Publikasi1_17005_10115 (3)
Publikasi1_17005_10115 (3)
Publikasi1_17005_10115 (3)
Tax Service Quality and Digital Tax Implementation for Digital Tax
MSME Tax Compliance in Surabaya Implementation
Adhityawati Kusumawardhani1, Felix Kristanto Gunawan2, Sany3, Elisa Tjondro4,
and Tonny Stephanus Eoh5 Received 5 January 2024
Revised 24 January 2024
Accepted 29 January 2024
This study aims to determine the effect of e-Registration, e-Filing, e-Billing, and Tax Service Quality
for MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) Tax Compliance in Surabaya. This study uses
multiple linear regression model with a total sample of 150 MSMEs in Surabaya. The results
obtained are e-Registration, e-Filing, e-Billing, and tax service quality have a positive effect on tax
compliance. This is because taxpayers find it easy to report their taxes with the e-system and also
feel good service from tax officials. The findings in this study result in tax compliance with the
application of e-Registration, e-Filing, e-Billing, and tax service quality due to the fact that
taxpayers are more assisted by system changes in tax reporting. Conversely, this study supports
attribution theory which explains that taxpayers can be influenced by their social environment in
acting and behaving.
As of the start of 2023, the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) has documented that
taxpayer compliance remains elevated. This conclusion is derived from data collected as
of February 28, 2022, which indicated that 5.32 million taxpayers had submitted tax
returns for the 2022 tax reference. The number of taxpayers has increased by 23.4% while
on February 28, 2021 it was only recorded at 4.3 million. Based on DGT records, there
are 15.87 million taxpayers who have reported (83.2% compliance rate). Compared to
the data obtained in 2021, the compliance rate has decreased, while in 2020, there were
15.97 million compliance rate (84.07% compliance rate) (Sopiah, 2023). Over half of the
expansion in Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was attributed to MSMEs,
which constituted the largest contributor to tax revenue (Sedyastuti, 2018).
Farouq (2018) asserts that the efficacy of tax collection is contingent upon the mobility
of taxpayers, which makes taxpayer compliance a critical factor. Not only tax collection
but also a series of existing procedures and administration need to be followed with clear
and elegant services. Complying with one’s tax obligations is a difficulty that taxpayers
encounter. A significant number of taxpayers evade their tax responsibilities. Public
adherence to tax service agencies will be impacted by the insufficient responsiveness
exhibited by tax service officers. This causes taxpayers who have confusion and often
have no desire to fulfill their tax obligations (Efriyenti, 2018).
Therefore, supporting causes in order to ensure that they fulfill their tax obligations
is essential. One such system is the tax e-Registration system, also referred to as electronic
tax registration. It functions as a self-registration system for taxpayers and provides a
means to modify taxpayer information, as well as verify and revoke their status as a IJOBP
PKP. The taxpayer does so by using an online system that is available in the DGT service,
and is connected online (Susilo & Syahdan, 2022). International Journal of
Apart from e-Registration at the DGT, there is also e-Filing which is another e- Organizational Behavior
System. The implementation of e-Filing, which has been developed in collaboration with and Policy
Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2024
pp. 53-62
Tax Accounting Program, School of Business and Management, Petra Christian University
Department Accounting, UKP
3Business Accounting Program, School of Business and Management, Petra Christian University eISSN 2961-9548
Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya, INDONESIA
Corresponding author:
IJOBP the Directorate General of Taxes, will undoubtedly facilitate individuals’ ability to fulfill
3(1), January 2024 their SPT responsibilities in a timely and digital manner, according to Wahyudi (2021).
Putra & Marsono (2020) posit that the implementation of e-Filing will yield advantages
for taxpayers, including streamlined SPT compliance procedures that are expedited,
54 cheaper, and more effective. The next e-system is e-Billing, this electronic system described
in the Directorate General of Taxes Regulation Number PER-05/PJ/2017 is a way for
taxpayers to pay their taxes through an electronic system by providing a billing code. In
this billing code there is an identification number, the identification number aims for
taxpayers to pay certain payments. The billing code can be paid by taxpayers through
banks or post office.
Transmitter compliance is contingent upon the tax service quality rendered, excluding
the electronic system. Extremely pronounced is the impact of tax service quality, as
taxpayers who are having difficulty fulfilling their obligations will find it much simpler
to work with tax officials who provide excellent service. With the assistance, guidance,
and preparing the needs needed by taxpayers, this will certainly have a big influence on
the taxpayers themselves (Atarwaman, 2020). Comparing the expectations we have of a
customer with the performance that is evaluated of the service provider is one way to
determine the tax service quality, according to Astina and Setiawan (2018). That way, to
improve tax compliance, the quality of existing services needs to be considered so that the
image of tax services quality will be good and taxpayers will feel satisfied.
