Feed The World Without Starving The Planet: TO KG
Feed The World Without Starving The Planet: TO KG
Feed The World Without Starving The Planet: TO KG
of wild fish
are ground
feed the world without starving the planet into meal
to produce 1 kg
of farmed fish
Food has become an issue at the four corners of the globe. Alongside escalating levels of obesity (+200% in the
United Kingdom, +70% in the United States, +16% in France), 13% of the world’s population are undernourished.
Between these two extremes lie increasingly industrialized production, market-led strategies, and developing In industrialized countries, dustbins are almost 3/4 filled
countries, stricken by famine, whose farmers produce more for export than for their own needs. In 2050 there with food packaging.
will be 3 billion more mouths to feed. In accordance with United Nations objectives, the first step will be to halve
the number of people who are undernourished. This objective could be reached if resources, already sufficient to
feed the world’s population, were shared more equally. Faced with such expanding needs, agriculture, livestock DIFFICULTIES FOR AFRICA’S FARMERS
production and fishing are turning towards more intensive methods. A consequence of this race for productivity is It is in Africa that farmers must contend
the overexploitation of natural resources. Science and industry are working all-out to develop new techniques and with the most difficulties. Here, land is used
> 12
to grow crops for export which stimulates
increase production and yield. Fertilizers, pesticides and genetic manipulation are becoming the everyday tools of a
economic growth, often to the detriment of
new form of agriculture. The agri-food business, a veritable industry which produces, processes and markets 70% local populations. Every measure is taken to
of foodstuffs, has a large share of responsibility for environmental damage. Over recent years though, and parallel maintain productivity. However, soil depletion,
crops, mainly
to this industrial logic, initiatives are springing up for greener farming and equitable consumption. problems of water supply, the spread of AIDS,
wheat, rice, and repeated flooding due to climate change
maize and have further weakened this economic activity.
potatoes, .
Soil Feed, Grazing land Water Paper, Transport fuels AND JAPAN USE MORE the world’s
Water Water, Antibiotics, Cleaners, cardboard Storage air- PESTICIDES THAN ANY population
Pesticides, Energy sanitisers Plastics conditioning OTHER COUNTRIES.
herbicides Energy Glass
Fertilizer LIVESTOCK/FISH Metals Energy
Energy Energy
Soil loss
gas emissions
Harm to non-target
gas emissions
Food residues
Other transport
emissions > 1.5 GMOS: CAUTION
Research since the nineteen-forties has led to
Manure Solid waste Ozone layer Solid waste
million litres the creation of genetically-modified species
management depleting
of water are that are more resistant to pests and diseases.
needed to These include maize, soybeans and tomatoes.
produce Today, genetically-modified organisms (sterile
Because it calls on increasingly complex processes, the agri-food industry puts substantial pressure on the earth’s resources. The seeds) raise the problem of cross-pollination
use of chemical substances, the development of conservation processes, and the multiple stages involved in processing foods strike 300,000 litres with wild plants and maybe detrimental to
a serious blow to the environment. of soda biodiversity.
New agricultural technologies, GMOs and IMPACTS
loses fertile land global trade in seeds are tending to take the
each year equal to place of local farming traditions. In Mexico
for example, the Mayas used to grow maize Shrinking biodiversity
the size of Ireland with beans as a way of controlling parasites
According to Birdlife International, 1 in 8 of the world’s agricultural machinery are some of the main causes behind
and optimizing yield. Now the United States
are exporting their production methods and bird species is threatened with extinction as a result of un- this decline in quality.
reducing centuries-old practices that are controlled agricultural expansion and deforestation. The www.ecaf.org
both natural and cultural. increase in farmland to the detriment of grassland, forests and www.fao.org/docrep/W2598E/w2598e06.htm
hedgerows has drastically reduced biodiversity. At the same www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/engineer/facts/87-040.htm
time, the increased uniformity of products is eroding genetic www.ars.usda.gov/research/programs/programs.htm?
resources: according to the Food and Agriculture np_code=202&docid=847
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), out Contaminated water
of some 6,300 breeds of domestic animals,
THE PROCESSING, Agriculture is the biggest consumer of water in
> 25
1,350 currently face extinction and 2 domestic
TRANSPORTATION OR the world: it uses three-quarters of resources.
breeds are lost every week.
