Second Image
www.hp.com/support/ljM406 www.hp.com/support/ljM431MFP
www.hp.com/support/ljM407 www.hp.com/support/ljE40040
www.hp.com/support/ljM430MFP www.hp.com/support/ljE42540MFP
HP LaserJet Enterprise M406, M407,
E40040, MFP M430, M431, E42540
– Control panel messages document
13.B9.FF Fuser jam.........................................................................................................................................................................................................116
13.D3.yz Duplexer jam ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 123
13.D3.FF Duplexer jam................................................................................................................................................................................................130
13.FF.FF Paper jam........................................................................................................................................................................................................136
20.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 142
20.* errors ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 142
20.00.00 Insufficient memory <device>....................................................................................................................................................... 142
21.00.00 Page Too Complex................................................................................................................................................................................... 142
30.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 142
30.01.08 Home position error............................................................................................................................................................................... 142
30.01.14 Scan system EEPROM error..............................................................................................................................................................144
30.01.41 Scanner error............................................................................................................................................................................................... 145
30.01.43 Scanner error..............................................................................................................................................................................................146
30.01.44 Scanner error..............................................................................................................................................................................................148
30.01.46 Scanner error ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 149
30.03.14 Scanner error..............................................................................................................................................................................................150
30.03.20 Scanner error ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 151
30.03.22 Scanner failure..........................................................................................................................................................................................153
30.03.23 Scanner failure..........................................................................................................................................................................................154
30.03.30 Scanner Failure ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 155
30.03.45 Scanner Error To continue turn off then on ........................................................................................................................156
31.WX.YZ error messages ..................................................................................................................................................................................................158
31.01.47 Document feeder not detected.......................................................................................................................................................158
31.03.14 Backside scanner EEPROM error..................................................................................................................................................158
31.03.20 backside scanner not detected.....................................................................................................................................................160
31.03.22 Scanner calibration failure................................................................................................................................................................. 161
31.03.31 Document feeder motor stall ........................................................................................................................................................... 162
31.13.01 Document feeder pick error...............................................................................................................................................................163
31.13.02 Jam in document feeder .......................................................................................................................................................................173
32.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 182
32.* errors ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 182
32.08.A1, 32.08.A2, 32.08.A3 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 182
32.1C.05 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 182
32.1C.06 (event code).................................................................................................................................................................................................. 182
32.1C.07 (event code) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................183
32.1C.08 (event code)..................................................................................................................................................................................................183
32.1C.09 (event code)..................................................................................................................................................................................................183
32.1C.0A (event code) .................................................................................................................................................................................................183
32.1C.0D (event code).................................................................................................................................................................................................184
32.1C.11 (event code) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................184
32.1C.13, 32.1C.14 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................184
32.1C.15 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................184
32.1C.2E ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................184
32.1C.2F ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................185
32.1C.40 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................185
32.1C.41 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................185
32.1C.42 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................185
32.1C.43 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................185
32.1C.44 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................185
32.1C.45 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................186
32.1C.46 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................186
32.1C.47 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................186
32.1C.48 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................186
32.1C.49 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................186
32.1C.4A ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................187
32.1C.56 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................187
32.1C.57 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................187
32.1C.58 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................187
32.1C.60 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................187
32.1C.61 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................188
32.1C.62 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................188
32.1C.68 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................188
32.1C.69 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................188
32.1C.6A ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................188
32.1C.6D ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................189
33.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................189
33.* errors...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................189
33.01.xx .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................191
33.02.01 Used board/disk installed ...................................................................................................................................................................191
33.03.02 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 192
33.03.03 Incompatible formatter installed ................................................................................................................................................ 192
33.05.0z SureStart errors ......................................................................................................................................................................................194
33.05.1x Whitelisting errors ...................................................................................................................................................................................195
33.05.2x Intrusion detection errors ................................................................................................................................................................196
33.05.5z Intrusion detection errors .................................................................................................................................................................197
40.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................198
40.* errors...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................198
40.00.01 USB I/O buffer overflow To continue, touch “OK” .............................................................................................................198
40.00.02 Embedded I/O buffer overflow To continue, touch “OK” .............................................................................................198
40.00.03 EIO [x] buffer overflow To continue, touch “OK” ................................................................................................................198
40.00.04 EIO [x] bad transmission To continue, touch “OK” ...........................................................................................................199
40.00.05 Embedded I/O bad transmission To continue, touch OK ...........................................................................................199
40.08.0x USB storage accessory removed ..............................................................................................................................................199
41.WX.YZ error messages ..................................................................................................................................................................................................199
41.* errors ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................199
41.01.YZ error....................................................................................................................................................................................................................200
41.02.00 Error ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 201
41.03.01, 41.03.A1, 41.03.B1, 41.03.C1 Error..................................................................................................................................................... 202
41.03.02, 41.03.A2, 41.03.B2, 41.03.C2 Error .................................................................................................................................................204
41.03.03, 41.03.A3, 41.03.B3, 41.03.C3 Error.................................................................................................................................................206
41.03.FZ Unknown Misprint Error ......................................................................................................................................................................208
41.04.YZ Printer Error .................................................................................................................................................................................................209
42.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 211
42.XX.YZ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 211
42.B0.01 or 42.B0.02 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 211
44.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 212
44.* errors........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 212
44.01.xx Error Event log message .................................................................................................................................................................... 213
44.02.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................. 213
44.03.xx Error Event log message ................................................................................................................................................................... 213
44.04.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ................................................................................................ 214
44.05.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ................................................................................................ 214
44.07.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ................................................................................................. 214
44.08.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ................................................................................................ 214
44.10.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................. 215
44.11.0E Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................. 215
44.11.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................... 215
44.12.0E Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................. 215
44.12.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................. 216
44.16.01 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................. 216
44.16.02 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................. 216
44.16.03 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................. 216
44.16.04 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)..................................................................................................217
44.16.05 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)..................................................................................................217
44.16.06 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)..................................................................................................217
44.16.07 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)..................................................................................................218
44.16.08 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................218
44.16.09 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................218
44.16.0A Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ................................................................................................ 218
44.16.0B Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ................................................................................................ 219
44.16.0D Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ................................................................................................ 219
44.16.0E Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................. 219
44.16.0F Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................. 219
44.16.10 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ................................................................................................. 220
44.16.FF Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ................................................................................................ 220
44.34.xx Error Event log message ................................................................................................................................................................... 220
44.34.03 Fax Modem Failure................................................................................................................................................................................ 220
44.34.E5 Fax Modem Failure ................................................................................................................................................................................ 221
44.90.xx, 44.91.xx, 44.92.xx Error Event log message ........................................................................................................................ 222
47.WX.YZ error messages................................................................................................................................................................................................. 222
47.* errors........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 222
47.00.xx ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 223
47.01.xx ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 223
47.02.xx ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................224
47.03.xx ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................224
47.04.xx ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 225
47.05.xx ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 225
47.06.xx ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 226
48.WX.YZ error messages................................................................................................................................................................................................ 226
48.* errors.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 226
49.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................227
49.XX.YY Error To continue turn off then on ..............................................................................................................................................227
50.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 228
50.* errors.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 228
50.1X.YZ Fuser Error.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 229
50.2X.YZ Fuser Error ..................................................................................................................................................................................................230
50.3X.YZ Fuser Error ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 231
50.4X.YZ Fuser Error ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 231
50.6X.YZ Fuser Error .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 232
50.7X.YZ Fuser Error................................................................................................................................................................................................... 233
50.9X.YZ Fuser Error .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 234
51.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 236
51.* errors ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 236
51.00.10 Error.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 236
52.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................237
52.* errors ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................237
55.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 238
55.* errors.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 238
55.00.xy .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 239
55.01.06 or 55.02.06.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 240
56.WX.YZ error messages ..................................................................................................................................................................................................241
56.* errors............................................................................................................................................................................................................................241
57.WX.YZ error messages..................................................................................................................................................................................................242
57.* errors............................................................................................................................................................................................................................242
57.00.01 to continue off on......................................................................................................................................................................................242
58.WX.YZ error messages.................................................................................................................................................................................................243
58.* errors...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................243
58.00.03 Error ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................244
58.00.04 Error ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................245
58.01.04 Error .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 246
58.02.04 Error .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 247
59.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 248
59.* errors .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 248
59.A2.03 Error..................................................................................................................................................................................................................249
59.00.30 or 59.00.40 Error ......................................................................................................................................................................................249
60.WX.YZ error messages................................................................................................................................................................................................250
60.00.03, 60.01.03 Tray 3 lifting error..............................................................................................................................................................250
62.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 251
62.00.00 To continue turn off then on. ........................................................................................................................................................... 251
70.WX.YZ error messages................................................................................................................................................................................................. 252
70.* errors........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 252
70.00.00 Error To continue turn off then on .............................................................................................................................................. 252
80.WX.YZ error messages................................................................................................................................................................................................ 253
80.* errors.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 253
80.0X.YY Embedded Jetdirect Error............................................................................................................................................................... 255
81.WX.YZ error messages..................................................................................................................................................................................................257
81.09.00 Error...................................................................................................................................................................................................................257
82.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 258
82.* errors.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 258
82.73.46, 82.73.47 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 261
98.WX.YZ error messages................................................................................................................................................................................................. 261
98.* errors........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 261
98.00.01 or 98.01.00 Corrupt data in firmware volume .................................................................................................................... 262
98.00.02 Corrupt data in the solutions volume ..................................................................................................................................... 263
98.00.03 Corrupt data in the configuration volume .......................................................................................................................... 263
98.00.04 Corrupt data in the job data volume ....................................................................................................................................... 264
99.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 264
99.* errors.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 264
99.00.01 Upgrade not performed file is corrupt ................................................................................................................................... 265
99.00.02 Upgrade not performed timeout during receive ............................................................................................................ 265
99.00.03 Upgrade not performed error writing to disk ....................................................................................................................266
99.00.04 Upgrade not performed timeout during receive .............................................................................................................267
99.00.05 Upgrade not performed timeout during receive .............................................................................................................267
99.00.06 Upgrade not performed error reading upgrade ..............................................................................................................267
99.00.07 Upgrade not performed error reading upgrade ..............................................................................................................268
99.00.08 Upgrade not performed error reading upgrade ............................................................................................................. 269
99.00.09 Upgrade canceled by user ..............................................................................................................................................................270
99.00.10 Upgrade canceled by user ...............................................................................................................................................................270
99.00.11 Upgrade canceled by user .................................................................................................................................................................270
99.00.12 Upgrade not performed the file is invalid ...............................................................................................................................270
99.00.13 Upgrade not performed the file is invalid ................................................................................................................................271
99.00.14 Upgrade not performed the file is invalid ................................................................................................................................271
99.00.2x ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................271
99.01.xx ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................272
99.02.01 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................273
99.02.09 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................273
99.XX.YY ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................273
Close top cover ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................277
Cooling device ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................278
Creating cleaning page... ........................................................................................................................................................................................278
Data received To print last page press “OK” ............................................................................................................................................278
Event log is empty .......................................................................................................................................................................................................278
Expected drive missing ...........................................................................................................................................................................................278
External device initializing .....................................................................................................................................................................................279
FIM Load Error Send full FIM on <X> port ...................................................................................................................................................279
Genuine HP cartridge installed .........................................................................................................................................................................279
Genuine HP supply installed ................................................................................................................................................................................279
HP Secure hard drive disabled ..........................................................................................................................................................................279
Initializing... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................280
Install Black Cartridge..............................................................................................................................................................................................280
Install supplies ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................280
Internal disk device failure To clear touch “OK” ....................................................................................................................................280
Internal disk file operation failed ...................................................................................................................................................................... 281
Internal disk file system is full ............................................................................................................................................................................. 281
Internal disk is write protected .......................................................................................................................................................................... 281
Internal disk not found ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 281
Internal disk not initialized ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 281
Internal disk spinning up ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 282
Load Tray <X>: [Type], [Size]................................................................................................................................................................................... 282
Load Tray <X>: [Type], [Size] To use another tray, press “OK”........................................................................................................ 282
Loading program <XX> Do not power off .................................................................................................................................................. 282
Manually feed: <Type><Size> ............................................................................................................................................................................. 283
Manually feed: <Type><Size> To use another tray, press “OK” ................................................................................................... 283
Manually feed output stack Then touch "OK" to print second side ....................................................................................... 283
No job to cancel ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 283
No USB drive or files found................................................................................................................................................................................... 284
NON HP Supply Installed ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 285
Output Bin Full................................................................................................................................................................................................................286
Paused… ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................287
Performing Paper Path Test .................................................................................................................................................................................287
Please Wait... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................287
Printing Cleaning Page... .........................................................................................................................................................................................287
Printing Configuration... ...........................................................................................................................................................................................287
Printing engine test... .................................................................................................................................................................................................287
Printing Event Log... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................288
Printing File Directory... ...........................................................................................................................................................................................288
Printing Font List... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................288
Printing Help Page... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................288
Printing Menu Map... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................288
Printing Registration Page ...................................................................................................................................................................................288
Printing stopped... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................289
Printing Supplies Status Page... ........................................................................................................................................................................289
Printing Usage Page... ..............................................................................................................................................................................................289
Processing... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................289
Processing... copy <x> of <y> ..............................................................................................................................................................................289
Processing duplex job Do not grab paper until job completes ..................................................................................................289
Processing job from tray <x>... Do not grab paper until job completes ...............................................................................290
Ready ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................290
RAM disk device failure To clear press “OK” ...........................................................................................................................................290
RAM disk file operation failed To clear press “OK” .............................................................................................................................290
RAM disk file system is full To clear press “OK” ....................................................................................................................................290
RAM disk is write protected To clear press “OK” ................................................................................................................................... 291
RAM disk not initialized ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 291
Ready <IP Address> ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 291
Receiving Upgrade ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 291
Remove USB accessory ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 291
Replace <supply>.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 291
Resend external accessory firmware ......................................................................................................................................................... 292
Resend Upgrade .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 292
Restore Factory Settings ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 292
ROM disk device failed To clear press “OK” ............................................................................................................................................. 293
ROM disk file operation failed To clear press “OK” ............................................................................................................................. 293
ROM disk file system is full To clear press “OK” .................................................................................................................................... 293
ROM disk is write protected To clear press “OK” ................................................................................................................................. 293
ROM disk not initialized To clear press “OK” ........................................................................................................................................... 293
Rotating Motor .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 293
Sleep mode on ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................294
Supplies low ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................294
Supply memory warning ........................................................................................................................................................................................294
Supply low .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................294
Supply very low OR Supplies very low.......................................................................................................................................................... 295
System Main has Failed.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 295
The unit has corrupt data ......................................................................................................................................................................................297
Tray <X> empty: [Type], [Size] ...............................................................................................................................................................................298
Tray <X> lifting ................................................................................................................................................................................................................299
Tray <X> open .................................................................................................................................................................................................................300
Type mismatch Tray <x> .........................................................................................................................................................................................300
Unsupported drive installed To continue, touch “OK” ........................................................................................................................301
Unsupported supply in use OR Unsupported supply installed To continue, touch “OK”...........................................301
Unsupported tray configuration .......................................................................................................................................................................301
Unsupported USB accessory detected Remove USB accessory ..........................................................................................301
USB accessory not functional ..........................................................................................................................................................................302
USB hubs are not fully supported Some operations may not work properly .................................................................302
USB is write protected To clear press “OK” ..............................................................................................................................................302
USB needs too much power Remove USB and then turn off and on ....................................................................................302
USB not initialized .......................................................................................................................................................................................................302
USB storage accessory removed Clearing any associated data ..........................................................................................303
USB storage device failure To clear press “OK” ...................................................................................................................................303
USB storage file operation failed To clear press “OK” .....................................................................................................................303
USB storage file system is full To clear press “OK” ............................................................................................................................304
Used supply installed To continue, touch “OK” OR Used supply in use.................................................................................304
Waiting for tray <x> to lift ......................................................................................................................................................................................304
Windows Login Required to Use this Feature ........................................................................................................................................304
1 Document last updated
IMPORTANT: Procedures and part numbers change. For current information, use the browser-based
Verify PDF is the most current before use. PDF part numbers must be verified with web-based error code
information or parts look-up before parts are ordered.
