Answer b (Verification)
Explanation: Verification is most difficult element under process of
creativity as it is the stage where an idea is validated and proved to be
valuable. It is considered as a difficult stage as obstacles and hurdles start
to occur due to application of idea.
Q4. The source of idea field that helps in knowing and assessing
competitors and gain advantage over them by developing better products
and keep up with the trends and preferences of consumers is:
a) market idea b) existing product idea
c) natural resource idea d) trading idea.
Answer: a. (Illumination)
Explanation: Illumination is a stage where an idea re-surfaces in a
realistic way. An entrepreneur comes with a viable plan to give practical
shape to his idea.
Q10 The idea for electronic cars developed because of depletion of natural
resources and pollution. The source of perceiving such an idea is:
a) problem b)change c) competition d) innovation
Answer: a (problem)
Explanation: Solution to a problem may lead to generation of idea. In
above case, due to problem of depletion of natural resources and pollution,
the idea for electronic cars was generated.
Q12. The factor of external environment that affects the demand for a
company's products is:
a) legal factors b) political factors c)economic factors d)social factors
Q17 Many sources like e-mails, newsletters or websites and forums are
used to spot new trends. Such a way of spotting trends is:
Q18. Frames of reference for designing the process of ideas generation are
a) trend spotting b)business opportunity c)innovation d) idea fields
Q20 Aspect that promotes the idea of establishing an enterprise and earn
revenues is:
a) business environment b) business opportunity
c)entrepreneurship d) environmental scanning
Answer: b (business opportunity)
Explanation: business opportunity is an idea that is feasible to be
converted into an enterprise and get profits.
Answer: Before seeking a business opportunity, one must be sure that the
a) Market for the product is there.
b) Rate of return on the investment is acceptable.
Q29. Identify and explain the process that assists managers in deciding the
future actions for an organisation.
Answer: The process that assists managers in deciding the future actions
for an organization is environment scanning. It is the process of gathering
information regarding company’s environment, analysing it and forecasting
the impact of all predictable environmental changes. It helps managers to
decide future path of the organization.
Q33 Big Bakes is a bakery that is famous for its cakes and breads.
However, with the increase in competition in offering new products, Big
Bakes decided to make some changes and bake its products. Can you
suggest how idea field will help Big Bakes?
Answer: Big Bakes can generate better ideas through the process of
generation of idea fields.
Idea fields are the references or sources that help in making the
process of idea generation easy and smoother.
Idea fields can help Big Bakes in following ways:
• Big Bakes can develop their existing product and be more
successful as changes can help the firm to grow more.
it will help in knowing and assessing its competitors and gain advantage
over them by developing better products and keep up with the trends and
preferences of consumers.
Q35 How does observation in the market place helps to spot trends?
Answer: Observation helps entrepreneurs to analyse and watch the
changes in preferences and consumers. Many business stores hire
specialists that observe the behaviour of consumers while buying the
products so as to know what consumers actually desire.
It also helps to know what kind of products attract customers and how
customers respond to the products being offered by a business.
Q42 Pam decided to start her own business of selling artificial jewellery.
She did research to develop an idea for her business and analysed that
many women like to buy artificial jewellery as it is trendier. Can you
explain what helps entrepreneurs like Pam for perceiving an idea?
Q45 After completing his MBA, Kate decided to take a trip to northeastern
states as he had never visited those states. While he was staying in one of
the villages in Assam, he observed that jute was grown a lot by farmers. He
though that he can supply jute and start his own business. He talked to
the farmers about the idea and decided to train them. He analysed that
jute can be used for many purposes and he can specialize in making jute
bags as it can also help in serving as an eco-friendly alternative. He also
decided to give fair share of wages to the farmers for their hard work.
a. Identify the process and its factors through which Kate was able to
convert his idea into an entrepreneurial opportunity.
Answer: a. Karan was able to convert his idea through sensing and
perceiving opportunity.