Tax Compliance
The theory of tax compliance, according to Yasa & Prayudi (2019), is a state in which a
taxpayer has satisfied all of his tax responsibilities and exercised all of his tax rights.
Furthermore, this taxpayer has demonstrated self-awareness and compliance in fulfilling
his tax responsibilities in adherence to established regulations. Tax compliance is an
obligation that must be fulfilled by taxpayers based on taxpayer perceptions and the
influence of taxpayer satisfaction with government services (Yasa & Prayudi, 2019).
Tax compliance can be defined in a multitude of ways, including as the willingness
and capacity of taxpayers to adhere to relevant tax regulations, in addition to situational
factors that dictate specific time periods and locations (Nartey, 2023). There are several
characteristics of taxpayers that can be said to be in accordance with the regulations,
namely not being late in paying taxes and not having arrears such as underpayments so
that there is no need for inspection by the DGT, careful investigation, warnings or threats
as well as the application of legal and administrative sanctions (Musimenta et al., 2017).
Several indicators of taxpayer compliance, according to Twum et al. (2020), include the
Tax Service Quality and
fulfillment of all tax obligations, the absence of tax arrears, and the accurate and timely
Digital Tax
calculation, payment, and reporting of taxes. Additionally, it can be classified as either
material or formal.
Implementation of e-Registration
DGT has established an online service system known as e-Registration which facilitates
the registration of taxpayers and PKP (Taxable Entrepreneurs). This online service by
modifying the system from manual to through a system with data connected to the
Directorate General of Taxes (Ramdani, 2019). E-Registration is intended for a person
who will register taxpayers, either an individual or an organizations. This system itself
is separated online and offline, including the system used which has a function to be a
tool to carry out online registration, which is used as a process for registering taxpayers.
Directly: Several of the goals of this electronic registration system are to facilitate the
registration, deletion, and modification of information by taxpayers from any location.
Moreover, it offers services that are more gratifying. The following are the services
rendered by the Directorate General of Tax within this system: providing services for
taxpaters to register, providing services for taxpayers to be confirmed as PKP, providing
services for data changes and deletion of taxpayers, providing services for revocation as
PKP, providing services for NPWP deletion applications, and providing services for
applications for revocation of PKP confirmation (Ramdani, 2019).
Implementation of e-Filing
Electronic filing (e-Filing) is a real-time, online system for submitting SPT. Put simply,
by utilizing the services of an application service provider authorized by the Directorate
General of Taxes, taxpayers are able to electronically submit their tax returns. Real time
indicates that confirmation from the Directorate General of Taxes can be acquired at that
moment if the SPT data, which has been completely and accurately filled out, has been
transmitted electronically. Online refers to the ability of taxpayers to report taxes via the
internet from any location and at any time (Ramdani, 2019).
Implementation of e-Billing
Reviewing the Regulation of the Director General of Taxes Article 1 paragraph (3) PER-
05/PJ/2017, the DGT e-Billing system is an electronic tax payment system that aims to
issue and manage billing codes managed by the DGT and also the part managed by the
electronic state revenue system. In addition to supporting the existing tax collection
system, the e-Billing system enables taxpayers to make autonomous tax payments and
maintains a reputation for truthfulness in tax reporting (Rahmawati & Apriliasari, 2021).
The e-billing system, accessible via the website of the Directorate General of Taxes, can
be utilized to streamline and expedite the data entry process for processing payments
and deposits within the state; prevent or minimize the likelihood of human error in the
recording of payment or deposit information performed by bank or post officers;
facilitate alternative channels for payment and deposit; and grant taxpayers access to the
Tax Compliance in the Context of Electronic Registration, Electronic Filing, and Electronic
Larasati & Noviari (2020) state that the development of e-Registration practices for the
better will lead to increased awareness to register themselves by the public, if the
application of e-Registration does not received good development, it can lead to a
decrease in the willingness to pay taxes to carry out self-registration as taxpayers by the
public. In the interim, research conducted by Ramdani indicates that electronic
registration improves taxpayer compliance. Based on Ramdani’s research, it can be
explained that taxpayers utilize e-Registration media as a tool for registration, changing
taxpayers results and revocation of PKP.
H1: The application of e-Registration has a positive effect on Tax Compliance.
Research Methodology
Research Population and Sample
The population in this study were all MSMEs registered as taxpayer in Surabaya with a
sample of 200 MSMEs in Surabaya, then 50 MSMEs did not meet the requirements in
this study so that the total sample used by researchers was 150 MSMEs.
Tax Service Quality and
A sample is the portion of the population that satisfies criteria that are comparable to
Digital Tax
those of the entire population. The individuals comprising the sample for this investigation
were selected utilizing the Purposive Sampling Method (Ghozali, 2021). Direct primary Implementation
sources of information respondents answer through questionnaires that have been
distributed online to taxpayers who conduct MSMEs with the following criteria: 57
respondents used are all MSMEs that already have an Taxpayer Identification Number
(NPWP); the respondents business is located in Surabaya; the respondents business has
been established for at least 2 years; and the respondents business has gross income
below 4.8 M per year.
