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(oth Masch 2024

) Ranveey Allahbadia (Beer Biceps)

has been aoasded the
Dìsruptor of the year Award
firs t ever National Creatons Auoads 2024
’ creators are those people coho are Bafluencers (youtube,
frstagtam) ant they ae creating Me impact.

’ Ranveer Allahbadia youtube channel name is Beer Eiceps

>heYe were more than (:s lath nomina tion u 20 catyoies
and the voting ooas done.
voting oas done on the MyGov
Myâov is citizen engagement platfoTm . Tt oas launchec
by PMModi on 26 th of July 2014
>My GioV platfon oas iaijed by NIc CNa tiona|
In formatics centre)
’National creators Award 2024
Disruptor o the yeas Aoard Ranveer Allahbadia
2· Best creator B Sclvcation category CMale &Female) :
Naman Deshmuth
3. Best Health and Fitness crea tor: Ankit Baiyanpuniìa
4. Best creator fn Food category : kabita singh
Cka bi ta's
5.celebrity crea tor of the year: Aman Gupta CcoMpany
Boat - Heaclphon e )
6. Bes t creator m Tech ca teqory : Gauray chavdhary
(Techntcal Gwuji)
a. favouri te ravel c rea tor : kamiya Jani
8- Green champion category : pankhti pandey
story telles, : keesthika Govind asams
9. Best storytelles
lo cultwal Ambass ador of the yeas : Mai thili Thakur
CFemMale )
Most cYeotive cveator Fe wale: shradd ha Jan
RI Ranac ( Male)
12. Heritage Fashion Teon Aoad! Jahnvi shgh
creator fn Gaming category Awcod: Nishchay
I3- Best
l4-Best Micro cYeator Aoard: Aridawan
15. Best creator for Social change ALand: Taya kis
Malhas kalambe
t l6 Swachhta Ambassador Awasd :
Hicks, kili
19 -Best Tnternational creator Aard: Drew
paul ,cassanda Mae spi tt mann.
18 Best Nono creator Aoahd: piyush puoohit
lakshay Dabas
I9. Most Tmpactful Agi creator:
and Niyu.
2oThe New India champion Auoasd i Abhì

2) According to the recently veleased Na tional coo perative

Data bcse 2023: A Re port

has the
number ob coopera tive socie ties
Mahasashtra has 2, 22, 069 cooperative societies (cs)
Goujasat»8y452 CS
2nd highest is nin langana ’ 60, |2
3rd highest is Te
5 , 78
4th highest n n Mad hya pradesh
Tnoia has also lavnc hed
neuo ministry called
Ministry of coopeation Tt was lavnched on 6" Joly 2o2|
This is to strengthen the co-opesative movenment ob Tndia
’ India has asound s lakh registered co-operative socie ties
’ There is an Dnoian Co-opesative callecd TFPCO cohich
Yanked 72 vd n the coorld tsn oves and anks No
yop take nto account tun ove dtuided
fn the oorld . Tf you
by GDP per capita
Maharas btra has the highest no-of co-operative membas
karnataka is No:2 and kerela is No:3
’ Tn Tndia there ae & lakh co-operative societies . out of
them the max are n Housing sector (,9l,734) · 2vd laogest
are fn the Dafru sec tor Cl4l804) and then prìmay
Agicultue credlit socities (PAcS) (63/ooc)
are 63, o00 n
nombe, Oe are doing her
cOmputerisation ohich oill finish by 2026 - 29 out of the
63, 00O fn the gst phase 13000 are beng compoterized. and
In 20oo PAcs -’ Jan Aushad hi kendras
uoill be opened.
-’ lhdias lasgest oare houcrg scheme was launched by

Moi tosgeing Poo lakh tonnes of oare hoose storage

and we will nvest (-25 lakh cr: Rupees This oill be done
thaough n PACs located fn | states of Indlia
)Uni on Ministes Amit shah has Bnavgated the umbyella
orqani 2a tion fo vrban coopesative Banks (UCBL) ohich
be known as National ur ban cooperative fnance and
Developmen t corpora tion bmited ( NUCFDC)
’NUC FDC has received RBT s approval to fonction as a
non-banking finance compang and a self vequlatory
organisa tton for the uvban cooperatfve Banking sector.
’ There are more than 1500 UCBs with I, D00 branches

and aound s lath crore Loorth of deposit and the loan

35 lakh
that they have given is aroun d 35 lakh crore.

