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1. Research Methods in Psychology. (2012). G.M.Breakwell, J.A.Smith,
&D.B.Wright (Eds.), 4th Edt., NY: Sage Publication.
2. McBurney, D.H. & White, T.L. (2007). Research Methods. Delhi: Thomson.
3. Singh, A.K. (2006). Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in
Behavioral Sciences.(5th Edition). Patna: BharatiBhawan.
MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 (External 75 + Internal 25)
Unit I
The Field of Health Psychology Definition and Focuses of Health Psychology -
Health - Health Psychology - Wellness - Homeostasis - Historical perspectives on
Health and Healing - Dimensions of Health and Wellness - Emotional, Intellectual,
Spiritual, Occupational, Social and Physical - Models of Health: Medical,
Environmental, Holistic - Biopsychosoical and Biomedical Model.
Factors Influencing Health Mind and Body Relationship - Genetic - Environmental
and Behavioral Factors - Health Habits - Primary Prevention - The Changing Health
Behaviors: Demographic Factors - Age - Values - Health Locus Control - Social
Influence - Personal Goals - Perceived Symptoms - Access to the Health care
Delivery System - Cognitive Factors - Instability of Health Behavior - Socialization -
Teachable Movement - Window of Vulnerability - Attitude Change and Self Efficacy
on Health Behaviors.
Unit II
General Approaches to Health Models and Theories of Health - The Heath Belief
Model - The Stages of Change Model - The Precaution Adoption Process Model
(PAPM) - Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) - Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) -
The Social Cognitive Learning Theory.
Unit III
Health Enhancing Behaviors Meaning Definition and Benefits of Exercise - Types
of Exercise - Choosing the Right Exercise - Biopsychosoical Perspective - Biological,
Psychological and Sociocultural factors on inactivity - Factors promoting Exercise
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Eating Behavior and Health Meaning and Definition of Food - Functions of Food -
The Seven Components of Food - Dietary Supplements - 2000 Calorie Food Pattern -
The Healthy Eating Pyramid - Healthy Eating Behavior - Healthy Body Size.
Unit IV
Healthy Relationships Sexuality - Physical and Psychological Dimensions of
Sexuality - Sexual Orientations - The Relationships Dimension of Sexuality: The
Life-Cycle of Intimate Relationships - Developing Intimacy - Establishing
Commitment - Endings in Relationship - Communicating in Intimate Relationships -
Sending clear Messages - Effective Listening - Expressing Anger Constructively.
Unit V
Stress and Coping Stress - Stressors - Physiological and the Psychological Reactions
to Stress - Theories of Stress by Walter Cannon and Hans Selye - Coping with Stress
- Problem Focused, and Emotional Focused - Stress Management Techniques -
Progressive Muscle Relaxation - Massage therapy - Self help and Professional help -
Religious and Spiritual Orientations - Stress Inoculation Training - Biofeedback -
Redefinition and Guided Imagery.
Reference Books
1. Gordon, E. and Eric, G.(2010). Health and Wellness (10th Ed.). Boston. Jones and
Bartlett Publishers.
2. Margaret, K. Snooks (2009). Health Psychology: Biological, Psychological, and
Sociocultural Perspectives. Boston. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
3. Shelley E. Taylor (2012). Health Psychology (7th Ed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw
Hill Edition.
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Reference Books
1. Stephen P. Robbins, “Organizational Behavior”, Prentice Hall of India, 9th edition,
2. Hellriegel, Slocum and Woodman, “Organizational Behavior”, South-Western,
Thomson Learning, 9th edition, 2004.
3. Fred Luthans, “Organizational Behavior”, McGraw Hill Book Co., 2005.
4. New Strom & Davis, “Organizational Behaviour”, McGraw Hill, 2004
5. Jaffa Harris and Sandra Hartman, “Organizational Behaviour”, Jaico, 2003.
6. Jit S.Chand, Organizational Behavior, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2nd edition,
Reference Books:
Solso, R. L. (2004). Cognitive Psychology (6th ed). Delhi: Pearson Education
Best, J. B. (1999). Cognitive Psychology. USA: Wadsworth Publishing Co.
Eysenk, W. M and Keane, M. T. (2005) Cognitive Psychology: A Student’s
Handbook (5th ed) Psychology press. UK.
Unit I
The Genesis and Focus of Social Psychology Definition - Origin and Development
of Social Psychology - Modern Trends in Social Psychology - Cognitive -
Multicultural - Evolutionary - Neuroscience - Implicit processes and Social Diversity.
