Download Complete Non equilibrium Thermodynamics for Engineers 1st Edition S Kjelstrup PDF for All Chapters
Download Complete Non equilibrium Thermodynamics for Engineers 1st Edition S Kjelstrup PDF for All Chapters
Download Complete Non equilibrium Thermodynamics for Engineers 1st Edition S Kjelstrup PDF for All Chapters
A Non Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics Without the
Assumption of Molecular Chaos 1ST Edition Tian-Quan Chen
Non equilibrium Thermodynamics for Engineers 1st
Edition S Kjelstrup Digital Instant Download
Author(s): S Kjelstrup, D Bedeaux, E Johannessen, J Gross
ISBN(s): 9789814322157, 9814322156
Edition: 1
File Details: PDF, 3.62 MB
Year: 2010
Language: english
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Proceedings of the 43rd Course of the
International School of Solid State Physics
Antonio Cricenti
Series Editor
A. Zichichi
World Scientific
Published by
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
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ISBN-13 978-981-4322-15-7
ISBN-10 981-4322-15-6
Printed in Singapore.
This special volume contains the Proceedings of the 10th Epioptics Workshop,
held at the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice,
Sicily, from June 19 to 26, 2008. This was the 10th Workshop in the Epioptics
series and the 43rd of the International School of Solid State Physics. Antonio
Cricenti from CNR Istituto di Struttura della Materia and Theo Rasing from the
University of Njimegen, were the Directors of the Workshop. The Advisory
Committee of the Workshop included Y. Borensztein from U. Paris VII (F),
R. Del Sole from U. Roma II Tor Vergata (1), D. Aspnes from NCSU (USA),
O. Hunderi from U. Trondheim (N), J. McGilp from Trinity College Dublin
(Eire), W. Richter from TU Berlin (D), N. Tolk from Vanderbilt University
(USA), and P. Weightman from Liverpool University (UK). Fifty scientists from
sixteen countries attended the Workshop.
The Workshop brought together researchers from universities and research
institutes who work in the fields of (semiconductor) surface science, epitaxial
growth, materials deposition and optical diagnostics relevant to (semiconductor)
materials and structures of interest for present and anticipated (spin) electronic
devices. The Workshop was aimed at assessing the capabilities of state-of-the-
art optical techniques in elucidating the fundamental electronic and structural
properties of semiconductor and metal surfaces, interfaces, thin layers, and layer
structures, and assessing the usefulness of these techniques for optimization of
high quality multilayer samples through feedback control during materials
growth and processing. Particular emphasis was dedicated to the theory of non-
linear optics and to dynamical processes through the use of pump-probe
techniques together with the search for new optical sources. Some new
applications of Scanning Probe Microscopy to Material science and biological
samples, dried and in vivo, with the use of different laser sources were also
presented. Materials of particular interest were silicon, semiconductor-metal
interfaces, semiconductor and magnetic multi-layers and III-V compound
semiconductors. As well as the notes collected in this Volume, the Workshop
combined tutorial aspects pr~per to a School with some of the most advanced
topics in the field, which better characterized the Workshop.
I wish to thank Prof. A. Zichichi, President of the Ettore Majorana
Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture (EMFCSC), the Italian National
Research Council (CNR) and the Sicilian Regional Government. I wish to thank
Prof. G. Benedek, Director of the International School of Solid State Physics of
the EMFCSC. Our thanks are also due to the Director for Administration and
Organizational Affairs, Ms. F. Ruggiu and all the staff of the Centre for their
excellent work.
Antonio Cricenti
The book has been written on the basis of many years of teaching
at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trond-
heim, Norway, and the Technical University of Delft, Delft, The
Netherlands. Early versions of the book have been used at short
courses at the International Center of Thermodynamics, Istan-
bul, Chalmers Technical University, Gothenburg, Helsinki Tech-
nical University and Pennsylvania State University.
