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Head First Design Patterns: Building Extensible and Maintainable Object-Oriented Software 2nd Edition Eric Freeman 2024 scribd download

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Head First Design Patterns: Building Extensible

and Maintainable Object-Oriented Software 2nd
Edition Eric Freeman




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1. Creators of the Head First Series
2. Table of Contents (the real thing)
3. Intro: How to use this Book

a. Who is this book for?

i. Who should probably back away from

this book?

b. We know what you’re thinking.

c. And we know what your brain is thinking.
d. Metacognition: thinking about thinking
e. Here’s what WE did:
f. Here’s what YOU can do to bend your brain into
g. Read Me

i. We use simple UML-like diagrams.

ii. We don’t cover every single Design
Pattern ever created.
iii. The activities are NOT optional.
iv. We use the word “composition” in the
general OO sense, which is more flexible
than the strict UML use of
v. The redundancy is intentional and
vi. The code examples are as lean as
vii. The Brain Power exercises don’t have
h. Tech Reviewers
i. Tech Reviewers, 2nd Edition
j. Acknowledgments

i. From the first edition

k. Acknowledgments

i. From the second edition

ii. Very Special Thanks
4. 1. Welcome to Design Patterns: Intro to Design Patterns

a. It started with a simple SimUDuck app

b. But now we need the ducks to FLY
c. But something went horribly wrong...
d. Joe thinks about inheritance...
e. How about an interface?
f. What would you do if you were Joe?
g. The one constant in software development
h. Zeroing in on the problem...
i. Separating what changes from what stays the
j. Designing the Duck Behaviors
k. Implementing the Duck Behaviors
l. there are no Dumb Questions
m. Integrating the Duck Behaviors
n. More integration...
o. Testing the Duck code
p. Setting behavior dynamically
q. The Big Picture on encapsulated behaviors
r. HAS-A can be better than IS-A
s. Speaking of Design Patterns...
t. Design Puzzle
u. Overheard at the local diner...
v. Overheard in the next cubicle...
w. The power of a shared pattern vocabulary
x. How do I use Design Patterns?
y. there are no Dumb Questions
z. Tools for your Design Toolbox
aa. Design Patterns Crossword
ab. Design Puzzle Solution
ac. Design Patterns Crossword Solution
5. 2. Keeping your Objects in the Know: The Observer

a. The Weather Monitoring application overview

b. Unpacking the WeatherData class
c. Our Goal
d. Stretch Goal
e. Taking a first, misguided implementation of the
Weather Station
f. What’s wrong with our implementation anyway?
g. Meet the Observer Pattern
h. Publishers + Subscribers = Observer Pattern
i. A day in the life of the Observer Pattern
j. Five-minute drama: a subject for observation
k. Two weeks later...
l. The Observer Pattern defined
m. The Observer Pattern: the Class Diagram
n. there are no Dumb Questions
o. The Power of Loose Coupling
p. Cubicle conversation
q. Designing the Weather Station
r. Implementing the Weather Station
s. Implementing the Subject interface in
t. Now, let’s build those display elements
u. there are no Dumb Questions
v. Power up the Weather Station
w. Looking for the Observer Pattern in the Wild

i. The Swing library

ii. A little life-changing application

x. Coding the life-changing application

y. there are no Dumb Questions
z. Meanwhile, back at Weather-O-Rama

i. For the Subject to send notifications...

ii. For an Observer to receive notifications...

aa. Code Magnets

ab. Test Drive the new code
ac. Tools for your Design Toolbox
ad. Design Principle Challenge
ae. Design Patterns Crossword
af. Design Principle Challenge Solution
ag. Code Magnets Solution
ah. Design Patterns Crossword Solution
6. 3. Decorating Objects: The Decorator Pattern
a. Welcome to Starbuzz Coffee
b. The Open-Closed Principle
c. there are no Dumb Questions
d. Meet the Decorator Pattern
e. Constructing a drink order with Decorators

i. Okay, here’s what we know about

Decorators, so far...

