Instant download Control of Power Electronic Converters and Systems: Volume 3 1st Edition Frede Blaabjerg (Editor) pdf all chapter
Instant download Control of Power Electronic Converters and Systems: Volume 3 1st Edition Frede Blaabjerg (Editor) pdf all chapter
Instant download Control of Power Electronic Converters and Systems: Volume 3 1st Edition Frede Blaabjerg (Editor) pdf all chapter
Volume 3
Frede Blaabjerg
Table of Contents
Cover image
Title page
1.1. Introduction
1.4. Summary
2.1. Introduction
3.1. Introduction
3.12. Conclusions
5.6. Conclusion
6.1. Introduction
6.5. Conclusion
7.1. Introduction
7.5. Summary
8.1. Introduction
Chapter 9. Advanced modeling and control of voltage source converters with LCL
9.1. Introduction
10.1. Introduction
10.5. Summary
11.1. Introduction
12.4. Summary
13.1. Introduction
13.6. Conclusions
14.1. Introduction
14.6. Summary
15.1. Introduction
15.6. Summary
16.1. Introduction
16.4. Summary
17.1. Introduction
17.5. Conclusions
18.1. Introduction
19.6. Summary
20.1. Introduction
20.4. Summary
21.1. Introduction
21.5. Conclusion
22.1. Introduction
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ISBN: 978-0-12-819432-4
Qianwen Xu, Electric Power and Energy Systems Division, KTH Royal Institute
of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Along with the power electronics widely applied in the power systems, the control
performance of power electronic system plays an important role in the modern
power system. There are many advanced control methods devoted to improve the
control performance such as fast dynamic response, small steady-state error, large
stability margin, and so on. In this chapter, a comprehensive and systematic review
of most advanced control methods is elaborated in the introduction. The advanced
control methods are generally classified into two categories: linear controller and
nonlinear controller, which are basically based on the characteristic of the controller
and how to model the controlled plant. Furthermore, the control structure and
working principle of these advanced controllers are expounded in detail. In order to
give a more intuitive interpretation of these different control methods, the most
widely used three-phase voltage source converter is given as an application to
control the grid current or power. Finally, the performance comparison of these
advanced control methods is conducted, which can help engineers to choose
appropriate control methods according the specific application and various
performance requirements.
Artificial intelligence; Control; Model predictive control; Nonlinear control; Power converter
1.1. Introduction
With the rapid development of semiconductor devices, power electronic technology has
also been expanding rapidly and widely used in modern power system. Therefore, the
power system is gradually changing toward a power electronic–based power system,
which can be seen from these three aspects: power generation, power transmission and
distribution grid, and electrical load.
For the power generation, environmental and energy crisis call for the extensive
application of renewable energy like wind power and photovoltaics. These power
generations are highly dependent on power electronic converters to transform the
generated electricity to grid [1,2]. For the power transmission and distribution grid,
flexible AC transmission systems and static synchronous compensator are needed to
improve grid voltage quality, which are also mostly based on power electronic devices
[3–5]. On the electrical load side, the wide application of variable frequency drive further
increases the proportion of versatile inverters as well as many others like computer
centers, lighting, and so on [6,7].
In summary, the modern power system will be with particularly high penetration rate
of power electronic devices, so it is of great importance to study how to efficiently and
stably control these power electronic equipment.
According to different applications, it may have different control objectives such as
position control and speed control of electric motor, active and reactive power control of
renewable energies, and voltage and current control of diverse power converters. In order
to realize these different control objectives, different and reliable control strategies need to
be adopted. This chapter will summarize the advanced control technologies in modern
power electronic systems. Based on the characteristics of controllers, it can generally be
divided into linear controller and nonlinear controller.
