Annual Action
Annual Action
Annual Action
Sr. The list of CSR projects or programmes that are approved to be undertaken in areas or The manner of execution of such Category of items Source of The modalities of utilisation of funds Monitoring and reporting mechanism for the projects or programmes; Details of need and impact Justification/ reason for selection of
No. subjects specified in Schedule VII of the Act projects or programmes as specified in or activities Identification of and implementation schedules for the and assessment, if any, for the NGOs/Foundations/Fund, recommended and approved
sub-rule (1) of rule 4. undertaken NGOs/ NGOs/Foundati projects or programmes projects undertaken by the to contribute amount to undertake CSR activities for FY-
Foundations/ Funds ons/Funds company 2022-23
as specified under
Schedule VII of the
Companies Act,
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Raghunathpur Nari Kalyan Samiti (Kolkata)
RNKS is a 25 years old voluntary organization, established in year 1998. The NGO has been The CSR activities will be undertaken Promoting health The CSR As per the clause of MoU executed, the As per the provisions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy-2021 As per rule No.8(3) (a) of the The CSR Department officials have gone through the profile
working primarily in 7 blocks of South Parganas for almost two decades and they work for the purpose through Section 8 Company (Companies care including department respective Foundation/NGOs shall of the Company and subsequent to office order No.24/2021-2022 dated Ministry of Corporate Affairs and certificates submitted by RNKS. After personal visit
of contributing to the basic needs of poorest people in these areas. RNKS focus its resources in Act) , Registered Trust, Society, having a preventive health Identified the ensure that the Funds received by them 21/09/2021 , the CSR Department officials are constituted to identify the (MCA) Notification dated 22nd and interaction with the concerned officials, the CSR
sectors like Health, Education, Social, Economic upliftment, Disaster Risk Reduction and track record of atleast 3 years. care. (listed under said NGO from will be used strictly for projects specified Foundations/NGOs/ Funds and to review their activities and their viable January, 2021 to amend the Department members noticed that the NGO is doing good
empowerment of people. RNKS has supported Self Help Group (SHG) with capacity building and The work will be executed as per item (i) of Schedule proposal and shall not be used for any other Projects/ Programmes to spend amounts to undertake CSR activities and to Companies (Corporate Social service in the health sector by helping poor people overcome
training on a range of issues including SHG Management, duck & poultry farm management, fish proposed requirement and submit periodic VII (i)). received through purpose/Project. Also, ensure that the submit the report with the suggestions and comments to MD & CEO and Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 their health problems and providing consultation and
culture and vegetable cultivation. RNKS has conducted regular skill training on Telephone, Mobile details with latest photos and other mail/ interaction CSR Contribution received from UTIITSL recommend to the CSR Committee. The following are the members of the every company having an medicines free of cost.
phone repairing, Computer Hardware, Tailoring, Carpentry, TV & Radio Repairing etc. Develops skills supporting’s as required. through phone will be used within 12 months from the Committee: average CSR obligation of ten It was also seen that they are in need of funds to carry out
for self-employability. RNKS conducts regular awareness programmes on issue of social and UTIITSL would periodically monitor the and personal date of disbursement by UTIITSL and crore rupees or more in their activities.
environmental significance like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Women’s rights and empowerment, Early project by visit through UTIITSL visits. they would be required to provide Project 1.Ms. Naina Kotian, VP - Nodal Officer pursuance of subsection (5) of The contribution is in conformity with extant policy and
marriage etc. RNKS in collaboration with generous collaborators have provided tube wells for safe representatives, video calls and Telecon. Reports and Fund utilization Report/ 2.Shri. Dattaram L Shenavi, Sr Manager - Member section 135 of the Act, in the statutory guidelines.
drinking water and latrines to numerous households as people in this region lack knowledge on health Certificate duly signed by the Auditors on 3.Shri. Dinesh P Yadav- Dy Manager - Member three immediately preceding
and hygiene. RNKS have conducted health check up camps and eye clinic programmes in different completion of the Project/ Programmes. The above department will Monitor the Projects/ Programmes with co- financial years, shall undertake Approved to contribute Rs.28,00,715.00 for providing Mobile
places of rural areas. As per the MCA Circular dated 22nd ordination of representatives/officials of the Foundation/NGO and to obtain impact assessment, through an Eye Care Services.