f. The Decorator Pattern defined

g. Decorating our Beverages
h. Cubicle Conversation
i. New barista training
j. Writing the Starbuzz code
k. Coding beverages
l. Coding condiments
m. Serving some coffees
n. there are no Dumb Questions
o. Real-World Decorators: Java I/O
p. Decorating the java.io classes
q. Writing your own Java I/O Decorator
r. Test out your new Java I/O Decorator
s. Tools for your Design Toolbox
7. 4. Baking with OO Goodness: The Factory Pattern
a. Identifying the aspects that vary
b. But the pressure is on to add more pizza types
c. Encapsulating object creation
d. Building a simple pizza factory
e. there are no Dumb Questions
f. Reworking the PizzaStore class
g. The Simple Factory defined
h. Franchising the pizza store

i. We’ve seen one approach...

ii. But you’d like a little more quality

i. A framework for the pizza store

j. Allowing the subclasses to decide
k. Let’s make a Pizza Store
l. Declaring a factory method

i. Let’s see how it works: ordering pizzas

with the pizza factory method
ii. So how do they order?
iii. Let’s check out how these pizzas are
really made to order...

m. We’re just missing one thing: Pizzas!

i. Our Pizza Store isn’t going to be very
popular without some pizzas, so let’s
implement them
ii. Now we just need some concrete
subclasses...how about defining New
York and Chicago-style cheese pizzas?
n. You’ve waited long enough. Time for some
o. It’s finally time to meet the Factory Method

i. The Creator classes

ii. The Product classes

p. View Creators and Products in Parallel

q. Design Puzzle
r. Factory Method Pattern defined
s. there are no Dumb Questions
t. Looking at object dependencies
u. The Dependency Inversion Principle
v. Applying the Principle
w. Inverting your thinking...
x. A few guidelines to help you follow the
y. Meanwhile, back at the Pizza Store...
i. Ensuring consistency in your ingredients
z. Families of ingredients...
aa. Building the ingredient factories
ab. Building the New York ingredient factory
ac. Reworking the pizzas...
ad. Reworking the pizzas, continued...
ae. Revisiting our pizza stores
af. What have we done?
ag. More pizza for Ethan and Joel...

i. Ethan and Joel can’t get enough

Objectville Pizza! What they don’t know
is that now their orders are making use
of the new ingredient factories. So now
when they order...
ii. From here things change, because we are
using an ingredient factory

ah. Abstract Factory Pattern defined

ai. Factory Method and Abstract Factory compared
aj. Tools for your Design Toolbox
ak. Design Patterns Crossword
al. Design Puzzle Solution
am. Design Patterns Crossword Solution
8. 5. One-of-a-Kind Objects: The Singleton Pattern
a. The Little Singleton

i. A small Socratic exercise in the style of

The Little Lisper

b. Dissecting the classic Singleton Pattern

c. The Chocolate Factory
d. Singleton Pattern defined
e. Hershey, PA, we have a problem...
f. BE the JVM
g. Dealing with multithreading
h. Can we improve multithreading?

i. 1. Do nothing if the performance of

getInstance() isn’t critical to your
ii. 2. Move to an eagerly created instance
rather than a lazily created one.
iii. 3. Use “double-checked locking” to
reduce the use of synchronization in

i. Meanwhile, back at the Chocolate Factory...

j. Congratulations!
k. there are no Dumb Questions
l. Tools for your Design Toolbox
m. Design Patterns Crossword
n. Design Patterns Crossword Solution
9. 6. Encapsulating Invocation: The Command Pattern

a. Home Automation or Bust, Inc.

b. Free hardware! Let’s check out the Remote
c. Taking a look at the vendor classes
d. Cubicle Conversation
e. Meanwhile, back at the Diner..., or, A brief
introduction to the Command Pattern
f. Let’s study the interaction in a little more
g. The Objectville Diner roles and responsibilities
h. From the Diner to the Command Pattern
i. Our first command object
j. Using the command object
k. Creating a simple test to use the Remote Control
l. The Command Pattern defined
m. The Command Pattern defined: the class
n. Assigning Commands to slots
o. Implementing the Remote Control
p. Implementing the Commands
q. Putting the Remote Control through its paces
i. Now, let’s check out the execution of our
remote control test...
r. Time to write that documentation...
s. What are we doing?
t. Time to QA that Undo button!
u. Using state to implement Undo
v. Adding Undo to the Ceiling Fan commands
w. Get ready to test the ceiling fan
x. Testing the ceiling fan...
y. Every remote needs a Party Mode!
z. Using a macro command
aa. there are no Dumb Questions
ab. More uses of the Command Pattern: queuing
ac. More uses of the Command Pattern: logging
ad. Command Pattern in the Real World
ae. Tools for your Design Toolbox
af. Design Patterns Crossword
10. 7. Being Adaptive: The Adapter and Facade Patterns