DISTRIBUTION OF FOODS, THE In the race to produce more, chemical products
TO 35 KG
AGRI-FOOD BUSINESS CONSUMES have become the norm. Between 1972 and 1988,
UP TO 15% OF ALL THE ENERGY fertilizer use grew by an annual average of 3.5%
PRODUCED IN INDUSTRIALIZED in the world. Each year, over 4 million tonnes of
of cereals are www.biodiv.org/programmes/areas/agro
COUNTRIES. chemical products find their way into nature. While
needed to produce IMPORTED BY some countries regulate their application, elsewhere
1 kg of red meat PLANE, A STRAWBERRY fertilizer and pesticide use continues uncontrolled.
BOUGHT IN EUROPE IN MARCH In 1995, 16,500 tonnes of undesirable or banned pesticides
CONSUMES 24 TIMES MORE were inventoried in 49 African and Middle Eastern countries.
ENERGY THAN A LOCALLY- Less and less fertile land They can be traced in soil, neighbouring crops and, most of
GROWN STRAWBERRY BOUGHT Soil degradation causes a substantial reduction in the land’s the time, in groundwater and bodies of water. One example of
IN JUNE. production capacity. Mismanaged or overexploited, almost their impact: a concentration of nitrates leads to eutrophication
40% of farmland is now in a state of reduced fertility. (the proliferation of algae which asphyxiate aquatic species),
As a result, 5 to 6 million hectares of cropland are abandoned a problem that also concerns countries in the North such as
in the world each year. Overproduction, inadequate land France, the Netherlands and the United States.
THE OTHER FACE OF GLOBALISATION and water management, deforestation, desertification, the www.fao.org/docrep/003/t00800e/t0800e0a.htm
Madagascar might be the world’s biggest absence of crop rotation, excessive recourse to fertilizers and www.un.org/documents/ecosoc/cn17/2000/
> 1/4 producer of vanilla and one of the leading other chemical products, as well as the use of unsuitable ecn172000-7add3.htm
exporters of shrimps, cloves and coffee, it is
Poisoned food
still one of the poorest African countries: its
of food is thrown farmers produce primarily for export. Pollution from agricultural activity and the use of various
away without pesticides have repercussions on health, including acute
intoxications and chronic effects, cancers and diseases caused
being eaten
by the transmission of pathogenic agents in manure through
water. The food we eat can also be a danger to human health,
in particular if it contains certain quantities of heavy metals or
others that are harmful to the body, such as lead. Vegetables
are most likely to contain record concentrations of chemical
products (for example nitrates).
Agriculture, fishing and livestock production represent a colossal market in
these hazardous substances, which can rage measured, and nine times out of > PROVIDE INFORMATION ON PRODUCTS ’ ORIGINS
have a very serious impact on health ten, organic production that involves a > OPEN ALLOTMENTS > DEVELOP ACTIVITIES THAT
and the environment. Henceforth, any wide variety of species. Such schemes WILL GIVE CHILDREN INSIGHT INTO FARMING , FISHING
country that imports these chemical often include projects to assist persons AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION > MAKE SPACE FOR
products must give its prior informed in difficulty and bring them back into the VEGETABLE PATCHES IN PARKS AND GARDENS
consent before they can cross its community. One noteworthy initiative > HELP FARMERS DIVERSIFY THEIR ACTIVITIES
borders. The purpose of the convention, invites consumers to place advance or- (BED & BREAKFAST, FARM HOLIDAYS ) > INFORM
which currently covers 27 pesticides, is to Belle des Brunetières, Markichta Gehesia, Noir de ders for produce; thanks to this system, ON THE NUTRITIONAL QUALITIES OF MENUS
protect countries that lack the knowledge Tartarie for cherries; Esperanza, Frida and Haida for farmers no longer produce surplus to
raspberries: these are just some of the heritage of fruit
and equipment required to safely manage varieties. Few are well-known and even fewer find their requirements.
