Macrophages and Autoantibodies in Demyelinating Diseases
Macrophages and Autoantibodies in Demyelinating Diseases
Macrophages and Autoantibodies in Demyelinating Diseases
Macrophages and Autoantibodies in Demyelinating Diseases
Haruki Koike * and Masahisa Katsuno
Department of Neurology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya 466-8550, Japan;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +81-52-744-2391
of the central nervous system, anti-aquaporin 4 (AQP4) antibodies were found to be pos-
itive in patients with neuromyelitic optica [10]. However, lesions in the nervous system
caused by these antibodies are distinct from those of conventional demyelination caused
by macrophages [8,11,12]. Hence, the mechanisms underlying demyelination owing to
myelin phagocytosis by macrophages remain unclear.
In this article, the mechanisms of demyelinating diseases are described by focusing on
the role of macrophages and autoantibodies.
2.2. CIDP
CIDP has been a chronic counterpart of AIDP because similar macrophage-associated
demyelination was reported as a pathological hallmark [2,4]. In contrast to AIDP, this
disease is rarely accompanied by antecedent infections. CIDP was initially defined as
neuropathy with a diffuse weakness of the limbs [2,27]. This classic form of CIDP was
designated as “typical CIDP” in the criteria proposed by the European Federation of
Neurological Societies and Peripheral Nerve Society (EFNS/PNS) and it is now frequently
used in daily practice [28]. In addition to the typical CIDP, the EFNS/PNS criteria define
five forms of “atypical CIDP”, which comprised multifocal acquired demyelinating sensory
and motor (MADSAM), distal acquired demyelinating symmetric (DADS), pure sensory,
pure motor, and focal subtypes [28]. Macrophage-associated demyelination was found
not only in a typical CIDP but also in major atypical CIDP subtypes, including MADSAM,
DADS, and pure sensory subtypes—although it is not found in all patients [29].
Recent studies demonstrated the presence of autoantibodies against paranodal junc-
tion components, including neurofascin 155 and contactin 1, in some patients diagnosed
with typical CIDP and DADS [8,30–34]. In patients with these antibodies, aberrant
Cells 2021, 10, 844 3 of 14
nerve conduction is caused by the detachment of paranodal myelin terminal loops from
the axolemma resulting from the deposition of autoantibodies to the paranodal junc-
tions [4,8,35,36]. Unlike AMAN, the deposition of complements is not found at the paran-
odes because the immunoglobulin subclass of these antibodies is IgG4 [8]. Because classical
demyelinating lesions associated with macrophages are not observed in patients with these
antibodies, the concept of nodopathy or paranodopathy has recently been proposed for
these patients [9,34]. However, patients with these antibodies constitute a minority in
the total CIDP population [8,32,33]. The mechanisms underlying macrophage-associated
demyelination remain to be elucidated.
ated or separated from Schwann cell cytoplasm [52]. Along with invading the basement
membrane tube, the cytoplasm of macrophages apposed to myelin initiates degradation of
the myelin lamellae. Macrophages seem to peel off layers of myelin using their cytoplasmic
Cells 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW processes (Figure 3) [4,5]. Unraveling and disruption of the myelin lamellae apposed to the
4 of 15
cytoplasm of macrophages are also frequently observed [4,5,53].
Figure 1. Representative electron microscopy photograph of demyelination caused by myelin phagocytosis by macro-
Figure electron
cross section of microscopy
a sural photograph
nerve biopsy specimen ofobtained
from acaused bywith
patient myelin phagocytosis
AIDP. by macrophages.
Various stages of demye-
A cross section of a sural nerve biopsy specimen obtained from a patient with AIDP. Various
lination are observed. The arrow indicates a myelinated fiber surrounded by the cytoplasm of macrophagestages of demyelination
are observed.
myelin debris.The
blackindicates a myelinated
circles indicated fiberasterisks
by white surrounded by the cytoplasm
are myelin. of macrophage
The arrowhead indicates acontaining
macrophage myelin
debris. Bold black circles indicated by white asterisks are myelin. The arrowhead indicates a macrophage that
completed demyelination. Demyelinated axons are indicated by black asterisks. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate staining.completed
Scale bar = 2 m.Demyelinated axons are indicated by black asterisks. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate staining. Scale
bar = 2 µm.
