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6 3 2022 WCM Example

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Step 2A

Forming the Multi Skilled / Cross Functional Teams and

Facilitating Structure

One of the most powerful determinants of what happens in an organization is its
structure. Although some would have it otherwise, it is not actually the ultimate
influence, but it is inarguably the most significant.

WCM requires a formal Facilitating Structure to guide, implement, and develop

the program on a sustainable basis.

Facilitating Structure

Effective WCM implementation requires a structured organization, and qualified

instructors for promotion of activities. Team based structure replacing the
traditional hierarchy based structure is the basis of WCM. WCM Facilitating
Structure includes WCM Promotion/ Steering Committee, WCM Secretariat,
Various Sub-Committees and Teams. The typical WCM Team Structure is given
on the next page:

Steering Committee

Sub Committees Secretariat

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3

Team Team Team Team Team Team


Sub Step 1: Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is the apex body in the implementation of WCM

Initiative. It is headed by the CEO, and should include Sub Committee Leaders,
WCM Secretariat Head and Senior Representatives of the Organization. To
accelerate the WCM activities it is necessary for the Steering Committee to meet
at least once in a month and monitor the Progress of WCM Activities. The
Steering Committee should provide the inspiration through leadership and
commitment. The Steering Committee is responsible for implementing Road
Map through Review, Monitor and Corrective Actions.

Sub Step 2: Working/ Sub Committees on KMFA

The Eight Dimensions of WCM are implemented through Fourteen Key

Manufacturing Focussed Areas (KMFA). Specialized Sub Committees are
formed with ownership for each one of the KMFAs, which are given below:

Work Environment and Waste Elimination

Autonomous/ Self Maintenance

Focused Improvement and Kaizen

Visual Management including Visual Control

Planned Maintenance

Strategic Quality Management and Best Practices

Initial Flow Control and Upstream Management

Market Orientation and Customer Driven (Internal & External)

JIT/ Supply Chain Management

Safety, Hygiene and Pollution Control

Liaison, Team Force and Skills Development

Information, Systems (BPR)


Cost Management and Cash Flows

Although Fourteen Sub Committees are recommended to focus on the eight

dimensions for implementation of World Class Manufacturing, some units with
smaller workforce may prefer to combine the activities of certain sub committees
which may result in less number of Sub Committees. But WCM recommends
that the number of Sub committees should not be less than five in any Unit.
Each committee ideally has nine to twelve members for effectiveness.
WCM promotion office members act as facilitators for various activities like
establishing communication channels between Sub Committees, drafting a
Master Plan of Action, preparing benchmarks and target areas, getting approval
of Steering Committee for various action plans targets etc.

The Role & Responsibility of the Sub Committees:

Prepare Mission, Targets (which should be measured and monitored) for

their respective Area.

Meet once in a fortnight to discuss and review the various activities.

Prepare the Master Plan for the teams to proceed on implementation of

WCM in their Key Manufacturing Focused Area (KMFA).

Measure the losses in Plant with respect to their related KMFA.

Perform Audits and Draft their Audit Sheets and assign suitable weightage
to various factors. Once a factor scores high for a considerably long
duration, its weightage can be reduced in the audit sheet.

Measure and Monitor the teams’ progress in their respective KMFA.

Identify and Take up Major Improvement actions if any deviation from

master plan is noticed. This is on the lines of PDCA cycle.

Guiding the Operating Teams by discussing and solving the problems that
teams find difficult to attend.

Provide Training and Education to Operating Teams.

Setting up of Model Equipment \ Areas in Plant and to proliferate the

knowledge throughout the plant.

Overall responsibility of WCM implementation with respect to their assigned

KMFA and Inter Sub Committee Co-ordination to achieve the same.

The meeting of sub committees discuss the future course of action, review of
current status, improvement process, removal of bottlenecks, target for next
month, and other related topics.
Sub committees comprise of members from all the related areas. The general
guidelines for each of the Sub Committee is given below:

1. Work Environment and Waste Elimination

Suggested Constitution:

Head of Administration
Representatives of Commercial, Marketing, Production, Stores,



Detailed plan for 5S and Muda Elimination including preparation of step by

step evaluation sheet
Assigning responsibilities of each area/ activities
Waste Elimination/ House Keeping Campaigns


Create awareness for 5S activities through Class Room and On the Job
Training/ Workshop
5S implementation:

• Sorting of Unnecessary Material

• Arranging the Necessary things
• Cleaning of area around the workplace
• Set Standards for the 5S Activities
• Discipline to respect the Cleaning Standards

Abnormality analysis and detection

Create awareness about Muda
Implement employee suggestion scheme for Muda identification
Guide Operating Teams to Identify MUDA under Following Heads:
• Excess Production
• Waiting
• Conveyance
• Unnecessary Processing
• Inventory
• Motion
• Defects
• Tentative Placements
• Communications
• Untidiness
• Bottlenecks
• Timing

Data Collection and analysis of each area of waste

Support for improvement


Responsiveness of the Awareness level of employees and the System

such as retrieval time
Conducting 5S Audits
Regular Monitoring of Waste Elimination Activities


Follow up action and focus on areas where improvement is needed

2. Autonomous/ Self Maintenance

Suggested Constitution:

Head of Production
Representative of other Technical departments, Training department



Preparing Action Plan for Autonomous Maintenance

Assigning responsibilities of each area/ equipment between Production and
Maintenance functions


Create Awareness and Train Employees on the Step by Step Approach to

Autonomous Maintenance
Induce in the employees:

• Mindset for Autonomous Maintenance

• Feeling of ownership of respective job &
• Skill training inputs necessary for Autonomous

Guide and Assist the Operators during:

• Initial cleaning
• Identifying Abnormalities
• Simplifying cleaning methods
• Identifying and rectifying problems related to
difficult to access areas
• Developing Visual Controls
• Preparation of Cleaning standards, Lubrication
standards, SOP’s, Inspection Manual, One Point
• Developing a Culture for prevention


Compliance Confirmation
Awareness level of Operators
Inspection of Equipment on a Scheduled basis
Development of Cleaning and Lubrication Standards
Continuous Monitoring of the activities


Improve the areas where the activities are lagging behind the Action Plan

3. Focused Improvement and Innovation

Suggested Constitution:

Head of Engineering
Representatives of Production, Maintenance, and Marketing with innovative



Selection of Model Equipment

Action Plan for Focused Improvement and Innovation
Assigning responsibilities of each area/ activities
Loss Reduction Targets and their deployment to Operating Teams


Create Awareness for Kaizen through Class Room and On the Job Training
Guide and Assist the employees to:

• Conduct PM Analysis as a Tool for Eliminating

Chronic Losses
• Expose abnormalities
• Identify the Losses through Structured 16 Types of
• Consolidate gains

Analyze causes
Improve OEE
Implement Zero Breakdown programs
Set up standard operating procedures for operation of machines
Set up Model Equipment with respect to equipment and process condition
Prevention of decay: Forced or Natural
Apply PDCA approach to all the Focused Improvement cases
Implement Zero Losses program


All Possible losses

OEE of the critical equipment
Saving in energy


Improve and modify the areas where the activities are lagging behind the
Action Plan

4. Visual Management including Visual Control

Suggested Constitution:

Representatives from all the departments



Action Plan for Visual Management

Budget for Visual Display Boards
Meeting Areas
Meeting Schedules
Location of Boards
Training Material
Responsibilities for individual areas of Visual Management
Implementation of Visual Controls for early warning of Process, Equipment,
Auxiliaries etc.


Create awareness regarding Visual Management through Class Room and

On the Job Training
Prepare All the display Boards required
Guide and assist the employees in the following areas:
• Setting Standard Operating Procedures for Visual
Management and Control for abnormalities to
show themselves and ease in control of equipment
and process
• Display of information visually related to the
Workplace, Work Practices
• Implementing Visual Controls
• Making the Cultural change visible
• Visual Documentation
• Visual Quality Control
• Visual Process Indicators
• Visual Progress Celebration


Ensure that the System is actually practiced

The Awareness level of the employees
Carry out regular Audits


Monitor the activities

Develop plan for the improvement areas

5. Planned Maintenance

Suggested Constitution:

Head of Maintenance department

Representatives of Maintenance departments, Production Planning &



Action Plan to cover all equipment in the Plant

Responsibilities for each Individual activities / area

Develop Preventive & Predictive Maintenance and Maintenance Prevention

Install Computer Aided Maintenance System in all areas
Update History Cards for all the Equipment
Develop Diagnostic Techniques
Equip the Unit with new advanced Diagnostic tools
Implement RCM
Feed back to Manufacturers for MP Design
Use of Failure Mode Effect Analysis
Compute Maintenance Cost
Compute & improve MTBF & MTTR
Introduce Internal Warranty Card System
New Advances in maintenance technologies