Web-based Go to: Product Detail page > Error ● Quick access to individual
Code Look-up web-based error code
Web-Base Go To: WISE default Search page > ● Access to individual web-based
Enter [Product] and error code error code troubleshooting
PDF [Product] - Control Panel Message ● Use when support portals are
Document (CPMD) PDF NOT accessible at time of
The control-panel messages and event code entries indicate the current printer status or situations that
might require action.
NOTE: Event log errors do not appear on the control-panel display. Open the event log to view or print
the event log errors.
A control-panel message displays temporarily and might require you (or the applicable user) to
acknowledge the message by touching the OK button to resume printing or by touching the Stop button
to cancel the job.
With certain messages, the job might not finish printing, or the print quality might be affected. If the
message is related to printing and the auto-continue feature is on, the printer will attempt to resume
printing after the message has appeared for 10 seconds without acknowledgement.
For some messages, restarting the printer might fix the problem. If a critical error persists, the printer
might require service.
● The first two characters are numeric and represent the system component that is causing the error.
For example, in error code 10.22.15, 10 = Supplies for HP LaserJets.
● The remaining four characters (W, X, Y, and Z values) further define the error.
HP LaserJet and HP PageWide Enterprise error codes are documented in the control panel message
document (CPMD) for each printer.
The CPMD is a comprehensive list of error codes, diagnostic and troubleshooting steps to clear or
resolve the error, and other helpful information such as service mode pins and part numbers.
The CPMD is continually updated and republished with the latest information for the following error
11.WX.YZ Real-time clock Internal error with the clock on the formatter.
41.WX.YZ Fuser, Laser scanner, or Paper path Miscellaneous error including general and
misprint or mismatch errors typically involving
(but not limited to) the fuser, the laser scanner,
or the paper path.
61.WX.YZ Engine (PageWide) Print engine error with the 8–bit data package.
81.WX.YZ Near Field Communication (NFC) Wireless, Bluetooth or internal EIO error.
90.WX.YZ Internal diagnostics Internal test of systems (i.e. disk, CPB, display) or
interconnection error.
The CPMD, error codes, and other support documentation for each printer is available on the HP portals.
For HP channel partners access WISE, see Accessing WISE for HP channel partners (HP Partner Portal)
on page 6 or {Xref Error! Target does not exist.}Accessing WISE for HP channel partners (CSDP).
WISE is available to call agents, service technicians, and HP internal users. The level of detail available
depends on your access credentials. To learn how to find support content in WISE, watch the video here.
Accessing WISE
Learn how to access Web-based Interactive Search Engines (WISE) if you are an HP channel partner or
an internal HP user.
NOTE: If this is your first visit to the HP Partner Portal, you will be asked to create an account. Follow
the setup directions using your HP Partner credentials.
1. Sign-in to the HP Partner Portal (click https://partner.hp.com to access the sign-in page).
1. Open one of the Web-based Interactive Search Engines (WISE) URLs listed below.
Americas (AMS)
● WISE - English
● WISE - Spanish
● WISE - Portuguese
● WISE - French
● WISE - English
● WISE - Japanese
● WISE - Korean
● WISE - Thai
● WISE - English
NOTE: The model used in the instructional videos is an example. The same steps apply to all printer
You will need the printer type (e.g. HP LaserJet), model number (e.g. M607), and bundle option (e.g. dn, dh,
1. Enter a printer model number (for example, M606) in the Go to a Product Detail page dialog box.
TIP: To find a Product Detail Page (PDP) from a list of products by product type, select the …or
select your product from a list item just below the dialog box.
2. A drop-down list appears. Click on the full printer series name (for example, HP LaserJet Enterprise
M606 series) in the list.
NOTE: Selecting the series item from the drop-down list is recommended for the most accurate
search return.
1 2
4. The error code troubleshooting content displays in the All Search Results area.
View a video of how to search for error codes using the Product Detail Page (PDP) or the Error
Code Lookup tool.
1. On the WISE home page, enter a printer model number (for example, M606) in the Search dialog
NOTE: Selecting the series item from the drop-down list is recommended for the most accurate
search return.
3. Type the error code (for example, 13.E1.D3) in the Search keyword field, and then select the search
1 2
4. The error code troubleshooting content displays in the All Search Results area.
NOTE: The model used in the instructional videos is an example. The same steps apply to all printer
1. Enter a printer model number (for example, M606) in the Go to a Product Detail page dialog box.
TIP: To find a Product Detail Page (PDP) from a list of products by product type, select the …or
select your product from a list item just below the dialog box.
2. A drop-down list appears. Click on the full printer series name (for example, HP LaserJet Enterprise
M606 series) in the list.
NOTE: Selecting the series item from the drop-down list is recommended for the most accurate
search return.
TIP: Select the Add Or Remove Hardware & Customer Self Repair filter under Troubleshooting to
limit the search results to repair and replace videos.
View a video of how to search for the printer's Product Detail Page (PDP)
1. On the WISE home page, enter a printer model number (for example, M606) in the Search dialog
NOTE: Selecting the series item from the drop-down list is recommended for the most accurate
search return.
4. To refine the search results, select the radio button labeled Videos in the upper-right portion of the
TIP: To refine video search results, type a part name in the keyword search bar, and then select
the search icon. For example, entering the word fuser to the keyword search bar returns videos
related to repair and replacement of the fuser.
The following information provides the document's last updated date and the printer service PIN.
NOTE: When possible, always update the printer firmware to the latest available version at HP.com as
part of the troubleshooting performed for any of the following errors.
After the firmware updates, re-enable autosend through the control panel
Use the following numerical error message troubleshooting to resolve your issue.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
c. If print quality is unacceptable, or if printing cannot continue, replace the toner cartridge.
b. If print quality is unacceptable, or if printing cannot continue, replace the transfer kit.
b. If print quality is unacceptable, or if printing cannot continue, replace the fuser kit.
b. If the toner collection unit is nearly full, replace it with a new one. Using a toner collection unit
until it is overfilled can damage the printer.
a. Open the document feeder top cover and inspect the rollers for obvious dirt or wear. Clean the
rollers if necessary.
This message indicates that the printer cannot read or write to the e-label of the toner cartridge.
2. Verify if the cartridge is a genuine HP toner cartridge. To check the authenticity of your cartridges,
go to hp.com/go/anticounterfeit or visit hp.com/go/ok and enter the serial number from the
security label.
NOTE: Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not
covered under HP warranty.
5. Close the front door. If the message reappears, turn the printer off, and then on.
6. If the error persists, and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge, contact HP customer care by phone for
assistance in resolving the issue. Use the following link to contact the correct support center by
3. Close the front door. If the message reappears, turn the printer off, and then on.
NOTE: Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not
covered under HP warranty.
6. If the error persists and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge, and the toner cartridge has not been
replaced, replace the toner cartridge.
7. If the error persists with a new toner cartridge, elevate the case using your Standard Support
3. Close the front door. If the message reappears, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. Verify if the cartridge is a genuine HP toner cartridge. To check the authenticity of the cartridges,
go to hp.com/go/anticounterfeit or visit hp.com/go/ok and enter the serial number from the
security label.
NOTE: Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not
covered under HP warranty.
7. Other printers have steps to check Cables connections between DC and HVPS What other steps
or parts should be replaced if error persists?
When this error occurs, a question mark appears on the gas gauge of the supply or supplies with the
The following errors can be seen: 10.00.01, 10.00.02, 10.00.03, 10.00.05, 10.00.06, 10.00.07, 10.00.08: Black
toner cartridge
2. Verify if the cartridge is a genuine HP toner cartridge. To check the authenticity of your cartridges,
go to hp.com/go/anticounterfeit or visit hp.com/go/ok and enter the serial number from the
security label.
NOTE: Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not
covered under HP warranty.
5. Close the front door. If the message reappears, turn the printer off, and then on.
6. If the error persists, and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge, contact HP customer care by phone for
assistance in resolving the issue. Use the following link to contact the correct support center by
3. Close the front door. If the message reappears, turn the printer off, and then on.
NOTE: Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not
covered under HP warranty.
6. If the error persists and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge, and the toner cartridge has not been
replaced, replace the toner cartridge.
7. If the error persists with a new toner cartridge, elevate the case using your Standard Support
3. Close the front door. If the message reappears, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. Verify if the cartridge is a genuine HP toner cartridge. To check the authenticity of the cartridges,
go to hp.com/go/anticounterfeit or visit hp.com/go/ok and enter the serial number from the
security label.
NOTE: Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not
covered under HP warranty.
7. Other printers have steps to check Cables connections between DC and HVPS What other steps
or parts should be replaced if error persists?
This message indicates that the printer has determined that the e-label is missing.
2. Verify if the cartridge is a genuine HP toner cartridge. To check the authenticity of your cartridges,
go to hp.com/go/anticounterfeit or visit hp.com/go/ok and enter the serial number from the
security label.
NOTE: Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not
covered under HP warranty.
5. Close the front door. If the message reappears, turn the printer off, and then on.
6. If the error persists, and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge, contact HP customer care by phone for
assistance in resolving the issue. Use the following link to contact the correct support center by
3. Close the front door. If the message reappears, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. Verify if the cartridge is a genuine HP toner cartridge. To check the authenticity of the cartridges,
go to hp.com/go/anticounterfeit or visit hp.com/go/ok and enter the serial number from the
security label.
NOTE: Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not
covered under HP warranty.
6. If the error persists and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge, and the toner cartridge has not been
replaced, replace the toner cartridge.
7. If the error persists with a new toner cartridge, elevate the case using your Standard Support
3. Close the front door. If the message reappears, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. Verify if the cartridge is a genuine HP toner cartridge. To check the authenticity of the cartridges,
go to hp.com/go/anticounterfeit or visit hp.com/go/ok and enter the serial number from the
security label.
NOTE: Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not
covered under HP warranty.
6. If the error persists and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge, and the toner cartridge has not been
replaced, replace the toner cartridge.
7. Other printers have steps to check Cables connections between DC and HVPS What other steps
or parts should be replaced if error persists?
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. If the toner cartridge is installed, open the front door and remove the toner cartridge.
A used or non-HP black cartridge has been detected while Cartridge Policy is set to Authorized HP.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
NOTE: Removing a cartridge from one printer and then installing it in a different printer (for testing
functionality) will cause this event code.
Recommended action
There is no action needed for this message.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Remove the toner cartridge, and then install the correct cartridge for this printer.
TIP: Advise the customer that HP recommends that they have replacement supplies available to
install when the print quality is no longer acceptable.
TIP: Advise the customer that HP recommends that they have replacement supplies available to
install when the print quality is no longer acceptable.
TIP: Advise the customer that HP recommends that they have replacement supplies available to
install when the print quality is no longer acceptable.
TIP: Advise the customer that HP recommends that they have replacement supplies available to
install when the print quality is no longer acceptable.
You do not need to replace the toner cartridge at this time unless print quality is no longer acceptable.
After an HP supply has reached the very low threshold, the HP premium protection warranty ends.
■ If print quality is no longer acceptable, the customer must order and pay for a replacement toner
Advise the customer that HP recommends that they have replacement supplies available to install
when the print quality is no longer acceptable.
Table 6-12 Supplies part numbers
■ If print quality is no longer acceptable, the customer must order and pay for a replacement toner
Advise the customer that HP recommends that they have replacement supplies available to install
when the print quality is no longer acceptable.
Table 6-13 Supplies part numbers
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
CAUTION: The fuser might be hot. Be careful when removing the fuser.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
2. If the error persists, remove and reinstall the formatter. Make sure it is fully seated.
01=dead clock
1. Whenever the printer is turned off and then turned on, set the time and date on the control panel.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Have the end-user turn the printer off, and then turned on, set the time and date on the control
11.* errors 39
2. If the error persists, dispatch service to remove and reinstall the formatter and replace the
formatter if needed.
1. Whenever the printer is turned off and then turned on, set the time and date on the control panel.
2. If the error persists, remove and reinstall the formatter making sure it is seated properly.
For instructions: See the Repair Service Manual for this product.
Table 6-16 Part numbers
More than 1000 unique error codes are possible. Use the following information to understand the jam
code. Not all codes apply to all printers.
C Switchback area (between the fuser and the 1 Intermediate switchback sensor
output bin)
C Switchback area (between the fuser and the 2 Switchback media stay sensor
output bin)
C Switchback area (between the fuser and the 3 Paper delivery sensor
output bin)
13.* errors 41
Table 6-17 Potential values for W and X (continued)
13.* errors 43
Table 6-17 Potential values for W and X (continued)
0 Unknown 0 Unknown
Y Jam condition
0 Unknown
2 Staple jam
B Multifeed
C Wrap
D Delay (the page did not reach the sensor within the expected time – simplex)
E Door open
F Residual (paper is detected in the paper path when it should not be there)
The information represented by the value for Z depends on where the paper is in the paper path.
Z represents the fuser mode. 1 Normal (automatically sensed rather than based on
the paper type set at the control panel)
Z represents the fuser mode. 2 Normal (based on the paper type set at the control
13.* errors 45
Recommended action for customers
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Follow the instructions on the control panel to clear the jam. Check for paper in all possible jam
3. Check the paper tray to make sure paper is loaded correctly. The paper guides should be adjusted
to the correct size, and the tray should not be filled above the maximum fill marks or tabs.
4. Make sure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.
5. Use a damp, lint-free cloth to clean the rollers in the appropriate tray. Replace rollers that are worn.
6. Open all doors and covers and ensure the paper path is completely clear of paper or obstructions.
7. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
For more information, refer to the printer User Guide or search for the "HP LaserJet Printers - Print
Media Guide" (c06117757).
● Make sure that the paper guides in the tray are adjusted correctly for the size of paper.
● If printing on heavy, embossed, or perforated paper, use the manual feed feature and feed sheets
one at a time.
● Open the Trays menu on the printer control panel. Verify that the tray is configured correctly for the
paper type and size.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
1. Follow the instructions on the control panel to clear the jam. Check for paper in all possible jam
3. Check the paper tray to make sure paper is loaded correctly. The paper guides should be adjusted
to the correct size, and the tray should not be filled above the maximum fill marks or tabs.
