Original Article
INTRODUCTION Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the
Prosthetic rehabilitation of endodontically treated teeth has been effect of ferrule length on fracture resistance of endodontically
a challenge to dental practitioners. Following endodontic therapy, treated mandibular premolar teeth restored with prefabricated
substantial amount of tooth structure is lost due to caries, glass fiber post luted with resin cement, composite core and a full
trauma and endodontic procedures and it becomes a hollow coverage metal crown.
calcified laminated structure with deficient collagen cross linking
and reduced modulus of resiliency with increased fracture sus MATERIALS AND METHODS
ceptibility. Survival of such teeth is directly related to the quality as The present in vitro study was conducted in Department of
well as quantity of the remaining tooth structure [1]. Conservation Prosthodontics, Saraswati Dental College and Hospital, Lucknow,
of sound coronal dentin permits placement of margin on Uttar Pradesh, India in collaboration with Central Institute of Plastic
remaining tooth structure which influences the fracture resistance Engineering and Technology, Lucknow. Forty extracted, human
of crowned endodontically treated teeth [2]. Reinforcement of permanent mandibular premolars of approximately same dimensions
fiber posts in endodontically treated teeth with insufficient coronal were selected for the study which was measured using an electronic
tooth structure produces a stress field similar to that of natural
digital Vernier's calliper (Mitutoyo/Digimatic, Japan) to make sure
teeth because of same elastic modulus as that of dentine, thus
that they satisfy the following inclusion criterias: Mesio-Distal (M-D)
restoring the tooth to function [3].
dimensions: 5 mm±1, Bucco-Lingual (B-L) dimensions: 7 mm±1,
Incorporation of a ferrule when restoring an endodontically treated root length atleast 15 mm [Table/Fig-1a,b]. Additionally, periapical
tooth with a post-core and a crown always enhance the prognosis B-L and M-D radiographic views were taken to ensure the presence
of the tooth. A ferrule has been defined as a circumferential metal
of straight, single canal orifice, and completely formed apices. The
collar of the crown surrounding the parallel walls of the dentine
teeth were inspected to exclude any defects or cracks, restorations
extending coronal to the margin of the preparation [4]. The ferrule
or caries and previous endodontic restorations. Disinfection of the
improves biomechanical stability of the tooth by improving resistance
specimens was done using 0.5% chloramine T aqueous solution at
to dynamic occlusal loading and integrity of the cement seal of the
prosthesis. Studies have validated the use of atleast 1.5 mm ferrule 4°C for one week. Subsequently the selected teeth were stored in
as most effective in resisting fracture under load [5-7]. Many studies normal saline throughout the procedure to prevent desiccation.
investigating the ferrule effect have used cast post and core and A reference line was marked with graphite pencil at the Cemento-
generally on anterior teeth [8-12], but there is little information as to Enamel Junction (CEJ) of the experimental group specimens.
whether ferrule length has an added advantage along with fiber post The marking was based on digital vernier calliper measurements.
and composite core in premolar tooth. Sectioning the coronal tooth structure, at the reference lines, was
done perpendicular to the long axis of the teeth using a diamond
disc with low speed straight handpiece. The resultant coronal tooth Statistical analysis
surface was flat, rather than following the undulations of the CEJ The data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social
under constant water irrigation. To standardize the specimen’s Sciences, version 15.0, distributions were checked for normality
length, the crowns of the selected teeth were removed according to using Kolmogorov Smirnov test and failure mode was recorded
ferrule heights; Group A: no ferrule; Group B: 1 mm ferrule; Group and statistically analysed with Kruskal Wallis test.
C: 2 mm ferrule; Group D: 3 mm ferrule.
Standardized endodontic procedure was carried out on all
specimens using Protaper® (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues), canals
were irrigated with 3% NaOCl and obturated with F2 ProTaper
guttapercha cones (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues) using AH Plus
Sealer (Dentsply Maillefer, Switzerland). Finally to ensure full setting
of the seal, the teeth were stored in a 100% humid environment at
37°C for 24 hours.