Reduction in Maintenance Cost

History cards are updated
FMEA is being carried out
Internal Warranty System is effective
Verify Compliance
Review Planned Maintenance System


Improve the Areas where activities are lagging behind

6. Strategic Quality Management & Best Practices

Suggested Constitution:

Head of QAD
Head of R&D
Representatives from Production, Maintenance, Purchase, Marketing



Action Plan
Responsibility of each individual activity/ area
Zero Defect Drive throughout the Plant


Conduct training and group exercises on Quality Tools and Techniques

Develop the Following concepts throughout the Organization:

• Quality as a strategic issue

• Quality in service after sales

Develop Standard Operating Procedures

Equipment Controls for managing Quality
Implement Statistical Process & Quality Control – Process Capability
Quality Systems & Sampling Plan
Set Benchmarks in all areas of Manufacturing
Develop Single Source long term relationship with the suppliers
Process Improvement
Analyze the effect of 4M in Quality
Inculcate a culture for quality consciousness
Calculate Cost of Quality and Prepare Plans for Reduction
Initiate Design of Experiments
Set performance standards - Zero Defects
Practice Quality Function Deployment
Achieve status of “ Zero Customer Complaint”


The awareness level of employees

The SQC Techniques are being used
The CpK Value of all Critical Equipment
Customer Complaint regarding quality
PM analysis is being used
Cost of Non Conformities, Prevention, Appraisal
Monitoring the quality activities

Modify or improve the areas where the activities are lagging behind the
Action Plan

7. Initial Flow Control \ Upstream Management

Suggested Constitution:

Head of the Maintenance

Representatives from other Technical departments
Representative from Purchase



Prepare Action Plan

Schedule training and meeting
Assign responsibility for individual activity
Schedule meeting with the Equipment Manufacturers


Institute Systems for Early Management

Prepare Equipment History
Design data collection and documentation
Partnership with Equipment Manufacturer for developing the quality of the
LCC Calculation and Application of LCC Approach in Equipment Selection
Maintenance Prevention Design
Conduct FMEA/PM Analysis for all chronic problems in case of all
failures of process and equipment


Effective and Efficient System is available for achieving total

Maintenance Prevention for all equipment
Ensure Vertical Start up of New System / Equipment

Modify or Improve the weak areas

8. Market Orientation & Customer Driven (Internal & External)

Suggested Constitution:

Head of Marketing
Representatives from Marketing, R&D, Production, Finance & Quality
Control department



Preparation of Action plan

Implementation of QCDIP of Individual Team


Proliferate the Concept of Internal, External and Self Customer

Create awareness for the Triple role i.e. Customer, Processor & Supplier
Implement the system of customer feed back/ measurement and
Marketing Information system
Guide and assist the Employees in the following areas:

• External Customer Satisfaction

• Internal Customer Satisfaction
• After Sales Service
• Customer Perception Assessment
• Customer Support
• Market Development
• Feedback from customers to production and
design section
• Introducing Value engineering


Measurement of Customer Delight

Ensure that there is a comprehensive system to serve customer after sales
Delivery is OTIF
Sales return is minimal
Percentage increase in sales


Focus on the areas, which are lagging behind the Action Plan.

9. JIT/ Supply Chain Management

Suggested Constitution:

Head of Materials Department

Representatives from Marketing, Purchase and Commercial Departments



Preparation of action plan

The integrated Production Planning System
Assign responsibility of each individual activity / area


Impart Training – Create awareness of need for responsiveness through

Cycle Time Reduction and Elimination of NVA
Liaise with the Vendors and plan their visits for reliability of their
Implement the Integrated Production Planning System
Vendor development
Make Single source long term contracts with the Vendors/ JIT Source
Analyze the Delivery lead time
Create awareness about the Economic Order Quantity
Reduction in the WIP
Training on SMED/ QCO
Initiate Cycle time Reduction/ Inventory Reduction Project through
approaches such as Direct On Line Delivery
Analyze the Material movement
Improvements in the field of:

• Optimum movement of Raw materials,

Finished goods, Fuel
• Optimum movement of People

Analyze Material Handling System

Modifications in MH Systems


Regular monitoring of all the activities

Reduction in lead time


Improve and Modify the areas where activity progress is lagging

10. Safety, Hygiene and Pollution Control

Suggested Constitution:

Head of Environment/ Pollution Control Department

Representatives from all the department



Preparation of Action Plan

Schedule Training for Employees
Environmental Management System


Identify all the details required for implementing Safety-Program

Guide and assist Employees in:

• Documenting Environmental Policy

• Identifying Sources of Pollution
• Recording Near Miss Accident cases
• Developing system for Health checkup
• Implementing Zero Accident Program
• Recording data on Accidents

Impart training on Safety, KYT, First Aid and Emergency Handling

Prepare Safety Manuals
Conduct Safety poster competition
Introduce Reward Scheme
Collect Safety Proposals from Employees
Analyze Accidents & Plant disasters
Conduct Anti Disaster Drills


Safety Awareness level among the employees

Safety posters are displayed at all relevant areas
Conducting Safety and Environmental Audits


Monitor the activities

Develop plan for improvement

11. Liaison, Team Force & Skills Development

Suggested Constitution:

Head of Personnel & Administration / HRD

Representatives from Purchase, Marketing, HRD
Representatives from each technical department for skills development



Prepare action plan

Assign responsibilities for individual areas


Develop Effective Team Working through Team Building Workshops

Develop Participative management system for employee involvement
Develop relationship at each level and each constituent such as
Community, Suppliers, Customers, Institutions and Shareholders
Integrate and share knowledge with industrial neighbors, Universities and
Educational Institutions
Understanding with Suppliers
Understanding with Customers
Understanding with Community
Build Corporate Image
Development of Education level & literacy of the Employees
Development of Skills – Skill Building Programs/ Workshops/ On The Job
Prepare Skill Charts/ Career Plan
Develop Multi-skilled Workforce
Career Progression Plans for Employees
Problem Solving Tools & Innovations
Safety & Hygiene of the Employees & Community


Continuous updating of skills and training program

Measuring of Job Enrichment
Post Training evaluation
Ensure the establishment of understanding with Customers and Suppliers


Modify or Improve the weak areas

12. Information, Systems (BPR)

Suggested Constitution:

Head of EDP
Head of Industrial Engineering Department



Prepare Action Plan

Assigning Responsibilities for individual areas


Guide and assist the employees in the following areas:

• Identifying the Information Required

• Integrating all the supplies, operations and
customers through IT Systems
• Linking Information Systems for sharing of
information on Market demands and Sub
contractors capabilities
• Establishing Integrated Database System

Made Inventory Status available to Customer

Develop MIS and ERP
Implement World Class Office Management in the Offices
Identify bottlenecks in Systems and Eliminate


Removal of bottlenecks in the Business Process

Office Productivity is enhanced


Suggest areas where improvements are needed

13. Technology

Suggested Constitution:

Head of Technical Department



Prepare Action Plan

Assigning Responsibilities for Individual Areas


Collect data on latest technology related to Product, Process, Equipment

Study and Analyze in the light of the existing technology
Facilitate smooth absorption of Technology, Evaluate new Technology and
Evolve Implementation Plan


Best Technology is available


Monitor the Activities

Develop plan for the improvement

14. Cost Management and Cash Flows

Suggested Constitution:

Head of Finance Department



Prepare Action Plan

Assigning Responsibilities for Individual Areas


Implement Cash flow techniques for all Investment decision analysis

Control over expenses
Identify Cost Drivers and Revenue Driver


Financial Systems are efficient

Impact of Investment Decisions and Opportunity Cost


Monitor the Activities

Develop plan for the improvement

Sub Step 3: WCM Secretariat

To guide and assist all the departments a WCM Secretariat is constituted.

Members of secretariat are drawn from various disciplines like Operation,
Maintenance, Commercial etc. The number of members in the secretariat
depends on the strength of the organization. For an organization of about one
thousand employees, a four members promotion office may be ideal.

The members of the secretariat should have good communication skills, a quest
for change and an inner urge to motivate others. The members also have an
inherent capacity to plan and execute activities independently. The WCM
secretariat members act as facilitators for WCM Initiative implementation.
However the actual implementation of WCM Initiative is through the steering
committee, specialized sub-committee and teams.

The head of the WCM Secretariat should be an Engineer.

The most important issue at the initial stage after the Conference cum Workshop
is the preparation of a Seventeen Step Master Action Plan in consultation of the
Sub Committees.

