IJISRT23DEC1110 (1)
IJISRT23DEC1110 (1)
IJISRT23DEC1110 (1)
Article in International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology · December 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10443962
0 369
2 authors, including:
Lokesh Lodha
Jaipur National University
All content following this page was uploaded by Lokesh Lodha on 02 February 2024.
Abstract:- This study intends to explore the field of word accuracy is sufficient, it can be applied to additional
embedding and thoroughly examine and contrast various classification tasks; if not, more complexity is required to
word embedding algorithms. Words retain their semantic achieve optimal outcomes. This comparative study may help
relationships and meaning when they are transformed researchers and practitioners select the best word embedding
into vectors using word embedding models. Numerous strategy for their particular applications.
methods have been put forth, each with unique benefits
and drawbacks. Making wise choices when using word The research study is structured in five sections where
embedding for NLP tasks requires an understanding of first section introduces the NLP tasks and word embedding
these methods and their relative efficacy. The study what about. Second section gives an overview of the basic
presents methodologies, potential uses of each technique ideas and precepts guiding word embedding. Section 3
and discussed advantages, disadvantages. The discusses the popular word embedding techniques in detail,
fundamental ideas and workings of well-known word outlining their strengths and weaknesses. Section 4 discusses
embedding methods, such as Word2Vec, GloVe, the evaluation framework and criteria used for comparing
FastText, contextual embedding ELMo, and BERT, are these techniques. Section 5 presents the experimental results
evaluated in this paper. The performance of these and comparative analysis. Finally these methods are
algorithms are evaluated for three datasets on the basis of compared according to a range of criteria, including
words similarity and word analogy and finally results are transferability, quality of embedding, computational
compared. efficiency, and adaptability to different languages or
Keywords:- Embedding, Word2Vec, Global Vectors for Word
Representation (GloVe), Embedding from Language II. OVERVIEW ON WORD EMBEDDING
Models (ELMo), BERT.
A. Vector Space Model (VSM)
I. INTRODUCTION The Vector Space Model forms the foundational
concept for word Embedding. It represents words as vectors
Word embedding is technique uses Vector Space Model in a multi-dimensional space, where each dimension
concept to transform words into vectors in natural language corresponds to a specific aspect or feature of the word. This
processing. This technique offers a dense representation of representation allows mathematical operations and
words in a continuous vector space and now a days it has computations on words, enabling algorithms to understand
become a key technique in machine translation and NLP relationships and similarities. Here we try to densely pack the
tasks. These techniques help machines comprehend and information of the text into a vector which formally takes
process human language more effectively by capturing some hundred or thousand dimensions [1]. It had the first use
contextual information and semantic relationships from case in the SMArt Information Retrieval System. The VSM
words and sentences. The effectiveness of these algorithms has many use cases some of which are:
depends on the selection of embedding technique for the Relevancy Ranking
application. Several NLP tasks, including named entity Information Retrieval
recognition, machine translation, sentiment analysis, and Information Gathering
more, can be strongly impacted by the words.
In word embedding a fundamental principle dictates
Humans have always attempted to complete that words appearing in comparable contexts tend to manifest
complicated tasks at the speed of light, thanks to the proximity within the vector space representation. This
development of computers and computational capacity which signifies that their corresponding vectors exhibit similarity,
made this possible. Word embedding provides a continuous emphasizing the preservation of contextual meaning and
and distributed representation that captures semantic and semantic relationships during the embedding process. For
contextual information from sentences, in contrast to example, If the words "cat" and "dog" are frequently
traditional approaches that represented words as discrete observed in the dataset within the context of "owner," the
symbols or sparse representations. This is a supervised resulting word Embedding for "cat" and "dog" will
learning task that discards the classification accuracy by demonstrate closeness in the vector representation. This
using the categories and the data vector as input. If the proximity reflects their shared contextual relationship with
For performing word analogy test, the Google dataset TABLE 5. COMPARISON OF CONCEPT
and the MSR dataset are used. These dataset evaluates the CATEGORIZATION
ability of word embedding and to capture the semantic and Name Categories Word2vec GloVe fastText
syntactic relationships between words. The Google dataset
contains 19,544 number of questions which can be divided AP 21 65.7 61.4 59.0
into groups one is "morpho-syntactic" and other one is Dataset
"semantic". There are total 8,000 analogy issues in the other BLESS 56 74.0 82.0 73.0
MSR dataset. Dataset
BM 27 45.1 43.6 41.9
Table 3, 4, 5, and 6 show the results of the study and The final evaluation criteria we chose was the Outlier
these show that Word2Vec performed faster and more Detection criteria. We adopted two datasets for outlier
accurately than GloVe and FastText on every dataset. The detection: WordSim-500 and 8-8-8 datasets.
reason is that Word2Vec could accurately capture the
semantic relationships between words. It gives highest word Each of the 500 clusters in the WordSim-500 is
similarity 81.3 for RG-65 dataset and gives highest word represented by a set of eight words with five to seven
analogy 74.4. outliers. Eight clusters, each consisting of a set of eight
words with eight outliers, make up the 8-8-8 dataset. We
Word2Vec, GloVe, and FastText are the three word computed the Outlier Position Percentage (OPP) in addition
embedding methods we employed in our experiment. Words to accuracy. Between the two datasets, the results, displayed
are learned to be represented as vectors of real numbers using in Table V, were inconsistent. On the WordSim-500 dataset,
neural network-based models, which underpin all three word for instance, GloVe performed the best, but on the 8-8-8
embedding techniques. Following that, these vectors can be dataset, it had the lowest accuracy.
applied to a range of natural language processing tasks,
including machine translation, sentiment analysis, and text TABLE 6. COMPARISON OF OUTLIER DETECTION
classification. These are all highly well-liked methods in Name Word2vec GloVe fastText
NLP that are applied to some fascinating tasks such as:
machine translation, similarity detection, analogy detection, WS-500 14.02 15.09 10.68
named entity recognition (Accuracy)
WS-500 85.33 85.74 82.16
Name Word2vec GloVe fastText 8–8–8 56.25 50.0 57.81
WS-353 64.3 59.7 64.3 8–8–8 84.38 84.77 84.38
WS-353-REL 53.4 55.9 56.4 (OPP
WS-353-SIM 74 66.8 72.1
MC-30 74.7 74.2 76.3 This study does not cover advanced topics like machine
RG-65 81.3 75.1 77.3 translation because those require further training on our part.
SimVerb-999 24.5 17.2 21.9 In the machine translation, to understand the meaning of a
SimLex-999 37.2 32.4 35.2 text in one language and converting it into another language
is difficult task. It is necessary to take textual meaning of
TABLE 4. COMPARISON OF WORD ANALOGY both languages same and machine translation can perform
Name Word2vec GloVe fastText this up to some limitation. A robust machine translation
Google (Add) 70.7 68.4 40.5 systems can be created that are more accurate and effective
Google (Mul) 70.8 68.7 45.1 than ever before by utilizing the most recent developments.
Semantic (Add) 74.4 76.1 19.1
Semantic (Mul) 74.1 75.9 24.8 VII. CONCLUSION
Syntactic (Add) 67.6 61.9 58.3
Syntactic (Mul) 68.1 62.7 61.9 In this study, the performance of various word
MSR (Add) 56.2 50.3 48.6 embedding techniques was evaluated and compared. The
MSR (Add) 56.8 51.6 52.2 findings of this study gives insightful information about how
well various word embedding methods perform in tasks
involving natural language processing. According to the
result Word2Vec word embedding technique performs well
compared to the other techniques. This technique could be