 8, whichever b more. Although the Consulter will be billed for actual
energy consumed every month subject to the monthly
. mimimum;the di fference
guanteed minimum charges and the actual charges paid( .between the
if the same are less than the guar-
anteed minimum). by the Consumer for the each 12 months period shall, On preSentation of
a bill thereof at the end of each 12 month's period be paid by the Consumer to the supplier.

P. aminathOn
Regional. Manager
Apollo Hospital Enterprise Ltd.
at the office of the Chief Engineer or as may be otherwise required within IS days from the
date of the bill.

Provided that in the event of any increase in contract demand under clause 7 hereof the
amount of minimum gurantee stated above shall be liable to beadequately incieased to such.
extent as may be determined by the Chief Engineer.
(b) •
The incidence of the coal adjustment clause shall be in addition to any minill
guarantee payable by the Consumer. -H.1M
10(a) Subject to the provision of clause II hereof, the period of supply under Agreement
Period of
shall be a minimum period of tWo years ending March next after 2 Years's period from the Agreement
date of commencement of supply and from year to year thereafter etc. determination by a
six calender months notice on either side expiring at the end of the said minimum period of
two years or at the end of may-
such subsequent year and upon the expiration of any such
notice this agreement shall determine but without prejudice to the rights and liabilities of the
parties in respect of anymatter antecedent to such daterthination.
This Agreement for supply of electical energy supersedes all previous contracts for
supply of energy to the premises entered into and executed by the Supplier and the Consumer.

In the event of the supply of electrical energy being discontinued by the Supplier in
consequence of any breach of defau It on the part of the Consumer en t iti ng the Supplier so to
do under the provisions of Act and the rules Amount Charges for the electrical energy
already supplied and other money then payable under this Agreement shall become due and
recoverable forth with provided always and it is here by expressly agreed and declared that
during the period of such discontinuance the Consumer shall continue to pay the minimum
charges of minimum gurantee payable hereunder.
If at any time during the continuance of this Agreement the Consumer Shall :- Summary
(a). termination
Being limited company pass a resolution for winding up or be ordered to wound up
by a Court of competent juridication and being an individual or individuals commit any act of
insolvency or be adjudged.
Execute or create any mortgage charges of other encumbrance on any property or asset
of the Consumer so as to prejudicially affect the Sunplier''s electric meters, plant, apparatus and
equipment at the Consumer's premises or any part thereof any right
exercisable by the Supplier in connection with said electric meters,plant,apparatus and equipment.
Commit any breach of or fail to observe and perform any of the Gond itidns and provi-
sions contained in this Agreement and on hit part to be observed and performed. The Supplier
shall be at liberty to terminate this Agreements by giving seven day's notice to the consumer
and upon such termination, the Consumer shall forthwith pay to the Supplier at the office of the
Chief Engineer or as may be otherwise required all the money than due and payable under this
Agreement together with a further sum equal to the amount of the minimum guarantee for the
unexpired minimum period of supply as by way of liquidated damages
The Consumer shall not without the Previous consent in writing of the supplier As-
Assignment of
sign or Transfer of agreement or part with the benefit of this Agreement not shall the Transfer of
Consumer in any manner part with or create any partial or separate interest in it. Agreement
l4(a) Condition and MisceVancous Charges for supply of electrical energy of the
Maharashtra State Electricity; Dist.co.Ltd. for the time being inforee and as amended by Condition of
supplier from time to time shall be deemed to be part of the Agreement and shall goven the Supply if
parties here to in so for as applicable.A Copy of the current Conditions and Miscellaneous Board
Charges for supply is set out in the second schedule hereto.
Nothing contained in this Agreement or any amendinent therefore shall restrict any
rights obligations which the MSEDCL may desire under any legislation relating to the supply
of electricity enacted during the period of this Agreement.
It is agreed that individual Harmonics will not be more tiler I
Any default shall be
rectified within 3 months Failure of same is liable fordisconnection.

P. Swamirtathan
Regional Manager-
Apollo Hospital Enterp
. rioc Lid.
Application of 15. In all 1-
Indian Ele. natters herein not specifically provided for the provisions of the Act.
Act.1910 and and the Rules for the time being in force there under shall apply.
' the Rules 16.
The Stamps Duty on the Agreement Shall be borne by the congumer
Stamp Duty
The marginal notes do not formpant of this Agreement and shall not be refered to for
the construction and interpretetion thereof
notes (a)
The supplier shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure Continuity of supply
of power to the consumers and shall not be responsible forliable to the con '
sumer for any loss to him or damages to his plant and equipment due to interrapt ion
in supply of power and for reasons incu Id ing
but not limited to war in ut ny.riot
earthquake, cyclone,tetnpest, strike, civil commotion, lock out,' ighting, fire, flood.
accident, or break-down or plant and machinery or causes beyond control of
the Supplier. The Suppliers shall give notice as early as possible orate probable
duration of such interruptions is supply of power to the Consumers
The Consumer hereby agrees to the supply of electricity under this agreement
being curtailed or staggered cut of altogether by the Suppler if the power posi
tion or any other emergency in the power system warrants such a course of action.
The Suplier shall always be entitled for reasons of testing or outages or Mainte
nance on any other cause for efficient working of the undertaking to temporary
discontinue the supply for such period as may be necessary subject al whys to
Adequate advance.
notice being given in this behalf with the object of causing
minimum inconvenience to the consumer.

IN WITNESS WHEROF the parties hereto have executed this agreement on

the day and year as written above.

Appli. As per the MERC supply conditions & Regulations & Company's Cond. of

IN WITNESS WHEROF the parties here to have executed these Presents the day
and year first above written Signed, and delivered by-

Shri Ci-aven
p bJ0-414K Sliperintewo
i .. .. .g
.... ..I. .......... e. r
Signature m.S.E. a Co.Ltd. bubui: Circle
On behalf of the Maharashtra State • LK
Electricity Distribution Co.Ltd. in the Presence of-
1) Name Shri ... fria.flE_Signature .
L C.
et, 1..hu-e, 1004-0;,:i\c •
2) Name $.1.* ,Nashik
trite Signature

Common Seal of .Ag/.1k1A-1 ' SEAL

has been affixed
hereto Pursuent to a Resolution of the MSEDCL
of Directors of the Company.

Passed at its meeting held on

day of
in the presence of-

I) Name „Sim . p. 6 to cur? ; illai Int

g n a t Li re
2) Name Shri Regional Mauet
i Signature.. Ltd
Directorss or the Company who have set
their respective hands thereto in the
Presence of-

1) Name Shri Pkent.

r2.+1.41")-‘ /P2' 1) Signature
ctp,t no
of Witness

tsi° 2) Name Slid 119i.b

P. Swaminathan r ecuLtl-, 0 Signature
of Witness ............... , .........
Regional Managaountersigned by the Managing Agents
Apollo Hospital Enterprise Ltd.

Name.................... ....... ........ . .

.... . Signature .......... . ............... ... . ...............

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