When it comes to linear controllers, it means that the structure of the controller is linear
and the controller design is based on a linear model of the controlled plant. The most
commonly used linear controller is proportional and integral (PI) controller, which can
track a DC reference without steady-state error [8–11]. The structure is simple and easy to
be applied. However, only the DC reference signal can be controlled through a PI
controller. Other kinds of reference signals like the sinusoidal reference cannot be tracked
without errors. Hence, the proportional and resonant (PR) controller is proposed to track
the sinusoidal reference [12–15]. In essence, the resonant controller is an extension of
integral control in the frequency domain, which is not just aimed at the zero frequency
but can be used at any desired frequency. Through the PR controller, the sinusoidal
current or voltage can be controlled in the stationary frame without complex coordinate
transformation. However, when the frequency is various, an adaptive resonant controller
should be designed, otherwise the control accuracy cannot be guaranteed [16,17]. When
the grid voltage is distorted with multifrequency harmonics, a series of resonant
controllers should be employed in the control structure which will make the controller
design complex and cumbersome to do the discretization in digital controller [18]. In this
context, repetitive controller (RC) is a good choice for controlling multifrequency
component simultaneously, since the RC is equivalent to a series of resonant controllers
in parallel [19–21]. Nevertheless, the delay time in the RC structure may deteriorate the
dynamic performance if the basic fundamental frequency is low. Furthermore, the
bandwidth and stability of RC should be paid serious attention to when applying it to the
digital controller. When it comes to the dynamic performance design process, the pole
placement control is an effective method to set all desired poles of system according to
the state space equation [22–26]. Sometimes there are special requirements of the control
performance, and the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) is an effective method to achieve
an optimized control like finite time to the steady point or least energy consumed during
dynamic process [27–30]. The LQR is also based on the linear state space equation of the
system, and the key point is to find the weighting matrix of state and input, and then
calculate the feedback gain matrix. This procedure is dependent on the system
parameters, which will jeopardize the system performance with parameter deviations.
It should be noted that the application and design of these linear controllers are
dependent on the linear model of the controlled plant. The PI controller, resonant
controller, and RC are all based on the linear transfer function, and the pole placement
control and the LQR are both based on the linear state space equation. Nevertheless, most
of the power electronic–based system are nonlinear when considering the power control,
synchronization block, switching process, and so on. In order to achieve an accurate and
robust control during the whole operation range, many nonlinear and advanced control
methods are taken into consideration in the power electronic systems.
Hysteresis control is a simple nonlinear control method with the advantages of easy
implementation, strong robustness, and low parameter dependence [31–38]. However,
the switching frequency of the hysteresis control is uncertain, so that the theoretical
frequency band of the output current can be as high as twice the operating frequency of
its hysteresis comparator, which causes unnecessary difficulties in the design of the
output filter.
Model predictive control (MPC) is an optimization control method which is not limited
to the linear system but dependent on how to choose the cost function. Based on the cost
function and the system model, the MPC method can directly get the PWM signals
without any synchronization block. However, the switching frequency of the basic MPC
method is variable which may make the filter design difficult [39–47].
Backstepping (BS) control technique has received much attention due to its merits of
systematic and recursive design methodology [48–55]. The idea of BS control strategy is
to select the proper Lyapunov function according to control targets on different design
stages and form a final Lyapunov function by summing up the previous ones on every
stage. The characteristics of the Lyapunov function can guarantee the stability of the
control systems. The parameters needed to be tuned are less than PI controller; however,
the control performance might have steady-state error when the system parameter
In order to enhance the robustness of the BS control, sliding mode control (SMC) is
widely used in power electronic systems because of the immunity to system parameters
variation [56–61]. The sliding mode variable structure control strategy can change its own
control structure in real time according to the change of the operating state of the system,
and finally make the state variables of the system enter the predesigned sliding mode
surface. However, due to the discontinuous control input for varying, the structure will
lead to chatter problem.
In order to deal with the nonlinear block in power electronic systems, feedback
linearization (FBL) is a good choice to change the nonlinear to linear system by
constructing new intermediate variables. The FBL is particularly useful in power
electronics to tackle the nonlinear problem. The technique is widely used while
developing the control for electric machines, such as the DC machine, induction machine,
switched reluctance machine, and permanent-magnet synchronous machine using power
electronic converters, where a nonlinear process is transformed into a linear one by
forcing the output to follow the input in a closed-loop fashion [62–66]. However, FBL
control cannot tackle with parameter variations and disturbance uncertainty.
In order to enhance the robustness of the control system, the robust control can also be
applied to tackle with the uncertain disturbance. The aforementioned controllers are
mainly focusing the self-performance of converters without considering the interaction
with the grid. The impedance characteristic of converters with different control strategies
changes dramatically in a wide frequency range. When it is connected to weak grid,
resonance or unstable divergence is frequently occurred due to the impedance
interaction. Thus, the passivity control is proposed for regulating the phase of converter
impedance between −90 and 90 degrees, which can avoid the instability caused by the
impedance interaction [67–73].
When considering the parameter variations during working period and reducing the
negative effect caused by parameter changes, adaptive control is an effective way to
estimate the state and change the control parameter real time according to the current
working status [74–77].
To deal with this stability problem, an H ∞ controller with explicit robustness in terms
of grid impedance variations is proposed to incorporate the desired tracking performance
and the stability margin [73,79–83]. By properly selecting the weighting functions, the
synthesized H ∞ controller exhibits high gains at the vicinity of the line frequency, similar
to the traditional PR controller; meanwhile, it has enough high-frequency attenuation to
keep the control loop stable.
Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI) is developing rapidly and is one of the most
salient research areas during the last several decades [83,84]. The aim of AI is to facilitate
systems with intelligence that is capable of human-like learning and reasoning. There are
various applications, including design optimization of power module heatsink [85],
intelligent controller for multicolor light-emitting diode [86], maximum power point
tracking control for wind energy conversion systems [87,88], anomaly detection for
inverter [89], remaining useful life prediction for supercapacitors [90], etc. By
implementing AI, power electronic systems are embedded with capabilities of self-
learning and self-adaptation, and therefore the system autonomy can be improved.
In conclusion, many advanced control methods can be applied in power electronic
systems with different objectives, which can be generally divided into two categories:
linear controller and nonlinear controller. The overview of these advanced control
methods can be seen in Fig. 1.1. This chapter tries to give a comprehensive and systematic
review of these advanced control methods, which will start with the linear controller in
the first section. Then, various nonlinear controllers are introduced in the next section. In
order to give an intuitive interpretation of different control methods, the simple three-
phase voltage source converter (VSC) is utilized as the controlled plant. In the last section,
the comparison of different advanced control methods is compared through different
aspects, such as the tracking performance, disturbance rejection ability and complexity of
control algorithm, and so on. According to different performance requirements, different
advanced control methods should be chosen. Along with the quick development of
digital controller and signal processing ability, the advanced nonlinear control method
will be a trend for improving the performance of power electronic systems.
where k p , k i are the proportional and integral parameters of the PI part, ω is the tuned
resonant frequency.
However, it should be pointed out that the PR controller expression in Eq. (1.2) is an
ideal one, which is quite sensitive to the grid frequency variation. Thus, the practical PR
controller is adopted by the following equation:
where k r is the resonant gain, ω c is the resonant bandwidth introduced to increase the
control bandwidth and improve the robustness against the grid frequency variation, ω 0 is
The PR controller can be applied for the current control in VSC as illustrated in Fig. 1.3.
Since the resonant controller is capable of regulating the alternating signal, the Park
transformation can be avoided and the control structure is implemented in the stationary
where k RC is the gain parameter of CRC regulator, T 0 is the period of the fundamental
Based on the nature of exponential function, Eq. (1.6) can be rewritten as follows:
When ω c is far smaller than ω 0, the symbol of approximate equal holds. ω c is the
resonant bandwidth and ω c = −lnQ/T 0. From Eq. (1.7), it can be seen that the integral
element in Eq. (1.5) becomes an inertial element, and the resonant controllers become
quasiresonant controllers. Therefore, it can be concluded that the modified RC with Q
corresponds to a parallel combination of a negative proportional term, an inertial
element, and a series of quasiresonant controllers connected in parallel at harmonic
frequencies, which can tackle with multifrequency component simultaneously. The
control diagram of RC applied for a three-phase VSC is shown in Fig. 1.4, which is aimed
to suppress the harmonics in grid current. It should be noted that the input of RC is not
only limited to the current error but it can also be chosen as power error when the control
objective is to suppress power ripple under distorted grid voltages.
used, U = − KX. The use of state feedback control modifies the system state equation
to which is the state variable presentation of the compensated system. The
characteristic equation of the compensated system is . Here, the state
feedback gain matrix K can be determined using the Ackermann’s formula [25], which is
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Ostiaks and Samoyedes, settle disputes, and deal out justice
generally; the Russian merchants are on the outlook for buyers and
sellers, the dishonest ones among them, and the swindling Syryani,
for thoughtless drunkards, and the clergy for heathen to be
converted. Among the Ostiaks and Samoyedes all sorts of
agreements are made, weddings arranged, enemies reconciled,
friends gained, compacts with the Russians formed, debts paid and
new ones contracted. From all sides appear long trains of sledges
drawn by reindeer, and one tshum after another grows up beside the
market-place, each tshum surrounded by heavily-laden sledges
containing the saleable acquisitions of the year. Every morning the
owner, with his favourite wife in gala attire, proceeds to the booths to
sell his skins and buy other commodities. They bargain, haggle, and
attempt to cheat, and Mercury, as powerful as of yore, shows his
might not only as the god of merchants but of thieves. Alcohol,
though its retail sale is forbidden by the government, is to be had not
only at every merchant’s, but in almost every house in Obdorsk, and
it blunts the senses and dulls the intelligence of Ostiak and
Samoyede, and impoverishes them even more than the much-
dreaded reindeer plague. Brandy rouses all the passions in the
ordinarily calm, good-tempered, inoffensive Ostiak, and transforms
the peaceable, friendly, honest fellows into raging, senseless
animals. Man and wife alike long for brandy; the father pours it down
his boy’s throat, the mother forces it on her daughter, should they
begin by rebelling against the destructive poison. For brandy the
Ostiak squanders his laboriously-gained treasures, his whole
possessions; for it he binds himself as a slave, or at least as a
servant; for it he sells his soul, and denies the faith of his fathers.