Certifications of Raghunathpur Nari Kalyan Samiti (RNKS): January, 2021, the CFO of the Company the periodical statements of amounts spend towards the Projects/ independent agency, of their CSR Funds would be disbursed in installments based on progress
a) Registration Certificate No. S/91929 OF 1998-1999 Registered Society under West Bengal Act will issue a certificate towards the Programmes i.e. monthly / quarterly statements and/or overall Report projects having outlays of one of work.
XXVI of 1961. amounts contributed to the detailing the use of the CSR Contribution and to verify and evaluate these crore rupees or more, and which
b) MCA registration No. CSR00001055 dated 07/04/2021. NGOs/Foundation & Fund to undertake Reports/ statements in the CSR Department Meeting and put up the updated have been completed not less
c) Registered under Section 12A and 80 G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961). CSR activities of the Company and status thereon to the MD & CEO and the CSR Committee. than one year before undertaking
d) Form No. 10AC towards the utilization of the Fund for the If required the members of the CSR Department will visit the Projects/ the impact study.
e) Audited report for FY2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22. purposes and in the manner approved by Programmes of NGOs/Foundation to monitor the activities of Projects/
the Board. For Unspent CSR fund in Programmes or may advise the Regional Manager/ Branch Manager of No project assessment is required
Proposal received from RNKS under the category Promoting health care including preventive respective FY, UTIITSL have opened a respective Region to visit office/ Project of NGOs/ Foundation and update for the Company as the above
health care. separate Bank Account. the status thereof. The Department will submit the Report thereon to the MD rule is not applicable.
Setting up of a mobile eye care service in rural areas of Sundarban area. & CEO ,CSR Committee, and Board.
Vehicle with branding- 25,01,715.00
Eye check up equipments: 2,99,000
2 Social Action for Manpower Creation - SAMPARC
SAMPARC is a non-profit making registered Public Charitable Society and Trust in India, established The CSR activities will be undertaken Setting up homes for The CSR As above As above As above The CSR Department officials have gone through the profile
in the year 1990 for the rehabilitation, care and educational development of orphan children, children through Section 8 Company (Companies orphan & Promoting department and certificates submitted by SAMPARC. After personal
of socially victimised women and all other needy, poor children. SAMPARC is working in the States of Act) , Registered Trust, Society, having a Health care including Identified the visit and interaction with the concerned officials, the CSR
Maharashtra, Rajasthan, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. They have received the National Award for track record of atleast 3 years. preventive health said NGO from Department members noticed that the Trust is doing good
Child Welfare in 1997 from GOI. They are running 4 children homes in Maharashtra, 1 in West The work will be executed as per care & sanitation proposal service in the health sector by helping the orphan children
Bengal and 1 in Rajasthan, School in Mulshi and Malavli at Pune. proposed requirement and submit periodic (listed under received through so that they can reach a certain status in life and get the
Certifications of SAMPARC: details with latest photos and other Schedule VII (i) & mail/ interaction opportunity and confidence which will enable them to grow
a) Registration Certificate No. F/ 6399 / Pune dated 30/11/1972 and MAH / 5296 – 90 / Pune supporting’s as required. (iii)) through phone freely like other common children.
incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 (No. 1 of 1956) Public Charitable Trust Act, 1950/ UTIITSL would periodically monitor the and personal It was also seen that they are in need of funds to carry out
Registered Society under Societies Act 1960. project by visit through UTIITSL visits. their activities.
b) MCA registration No. CSR00003752 dated 27/04/2021. representatives, video calls and Telecon. The contribution is in conformity with extant policy and
c) FCRA No. 083930243 Valid from 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2027. statutory guidelines.
d) Registered under Section 12A and 80 G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961).
e) Form No. 10AC Approved to contribute Rs.11,54,000.00 for constructing of
f) Audited report for FY2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 childrens home and Rs.12,35,000.00 for renovation of boys
toilets and bathrooms.