Social Perception Non-Verbal Communication - Basic Channels - Gazes and Stares -
Body Language and Touching - Recognizing Deception - Individual Differences.
Attribution: Meaning - Theories - Jones and Davis Theory - George Kelly‟s Theory -
Weiner‟s Theory - Impression Formation and Impression Management.
Unit II
Attitudes and Human Behavior Nature and Functions of Attitudes - Formation of
Attitudes: Social Learning - Direct Experiences and Genetic Factors - Attitudes
Influence Behavior - Persuasion - Process of Changing Attitudes - Traditional and
Cognitive approaches - Other factors affecting Persuasion - Resistance to Changing
Attitudes - Reactance - Forewarning - Selective avoidance - Actively defending and
Inoculation - Cognitive dissonance.
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The Aspects of Self Identity Definition - Possible Self - Self Concepts - Self
awareness - Self-Esteem - Self Focusing - Self Monitoring - Self Efficacy - Self
Presentation - Self Regulation - Gender Identity - Gender Consistency - Sex Typing
and Psychology of Androgyny.
Unit III
Prejudice and Discrimination Definition - Nature and Origin of Prejudice - Direct
Intergroup Conflict - Early Experiences - Social Categorization - Cognitive sources of
Prejudice - Modern Racism - Priming - Discrimination: Bonafide pipeline and
Exposure Techniques for Minimizing Prejudice: Learning Not to Hate - Direct
Intergroup Contact - Re-Categorization - Cognitive Interventions.
Interpersonal Attraction Definition and Nature of Interpersonal Attraction - Internal
Determinants of Attraction: The Need to Affiliate - The Basic Role of Affect -
External Determinants of Attraction: The Power of Proximity and Observable
Characteristics - Interactive Determinants of Attraction: Similarity -
Complementarities and Mutual Liking - Interdependent Relationships: Close
Relatives - Friendships - Loneliness - Romantic Relationships - Theories of Love -
Marital Relationships - Success and Failure of Marriage.
Unit IV
Social Influence Definition - Conformity - Classical Conformity Studies: Sherif‟s -
Asch‟s and Milgarm‟s studies on conformity - The Factors Affecting Conformity:
Cohesiveness - Group Size - Type of Social Norm - Bases of Conformity - Need for
Individual - Minority Influence. Compliance: Ingratiation - Foot in the Door and The
Low ball - The Door in the Face and That is Not All - Fast Approaching and Deadline
Technique - Scarcity - Obedience to Authority.
Unit V
Nature of Aggression Definition - Theories: Instinct - Biological - Drive - Social
Learning and Cognitive - Personal Causes: Type A Behavior - Hostility - Irritability -
Gender - Social Causes - Frustration - Direct Propagation - Exposes to Media
Violence - Height End Arousal - Spiritual Arousal - Sexual Jealousy - Situational
Causes - Child Maltreatment - Work place Violence - Bullying - Prevention and
Control of Aggression - Punishment - Cognitive Interventions - Catharsis Training in
Social Skills and Forgiveness.
Groups and Individual Behavior Definition - Nature and Function of Groups - The
benefits and Costs of Working with others - Social Facilitation - Social loafing -
Deindividuation - Group Polarization - Groupthink - Individuals Influence on Group
- Perceived Fairness in groups - Decision Making by Groups.
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Reference Books
1. Baron R. A. Byrne D. and Brans Combe N.R. (2009). Social Psychology (11th Ed.).
New Delhi, Prentice Hall.
2. Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson and Robin M. Akert, (2010). Social
Psychology, (7th Ed.), Pearson Publishing.
3. Feldman .R.S. (2000) Social Psychology (3rd Ed.). New Jerssy: Prentice Hall, Inc.,
4. Myers D. G (2006). Social Psychology. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing.
MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 (External 75+ Internal 25)
Yoga and the Hindu Tradition –Major concepts, Dynamics and Structure.
Zen and the Buddhist Tradition – Major Concepts, Dynamics and Structure.
Sufism and the Islamic Tradition – Major Concepts, Dynamics and
Structure. Integral Psychology – Basic Concepts and Model of Being.
Probabilistic Orientation – Basic Postulate and Seven Factors.
Reference Books
1. Randy.J.Larsen and David.M.Buss. (2005). Personality Psychology
– Domains of Knowledge about Human Nature. Second Edition.