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing in this study was carried out using multiple linear regression models
with the following equations:
Y=ɑ+𝛽1X1+𝛽2X2+𝛽3X3+𝛽4X4+Ɛ (1)
Y = Tax Compliance
ɑ = Constant
𝛽1,𝛽2, 𝛽3 dan 𝛽4 = Regression coef
X1 = e-Registration
X2 = e-Filing
X3 = e-Biling
X4 = Quality of Tax Service
Ɛ = Standard error
The purpose of conducting this test in Table 2 is to determine whether the data
exhibits a normal distribution. Given that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov significance value
is 0.200 and the obtained results are greater than 0.05, it is possible to conclude that the
obtained results have been generated normally at that level of significance.
The results of these tests show that e-Registration has an effect on Tax Compliance for
MSME taxpayers. Thus, hypothesis one (H1) is accepted because people feel a positive
influence from the existence of e-Registration. The first hypothesis test results show that
e-Registration has a favorable and significant impact on Tax Compliance. This means
that the usefulness of e-Registration is accompanied by high tax compliance. MSME
IJOBP actors in Surabaya support the existence of the e-System in order to make it easier for
3(1), January 2024 taxpayers to carry out their tax obligations. This is in line with the results of Ramdani’s
research (2019), namely e-Registration has a positive effect on Tax Compliance. Thus, it
can be concluded that taxpayers feel the benefits of e-Registration media as a means to
60 register as a taxpayer, changes to taxpayer data, and so on. In addition, the use of e-
Registration also supports attribution theory which states that compliance in oneself or
on internal factors for understanding the existing taxation rules in Indonesia.
The results of the T test concluded that the significance value of e-filing ≤ 0.05. The
result of the test, that e-filing has an effect on tax compliance. Thus, hypothesis two (H2)
is accepted based on what the public feels about the positive effect of e-filing. The results
of the second hypotesis test show that e-filing has a positive and significant impact on
tax compliance. This can be interpreted that along with the implementation of good e-
filing, it will further increase taxpayer compliance. Taxpayers will become more
compliant if they use e-filing because the operation process is easy, so that the presence
of e-filing makes taxpayers spend less. This is in line with the results of Dwitrayani’s
research (2020) and Ersania & Merkusiwati (2018) shows that e-filling has a positive
effect on tax compliance. The study also states that taxpayers feel the benefits of e-filing
media as a means of submitting tax returns, so that it can be used safely, quickly in order
to minimize errors in filling out taxpayer tax returns. In addition, the use of e-filing also
supports attribution theory which states that compliance is in oneself or in internal
factors for understanding the existing taxation rules in Indonesia.
The results of the T test concluded that the significance value of e-filing ≤ 0.05. The
results of these tests indicate that e-billing has an effect on tax compliance in MSMEs.
Thus, hypothesis three (H3) is accepted because people feel a positive influence from e-
billing. The results of the third hypothesis test show that e-billing has a positive and
significant impact on tax compliance. This can be interpreted that along with the
implementation of good e-billing, it will further improve taxpayer compliance. Taxpayers
will become more compliant if they use e-billing because it provides convenience to
taxpayers in the payment process, so that the presence of e-billing makes it more
effective and efficient. This is in line with the results of research by Larasati & Noviari
(2020) and Safitri et al. (2021), e-billing has a positive effect on tax compliance. Thus, tax
compliance for MSME taxpayers will increase along with better e-billing implementation
because e-billing provides taxpayers with convenience in paying their taxation. In
addition, the use of e-billing also supports attribution theory which states that compliance
in oneself or on internal factors for understanding the existing taxation rules in Indonesia.
Based on the results of the T test, it can be concluded that the significance value of
tax service quality is more than 0.05. The results of these tests indicate the effect of tax
service quality on tax compliance of MSME taxpayers. Thus, hypothesis four (H4) is
accepted because people feel a positive influence from the quality of tax services. The
results of the fourth hypothesis test show that tax service quality has a positive and
significant impact on tax compliance. This can be interpreted that along with the
implementation of good tax service quality, it will further increase taxpayer compliance.
Taxpayers will become more compliant with the existence of good and maximum
performance from the fiscal service, so that good service will certainly increase tax
compliance in taxpayers. This is in line with the results of research by Pebrina &
Hidayatulloh (2020), that the quality of tax services has a positive influence on taxpayer
compliance. Thus, it can be concluded that the impact provided by the fiscal servant is
quite influential on tax compliance itself because good fiscal services will give trust to
taxpayers. In addition, the use e-filing also supports attribution theory which states that
external factors also affect taxpayer compliance through the facilities offered by the tax
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