Proposal received from SAMPARC under the category Setting up homes for orphan & Funds would be disbursed in installments based on progress
Promoting Health care including preventive health care & sanitation of work.
a) Setting up of 1 childrens home at Village Bhaje, Pune - Amounting to Rs.39,82,000.00.
b) Construction of Toilets and Barhrooms and fencing work in the premises, at SAMPARC Grameen
3 Sitapur Eye Hospital-Sitapur- UP
Sitapur Eye Hospital, had a very humble beginning in a small town of Khairabad, 5 miles from Sitapur The CSR activities will be undertaken Promoting health The CSR As above As above As above The CSR Department officials have gone through the profile
in the year 1926 founded by Dr. Mahesh Prasad Mehray, Medical Officer in-charge of District Board through Section 8 Company (Companies care including department and certificates submitted by Sitapur Eye Hospital. After
Dispensary at Khairabad. He was very much moved by the suffering of eye patients, as till then there Act) , Registered Trust, Society, having a preventive health Identified the personal visit and interaction with the concerned officials,
was no suitable arrangement for treatment of eye patients. The vision of the hospital is to eradicate track record of atleast 3 years. care. (listed under said NGO from the CSR Department members noticed that the Hospital is
and alleviate blindness with compassion. The Sitapur Eye Hospital is a Tertiary level eye care The work will be executed as per Schedule VII (i)). proposal doing good service in the health sector by reaching out to
institute dedicated to providing exceptional eye care to patients from all walks of life. It is a general proposed requirement and submit periodic received through people in distant/ rural areas and providing medical facilities
hospital providing various types of eye care treatment to the poor, free of cost and treatment under details with latest photos and other mail/ interaction and helping people overcome their eye related problems.
Government schemes, throughout the year. supporting’s as required. through phone It was also seen that they are in need of funds to carry out
Certifications of Sitapur Eye Hospital: UTIITSL would periodically monitor the and personal their activities.
a) Registered Certificate no R/SIT/08482/2020. project by visit through UTIITSL visits. The contribution is in conformity with extant policy and
b) MCA registration No. CSR00025969. dated 26/03/2022 . representatives, video calls and Telecon. statutory guidelines.
c) Registered under Section 12A and 80 G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961).
d) Income Tax Return for AY2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22. Approved to contribute Rs.28,50,000.00 (incl. GST) for
providing Phacoemulsificaiton machine.
Proposal received from Sitapur Eye Hospital under the category Promoting Health care. Funds would be disbursed in installments based on progress
Providing of following machines. of work.
a) Phacoemulsification machine – Rs.28,50,000.00 (incl. GST).
b) Multispot Green Laser with Slit Lamp – Rs.28,56,000.00 (incl. GST).
Sr. The list of CSR projects or programmes that are approved to be undertaken in areas or The manner of execution of such Category of items Source of The modalities of utilisation of funds Monitoring and reporting mechanism for the projects or programmes; Details of need and impact Justification/ reason for selection of
No. subjects specified in Schedule VII of the Act projects or programmes as specified in or activities Identification of and implementation schedules for the and assessment, if any, for the NGOs/Foundations/Fund, recommended and approved
sub-rule (1) of rule 4. undertaken NGOs/ NGOs/Foundati projects or programmes projects undertaken by the to contribute amount to undertake CSR activities for FY-
Foundations/ Funds ons/Funds company 2022-23
as specified under
Schedule VII of the
Companies Act,
4 Training, Awareness and Behaviour Change About Health and Rehabilitation Society (TAABAR)- 2013
Jaipur The CSR activities will be undertaken Setting up homes for The CSR As above As above As above The CSR Department has gone through the profile and
TAABAR a non-governmental organization established in 2007 helps and supports children in difficult through Section 8 Company (Companies orphan and other department certificates submitted by TAABAR. After conducting
circumstances by providing community-based rehabilitation for orphans, runaways, street children, Act) , Registered Trust, Society, having a facilities. (listed Identified the personal visit and with the concerned officials, the CSR
slum children, and the misguided youth through its various programmes. Their mission is to ensure track record of atleast 3 years. under Schedule VII said NGO from Department members noticed that the Hospital is doing
protection of rights and entitlements of children and to empower communities through Training, The work will be executed as per (iii)). proposal good service in the health sector by reaching out to people in
Advocacy, Awareness, Behavioural Change and Rehabilitation proposed requirement and submit periodic received through distant/ rural areas and providing medical facilities and
Certifications of TAABAR: details with latest photos and other mail/ interaction helping people overcome their eye related problems.