Brandy is an indispensable accompaniment to the conclusion of
every business, even to conversion to the orthodox church. With the
help of brandy a dishonest merchant can get possession of all an
Ostiak’s skins, and without these, with empty purse and confused
head, the man who arrived in Obdorsk full of hope and pride, returns
to his tshum cheated, not to say plundered. He repents his folly and
weakness, makes the best of resolutions, becomes tranquil in doing
so, and soon remembers nothing except that he enjoyed himself
excellently with his fellow tribesmen. First they had drunk together;
then men and women had kissed each other, then the men had
beaten their wives, had tried their strength on each other, had even
drawn their sharp knives, and, with flashing eyes, had threatened
each other with death; but no blood had been shed; there had been
a reconciliation; the women who had fallen on the ground, stupefied
with blows and brandy, were lifted up tenderly, and were tended by
other women; to celebrate the reconciliation an important compact
had been made, a bridegroom was sought for the daughter, a little
bride for the son; even a widow had been married, and they drank
again to the occasion; in short, they had had a splendid time. That
the government officials had shut up all those who were dead drunk,
that all, all their money had gone the way of things perishable, had
certainly been disagreeable, very disagreeable. However, the prison
had opened again; after a time, the loss of the money had been got
over, and only the golden recollection, over which they could gloat
for a whole year, and the betrothal, so satisfactory to all parties,
remained as permanent gain from the delightful festival.
The bridegroom and bride had also been at the fair, had drunk with
the rest, and thus made each other’s acquaintance, and the
bridegroom had agreed with his parents to choose the maiden as his
wife, or rather had agreed to receive her. For it is the parents’
decision, not the consent of the couple themselves, that concludes a
marriage among the Ostiaks. They may perhaps have some regard
for the bridegroom’s wishes, may allow him to cast his affections on
one or other of the daughters of his people, but they only send an
agent to treat with the girl’s father if their own circumstances
correspond with his. The maiden herself is not consulted, perhaps
because, at the time of her betrothal, she is much too young to be
able to decide upon her own future with discretion. Even the future
husband has not reached his fifteenth year when the agent begins to
treat for the twelve-year-old bride. In this case the general
exhilaration of fair-time had considerably hastened the course of
proceedings. The matrimonial agent had gained an immediate
consent; the negotiations, often very protracted, had been at once
begun, and thanks to brandy, which usually proves an evil demon,
but in this case expedited matters, they were brought to a speedy
conclusion. It had been agreed that Sandor, the young bridegroom,
should pay for his little bride, Malla, sixty reindeer, twenty skins of
the white and ten of the red fox, a piece of coloured cloth, and
various trifles such as rings, buttons, glass beads, head-dresses,
and the like. That was little, much less than the district governor,
Mamru, who was scarcely better off, had to give for his wife; for his
payment consisted of a hundred and fifty reindeer, sixty skins of the
Arctic and twenty of the red fox, a large piece of stuff for clothes,
several head-dresses, and the customary trifles. But times were
better then, and Mamru might well pay what was equivalent to more
than a thousand silver roubles for his wife, who was stately, rich, and
of good family.
The amount agreed on is paid; the nuptials of the young couple are
celebrated. The relatives of the bride’s family come to her father’s
tent to bring presents and to receive others from the bridegroom’s
gift, which is laid out for everyone to see. The bride is arrayed in
festive garments, and she and her friends prepare for the drive to the
tshum of the bridegroom or of his father. Beforehand they have
eaten abundantly of the flesh of a reindeer, fresh killed, according to
custom. Only a few fish caught under the ice have been cooked to-
day; the flesh of the reindeer was eaten raw, and when one began to
grow cold a second was slaughtered. The bride weeps, as becomes
departing brides, and refuses to leave the tshum in which she was
brought up, but she is consoled and coaxed by all, and at last she is
ready. A prayer before the domestic idol solicits the blessing of the
heavenly Ohrt, whose sign, the divine fire Sornidud—in our eyes
only the flaming northern light—had shone blood-red in the sky the
evening before. The daughter is accompanied by her mother, who
keeps close by her side, and even remains near her during the night.
Mother and daughter mount one sledge, the rest of the invited
kinsfolk mount theirs, and, in festive pomp, to the sound of the bells
which all the reindeer wear on their harness, the wedding procession
sets forth.