5. Use a damp, lint-free cloth to clean the rollers in the appropriate tray. Replace rollers that are worn.
6. If the issue persists, open the Administration > Troubleshooting > Diagnostic Tests > Component
Test menu, and perform the appropriate pickup/feed motor drive test. Replace the pickup assembly
if the test fails.
7. Verify the sensors are functioning correctly. If the sensors fail the test, first verify that all
connections on the DC controller are correctly seated. If possible, replace the sensor or assembly
it is associated with.
8. If the sensors pass the test, look for blockage or damaged parts and replace any damaged parts.
9. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
● 13.B2.A1
This jam occurs when the registration sensor (PS2) detects paper present longer than the expected
time based on the paper size when printing from the Tray 1.
● 13.B2.A2
This jam occurs when the registration sensor (PS2) detects paper present longer than the expected
time based on the paper size when printing from the Tray 2.
● 13.B2.A3
This jam occurs when the registration sensor (PS2) detects paper present longer than the expected
time based on the paper size when printing from the Tray 3.
● 13.B2.A4
This jam occurs when the registration sensor (PS2) detects paper present longer than the expected
time based on the paper size when printing from the Tray 4.
● 13.B2.A5
This jam occurs when the registration sensor (PS2) detects paper present longer than the expected
time based on the paper size when printing from the Tray 5.
● 13.B2.AD
This jam occurs when the registration sensor (PS2) detects paper present longer than the expected
time based on the paper size when printing from the Duplexer.
When a jam occurs, the control panel displays an animation that assists in clearing the jam.
8. If the error persists, verify that the rear paper guide is adjusted to the indentation for the correct
paper size. If necessary, pinch the release and move the rear paper guide to the correct position. It
should click into place.
9. Load the paper into the tray. Make sure that the stack is flat at all four corners and that the top of
the stack is below the maximum-height indicators.
11. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open the top cover and check for paper jammed in the feed area.
2. Verify that the tray guides have been set to the proper size and that the same size is reflected on
the Configuration Page.
b. Load the paper into the tray. Make sure that the stack is flat at all four corners and that the top
of the stack is below the maximum-height indicators.
3. Ensure the type and quality of the paper that the customer is using meet HP specifications.
4. Check under the toner cartridge at the transfer area, make sure everything is properly seated and
that there are no damaged parts.
5. Test and check the registration assembly and look for damage, if it is faulty replace the registration
6. Look for blockage or damaged parts that stops the paper from continuing on through the printer.
Check the fuser, if the fuser or any other part is found to be defective replace the part.
1. Open the top cover and check for paper jammed in the feed area.
2. Verify that the tray guides have been set to the proper size and that the same size is reflected on
the Configuration Page.
3. Ensure the type and quality of the paper that the customer is using meet HP specifications.
4. Check under the toner cartridge at the transfer area, make sure everything is properly seated and
that there are no damaged parts. If the transfer roller is damaged, replace it.
5. Test the registration sensor (TOP sensor) (PS2) to ensure that it moves freely.
● Administration
● Troubleshooting
● Diagnostic Tests
7. Test the registration sensor (TOP sensor) (PS2) using the Tray/Bin manual sensor test to verify that
the sensor is functioning correctly.
9. If either of the sensors steps fail, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
NOTE: On-site technicians should check the following connections on the DC controller PCA to
ensure they are properly seated and connected before elevating the issue. (J7)
10. If the sensors are functioning properly, run a few pages to check where the leading edge of the
paper actually stops.
11. Test and check the registration assembly and look for damage, if it is faulty replace the registration
12. Look for blockage or damaged parts that stops the paper from continuing on through the printer.
Check the fuser, if the fuser or any other part is found to be defective replace the part.
13. If the error persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
Paper did not reach the registration sensor in the designated amount of time printing from Tray 1.
When a jam occurs, the control panel displays a message and an animation that assists in clearing the
2. Adjust the paper guides to the correct paper size, then .reload paper into the tray.
4. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.
5. If the error persists, clean the tray 1 pickup roller and separation pad.
a. Press the door-release button, and then open the toner-cartridge door
d. With the Tray 1 roller removed the separation pad is accessible in the printer (it does not need
to be removed to be cleaned.
CAUTION: When handling the roller and/or pad, avoid touching the spongy surfaces. Skin oils
and fingerprints on a roller surface can cause print-quality problems.
f. Position the pickup roller with the pins in the provided slots on the holder, and then rotate the
top of the roller up and toward the printer.
7. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. Ensure the tray is not overfilled. Paper should be below the 3 triangles in the following image.
4. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.
5. If the error persists, clean the tray 1 pickup roller and separation pad.
b. Release two tabs between the roller collar and roller, and then rotate the top of the roller out
and away from the printer.
d. With the Tray 1 roller removed the separation pad is accessible in the printer (it does not need
to be removed to be cleaned.
CAUTION: When handling the roller and/or pad, avoid touching the spongy surfaces. Skin oils
and fingerprints on a roller surface can cause print-quality problems.
g. Continue to rotate the top of the roller toward the printer (callout 1), until two tabs (callout 2)
snap into place.
6. Ensure the type and quality of the paper that the customer is using meets the HP specifications for
the printer.
8. Run a few pages to check where the leading edge of the paper actually stops.
9. Check that the registration assembly is functioning correctly, if not replace the registration
1. Open the top cover and check for paper jammed in the feed area.
2. Verify that the tray guides have been set to the proper size and that the same size is reflected on
the Configuration Page.
3. Ensure the type and quality of the paper that the customer is using meets the HP specifications for
the printer.
4. Ensure that the Tray 1 pickup roller and separation pad are installed correctly and show no damage
or wear, replace the rollers as needed.
● Administration
● Troubleshooting
● Diagnostic Tests
6. Test the top of page sensor (PS2) and the paper width sensors PS1a.
7. If any of the sensors fail, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
NOTE: On-site technicians should check the following connections on the DC controller PCA to
ensure they are properly seated and connected before elevating the issue. (J7)
8. If the sensors are functioning properly, run a few pages to check where the leading edge of the
paper actually stops.
9. Check that the registration assembly is functioning correctly, if not replace the registration
Paper did not reach the Registration sensor in the designated amount of time printing from Tray 2.
When a jam occurs, the control panel displays an animation that assists in clearing the jam.
2. Remove the paper from the tray, and discard any damaged paper.
4. Load the paper into the tray. Make sure that the stack is flat at all four corners and that the top of
the stack is below the maximum-height indicators.
13. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.
14. If the error persists, clean the tray 2 pickup and feed rollers.
NOTE: A SFP printer is shown in this section. However, the procedure is correct for all printer
b. Clean the rollers by gently wiping them with a damp, lint-free cloth.
c. If needed for better access to the rollers, carefully rotate the printer backward.
CAUTION: To avoid damage to the rear cassette cover, keep it in the closed position
d. Continue rotate the printer backward until it rests on the rear cover, bottom-side face forward.
CAUTION: MFP printers only: The document feeder is not captive and can unexpectedly
open when the printer is tilted backward.
NOTE: The roller in the tray (cassette) can be cleaned without removing it from the tray.
CAUTION: Do not touch the spongy portion of the roller. Skin oils on the roller can cause
paper-handling and print-quality problems. HP recommends using disposable gloves or
thoroughly washing your hands before handling the assembly.
h. After cleaning the roller, position the roller holder assembly in the printer as shown, and then
slide it toward the right side of the printer.
j. Carefully rotate the printer forward to position it back on its base. Reinstall the tray 2 paper
15. Perform a test print from tray 2 to see if the issue is resolved.
16. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
c. Verify that the rear paper guide is adjusted to the indentation for the correct paper size. If
necessary, pinch the release and move the rear paper guide to the correct position. It should
click into place.
d. Load the paper into the tray. Make sure that the stack is flat at all four corners and that the top
of the stack is below the maximum-height indicators.
2. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.
3. With tray 2 removed, check for worn or damaged tray feed and separation rollers or separation
pad. Replace the rollers as needed.
NOTE: A SFP printer is shown in this section. However, the procedure is correct for all printer
CAUTION: To avoid damage to the rear cassette cover, keep it in the closed position
b. Continue rotate the printer backward until it rests on the rear cover, bottom-side face forward.
CAUTION: MFP printers only: The document feeder is not captive and can unexpectedly
open when the printer is tilted backward.
c. Release one tab (callout 1), and then slide the roller holder toward the left side of the printer to
release it.
NOTE: The roller in the tray (cassette) can be cleaned without removing it from the tray.
CAUTION: Do not touch the spongy portion of the roller. Skin oils on the roller can cause
paper-handling and print-quality problems. HP recommends using disposable gloves or
thoroughly washing your hands before handling the assembly.
i. Carefully rotate the printer forward to position it back on its base. Reinstall the tray 2 paper
5. If the error persists, perform a paper path test to see where the leading edge of the paper is
● If paper is not exiting the tray, replace the tray roller kit if not already replaced.
● If paper is stop as it enters the registration area, replace the registration assembly.
1. Open the top cover and check for paper jammed in the feed area.
2. Verify that the tray guides have been set to the proper size and that the same size is reflected on
the Configuration Page.
3. Ensure the type and quality of the paper that the customer is using meets the HP specifications for
the printer.
4. Check for worn or damaged tray feed and separation rollers, replace the rollers as needed.
● Administration
● Troubleshooting
● Diagnostic Tests
6. Test the top of page sensor (PS2) and the paper width sensors PS1a.
7. If any of the sensors fail, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
NOTE: On-site technicians should check the following connections on the DC controller PCA to
ensure they are properly seated and connected before elevating the issue. (J7)
8. If the sensors are functioning properly, run a few pages to check where the leading edge of the
paper actually stops.
9. Check that the registration assembly is functioning correctly, if not replace the registration
● 13.B2.D3
When a jam occurs, the control panel displays an animation that assists in clearing the jam.
2. Remove the paper from the tray, and discard any damaged paper.
4. Load the paper into the tray. Make sure that the stack is flat at all four corners and that the top of
the stack is below the maximum-height indicators.
13. If the error persists, ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP
specifications for the printer.
14. If the error persists, clean the tray 3 pickup and feed rollers.
b. Clean the rollers by gently wiping them with a damp, lint-free cloth.
15. Perform a test print from tray 3 to see if the issue is resolved.
16. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
b. Remove the paper from the tray, and discard any damaged paper.
d. Load the paper into the tray. Make sure that the stack is flat at all four corners and that the top
of the stack is below the maximum-height indicators.
2. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.
3. Check for worn or damaged tray feed and separation rollers or separation pad. Replace the rollers
as needed.
4. If the rollers are not damaged, and the error persists, clean the tray 3 pickup, feed, and separation
5. If the error persists, perform a paper path test to see where the leading edge of the paper is
● If paper is not exiting the tray, replace the tray roller kit if not already replaced.
● If paper is stop as it enters the registration area, replace the registration assembly.
1. Open the top cover and check for paper jammed in the feed area.
2. Verify that the tray guides have been set to the proper size and that the same size is reflected on
the Configuration Page.
3. Ensure the type and quality of the paper that the customer is using meets the HP specifications for
the printer.
4. Check for worn or damaged tray feed and separation rollers, replace the rollers as needed.
● Administration
● Troubleshooting
● Diagnostic Tests
6. Test the top of page sensor (PS2) and the paper width sensors PS1a.
7. If any of the sensors fail, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
NOTE: On-site technicians should check the following connections on the DC controller PCA to
ensure they are properly seated and connected before elevating the issue. (J7)
8. If the sensors are functioning properly, run a few pages to check where the leading edge of the
paper actually stops.
9. Check that the registration assembly is functioning correctly, if not replace the registration
1. Open the top cover and check for paper jammed in feed area.
1. Open the top cover and check for paper jammed in feed area.
2. Check under the toner cartridge at the transfer area, make sure that everything is properly seated.
4. If the sensor fails the test, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
1. Open the top cover and check for paper jammed in feed area.
2. Check under the toner cartridge at the transfer area, make sure that everything is properly seated.
4. If the sensor fails the test, check the following connections on the DC controller PCA to ensure they
are properly seated and connected before elevating the issue. (J7)
5. If the error persists and the sensor does not function correctly. elevate the issue using the
Standard Support Process for a possible printer replacement.
● The output bin rollers are not turning. Because there is very little distance from the fuser exit to the
output bin, paper stopped at the rollers can cause a fuser jam.
● A sticky fuser exit flag. If the flag is stuck or even delayed momentarily in the activated position it
can cause this jam.
● 13.B9.A1
● 13.B9.A2
● 13.B9.A3
● 13.B9.AD
When a jam occurs, the control panel displays an animation that assists in clearing the jam.
CAUTION: The fuser can be hot while the printer is in use. Wait for the fuser to cool before
handling it.
8. If jammed paper is visible, remove any jammed paper from the rear door area.
10. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
CAUTION: Be careful: the fuser is HOT. Allow it to cool if you need to remove debris from in and
around the pressure heating components.
1. Open the top and rear covers and then clear any jammed paper.
CAUTION: The fuser can be hot while the printer is in use. Wait for the fuser to cool
3. Have the customer verify that the tray guides have been set to the proper size and that the same
size is reflected on the Configuration Page.
4. Check the fuser delivery sensor for proper functionality and movement.
5. Remove the toner cartridge and open the rear door and verify that there is no debris from a
previous jam stuck in the fuser or the rollers leading into or out of the fuser.
6. Look for blockage or damaged parts that stops the paper from continuing on through the printer.
Check the fuser, if the fuser or any other part is found to be defective replace the fuser.
1. Open the top and rear covers and then clear any jammed paper.
3. Have the customer verify that the tray guides have been set to the proper size and that the same
size is reflected on the Configuration Page.
4. Check the fuser delivery sensor for proper functionality and movement.
5. Remove the toner cartridge and open the rear door and verify that there is no debris from a
previous jam stuck in the fuser or the rollers leading into or out of the fuser.
6. Look for blockage or damaged parts that stops the paper from continuing on through the printer.
Check the fuser, if the fuser or any other part is found to be defective replace the part.
7. Perform a Manual Sensor Test and check PS13 the fuser delivery sensor. If found faulty then
replace the fuser assembly.
This jam occurs when the paper disappears from the fuser output sensor before a designated amount
of time after the paper reached the fuser output sensor (PS13).
(The printer has determined that the paper is being wrapped around the fuser roller.)
Z = Fuser mode
Fuser wrap jam when Light 1 or Light 2 (see event log secondary jam information for specific code).
Fuser wrap jam when Envelope 1 or Envelope 2 (see event log secondary jam information for
specific code).
When a jam occurs, the control panel displays an animation that assists in clearing the jam.
CAUTION: The fuser can be hot while the printer is in use. Wait for the fuser to cool before
handling it.
8. If jammed paper is visible, remove any jammed paper from the rear door area.
10. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open the top and rear covers and then clear any jammed paper.