Sub Step 4: Operating and Project Teams

Objective of Team Formation

To involve each and every employee of the company

To work as a team

To develop a sense of belongingness

All the employees are included in overlapping structure and all the areas are

The whole business is divided into small, overlapping, cross functional, multi-
skilled, self competing high performance teams covering all areas, all employees
and all equipment. These Operating teams assume ownership of their areas and
define their internal customers. The QCDIP requirements are identified. To
develop the ability to deliver the desired QCDIP performance, the teams focus
on the Eight Dimensions. For specific improvement, Project teams are also
formed. These Project teams comprise specialists from different functions.
The entire factory floor is broadly divided into zones, which may be done on the
lines of departments or functions.

Each zone has a leader, who can be the departmental head or senior most
executive of the zone.

Each Zone is then divided into self inspired, cross functional, delayered, multi-
skilled teams at various levels. Level-1 is represented by front-line workmen,
with foremen or Supervisor as team-leader. The level-2 team consists of leaders
of level 1 i.e. shift supervisor, shift in-charge, maintenance staff would also be
part of this team. The leader can be an Engineer/ Officer.

The level –3 team consists of the leaders of the level 2 teams along with staff
who reports to the Department Head.

There may be a number of teams on level –1, at level –2 there are lesser
number and there is say only one team at level –3. Each higher level team has a
representative of its lower level teams, which improves communication and

The teams are self-competing, at level-1, teams compete for Quality and
Equipment Effectiveness for the machines in their control. In level –2
competition is between shifts. At level –3 it is the competition between various

Why so?

It is generally observed that work on the shop floor is a team activity. A process
is first set-up, which may require people other than the operator. The operator of
the machine, that is working in 3 shifts. There may be workmen involved in
feeding raw materials to the machine and to take away manufactured products.
Then there is a compliment of maintenance men. A senior workman like a
foreman or a jobber is there to supervise. In such a set-up productivity and
quality can not be attributed to any one workman but is a team effort.

The WCM Initiative emphasizes on improvement in the mind-set of each and

every employee of the organization through not only training but also through
healthy competition and hence is the need of forming small groups which form
the nucleus of the work force.

Team Identification

Each team has an identity, each member has a sense of belonging - ness to a
team. Each team is given a number.


*First two digits are for the zone

Say zone number is 04

*Next digit is for the level of the team in the zone

Say level number is 2

*Fourth digit represents the shift (alphabet)

Shift is A

*Last digit represents the sequence number of the team in that level and zone

Say is 3

Then team number is 042A3

Team Meeting: The Teams should meet at least once in a fortnight and discuss
the problems related to their Equipment and Process. The Team Meeting Area
should be on the shop floor itself. Following things are to be displayed in this
area and updated:

1. Process Performance Board

2. QCDIP Board

3. SOP/ Compliance Confirmation

4. Abnormality Management Board

5. Kaizen Cases

6. One Point Lessons

Instruction Manuals and other important documents should be placed in this


There can be a separate area for displaying the information about the following
Advanced Problem Solving tools:

1. Process Control Charts

2. PM Analysis


Step 2B

Establishing Common WCM Language

Common WCM language means total alignment of all employees in the

concepts and practice of WCM initiatives. The several key words mean the
same to every employee irrespective of the location. The understanding is
uniform. For example, usage of the following terms in day to day dealings:




Sab Kuchh Nahi Chalta Hai

Respect for standards

Customer : Internal and External


Cleaning is inspection etc. i.e. all the terms used in WCM concept.

The WCM awareness will be reflected only when these terms are used by all the
employees irrespective of their position.

Step 2C

Establish Ownership

The teams are expected to work on the principle of “This is our area and our
equipment and we together maintain it”. So the area/ equipment ownership is to
be assigned to the respective teams and these teams in turn will take care of
their area/ equipment by practicing all the dimensions of WCM.

The ownership concept is a powerful means of creating employee involvement.

The ownership is further cemented when the teams give a specific identity to it
and relate to the ownership area. For example, the team with ownership to say,
‘Reactor Area’ calls itself ‘PRAGATI’. The team members are highly inspired
with their unique identity & ownership.

Step 2D

Develop Detailed Master Action Plan

A detailed Seventeen Step Master Action Plan for thirty six months has to be
prepared by the Organization after the launch of WCM. This Action Plan should
be prepared only after a detailed discussion with the Sub Committees and the
Steering Committee. Based on this Master Action Plan individual sub-
committees prepare their Action Plans. A standard format and step by step
description is given by the Corporate WCM Cell.


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