a) Registered Certificate no 591/Jaipur/2007-2008 dated 30/12/2007. supporting’s as required. through phone It was also seen that they are in need of funds to carry out
b) MCA registration No. CSR00000193 dated 02/04/2021. UTIITSL would periodically monitor the and personal their activities.
c) Registered under Section 12A and 80 G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961). project by visit through UTIITSL visits. The contribution is in conformity with extant policy and
d) Form No. 10AC representatives, video calls and Telecon. statutory guidelines.
f) Income Tax Return for AY2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22.
Proposal received from TAABAR under the category setting up homes for orphan and other Approved to contribute partly (for Solar Panel, Water Cooler,
facilities. RO Purified, Fridge for storing medicines, 3 smart classes
Kit for children (dress, undergarments) - 480000.00 with projector and electric board, 5 computers) -
Education Stationery items - 180000.00 Rs.12,60,000.00
Solar Panel - 652000.00
5 seater medical van - 640000.00 Funds would be disbursed in installments based on progress
2 E-rickshaws - 120000.00 of work in trms of list of beneficiaries, cross checking etc.
Utensils and kitchen equipment - 103000.00
2 Water cooler and 2 RO Purified - 220000
Fridge for storing medicines - 28000
Misc. items - 5700.00
3 smart classes - 210000.00
2 Two wheelers - 190000
5 computers - 150000
TOTAL 22,40,000.00
Sr. The list of CSR projects or programmes that are approved to be undertaken in areas or The manner of execution of such Category of items Source of The modalities of utilisation of funds Monitoring and reporting mechanism for the projects or programmes; Details of need and impact Justification/ reason for selection of
No. subjects specified in Schedule VII of the Act projects or programmes as specified in or activities Identification of and implementation schedules for the and assessment, if any, for the NGOs/Foundations/Fund, recommended and approved
sub-rule (1) of rule 4. undertaken NGOs/ NGOs/Foundati projects or programmes projects undertaken by the to contribute amount to undertake CSR activities for FY-
Foundations/ Funds ons/Funds company 2022-23
as specified under
Schedule VII of the
Companies Act,
5 B.Y.L Nair Ch. Hospital - Mumbai The CSR Department has gone through the profileof B.Y.L
B L Nair hospital and its college was started in 1925 at Mumbai Central, through the donations of The CSR Nair Ch. Hospital and after conducting personal visit and
Dr.B.L. Nair and Mr. M.N.Desai and was known as the Peoples free hospital. In 1946 the Municipal The CSR activities will be undertaken Promoting health department As above As above As above interacting with the doctors and patients of B.Y.L Nair Ch.
Corporation of Mumbai took over the running of the Hospital and the college. B.Y.L. Nair Charitable through Section 8 Company (Companies care including Identified the Hospital, the CSR Department members noticed that the
Hospital, Mumbai is a full-fledged tertiary Government medical college in Mumbai, Maharashtra The Act) , Registered Trust, Society, having a preventive health said NGO from B.Y.L Nair Ch. Hospital are doing great service in the health
Institution boasts of the oldest Gastroenterology department, and were the first to provide track record of atleast 3 years. care. (listed under proposal field by providing free medical treatment to poor patients.
Rheumatology and dermatopathology services. It is the only public hospital in the city to offer After receipt of Funds the MSW Schedule VII (i)). received through
urodynamic studies and hyperbaric oxygen services. It is also an ISO-9001 certified hospital with Department will do the process of paper mail/ interaction The hospital has sought funds for a noble cause and they
around 1300 beds available for patients . It offers medical facility to the poor and needy people and work, purchase through tenders, through phone are in need of the medical equipments for carrying out their
most of the medical treatment are free of cost. B L Nair hospital also offers MBBS and MD courses in submission of report, placing of order, and personal activities and bringing socio-economic change in society.
their complex. inauguration programme, release of final visits.
payment.The work will be executed as per The contribution is in conformity with extant policy and
Proposal received from B.Y.L Nair Ch. Hospital for the Nephrology Department. proposed requirement and other statutory guidelines.
supporting’s as required.
a) Water Treatment plant Total Cost Approx-1 crore UTIITSL would periodically monitor the Proposed to contribute Rs.35,00,000.00 for C-arm medical
b) C-arm- 35 Lakhs project by visit through UTIITSL equipment for Nephrology Department.
c) UCG Machine- 35 Lakhs representatives, video calls and Telecon.