a. Adapters all around us

b. Object-oriented adapters
c. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,
then it must might be a duck turkey wrapped
with a duck adapter...
d. Test drive the adapter
e. The Adapter Pattern explained

i. Here’s how the Client uses the Adapter

f. there are no Dumb Questions

g. Adapter Pattern defined
h. Object and class adapters
i. Duck Magnets
j. Duck Magnets Answer
k. Real-world adapters

i. Enumerators
ii. Iterators
iii. Using Enumerators with code that
expects Iterators

l. Adapting an Enumeration to an Iterator

i. Designing the Adapter

ii. Dealing with the remove() method
iii. Writing the EnumerationIterator adapter

m. And now for something different...

n. Home Sweet Home Theater
o. Watching a movie (the hard way)
p. Lights, Camera, Facade!
q. there are no Dumb Questions
r. Constructing your home theater facade
s. Implementing the simplified interface
t. Time to watch a movie (the easy way)
u. Facade Pattern defined
v. The Principle of Least Knowledge
w. How NOT to Win Friends and Influence Objects

i. Keeping your method calls in bounds...

x. there are no Dumb Questions

y. The Facade Pattern and the Principle of Least
z. Tools for your Design Toolbox
aa. Design Patterns Crossword
ab. Design Patterns Crossword Solution
11. 8. Encapsulating Algorithms: The Template Method

a. It’s time for some more caffeine

b. Whipping up some coffee and tea classes (in
c. And now the Tea...
d. Let’s abstract that Coffee and Tea
e. Taking the design further...
f. Abstracting prepareRecipe()
g. What have we done?
h. Meet the Template Method
i. Let’s make some tea...
j. What did the Template Method get us?
k. Template Method Pattern defined
l. Hooked on Template Method...
m. Using the hook
n. Let’s run the Test Drive

i. And let’s give it a run...

o. there are no Dumb Questions

p. The Hollywood Principle
q. The Hollywood Principle and Template Method
r. there are no Dumb Questions
s. Template Methods in the Wild
t. Sorting with Template Method
u. We’ve got some ducks to sort...
v. What is compareTo()?
w. Comparing Ducks and Ducks
x. Let’s sort some Ducks

i. Let the sorting commence!

y. The making of the sorting duck machine

z. there are no Dumb Questions
aa. Swingin’ with Frames
ab. Custom Lists with AbstractList
ac. Design Patterns Crossword
ad. Tools for your Design Toolbox
ae. Design Patterns Crossword Solution
12. 9. Well-Managed Collections: The Iterator and
Composite Patterns

a. Breaking News: Objectville Diner and

Objectville Pancake House Merge
b. Check out the Menu Items
c. Lou and Mel’s Menu implementations
d. What’s the problem with having two different
menu representations?

i. The Java-Enabled Waitress Specification

e. Implementing the spec: our first attempt

f. What now?
g. Can we encapsulate the iteration?
h. Meet the Iterator Pattern
i. Adding an Iterator to DinerMenu
j. Reworking the DinerMenu with Iterator
k. Fixing up the Waitress code
l. Testing our code

i. Here’s the test run...

m. What have we done so far?

n. Reviewing our current design...
o. Making some improvements...
p. there are no Dumb Questions
q. Cleaning things up with java.util.Iterator
r. We are almost there...
s. What does this get us?
t. Iterator Pattern defined
u. The Iterator Pattern Structure
v. The Single Responsibility Principle
w. there are no Dumb Questions
x. Meet Java’s Iterable interface
y. Java’s enhanced for loop
z. Not so fast; Arrays are not Iterables
aa. Taking a look at the Café Menu
ab. Reworking the Café Menu code
ac. Adding the Cafe Menu to the Waitress
ad. Breakfast, lunch, AND dinner

i. Here’s the test run; check out the new

dinner menu from the Café!

