Abstrak—Vocational Higher Education in providing vocational education through the Vocational Higher
quality vocational higher education is inseparable from Education Revitalization policy Kemristekdikti (2017).
its education model that implements PBET (Production The existence of this policy proves that the government
Based Education and Training). To support this pays great attention to vocational higher education.
educational model, Vocational Higher Education has an Vocational Higher Education in organizing quality
educational facility called the Learning Factory. The vocational higher education is inseparable from its
concept of Learning Factory is facing challenges due to education model that implements PBET (Production
the extraordinary events post of the COVID-19 Based Education and Training). In summary, PBET is a
pandemic. Organizational strategic management is vocational education model that is oriented towards
needed in relaxing concepts and activities related to the production activities like in the real industrial world.
learning factory in Vocational Higher Education. The duration of lecture time is 33% theory and 67%
Organizations must be able to formulate strategic practice. To support this education model, Vocational
policies that focus on the health and safety of students Higher Education has educational facilities called
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Relaxation is a way or Learning Factory.
action to align the mind in a constructive direction so According to Tisch et al (2015), a learning factory is
that what you want can be achieved. The main changes a complex learning environment that enables the
needed in Learning Factory Relaxation are the transfer of high-quality competencies both informally,
Implementation Model and the Learning Matrix. Both non-formally, and formally through the realization of a
require Authorization in a process that supports teaching real industrial environment in which there are
activities and the desired result. Therefore, principles production activities (valued added chain). Through the
are needed to support the achievement of modules that learning factory, the learning atmosphere feels like in
are open to the entire learning process and make the real industrial world. This condition supports the
prototypes for vocational students. As a form of a new creation of graduates who are in accordance with
breakthrough with technology in the industrial sector industry needs and allows financial income from the
and getting around the adaptation of new habits during sale of student practicum products.
the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning process must be The Learning Factory concept, which began in
developed more innovatively and continues to be March 2020, has been challenged due to the
productive for the sake of mutual welfare. In realizing extraordinary events of the COVID-19 pandemic.
adaptive relaxation, it is necessary to focus on assessing Strategic management of the organization is needed to
the functions of Technoware, Infoware, Humanware, relax the concept and activities related to the learning
and Organware (THIO) as tools that Vocational Higher factory in Vocational Higher Education. Organizations
Education can use to improve services to stakeholders. must be able to formulate strategic policies that focus on
the health and safety of students during the post-
Keywords – Learning Factory, Relaxation, Vocational, COVID-19 pandemic.
Strategy, Organization. During the post-COVID-19 pandemic period,
learning factory activities cannot be run online. The
I. INTRODUCTION government through the Circular Letter of the Minister
of Education and Culture No. 4 of 2020 concerning the
Education, including vocational education, plays an Implementation of Educational Policies during the
important role in human and community development in Emergency Period of the Spread of Covid-19 decided
Indonesia. According to Slamet (2011), vocational that teaching and learning activities were carried out
education can play an optimal role in economic online / distance learning. This condition has the
development if it is aligned with the needs of the potential to cause a decrease in the quality of
surrounding the world of work and pursued educational services organized by Vocational Higher
continuously in terms of quantity, quality, location, and Education, which in turn can reduce the level of
time. The government through the 2015-2019 Renstra satisfaction of graduate users and students themselves.
Dikti seeks to increase the quantity and quality of
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Buletin Poltanesa Vol. 24 No. 1 (June 2023) 52-59 p-ISSN 2721-5350 e-ISSN 2721-5369
Prastiantomo, G. A., Saputra, T. H., & Wijayanto, A. (2023). A Study on Relaxation Learning Factory in Vocational Higher
Education during the Covid-19 Endemic Transition. Buletin Poltanesa, 24(1). 52-59
Relaxation is needed in the process of theoretical philosophy behind the approach used. Here, the
learning, practical learning, learning evaluation, new researcher will explore and collect data from the
student admissions, graduation, and other activities. research subjects regarding the learning factory
Changes are made to stabilize the impact of relaxation relaxation experience that has been carried out. The aim
of these activities. Adaptation must be dynamic, is to understand the research subject's reaction to the
meaning that it always adjusts to future policy teaching factory relaxation. Because the relationship
developments, both from the government and internal between the researcher and the research subject is very
stakeholders. close, even the researcher is involved in it,
Strategic management of the organization is needed transcendental phenomenology is used to eliminate
in relaxing the concepts and activities related to the prejudice, reduce bias and opinion, through data
learning factory program in vocational education. validation in the form of focus group discussions.