Funds would be disbursed in installments based on progress
of work.
6 Centre for Transforming India (CFTI) The CSR activities will be undertaken Promoting education The CSR As above As above As above After going through the profile of CFTI and after conducting
CFTI is a registered non-profit trust under Indian Trusts Act, 1882 which is carrying out activities for through Section 8 Company, Registered (listed under item (iii department personal visit and interacting with the officials CFTI
transforming India and aims to bring opportunities to people in rural India by empowering them Trust, Society, having a track record of of Schedule VII). Identified the alongwith the School Authorities at Ganga Vishnu Jakhotia
through education, health care & economic opportunities. Their aim is to create social harmony & atleast 3 years. said NGO from Memorial School, Khalapur, the CSR Department members
further the growth of India through Education, Poverty alleviation, Women Empowerment, Help in The work will be executed as per proposal noticed that the CFTI is doing great servicein the field of
Natural calamities, Medical aid, Art & Culture etc. proposed requirement and submit periodic received through Education in Rural areas of Maharastra, and are in their own
CFTI works mainly in areas such as for Women empowerment, Rural Education, Community details with latest photos and other letter/ mail/ way contributing their services for socio economic
Development, Water management, Sports, Art and Culture, Health and sanitation, Disaster relief. supporting’s as required. UTIITSL would interaction development. It was also seen that the CFTI is in need of
periodically monitor the project by visit, through phone/ funds to carry out their activities.
Proposal submitted by CFTI: video calls and Telecon. through contacts/
personal visits. In Proposed to contribute funds for the following proposals:
a) Upgrade/Repairs & Maintenance of Ganga Vishnu Jakhotia Memorial English Medium Schools, the FY2022-23 Upgrade/ repair & maintenance of Ganga Vishnu Jakhotia
Khalapur run by Prabhakar Patil Education Society, a self motivated Educational Trust that has been UTIITSL has Memorial English Medium Schools, Khalapur amounting to
highlighting the life of many under privileged children by bringing primary and higher education contributed funds total cost of Rs.13,25,800/-
system to the interiors of Raigad District in Maharashtra since 2001 amounting to Rs.25,79,200.00. to CFTI for
b) Distributing 1500 cycles to girl students in schools situated in remote villages of Raigad District distribution of Funds would be disbursed in installments based on progress
which is identified by CFTI, amounting to total cost of Rs.72,00,000.00. cycles and the of work.
project has been
8 Shikhar Yuva Manch (SYM) - Chhattisgarh The CSR Department after going through the profile of
SYM is a non-profit organization working in Chhattisgarh since 1997. SYM has been a The CSR activities will be undertaken The project comes The CSR Shikhar Yuva Manch and after conducting personal visit and
founder member of Right to Education Forum in Chhattisgarh and are a part of Campaign through Section 8 Company, Registered under the category department has As above As above As above interacting with the officials of SYM as well as villagers, the
against Child Labour in Central India. Trust, Society, having a track record of Rural Development carried out works CSR Department members noticed that Sikhar Yuva Manch
atleast 3 years. Projects. (listed under for the Society is doing great service in the rural area of Chhattisgarh and
The work will be executed as per Schedule VII (x)). earlier. They working for the betterment of the villagers, and are in this
Proposal received from SYM for Installation of Solar Irrigation cum Drinking water pumps (7 proposed requirement and submit periodic were Identified way contributing their services for socio economic
units) Rs.28,75,950.00. details with latest photos and other from proposal development.
Repairs of existing well - 3 units - Rs.9,35,850.00. supporting’s as required. UTIITSL would received through Shikhar Yuva Manch has sought funds for a noble cause and
Staff Support - Rs.1,95,090.00. periodically monitor the project by visit, letter/ mail/ are in need of funds to bring development and betterment of
NGO Management cost - Rs.40,96,890.00. video calls and Telecon. interaction the remote villages. Through their work they are bringing
through phone/ socio-economic change in society.
through contacts/ The contribution is in conformity with extant policy and
personal visits.. statutory guidelines
Proposed to contribute for Installation of 7 Solar Irrigation
cum Drinking Water Pumps amounting to Rs.28,75,950.00.