ae. What did we do?

af. We decoupled the Waitress....
ag. ...and we made the Waitress more extensible
ah. But there’s more!
ai. Iterators and Collections
aj. Code Magnets
ak. Is the Waitress ready for prime time?
al. Just when we thought it was safe...
am. What do we need?
an. The Composite Pattern defined
ao. there are no Dumb Questions
ap. Designing Menus with Composite
aq. Implementing MenuComponent
ar. Implementing the MenuItem
as. Implementing the Composite Menu
i. Fixing the print() method
at. Getting ready for a test drive...
au. Now for the test drive...
av. Getting ready for a test drive...
aw. Design Patterns Crossword
ax. Tools for your Design Toolbox
ay. Code Magnets Solution
az. Design Patterns Crossword Solution
13. 10. The State of Things: The State Pattern

a. Java Breakers
b. Cubicle Conversation
c. State machines 101
d. Writing the code
e. In-house testing
f. You knew it was coming...a change request!
g. Design Puzzle
h. The messy STATE of things...
i. The new design
j. Defining the State interfaces and classes
k. Implementing our State classes
l. Reworking the Gumball Machine
m. Now, let’s look at the complete GumballMachine
n. Implementing more states
o. Let’s take a look at what we’ve done so far...
p. The State Pattern defined
q. there are no Dumb Questions
r. We still need to finish the Gumball 1 in 10 game
s. Finishing the game
t. Demo for the CEO of Mighty Gumball, Inc.
u. there are no Dumb Questions
v. Sanity check...
w. We almost forgot!
x. Tools for your Design Toolbox
y. Design Puzzle Solution
14. 11. Controlling Object Access: The Proxy Pattern

a. Coding the Monitor

b. Testing the Monitor

i. The role of the ‘remote proxy’

c. Adding a remote proxy to the Gumball Machine

monitoring code
d. Remote methods 101
i. Walking through the design
e. How the method call happens
f. Java RMI, the Big Picture
g. Making the Remote service
h. Step one: make a Remote interface
i. Step two: make a Remote implementation
j. Step four: start the service
k. Step four: start the service
l. there are no Dumb Questions
m. Complete code for the server side
n. Complete code for the client side
o. Back to our GumballMachine remote proxy
p. Getting the GumballMachine ready to be a
remote service
q. Registering with the RMI registry...
r. Now for the GumballMonitor client...
s. Writing the Monitor test drive
t. Another demo for the CEO of Mighty Gumball...

i. And now let’s put the monitor in the

hands of the CEO. Hopefully, this time
he’ll love it:

u. The Proxy Pattern defined

v. Get ready for the Virtual Proxy

i. Remote Proxy
ii. Virtual Proxy

w. Displaying Album covers

x. Designing the Album Cover Virtual Proxy

i. How ImageProxy is going to work:

y. Writing the Image Proxy

z. Testing the Album Cover Viewer

i. Things to try...

aa. What did we do?

ab. there are no Dumb Questions
ac. Using the Java API’s Proxy to create a protection
ad. Geeky Matchmaking in Objectville
ae. The Person implementation
af. Five-minute drama: protecting subjects
ag. Big Picture: creating a Dynamic Proxy for the
ah. Step one: creating Invocation Handlers
ai. Creating Invocation Handlers, continued...
aj. Step two: creating the Proxy class and
instantiating the Proxy object
ak. Testing the matchmaking service
al. Running the code...
am. there are no Dumb Questions
an. The Proxy Zoo
ao. Design Patterns Crossword
ap. Tools for your Design Toolbox
aq. Design Patterns Crossword Solution
ar. The code for the Album Cover Viewer
15. 12. Patterns of Patterns: Compound Patterns

a. Working together
b. Duck reunion
c. there are no Dumb Questions
d. What did we do?
e. A duck’s-eye view: the class diagram
f. The King of Compound Patterns

i. If Elvis were a compound pattern, his

name would be Model-View-Controller,
and he’d be singing a little song like

g. Meet Model-View-Controller
h. A closer look...
i. there are no Dumb Questions
j. Understanding MVC as a set of Patterns
k. Observer
l. Strategy
m. Composite
n. Using MVC to control the beat...

