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(oth Masch 2024
has the
number ob coopera tive socie ties
Mahasashtra has 2, 22, 069 cooperative societies (cs)
Goujasat»8y452 CS
2nd highest is nin langana ’ 60, |2
3rd highest is Te
5 , 78
4th highest n n Mad hya pradesh
Tnoia has also lavnc hed
neuo ministry called
Ministry of coopeation Tt was lavnched on 6" Joly 2o2|
This is to strengthen the co-opesative movenment ob Tndia
’ India has asound s lakh registered co-operative socie ties
’ There is an Dnoian Co-opesative callecd TFPCO cohich
Yanked 72 vd n the coorld tsn oves and anks No
yop take nto account tun ove dtuided
fn the oorld . Tf you
by GDP per capita
Maharas btra has the highest no-of co-operative membas
karnataka is No:2 and kerela is No:3
’ Tn Tndia there ae & lakh co-operative societies . out of
them the max are n Housing sector (,9l,734) · 2vd laogest
are fn the Dafru sec tor Cl4l804) and then prìmay
Agicultue credlit socities (PAcS) (63/ooc)
are 63, o00 n
nombe, Oe are doing her
cOmputerisation ohich oill finish by 2026 - 29 out of the
63, 00O fn the gst phase 13000 are beng compoterized. and
In 20oo PAcs -’ Jan Aushad hi kendras
uoill be opened.
-’ lhdias lasgest oare houcrg scheme was launched by
1st time c ampaiqn
this oas launched n 2o I9 and
this is the st time Tt hac been Bmplemented evey year.
covers all the rural as oel
coell as Yban areaS ot all the
across the country Sssen tially it is about
all the oates bodies ancl it is also
Geo taggng of
dbout atleast one Yechchasge structure for each ghound
Loates sousce has to be created . we should
focus on reju ve nation of the oates 6
’ Ministry of Jal shatti is Yonning the Jal Jee
Missi on and vecentty Arunachal pradesh became the
st state mMthe North east to beco me Har ghar jal((0o %)
CIt has piped oater to every house )
’Recently al Tnolia Secre taries conference on oates
vis îon @2049 mee ting happenecd n Mahabalipuam n
chennai Dt oas organised by National oater MissTon undo
he ministry of Jal shakti
6)Unfon Minister Hasdeep singh pui
has navgusated the
fifth ONGC para Games 2o24
New Delhi n the Thayagaj
Athletes from different oil & Gas Conmpanìes like
ONGC ToC, BPCL, HPCL, oTL, GATL etey They oill all play
evoss different discip lines like athletics, Bocminton ,
table tennis ete
’1st time these games were held n 20
->Ph Delh? the 1st ever Fhelo lndia paa games took
place recently Hayana coon the No! posi tion Mascot
Oas ujaoala
khelo India winter qames have alreody
’Recenty the
ended it took place n 2 places leh £ gulmanq and
National Highaays
limitedis a puble sector undertakìng
5HLL Life coae
Ministry os Health and family welfare
under the year
aqieement oill be appicable toY 5
’ This
Management centers along the National Highuaay
toill be created by HLL ifecase limited
care Company based in Thivu vananthapuram n
’ HLL Life
’ HLL Life care also wates the oral contraceptive dhuq
calle d saheli
National Highoay Authority f India the recently
’ the
potneved with Geological su vey ob Tndia to take
for eo spacial
photogsaphs to provide sevices to NHAZ be
seavices . Geo technical consoltancy oill providecd bu
known as Miní
>pobi tor oild ife Santuy fn Assam is
kaziranga becaure it also hac lot of Rhinos
SThe other p fo Assam iFe· Manas,
Namerì NP, oang
N.P, Dibru Sai tho oa NP
Jorhat districtAssam
125 A
t is its
total height
(feet )
’ Architect is Ram vanji suto CGuj anati Archi tect)
He oas also the Archi tect for the statue of onity
214 ct Rupees
Total cost is 214
’ we cele brate lachit dias lso On 2uth Nov:
>Recen tly m 2o2 coe cele bra ted 400tu Anniversay
lachit Bor phu kan
’ Battle of saraighat wohich happened n l691Ahown
kingdom he coas the senapa ti or the niilitay commander
of the thom kingdom . coho defeated ughals almost 19tmes
’Infact at the NDA CNa tional Defence Academy) fn
khada koas la pune the best cadet is ghen lachit
Bor phukan gold medal
’ Ano thes Heo homn the nor th east
as UTirot s?ngh
the Tnlian
U. Tiot sfroh statve ha been nveiled at
council t cultusal Relations otice Bn Dhaka, Bangladesh
He is known as the Hero ot the kas? H?ls He Coas the
the leng th o& the dam. This oill be the highest (3)
concrete gsavity dam ob Inolia once conupletedt
-’ Dibanq River ?s the tri butany of Brahma putra -It flows
tloough Arunachal Assam
There is a hydho power project fn Arunachal 1200 MO
kalai T t was owneo by Reli ance but noo Reliance hag
Sold it to THDC CTehi tHydho Deve lopment Corpora tion)
> There is a Gondoal sahib Thermal power plant which
’P is n Tripma
’ sabrooM is a land post that will help
n qood connecvity
uoith Bangladesh
sabroom is connected to Rangladesh to the Fens Rive
Bidge also knoon as Mairtree setu.
’Ris abuody connected sabioom oith the chittagong
’ Now we also connect t to the Mat booi Deep sea
port fn Banglade:h.
6) Haipea is a AD- powere d video gene ra tion tool
type of
’ which is launched by formes wmembers of google, tiktok
all the genius they came togethes and they made th?s .
’ TH is a video qenes ation tool you give toxt you give
image it oill create high quality video content for you.
-’ Anthopic COmpany ’ R is also Artiticia l
Com pany ’ Tt has also made some thfng tnouon clavde 3
A is a video qeneation too l
’Gcogle Deep wmfnd ohich s the A cowpany ot qoogle
launched an AT model knon as Genie
They have vecentty
R is agabn Tmage to 9r Model
’ Thee is a model called Hanoman ohich Loas lavmc hed
Health case B
Dy a com pany called See tha Mahalatshmi
pastnesship oith Bharat GPT CCompany rom 11T
Bombay) oich
open fAL Compauy has launched another AT Model
is knoOn as Sora CText to AT video mode
18) PM Modi (auncheo Mahti Vandan yojana
chhottts goh
’Here (oo0 Rupees pe, month oill be gven to the
bank account ot Loomern in chha ttsgh scheme Bn
->o lakh oomenoìl| beneht from this (15)
chhattis gash
S0omen should be resident os chhattisqash and on ly
massied oomen cAYe eligible also the annual mcome oh
the coomen should be Cfamily Bncome ) should be less than
25 lakh Rupees anl oomen should be blo the age
23to 6o years
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