2. Robert Frager and James Fadiman. (2005). Personality and Personal
Growth. Sixth Edition. New Delhi: Pearson
3. A.S.Dalal (Ed.). (2004).Living Within – The Yoga Approach to
Psychological Health and Growth, Selections from the Works of Sri
Aurobindo and the Mother. Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry.
4. Narayanan, S. & Annalakshmi, N. (2001). The Probabilistic Orientation of
Personality. In Cornelissen, Matthijs (Ed.) Consciousness and Its
Transformation. Pondicherry: SAICE. Also available in
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MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 (External 75 + Internal 25)
1. Leukel, F. (2002).Introduction to Physiological Psychology 3rd edition, New
Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors Private Limited.
2. Pinel, J. P.J. (2014). BioPsychology, 9th Edition, New Jersey: Pearson
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MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 (External 75 + Internal 25)
Unit I
Origin and Scope of Counseling Meaning and Definition of Counseling - Meaning
of Advice, Direction and Guidance - Aims and Objectives of Counseling - Elements
of Counseling - Levels of Counseling - Helping Relationship - Types of Counseling -
Directive and Non-Directive methods of Counseling - Peer Counseling.
Structure of Counseling Preparation for Counseling - Counseling Relationships -
The Content and Process of Counseling - Steps in Counseling Process - Counseling
Interactions - Factors affecting the Counseling Process - Skills needed for the
Counselor - Effective Counselor - Qualities of a Good Counselor - Types of
Counselor - Factors of Counselee.
Unit II
Early Theories of Counseling Psychoanalytic Theory - Adlerian Theory - Gestalt
Theory - Behaviorstic Theory - Cognitive Behaviorstic Theory - Humanistic and
Existential Theories - Transpersonal Theories - Person Centered Theory - Social and
Cultural Theories.
Contemporary Theories of Counseling Reality Theory - Feminine Theory -
Transactional Analysis - Eclectic Theory - Post Modem Theory - Multicultural and
Integrated Theories.
Unit III
Individual Counseling Meaning and Definition of Individual Counseling - Nature of
Individual Counseling - Process of Individual Counseling - Benefits of Individual
Counseling - Grief Counseling - Counseling for Stressful Life Events.
Unit IV
School Counseling Meaning and Definition of School Counseling - Nature of School
Counseling - Counseling the Elementary School Students - Counseling the High
School Students - Counseling the College Students - Roll of Teacher in Counseling -
Duties and Functions of School Counselor - Counseling and School Curriculum.
Unit V
Counseling in Specific Areas The Nature and Purpose of Family Counseling -
Counseling Children and Parents - Marriage Counseling - Premarital Counseling -
Marital Enrichment Program - Counseling the Women - Counseling the Weaker
Section - Counseling the Drug Addicts - Counseling the Delinquent.
Reference Books:
1. Gerald Corey (2013). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy
(IX Ed.). USA: Brooks / Cole Cengage Learning.
2. Gibson .R.L., and Mitchell .M.H. (2006). Introduction to Counseling and
Guidance (VI Ed.). New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Narayana Rao .S (2002). Counseling and Guidance (II Ed.). New Delhi: Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd.
Unit I
Genesis of Psychopathology Meaning and Definition of Psychopathology - Meaning
and Definition of Normal and Abnormal Behavior - Meaning and Definition of
Adaptation and Mal-Adaptation - History of Psychopathology - Ancient Views -
Greeks and Science - The Middle Ages and Renaissance - The Asylums - The Reform
Movement - Prevention Movement - Behavioral Health Care.
Unit II
Classifications in Psychopathology Classifications: Categories of Maladaptive
behavior-Advantages and Disadvantages - DSM-IV-CR - Classification of Mental
Disorders - The Major Diagnostic Categories and Axis - The Multiaxial Approach -
ICD-10: International Classification Mental Disorders.
Anxiety Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Phobias - Types of Phobias - Post
Traumatic Disorders (PTD) - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Meaning and
Definition of Dissociative Disorder - Dissociative Amnesia - Dissociative Fuego -
Dissociative Identity Disorder - Depersonalization Disorder - Various Perspectives on
Dissociative Disorder.
Unit III
Sexual Disorders Meaning and Definition - Changing views of Sexual Behavior -
Normal Sexuality - Gender Identity Disorders - Homosexuality - Sexual Dysfunction
- Types of Sexual Disorder - Paraphilias - Fetishism - Transvestism - Exhibitionism -
Voyeurism - Sadism and Masochism - Frotteurism - Pedophilia - Rape - Theories of
Sexual Dysfunctions.