’NUCFDe plans to reach a capital base ob Rs 300

D will vegulate the vcBs tn Tndia .
3) The president of Dndia Droupadi M
has aoasded the
presidentt standad to 45 squachon
and 221 squachon
of the
Tncian Air FoTce ( TAF)
’ The pre sidents standasd is awonded after i8 ye aas of
2 Auoards one is called presidents stand
and one is ca lled pre sidents colou
-’presiolent[ co lous is given after 25 yeass of service
to the Nation and presidents stondard is gìven to the
orqani2a tion ohìch has done i8 yeass of service to the
Nations. These are the highes t honour that is 9fren to
any mili tary unit
’- presidents colouas to Base Repatr Depot (BRD) and
S09 signal unit (su) ot the TAF CDrolian Air Force) So
2units of JAF has got the president standards and 2
Units o the IAF has got the presidents co lou
’45 squadon is a (so knoon as Plyng Dagger and it is
base d sulur AK FoTCe sta tion an TamilNadu (solus
s a place neas coim batore. ) 4
-’ 22| squachon of the Trdian A?r force t is also knoan
as valiants TH is based at Halwara Airforce station, n
-’presidents co loun has been givem to i Base Repar Depot
(BRD) hich is located oj hon Bn Nashik,Mahasashtra
’ 509 siqnal unit got preside nts co lous,. Tt is based n
Meghalaya at lait kor peak
’ Recently The tirst all women ma9itime swrveillance
mission oas odertaken lbu the Andaman &Nco ban
Command on the 4oth annìversahu ob PNAS 3I8 and
Interrational oomens Dau on Maorch gth 2024 .
- The crew is based as TNSs Utkrosh ohich is based n
Andaman Nicobas -’ Lt Cdr shubhangi swOrOop Lt cdy
Divya shaÝma and t -Vaishal? Misbra
-’INAS 318 s the elite Naval air squa dron nthe AXN
ComMand cohich is engageol Bn sureillance Yole
4) Recenty Dndia awarded
has beevn The Measles and Ru bella
champion Aocord'
by the
Measles and Rubella
Ddia'' hod Targe t to eliminate Meas les and
Rubella ( M R)
This awad oas Teceived by Sipriya Ranganathan
The Deputy chief ob mission em bassy of Ihdia Sn Ameea
for meas les s
vaccfne. foY
’ Dndia has cheady made aa vaccne.
Ru bella called Mabella vacc ne his vacclne oas wode by
Tndian Tmmunologfcal limited tn paatnesship oith polyvac
Tnstitu te of vietnam
giving measles £ Ru bella vaccine Bn Missibn
e are
Tnohadhanush. ohich oas launchedl m 2014
- Rubella is also knouon as GheTman Measle s
’ Both of these are mainly the skin Dìseaces

5)"Union Minister Gajencoa sing h shek haoat

has launched the

Nationoide Jal shakt? Abhiyan icateh the

Rain - 2024 cam paign
Theme i Nani shakti se Jal shakti
This is the sth ti me that cateh the rain campaign
has been lavnched.

This is bas fcally to ecognize the role of women in

manogem ent , con sesva tion and custainabiity
- catch the Ran is about ates conses vation, Ran oates

1st time c ampaiqn
this oas launched n 2o I9 and
this is the st time Tt hac been Bmplemented evey year.
covers all the rural as oel
coell as Yban areaS ot all the
across the country Sssen tially it is about
all the oates bodies ancl it is also
Geo taggng of
dbout atleast one Yechchasge structure for each ghound
Loates sousce has to be created . we should
focus on reju ve nation of the oates 6
’ Ministry of Jal shatti is Yonning the Jal Jee
Missi on and vecentty Arunachal pradesh became the
st state mMthe North east to beco me Har ghar jal((0o %)
CIt has piped oater to every house )
’Recently al Tnolia Secre taries conference on oates
vis îon @2049 mee ting happenecd n Mahabalipuam n
chennai Dt oas organised by National oater MissTon undo
he ministry of Jal shakti
6)Unfon Minister Hasdeep singh pui
has navgusated the
fifth ONGC para Games 2o24