In his father’s tent the bridegroom awaits the bride, who modestly
veils her face with her head-dress in the presence of her future
father and brothers-in-law. This she continues to do after the
marriage is consummated. A new banquet begins, and the guests,
who have been joined by the bridegroom’s relatives, do not disperse
till late at night. But the next day the mother brings the young wife
back to her father’s tent. A day later all the bridegroom’s relatives
appear to demand her back again for him. Once more the low hut is
filled with festive sounds; then the bride leaves it for ever, and is
again conducted with pomp to the tshum which she is thenceforward
to share with her husband, or with him and his father and brothers
and sisters, or later on with another wife.
The sons of poor people pay at most ten reindeer for their brides;
those of the fisher-folk only the most necessary furnishings of the
tshum, and even these are often shared among several families; but
their weddings, too, are made the occasion of a joyful festival, and
there is as much banqueting as circumstances will allow.
The poorer Ostiaks marry only one wife, but the rich look upon it as
one of the rights of their position to have two or more. But the first
wife always retains her privileges, and the others appear to be rather
her servants than her equals. It is otherwise, however, if she should
have no children; for childlessness is a disgrace to the man, and a
childless wife in the tshum, as elsewhere, is much to be pitied.
The parents are proud of their children, and treat them with great
tenderness. It is with unmistakable happiness in look and gesture
that the young mother lays her first-born in her bosom, or on the soft
moss in the neat birch-bark cradle with its lining of mouldered willow-
wood and shavings; carefully she fastens the cover to both sides of
the cradle, and envelops the head-end of the little bed with the
mosquito curtain; but her ideal of cleanliness leaves much to be
desired. As long as the baby is small and helpless she washes and
cleanses it when she thinks it absolutely necessary. But when it
grows bigger she only washes its face and hands once a day, using
a handful of fine willow fibres as sponge, and a dry handful as towel,
and afterwards looks on quite complacently when the little creature,
who finds many opportunities for soiling itself, goes about in a state
of dirt, to us almost inconceivable. This state of things comes
gradually to an end when the young Ostiak is able to take care of
himself; but even then, hardly anyone considers it necessary to wash
after every meal, even should it have left stains of blood. The
children are as much attached, and as faithful to their parents as
these are to them, and their obedience and submission is worthy of
mention. To reverence parents is the first and chief commandment
among the Ostiaks, to reverence their god is only the second. When
we advised Mamru, the district governor already mentioned, to have
his children taught the Russian language and writing, he replied that
he saw the advantage of such knowledge, but feared that his
children might forget the respect due to their father and mother, and
thus break the most important commandment of their religion. This
may be the reason why no Ostiak, who clings to the faith of his
fathers, learns to do more than make his mark, a sort of scrawl
binding on him and others, drawn upon paper, or cut in wood or
reindeer-skin. Yet the Ostiak is capable and dexterous, able to learn
whatever he is taught so quickly and easily that, at the early age at
which he marries, he understands everything connected with the
establishment and maintenance of his household. It is only in
religious matters that he seems unwilling to trust to his own
judgment, and on this account he, in most cases, shows unmerited
respect for the shamans,[85] who profess to know more about
religion than he does.
For our part, we regard the shaman, who claims the status of a priest
among the Ostiaks as among the other Mongolian peoples of
Siberia, as nothing short of an impostor. The sole member of the
precious brotherhood with whom we came in contact, a baptized
Samoyede, bore the sign of Christianity on his breast; according to
report he had even been a deacon in the orthodox church, and yet
he did duty as a shaman among the heathen Ostiaks. I learned later,
on good authority, that he was no exception to the general rule; for
all the shamans met with by my informant, Herr von Middendorf,
during years of travel in Siberia, were Christians. I have already
mentioned in the report of my travels that the shaman whom we met
took us also for believers; but I have reserved my account of his
performances and prophecies for to-day, as this description seems
to me a fitting frame for such a picture.
To begin with, he demanded brandy as a fee, but was satisfied with
the promise of a gift, and retired into a tent, saying that he would let
us know when his preparations were finished. Among these
preparations, apparently, was the muffled beating of a drum which
we heard after a considerable time; of other arrangements we
discovered nothing. On a given signal we entered the tshum.