Organizations must formulate strategic policies that This research proposes a problem-solving solution
focus on student health and safety during and after the through learning factory relaxation. The approach
COVID-19 pandemic. chosen is a qualitative method. The relaxation system in
This research aims to describe the organization's this study is described in three main components,
strategy during the learning factory activities. This namely curriculum quality, competence, and acceptance
research tries to develop relaxation in learning factory in partner industries. The model was chosen because it
activities so that practicum learning is still carried out has elements that are complete enough to meet the
and the quality of learning is also well maintained. The needs of model development in this study. The model
developed model must be able to adapt to conditions, has elements of target achievement, considers the
negative consequences that occur, and the impact of model selection, and accommodates the three
implementation of health protocols. main components. This concept was chosen because
Based on the above background, the problem in this curriculum and competencies have the same
study is "How to develop learning factory relaxation so characteristics. A good curriculum produces good
that learning outcomes are still carried out in the post- competencies. Curriculum relaxation is one form of
COVID-19 pandemic period." continuous improvement efforts so the step of
The purpose of this study is to describe the integrating competency aspects in the developed model
implementation of a learning factory towards the is important.
learning process and outcomes after the pandemic has The framework in this research starts from problem-
passed. In addition, this research also provides an solving efforts to find a learning factory development
argument that the learning process and outcomes are model/prototype that is suitable for post-COVID-19
still implemented and the quality of teaching is also well pandemic conditions. These problems are very
maintained even in "difficult" times. important to solve so that all the negative consequences
The benefits that can be obtained from this research caused can be resolved. Losses can not only be
are helping instructors in workshops to determine the experienced by service users (students) but also by
relevant learning model for their time. It helps the vocational education program organizers. Distance or
management to ensure the quality of teaching in the online learning models can result in the quality of
workshop is well maintained. The model can be utilized training outcomes being below target. This condition
as one of the learning alternatives that can be developed, can reduce service user satisfaction and the credibility
especially in manufacturing. of education service providers. For vocational
education, the online learning model has an impact on
II. METHODOLOGY the inefficiency of training programs to the detriment of
service users. Therefore, it is necessary to find
According to Trihatmoko (2019), this study is alternative solutions to overcome these problems.
qualitative research with a phenomenological approach
This research produces a learning factory relaxation
to describe the relaxation of learning factory in
model. The novelty of this research is the relaxation
vocational education institutions in Indonesia.
aspect of the curriculum, competency achievement, and
This research wants to describe the procedure for
industry acceptance. The output of this model is a
developing relaxation in learning factory activities so prototype of a learning factory as a solution to the
that practical learning outcomes are carried out and problems of vocational education in the New Normal
maintained during the COVID-19 pandemic; shown in
Figure 1.
The researcher, based on Triatmoko (2019), will
collect data and try to understand the perspective and
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Buletin Poltanesa Vol. 24 No. 1 (June 2023) 52-59 p-ISSN 2721-5350 e-ISSN 2721-5369
Prastiantomo, G. A., Saputra, T. H., & Wijayanto, A. (2023). A Study on Relaxation Learning Factory in Vocational Higher
Education during the Covid-19 Endemic Transition. Buletin Poltanesa, 24(1). 52-59
According to Triatmoko (2019), this research is differences in data found in the field notes data. The
qualitative research with a phenomenological approach difference in data is then sorted according to the flow.
to describe the relaxation of the learning factory in Contrasting elements are sorted out and then
Vocational Higher Education. Researchers describe the categorized based on the system used. The depth of
COVID-19 experience that has an impact on the world understanding is reflected in making the flow and
of vocational education, especially in the learning system of this componential analysis.
factory activity program. Thus, in this study, the impact Based on the data collected, the researcher will
experienced is explored and described as an important describe the design or idea of learning factory relaxation
experience. in a patterned language. The design will be reviewed
Researchers collect data and try to understand the with the collected data to identify key issues and
perspectives and philosophies behind the approaches opportunities for improvement. The results of the
used. Here, researchers explore and collect data from identification will be formulated into the meanings that
research subjects about the learning factory relaxation emerge behind the relaxation phenomenon. Then, the
experience that has been carried out. The goal is to researcher will create a scenario, based on the design, to
understand the research subject's reaction to learning structure and organize the workflow using images and
factory relaxation. Because the relationship between text in a series of tables. The result is a learning factory
researchers and research subjects is very close, even relaxation prototype that is suitable for the conditions in
researchers are involved in it, transcendental the post-COVID-19 pandemic has been validated.
phenomenology is used to eliminate prejudice, and Data interpretation in this research uses the
reduce bias and opinion, through data validation in the descriptive textual method. This method aims to provide
form of focus group discussions. a systematic, factual, and accurate description of the
According to Fatchan (2011), The pattern of data facts that occur. The selection of textual descriptive
collection is carried out simultaneously or by process. method is used in order to provide a clear picture of the
This means that during data collection, researchers also problems in this research. In addition, the data that has
carry out data processing activities in the form of data been processed will be presented in the form of
analysis. Data analysis techniques use componential description in the form of narration regarding the form
analysis, where researchers try to sort and describe the and structure of learning factory relaxation.