Preface vii
1 Scope 1
Appendix A 207
A.1 Balance equations for mass, charge, momentum
and energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
A.1.1 Mass balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
A.1.2 Momentum balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
A.1.3 Total energy balance . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
A.1.4 Kinetic energy balance . . . . . . . . . . . 214
A.1.5 Potential energy balance . . . . . . . . . . 215
A.1.6 Balance of the electric field energy . . . . 215
A.1.7 Internal energy balance . . . . . . . . . . . 215
A.1.8 Entropy balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
A.2 Partial molar thermodynamic properties . . . . . 219
A.3 The chemical potential and its reference states . . 222
A.3.1 The equation of state as a basis . . . . . . 223
A.3.2 The excess Gibbs energy as a basis . . . . 224
A.3.3 Henry’s law as a basis . . . . . . . . . . . 226
A.4 Driving forces and equilibrium constants . . . . . 227
A.4.1 The ideal gas reference state . . . . . . . . 228
A.4.2 The pure liquid reference state . . . . . . . 229
Bibliography 231
Index 251
Why non-equilibrium
The most common industrial and living systems are those that
transport heat, mass, charge, and volume, in the presence or
absence of a chemical reaction. The process industry, the elec-
trochemical industry, biological systems, as well as laboratory
experiments; all are systems that are out of equilibrium. Equi-
librium thermodynamics is then not sufficient. There are six
main reasons why non-equilibrium thermodynamics theory [12,
13, 18, 29] is needed. The theory
j = −κ (2.3)
where κ is the electrical conductivity, and φ is the electric po-
tential. Darcy’s law says that the volume flow Jv in a tube is
proportional to the pressure gradient dp/dx via the coefficient
Lp :
Jv = −Lp (2.4)
And, a laminar flow in the x-direction with velocity v = (vx , 0, 0)
and velocity component vx = vx (y) obeys Newton’s law of fric-
Πxy = −η (2.5)
where Πxy is the viscous pressure tensor, and the proportionality
constant, η, is the shear viscosity.
d dT
λ =0 (2.6)
dx dx
d 1 1 dµT 1 dφ
J = Lµq + Lµµ − + Lµφ − (2.8)
dx T T dx T dx
12 Chapter 2. Why non-equilibrium thermodynamics?
d 1 1 dµT 1 dφ
j = Lφq + Lφµ − + Lφφ − (2.9)
dx T T dx T dx
The forces of transport conjugate to the fluxes Jq0 , J and j are the
thermal force d (1/T ) /dx, the chemical force [− (1/T ) (dµT /dx)],
and the electrical force [− (1/T ) (dφ/dx)], respectively. The sub-
script T of the chemical potential, µT , indicates that the deriva-
tive should be taken keeping the temperature constant. We
return to this point in Section 3.2.
∆U = q − p0 ∆V + w (2.11)
Here q is the heat delivered to the materials. The total work de-
livered to the system is decomposed in two parts; with −p0 ∆V as
the work done on the system by volume expansion, ∆V , against
the pressure of the environment, p0 , and w as the additional
work done on the materials.
2.3 The lost work of an industrial plant 15
wlost = w − wideal = T0 ( )∆t (2.17)
We have:
U (T, V0 ) − U (T0 , V0 ) = CV (T − T0 )
S (T, V0 ) − S (T0 , V0 ) = CV ln
2.4 The second law efficiency 19
This results in
|wideal | = CV (T − T0 ) − T0 ln
for the maximum available work. By introducing T = 400,
4000 and 40000 K and T0 = 300 K, |wideal | = 13.7 K CV ,
2923 K CV and 38232 K CV where CV has unit J, respec-
tively. The entropy contribution becomes negligible for
(T − T0 ) T0 . The relative contribution of the entropy
to the ideal work is larger, the lower is the temperature.
We can thus expect larger losses of work at temperatures
around T0 .
= − Jsi − Jso Ω (2.24)
where Jsi is the entropy flux into the volume, Jso the entropy
flux out of the volume and Ω is the surface area through which
the fluxes enter or leave the volume. The entropy balance is a
governing equation. Examples of entropy balances are given for
heat exchangers, chemical reactors and distillation columns in
Tables 9.1 and 10.3.
While dSirr/dt depends on Lij and the local values of the ther-
modynamic variables, the entropy fluxes Jsi and Jso can be calcu-
lated without knowledge of Lij . When the entropy production
from Eq. (2.24) agrees with the one found from Eq. (2.23), the
model is consistent with the second law of thermodynamics.