The whole space within the birch-bark hut was filled with people,
who sat round in a circle pressing closely against the walls. Among
the Ostiaks and Samoyedes, who were there with wives and
children, there were also Russians with their families. On a raised
seat to the left of the entrance sat the shaman Vidli; at his right,
crouching on the floor, was an Ostiak, the master’s disciple at the
time. Vidli wore a brown upper garment, and over it a kind of robe,
originally white, but soiled and shabbily trimmed with gold braid; in
his left hand he held a little tambour-like drum, in such a way that it
shaded his face; in his right hand was a drum-stick; his head was
uncovered, his tonsured hair freshly oiled. In the middle of the tshum
a fire was burning, and now and again it blazed up and shed bright
light on the motley throng, in the midst of which we sat down in the
places reserved for us. A thrice-repeated, long-drawn cry, like a song
from many voices, preluded by beating of the drum, greeted our
entrance, and marked the beginning of the proceedings.
“That you may see that I am a man of truth,” said the master’s voice,
“I shall now adjure the messenger of the heavenly will, who is at my
behest, to appear among us and communicate to me what the gods
have determined concerning your future. Later, you yourselves will
be able to determine whether I have told you the truth or not.”
After this introduction, which was translated to us by two interpreters,
the favourite of the gods struck the calf-skin, or rather reindeer-skin
of his drum, with quick strokes which followed one another at equal
intervals, but were indefinitely grouped, and accompanied his
drumming with a song which, in the usual Samoyede fashion, was
half-spoken, or rather muttered, and half-sung, and was faithfully
repeated by the youth, whom we may call the clerk. The master held
the drum so as to keep his face in shadow, and he also shut his eyes
that nothing might distract his inward vision; the clerk, on the other
hand, smoked even while he sang, and spat from time to time, just
as he had been doing before. Three slow, decided strokes brought
the drumming and the song to an end.
“I have now,” said the master with dignity, “adjured Yamaul, the
heavenly messenger, to appear among us, but I cannot say how
much time must pass before he arrives, for he may be far off.”
And again he beat his drum and sang his incantation, concluding
both song and accompaniment as before.
“I see two emperors before me; they will send you a writing,” spoke
the messenger of the gods through his lips.
So Yamaul had been kind enough to appear in the tshum to oblige
his favourite. Then the individual sentences of the heavenly
message, with the invariable prelude of drumming and song, were
uttered as follows:—
“Once again, next summer, you will traverse the same route as this
“Then you will visit the summit of the Ural, where the rivers Ussa,
Bodarata, and Shtchutshya begin their course.”
“On this journey something will befall you, whether good or evil I
cannot tell.”
“Nothing is to be achieved at the Bodarata, for wood and pasture are
lacking; here something might be accomplished.”
“You will have to render an account to your superiors; they will
examine you and will be satisfied.”
“You will also have to answer to the three elders of your tribe; they
also will examine your writings, and then come to a decision about
the new journey.”
“The course of your journey will henceforward be happy and without
accident; and you will find your loved ones at home in the best of
“If the statements of the Russians who are still at Bodarata
corroborate yours, two emperors will reward you.”
“I see no other face.”
The performance was at an end. On the Ural Mountains lay the last
glow of midnight. Everyone left the tent, the faces of the Russians
showing the same credulity as those of the Ostiaks and Samoyedes.
But we invited the shaman to accompany us to our boat, loosened
his tongue and that of his disciple with brandy, and plied him with all
manner of cross-questions, some of them of the subtlest kind. He
answered them all, without exception, without ever getting into a
difficulty, without hesitation, without even reflection; he answered
them full of conviction, and convincingly, clearly, definitely, tersely,
and to the point, so that we recognized more clearly than before the
extreme craftiness of the man with whom we had to deal.
He described to us how, even in his boyhood, the spirit had come
upon him and had tortured him till he became the disciple of a
shaman; how he had become more and more intimate with Yamaul,
the messenger of the gods, who appears to him as a friendly man,
riding on a swift horse, and carrying a staff in his hand; how Yamaul
hastened to his help, and even, if need were, called down aid from
heaven when he, the shaman, was struggling with evil spirits often
for several days at a time; how the messenger of the gods must
always communicate the message to him just as he received it, for
that otherwise he felt every drum-beat as a painful stroke; how
Yamaul, even to-day, though visible to him only, sat behind him in the
tshum and whispered the words in his ear. He also informed us that,
by his own art, or by the grace bestowed upon him, which even his
conversion to Christianity could not weaken, he could reveal what
was hidden, find what was stolen, recognize diseases, prophesy the
death or recovery of the sick, see and banish the ghosts of the dead,
work much evil, and prevent much evil, but that he did nothing but
good, because he feared the gods; he gave us a clear and detailed,
if not quite correct picture of the religion of the Ostiaks and
Samoyedes; he assured us that all his people, as well as the
Ostiaks, came to him in their troubles to ask advice, or to have the
future unveiled, and that they did not doubt, but trusted in him and
believed him.
