Exercise 1: Cell Formatting
You have a table showing the quarterly sales results of computer products for the year
2009 recorded by the company Novamedia. You are asked to format the table so that
you obtain the following table:
SOUTH Region
January February March April May June Total
Bookstore 1 900.00$ 2 090.00$ 2 299.00$ 2 528.90$ 2 781.79$ 3 059.97$
Hassan II University of Casablanca
Faculty of Sciences, Legal, Economic and Social, Mohammedia, MOROCCO
Exercise 4: Formatting:
You have the company's Balance Sheet in its raw state; we ask you to apply the
following actions:
1) Resize the cells to have more space in the table.
2) Merge the cells from B2 to E2.
3) Apply formatting to the content of the title cell: Centered, Bold, Font Size=14,
Character Color = Red.
4) Apply the color Red to the characters of the horizontal header of the table.
5) Apply the color Blue to the characters of the vertical header of the table.
6) Apply the Euro currency format.
Hassan II University of Casablanca
Faculty of Sciences, Legal, Economic and Social, Mohammedia, MOROCCO
Exercise 6:
1) Open Microsoft Excel.
2) Save the Workbook with a name of your choice in My Documents
Hassan II University of Casablanca
Faculty of Sciences, Legal, Economic and Social, Mohammedia, MOROCCO
Exercise 7:
1) Launch a new sheet named Invoice.
2) Build and complete the following table using both arithmetic operations and
basic functions.
Hassan II University of Casablanca
Faculty of Sciences, Legal, Economic and Social, Mohammedia, MOROCCO