Although resident macrophages are present in the peripheral nervous system,
blood-derived macrophages that enter the endoneurium under the guidance of adhesion
molecules, such as ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and ELAM-1, can also participate in the demye-
lination process [47–50]. Morphological distinction between these macrophages has not
been clearly established despite their functional differences [51]. Macrophages approach
the myelinated fibers and extend their cytoplasmic processes to enter the basement
membrane tube surrounding the myelinated fibers (Figure 2) [4]. A recent review by Park
et al. suggested that the entry sites of macrophages are limited to where myelin lamellae
Cells 2021, 10, 844 5 of 14
Cells 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 15
Figure 2. A macrophage invading the basement membrane tube surrounding the myelinated fiber. A cross section of a
A macrophage
Figure 2.sural nerve biopsy invading the basement
specimen obtained from amembrane
patient withtube surrounding
AIDP. the whose
A macrophage myelinated
nucleusfiber. A crossby
is indicated section of a sural
a black
nerve biopsy specimen
asterisk obtained
is invading from amembrane
the basement patient with
tube AIDP. A macrophage
that normally surroundswhose nucleus
myelinated is indicated
fibers. Along withbythea black asterisk is
invading the basement membrane tube that normally surrounds myelinated fibers. Along with the invasion into the basement
membrane tube, the cytoplasm of macrophages apposed to myelin initiates degradation of myelin (white asterisks). Note
that the cytoplasm of this macrophage located outside the basement membrane tube does not contain myelin debris. A
high-powered view of the region in the box in (A) is shown in (B). Basement membranes surrounding myelinated fibers are
indicated by arrowheads. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate staining. Scale bars = 2 µm (A) and 0.5 µm (B).
Cells 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 15
into the basement membrane tube, the cytoplasm of macrophages apposed to myelin initiates degradation of myelin
Cells 2021, asterisks). Note that the cytoplasm of this macrophage located outside the basement membrane tube does not6 of 14
10, 844
contain myelin debris. A high-powered view of the region in the box in (A) is shown in (B). Basement membranes sur-
rounding myelinated fibers are indicated by arrowheads. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate staining. Scale bars = 2 m (A)
and 0.5 m (B).
Figure 3. Stripping of the myelin lamellae by a cytoplasmic process of the macrophage. A cross section of a sural nerve
biopsy 3. Stripping
specimen of the myelin
obtained lamellaewith
from a patient by aAIDP.
cytoplasmic process
Cytoplasmic of the macrophage.
processes A crossindicated
of the macrophage section ofbya arrows
sural nerve
biopsy specimen obtained from a patient with AIDP. Cytoplasmic processes of the macrophage indicated by
off the myelin layers. A basement membrane surrounding the myelinated fibers is indicated by arrowheads. Uranyl arrows peel ac-
the myelin layers. A basement membrane surrounding
etate and lead citrate staining. Scale bar = 0.5 m. the myelinated fibers is indicated by arrowheads. Uranyl acetate
and lead citrate staining. Scale bar = 0.5 µm.
Vesicular dissolution of the myelin has been reported as another important lesion
associated withdissolution of thediseases,
demyelinating myelin has been reported
including as another
AIDP and important
MS (Figure lesion
4) [1,54–58].
associated with demyelinating diseases, including AIDP and MS (Figure 4) [1,54–58].
Most studies describing this finding used autopsy specimens [54–58]. One of these stud- Most
studies describing this finding used autopsy specimens [54–58]. One of these
ies used specimens from patients with AIDP, which demonstrated that the vesicular studies used
specimens from
dissolution patients
occurred wherewith AIDP, which
complements demonstrated
were thatmacrophages
deposited but the vesicularwere
[56]. Therefore, this finding might be an early morphological change occurringTherefore,
occurred where complements were deposited but macrophages were absent [56]. before a
this finding might be an early morphological change occurring before a macrophage
macrophage invasion into the basement membrane tube of the myelinated fibers. How-
invasion into the basement membrane tube of the myelinated fibers. However, similar
ever, similar findings also seem to be closely associated with macrophages invading the
findings also seem to be closely associated with macrophages invading the basement
basement membrane tube (Figure 5) [5,59]. Therefore, hydrolases released from macro-
membrane tube (Figure 5) [5,59]. Therefore, hydrolases released from macrophages may be
phages may be involved in myelin lesions, including unraveling, disruption, and vesic-
involved in myelin lesions, including unraveling, disruption, and vesicular dissolution.
ular dissolution.