• mass balances,
T (x), the pressure p (x), and the chemical potentials µi (x). The
system is in mechanical equilibrium. This means that the sys-
tem has no acceleration. The pressure in a homogeneous phase
is then constant.
∂z ∂
=− j (3.4)
∂t ∂x
where z is the charge density. The systems that we consider, can
all be described as electroneutral. It follows that ∂j/∂x = 0 so
that the electric current, j, is constant throughout the system.
The driving force of the chemical reaction was called the affinity, A, by
De Donder, with A = −∆r G, see e.g. [21].
3.2 Entropy production 27
The energy flux is here the sum of the measurable heat flux Jq0 (x)
and the enthalpy flux carried by the component fluxes, Jj , where
Hj are the partial molar enthalpies. This definition has lead to
the name “total heat flux” which we shall use for this quantity
throughout the book. For other definitions, see Appendix A.1.
jamrud fort
Upon the conclusion of the Tirah campaign the forward policy ceased
to be measured by the virulence of Anglo-Afghan amenities.
Relations between Kabul and Calcutta were dominated by the
pleasant impressions of his guest which Abdur Rahman had
gathered when, as the Honourable George Nathaniel Curzon, M.P.,
the incoming Viceroy had visited Kabul in 1894. With much care this
distinguished student had made an elaborate examination of border
politics, presenting the results of his diligence in a series of scholarly
and exhaustive studies of Russia in Central Asia, Persia and the
Persian Question, The Pamirs and the Source of the Oxus, and A
Recent Journey in Afghanistan. By reason of these journeys across
Asiatic Russia, the Pamirs, Afghanistan and Persia, and through his
remarkable opportunities for observation, unrivalled powers of
assimilation, grasp of subject, luminosity of judgment and lucidity of
expression, Mr. George Curzon was without a peer as an authority on
frontier problems. When this brilliant and indefatigable mind was
called to India as Lord Curzon of Kedleston, the methods by which
the forward policy had been regulated in the closing decade of the
nineteenth century had broken down, the labour of reconstruction
reverting to a man who at least was the foremost expert of his time.
Modifications were now essential; and Lord Curzon at once put into
execution a number of important reforms in the economic and
military control of the north-west frontier. The regular garrison in
Chitral was lessened by one third. The soldiers in Lower Swat and
the Malakand were reduced from 3550 men to one battalion and a
half of native infantry and a small detachment of cavalry, while
regular troops were withdrawn from the Gilgit Agency. Similarly,
communication with Malakand was strengthened by constructing a
railway, 2 feet 6 inches in breadth from Nowshera to Dargai, to
which four companies were posted, while a very large cantonment
was created at Nowshera. In the Khyber the regular establishment,
3700 strong, was replaced by two battalions (1250 in all) of the
reorganised and enlarged Khyber Rifles, with an increased number
of British officers and an improved scale of pay. The costly and
extensive fortifications which at one time it was proposed to build in
the pass, and at its further extremity, were abandoned in favour of a
cheaper and improved scheme of defences, constructed to meet the
requirements of the Afridi garrison. The plan of laying either the bed
of a railway or a railway itself up the Khyber pass was displaced by
the extension of the existing north-west railway from Peshawar to
Jamrud, a distance of 10 miles.
When the Viceroy of India was satisfied that these measures were
destined to reap their complement of success he supplemented his
experiments in frontier management by their concluding phase. On
August 27, 1900, after eighteen months’ patient inquiry and constant
observation, he drew up a Minute advocating the separation of the
administration of the north-west frontier from the control of the
Punjab Government. These proposals were supported by the
signatures of his colleagues in a covering despatch on September
13. Following the lines of Lord Lytton’s celebrated Minute upon the
creation of a distinct Trans-Indus District, April 22, 1877, Lord
Curzon embodied in one of the most brilliant pieces of analysis ever
placed before the Imperial Government a temperate and lucid
exposition of the existing order of frontier administration. The
acceptance of the views enunciated in this Minute was notified by
the Secretary of State for India, Lord George Hamilton, on December
20, 1900, but it was not until November 9, 1901, that the
establishment of the new territory under the name of the North-
West Frontier Province was proclaimed.