Funds would be disbursed in installments based on progress
of work.
Sr. The list of CSR projects or programmes that are approved to be undertaken in areas or The manner of execution of such Category of items Source of The modalities of utilisation of funds Monitoring and reporting mechanism for the projects or programmes; Details of need and impact Justification/ reason for selection of
No. subjects specified in Schedule VII of the Act projects or programmes as specified in or activities Identification of and implementation schedules for the and assessment, if any, for the NGOs/Foundations/Fund, recommended and approved
sub-rule (1) of rule 4. undertaken NGOs/ NGOs/Foundati projects or programmes projects undertaken by the to contribute amount to undertake CSR activities for FY-
Foundations/ Funds ons/Funds company 2022-23
as specified under
Schedule VII of the
Companies Act,
9 Daya Sumitra Educational Society (DSES) 2013 The CSR Department affter going through the profile of
Daya Sumitra Educational Society is a non profit society that provides education, medical aid The CSR activities will be undertaken The project comes The CSR DSES and after conducting personal visit and interacting with
and socio economic care to the underprivileged. DSES has been involved in sponsoring the through Section 8 Company, Registered under the category department As above As above As above the officials in the school, the CSR Department members
education expenses, medical expenses of financially needy and underprivileged children, Trust, Society, having a track record of promoting education Identified the noticed that DSES is doing great service in the field of
atleast 3 years. listed under Schedule said NGO from education in the remote areas in Ballia district, UP, and in
establishing and operating a rural school, organizing free medical camps, etc.
The work will be executed as per VII (ii). proposal this way contributing their services for socio economic
proposed requirement and submit periodic received through development by providing education which is the basic
Proposal received from DSES for Solar Energy Fittings - Rs.33,80,700.00. details with latest photos and other letter/ mail/ necessity of children.
Cycle for Girl Student - Rs.24,13,250.00. supporting’s as required. UTIITSL would interaction DSES has sought funds for a noble cause and the schools
School Furniture - Rs.13,75,000.00. periodically monitor the project by visit, through phone/ are in need of funds for carrying out their activities and
Illumination of Sport Complex - Rs.4,78,000.00 video calls and Telecon. through contacts/ bringing socio-economic change in society.
personal visits. The contribution is in conformity with extant policy and
statutory guidelines.
Proposed to contribute for school furniture amounting to
Funds would be disbursed in installments based on progress
of work.
10 YAVARD (YOUTH ASSOCIATION FOR VOLUNTARY ACTION AND RURAL The CSR Department after going through the profile of
DEVELOPMENT) - Bilaspur. The CSR activities will be undertaken The project comes The CSR YAVARD and after conducting personal visit and interacting
YAVARD is a non-profit organization working in Bilaspur since 1994. YAVARD envisages a through Section 8 Company, Registered under the category department has As above As above As above with the officials of YAVARD as well as the villagers, the
society where the poor, the marginalized and the under privileged have equal opportunity for Trust, Society, having a track record of Rural Development carried out works CSR Department members noticed that YAVARD is doing
atleast 3 years. Projects. (listed under for the Society great service in the rural area of Kota Block, in Bilaspur
their involvement in the developmental process which is value based and sustainable and
The work will be executed as per item (x) of Schedule earlier. They District and working for the betterment of the villagers, and
also have appropriate environment to develop their fullest potential, without any proposed requirement and submit periodic VII). were Identified are in this way contributing their services for socio economic
discrimination of caste, creed and religion. YAVARD aims at Empowerment of community details with latest photos and other from proposal development.
through innovation, appropriate technology, effective institutional system, environment and supporting’s as required. UTIITSL would received through YAVARD has sought funds for a noble cause and are in
resource management. YAVARD is working with tribal communities in forest areas in many periodically monitor the project by visit, letter/ mail/ need of funds to bring development and betterment of the
villages of Bilaspur district in Chhattisgarh state and in Odhisa state and have completed video calls and Telecon. interaction remote tribal villages. Through their work they are bringing
programs such as livelihood development, recreation of forest, maternity homes, capacity through phone/ socio-economic change in society.