these substances. way to market. And yet their diversity and rusticity mean
they adapt to different physical and climatic conditions,
www.fao.org/ag/magazine/0205sp2.htm and are resistant to disease. www.biodynamics.com/csa.html
> The waru-waru system > In favour of sustainable farming
In the Puno district of southern Peru The leading names in the agri-food
(between 3,800 and 5,000 m above sea industry, among them Danone, Nestlé,
level), prone to frequent drought, floo- Unilever, Findus, Kraft and McDonald’s,
ding and frosts, development workers have created a platform to support and
FAIR TRADE and farmers have revived a 3,000-year- promote worldwide the development of
old indigenous farming system. Aban- sustainable agriculture, in collaboration
The story of fair trade began in the
nineteen-sixties in the United Kingdom doned in Incan times it was redis- with the different stakeholders of the
and the Netherlands under the impetus of non- covered by archaeologists. The food chain. The Geneva-based Sustaina-
governmental organizations. Now having spread system, known as waru-waru, ble Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI
to all western countries, this equitable system is not uses raised platforms of soil Platform) defines sustainable agricultu-
motivated by maximum profit but by respect for human separated by ditches to collect re as “a productive, competitive and ef-
rights, for the environment and the quality of its products.
and conserve water, extract ficient way to produce agricultural pro-
Prices are set that will enable producers and cooperatives
to better provide for their fundamental needs (healthcare, salt, and create a warm and ducts, while at the same time protecting
beneficial microclimate for the and improving the natural environment > Codex Alimentarius
education and housing) and to invest in their community’s
future. Fair trade cuts out the intermediary. In return, the crops. To date farmers have and social/economic conditions of local The Codex Alimentarius Commission
producer is committed to supplying a quality product, converted over 7,000 hectares communities.” is a bipartite organization of the FAO
respecting International Labour Organization standards, to waru-waru to grow potatoes, www.saiplatform.org and the World Health Orgization (WHO)
and investing part of proceeds from sales in development whose vocation is to satisfy the food
quinoa and barley. Their per-
projects. Fair trade has the vocation to become an
hectare potato yields range up to requirements of the world’s population.
alternative to traditional international trade and
re-establish the balance between North and 10 tonnes, and per capita incomes Its objective is to protect the health of
South. have more than doubled. Waru-waru consumers and to promote fair practi-
www.eftafairtrade.org is an example of what the FAO calls ces in the international food trade. The
www.fairtrade.net Globally-important Ingenious Agricul- commission refers to scientific evalua-
tural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), which tions to define standards for the secu-
FIND OUT MORE "build on natural ecological processes rity and quality of food products. These
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Agriculture rather than struggling against them". standards concern aspects of food hy-
Department: Now, in conjunction with different par- giene, nutrition and labelling as much
www.fao.org/ag tners, the FAO aims to promote inter- as questions of quality. Codex brings
New agriculturist: national recognition, conservation and together 169 member states.
www.new-agri.co.uk sustainable management of GIAHS. www.codexalimentarius.net
International agricultural center: www.fao.org/ag/magazine/0211sp1.htm
www.iac.wur.nl www.fao.org/ag/agl/agll/giahs/
International Food Policy Research Institute:
Livestock, Environment and Development (LEAD) Initiative:
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:
The FAO and organic farming:
Aquastat, FAO’s information system of water and agriculture: > A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WEBSITE
www.fao.org/ag/agl/aglw/aquastat/main/index.stm UNEP has set up a website about the problems and key issues related to the agri-food industry.
Network on rural development and food security: www.rdfs.net Platform for discussion, training and sharing of experience, its aim is to help companies and organizations
Sustainable agriculture research and education: implement sustainable agricultural programmes that reflect the principles set out in Rio.
Global Crop Diversity Trust: www.startwithaseed.org www.agrifood-forum.net
Alliance for better food and farming: www.sustainweb.org
New agriculturist: www.new-agri.co.uk