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Salt Analysis

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Aim: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals


1 Physical examination of the salt
a) Colour Blue May be Cu2+
b) Smell
Take a pinch of the salt No characteristic Absence of NH 4+,S2-,
between your fingers and rub smell
with a drop of water.
2 Dry heating test.
a) Gas evolved No characteristic gas Absence of NH4+,S2-
Heat a small amount of the given is evolved ,CO32-,NO3-,Cl-
salt in a dry test tube.
b) Sublimate formed No sublimate formed Absence of NH4+halides
c) Decrepitation Salt does not Absence of Pb(NO3)2,
d) Residue Blue colour salt Hydrated CuSO4 may be
changes into white present.
3 Flame test
Prepare a paste of the salt with Bright bluish green May be Cu2+
con.HCl. Introduce the paste in the colour flame is
non luminous part of the flame using obtained.
a platinum wire loop
4 Cobalt nitrate test
Add 1ml of cobalt nitrate solution to No characteristic ash Absence of Mg2+,Zn2+ and
a little amount salt solution in the test is obtained Al3+
tube. Dip a filter paper into the
solution and burn the filter in the
non – luminous flame.
5 Dilute sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a No characteristic gas Absence of S2-,CO32-NO3-
test tube and add 1-2 ml of dil. is evolved ,
sulphuric acid
6. Con. sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a No characteristic gas Absence of S2-,CO32-NO3-
test tube and add 1 ml of con. is evolved ,
sulphuric acid and heat it

Potassium Permanganate test

Take a small quantity of the salt in a

test tube and add 1-2 ml of dil. KMnO4 solution is Absence of Fe2+and
sulphuric acid.Boil off any gas not decolourised halides
evolved,add little more dilute acid
and then add KMnO4 solution
8 Confirmatory test for sulphate
a) Barium chloride test White precipitate is Presence of SO42- is
To a little amount of aqueous formed which is confirmed
solution of the salt in a test tube ,add insoluble in dil.HCl.
barium chloride solution.
b) Lead acetate test
To a little amount of aqueous White precipitate is
solution of the salt in a test tube ,add formed which is Presence of SO42- is
lead acetate solution. soluble in excess of confirmed
hot ammonium
acetate solution
(analysis of group zero)
To a little amount of salt add No ammoniacal smell Absence of zero group
conc.NaOH solution and heat it gas is evolved NH4+,

Preparation of Original solution of

the salt . Salt is soluble in Original solution of the
Dissolve the salt in distilled water water. salt is prepared.

Group analysis
1. Group I No white precipitate Absence of 1st group
To a little amount of O.S add dil.HCl is obtained Pb2+,
2.Group II
To a little amount of O.S add dil.HCl Black precipitate is Presence of 2nd group
and pass H2S gas. obtained Cu2+,

Confirmation of Cu2+
Heat the black precipitate with 1-
2mL of 50% soln of HNO3 . Blue solution is Presence of 2nd group
Precipitate dissolves. obtained Cu2+,
Add NH4OH solution in excess.
Divide the solution into two parts.
Potassium ferrocyanide test.
To one part of the blue solution add A chocolate brown Presence of Cu2+ is
dilute acetic acid and add potassium precipitate is formed confirmed
ferrocyanide solution.
Potassium iodide test A white precipitate is Presence of Cu2+ is
To another part of the blue solution formed confirmed
add potassium iodide solution.