While Lord Curzon during the first three years of his régime—
January 1899 to November 1901—was occupied with repairing the
fabric of Indian frontier administration, Afghanistan, in the early
spring of 1900, became the cause of an exchange of diplomatic
notes between the late Lord Salisbury as Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs and the late Russian Ambassador to Great Britain, M.
de Staal, acting under the orders of the Russian Minister for Foreign
Affairs, Count Mouravieff. In a communication dated February 6,
1900, M. de Staal informed the Foreign Office that the Russian
Government were proposing that direct relations should be
established between Russia and Afghanistan with regard to frontier
matters; but that such relations should have no political character as
the Russian Government intended to maintain their former
engagements and would continue to consider Afghanistan outside
the sphere of Russian influence. An immediate reply to this request
was vouchsafed in which it was stated that, having regard to the
understanding by which Afghanistan is outside the sphere of Russian
... it would be impossible for the British Government to
take into consideration any change in existing arrangements
or to frame proposals to be brought before the Amir without
more precise explanation in regard to the method which the
Russian Government would desire to see adopted for the
exchange of such communications between the frontier
officials, the limitations to be placed on them and the means
of ensuring that those limitations would be observed.
To this intimation no reply at the moment was preferred by the
Russian authorities, and the study of Anglo-Afghan relations shifts
once more to the dominions of the Amir. Throughout the period in
which Lord Curzon was so engrossed with the machinery of frontier
and administrative reforms Abdur Rahman had not been in any way
an idle ruler. In spite of his failing powers, with great energy and
determination, he had concentrated his efforts upon the completion
of his life’s work. With that accomplished, assured of the good-will of
the Government of India shortly after Lord Curzon’s arrival in 1899
by the release of the munitions of war which had been detained
through the outbreak of the Tirah troubles, he turned his hand to
matters of more domestic concern. Satisfied with the improvements
in his military establishment, content with the reforms which he had
introduced in the administrative economy of his state, and having
established its independence by elaborate artifices, he again sought
the preservation of his line. In an effort to prepare his people for the
acceptance and accession of Habib Ullah Khan at his demise he had,
in 1891, delegated to this son authority to hold the public Durbars in
Kabul. At the same time he had reserved to himself the control of
foreign affairs, manifesting in this direction a keen appreciation of
the value to the position of India which underlay the situation of
Afghanistan. Menaced by growing physical infirmity and with strange
premonition of his approaching end, at a special Durbar in the
autumn of 1900 he informed the assembled nobles and high officials
of his inability to cope with the increasing volume of affairs.
Thereupon, amid a scene of singular pathos, the old Amir indicated
that his son, Habib Ullah, would be given a still larger measure of
A few months later, in May of 1901, a more emphatic warning of
the grave state of the Amir’s health was received. Intelligence came
through from Kabul to Peshawar that Abdur Rahman was no longer
able to walk, and that he was not expected to live through the
approaching winter. Incapacitated by a combination of Bright’s
disease and gout as he was, the mental faculties of the ruler of
Afghanistan were nevertheless unimpaired, and throughout the
closing year of his life he applied them constantly to the
improvement of his country. Interested in the South African War and
grasping the salient lessons of our unreadiness, the Amir laid out
much money in 1900-1901 upon a scheme of mobilisation; while in
May 1901 he secured permission to import from Germany some
thirty howitzers and field guns. At the same time, and without
informing the Government of India, he ordered a large number of
castings for big guns, an order which was subsequently repudiated
by Habib Ullah. In August 1901 he personally directed the
preparations for the suppression of the threatened disaffection in
Khost, besides attending to the rising of the Tagis of Hariob on the
Peiwar in September. These events were the last affairs of a
prominent description to which Abdur Rahman was able to apply
himself. Even while engaged in the business attending the Tagis
operations his Highness began to show signs of decline and, on
September 20, he was seized with a stroke of paralysis which
disabled his right side.
His native physicians had prepared a compound of rare medicines
costing several thousand rupees; but, as the paralytic seizure was
kept strictly secret in the palace, this concoction was not in
readiness and, when offered to the Amir, he could not take it. On
September 28 his Highness, feeling his end approaching, summoned
his sons, the nobles, the principal civil and military officers and the
chief raises of Kabul, Hindu and Mahommedan. One son only,
Mahommed Afzul Khan, a boy of thirteen, was absent. He was with
his mother at Balkh, that lady belonging to the Saids of Balkh. When
all had assembled the Amir by look acknowledged their homage and
then addressed them in a feeble, but distinct voice, saying:
You know when a king becomes old and infirm and near
his end he always desires to nominate a successor. I wish to
have my successor settled now. Consider among yourselves
whom you believe fit to succeed me.