Cells 2021, 10, 844 7 of 14
Cells 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 15
Figure Vesiculardissolution
myelin.A Across
cross section
section of
of aa sural
sural nerve
nerve biopsy
biopsy specimen
specimen obtained
AIDP. Vesicular dissolution of the myelin is seen in a space between the myelin lamellae indicated by asterisks. Vesicles
AIDP. Vesicular dissolution of the myelin is seen in a space between the myelin lamellae indicated by asterisks. Vesicles
seem to be formed by the separation of the major dense lines (arrowheads). A process of macrophage indicated by an
be formed
to be by the separation
invading of thebymajor
a gap created dense lines
the dissolution of(arrowheads). A Uranyl
myelin lamellae. processacetate
of macrophage indicated
and lead citrate by an
arrow seems to be
Scale bar = 0.2 m. invading a gap created by the dissolution of myelin lamellae. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate staining.
Scale bar = 0.2 µm.
Figure 5. A demyelinated axon. A cross section of a sural nerve biopsy specimen obtained from a patient with AIDP. A
Figure 5. A demyelinated axon. A cross section of a sural nerve biopsy specimen obtained from a patient with AIDP. A
demyelinated axon indicated by an asterisk is surrounded by a space filled with vesicular dissolution of the myelin. The
cytoplasm of aaxon indicatedindicated
macrophage by an asterisk
by an is surrounded
arrow by a space
is also within filled withmembrane
the basement vesicular dissolution
tube. Uranylofacetate
the myelin. The
and lead
citrate of a macrophage
staining. Scale bar = 1 indicated
m. by an arrow is also within the basement membrane tube. Uranyl acetate and lead
citrate staining. Scale bar = 1 µm.
Despite these findings resulting in the breakdown of compacted myelin lamellae,
the uncompacted Schwann cell cytoplasm located outside the myelin lamellae remains
intact [4]. Once the myelin breakdown is completed, macrophages containing myelin
debris penetrate the basement membrane again to escape to the outer space (Figure 6)
Cells 2021, 10, 844 9 of 14
Cells 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 15
Figure 6. A macrophage escaping from the basement membrane tube surrounding the myelinated fiber. A cross section of
Figure 6. A macrophage escaping from the basement membrane tube surrounding the myelinated fiber. A cross section of a
a sural nerve biopsy specimen obtained from a patient with AIDP. The sites at which the basement membrane was dis-
sural nerve
rupted are biopsy specimen
indicated obtained The
by arrowheads. fromnucleus
a patient
of with AIDP. The sites
this macrophage at which
is located the basement
outside membrane
of the basement was disrupted
membrane tube.
are indicated
Note that anby arrowheads.
axon The nucleus
located within of thismembrane
the basement macrophage is located
tube outsidedemyelinated.
is completely of the basement membrane tube.
A demyelinated Note
axon andthat
an axon locatednucleus
basementby a black asterisk
membrane and a whitedemyelinated.
tube is completely asterisk, respectively. Uranyl acetate
A demyelinated anda lead
axon and citrate
nucleus Scale
are bar = 2by
indicated m.
a black asterisk and a white asterisk, respectively. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate staining. Scale
bar = 2 µm.
A similar demyelination process has also been reported in studies of experimental
4. neuritis, Macrophages
What Attracts which is an experimental
to Myelin? model of GBS or CIDP [60,61], and experi-
mental allergic encephalomyelitis:
Unlike that on anti-ganglioside a model of MS [62–64].