RESULT :The given salt contains

Acid radical: SO42_

Basic radical: Cu2+


Aim: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals


1 Physical examination of the salt
a)Colour White Absence of Cu2+,
Take a pinch of the salt Ammoniacal smell Presence of NH4+
between your fingers and
rub with a drop of water.
2 Dry heating test.
a)Gas evolved Ammoniacal smell gas Presence of NH4+,
Heat a small amount of the given is evolved.Which gives
salt in a dry test tube. white fumes with a glass
rod dipped in dil.HCl is
brought near the mouth
of the test tube.
b)Sublimate formed No sublimate formed Absence of
c)Decrepitation Salt does not Absence of
decrepitates Pb(NO3)2,
d)Residue Absence of
No characteristic residue Pb(NO3)2,Zn2+,Mg2+,
is obtained. CuSO4
3 Flame test No characteristic
Prepare a paste of the salt with colour flame is obtained. Absence of
con.HCl. Introduce the paste in Cu2+,Pb2+,Ca2+
the non luminous part of the flame
using a platinum wire loop
4 Cobalt nitrate test
Add 1ml of cobalt nitrate solution No characteristic ash is Absence of
to a little amount salt solution in obtained Mg2+,Zn2+ and Al3+
the test tube. Dip a filter paper
into the solution and burn the
filter in the non – luminous flame.
5 Dilute sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt No characteristic gas is Absence of S2-
in a test tube and add 1-2 ml of evolved ,CO32-NO3-,
dil. sulphuric acid
6. Con. sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt No characteristic gas is Absence of S2-
in a test tube and add 1 ml of con. evolved ,CO32-NO3-,
sulphuric acid and heat it
Potassium Permanganate test

Take a small quantity of the salt

in a test tube and add 1-2 ml of KMnO4 solution is not Absence of Fe2+and
dil. sulphuric acid.Boil off any decolourised halides
gas evolved,add little more dilute
acid and then add KMnO4
solution dropwise
8 Confirmatory test for sulphate
c) Barium chloride test White precipitate is Presence of SO42- is
To a little amount of aqueous formed which is confirmed
solution of the salt in a test tube insoluble in dil.HCl.
,add barium chloride solution.
d) Lead acetate test
To a little amount of aqueous White precipitate is
solution of the salt in a test tube formed which is soluble Presence of SO42- is
,add lead acetate solution. in excess of hot confirmed
ammonium acetate
(analysis of group zero)
To a little amount of salt add Ammoniacal smell gas Presence of zero
conc.NaOH solution and heat it. is evolved group NH4+ is
Pass the gas through nessler’s Brown precipitate is confirmed.,
reagent. obtained.

RESULT :The given salt contain Acid radical: SO42- Basic radical: NH4+

Aim: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals


1 Physical examination of the salt
a)Colour White Absence of Cu2+, Ni2+
Take a pinch of the salt Ammoniacal smell Presence of NH4+
between your fingers and
rub with a drop of water.
2 Dry heating test.
a)Gas evolved Ammoniacal smell Presence of NH4+,
Heat a small amount of the given gas is
salt in a dry test tube. evolved.Which gives
white fumes with a
glass rod dipped in
dil.HCl is brought
near the mouth of
the test tube.
b)Sublimate formed No sublimate Absence of NH4+halides
c)Decrepitation Salt does not Absence of PbNO3,
d)Residue Absence of
No characteristic Pb(NO3)2,Zn2+,Mg2+,CuSO4
residue is obtained.
3 Flame test No characteristic
Prepare a paste of the salt with colour flame is Absence of Cu2+,Pb2+,Ca2+
con.HCl. Introduce the paste in obtained.
the non luminous part of the flame
using a platinum wire loop
4 Cobalt nitrate test
Add 1ml of cobalt nitrate solution No characteristic ash Absence of Mg2+,Zn2+ and
to a little amount salt solution in is obtained Al3+
the test tube. Dip a filter paper
into the solution and burn the
filter in the non – luminous flame.
5 Dilute sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt Colourless odourless Presence of CO32-
in a test tube and add 1-2 ml of gas is evolved which
dil. sulphuric acid turns lime water
6. Con. sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt No characteristic gas Absence of S2-,CO32-NO3-,
in a test tube and add 1 ml of con. is evolved
sulphuric acid and heat it
Potassium Permanganate test

Take a small quantity of the salt

in a test tube and add 1-2 ml of KMnO4 solution is Absence of Fe2+and halides
dil. sulphuric acid.Boil off any not decolourised
gas evolved,add little more dilute
acid and then add KMnO4
solution dropwise
8 Confirmatory test for
Carbonate Brisk effervescence. Presence of CO32- is
Dilute Hydro chloric acid test Colourless odourless confirmed
To a little amount of aqueous gas is evolved which
solution of the salt in a test tube turns lime water
,add dilute Hydrochloric acid milky.
MgSO4 test
To a little amount of aqueous White precipitate is
solution of the salt in a test tube formed. Presence of CO32- is
,add MgSO4 solution. confirmed
(Analysis of group zero)
To a little amount of salt add Ammoniacal smell Presence of zero group
conc.NaOH solution and heat it. gas is evolved NH4+ is confirmed.,
Pass the gas through Nessler’s Brown precipitate is
reagent. obtained.