The listeners were affected to tears by this speech. They declared
that the Shahzada Habib Ullah, who had managed the state affairs
so well for eight years, was the ruler whom they desired. On this the
dying Amir indicated that a sword with a belt set with precious
stones should be handed to Habib Ullah, together with a big volume
containing his will and instructions for the future management of the
state. He then ordered Nasr Ullah Khan to gird his brother with the
sword, and dismissed the audience. Abdur Rahman had always the
presentiment that he would die in the same year as our lamented
sovereign Queen Victoria; and, after this assemblage, his condition
became rapidly worse and he died on October 1. The news was kept
secret until the morning of the 3rd, when, his precautions against
disturbance having been completed, Habib Ullah himself made it
public. Later in the day, on October 3, at a special Durbar Habib
Ullah was formally accepted as Amir, whereupon he issued the
following proclamation to the high officers of state:
His Excellency is informed of the demise of my august
father, the light of religion and the kingdom (may his abode
be in Paradise) who (as the verse runs “Death is the end of all
and not a moment’s delay is possible when it draws nigh”)
welcomed the invitation of God, and took his way to Paradise.
His Excellency is now given a detailed account of what
happened. His late Highness had been frequently unwell; but
notwithstanding his chequered health he was not for a
moment found lacking in the conduct of his kingly duties,
until the light of his life was put down. He breathed his last
on Thursday night dated 19th Jamadi-ul-Sani at Kala Bagh,
his summer residence. He gave his soul to the Creator of the
Universe (truly all things tend towards God). On Friday 19th
rumours got abroad and the news was communicated to the
capital for the information of officials. The people of the
country, subjects as well as military, came together to convey
condolence, one and all. Beyond the possibility of doubt they
considered the monarch was their kind father and their
gracious ruler. The people of the territories of Herat,
Kandahar and Turkestan, etc., who were present in the
metropolis, attended the exalted Court and My Presence (who
am the slave of God) and praised the Almighty. Great was the
concourse and so large the number of those who witnessed
the Fateha[44] that it is known to God and to God alone. All of
them followed the service with sincerity of heart and purity of
mind. Then they took the oath of allegiance with praises to
Omnipotent God. They said as follows: “We desire to make
your Highness our king so that we may not live in an
uncivilised state. We wish you to acknowledge our oath of
allegiance; and we beg your Highness to take the
management of all the affairs of state and that of our nation;
and we ask you to discharge your duties night and day like
his Highness the deceased ruler of ours and to give us rest
and repose.”
After the close of the speech and prayer I too with the
Throne’s usual kindness and munificence accepted their oath
of allegiance and request; and I have given them such entire
satisfaction as lies in my power. On that very day all of our
brothers took their oath of allegiance and after them all the
members of the House Royal and persons of the noble
families of Mahommed Zai and other tribes, saids, priests,
gentry and all officials of state, civil and military, took the
oath; and I too for my reign and time acknowledged the oath.
Then all offered up their prayers for the late monarch (may
his abode be in Paradise) and gave thanks to God for my
reign. After the dismissal and breaking up of all the aforesaid
proceedings the officials of state, civil as well as military, and
all those who could afford and spare time from matters
temporal took their road to Kala Bagh and, together with
those who were already present, joined the funeral
procession of the late ruler (Light of the Country and
Religion). The blessed corpse of that august and potent king,
according to his will, was carried to the royal cemetery with
great pomp and honour; and he was interred in the ground
and placed in the place which is the real and ultimate abode
for man. That august and potent monarch, that king of
pleasing and praiseworthy manners, expired and sank in the
depth of the kindness of God (may his abode be in Heaven).
His Excellency is now informed of all that has happened.
He is given an account for his full information; and a separate
report is despatched to His Excellency the Viceroy of India on
account of the alliance that exists between us.