Factors involved in Sensing Opportunities
1. Ability of perceiving and preserving the basic ideas : An
opportunity or an idea can be perceived from following sources:
• Solution of a problem: Solution to a problem may lead to
generation of idea.
• Change: Change in social, legal or technological aspects, may
lead to a new business opportunity.
• Invention: Invention of a new product or service may lead to a
new opportunity that can be converted into an enterprise.
• Competition: It results in new business opportunities so as to
be better that the competitors.
• Innovation: it helps in adding value to the existing product by
introducing new process, idea, etc.
2. Ability of harnessing various sources of information:
Information can be collected from magazines, books, journals,
seminars, trade shows, family members, customers, friends, etc. This
has to be analysed to identify an opportunity
3. Vision, creativity and innovation: Entrepreneurs provide a
solution to the problem through creativity. Entrepreneur’s vision
helps him to:
• Overcome difficulties.
• Take control of the business.
• Create a difference.
Q46 Creativity is a process that helps in development of an idea. Explain.
• First Mover Advantage: identify opportunities for business
success and be the first to exploit business opportunities
instead of losing them to competitors.
• Threats & Warning Signals: Know about threats for business. It
helps to perceive early warning signals for the business and
industry and take corrective measures such as quality
improvement, cost reduction, advertising etc.
• Tapping Useful Resources: helps to obtain various resources for
operating the business-like finance, machines, raw materials,
power and water, labour etc. sell its goods and services to
customers, provide its taxes to government, give return on
investment to investors, etc.
• Coping With Rapid Changes: helps to deal with continuous
changes taking place such as less brand loyalty, fragmentation
of market, more demanding customers, rapid changes in
technology, intense global competition, etc. and develop suitable
courses of action to cope with the changes.
• Planning & Policy Formulation: it helps in deciding the future
course of action or training guidelines for decision making AND
understanding and analysing the business dynamics.
• Improvising Performance: IT helps firms in improving their
performance by closely monitoring their immediate environment
AND adopting suitable business practices to improve their
present performance and succeed in the market for longer
Q49 Miller, an architect, saw a building which was not fully constructed
near his office. He saw it as an opportunity and decided to quit his job and
start his own constructing business. With the help of his father, he bought
the building and decided to fully construct it with his own creativity. When
the building was completed, it was very much appreciated for its design
and many big firms approached Miller to design building for them.
a. Can you identify the source of idea field that help Miller in generating
the idea?
b. Also explain the other ways of idea field that help entrepreneurs in
generating business ideas
Board questions
Q1 Rishabh lives in Vijay Nagar, a residential colony near Delhi University
(DU). Being close to DU this area is a hub for students who come from
outside Delhi to study here as they find good accommodation with Tiffin
service readily available. Rishabh has a vacant residential building there.
He found it to be an attractive economic idea to start a Paying Guest
House. He knows that he has a good market because of the location of his
building. State the other requirement he has to ensure before opting for
this opportunity. (1)
Q2 Ragini, a career-oriented mother, hardly got time to cook for the family.
She decided to hire a cook but was not able to find one who could cook
according to the taste of the family. Her sister Abha sensed that this
problem is not only faced by her sister but also by many working women.
She launched a website namely ‘Dial for food’ where housewives who had
culinary ability and were interested to cook could drop in their contact
details and households where specific cuisine was required could leave in
their requirements so that through the website home cooked food could
be delivered. The website mainly helped in identifying the requirement
and fulfilled it through providing delivery service. Identify any two uses of
problem identification to Abha. (2)
Q6 Sheila has a degree in robotics, and she loves to design products. She started
her career in ‘Robotic’ which uses high end technology in all their products. Her
job profile included travelling a lot also. Whenever she travelled, she noticed that
disabled people have difficulty in maneuvering their wheelchair from one place to
another because in some places ramp is not provided and there is no way they can
walk up the stairs. She came up with an idea of a wheelchair which can be used on
stairs easily. She decided to quit her job and start her own company. She realized
that her idea was the first stage in the process of innovation. Identify the concept
and explain the steps in its process. (6)