GM1 antibodies in AMAN, anti-neurofascin 155 an-
tibodies in nodopathy or paranodopathy, and anti-AQP4 antibodies in NMOSD, knowl-
4. What Attracts Macrophages to Myelin?
edge of the relationship between specific autoantibodies and demyelination caused by
Unlike that
macrophages on anti-ganglioside
is still GM1 antibodies
limited. An association between in AMAN, anti-neurofascin
antibodies 155 an-is
against moesin, which
tibodies in
expressed nodopathy
at the microvillior paranodopathy,
of the Schwann cells at and
theanti-AQP4 antibodies
nodes of Ranvier, in NMOSD,
and AIDP following
knowledge of the
cytomegalovirus relationship
infection has beenbetween specific
suggested [19]. autoantibodies and demyelination
Gliomedin, galactocerebroside, and
ganglioside LM1 have also been suggested as target antigens in AIDPantibodies
caused by macrophages is still limited. An association between against
[65–68]. Although
recent which is infectious
emerging expressed at the microvilli
diseases, of the
including Schwann
Zika cells at theand
virus infection nodes of Ranvier,
COVID-19, are
and AIDP
reported to following
be associated cytomegalovirus
with AIDP rather infection has been[20,26],
than AMAN suggested [19]. autoantibod-
causative Gliomedin,
ies associated with theseand ganglioside
viruses have LM1nothave
beenalso been suggested
detected as target antigens
to date. Regarding in
CIDP, sural
Cells 2021, 10, 844 10 of 14
nerve biopsy specimens from a patient with antibodies to LM1 ganglioside, which is
abundant in myelin, revealed complement deposition on myelin and demyelination by
macrophages [69]. However, patients with anti-LM1 antibodies constitute only a minority
of the total CIDP population [70]. Recent studies revealed that antibodies to myelin oligo-
dendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), expressed in the outermost layer of the myelin sheath,
were found in some of the patients with NMOSD negative for anti-AQP4 antibodies [71].
The location of the target antigen suggests myelin damage, which is distinct from astro-
cyte damage in NMOSD positive for anti-AQP4 antibodies [12]. However, patients with
conventional MS are typically negative for anti-MOG antibodies [72].
Based on the abovementioned results, the mechanism underlying demyelination, re-
sulting from myelin phagocytosis by macrophages, remains an enigma from the viewpoint
of autoantibodies. A recent electron microscopy study using longitudinal sections of biopsy
specimens from patients with AIDP suggested that macrophages seemed to select specific
sites of myelinated fibers, including the nodes of Ranvier, paranodes, and internodes, for
the initiation of demyelination in individual cases [5]. The sites of complement deposition
corresponded to the distribution of macrophages in that study, suggesting the presence
of undiscovered autoantibodies directed against the components of myelinated fibers in
AIDP [5]. The efficacy of eculizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody to complement
component 5, for not only AMAN, but also AIDP, supports this view [73]. Similar selec-
tivity of the sites at which macrophages initiate myelin phagocytosis was also reported
in CIDP [4]. However, the pathogenesis of CIDP might be more complex than that of
AIDP, considering the heterogeneity of its clinical features and its response to immunother-
apies [9]. The mechanisms of demyelination in MS are also considered complex, involving
both innate and adoptive (i.e., humoral and cellular) immunities [37,41]. Additionally,
it has been gradually established that macrophages not only contribute to the initiation
and development of demyelination by boosting inflammatory events, but they also play a
protective role by suppressing inflammation, eliminating debris, and promoting repair [74].
Particularly, immunoregulatory M2 macrophages are considered to be predominant during
the recovery and repair process [75]. Further studies focusing on the mechanisms leading
to myelin phagocytosis by macrophages are required to elucidate the pathogenesis of
demyelinating diseases.
plasmic processes as if they are principal players in the demyelination process [4,5]. Un-
raveling, disruption, and vesicular dissolution of the myelin lamellae are also frequently
observed where the cytoplasm of macrophages is present [5], as if hydrolases released from
macrophages may also be involved. Recent electron microscopy studies using longitudinal
sections of biopsy specimens from patients with AIDP and those with CIDP suggested
that macrophages seemed to select specific sites of myelinated fibers, including the nodes
of Ranvier, paranodes, and internodes, for the initiation of demyelination in individual
cases [4,5]. Hence, specific components localized to these sites may play an important
role in the behavior of macrophages that initiate myelin phagocytosis. Along with the
search for autoantibodies, the ultrastructural characterization of myelin phagocytosis by
macrophages is a crucial step in understanding the pathophysiology of demyelinating
diseases and for the future development of targeted therapies.
Author Contributions: H.K. conceived and wrote the first draft and M.K. revised it for intellectual
content. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported in part by the Health and Labour Sciences Research Grant
on Intractable Diseases (Neuroimmunological Diseases) from the Ministry of Health, Labour and
Welfare of Japan (20FC1030).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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