Unit IV
Mood Disorders Understanding and Defining Mood Disorders: Prevalence - Causes -
Treatment - Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Major Depressive Episode - Manic
Episode - Theoretical Perspectives on Depression - Unipolar and Bipolar Disorders -
Substance Induced Mood Disorders.
Suicide Meaning and Definition - Classifications of suicide - Methods of Suicide -
Causes, Treatment and Prevention.
Unit V
Schizophrenia Disorders Meaning and Definition - Characteristics and Symptoms -
History - Dimensions of Schizophrenia - Major Sub types of Schizophrenia -
Delusional Disorder -Perspectives on Schizophrenia - Causes - Diagnosis.
Reference Books
1. Alloy L. B., Riskind J.H. & Mandos M.J. (2006). Abnormal Psychology: Current
Perspectives. (9th Ed.). New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Com. Ltd.
2. Carson & Butcher. (2007). Up normal Psychology. (13th Ed.). New Delhi: Pearson
3. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). Fourth
Edition, Washington DC, the Division of Publications and Marketing, American
Psychiatrist Association.
4. ICD-10. (2007). The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders:
Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines, Geneva, World Health
Organization, AITBS Publishers in India.
The Case History: Objective of Case History. Identifying Data, Chief Complaints,
History of Present Illness, Past Illness, Personal History (Anamnesis)-Prenatal and
Perinatal, Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Late Childhood, Adulthood, Sexual
history, Family history, Fantasy and Dreams. Mental Status Examination. General
Description. Mood and Affectivity. Speech Characteristics. Perception. Thought
Content and Mental trends.Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE).Sensorium and
Cognition. Impulsivity. Judgment and Insight. Reliability
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Case Report: Case History - Report on MSE - Further Diagnostic Studies – Summary
of Findings – Diagnosis – Prognosis – Psychodynamic Formulation and Defense
Mechanisms – Treatment Plan.
Reference Books
1. Kaplan, H.I. &Sadock, B.J. (1994). Synopsis of Psychiatry – Behavioral
Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry.(8thEdn). NY: Williams & Wilkins.
2. Anastasi, A. &Urbina, S. (2003). Psychological Testing. (7th Edition). New
Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India.
3. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders – DSM-V. Fifth Edition.
4. ICD-10 : The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders :
Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines. Geneva: WHO.
References Books:
1. French, W.L and Bell, Jr C.H. and Vohra V. Organization Development, Pearson
Education, 2006
2. Schien, Organizational Psychology, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2005
MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 (External 75 + Internal 25)
1. The objective of the Project work/ Clinical Practicum is to further their knowledge
in Psychology and Psycho-diagnostics under the direct supervision of a
Psychologist in Clinical/Organizational setting.
3. During the Project work/Clinical Practicum the candidate may be permitted, under
supervision, to participate in the diagnostic testing and to attend
clinical/organizational conference where n the cases are diagnosed and
treatment/management plan mooted and progress in treatment/training discussed.
The candidate may be guided to pursue ten case studies in detail.
Practicum,. The Report should adequately reflect the exposure to the training
and experience gained by the candidates during the Practicum
Incase a candidate could not submit the report within the date specified he/she
may be granted extension of time for three months at one time for submitting their
7. The candidates are required to maintain a work diary for three months‟
Clinical/Industrial Practicum. The candidates should mandatorily visit the
Department on two pre-decided dates to present their progress to their
assigned supervisor. The students are required to report to the concerned guide
at the department after completing 70 working days of Clinical/Industrial
Practicum by 3rd week of March.
10. The Objective of the Project Work is mainly to give an exposure to the
students on Research Methodology and application of Psychological
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1. Introduction 30 marks
2. Review of Literature 20 marks
3. Methodology 30 marks
4. Results and Discussion 50 marks
5. Summary and Conclusion 10 marks
6. References 10 marks
150 marks
Psychology of Avatars and Graphical Space - Two Paths of Virtual Reality - The
Facts of Dreaming in Cyberspace - Black Hole of Cyberspace - Online Lingo -
Internet Demographics - Cyberspace Humor - Coping with Spam.
Publishing online - Case studies of digital life forms - One of Us: Participant
observation research - Steps in studying an online group - Ethics in cyberspace
research -
Studying full cyberspace immersion.