New Delhi n the Thayagaj
Athletes from different oil & Gas Conmpanìes like
ONGC ToC, BPCL, HPCL, oTL, GATL etey They oill all play
evoss different discip lines like athletics, Bocminton ,
table tennis ete
’1st time these games were held n 20
->Ph Delh? the 1st ever Fhelo lndia paa games took
place recently Hayana coon the No! posi tion Mascot
Oas ujaoala
khelo India winter qames have alreody
’Recenty the
ended it took place n 2 places leh £ gulmanq and

NoI n the mecal tallu

Indian Army fnished
SIvN has
Limited Yeceived The order for
?) Recently
development o7 solas
powes projects of
capaeity (352MW
Maharashtra !
Junder the
Mukhya Mantri Saus kyshi vahini
yo•ana 2.o
o (352 Mw to sJVN lhd
>They have given an aoard ok
(sutluj gal vidyvt Nigam )
’ we will set up 4 sola power plants ’ Nashik, sholapy
Ahmednaqas % pune.
This scheme sas launched fn 2019 by the govenment
of Mahaaashtra.
lot of culture
agi dominated places Bn
’ There are MO Solan projects have to
Mahasoshtra . There 2 Mw to lo
set up so that they can be used for irriqation.
There is a scheme also for agicu lture sola
kUSUM which is Yun by the ministry of New &
called PM
Reneoalble Energ4
one more scheme stasted recently ie pradhan
Mantri Sya Ghc Muft Bijli yojana. D4 tage ts 4
household to have Yoof top solas capacity ’300 Units per
th free electicity and 25,02| cr is the outlay fox the
scheme. Tf you ant i kilouoatt solas powes plant youget
a subsidy 30, 000 Df you oant 2 klw Solas pouser plant
subsidy o& 6o,ooo for 3ko you get a
yau Loill get a
subsidy ob 98, 000 Rupees
8) National Highoays Authori ty Df Tndia (NHAD)
L has sìgned a MoU oith
HLL lifecare limited
to provide
Tmmediate assistance to 0cidents victims
strengthen the Tn cident Management
andSystem (IMS)
on the

National Highaays
limitedis a puble sector undertakìng
5HLL Life coae
Ministry os Health and family welfare
under the year
aqieement oill be appicable toY 5
’ This
Management centers along the National Highuaay
toill be created by HLL ifecase limited
care Company based in Thivu vananthapuram n
’ HLL Life
’ HLL Life care also wates the oral contraceptive dhuq
calle d saheli
National Highoay Authority f India the recently
’ the
potneved with Geological su vey ob Tndia to take
for eo spacial
photogsaphs to provide sevices to NHAZ be
seavices . Geo technical consoltancy oill providecd bu

Geological suwvey of Drdia

’NHAZ has also pastnered oith National Remote sensîng
Centre to create the gheen cover Tndex
’National Remote sensing centre CNRSC) pastnesed oity
the Minis try ob statistics programme Tmplenmentation to
launch the urban trame suvey.
o visited The kazìr anga National pak fn
4) PM Modi
t oas declased aUNESCO World Heri tage site n
located here.
’q0% of the one horn Rh)nos of India ore
’ PM Modi also fnteracted oith Van Dga (female
foest quards He also fed sugr cane to the elephants
N-P is located Bn Golaqha t , Nagaon ditricts
> kaziranga
f2,000 Hectare - His
Os assam and it covers an asea of
located main ly Bn the BrahMa putra va lley floood platns

known as Miní
>pobi tor oild ife Santuy fn Assam is
kaziranga becaure it also hac lot of Rhinos
SThe other p fo Assam iFe· Manas,
Namerì NP, oang
N.P, Dibru Sai tho oa NP