Guttapercha removal was performed with Gates Glidden drills (3#)
taking care to preserve 4 mm apical seal. Radiographs were taken
to evaluate the adequacy of the remaining dentine structure around
the post space preparation. For standardized orientation of all
specimens into resin filled moulds, dental surveyor was used [Table/
Fig-1c]. Root surfaces were marked 3 mm below the CEJ. To simulate
the periodontal ligament, the root surfaces were covered with two
layers of 0.075 mm thick heat-resistant polytetrafluoroethylene
adhesive tape and coated with petroleum jelly. Silicone impression
material (Alphasil®, Germany) was mixed and injected around tooth
to produce a standardized silicone layer of 0.15 mm to simulate [Table/Fig-2]: a) Tooth was prepared using a high speed rotary handpiece mounted
in a dental surveyor; b) Specimen placed on UTM (Instron 3382) for loading.
periodontal ligament.
Prefabricated glass fiber post (Reforpost, Angelus) of 0.9 mm
diameter at their apical section and 1.3 mm diameter at their coronal
section were selected for the study [Table/Fig-1d]. The dual-cure
resin cement RelyXTM U200 was used for post cementation. The
specimens were left undisturbed for 15 minutes prior to storage
in 100% humidity environment at 37°C for 24 hours. Composite
resin (for core build up) was placed in increments with 40 seconds
of polymerization. Standardized preparation was done in each
specimen using a high speed rotary handpiece [Table/Fig-2a].
[Table/Fig-3]: a) Favourable fracture; b) Unfavourable fracture.
Crowns were luted with glass ionomer cement.
Distilled water was selected to store the specimens at a temperature
of 37°C with 100% humidity for 24 hours. Subsequently the
The mean value of fracture resistance, standard deviation and inter
specimens were thermocycled for 500 times from 5° to 55°C using
group comparison was recorded and statistically analysed using
30 second dwell times. The mounted specimens were aligned with
Kruskal Wallis test [Table/Fig-4]. The specimens (n=40) had a mean
the long axis of the tooth at 30° to the loading rod tip. This jig was
fracture resistance of (766.21+204.91 N) with values ranging from
secured to the lower compartment of a Universal Testing Machine
a minimum of 364.66 N to a maximum of 1253.67 N. Fracture
(UTM) (Instron 3382). A flat steel tip with compressive head was
resistance was found to be lowest for Group A (529.36±119.95 N)
used to apply the load on lingual incline of buccal cusp. It was fixed
followed by Group B (714.64±133.89 N), Group C (848.84±109.60 N)
to the moving upper compartment of the testing machine [Table/
and highest for Group D (971.99±133.07 N) [Table/Fig-4]. Difference
Fig-2b]. The compressive load was applied at a crosshead speed
in fracture resistance values among the groups was found to be
of 1 mm/min until failure occurred. The failure mode was evaluated
statistically significant (p<0.001).
by visual examination of the specimens to classify its type [13].
Then a stereomicroscope (Olympus, U-CMAD3, Japan) was used Though fracture was found to be favourable in higher proportion
for further evaluation of the mode of failure. The failure mode of Group D (90.0%) as compared to Group B (80.0%), Group C
was classified as either favourable (restorable) or unfavourable (80.0%) and Group A (70.0%) [Table/Fig-5], they were not statistically
(catastrophic) [Table/Fig-3a,b]. Favourable failure modes are those significant.
that take place above the level of acrylic resin which simulate the
bone level. They include either partial or complete post-core- DISCUSSION
crown debonding or post-core-tooth complex fracture above Advancements in the field of restorative dentistry have markedly
acrylic resin block. Unfavourable failure occurs below the level of increased the probabilities of successful restoration of severely
the acrylic resin. It includes fracture of the post-core-root complex, damaged endodontically treated teeth. The preservation of tooth
cracks in the roots or vertical root fractures. structure in endodontically treated tooth improves its prognosis
because it provides protection against fracture under occlusal
loads. A ferrule, in respect to the teeth, is a band that encircles the
external dimension of residual tooth structure.
In the present study, influence of ferrule length on fracture resistance
and failure pattern of endodontically treated crowned mandibular
premolars reinforced with composite core and fiber post was
[Table/Fig-1]: a) Dimension of crown measured using an electronic digital Vernier's
caliper; b) Dimension of root measured using an electronic digital Vernier's caliper;
investigated. The decision to place a post in endodontically treated
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1. Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Saraswati Dental College, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2. Professor and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, Saraswati Dental College, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
3. Junior Resident, Department of Prosthodontics, Saraswati Dental College, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.