CAUTION: The fuser can be hot while the printer is in use. Wait for the fuser to cool
If the customer paper is within specifications, but curls up on the output bin, you can recommend:
● Open input tray and rotate new paper so the top page is now the bottom page.
● Explain that the paper curls and it is better if it curls down than up for printing to avoid fuser
wrap jams.
3. Check to see if the paper jam is found wrapped around the fuser roller. If so and the paper is within
HP specifications for this printer replace the fuser assembly.
1. Open the top and rear covers and then clear any jammed paper.
If the customer paper is within specifications, but curls up on the output bin, you can recommend:
● Open input tray and rotate new paper so the top page is now the bottom page.
● Explain that the paper curls and it is better if it curls down than up for printing to avoid fuser
wrap jams.
3. Check to see if the paper jam is found wrapped around the fuser roller. If so and the paper is within
HP specifications for this printer replace the fuser assembly.
● 13.B9.D1
● 13.B9.D2
● 13.B9.D3
● 13.B9.DD
The following are possible causes and areas that should be investigated.
● The paper jam is found wrapped around the fuser roller. In this case it is a sign of a worn out fuser.
● The paper jam is found underneath the toner cartridge or in the transfer area. In this case it could
be the drum drive or the white collar that holds the toner cartridge in position has broken or even a
damaged or defective toner cartridge.
When a jam occurs, the control panel displays an animation that assists in clearing the jam.
CAUTION: The fuser can be hot while the printer is in use. Wait for the fuser to cool before
handling it.
8. If jammed paper is visible, remove any jammed paper from the rear door area.
1. Open the top and rear covers and then clear any jammed paper.
CAUTION: The fuser can be hot while the printer is in use. Wait for the fuser to cool
h. If jammed paper is visible, remove any jammed paper from the rear door area.
3. Have the customer verify that the tray guides have been set to the proper size and that the same
size is reflected on the Configuration Page.
4. Perform a paper path test to see where the leading edge of the paper stops.
a. If paper stops under the toner cartridge, check the toner cartridge at the transfer area, make
sure everything is properly seated and that there are no damaged parts.
b. Test and check the registration assembly and look for damage, if it is faulty replace the
registration assembly.
c. Look for blockage or damaged parts that stops the paper from continuing on through the
printer. Check the fuser, if the fuser or any other part is found to be defective replace the part.
5. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
CAUTION: Be careful: the fuser is HOT. Allow it to cool if you need to remove debris from in and
around the pressure heating components.
1. Open the top and rear covers and then clear any jammed paper.
3. Have the customer verify that the tray guides have been set to the proper size and that the same
size is reflected on the Configuration Page.
■ If paper stops under the toner cartridge, check the toner cartridge at the transfer area, make
sure everything is properly seated and that there are no damaged parts.
a. Test and check the registration assembly and look for damage, if it is faulty replace the
registration assembly.
b. Look for blockage or damaged parts that stops the paper from continuing on through the
printer. Check the fuser, if the fuser or any other part is found to be defective replace the part.
5. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
When a jam occurs, the control panel displays an animation that assists in clearing the jam.
CAUTION: The fuser can be hot while the printer is in use. Wait for the fuser to cool before
handling it.
10. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
CAUTION: Be careful: the fuser is HOT. Allow it to cool if you need to remove debris from in and
around the pressure heating components.
1. Open the top and rear covers and then clear any jammed paper.
CAUTION: The fuser can be hot while the printer is in use. Wait for the fuser to cool
h. If jammed paper is visible, remove any jammed paper from the rear door area.
3. Look for blockage or damaged parts that stops the paper from continuing on through the printer.
Check the fuser, if the fuser or any other part is found to be defective replace the part.
4. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
CAUTION: Be careful: the fuser is HOT. Allow it to cool if you need to remove debris from in and
around the pressure heating components.
1. Open the top and rear covers and then clear any jammed paper.
3. Look for blockage or damaged parts that stops the paper from continuing on through the printer.
Check the fuser, if the fuser or any other part is found to be defective replace the part.
4. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
z = 0-9 or A-F
When a jam occurs, the control panel displays an animation that assists in clearing the jam.
y = A, C, or D
z = 0-9 or A-F
5. Reinsert Tray 2.
7. If the error persists, ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP
specifications for the printer.
8. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
d. While removing paper from duplex area, verify the paper re-pick assembly tray is not
damaged. If damaged, replace the paper re-pick assembly
2. Open the rear door and check for blockage or damage in the rear door going into the duplex re-pick
area. If needed, replace the rear door assembly.
3. Open and close the top cover to clear the jam error.
4. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.
5. Ensure the printer is located in an area meets the environmental specifications for the printer.
6. Perform the continuous test in simplex mode at least 50 pages to make sure that issue is occurring
while printing duplex printing only.
7. Send duplex jobs from multiple trays to see if the issue is TRAY specific or not. If the jam occurs
from a specific tray, troubleshoot pick and feed issues for that tray.
8. Make sure the tray is set-up correctly through the control panel. If the tray is set to ANY Size ANY
Type, set it to the specific size and type the customer is trying to print on.
9. If the issue persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
d. While removing paper from duplex area, verify the paper re-pick assembly tray is not
damaged. If damaged, replace the paper re-pick assembly
e. Reinstall tray 2.
2. Open the rear door and check for blockage or damage in the rear door going into the duplex re-pick
area. If needed, replace the rear door assembly.
3. Open and close the top cover to clear the jam error.
4. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.
5. Ensure the printer is located in an area meets the environmental specifications for the printer.
7. Send duplex jobs from multiple trays to see if the issue is TRAY specific or not. If the jam occurs
from a specific tray, troubleshoot pick and feed issues for that tray.
8. Make sure the tray is set-up correctly through the control panel. If the tray is set to ANY Size ANY
Type, set it to the specific size and type the customer is trying to print on.
9. If the issue persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
A residual jam is detected at the duplex refeed sensor at power on or after clearing printer.
When a jam occurs, the control panel displays an animation that assists in clearing the jam.
y = A, C, or D
z = 0-9 or A-F
7. If the error persists, ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP
specifications for the printer.
8. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
d. While removing paper from duplex area, verify the paper re-pick assembly tray is not
damaged. If damaged, replace the paper re-pick assembly
e. Reinstall tray 2.
2. Open the rear door and check for blockage or damage in the rear door going into the duplex re-pick
area. If needed, replace the rear door assembly.
3. Open and close the top cover to clear the jam error.
4. If the issue persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
d. While removing paper from duplex area, verify the paper re-pick assembly tray is not
damaged. If damaged, replace the paper re-pick assembly
e. Reinstall tray 2.
2. Open the rear door and check for blockage or damage in the rear door going into the duplex re-pick
area. If needed, replace the rear door assembly.
3. Open and close the top cover to clear the jam error.
4. If the issue persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
This error has no specific sensor designated. It could be any sensor in the paper feed path.
CAUTION: The fuser can be hot while the printer is in use. Wait for the fuser to cool before
handling it.
14. If jammed paper is visible, remove any jammed paper from the rear door area.
16. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: For complete steps see the recommended action for customers section for this error.
View the event log to determine if other jam errors are occurring and troubleshoot those errors.
3. Use the manual sensors test or Tray/Bin manual sensors test to isolate a faulty door switch or
If sensor cannot be replaced, elevate the issue using your regional standard support process.
NOTE: For complete steps see the recommended action for customers section for this error.
View the event log to determine if other jam errors are occurring and troubleshoot those errors.
3. Use the manual sensors test or Tray/Bin manual sensors test to isolate a faulty door switch or
If sensor cannot be replaced, elevate the issue using your regional standard support process.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
The printer received more data than can fit in the available memory. You might have tried to transfer too
many macros, soft fonts, or complex graphics.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Touch the OK button to print the transferred data. Some data might be lost. Reduce the page
complexity or add printer memory.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Touch the OK button to continue. There might be some data loss on the page that was being
formatted when the error occurred.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
3. Verify that the (flat flexible cables (FFC’s) (callout 1) to the scanner assembly are seated correctly
on the formatter board and the scanner.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
3. Verify that the (flat flexible cables (FFC’s) (callout 1) to the scanner assembly are seated correctly
on the formatter board and the scanner.
For instructions: See the Repair Service Manual for this product.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
3. Verify that the (flat flexible cables (FFC’s) (callout 1) to the scanner assembly are seated correctly
on the formatter board and the scanner.
For instructions: See the Repair Service Manual for this product.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
3. Verify that the (flat flexible cables (FFC’s) (callout 1) to the scanner assembly are seated correctly
on the formatter board and the scanner.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
3. Verify that the (flat flexible cables (FFC’s) (callout 1) to the scanner assembly are seated correctly
on the formatter board and the scanner.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
3. Verify that the (flat flexible cables (FFC’s) (callout 1) to the scanner assembly are seated correctly
on the formatter board and the scanner.
The scan module cannot see the illumination module, or the illumination is marginal.
The optical assembly might not be parked under the calibration strip.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
3. Verify that the (flat flexible cables (FFC’s) (callout 1) to the scanner assembly are seated correctly
on the formatter board and the scanner.
The scanner control board (SCB) cannot communicate with the flatbed scanner motor.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
3. Verify that the (flat flexible cables (FFC’s) (callout 1) to the scanner assembly are seated correctly
on the formatter board and the scanner.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
3. Verify that the (flat flexible cables (FFC’s) (callout 1) to the scanner assembly are seated correctly
on the formatter board and the scanner.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
3. Verify that the (flat flexible cables (FFC’s) to the scanner assembly are seated correctly on the
formatter board.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
3. Verify that the (flat flexible cables (FFC’s) to the scanner assembly are seated correctly on the
formatter board.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print a Configuration Page and check if the latest version of printer and scanner firmware are
installed. If the firmware is not on the latest version, update the firmware.
3. Verify that the (flat flexible cables (FFC’s) to the scanner assembly are seated correctly on the
formatter board.
Paper pick was initiated, but the page didn't did not make it to the pick success sensor.
When a jam occurs, the control panel displays a message and an animation that assists in clearing the
NOTE: The printer model referenced in this video might be different from your printer model, but the
steps to clear the jam are the same.
4. Lift the document feeder input tray to provide better access to the document feeder output bin,
and then remove any jammed paper from the output area.
5. Open the scanner lid. If paper is jammed behind the white plastic backing, gently pull it out.
7. If the error persists, ensure that the paper meets the document feeder (ADF) specifications for the
8. Ensure that the input tray is not overloaded and that the tray guides are set to the correct size.
Make sure that the paper stack is correctly aligned at the center of the input tray when paper is
loaded in the tray. The correct position of the loaded paper is parallel with the direction of travel into
the document feeder paper path.
NOTE: To avoid jams, make sure the guides in the document feeder input tray are adjusted
correctly. Remove all staples, paper clips, or tape from original documents.
NOTE: Original documents that are printed on heavy, glossy paper can jam more frequently than
originals that are printed on plain paper.
9. Open the document feeder and check and clean the Document Feeder Kit rollers and separation
pad by removing any visible lint or dust from each of the feed rollers and the separation pad using
NOTE: Lift up the roller assembly to access and clean the second roller
10. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: To avoid jams, make sure the guides in the document feeder input tray are adjusted tightly
against the document. Remove all staples and paper clips from original documents.
NOTE: Original documents that are printed on heavy, glossy paper can jam more frequently than
originals that are printed on plain paper.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT replace any parts before reviewing the firmware version. (See step 7)
5. Open the scanner lid. If paper is jammed behind the white plastic backing, gently pull it out.
NOTE: On some units, when making copies or scanning documents using the Automatic
Document Feeder, a jam error occurs with the event code of 31.13.02. This is the result of a spring in
the ADF moving up and down too fast (bouncing) and is reported to firmware as a jam in the ADF,
even when there is no actual jam.
8. If there error persists, ensure that the paper meets the document feeder (ADF) specifications for
the printer.
9. Ensure that the input tray is not overloaded and that the tray guides are set to the correct size.
Make sure that the paper stack is correctly aligned at the center of the input tray when paper is
loaded in the tray. The correct position of the loaded paper is parallel with the direction of travel into
the document feeder paper path.
NOTE: To avoid jams, make sure the guides in the document feeder input tray are adjusted
correctly. Remove all staples, paper clips, or tape from original documents.
NOTE: Original documents that are printed on heavy, glossy paper can jam more frequently than
originals that are printed on plain paper.
10. Check and clean the Document Feeder Kit rollers and separation pad by removing any visible lint
or dust from each of the feed rollers and the separation pad using a clean lint-free cloth moistened
NOTE: Lift up the roller assembly to access and clean the second roller
11. If the issue persists, Replace the document feeder top cover assembly.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT replace any parts before reviewing the firmware version. (See step 2)
1. Open the document feeder lid, pull the sheets back into the input tray, and then resume the job.
2. If no actual paper jam is found, check the firmware version. If not FW is not 5.8 or greater, upgrade
the firmware.
NOTE: On some units, when making copies or scanning documents using the Automatic
Document Feeder, a jam error occurs with the event code of 31.13.02. This is the result of a spring in
the ADF moving up and down too fast (bouncing) and is reported to firmware as a jam in the ADF,
even when there is no actual jam.
4. Make sure that the input tray is not overloaded and the tray guides are correctly aligned to both
edges of the paper.
6. Check and clean the Document Feeder Kit rollers and separation pad by removing any visible lint
or dust from each of the feed rollers and the separation pad using a clean lint-free cloth moistened
with warm water. View the How to Clean the Pick Rollers in HP LaserJet and PageWide Printers for
detailed instructions.
NOTE: Lift up the roller assembly to access and clean the second roller
7. If the issue persists, Replace the document feeder top cover assembly.
The paper passed the pick-success sensor, and then jammed in the automatic document feeder paper
● ADF Jamming
When a jam occurs, the control panel displays a message and an animation that assists in clearing the
NOTE: The printer model referenced in this video might be different from your printer model, but the
steps to clear the jam are the same.
4. Lift the document feeder input tray to provide better access to the document feeder output bin,
and then remove any jammed paper from the output area.
7. If the error persists, ensure that the paper meets the document feeder (ADF) specifications for the
8. Ensure that the input tray is not overloaded and that the tray guides are set to the correct size.
Make sure that the paper stack is correctly aligned at the center of the input tray when paper is
NOTE: To avoid jams, make sure the guides in the document feeder input tray are adjusted
correctly. Remove all staples, paper clips, or tape from original documents.
NOTE: Original documents that are printed on heavy, glossy paper can jam more frequently than
originals that are printed on plain paper.
9. Open the document feeder and check and clean the Document Feeder Kit rollers and separation
pad by removing any visible lint or dust from each of the feed rollers and the separation pad using
a clean lint-free cloth moistened with warm water. View the How to Clean the Pick Rollers in HP
LaserJet and PageWide Printers for detailed instructions.
NOTE: Lift up the roller assembly to access and clean the second roller
10. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: To avoid jams, make sure the guides in the document feeder input tray are adjusted tightly
against the document. Remove all staples and paper clips from original documents.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT replace any parts before reviewing the firmware version. (See step 7)
4. Lift the document feeder input tray to provide better access to the document feeder output bin,
and then remove any jammed paper from the output area.