Kent L. Norman. (2008). Cyber Psychology: An Introduction to Human-Computer
Interaction, University of Maryland, College Park.
John. Sular. (2004). Psychology of Cyberspace Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ
Ravindra Thakur. (2011). Cyber Psychology, New Delhi, Global Vision Publishing
Reference Book:
Positive Psychology – The Scientific and Practical Explorations of Human Strengths
by C.R.Snyder and Shane J Lopez. Sage South Asia Edition.
MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 (External 75 + Internal 25)
Reference Books:
Aidan P. Moran (2004). Sport and Exercise Psychology, A Critical Introduction, Rout
John Kremer and Deirdre Scully(2011) Psychology in Sport. Taylor and Francis
Robert Weinberg and Daniel Gould (2006). Foundations of Sport and Exercise
Psychology (4th Eds) Human Kinetics Publishers
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Reference Books
1. Dalal, A.S. (1987). Living Within – The yoga approach to psychological health and
growth: Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.Pondicherry: Sri
Aurobindo Ashram.
1. Schiffman, L.G., Kanuk, LL. Consumer Behaviour, Prentice-Hall of India, Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi, 2007
2. Loudon, D., Consumer Behaviour, Concepts and Applications, Albert Biutta,
McGraw Hill, 2004
3. Kurder, K. Consumer Behaviour, PHI/Pearson, 2002
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1. Santrock, J. W. (2006) Educational Psychology, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, Tata
McGraw Hill.
2. Spirnthall, N. A., Sprinthall, R. C. and Oja, S. N. (1994) Educational Psychology,
6th Edition, New York, McGraw Hill.
3. Robinson, S. (2009) Foundation of Educational Psychology, 2nd Edition, New
Delhi, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.
UNIT 5: Norms and Test Scales, and Response Set in Test Scores
Norms and Test Scales – Meaning of Norm-Referencing and Criterion-Referencing.
Steps in Developing Norms. Types of Norms and Test Scales – Age Equivalent
Norms, Grade – Equivalent Norms, Percentile Norms, Standard Score Norms.
Response Set – Meaning. Types of Response Set. Implications of Response Set.
Methods to eliminate Response Sets.
Reference Books
Singh, A.K. (1997). Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioral
Sciences. Patna: Bharati Bhawan.
Minium, E.W., King, B.M. & Bear, G. (1993). Statistical Reasoning in Psychology
and Education. (3rd Edn). Singapore: John Wiley & Sons.
Anastasi, A. & Urbina, S. (2003). Psychological Testing. (7th Edn). New Delhi:
Prentice Hall of India.
Unit 3: Prevention:
Basic concepts in prevention, Secondary prevention, Primary mental health project,
Limitations of Secondary prevention in mental health, Universal and primary
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Unit 4 Diagnosing:
Impetus for diagnosis, Structure for a Diagnostic Process – The core group, Problems,
Opportunities, and Issues, Needs Assessment, Asset Mapping, Needs and Resources
Beyond Information: Art of Paying attention, Role Models for Research as a Daily
Practice, Information management and information technology
Randy Stoecker. (2005). Research Methods for Community Change
A Project-Based Approach Second Edition
Murray Levine, Douglas D.Perkins, David V.Perkins. (2005). Principles of
Community Psychology: Perspectives and Applications. Oxford: Oxford University
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Unit 3: PO Exercises I:
Unbounded Expectancy, Sensing Unlimited Possibilities, Insight into Bias, Healthy
Reference Books
Narayanan,S. and Annalakshmi,N. The Probabilistic Orientation (2001). In Matthijs
Cornelissen.(Etd). Consciousness and its Transformation. Pondicherry: SAICE.
Reference Books
Reference Books
1. KUTHAR. TARA. L (2003). Psychology. Major‟s Hand Book New York.
Wordsworth Publications
2. MORGAN C.T. , KING.R.A WEISY J.R. AND SCOOPER.J. (1993). Introduction
to Psychology, 7th Edition, New York, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
1. ROBERT.S FELDMAN (1994). Essentials of Understanding Psychology, 2nd
Edition. New York. Mc Graw Hill Inc.
1. Fluctuation of Attention
2. Experiments on Perception
3. Experiments on Learning
4. Measuring Intelligence
5. Assessment of Creativity
6. Personality Tests
7. Motivation Experiments
8. Mental Health