1o) PM ·Navendsa Modi has Barauni - Guoahati

nauguated Natusa l Gas pipe line
(poot of pradha Mantri
urja Gang4 project)
’ 18 km is is total length
Bihas, oest Bengal & Assam
’ oill pass thhovgh
Bhas Guoa hati s Assam
Basaunì is fn
Natwral qas to moe than 24 laeh houseg
’H oi|provide
oas started m 2ol6. coe are havtng lot
PM UYja ganga
pipelines that oill connects the states of UP, Bi ha.
Jhasthand,west Bengal g odisha
One mDYe
pipeline oas naugwated by
’Recen tly
to Bas aun? but that is a
PM Modi . That is from Haldia erude ollto
it will provide
CrUde o?l plpeIne be cause Bongaigaon
Various Re fsneries tke Borauni Refnesy
CBIhas) (l0
Refnesy n Assamy Guoahati Refhes y n fAssanm et:y fom
Halalia port oe will send crude ofl to all these Refneries
One more pipe line Ccvde o? | pipel?ne) from Mundha pat
to pani pat Refinery . This is also a crude oil pfpe Bne
") PM Mocdi unvei led The Bronze statue of lachit
Bor phukan
sta toe of valou

Jorhat districtAssam
125 A
t is its
total height
(feet )
’ Architect is Ram vanji suto CGuj anati Archi tect)
He oas also the Archi tect for the statue of onity
214 ct Rupees
Total cost is 214
’ we cele brate lachit dias lso On 2uth Nov:
>Recen tly m 2o2 coe cele bra ted 400tu Anniversay
lachit Bor phu kan
’ Battle of saraighat wohich happened n l691Ahown
kingdom he coas the senapa ti or the niilitay commander
of the thom kingdom . coho defeated ughals almost 19tmes
’Infact at the NDA CNa tional Defence Academy) fn
khada koas la pune the best cadet is ghen lachit
Bor phukan gold medal
’ Ano thes Heo homn the nor th east
as UTirot s?ngh
the Tnlian
U. Tiot sfroh statve ha been nveiled at
council t cultusal Relations otice Bn Dhaka, Bangladesh
He is known as the Hero ot the kas? H?ls He Coas the

feedom fighter som megha laya.

12) Union Ministes ? Rk Shgh
| has laid the foundation stone o
Barethi solas poLOes project
NTPC Reneoable tnesgy imited

S chhatanpus Districl ot Mad hya pracesh

’ 630 MW is its total capacity
provfde suffcient ight to ight up 3 lakh houses
-’ It oill
bui lt at a cost of 3200 cY Rupees
-’PE is developed by Ministry of Neo & Reneoable Enesgy
thoough NTPC Renecable Energy limited.
BHEL Cae setting up l60o MU singt auli 7hemal powes
plant in son bhadsa UP (BHgL got this contract )

-’ Dn chhattisqash fn Raiqorh lasa thernmal pouoe plant is

atso comnq up
I3) PM Modi has The sela tunnel project
Arunachal pradesh
P4 has been constvcted by the BR.o CBorder Roado
Project vARTAk 3
’ t is located n oest kameng district of Aronacha!
’H is at a height ot 13 900 feet and it is on the
YOad that Connec ts Tezpus fn tsSam to
Arnaehal pradesh. you uil| come across the sela Tunne!
’ HDt has been bui
built at
lt at
a cost ob 825 CY
cY Rupees by BR·o
’ Another Tunnel that is constructed n Arunachal ?s the
Nechi phu Tunnel:
’BR-o They ar using new technology for makfng
toogh Yoads called Reju pave technology Thi s technology
1ailouilt higla altitode bi tuminous Yoads Bn Aronachal
’This technology oas dliscovered by central Road
Rese asch Dnstitute located Nes Delhi
Under csTR. Ccentyal Road Research Pnstitute(cRRr))
’ Dn this tech nology we As phalt Modifies .
l4) PM Modihas foundation stone