5. Open the scanner lid. If paper is jammed behind the white plastic backing, gently pull it out.
7. If no actual paper jam is found, check the firmware version. If not FW is not 5.8 or greater, upgrade
the firmware.
NOTE: On some units, when making copies or scanning documents using the Automatic
Document Feeder, a jam error occurs with the event code of 31.13.02. This is the result of a spring in
the ADF moving up and down too fast (bouncing) and is reported to firmware as a jam in the ADF,
even when there is no actual jam.
8. If there error persists, ensure that the paper meets the document feeder (ADF) specifications for
the printer.
9. Ensure that the input tray is not overloaded and that the tray guides are set to the correct size.
Make sure that the paper stack is correctly aligned at the center of the input tray when paper is
loaded in the tray. The correct position of the loaded paper is parallel with the direction of travel into
the document feeder paper path.
NOTE: To avoid jams, make sure the guides in the document feeder input tray are adjusted
correctly. Remove all staples, paper clips, or tape from original documents.
NOTE: Original documents that are printed on heavy, glossy paper can jam more frequently than
originals that are printed on plain paper.
NOTE: Lift up the roller assembly to access and clean the second roller
11. If the issue persists, Replace the document feeder top cover assembly.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT replace any parts before reviewing the firmware version. (See step 2)
1. Open the document feeder lid, pull the sheets back into the input tray, and then resume the job.
2. If no actual paper jam is found, check the firmware version. If not FW is not 5.8 or greater, upgrade
the firmware.
NOTE: On some units, when making copies or scanning documents using the Automatic
Document Feeder, a jam error occurs with the event code of 31.13.02. This is the result of a spring in
the ADF moving up and down too fast (bouncing) and is reported to firmware as a jam in the ADF,
even when there is no actual jam.
4. Make sure that the input tray is not overloaded and the tray guides are correctly aligned to both
edges of the paper.
6. Check and clean the Document Feeder Kit rollers and separation pad by removing any visible lint
or dust from each of the feed rollers and the separation pad using a clean lint-free cloth moistened
with warm water. View the How to Clean the Pick Rollers in HP LaserJet and PageWide Printers for
detailed instructions.
NOTE: Lift up the roller assembly to access and clean the second roller
7. If the issue persists, Replace the document feeder top cover assembly.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
Recommended action
There is no action needed for this message.
■ No action necessary.
The restore job ticket was submitted with invalid credentials.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
There was an error during the creation, read, or write of the restore file.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
There was an error during the creation, read, or write of the backup file.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
3. If the error persists, try using a larger capacity storage device for the share location and check the
network share settings.
4. Check the network share or try setting up a new shared network drive or folder.
The data in the backup file specified in the restore job ticket is no longer valid due to a corruption of the
data, or the data is no longer present.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
The data in the backup file specified in the restore job ticket is no longer valid due to a corruption of the
data, or the data is no longer present.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
3. If the error persists, perform a partition clean from the Preboot menu.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
32.1C.13, 32.1C.14
Not enough space exists to perform the backup.
The backup was aborted because the disk is at a critical level or full.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
The restore operation was aborted because the backup file was created by a previous version of
firmware no longer supported by the feature.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
The restore operation was aborted because the printer is busy.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Reset failure.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Turn the printer off, and then on. Retry the job.
The backup operation completed successfully (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
The backup operation encountered an error (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
The backup operation completed, but with a warning message (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
A component in the backup file is not supported by the current version of firmware and will not be
restored (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
A component in the backup file is not transferable to another printer and will not be restored
32.1C.2F 185
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Some data was not included in the backup file (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
An expected component could not be found and was thus not backed up. Because components should
be known on backups, this code is a warning (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Some data was not restored from the backup file (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
The backup job ticket was submitted using an invalid network path.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Check that a shared folder was provided as part of the network path and not left blank.
3. Check that you (or the applicable user) has permission to access the shared folder on the provided
The backup job ticket was submitted with a bad encryption.
NOTE: This would only apply to a web services call to perform a backup with a blank PIN
■ Verify that the encryption personal identification number (PIN) meets the restrictions for the printer.
An error occurred when creating the temporary directories used to store the backup files in transition to
and from the compressed (ZIP) file.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. If this does not resolve the issue, turn the printer off then on again and retry the job.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Reset aborted. Backup/restore in progress (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Reset aborted (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Unknown reset error (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
The restore operation completed successfully (informational).
■ No action necessary.
The restore operation encountered an error.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Review the printer's event log to see specific details about the failure.
The restore operation completed, but with a warning message.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Review the error log to see specific details about the failure.
The restore job ticket was submitted using an invalid network path.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Check that a shared folder was provided as part of the network path and not left blank.
3. Check that you (or the applicable user) has permission to access the shared folder on the provided
4. Check that the path includes the compressed .ZIP file name as part of the path.
The restore job ticket was submitted with a bad encryption personal identification number (PIN).
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Verify the encryption personal identification number (PIN) is the same PIN used to encrypt the
backup file.
An error occurred when creating the temporary directories used to store the restore files in transition to
and from the compressed (ZIP) file.
An unusual error occurred when running the restore operation.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. If the issue persists, investigate if the hard disk drive (HDD) or formatter are the original ones. If
recently swapped or replaced, turn the printer off, install the original HDD and/or formatter, and
then turn the printer on.
3. If the issue persists, locate and notate the complete 33.WX.YZ error message as displayed on the
control panel of the printer and contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact
customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the issue persists, investigate if the hard disk drive (HDD) or formatter are the original ones. If
recently swapped or replaced, turn the printer off, install the original HDD and/or formatter, and
then turn the printer on.
3. If the formatter/HDD were recently replaced and the original is unavailable verify the correct
formatter/HDD are installed by referencing the part numbers.
4. If the issue persists, locate and notate the complete 33.WX.YZ error message as displayed on
the control panel of the printer. Reference support content for the specific error and take the
necessary action.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
CAUTION: A Partial Clean procedure automatically restores the firmware files from the
repository, but all custom settings, PINs, passwords, third-party solutions, firmware files, and the
operating system are completely lost.
6. If the error persists, download and from the Preboot menu install the latest version of printer
7. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
2. If the issue persists, investigate if the hard disk drive (HDD) or formatter are the original ones. If
recently swapped or replaced, turn the printer off, install the original HDD and/or formatter, and
then turn the printer on.
3. If the formatter/HDD were recently replaced and the original is unavailable verify the correct
formatter/HDD are installed by referencing the part numbers.
4. If the issue persists, locate and notate the complete 33.WX.YZ error message as displayed on
the control panel of the printer. Reference support content for the specific error and take the
necessary action.
5. If the error cannot be cleared and you are unable to get the complete error code from the printer,
perform a Partial Clean procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
CAUTION: A Partial Clean procedure automatically restores the firmware files from the
repository, but all custom settings, PINs, passwords, third-party solutions, firmware files, and the
operating system are completely lost.
6. If the error persists, download and from the Preboot menu install the latest version of printer
7. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
An encrypted board or disk with existing data previously locked to a different printer has replaced the
original. If you continue, data is permanently lost.
For more information go to, or search for: HP LaserJet Enterprise, HP LaserJet Managed, HP PageWide
Enterprise, HP PageWide Managed - 33.02.01 error or printer name and/or product number changes
after replacing the formatter (c06360930).
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. If this error appears after updating the firmware, search in WISE for the following document: HP
FutureSmart - '33.02.01 Used board/disk installed' error received after updating the firmware from
HP FutureSmart 4.8.1 or 4.9 to a newer version (c06488003).
2. Reinstall the used board or disk back into its original printer.
33.01.xx 191
3. To save the data on the board or disk, turn the printer off. Replace the board or disk with another
board or disk.
For instructions: See the Repair Service Manual for this product.
Table 6-22 Part numbers
4. To delete the data on the board or disk and continue, touch the OK button.
Data size mismatch. Unable to recover DCC NVRAM.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
For instructions: See the Repair Service Manual for this product.
Table 6-23 Part numbers
TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Security Error
This system contains a TPM module that is not supported on the device or belongs to another device.
For units that shipped with a TPM on board standard (most newer models): If the original TPM installed in
the factory is unavailable or damaged, DO NOT replace any parts. Follow the recommended action.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
The technician will need to re-establish the trusted platform module state in the printer.
NOTE: Never replace the TPM on a unit that shipped with one. The TPM that can be ordered is only
available for adding a level of security on a device that never had a TPM paired from the factory. A new
TPM cannot be installed for security reasons.
1. Do not replace the formatter or HDD. It will not solve this issue.
2. Perform a Format Disk procedure, select Continue in the Pre-boot menu, and then reboot the
● If the unit continues to boot to a 33.04.05 error, continue to the next step.
3. Perform a Format Disk procedure again, and then reboot the device.
● If the unit boots to a 99.09.67 error, reboot the device, and then update the firmware. This
should resolve the issue.
33.04.05 193
● If the unit continues to boot to a 33.04.05 error, continue to the next steps.
4. Remove the TPM and eMMC or HDD, open Startup Options, and then perform a Cold Reset.
WARNING! When removing the TPM, take extreme care as the connector on the TPM board can
become dislodged and break. If this happens, a printer replacement will be required.
5. Reinstall the eMMC or HDD, open the Pre-boot menu, select Manage Disk, select Boot Device, and
then select Erase Unlock.
● If unit boots to a 99.09.67 error, reboot the device, and then update the firmware. This should
resolve the issue.
● If the unit continues to boot to a 33.04.05 error, continue to the next step.
6. Reseat the TPM and eMMC or HDD, perform a Format Disk, open Diagnostics, and then run
diagnostics for all components.
● If the Diagnostics fail, elevate the case to ATS and include all details.
7. Remove the TPM and eMMC or HDD, open Startup Options, and then perform a Cold Reset.
8. Reinstall the eMMC or HDD, open the Pre-boot menu, select Manage Disk, select Boot Device,
select Erase Unlock, and then reboot the device.
● If the unit boots to a 99.09.67 error, reboot and then update the firmware. This should resolve
the issue.
● If the unit continues to boot to a 33.04.05 error, continue to the next step.
9. Include the following information in the CDAX case notes, and then elevate the case to ATS. No
additional feedback is needed.
NOTE: Ensure that all original printer parts are installed on the unit at the time of elevation.
● Information when the 33.04.05 error displayed on the printer control panel.
● Parts replaced prior to the error displaying on the printer control panel.
The newly downloaded firmware failed to cryptographically validate the BIOS code.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
● For all other errors: Download a firmware bundle to the printer from the Preboot menu.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
NOTE: For more information on SureStart, search for: "SureStart Whitelisting and Intrusion Detection
Troubleshooting Manual" (c04863614) .
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) .
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
NOTE: Performing a Format Disk procedure is required before downloading a firmware bundle.
For more information on SureStart, go to: (Doc ID: c04863614). HP SureStart Whitelisting and Intrusion
Detection Troubleshooting Manual
The intrusion detection memory process determined an unauthorized change in system memory.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: Selecting Continue from the Preboot menu will not resolve the error. The printer must be
turned off, and then on to clear the error allowing the printer to reboot to a Ready state.
NOTE: With firmware version 3.7, when selecting Continue from the Preboot menu after encountering
a 33.05.2z or 33.05.5z error, the following message displays:
"A disk or boot error has occurred. Clear Error. Press Any Key"
For more information on SureStart, go to: HP SureStart Whitelisting and Intrusion Detection
Troubleshooting Manual (Doc ID: c04863614).
The intrusion detection memory process determined an unauthorized change in system memory.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: Selecting Continue from the Preboot menu will not resolve the error. The printer must be
turned off, and then on to clear the error allowing the printer to reboot to a Ready state.
NOTE: With firmware version 3.7, when selecting Continue from the Preboot menu after encountering
a 33.05.2z or 33.05.5z error, the following message displays:
"A disk or boot error has occurred. Clear Error. Press Any Key"
For more information on SureStart, go to: HP SureStart Whitelisting and Intrusion Detection
Troubleshooting Manual (Doc ID: c04863614).
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Touch the OK button to print the transferred data (some data might be lost).
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Touch the OK button to print the transferred data (some data might be lost).
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Touch the OK button to print the transferred data (some data might be lost).
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Touch the OK button to clear the error message and continue printing.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Touch the OK button to clear the error message (data will be lost).
x = 0 or 1; information code.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
1. Verify the tray is loaded with the correct paper type, and that the guides are adjusted correctly.
2. Verify the paper type and size settings on the control panel match the paper in the tray.
3. Verify the paper type and size settings in the print driver match the paper in the tray.
41.01.YZ error
An unknown misprint error occurred on the printer.
Y = Type, Z = Tray
● Y = 4: Heavy media 1
● Y = 5: Heavy media 2
● Y = 6: Heavy media 3
● Y = 7: Glossy media 1
● Y = 8: Glossy media 2
● Y = 9: Glossy media 3
● Y = A: Glossy film
● Y = B: OHT
● Y = C: Label
● Y = D: Envelope 1, 2, or 3 mode
● Y = E: Rough
● Y = F: Other mode
● Z = 1: From Tray 1
● Z = 2: From Tray 2
● Z = 3: From Tray 3
● Z = 4: From Tray 4
● Z = 5: From Tray 5
● Z = 6: From Tray 6
● Z = 7: From Tray 7
● Z = 9: From Tray 9
● Z = D: From duplex
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error is not cleared, turn the printer off, and then on.
2. If the error is not cleared, turn the printer off, and then on.
3. If the error returns, check the wire harness from the laser/scanner to the DC controller. Test the
printer to see if the error still appears.
41.02.00 Error
A beam detected misprint error occurred.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
3. Verify that the toner cartridge is in good condition and the shutter works correctly. Swap the toner
cartridge to test as needed.
2. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
3. Verify that the toner cartridge is in good condition and the shutter works correctly. Swap the toner
cartridge to test as needed.
4. If the error returns, check the wire harness from the laser/scanners to the DC controller.
Paper Size mismatch (0,A,B) or inter-page gap (C) error from Tray 1.
2. Print the configuration page to verify the size and type to which the trays are set.
3. Make sure that the tray is loaded with the correct paper size and that the sliding paper guides are
correctly adjusted to the correct paper size.
4. Print internal pages from all trays to verify that this error only occurs when printing from the PC.
7. Verify that the toner cartridge and the transfer roller are seated correctly.
8. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print the configuration page to verify the size and type to which the trays are set.
4. Make sure that the tray is loaded with the correct paper size and that the sliding paper guides are
correctly adjusted to the correct paper size.
5. Verify that the error is not occurring as a result of an unexpected paper size trigger caused by a
multi-page feed.
6. Print internal pages from all trays to verify that this error only occurs when printing from the PC. If
the error only occurs from the PC, check the print driver settings and ensure they are correct.
7. Verify that the toner cartridge and the transfer roller are seated correctly.
9. Ensure that the Tray 1 pickup roller and separation pad are installed correctly and show no damage
or wear, replace the rollers as needed.