RESULT :The given salt contains

Acid radical: CO32- Basic radical: NH4+


Aim: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals


1 Physical examination of the salt
a)Colour White Absence of Cu2+, Ni2+
Take a pinch of the salt Ammoniacal smell Presence of NH4+
between your fingers and
rub with a drop of water.
2 Dry heating test.
a)Gas evolved Ammoniacal smell gas is Presence of NH4+,
Heat a small amount of the given evolved.Which gives white
salt in a dry test tube. fumes with a glass rod
dipped in dil.HCl is
brought near the mouth of
the test tube.
b)Sublimate formed White sublimate formed Presence of NH4+halides
c)Decrepitation Salt does not decrepitates Absence of Pb(NO3)2,
d)Residue No characteristic residue is Absence of
obtained. PbNO3,Zn2+,Mg2+,CuSO4
3 Flame test No characteristic
Prepare a paste of the salt with colour flame is obtained. Absence of
con.HCl. Introduce the paste in Cu2+,Pb2+,Ca2+
the non luminous part of the flame
using a platinum wire loop
4 Cobalt nitrate test
Add 1ml of cobalt nitrate solution
to a little amount salt solution in No characteristic ash is Absence of Mg2+,Zn2+
the test tube. Dip a filter paper obtained and Al3+
into the solution and burn the
filter in the non – luminous flame.
5 Dilute sulphuric acid test No characteristic gas is Absence of S2-,CO32-
Take a small quantity of the salt evolved NO3-,
in a test tube and add 1-2 ml of
dil. sulphuric acid
6. Con. sulphuric acid test Colourless gas with
Take a small quantity of the salt pungent smell is evolved. Presence of Cl-,
in a test tube and add 1 ml of con. Which gives white fumes
sulphuric acid and heat it with a glass rod dipped in
aqueous ammonia and
white precipitate with
AgNO3 solution..

Potassium Permanganate test

Take a small quantity of the salt

in a test tube and add 1-2 ml of KMnO4 solution is Presence of Fe2+and
dil. sulphuric acid.Boil off any decolourised without the halides
gas evolved,add little more dilute evolution of any gas.
acid and then add KMnO4
solution dropwise
8 Confirmatory test for Chloride
1.Silver nitrate test
To a little amount of aqueous Curdy white precipitate is Presence of Cl- is
solution of the salt in the test tube formed.Which is soluble in confirmed
add dil.HNO3 and silver nitrate excess NH4OH solutions.
2.Manganese dioxide test
Heat a pinch of salt with a small Evolution of greenish Presence of Cl- is
quantity of manganese dioxide yellow gas with confirmed
and conc.H2SO4 pungent/irritating smell.It
turns moiststarch-iodide
paper blue
(Analysis of group zero)
To a little amount of salt add Ammoniacal smell gas is Presence of zero group
conc.NaOH solution and heat it. evolved NH4+ is confirmed.,
Pass the gas through Nessler’s Brown precipitate is
reagent. obtained.

RESULT :The given salt contains Acid radical: Cl- , Basic radical: NH4+


Aim: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals


1 Physical examination of the salt
a)Colour White Absence of Cu2+,
Take a pinch of the salt No characteristic Absence of NH4+,S2-,
between your fingers and rub smell
with a drop of water.
2 Dry heating test.
a)Gas evolved No characteristic gas Absence of NH4+,S2-
Heat a small amount of the given salt is evolved ,CO32-,NO3-,Cl-
in a dry test tube.
b)Sublimate formed No sublimate formed Absence of
c)Decrepitation Salt does not Absence of
decrepitates Pb(NO3)2,
d)Residue Yellow in hot Zn2+ may be present.
3 Flame test
Prepare a paste of the salt with Green flashes May be Zn2+
con.HCl. Introduce the paste in the non obtained.
luminous part of the flame using a
platinum wire loop
4 Cobalt nitrate test
Add 1ml of cobalt nitrate solution to a Green colour ash is Presence of Zn2+
little amount salt solution in the test obtained
tube. Dip a filter paper into the solution
and burn the filter in the non –
luminous flame.
5 Dilute sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a No characteristic gas Absence of S2-
test tube and add 1-2 ml of dil. is evolved ,CO32-NO3-,
sulphuric acid
6. Con. sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a No characteristic gas Absence of S2-
test tube and add 1 ml of con. is evolved ,CO32-NO3-,
sulphuric acid and heat it
Potassium Permanganate test