Dibang Multipus pose Hychopouwes

NHPC limited
J tn the
Loser Dibang valley distrie t ob
Arunachal pradesh
-’2880 MW is its total capacity
>Once completed it oill be
the lasgest Hycro power
plant of Dhofa
-’PE is Coming up on the Dibang River n the lowes
Di bang valley istrict of Arunachal pradesh.
’ The cost is 3I, 8?5 cY Rupees
’ There oill be a biq dam that oill be constyucted hee
The height o the dam oill be 298 m. cud 35m is

the leng th o& the dam. This oill be the highest (3)
concrete gsavity dam ob Inolia once conupletedt
-’ Dibanq River ?s the tri butany of Brahma putra -It flows
tloough Arunachal Assam
There is a hydho power project fn Arunachal 1200 MO
kalai T t was owneo by Reli ance but noo Reliance hag
Sold it to THDC CTehi tHydho Deve lopment Corpora tion)
> There is a Gondoal sahib Thermal power plant which

has been puchased by the govt of punjab trom prîvate

5) PM Nar endha Mooli has The land port at
haugusated Sabroom .

’P is n Tripma
’ sabrooM is a land post that will help
n qood connecvity
uoith Bangladesh
sabroom is connected to Rangladesh to the Fens Rive
Bidge also knoon as Mairtree setu.
’Ris abuody connected sabioom oith the chittagong
’ Now we also connect t to the Mat booi Deep sea

port fn Banglade:h.
6) Haipea is a AD- powere d video gene ra tion tool
type of
’ which is launched by formes wmembers of google, tiktok
all the genius they came togethes and they made th?s .
’ TH is a video qenes ation tool you give toxt you give
image it oill create high quality video content for you.
-’ Anthopic COmpany ’ R is also Artiticia l
Com pany ’ Tt has also made some thfng tnouon clavde 3
A is a video qeneation too l
’Gcogle Deep wmfnd ohich s the A cowpany ot qoogle
launched an AT model knon as Genie
They have vecentty
R is agabn Tmage to 9r Model
’ Thee is a model called Hanoman ohich Loas lavmc hed
Health case B
Dy a com pany called See tha Mahalatshmi
pastnesship oith Bharat GPT CCompany rom 11T
Bombay) oich
open fAL Compauy has launched another AT Model
is knoOn as Sora CText to AT video mode

12) The trË- Sesvice exercise Rhgat shak Li

oill be held
5Tn pot haan n Jaisalmes oistrict os Rajasthan
Ar Force
’ Tri - seavice exercise -’ rmy Navy and
all of them oiIl paa tici pate.
’ t oill test ous oar pre pared ess
vayu shakti Exercise oas also done gn pokan
’ Also
n Jalsalmer Rece ntly by the Pndian A Force.
’we oill also do Tarang shatti Exercise fn Jodhp in

18) PM Modi (auncheo Mahti Vandan yojana
chhottts goh
’Here (oo0 Rupees pe, month oill be gven to the
bank account ot Loomern in chha ttsgh scheme Bn
->o lakh oomenoìl| beneht from this (15)
chhattis gash
S0omen should be resident os chhattisqash and on ly
massied oomen cAYe eligible also the annual mcome oh
the coomen should be Cfamily Bncome ) should be less than
25 lakh Rupees anl oomen should be blo the age
23to 6o years

Im por tant Daysi

’ Ministry ot oomen and child Development
has announce d to organi ze
poshan pakheoocda 2024

qth Mach i l 2:Yd Mas2024

’The focus ob mass Sen sitzation and community

activities oould be o ound ffollofng main themes
padhai Bhi ( PBPBD Tooards better Eanly
I poshan Bhi
chìldhood cae & Education (EcCE)
loal dietary
2. Tribal, raditional Regional
practices focus ed on sensiti 2ation cNO Und nutritfo
3 Health ob pregnant OOmen Tnfant and
child feeding ( TYCF) practees.
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4. Gaurav Sir’s Insurance Awareness Course
5. Gaurav Sir’s Computer Awareness Course

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