10. Check the paper path sensors for correct operation and ensure that they do not stick at all. If the
issue persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
Open the following menus to test sensor: Administration > Troubleshooting > Diagnostic Tests >
Tray/Bin Manual Sensor Test
11. Check that the registration assembly is functioning correctly, if not replace the registration
2. Print the configuration page to verify the size and type to which the trays are set.
4. Make sure that the tray is loaded with the correct paper size and that the sliding paper guides are
correctly adjusted to the correct paper size.
6. Print internal pages from all trays to verify that this error only occurs when printing from the PC. If
the error only occurs from the PC, check the print driver settings and ensure they are correct.
7. Verify that the toner cartridge and the transfer roller are seated correctly.
9. Ensure that the Tray 1 pickup roller and separation pad are installed correctly and show no damage
or wear, replace the rollers as needed.
10. Check the paper path sensors for correct operation and ensure that they do not stick at all. If the
issue persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
Open the following menus to test sensor: Administration > Troubleshooting > Diagnostic Tests >
Tray/Bin Manual Sensor Test
11. Check that the registration assembly is functioning correctly, if not replace the registration
12. If the error persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
Paper Size mismatch (0,A,B) or inter-page gap (C) error from Tray 2.
2. Print the configuration page to verify the size and type to which the trays are set.
3. Make sure that the tray is loaded with the correct paper size and that the sliding paper guides are
correctly adjusted to the correct paper size.
4. Print internal pages from all trays to verify that this error only occurs when printing from the PC.
5. Verify that the error is not occurring as a result of an unexpected paper size trigger caused by a
multi-page feed.
6. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print the configuration page to verify the size and type to which the trays are set.
3. Make sure that the tray is loaded with the correct paper size and that the sliding paper guides are
correctly adjusted to the correct paper size.
4. Verify that the error is not occurring as a result of an unexpected paper size trigger caused by a
multi-page feed.
5. Print internal pages from all trays to verify that this error only occurs when printing from the PC. If
the error only occurs from the PC, check the print driver settings and ensure they are correct.
6. Check the rollers and make sure they are not worn smooth, or coated with paper dust or other
debris. If the rollers are causing the issue, replace the roller kit.
8. If the error persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
2. Print the configuration page to verify the size and type to which the trays are set.
3. Make sure that the tray is loaded with the correct paper size and that the sliding paper guides are
correctly adjusted to the correct paper size.
4. Verify that the error is not occurring as a result of an unexpected paper size trigger caused by a
multi-page feed.
5. Print internal pages from all trays to verify that this error only occurs when printing from the PC. If
the error only occurs from the PC, check the print driver settings and ensure they are correct.
6. Verify that the toner cartridge and the transfer roller are seated correctly.
7. Check the rollers and make sure they are not worn smooth, or coated with paper dust or other
debris. If the rollers are causing the issue, replace the roller kit.
8. Use the Tray/Bin manual sensor test to verify that the cassette media switch is functioning
Open the following menus to test sensor: Administration > Troubleshooting > Diagnostic Tests >
Tray/Bin Manual Sensor Test
Open the following menus to test sensor: Administration > Troubleshooting > Diagnostic Tests >
Tray/Bin Manual Sensor Test
10. Remove and reconnect the connectors for the paper path sensors, intermediate-transfer belt, and
the DC controller PCA.
11. Test the registration assembly motor and clutch. If they do not function correctly replace the
registration assembly.
Paper Size mismatch (0,A,B) or inter-page gap (C) error from Tray 3.
2. Print the configuration page to verify the size and type to which the trays are set.
3. Make sure that the tray is loaded with the correct paper size and that the sliding paper guides are
correctly adjusted to the correct paper size.
4. Print internal pages from all trays to verify that this error only occurs when printing from the PC.
5. Verify that the error is not occurring as a result of an unexpected paper size trigger caused by a
multi-page feed.
6. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Print the configuration page to verify the size and type to which the trays are set.
3. Make sure that the tray is loaded with the correct paper size and that the sliding paper guides are
correctly adjusted to the correct paper size.
4. Verify that the error is not occurring as a result of an unexpected paper size trigger caused by a
multi-page feed.
5. Print internal pages from all trays to verify that this error only occurs when printing from the PC. If
the error only occurs from the PC, check the print driver settings and ensure they are correct.
8. If the error persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
2. Print the configuration page to verify the size and type to which the trays are set.
3. Make sure that the tray is loaded with the correct paper size and that the sliding paper guides are
correctly adjusted to the correct paper size.
4. Verify that the error is not occurring as a result of an unexpected paper size trigger caused by a
multi-page feed.
5. Print internal pages from all trays to verify that this error only occurs when printing from the PC. If
the error only occurs from the PC, check the print driver settings and ensure they are correct.
6. Verify that the toner cartridge and the transfer roller are seated correctly.
7. Check the rollers and make sure they are not worn smooth, or coated with paper dust or other
debris. If the rollers are causing the issue, replace the roller kit.
8. Use the Tray/Bin manual sensor test to verify that the cassette media switch is functioning
Open the following menus to test sensor: Administration > Troubleshooting > Diagnostic Tests >
Tray/Bin Manual Sensor Test
9. Check the paper path sensors for correct operation and ensure that they do not stick at all. If the
issue persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process.
Open the following menus to test sensor: Administration > Troubleshooting > Diagnostic Tests >
Tray/Bin Manual Sensor Test
10. Remove and reconnect the connectors for the paper path sensors, intermediate-transfer belt, and
the DC controller PCA.
11. Test the registration assembly motor and clutch. If they do not function correctly replace the
registration assembly.
Either the paper is loaded off-center with the side guides in the tray or a paper width sensor failure
occurred from an unknown tray. The error will be one of the following:
● 41.03.F0
● 41.03.F1
● 41.03.F2
● 41.03.F3
● 41.03.F4
● 41.03.F5
● 41.03.FD
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Remove the paper from the tray and ensure that the paper tray size guides are set to the correct
size for the paper loaded in the tray.
3. If the error persists, print a Configuration Page and note the paper size for the tray in question.
● If the size is not reported correctly, run the tray size sensor test in the Diagnostic menu.
● If the tray size sensors test as GOOD, replace the paper tray.
● If the tray size sensors test as BAD, check the cable connections between the tray size sensor
and the DC Controller.
If the cable connections are plugged in correctly and the cables are not damaged, elevate the
issue using the Standard Support Process.
1. Remove the paper from the tray and ensure that the paper tray size guides are set to the correct
size for the paper loaded in the tray.
3. If the error persists, print a Configuration Page and note the paper size for the tray in question.
● If the size is not reported correctly, run the tray size sensor test in the Diagnostic menu.
● If the tray size sensors test as GOOD, replace the paper tray.
● If the tray size sensors test as BAD, check the cable connections between the tray size sensor
and the DC Controller.
If the cable connections are plugged in correctly and the cables are not damaged, elevate the
issue using the Standard Support Process.
Y = Type, Z = Tray
● Y = 4: Heavy media 1
● Y = 5: Heavy media 2
● Y = 6: Heavy media 3
● Y = 7: Glossy media 1
● Y = 8: Glossy media 2
● Y = 9: Glossy media 3
● Y = A: Glossy film
● Y = B: OHT
● Y = C: Label
● Y = D: Envelope 1, 2, or 3 mode
● Y = E: Rough
● Y = F: Other mode
● Z = 1 Source is Tray 1.
● Z = 2 Source is Tray 2.
● Z = 3 Source is Tray 3.
● Z = 5 Source is Tray 5.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error does not clear, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. Check the toner cartridges before replacing any other parts. Verify the cartridges are HP original
cartridges and that the cartridges are fully seated.
2. If the error does not clear, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. Check the toner cartridges before replacing any other parts. Verify the cartridges are HP original
cartridges and that the cartridges are fully seated.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn the printer off, and then on. Retry the job.
2. If the error persists, clear the firmware image from the active partition by using the Partial Clean
item in the Preboot menu.
42.B0.01 or 42.B0.02
Missing string in firmware error.
42.B0.01: UI or EWS requests a string ID that does not exist in the localization database.
1. Turn the printer off, and then on. Retry the job.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn the printer off, and then on. Retry the print job.
2. If the error persists, clear the firmware image from the active partition by using the Partial Clean
item in the Preboot menu.
NOTE: The Partial Clean option erases all data from the partitions, except for the firmware
repository where a backup copy of the firmware file is stored. This allows the disk drive to be
reformatted without having to download a firmware upgrade file to return the printer to a bootable
state. Characteristics of a Partial Clean
42.XX.YZ 211
● Customer-defined settings, third-party solutions, firmware files, and the operating system are
● Rebooting the printer restores the firmware files from the Repository location, but does not
restore any customer-defined settings.
● For previous HP products, a Hard Disk Initialization is similar to executing the Partial Clean
function for this printer
a. Touch in the middle of the control panel display when you see the 1/8 under the HP logo.
b. Use the down arrow button to highlight the +3:Administrator item, and then touch the OK
c. Use the down arrow button to highlight Partial Clean and then touch the OK button.
e. Touch the Home button to highlight Continue, and then touch the OK button.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
1. In many cases, the error will automatically clear, and you can try the job again.
NOTE: To access the EWS, open a Web browser, and in the address line, enter the printer IP
3. Turn the printer off, and then on. Retry the job.
4. For fax errors, verify the fax card is correctly installed on the formatter.
5. For SharePoint or save-to-folder errors, verify the permissions are set correctly for access to the
SharePoint or network folder.
6. For email errors, verify connectivity to the network, and verify the SMTP gateway is configured
correctly. Also verify if there is a size limit on email attachments.
7. If the error persists, reset the printer to factory settings, and then upgrade the firmware to the
latest version.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
b. Wait until all the digital send jobs have been processed.
c. Turn the printer off, and then on. Retry the job.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. Wait until all the digital send jobs have been processed.
3. Turn the printer off, and then on and retry the job.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, cancel and then restart the job.
2. If the error occurs repeatedly, reboot the engine and retry the job.
3. If error still persists, reset to factory settings. Upgrade to most current firmware.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
For more information, Go to: Or click here: HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP - Set up Scan to Email.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, use a different filename or verify that the filename is
not already in use.
2. If the issue persists, use a unique filename or disable the fail-on-filename-collisions flag.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
The attachment filename already exists at the destination, and the fail-on-filename-collisions flag is set.
This file will not be sent.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. If the issue persists, use a unique filename or disable the fail-on-filename-collisions flag.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
XX =
● 01 – RTF File
● 03 – CSV File
● 04 – HTML File
● 05 – XML File
● 06 – XPS File
● 07 – PDF File
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, cancel and then restart the job.
2. If the error persists, turn the product off and then on and retry the job.
3. If the error still persists, reset to factory settings. Upgrade to the current firmware version.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify settings in job configuration and then restart
the job.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify settings in job configuration and then restart
the job.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify settings in job configuration and then restart
the job.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify settings in job configuration and then restart
the job.
2. If the error persists, turn the product off then on again and retry the job.
The file exceeded the maximum form submission length on the Web server.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, send fewer pages in the job, lower the DPI of the
scanned pages, or select a file type that splits pages into separate files (for example, jpeg).
2. If the error occurs repeatedly, contact the SharePoint site administrator to increase the Web
server's maximum form submission length.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, make space on the SharePoint site by deleting some
files, and then retry the job.
2. If the error occurs repeatedly, contact the SharePoint site administrator to increase the storage
quota limit.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, check the destination URL and filename in
the SharePoint job configuration to verify no folder or filename exceeds the maximum of 128
2. If the error occurs repeatedly, try sending to a different folder on the SharePoint site or changing
the filename (which could include prefix or suffix).
The image file already exists on the server and is checked out for editing by another user.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify that the filename used by the job is not checked
out on the SharePoint site.
The image file already exists on the server and the job was set to not overwrite files.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, set the job to overwrite existing files.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify settings in job configuration and restart the job.
2. If the error persists, turn the product off, and then on and retry the job.
3. If the error persists, reset to factory settings. Upgrade to the current firmware version.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, use a different filename or verify that the filename is
not already in use.
2. If the error persists, use a unique filename or disable the fail-on-filename-collisions flag.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, cancel and/or restart the job, breaking it up into small
2. Repeat this process if the error persists until job goes through.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, send the SharePoint job to a non-secure address, or
send the job to a SharePoint server that has a valid certificate.
2. If the error occurs repeatedly, send the job to a different, trusted SharePoint server.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify settings in job configuration and restart the job.
2. If error persists, turn the product off, and then on and retry the job.
3. If the error persists, reset to factory settings. Upgrade to the current firmware version.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. Check the fax settings to make sure they are set to the proper settings for the environment.
3. If the issue persists, for additional fax troubleshooting information go to HP LaserJet Enterprise
MFP, HP PageWide Enterprise MFP - Checklist for solving fax problems.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Verify the fax card is correctly installed on the formatter, be sure the fax card is aligned with slot on
the formatter chassis and is firmly seated against the formatter board.
b. The HP logo displays on the printer control panel. When a "1/8" with an underscore displays
below the HP logo, touch the logo to open the Pre-boot menu.
c. Use the arrow buttons on the touchscreen to navigate the pre-boot menu.
d. Use the down arrow to highlight Partial Clean, and then touch the OK button.
f. Touch the Back button to highlight Continue, and then touch the OK button.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. Check the fax settings to make sure they are set to the proper settings for the environment.
3. If the issue persists, for additional fax troubleshooting information go to HP LaserJet Enterprise
MFP, HP PageWide Enterprise MFP - Checklist for solving fax problems.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Image transformer internal error.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, clear the active partition by using the Format Disk item in the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
47.00.xx 223
Job parser internal error.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, clear the active partition by using the Format Disk item in the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Print job internal error.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, clear the active partition by using the Format Disk item in the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, clear the active partition by using the Format Disk item in the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Print spooler framework internal error.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
47.04.xx 225
Print application internal error.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, clear the active partition by using the Format Disk item in the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
NOTE: 48.wx.yz errors are similar to 49.wx.yz errors and use the same troubleshooting steps and
Possible causes:
● Unsupported accessories
A 49 error might happen at any time for multiple reasons. Although some types of 49 errors can be
caused by hardware failures, it is more common for 49 errors to be caused by printing a specific
document or performing some task on the printer.
49 errors most often occur when a printer is asked to perform an action that the printer firmware is not
capable of and might not have been designed to comply with, such as:
● A unique combination of user environment and user interactions with the printer
● Interfacing with a third-party solution that was not designed to work with the printer
NOTE: LaserJet formatter PCAs are rarely the root cause of 49 service errors. Please do not replace
the formatter unless troubleshooting has identified the formatter as the root cause.
● The error might be caused by a network connectivity problem, such as a bad USB or network
interface cable, a bad USB port, or an invalid network configuration setting.
● The error might be caused by the print job, due to an invalid print driver, a problem with the
software application, or a problem with the file being printed.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: LaserJet formatter PCAs are rarely the root cause of 49 service errors. Please do not replace
the formatter unless troubleshooting has identified the formatter as the root cause.