Take a small quantity of the salt in a

test tube and add 1-2 ml of dil. KMnO4 solution is Absence of Fe2+and
sulphuric acid.Boil off any gas not decolourised halides
evolved,add little more dilute acid and
then add KMnO4 solution dropwise
8 Confirmatory test for sulphate
a) Barium chloride test White precipitate is Presence of SO42- is
To a little amount of aqueous solution formed which is confirmed
of the salt in a test tube ,add barium insoluble in dil.HCl.
chloride solution.
b) Lead acetate test
To a little amount of aqueous solution White precipitate is
of the salt in a test tube ,add lead formed which is Presence of SO42- is
acetate solution. soluble in excess of confirmed
hot ammonium
acetate solution
(analysis of group zero)
To a little amount of salt add No ammoniacal smell Absence of zero
conc.NaOH solution and heat it gas is evolved group NH4+,

Preparation of Original solution of the

salt . Salt is soluble in Original solution of
Dissolve the salt in distilled water water. the salt is prepared.

Group analysis
1. Group I No white precipitate Absence of 1st
To a little amount of O.S add dil.HCl is obtained group Pb2+,
2.Group II
To a little amount of O.S add dil.HCl No black precipitate Absence of 2nd
and pass H2S gas. is obtained group Cu2+,

3.Group III No precipitate is Absence of 3 rd

To a little amount of O.S in a test tube obtained group Fe2+,Al3+
add NH4Cl and then NH4OH solution

4.Group IV
To a little amount of O.S in a test tube Dull white precipitate Presence of 4th
add add NH4Cl and then NH4OH is obtained group Zn2+,
solution and pass H2S gas

Confirmation of Zn2+
1.Sodium hydroxide test White precipitate is
To a little amount of O.S in a test tube formed which is Presence of Zn2+,is
,add NaOH solution soluble in excess of confirmed
NaOH solution

Potassium ferrocyanide test.

To a little amount of O.S add A bluish white Presence of Zn2+ is
potassium ferrocyanide solution. precipitate is formed confirmed

RESULT :The given salt contains : Acid radical: SO42 , Basic radical: Zn2+


Aim: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals


1 Physical examination of the salt
a)Colour White Absence of Cu2+,
Take a pinch of the salt No characteristic Absence of NH4+,S2-,
between your fingers and rub smell
with a drop of water.
2 Dry heating test.
a)Gas evolved No characteristic gas Absence of NH4+,S2-
Heat a small amount of the given salt is evolved ,CO32-,NO3-,Cl-
in a dry test tube.
b)Sublimate formed No sublimate formed Absence of
c)Decrepitation Salt does not Absence of
decrepitates Pb(NO3)2,
d)Residue Salt glows on heating Al3+,Mg2+ may be
3 Flame test
Prepare a paste of the salt with No characteristic Absence of
con.HCl. Introduce the paste in the non colour flame is Cu2+,Pb2+,Ca2+,Zn2+
luminous part of the flame using a obtained
platinum wire loop
4 Cobalt nitrate test
Add 1ml of cobalt nitrate solution to a Blue colour ash is Presence of Al3+
little amount salt solution in the test obtained
tube. Dip a filter paper into the solution
and burn the filter in the non –
luminous flame.
5 Dilute sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a No characteristic gas Absence of S2-
test tube and add 1-2 ml of dil. is evolved ,CO32-NO3-,
sulphuric acid
6. Con. sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a No characteristic gas Absence of S2-
test tube and add 1 ml of con. is evolved ,CO32-NO3-,
sulphuric acid and heat it
Potassium Permanganate test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a
test tube and add 1-2 ml of dil. KMnO4 solution is Absence of Fe2+and
sulphuric acid.Boil off any gas not decolourised halides
evolved,add little more dilute acid and
then add KMnO4 solution dropwise
8 Confirmatory test for sulphate
a) Barium chloride test White precipitate is Presence of SO42- is
To a little amount of aqueous solution formed which is confirmed
of the salt in a test tube ,add barium insoluble in dil.HCl.
chloride solution.
b) Lead acetate test
To a little amount of aqueous solution White precipitate is
of the salt in a test tube ,add lead formed which is Presence of SO42- is
acetate solution. soluble in excess of confirmed
hot ammonium
acetate solution
(analysis of group zero)
To a little amount of salt add No ammoniacal smell Absence of zero
conc.NaOH solution and heat it gas is evolved group NH4+,

Preparation of Original solution of the

salt . Salt is soluble in Original solution of
Dissolve the salt in distilled water water. the salt is prepared.

