Design Considerations for Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Devices
Design Considerations for Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Devices
Design Considerations for Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Devices
Table 2. Density power values available for the 100 W GSM base
100 m 800 µW/m2
500 m 32 µW/m2
1000 m 8 µW/m2
5.1. Simulation
In the following, an interesting and very compact rectenna working
at 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz is designed, realized and characterized. The
RF/DC converters are a 2-stage voltage rectifier. For the simulations,
it has been used the commercial zero biased Schottky diode HSMS2852
and HSMS2862 models respectively for the RF/DC converter at
900 MHz and 2.4 GHz (Fig. 9). A 60 kΩ load, approximating an ultra-
low power sensor, has been considered. The matching circuit has been
designed according to guidelines in Section 3. To obtain very compact
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 45, 2012 31
in some special cases varying the power of one of the two RF sources.
In particular, the Fig. 11, shows the case when the input power at
2.4 GHz is very low (−30 dBm) while the input power at 900 MHz vary
between −20 dBm and 20 dBm. Reversed case is showed in Fig. 12.
The simulations show a very good efficiency conversion for both
the shown cases.
The developed architectures have the aim to make any sensor batteries-
free. In particular, in this section, the eZ430-RF2500 sensor has been
powered with the single frequency prototype rectenna shows in Fig. 5
without the use of batteries. This last feature is particularly attractive
in different kind of applications, ranging from military to civil cases.
The eZ430-RF2500 is a complete USB-based MSP430 wireless
development tool providing a 2.4-GHz wireless transceiver. It is
preloaded with a reprogrammable wireless temperature sensor. The
considered network consists of an Access Point that measures its own
temperature and also wirelessly receives temperature measurements
from End Devices (ED). End Devices measure their temperature
once per second and then enter a low-power mode to reduce battery
usage. The average current calculation must also take into account
the sleep current of the ED. The average current consumption for the
considered application is 36.80 µA (for one second of the transmission
period). Typically, the eZ430-RF2500 sensor is supplied by two 1.5
volts alkaline batteries. The average power consummation of the sensor
node is roughly 100 µW (−10 dBm) corresponding to our measured
value using −4 dBm input RF power at 900 MHz (see Fig. 6). This
proves that having a low power RF source (less than a typical cell
phone output radiated power) is possible to self-power the considered
ULP temperature sensor node. The overall realized harvesting system
including the LTC3108 power management, a supercapacitor and the
sensor node as shown in Fig. 15.
Of course, we expect that the use of the multi-band architecture
can improve the performances.
This paper presents the design criteria for the multi-band RF energy
harvesting system. In particular the design tradeoffs of each block of
the proposed multi-band architecture have been derived and discussed.
Two systems enable to harvest RF power at 900 MHz GSM band
(single frequency) and at 900 MHz GSM–2.4 GHz Wi-Fi bands (multi-
frequency) have been designed and realized.
The prototype a single frequency (900 MHz) has been used to
supply eZ430-RF2500 wireless sensor node. In particular, at −4 dBm
input power, the system recovers 160 µW with 3 V DC output (32%
RF-DC rectification efficiency). It has been shown that the generated
DC power is sufficient to power sensor nodes (eZ430-RF2500). Two
aspects have to be underline. Firstly, the obtained results show the
proposed harvesting system is able to recover the available RF energy
by using opportunity sources and to supply ULP wireless sensor nodes.
Second, the proposed system could represent, on a large scale, a
suitable solution to environmental sustainability: it allows reducing
the use of batteries, sources of environmental pollution.