A second Durbar was held on the 6th, when the commander-in-
chief, the principal military officers, the tribal chiefs then in Kabul,
the leading nobles and the chief mullahs renewed publicly their
agreement, made with the late Amir in the autumn of 1900,
regarding the succession of Habib Ullah. With the Koran before them
they affixed their seals to an oath which ran as follows:
We, all military officers, together with the army, all Afghan
tribal chiefs, sirdars, mullahs and other followers of Islam in
Afghanistan, do swear by the Koran to accept Amir Habib
Ullah as our King of Islam.
Habib Ullah replied:
You have appointed me as your king and I accept the
office. Please God I will be always a follower of the religion of
Mahomet the Prophet of God (may peace be on him) and I
will be guardian of the Mussalmans of Afghanistan who will
obey me as King of Islam.
The thousands of people assembled on the occasion of this
Durbar solemnly removed their turbans, loudly acclaiming Habib
Ullah as their new ruler. The leading Hindus of Kabul, headed by
Dewan Harinjan, afterwards presented their agreement to the Amir,
who graciously accepted it with the assurance that they should
continue to live in peace and quietude, and promising a reduction of
the taxes hitherto levied on their community. In Kabul on October 8,
yet another Durbar was held, whereat Sirdar Nasr Ullah Khan
brought the Koran, the sword and the flag belonging to the late
Amir. Habib Ullah rose on the approach of his brother. Placing the
Koran upon his head and fastening the sword round his waist, he
raised the flag and took the oath to rule Afghanistan as a true
Mahommedan. He said his brothers, the whole army and the people
had appointed him king. He accepted the office and publicly asked
God to pardon all his sins. The Amir then declared that he confirmed
his brother, Nasr Ullah Khan, in the offices which he had held under
the late Amir, at the same time appointing Omar Khan to take
charge of the Revenue Department and Amin Ullah Khan to preside
over the Judicial Department.
Simultaneously with these announcements several acts of
clemency and generosity were proclaimed. In each of the important
centres prisoners, confined for minor offences, were released; while
various sums of money for charitable distribution, in all aggregating
one lakh of rupees, were remitted to the local authorities. Kabul
naturally came in for especial marks of grace. The trading
community was advised of the remission of the more oppressive
taxes, and certain guilds were notified that Treasury grants would be
made to them. Five hundred prisoners in the capital province were
also set at liberty. In a general way, since Abdur Rahman’s scheme
of taking one able-bodied man in eight for military service had given
rise to discontent, Habib Ullah advanced the pay of all ranks in the
Regular and Irregular establishments. The pay of the cavalry was
increased from twenty rupees to twenty-five rupees per month, the
infantry from eight rupees to ten rupees per month, and the levies
from six rupees to eight rupees per month. The officers enjoyed a
proportionate increment. These evidences of consideration secured
the tranquillity of the people at a change of ruler, although the
perspicacity of the late Amir, in arranging matrimonial alliances for
Habib Ullah with the leading families in the army and priesthood,
had already secured the allegiance to his successor of these two
important factors in the state. The accession, therefore, was
undisturbed; and, while couriers bore the news far and wide to
officials, the issue of a fresh coinage, bearing the impression in
Turkish characters “Amir Habib Ullah Khan, Amir of Kabul, the Seeker
of God’s Help,” carried conviction in the market-place. At the same
time in India, October 14, was observed as an official Day of
Mourning, and Habib Ullah was informed that a Mahommedan
deputation, charged with the condolences of the Government of
India and the personal greetings of the Viceroy, would immediately
set out for Kabul. A few days later Habib Ullah’s preoccupation with
the affairs of state passed from the civil to the spiritual side, when
the new ruler of Afghanistan gave an ominous sign of that bigotry
which has since distinguished him. For the first time in the country’s
history the head of the state publicly performed the priestly
functions in celebrating the Id at the Idgah Mosque. The chief priest
of Kabul immediately proclaimed Habib Ullah to be the successor of
Mahommed, whereupon the Amir of Afghanistan delivered an
address inspired throughout by a spirit of intolerant ecclesiasticism.
Among other things, he laid down that a fine not exceeding ten
Kabuli rupees would be inflicted on all who did not offer prayers
night and morning in the mosques. A register of the daily attendance
of all individuals in the various quarters was to be kept; and a “box
of justice” set up in each into which secret reports, upon any who
neglected their religious duties, could be dropped.
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