Group analysis
1. Group I No white precipitate Absence of 1st
To a little amount of O.S add dil.HCl is obtained group Pb2+,
2.Group II
To a little amount of O.S add dil.HCl No black precipitate Absence of 2nd
and pass H2S gas. is obtained group Cu2+,

3.Group III Gelatinous white Presence of 3 rd

To a little amount of O.S in a test tube precipitate is obtained group Al3+
add NH4Cl and then NH4OH solution

Confirmation of Al3+
Blue precipitate floats
Lake test in the colourless Presence of Al3+is
Dissolve the white precipitate solution. confirmed
in dil.HCl. Add two drops of blue
litmus solution to it.To this add
NH4OH solution drop wise till blue
color develops.

RESULT :The given salt contains

Acid radical: SO42_

Basic radical: Al3+


Aim: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals


1 Physical examination of the salt
a)Colour White Absence of Cu2+,
Take a pinch of the salt between No characteristic Absence of NH4+,S2-,
your fingers and rub with a drop smell
of water.
2 Dry heating test.
a)Gas evolved No characteristic gas Absence of NH4+,S2-
Heat a small amount of the given salt in is evolved ,CO32-,NO3-,Cl-
a dry test tube.
b)Sublimate formed No sublimate formed Absence of
c)Decrepitation Salt does not Absence of
decrepitates Pb(NO3)2,
d)Residue Salt glows on heating Al3+,Mg2+ may be
3 Flame test
Prepare a paste of the salt with con.HCl. No characteristic Absence of
Introduce the paste in the non luminous colour flame is Cu2+,Pb2+,Ca2+,Zn2+
part of the flame using a platinum wire obtained
4 Cobalt nitrate test
Add 1ml of cobalt nitrate solution to a Pink colour ash is Presence of Mg2+
little amount salt solution in the test obtained
tube. Dip a filter paper into the solution
and burn the filter in the non – luminous
5 Dilute sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a No characteristic gas Absence of S2-
test tube and add 1-2 ml of dil. is evolved ,CO32-NO3-,
sulphuric acid
6. Con. sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a No characteristic gas Absence of S2-
test tube and add 1 ml of con. sulphuric is evolved ,CO32-NO3-,
acid and heat it
7 Potassium Permanganate test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a
test tube and add 1-2 ml of dil.
sulphuric acid.Boil off any gas
evolved,add little more dilute acid and KMnO4 solution is Absence of Fe2+and
then add KMnO4 solution dropwise not decolourised halides
8 Confirmatory test for sulphate
a) Barium chloride test White precipitate is Presence of SO42- is
To a little amount of aqueous solution of formed which is confirmed
the salt in a test tube ,add barium insoluble in dil.HCl.
chloride solution.
b) Lead acetate test
To a little amount of aqueous solution of White precipitate is
the salt in a test tube ,add lead acetate formed which is Presence of SO42- is
solution. soluble in excess of confirmed
hot ammonium
acetate solution
(analysis of group zero)
To a little amount of salt add No ammoniacal smell Absence of zero
conc.NaOH solution and heat it gas is evolved group NH4+,

Preparation of Original solution of the

salt . Salt is soluble in Original solution of
Dissolve the salt in distilled water water. the salt is prepared.