building trainings, agriculture cluster department, promoting organic farming etc. through contacts/ The contribution is in conformity with extant policy and
personal visits. statutory guidelines
Proposal received from YAVARD for provdiign Solar pump, water harvesting, etc. at Proposed to contribute for providing Solar Pump to 4 Villages
(i.e. Bargaon, Dhobghat, Bicharpur, Manikpur amounting to
Semipani - Rs.693500, Bargaon - Rs.575000, Dhobghat Rs.671500, Bicharpur Rs.568500,
Sauntapara - Rs.715000 and Manikpur Rs.557600).
Funds would be disbursed in installments based on progress
of work.
Sr. The list of CSR projects or programmes that are approved to be undertaken in areas or The manner of execution of such Category of items Source of The modalities of utilisation of funds Monitoring and reporting mechanism for the projects or programmes; Details of need and impact Justification/ reason for selection of
No. subjects specified in Schedule VII of the Act projects or programmes as specified in or activities Identification of and implementation schedules for the and assessment, if any, for the NGOs/Foundations/Fund, recommended and approved
sub-rule (1) of rule 4. undertaken NGOs/ NGOs/Foundati projects or programmes projects undertaken by the to contribute amount to undertake CSR activities for FY-
Foundations/ Funds ons/Funds company 2022-23
as specified under
Schedule VII of the
Companies Act,
11 KEM Hospital, Mumbai The CSR Department has gone through the profileof KEM
Founded in 1926, the Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College (GSMC) and the King The CSR activities will be undertaken Promoting health To promote Hospital and after conducting personal visit and interacting
Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital are amongst the foremost teaching and medical care through Section 8 Company, Registered care including health care in As above As above As above with the doctors at the Hospital, the CSR Department
providing institutions in India. With about 390 staff physicians and 550 resident doctors, the Trust, Society, having a track record of preventive health Government and members noticed that KEM Hospital are doing great service
atleast 3 years. care. (listed under Municipal in the health field by providing free medical treatment to poor
1800 bedded hospital treats about 1.8 million out-patients and 85,000 in-patients annually
Funds will be received by the Hospital and item (i) of Schedule Hospitals, the patients.
and provides both basic care and advanced treatment facilities in all fields of medicine and VII). CSR department
they would process the paper work,
surgery. Funded mainly by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai , these institutions purchase of equipments as per protocol of Identified the The hospital has sought funds for a noble cause and they
render yeomen service – virtually free of cost – mostly to the underprivileged sections of the Municipal Corporation. said hospital are in need of the medical equipments for carrying out their
society. UTIITSL would periodically monitor the through phone activities and bringing socio-economic change in society.
KEM Hospital Mumbai has been designated as one of the 8 Centers of Excellence for Rare project by visit and Telecon. contact and
Disease in India by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India under the discussions. The contribution is in conformity with extant policy and
provisions of the National Policy for Rare Diseases 2021. statutory guidelines.
Proposal received from KEM Hospital. Proposed to contribute Rs.47,00,000.00 for C-arm medical
equipment for Orthopaedic Department.
a. C-Arm Machine for Department of Orthopaedic - Rs.47,00,000.00
b. Operation Table for Department of Orthopaedic - Rs.26,00,000.00
Funds would be disbursed in installments based on progress
of work.
UTIITSL does not have an average CSR obligation of ten crore rupees or more in pursuance of subsection (5) of section 135 of the Act in the three immediately preceding financial years. Further, in the previous FY-2021-22, UTIITSL has not contributed any amount for Rupees one crore rupees or more to any of the Foundation/ NGOs for their CSR Project. Hence, at present, UTIITSL
is not required to undertake impact assessment through an independent agency.
Note: The Board may alter such plan at any time during the financial year as per the recommendation of the CSR Committee based on the reasonable justification to that effect.
Shri Dinesh Yadav, Dy MGR Shri Dattaram Shenavi, Sr Mgr. Ms Naina Kotian- VP
Member - CSR Department Member - CSR Department Nodal Officer - CSR Department