The last statement is not correct. The great mass of the people may
regard the shaman as a wise man, perhaps even as an intermediary
between men and the gods, and possibly as the possessor of
mysterious power; but many believe his words and works as little as
other races do those of their priests. The real faith of the people is
simpler and more child-like than the shaman approves of. It is here
as elsewhere; the priest, or whoever acts as such, peoples heaven
with gods, and councillors and servants of the gods, but the people
know nothing of this celestial court.
According to the belief of the people there is enthroned in heaven
Ohrt, whose name signifies “the end of the world”. He is an all-
powerful spirit, who rules over everything but Death, and he is
benevolently inclined towards men. He is the giver of all good, the
bestower of reindeer, fish, and furred animals, the preventer of evil,
and the avenger of lies, severe only when promises made to him are
not fulfilled. Feasts are held in his honour, sacrifices and prayers are
offered to him; the suppliant who prostrates himself before a sacred
symbol thinks of him. The symbol, called a longch, may be of carved
wood, a bundle of cloth, a stone, a skin, or anything else: it
possesses no powers, affords no protection, it is in no sense a fetish!
People assemble before a longch, place it in front of the tshum, lay
dishes of fish, reindeer flesh, or other offering before it, place
valuables before it, or even pack them inside it; but they always look
up to heaven, and both their offerings and their prayers are intended
for their god. Evil spirits dwell in heaven as on earth; but Ohrt is
more powerful than they all; only Death is mightier than he. There is
no everlasting life after death, and no resurrection; but the dead still
wander as ghosts over the face of the earth, and have still power to
do good or evil.
Fig. 65.—The Burial of an Ostiak.
The roving life to which the Kirghiz are compelled by the necessity of
finding sufficient pasturage for their numerous herds, involves a style
of dwelling which is easily constructed, can be taken down at one
spot and erected again at another without special difficulty, and
which must yet afford a sufficient protection against the hardness
and inclemency of the climate. These requirements are fulfilled more
thoroughly by the yurt than by any other movable dwelling, and it is
not too much to say that this is the most perfect of all tents.
Thousands of years of experience has made the yurt what it is—a
home for the nomadic herdsman, or any other wanderer,—which, in
its own way, cannot be surpassed. Light and easily moved, readily
closed against storms, or thrown open to admit air and sunshine,
comfortable and commodious, simple, yet admitting of rich
decoration without and within, it unites in itself so many excellent
qualities that one appreciates it ever more highly as time goes on,
and finds it more and more habitable the longer one lives in it. It
consists of a movable lattice-work which can be extended or
contracted, and which forms the lower upright circular walls of the
framework, a coupling ring which forms the arch at the top, spars
inserted into both these, and a door in the lattice-work; light mats of
tschi-grass, and large wads or sheets of felt, cut to shape, and most
ingeniously laid on, compose the outer covering of the whole
framework, and thick carpets of felt cover the floor. With the
exception of the door-frames, which are mortised together, and of
the spars, the upper ends of which are inserted into holes in the
coupling-ring, the whole structure is held together simply by means
of cords and bands; and it is thus easily taken to pieces, while its
form—circular in cross section, and cupola-like longitudinally—
renders it capable of great resistance to violent storms and bad
weather of all sorts. The work of putting it up scarcely requires more
than half an hour, that of taking it down even less; the strength of a
single camel conveys it from place to place, but its construction and
decoration take up much of the time and all the ingenuity of the
housewife, to whose share falls the chief work of making it, and the
whole labour of setting it up.
The yurt forms an important part of the movable property of a
Kirghiz. A rich man owns six or eight, but he spends money rather on
the decoration of a few than on the construction of many, for he is
assessed and taxed not according to the size of his herds but the
number of his yurts. The high-class Kirghiz certainly shows his
wealth through his yurt, by fitting it up as richly as possible, making it
out of the most valuable felt, and decorating it without and within with
coloured pieces of cloth; but he sets store rather by the possession
of costly rugs, and beautifully sewn and embroidered silken
coverlets, with which he decorates the interior of the living-room on
festive occasions. Such rugs are handed down from father to son,
and the possession of them ranks scarcely below that of uncoined
The real wealth of the nomadic herdsman cannot, however, be
estimated by such secondary things; it must be calculated by his
herds. Even the poorest owner of a yurt must possess numerous
beasts to enable him to live, or survive in the struggle for existence;
for the herds he tends form the one indispensable condition of life;
they alone stand between him and ruin. The rich man’s herds may
number thousands upon thousands, those of the poor man at least
hundreds; but the richest may become poor, if disease breaks out
among his herds, and the poor man may starve if death visits his
beasts. Wide-spreading murrain reduces whole tribes to destitution,
causes thousands of human beings literally to die of starvation. Little
wonder, then, that every thought and aspiration of the Kirghiz is
bound up with his herds, that his manners and customs correspond
to this intimate connection between man and beast, that the man is,
in short, dependent on the animal.