● The error might be caused by a network connectivity problem, such as a bad interface cable, a
bad USB port, or an invalid network configuration setting.
● The error might be caused by the print job, due to an invalid print driver, a problem with the
software application, or a problem with the file being printed.
3. If the error persists, continue troubleshooting with the flowcharts for either Intermittent or
Persistent 49 error troubleshooting (whichever is appropriate) in document c03122817. Search for
the following document on WISE: HP LaserJet FutureSmart Devices - 49 Error Troubleshooting
(Persistent and Intermittent).
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
1. Turn the printer off, and remove the fuser. Check the fuser for damage or obstructions. Reinstall or
replace the fuser as needed.
2. Check the connectors between the fuser and the DC controller and from the fuser to the printer.
3. Replace the fuser. If it has already been replaced, replace the fuser power supply.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted
power supplies, and plug printer directly in to a wall socket.
4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only
device using the circuit.
1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only
device using the circuit.
X = fuser mode, Y = previous printer sleep state, Z = next printer sleep state
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted
power supplies, and plug printer directly in to a wall socket.
2. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted
power supplies, and plug printer directly in to a wall socket.
X = fuser mode, Y = previous printer sleep state, Z = next printer sleep state
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Remove the fuser and check the fuser for damage or obstructions.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Check the power source. Make sure the power source meets printer requirements.
NOTE: If the power source does not meet the power frequency requirement of 40 to 70Hz, the
fuser temperature control does not work properly and causes this error.
1. Check the power source. Make sure the power source meets printer requirements.
NOTE: If the power source does not meet the power frequency requirement of 40 to 70Hz, the
fuser temperature control does not work properly and causes this error.
2. If the error persists, replace the low voltage power supply assembly.
X = fuser mode, Y = previous printer sleep state, Z = next printer sleep state
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted
power supplies, and plug printer directly in to a wall socket.
4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only
device using the circuit.
5. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correct for paper being used.
1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted
power supplies, and plug printer directly in to a wall socket.
4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only
device using the circuit.
5. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correct for paper being used.
X = fuser mode, Y = previous printer sleep state, Z = next printer sleep state
1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
4. Remove the fuser and check the fuser for damage or obstructions.
CAUTION: Be careful: the fuser is HOT. Allow it cool if you need to before removing to check the
X = fuser mode, Y = previous printer sleep state, Z = next printer sleep state
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correctly set for paper being used.
2. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correctly set for paper being used.
4. Remove the fuser and check the fuser for damage or obstructions.
CAUTION: Be careful: the fuser is HOT. Allow it cool if you need to before removing to check the
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
2. Check all connections on the laser/scanner and from the laser/scanner to the DC controller, and
reseat them if necessary.
51.00.10 Error
Laser/scanner error.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. Check the connections on the laser/scanner assembly. then test the printer.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
2. Check all connections on the laser/scanner and from the laser/scanner to the DC controller, and
reseat them if necessary.
Laser/scanner error.
● XX = 00
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
a. Turn the printer off using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
2. Make sure the printer is running the most current version of firmware.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
DC controller PCA error.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
a. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
c. Plug the printer directly into the wall socket and turn the printer power on.
55.00.xy 239
5. If the error persists, replace the DC controller.
a. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
c. Plug the printer directly into the wall socket and turn the printer power on.
55.01.06 or 55.02.06
DC controller PCA error.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
a. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
c. Plug the printer directly into the wall socket and turn the printer power on.
a. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
c. Plug the printer directly into the wall socket and turn the printer power on.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
3. If an optional paper tray is installed, remove it. Check the connectors on the tray for damage. If the
connector is damaged, replace the tray.
1. Press the Power button on the front of the printer to turn it off, and then wait 10 seconds.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
1. Use the printer troubleshooting manual to identify the locations of each fan. Turn the printer off and
then on, and listen for noise coming from the area of each fan. Replace any fan that is not making
2. Update the firmware to the latest version. If the latest version firmware is already installed, reinstall
it now.
3. Remove enough parts to access the DC controller or the power supply PCA. Check the
connections from each fan to the DC controller or power supply PCA. Reseat them if necessary.
4. With the DC controller or power supply PCA exposed, turn the printer on. Immediately measure the
voltage between the connectors for each fan and the DC controller. If the voltage changes from 0V
to approximately 24V during the power-on cycle, replace the affected fan. If the voltage remains at
0V, replace the DC controller.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn the printer off, and then back on. Listen for fan noise coming from the left side of the printer.
The fan should turn on approximately 1.5 minutes after power on.
1. Turn the printer off, and then back on. Listen for fan noise coming from the left side of the printer.
The fan should turn on approximately 1.5 minutes after power on.
2. If the fan has been removed or replaced, check connector from the fan to the DC controller.
2. Make sure the printer is connected to a dedicated power outlet and not to a surge protector or
other type of extension cord.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
2. Make sure the printer is connected to a dedicated power outlet and not to a surge protector or
other type of extension cord.
3. Check all connections on the DC Controller and the power supply. Trace the connections from
the DC Controller and power supply to the sensors and other components and reseat them if
58.00.03 Error
DC controller CPU failure.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted
power supplies, and plug the printer directly in to a wall socket.
Determine if the area where the printer is located has experienced brown outs or is subject to
power quality issues.
1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
3. 3.If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted
power supplies, and plug the printer directly in to a wall socket.
Determine if the area where the printer is located has experienced brown outs or is subject to
power quality issues.
58.00.04 Error
The printer experienced a low voltage power supply unit malfunction.
Determine if the area where the printer is located has experienced brown outs or is subject to
power quality issues.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted
power supplies, and plug the printer directly in to a wall socket.
Determine if the area where the printer is located has experienced brown outs or is subject to
power quality issues.
4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only
device using the circuit.
5. Check the voltage label on the back of the product. If the product is rated 220V and is plugged
into a 110V outlet, this error might occur. In most cases, no damage is caused to the product. If a
power transformer is used to convert 220V power to 110V, verify that the transformer power rating
is sufficient to operate the product.
7. If the error persists, elevate the case using the regional standard support process.
1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted
power supplies, and plug the printer directly in to a wall socket.
Determine if the area where the printer is located has experienced brown outs or is subject to
power quality issues.
4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only
device using the circuit.
5. Check the voltage label on the back of the product. If the product is rated 220V and is plugged
into a 110V outlet, this error might occur. In most cases, no damage is caused to the product. If a
power transformer is used to convert 220V power to 110V,verify that the transformer power rating is
sufficient to operate the product.
6. If the error persists, replace the low voltage power supply unit.
7. If the error persists, elevate the case using the regional standard support process.
58.01.04 Error
During regular printing operation the 24V power supply experienced an error.
Determine if the area where the printer is located has experienced brown outs or is subject to
power quality issues.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Determine if the area where the printer is located has experienced brown outs or is subject to
power quality issues.
Determine if the area where the printer is located has experienced brown outs or is subject to
power quality issues.
58.02.04 Error
During printer power on or when waking from sleep mode, the printer experienced an error with the 24V
power supply.
Determine if the area where the printer is located has experienced brown outs or is subject to
power quality issues.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Determine if the area where the printer is located has experienced brown outs or is subject to
power quality issues.
3. If the error persists, replace the low voltage power supply unit.
Determine if the area where the printer is located has experienced brown outs or is subject to
power quality issues.
3. If the error persists, replace the low voltage power supply unit.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
2. Check all connections on the main control board of the printer, (DC controller, Engine control board
ECB) each motor, and to the paper feeder drive PCA (for an optional paper feeder). Reseat them if
59.A2.03 Error
Tray 3 drive assembly motor failure.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, remove tray 3 and the remove all paper from the tray and check the tray
cassette for any paper jammed behind the tray.
2. If the error persists, remove tray 3 and the remove all paper from the tray and check the tray
cassette for any paper jammed behind the tray.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
4. If the error persists after the motor has been replaced, replace the DC controller.
1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
2. If the error persists, remove tray 3 and the remove all paper from the tray and check the tray
cassette for any paper jammed behind the tray.
3. Load tray 3 with only half paper then reinstall the tray.
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, remove tray 3 and the remove all paper from the tray and check the tray
cassette for any paper jammed behind the tray.
2. If the error persists, remove tray 3 and the remove all paper from the tray and check the tray
cassette for any paper jammed behind the tray.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, reload the firmware. If the error still persists, perform a firmware upgrade.
3. If the firmware upgrade does not resolve the problem, replace the eMMC.
2. If the error persists, reload the firmware. If the error still persists, perform a firmware upgrade.
3. If the firmware upgrade does not resolve the problem, replace the eMMC.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
● 80.00.00 error: Managed device lost connection to service provider. The product is under a service
contract and has lost network connectivity for license validation.
● 80.01.01 error: HP Accessibility Assistant connection error. Managed device is unable to establish a
connection with the HP Accessibility Assistant.
● 80.01.03 error: HP Accessibility Assistant connection lost. The product lost communication with the
HP Accessibility Assistant.
● 80.01.05 error: HP Accessibility Assistant detected. Restart required. The HP Accessibility Assistant
was connected to the product after turn on. The HP Accessibility Assistant is not a plug-and-play
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem.
1. Turn the printer off, reconnect the network cable, and then turn the printer on.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn the printer off, reconnect the network cable, and then turn the printer on.
3. If the error persists, perform a Partial Clean procedure using the Preboot menu.
NOTE: For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet
Enterprise, HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state
drives" (ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
b. Press the HP logo that displays in the middle of the screen when you see the 1/8 under the
c. Press the down arrow button to highlight Administrator, and then press the OK button.
d. Press the down arrow button to highlight Partial Clean, and then press the OK button.
f. Press the back button once to highlight Continue, and then press the OK button.
4. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu, and then upgrade
the firmware to the latest version.
NOTE: For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet
Enterprise, HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state
drives" (ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
b. Press the HP logo that displays in the middle of the screen when you see the 1/8 under the
c. Press the down arrow button to highlight Administrator, and then press the OK button.
d. Press the down arrow button to highlight Format Disk, and then press the OK button.
f. Wait for the printer to automatically initialize. The message 99.09.67 appears on the control
g. Reload the firmware using a USB flash drive. See 99.09.67 error for more information.
5. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician (no replacement parts required).
1. Turn the printer off, reconnect the network cable, and then turn the printer on.
3. If the error persists, perform a Partial Clean procedure using the Preboot menu.
NOTE: For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet
Enterprise, HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state
drives" (ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
b. Press the HP logo that displays in the middle of the screen when you see the 1/8 under the
c. Press the down arrow button to highlight Administrator, and then press the OK button.
d. Press the down arrow button to highlight Partial Clean, and then press the OK button.
f. Press the back button once to highlight Continue, and then press the OK button.
4. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu, and then upgrade
the firmware to the latest version.
NOTE: For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet
Enterprise, HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state
drives" (ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
b. Press the HP logo that displays in the middle of the screen when you see the 1/8 under the
c. Press the down arrow button to highlight Administrator, and then press the OK button.
d. Press the down arrow button to highlight Format Disk, and then press the OK button.
f. Wait for the printer to automatically initialize. The message 99.09.67 appears on the control
g. Reload the firmware using a USB flash drive. See 99.09.67 error for more information.
5. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
For instructions: See the Repair Service Manual for this product.
Table 6-25 Part numbers
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Verify that the issue occurs with the latest version of firmware.
a. Obtain the latest public firmware version for the device from hp.com.
d. If available (from HP Advance Technical Support), obtain the latest interim version of firmware
to perform the same update test.
2. Verify that the issue occurs when the device has the latest firmware and is not connected to the
a. Disconnect the network cable from the network I/O port on the device.
3. Verify that the issue occurs when disconnected from the network and with default configuration.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet
Enterprise, HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-
state drives" (ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
4. Call center agents: Dispatch an onsite technician to re-establish the trusted platform module state
in the printer.
IMPORTANT: Never replace the TPM on a unit that shipped with one. The TPM that can be ordered
is only available for adding a level of security on a device that never had a TPM paired from the
factory. A new TPM cannot be installed for security reasons.
● 82.73.45 error: Memory Error. Disk successfully cleaned. Event log only.
● 82.73.46 error: Memory Error. A hard disk or compact flash disk cleaning failed. Usually caused by a
failure of the disk hardware. Event log only.
● 82.73.47 error: Memory Error. Some of sanitized disk did not correctly verify. Event log only.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem.
1. Turn the printer off, reconnect the network cable, and then turn the printer on.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn the printer off, reconnect the network cable, and then turn the printer on.
3. If the error persists, perform a Partial Clean procedure using the Preboot menu.
NOTE: For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet
Enterprise, HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state
drives" (ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
b. Press the HP logo that displays in the middle of the screen when you see the 1/8 under the
c. Press the down arrow button to highlight Administrator, and then press the OK button.
d. Press the down arrow button to highlight Partial Clean, and then press the OK button.
f. Press the back button once to highlight Continue, and then press the OK button.
4. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu, and then upgrade
the firmware to the latest version.
NOTE: For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet
Enterprise, HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state
drives" (ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
b. Press the HP logo that displays in the middle of the screen when you see the 1/8 under the
c. Press the down arrow button to highlight Administrator, and then press the OK button.
f. Wait for the printer to automatically initialize. The message 99.09.67 appears on the control
g. Reload the firmware using a USB flash drive. See 99.09.67 error for more information.
5. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician (no replacement parts required).
1. Turn the printer off, reconnect the network cable, and then turn the printer on.
3. If the error persists, perform a Partial Clean procedure using the Preboot menu.
NOTE: For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet
Enterprise, HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state
drives" (ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
b. Press the HP logo that displays in the middle of the screen when you see the 1/8 under the
c. Press the down arrow button to highlight Administrator, and then press the OK button.
d. Press the down arrow button to highlight Partial Clean, and then press the OK button.
f. Press the back button once to highlight Continue, and then press the OK button.
4. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu, and then upgrade
the firmware to the latest version.
NOTE: For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet
Enterprise, HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state
drives" (ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
b. Press the HP logo that displays in the middle of the screen when you see the 1/8 under the
c. Press the down arrow button to highlight Administrator, and then press the OK button.
d. Press the down arrow button to highlight Format Disk, and then press the OK button.
f. Wait for the printer to automatically initialize. The message 99.09.67 appears on the control
82.73.46, 82.73.47
A hard disk or compact flash disk cleaning failed.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. Make sure the printer is running the most current version of firmware.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem.
1. Make sure the connection to the network is good, and then try the firmware upgrade again.
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Make sure the connection to the network is good, and then try the upgrade again.
3. If the error persists, run the Format Disk process from the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
NOTE: Do NOT replace the formatter board, it will not resolve the issue.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Download the firmware upgrade file, and then attempt the upgrade again.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
The issue is an I/O timeout when reading the header number and size. It indicates a problem with the
network environment, not the product.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Make sure that there is a good network connection to the product, and then attempt the firmware
upgrade again.
NOTE: If the upgrade is being performed over the network, check the link light on the ethernet
connection on the printer formatter. Make sure that one light is solid and the other is blinking, which
signals that data is passing over the ethernet connection. This is an indication of a good physical
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
This is a disk error. It might indicate a problem or a hard disk failure. It might be necessary to check the
connection to the hard disk or replace the hard disk.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Download the RFU file, and then attempt the upgrade again.