Group analysis
1. Group: I No white precipitate Absence of 1st
To a little amount of O.S add dil.HCl is obtained group Pb2+,
2.Group: II
To a little amount of O.S add dil.HCl No black precipitate Absence of 2nd
and pass H2S gas. is obtained group Cu2+,

3.Group :III No precipitate is Absence of 3 rd

To a little amount of O.S in a test tube obtained group Fe2+,Al3+
add NH4Cl and then NH4OH solution

4.Group: IV
To a little amount of O.S in a test tube No precipitate is Absence of 4th
add add NH4Cl and then NH4OH obtained group Zn2+,
solution and pass H2S gas

5.Group :V
To a little amount of O.S in a test tube No precipitate is Absence of 5th
add NH4Cl and then NH4OH solution obtained group Ca2+,Sr2+,Ba2+
and then add (NH4)2CO3

Confirmation of Mg2+

To a little amount of O.S in a test tube

add some solid NH4Cl and then NH4OH White precipitate is Presence of Mg2+ is
solution in slight excess. Then add formed which is confirmed.
ammonium phosphate solution and
scratch the sides of the test tube with a
glass rod.

RESULT :The given salt contains

Acid radical: SO42_

Basic radical: Mg2+


Aim: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals


1 Physical examination of the salt
a)Colour White Absence of Cu2+,
Take a pinch of the salt between No characteristic Absence of NH4+,S2-,
your fingers and rub with a drop smell
of water.
2 Dry heating test.
a)Gas evolved Reddish brown gas is Presence of NO3-,
Heat a small amount of the given salt in evolved,which turns
a dry test tube. ferrous sulphate
solution black.
b)Sublimate formed No sublimate formed Absence of
c)Decrepitation Salt decrepitates Presence of
d)Residue Brown when hot, Pb2+ may be present.
yellow on cold
3 Flame test
Prepare a paste of the salt with con.HCl. Dull bluish white Presence of Pb2+
Introduce the paste in the non luminous colour flame is
part of the flame using a platinum wire obtained
4 Cobalt nitrate test
Add 1ml of cobalt nitrate solution to a No characteristic Abesence of Mg2+
little amount salt solution in the test colour ash is obtained Al3+,Zn2+
tube. Dip a filter paper into the solution
and burn the filter in the non – luminous
5 Dilute sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a Reddish brown gas is Presence of NO3-,
test tube and add 1-2 ml of dil. evolved,which turns
sulphuric acid ferrous sulphate
solution black.
6. Con. sulphuric acid test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a Reddish brown gas is Presence of NO3-,
test tube and add 1 ml of con. sulphuric evolved,which turns
acid and heat it ferrous sulphate
solution black.
7 Potassium Permanganate test
Take a small quantity of the salt in a
test tube and add 1-2 ml of dil. KMnO4 solution is
sulphuric acid.Boil off any gas not decolourised
evolved,add little more dilute acid and Absence of Fe2+and
then add KMnO4 solution dropwise halides
8 Confirmatory test for Nitrate
a) Ring test A dark brown ring is Presence of NO3- is
To a little amount of aqueous solution of formed at the confirmed
the salt in a test tube ,add freshly junction of the acid
prepare ferrous sulphate solution.Then and the solution.
add con.H 2SO4 along the inner side of
the test tube..
b)Copper chips test.
Heat a small quantity of the salt with Reddish brown gas
con.H 2SO4 and few copper chips. is evolved. Presence of NO3- is
(analysis of group zero)
To a little amount of salt add No ammoniacal smell Absence of zero
conc.NaOH solution and heat it gas is evolved group NH4+,

Preparation of Original solution of the

salt . Salt is soluble in Original solution of
Dissolve the salt in distilled water water. the salt is prepared.

Group analysis
1. Group: I No white precipitate Absence of 1st
To a little amount of O.S add dil.HCl is obtained group Pb2+,
2.Group: II
To a little amount of O.S add dil.HCl White precipitate is Presence of 2nd
and pass H2S gas. obtained group Pb2+,

Confirmation of Pb2+
Filter the white precipitate
obtained, boil with 5-10mL of water.

Divide precipitate Precipitate dissolves

it into 2 parts.

i)Potassium iodide test

Yellow precipitate is
To one part of the solution add formed which Presence of Pb2+ is
potassium iodide solution. dissolves on heating confirmed.
and reappears on
cooling as golden
yellow sprangles.
ii) Potassium chromate test
To the second part of the solution add
potassium chromate solution. Yellow precipitate is Presence of Pb2+ is
formed. confirmed.

RESULT :The given salt contains

Acid radical: NO3-

Basic radical: Pb2+

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