– 54 –
Buletin Poltanesa Vol. 24 No. 1 (June 2023) 52-59 p-ISSN 2721-5350 e-ISSN 2721-5369
Prastiantomo, G. A., Saputra, T. H., & Wijayanto, A. (2023). A Study on Relaxation Learning Factory in Vocational Higher
Education during the Covid-19 Endemic Transition. Buletin Poltanesa, 24(1). 52-59
Testing the truth of the research data is done by two B. Definition of Relaxation
methods, namely Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and The Big Indonesian Dictionary defines
Comparative Study. FGD was conducted at Politeknik relaxation as a way or action to harmonize the
ATMI Surakarta by considering the following: mind in a constructive direction so that what is
materials, time scheduling, place settings, FGD desired can be achieved. The definition of
implementation techniques, equipment and relaxation from experts mostly refers to the relaxed
documentation, and FGD notes/results. state of human muscles. However, in this study,
Comparative studies are conducted to confirm the relaxation is defined as an effort to improve the
truth of the data. The comparative study will be quality of learning that focuses on student
conducted at reference schools engaged in competence and the results/products achieved.
manufacturing. We chose Politeknik ATMI, Research by Chitpin (2016) with the title
Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Campus St Gallen and Leading school improvement: using Popper’s
Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung. theory of Learning identified educational
relaxation focuses on efforts to improve student
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION competencies that meet learning outcomes and
reduce the 'achievement gap' that occurs due to
A. Definition Of Organizational Management external factors, for example, extraordinary events
Strategy and lack of resources that support these educational
Management according to G.R. Terry (2006) is a activities.
process to determine predetermined goals through the The Learning Factory is a hands-on facility
use of human resources and other sources consisting of for engineering students to use in conjunction with
planning organizing, controlling, and directing (POAC). capstone design and other courses, as well as
Meanwhile, Strategy is a complete plan; a plan that research projects and student organizations.
determines the choices to be made in every possible Learning Factory Relaxation is a process where a
situation. Learning Factory adopts a more relaxed and
Referring to the 1944 Theory of Games and flexible approach to developing students' skills and
Economic Behavior written by mathematician John von knowledge. It aims to create a more inclusive and
Neumann and economist Oskar Morgenstern: "to collaborative environment and facilitate continuous
achieve maximum profit requires maturity in the learning and innovation in higher education.
weakest planning that can be a threat to the survival of Figure 3 shows, diagrams that can be taken in
the organization". Therefore, strategic measures are the Learning Factory relaxation process.
needed after the COVID-19 pandemic so that the
organization can survive and protect the people in it.
The Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) cycle is a
systematic problem-solving step. To be able to apply
PDCA in the post-pandemic context, the spirit of
continuous change to improve the quality and
sustainability of the organization, not only requires an
understanding of the PDCA concept but requires skills
in using quality management tools. However, the
implementation of each stage of PDCA, starting from
the P (Plan) to the A (Act) stage requires a set of tools
that can be used to streamline the actions in each stage.
The relationship between each stage in PDCA and a set
of quality tools can be seen in the figure 2.
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Buletin Poltanesa Vol. 24 No. 1 (June 2023) 52-59 p-ISSN 2721-5350 e-ISSN 2721-5369
Prastiantomo, G. A., Saputra, T. H., & Wijayanto, A. (2023). A Study on Relaxation Learning Factory in Vocational Higher
Education during the Covid-19 Endemic Transition. Buletin Poltanesa, 24(1). 52-59
more comfortable to share ideas and learn from infrastructure equipped with machining facilities,
each other. materials, and production equipment. This
What needs to be underlined is that learning infrastructure became the first model of a Learning
is a continuous process, not just a one-time Factory (Abele et al., 2015).
activity. We often need to encourage students to Determining a facility as a Learning Factory
continue developing their skills and knowledge can refer to the description model recommended by
independently and facilitate access to relevant NIL (Network of Innovative Learning Factories)
resources. (Abele et al., 2015). This model consists of seven
main dimensions, namely operating model, goals
C. Definition Of Learning Factory and targets, processes, settings, products, didactics,
The term Learning Factory first emerged in and metrics. Each dimension consists of several
1994 in the United States at a consortium led by more detailed description features. This model can
Penn State University. The consortium aimed to also be used to distinguish the characteristics and
create a strong collaboration between educational types of Learning Factory. The model can be
institutions and industry in various disciplines. The shown in figure 4.
result of this consortium was a 2000 m2
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Buletin Poltanesa Vol. 24 No. 1 (June 2023) 52-59 p-ISSN 2721-5350 e-ISSN 2721-5369
Prastiantomo, G. A., Saputra, T. H., & Wijayanto, A. (2023). A Study on Relaxation Learning Factory in Vocational Higher
Education during the Covid-19 Endemic Transition. Buletin Poltanesa, 24(1). 52-59
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Buletin Poltanesa Vol. 24 No. 1 (June 2023) 52-59 p-ISSN 2721-5350 e-ISSN 2721-5369
Prastiantomo, G. A., Saputra, T. H., & Wijayanto, A. (2023). A Study on Relaxation Learning Factory in Vocational Higher
Education during the Covid-19 Endemic Transition. Buletin Poltanesa, 24(1). 52-59
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Buletin Poltanesa Vol. 24 No. 1 (June 2023) 52-59 p-ISSN 2721-5350 e-ISSN 2721-5369
Prastiantomo, G. A., Saputra, T. H., & Wijayanto, A. (2023). A Study on Relaxation Learning Factory in Vocational Higher
Education during the Covid-19 Endemic Transition. Buletin Poltanesa, 24(1). 52-59
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