2. If the error persists, run the Clean Disk process from the Preboot menu.
You will need to download the firmware from the Preboot menu.
1. Download the RFU file, and then attempt the upgrade again.
2. If the error persists, run the Clean Disk process from the Preboot menu.
You will need to download the firmware from the Preboot menu.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Make sure that there is a good network connection to the product, and then attempt the firmware
upgrade again.
NOTE: If the upgrade is being performed over the network, check the link light on the ethernet
connection on the printer formatter. Make sure that one light is solid and the other is blinking, which
signals that data is passing over the ethernet connection. This is an indication of a good physical
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Make sure that there is a good network connection to the product, and then attempt the firmware
upgrade again.
NOTE: If the upgrade is being performed over the network, check the link light on the ethernet
connection on the printer formatter. Make sure that one light is solid and the other is blinking, which
signals that data is passing over the ethernet connection. This is an indication of a good physical
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
The issue is an unexpected read error when reading the header number and size.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Download the RFU file, and then attempt the upgrade again.
1. Download the RFU file, and then attempt the upgrade again.
The issue is an unexpected read error when reading the rest of the header.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Download the RFU file, and then attempt the upgrade again.
1. Download the RFU file, and then attempt the upgrade again.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Download the RFU file, and then attempt the upgrade again.
1. Download the RFU file, and then attempt the upgrade again.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
The RFU was canceled when reading the header number and size.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
The RFU was canceled when reading the rest of the header, after reading the header number and size.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
The header number is 1, but the header size does not match version 1 size.
Make sure that you download the file for the correct printer model.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
The header number is 2, but the header size does not match version 2 size.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Make sure that you download the file for the correct printer model.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Make sure that you download the file for the correct printer model.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
There is a compatibility issue with the firmware.
The specific message varies depending on the cause, but the solution for each message is the same.
The bundle is not signed with the correct signature, or the signature is invalid.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. Download the correct firmware file, and then resend the firmware upgrade.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware VersionsFor the more
information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
3. If the error persists, try installing the upgrade by another method (USB or Embedded Web Server).
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
A firmware install error has occurred.
The specific message varies depending on the cause, but the solution for each message is the same.
● 99.01.00
● 99.01.10
● 99.01.20
● 99.01.21
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Firmware update steps,
Firmware installation was successful.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Firmware upgrade cancelled by user.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
A message of this form indicates a firmware installation error.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
99.02.01 273
7 Alphabetical control panel messages
Use the following alphabetical message to see further information on the message.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Download the correct firmware upgrade file for the product, and then reinstall the upgrade.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
The printer is canceling the current job.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Cartridge Low
This message appears even though the toner cartridge is new.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
1. Remove, and then reinstall the toner cartridge.
Cartridge out
This message appears even though the toner cartridge is new.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Checking engine
The printer is conducting an internal test.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Canceling...<jobname> 275
Checking paper path
The printer is checking for possible paper jams.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Print the job by using a print driver for a different printer language, or add the requested language to
the printer (if possible). To see a list of available personalities, print a configuration page.
a. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, go to the following menus: Reports >
Configuration/Status Pages
b. Select Configuration Page, then select the Print button to print the pages.
The printer is performing an automatic cleaning cycle. Printing will continue after the cleaning is
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Verify that the switch (SW2) is functioning correctly (open and close the top cover). If the switch fails
the test, replace the switch.
2. Make sure that the switch flag at the right-side of the top cover assembly, behind the control-panel
display is not damaged or missing. If the flag is damaged or missing, replace the top cover
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Verify that the switch (SW2) is functioning correctly (open and close the top cover). If the switch fails
the test, replace the switch.
2. Make sure that the switch flag at the right-side of the top cover assembly, behind the control-panel
display is not damaged or missing. If the flag is damaged or missing, replace the top cover
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. Make sure that the switch flag at the right-side of the top cover assembly, behind the control-panel
display is not damaged or missing. If the flag is damaged or missing, replace the top cover
Cooling device
The printer is cooling.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Touch the “OK” button on the control panel to print the last page of the job.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Remove the hard disk drive or use the Embedded Web Server for more information.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
● Black cartridge
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Install the supply item or make sure that the installed supply item is correctly installed and fully
Install supplies
More than one supply is missing or is installed incorrectly.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. Touch the OK button a second time for more information about the specific supply.
3. Install the supply or make sure it is correctly installed and fully seated.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. If the error persists, turn off the product, and then remove and reinstall the hard drive.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
For information on performing various actions on the hard disk drive, go to:
HP LaserJet, OfficeJet, PageWide, ScanJet - HP FutureSmart Firmware Device Hard Disk, SSD, and
eMMC Security (white paper)
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
If this message appears even though there is paper loaded in the tray, perform the following.
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Use the sensor tests to verify that the tray sensors are functioning correctly.
2. Make sure that the sensor flag on the paper presence sensor is not damaged and moves freely.
3. Reconnect the corresponding connector for the paper tray having the issue.
Load Tray <X>: [Type], [Size] To use another tray, press “OK”
This message appears when the indicated tray is selected but is not loaded, and other paper trays are
available for use. It also appears when the tray is configured for a different paper type or size than the
print job requires.
Recommended action
Use the following steps to resolve the error.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. If the paper is already in the tray, press the Help button to exit the message and then press the OK
button to print.
3. To use another tray, clear paper from Tray 1, press the Help button to exit the message and then
press the OK button.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. If the paper is already in the tray, press the Help button to exit the message and then press the OK
button to print.
3. To use another tray, clear paper from Tray 1, press the Help button to exit the message and then
press the OK button.
Manually feed output stack Then touch "OK" to print second side
The printer has printed the first side of a manual duplex job and is waiting for you (or the applicable user)
to insert the output stack to print the second side.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Maintaining the same orientation, remove the pages from the output bin.
No job to cancel
You have pressed the stop button but the printer is not actively processing any jobs.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
If you experience the “No USB drive or files found” attempting to upgrade printer firmware via the walk
up easy-access USB port perform the following.
If you experience the “No USB drive or files found” attempting to upgrade printer firmware via the walk
up easy-access USB port perform the following.
1. 1. After the firmware file has been downloaded from hp.com uncompress the file and copy the
xxxxxxx.bdl file to the root of a portable USB flash memory storage device (thumb drive), insert
the USB flash memory storage device into the easy-access USB port, and attempt to flash the
2. If the issue persists, verify the USB flash drive is formatted as FAT32. If unsure, format the flash
drive as FAT32 and/or try a different flash drive and repeat step 1.
3. If the issue persists, the USB flash drive can be inserted directly into a USB port on the printer’s
formatter and the firmware flashed.
a. Locate the printer’s formatter interface located at the rear left side of printer.
b. If necessary, rotate the printer for easier access to the formatter ports.
For instructions: See the Repair Service Manual for this product.
Table 7-4 Part numbers
For instructions: See the Repair Service Manual for this product.
Table 7-5 Part numbers
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. if the error persists, make sure that the output bin sensor flag is not damaged and can move freely.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
4. If issue persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process for a possible printer
1. Make sure that the output bin sensor flag is not damaged and can move freely. If the flag is
damaged, replace the flag.
2. If the flag works smoothly, check the fuser exit flag and replace the fuser as needed.
1. Make sure that the output bin sensor flag is not damaged and can move freely. If the flag is
damaged, replace the flag.
2. If the flag works smoothly, check the fuser exit flag and replace the fuser as needed.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Please Wait...
The printer is in the process of clearing data.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Printing Configuration...
The printer is printing the Configuration page.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
Paused… 287
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
Printing stopped...
Time has expired on the Print/Stop test.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
The printer is currently processing a job but is not yet picking pages. When paper motion begins, this
message is replaced by a message that indicates the tray the job is using.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
■ No action necessary.
Processing job from tray <x>... Do not grab paper until job completes
The printer is actively processing a job from the designated tray.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
The printer is online and ready for data. No status or printer attendance messages are pending at the
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Receiving Upgrade
The printer is receiving a firmware upgrade.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Do not turn the printer off until it reaches the Ready state.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Replace <supply>
This alert appears only if the printer is configured to stop when a supply reaches the very low threshold.
The printer indicates when a supply level is at its estimated end of life. The actual life remaining might be
different than estimated.
NOTE: HP recommends having replacement supplies available to install when the print quality is no
longer acceptable.
The printer can be configured to stop when the supply level is very low. The supply might still be able to
produce acceptable print quality.
Fuser Kit
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. Or, configure the printer to continue printing by using the Manage Supplies menu.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Resend Upgrade
A firmware upgrade did not complete successfully.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Rotating Motor
The printer is executing a component test and the component selected is a motor.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. To exit, press X.
Sleep mode on
The printer is in sleep mode. Pressing a control-panel button, receiving a print job, or occurrence of an
error condition clears this message.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Supplies low
Multiple supplies on the printer have reached the low threshold.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Supply low
The printer indicates when a supply level, or more than one supply, is low. Actual toner cartridge life
might vary. You do not need to replace the toner cartridge at this time unless print quality is no longer
When multiple supplies are low, more than one event code is recorded.
Fuser Kit
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
HP recommends that the customer have a replacement supply available to install when print quality
is no longer acceptable.
NOTE: When an HP supply has reached its approximated end of life, the HP Premium Protection
Warranty ends.
When multiple supplies are low, more than one event code is recorded.
Fuser Kit
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ If print quality is no longer acceptable, the customer must purchase and replace the supply.
HP recommends that the customer have a replacement supply available to install when print quality
is no longer acceptable.
NOTE: When an HP supply has reached its approximated end of life, the HP Premium Protection
Warranty ends.
NOTE: The 'System Main has Failed!' message is a low-level firmware error similar to a 49 error with
different troubleshooting steps.
This error displays on the following HP LaserJet Enterprise and HP LaserJet Managed printer models.
HP LaserJet Enterprise
● HP LaserJet Enterprise M406dn
HP LaserJet Managed
● HP LaserJet Managed E40040dn
Recommended action
Follow these steps to clear the error or troubleshoot further as needed.
NOTE: If the printer does not restart, use the power button to turn off the printer, and to turn it on.
3. If the printer reboots to the error again, or if the error returns later, perform a Partial Clean and then
reconfigure the printer.
4. If the error returns after performing a Partial Clean, do the following tasks to check for a possible
solution in the latest firmware release:
b. Expand the Firmware section, and then review the Readme file.
To view the Firmware Readme file, select the See full details link.
c. Upgrade the firmware if a possible solution is provided in the latest firmware release.
5. If the issue persists after upgrading the firmware, gather the Diagnostic log from the Preboot menu,
and then elevate the case to HP Support.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
For the steps to perform this procedure, go to WISE and search for the following documenht: HP
LaserJet Enterprise Printers - Performing a Partial Clean or Format Disk Procedure (c03398779).
● X=1
Tray 1
● X=2
Tray 2
● X=3
Tray 3
● X=4
Tray 4
● X=5
Tray 5
1. Identify which Tray the error is occurring on. This will help focus subsequent troubleshooting.
2. Once the Tray has been identified, refill the tray at a convenient time.
3. If the message continues when the paper tray is properly loaded, swap the tray cassette with
another from the printer that is the same size and check if the error follows the cassette. Replace
the cassette tray as needed.
NOTE: NOTE: If the error is occurring with the Multipurpose Tray (also known as the MP Tray or
Tray 1), the ability to swap cassette trays is not applicable. Continue to next Troubleshooting steps
of testing the appropriate Tray Paper Presence sensor.
Try actuating the tray paper present sensor flag (See the Troubleshooting manual – pg. 164) and
check for any damage of the part. If it is damaged, replace the listed part for the targeted Tray.
● The Tray 1 media-out sensor (PS205) detects whether paper is present in Tray 1.
If Tray 1 media-out sensor (PS205) is damaged, dispatch an Onsite Technician with the
Cartridge door assembly:
For instructions: Removal and replacement: Cassette Tray See the Repair Service Manual for
this product.
● The Tray 2 media-out sensor (PS3) detects the presence of paper in Tray 2.
If Tray 2 media-out sensor (PS3) is damaged, dispatch an Onsite Technician with the Paper
Cassette Tray:
Paper cassette tray (cassette tray only, no feeder) - Part Number: RM2-5758-000CN
For instructions: Removal and replacement: Cassette Tray See the Repair Service Manual for
this product.
NOTE: The paper presence (media-out) Sensor for Tray 2 is not an orderable part. If the
cassette does not resolve the issue, elevate the case using your Region’s Elevation Process.
● The accessory Trays (3-6) media-out sensor (PS451) detects the presence of paper in
accessory Trays
If accessory Tray media-out sensor (PS451) is damaged, dispatch an Onsite Technician with
1x550 Sheet Feeder Assembly:
For instructions: Removal and replacement: Cassette Tray See the Repair Service Manual for
this product.
4. If the issue persists after replacing the part, elevate the case using your Region’s Elevation
Tray 2
● X=3
Tray 3
● X=4
Tray 4
● X=5
Tray 5
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
● X=2
Tray 2
● X=3
Tray 3
● X=4
Tray 4
● X=5
Tray 5
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
NOTE: If this message appears after the lifter drive assembly was removed or replaced, make sure
that the connector on the assembly is correctly connected and fully seated.
If the error persists, use the paper size switches test in the Tray/Bin manual sensor test to test the
switches. If they do not respond, replace the associated lifter drive assembly.
The specified tray will not be used until this condition is addressed. Printing can continue from other
2. On the printer control panel, make sure the paper type loaded in the tray matches the specified
setting for the tray.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
● XX = 00
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Install the correct supplies for this printer. See the parts chapter in the service manual for supply
part numbers.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
■ Turn the printer off, remove the unsupported trays, and then turn the printer on.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
USB hubs are not fully supported Some operations may not work properly
Some USB hubs require more power than the printer has available.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
USB needs too much power Remove USB and then turn off and on
A USB accessory is drawing too much electrical current. Printing cannot continue.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Turn the printer off, remove the USB accessory, and then turn the printer on.
2. Use a USB accessory that uses less power or that contains its own power supply.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
● FutureSmart 3:
a. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, open the following menus:
i. Administration
● FutureSmart 4:
a. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, select Settings.
b. Select Copy/Print.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
● XX = 00
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Index 305
Tray 3 83
print bar error (PageWide)
62.WX.YZ error 5
printer memory error
20.WX.YZ error 4
real-time clock error
11.WX.YZ error 3
scanner error
30.WX.YZ error 4
security error
33.WX.YZ error 4
sensor error
54.WX.YZ error 4
58.WX.YZ error 4
supplies error (LaserJet)
10.WX.YZ error 3
supplies error (PageWide)
17.WX.YZ error 4
system error (LaserJet)
62.WX.YZ error 5
Top covers
jams 47
Tray 1
jams 55
Tray 2
jams 65
Tray 3
jams 83
tray motor error (LaserJet)
60.WX.YZ error 4
306 Index