Not the most useful, but the noblest and the most highly prized of all
the domesticated animals of the Kirghiz is the horse, which in the
eyes of its owner represents the sum and essence of domestication,
and the climax of all beauty; it is a standard by which to reckon,
according to which wealth or poverty is determined. He does not call
it a horse, but simply the domestic animal; instead of the words “left
and right” he uses the expressions, “the side on which one mounts a
horse”, and “the side on which one carries the knout”. The horse is
the pride of youth and maiden, of man and woman, whether young
or old; to praise or find fault with a horse is to praise or blame its
rider, a blow given to a horse one is not riding is aimed not at the
horse but at its owner.
A large number of the Kirghiz songs refer to the horse; it is used as a
standard of comparison to give an estimate of the worth of men and
women, or to describe human beauty.
“Little bride, little bride,
Dear foal of the dark brood-mare!”
the singer calls to the bride who is being led into the bridegroom’s
“Say where is the play of the white locks
And where the play of the foals,
For kind as is the new father,
He is not the old father to me,”
the bride answers to the youths who sing the “Jarjar”, the song of
consolation to the departing bride, referring by the words “Foal-play”
to the time of her first love.
The wealth of a man is expressed in the number of horses he
possesses; payment for a bride is made in the value of so many
horses; the maiden who is offered as a prize to the winner in a race
is held as being worth a hundred mares; horses are given as mutual
presents; with horses atonement is made for assassination or
murder, limbs broken in a struggle, an eye knocked out, or for any
crime or misdemeanour; one hundred horses release from ban and
outlawry the assassin or murderer of a man, fifty, of a woman, thirty,
of a child. The fine imposed by the tribe for injuring any one’s person
or property is paid in horses; for the sake of a horse even a
respectable man becomes a thief. The horse carries the lover to his
loved one, the bridegroom to the bride, the hero to battle, the saddle
and clothing of the dead from one camping-place to another; the
horse carries man and woman from yurt to yurt, the aged man as
well as the child firmly bound to his saddle, or the youthful rider who
sits for the first time free. The rich man estimates his herds as
equivalent to so many horses; without a horse a Kirghiz is what a
man without a home is among us; without a horse he deems himself
the poorest under the sun.
The Kirghiz has thoroughly studied the horse, he knows all its habits,
its merits and defects, its virtues and vices, knows what benefits and
what injures it; sometimes, indeed, he expects an incredible amount
from it, but he never exacts it unless necessity compels him. He
does not treat it with the affectionate care of the Arab, but neither
does he ever show the want of consideration of many other peoples.
One does not see anything of that careful and intelligent breeding of
horses which is practised by Arabs and Persians, English and
Germans, but he does constantly endeavour to secure the
improvement of his favourite breeds by only placing the best stallions
with the mares, and castrating the rest. Unfortunately his choice of
breeding-horses is determined solely by form, and does not take
colour into consideration at all, the consequence being that many of
his horses are exceedingly ugly, because their colouring is so
irregular and unequal. The training of the horse leaves much to be
desired; our wandering herdsman is much too rich in horses for this
to be otherwise.
We found the Kirghiz horse a pleasant and good-natured creature,
although it by no means fulfilled our ideal of beauty in all respects. It
is of medium size and slender build, with a head not ugly though
rather large, decidedly ram-nosed, and noticeably thickened by the
prominent lower jaw-bones, a moderately long and powerful neck, a
long body, fine limbs, and soft hair. Its eyes are large and fiery, its
ears somewhat large, but well-shaped. Mane and tail have fine, long
hair, always abundant, the hair of the tail growing so luxuriantly that it
sweeps the ground; the legs are well formed, but rather slim, the
hoofs are upright, but often rather too high. Light colours prevail and
very ugly piebalds often offend the eye. The commonest colours are
brown, light-brown, fox-coloured, dun, and bay, more rare are dark-
brown and black, and one only occasionally sees a gray. The mane
and tail greatly increase the beauty of all the light-coloured horses,
because they are either black or much lighter than the body hairs.
The temper of the animal is worthy of all praise. The Kirghiz horse is
fiery, yet extremely good-natured, courageous in the presence of all
known dangers, and only nervous, skittish, and timid when it is
bewildered for a moment by something unusual; it is spirited and
eager in its work, obedient, docile, willing, energetic, and very
enduring, but it is chiefly valuable for riding, and requires long
breaking-in to make it of use as a draught animal, in which capacity it
is much less valuable than as a riding-horse.
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