i. Meet the Java DJ View

ii. The controller is in the middle...
iii. Let’s not forget about the model
underneath it all...

o. Putting the pieces together

p. Building the pieces

i. Let’s check out the BeatModelInterface

before looking at the implementation:

q. Now let’s have a look at the concrete BeatModel

r. The View
s. Implementing the View
t. Now for the Controller
i. And here’s the implementation of the
u. Putting it all together...

i. And now for a test run...

ii. Things to try

v. Exploring Strategy
w. Adapting the Model
x. Now we’re ready for a HeartController

i. And that’s it! Now it’s time for some test


y. And now for a test run...

i. Things to try

z. there are no Dumb Questions

aa. Tools for your Design Toolbox
ab. Exercise Solutions

i. The Beat Model

ii. The View
iii. The Controller
iv. The Heart Model
v. The Heart Adapter
vi. The Controller
16. 13. Patterns in the Real World: Better Living with

a. Design Pattern defined

b. Looking more closely at the Design Pattern
c. there are no Dumb Questions
d. So you wanna be a Design Patterns writer
e. Organizing Design Patterns
f. Pattern Categories
g. Thinking in Patterns

i. Keep it simple (KISS)

ii. Design Patterns aren’t a magic bullet; in
fact, they’re not even a bullet!
iii. You know you need a pattern when...
iv. Refactoring time is Patterns time!
v. Take out what you don’t really need.
Don’t be afraid to remove a Design
Pattern from your design.
vi. If you don’t need it now, don’t do it now.

h. Your Mind on Patterns

i. Don’t forget the power of the shared vocabulary
j. Cruisin’ Objectville with the Gang of Four
k. Your journey has just begun...

i. The definitive Design Patterns text

ii. The definitive Patterns texts
iii. Other Design Patterns resources

l. The Patterns Zoo

m. Annihilating evil with Anti-Patterns
n. Tools for your Design Toolbox
o. Leaving Objectville...
p. Boy, it’s been great having you in Objectville.
17. A. Leftover Patterns

a. Bridge

i. Your dilemma

b. Why use the Bridge Pattern?

c. Builder

i. You need a flexible design

d. Why use the Builder Pattern?

e. Chain of Responsibility
i. A scenario
ii. Your task
f. How to use the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
g. Flyweight

i. A scenario
ii. Your big client’s dilemma

h. Why use the Flyweight Pattern?

i. Interpreter

i. A scenario
ii. Now what?

j. How to implement an interpreter

k. Mediator

i. A scenario
ii. HouseOfTheFuture’s dilemma

l. Mediator in action...
m. Memento

i. A scenario

n. The Memento at work

Another Random Scribd Document
with Unrelated Content
Avery, Mary, 188.
Ayer, Edward E., 252.

Babes in the Wood, 195.

Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 197, 198.
Bacon’s Essays, 46, 50.
Badeau, Gen. Adam, 299.
Bancroft, George, 6.
“Bannockburn,” original MS. of Burns’s, 162.
Barker, Robert, 237.
Barmudas, Discovery of the, etc., 265.
Barnes (Berners), Dame Juliana, 30.
Battle Abbey Cartularies, 257, 258.
Baxter, Richard, 43, 79.
Beatty, A. Chester, 225.
Beauregard, Gen. Pierre Gustave
Toutant, 292, 293;
letter of Lee to, 295, 296.
Beauties of the Primer, 199.
Bellomont, Earl of, 64.
Bement, Clarence S., 8, 18, 239.
Bennett, Arnold, MS. of, 262.
Berners (Barnes), Dame Juliana, 30.
Bible, Aitken, 242.
Bible, Bamberg (Pfister), 220, 221, 229.
Bible, Baskett’s, 242.
Bible, Breeches (Genevan), 239, 240, 241.
Bible, Bug, 241.
Bible, Conqueror, 222.
Bible, Coverdale, 234, 236, 237.
Bible, Eggestyn, 231.
Bible, Eliot Indian, 78, 242.
Bible, Genevan (Breeches), 239, 240, 241.
Bible, Great, 231, 237.
Bible, Great French, 231.
Bible, Gutenberg, 17, 28, 83, 84, 89;
in Mazarin Library, 211, 214, 215;
the Melk copy of, 212;
production of, 212, 213, 214;
identification by De Bure, 214, 215;
perfecting the types for, 216;
copy in Eton College library, 217, 218;
from the Vulgate MS., 218;
copies bought by Dr. Rosenbach, 218, 219, 220;
bought by James Lenox, 244.
Bible, He, 237, 239.
Bible, Jenson, 231.
Bible, King James (Authorized), 237, 238, 239.
Bible, Mainz (of 1462), 221.
Bible, Mazarin. See Gutenberg Bible.
Bible, Pfister (Bamberg), 220, 221, 229.
Bible, “R”, 231.
Bible, Saur, 242.
Bible, She, 237.
Bible, Strasburg, 231.
Bible, Sweynheym and Pannartz, 231.
Bible, Vinegar, 241, 242.
Bible, Wicked, 241, 242.
Bible for the Poor, 228, 229.
Bible in English, 232-242.
Bible MSS., Codex Vaticanus, 221;
Codex Alexandrinus, 221;
Codex Sinaiticus, 221, 222;
illuminated copies, 222, 223, 224, 225;
Four Gospels, ninth century, 223;
Liesborn Gospels, 223, 224;
Historiated Bible of fourteenth century, 224;
early Hebrew copy, 224.
Bibles, Thumb, 205.
Biblia Pauperum, 228, 229.
Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris), 215, 229, 245.
Bigelow, John, 141, 142.
Bixby, William K., 40.
Black Giles, 195.
Blandford, Marquis of, 90, 91, 128.
Block books, 226, 227, 228, 229.
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 29, 90.
Boker, George H., 6.
Book of Hunting and Hawking, The, 30.
Boswell, James, 14, 47, 126, 127, 128.
Botticelli, Sandro, 229.
Bowden, A. J., 81, 82.
Boyle, Elizabeth, Faerie Queene presented to, 148, 149, 150.
Bradford, Thomas, 206.
Bradford, William (Governor), 281.
Bradford, William (printer), 64, 65.
Brailes, W. de, 224, 225.
Brant, Sebastian, 22.
Brawne, Fanny, letter of Keats to, 95, 96, 97.
Brazil, National Library of, 221.
Brevoort, James Carson, 267.
Brewster, Sir David, 118.
Brief and True Relation of the Discovery of the Northern Part of
Virginia, A (Brereton), 277.
Briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia (Hariot),
Brief Description of New York First Called New Netherlands
(Denton), 282.
Brigham, Clarence S., 288.
Brinley, Dr. George, 19, 267.
British Museum library, 50, 157, 221, 226, 244, 245, 246.
Britwell Court sale, 52, 77, 257.
Brown, Charles Brockden, 5.
Brown, John Carter, 243, 244, 267, 272, 275.
Brummell, George (“Beau”), letter of, 258.
Bry, Théodore de, 275.
Bryant, William Cullen, 6.
Buccaneers of America, The, 206.
Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, 27, 85, 158.
Burns, Robert, Glenriddel MSS. of, 160, 161;
Adam collection of, 161-164.

California, University of Southern, 45.

Call to the Unconverted, 43, 44, 79.
Cambridge University library, 50, 245.
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, 115.
Canterbury Tales, The, 29.
Capell collection at Trinity College, 52.
Carlos V (Lope de Vega), 77.
“Carroll, Lewis” (C. L. Dodgson), forged autographs of, 111.
Cartier (Jacques) atlas, 275.
Carysfort sale, 219, 221.
Casas, Bartolomé de las, 275.
Catlin, George, 223.
Caxton, William, 29, 62;
History of Troy, 132;
Golden Legend, 232, 233.
Cervantes (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra), letter of, 100, 101,
Champlain, Samuel de, 66.
Charles V, forged letter of, 118;
genuine signature of, 269.
Chasles, Michel, 117-121.
Chatterton, Thomas, 128, 129, 130.
Chattin, James, 198.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, MSS. of, 252;
contemporary portrait of, 252.
Church, E. Dwight, 142.
Cieza de Leon, Pedro de, 275.
Civil Law (Brown), 20.
Clarissa Harlowe, 204.
Clark, C. W., 256.
Clark, William A., Jr., 45, 80.
Clemens, Samuel L. (“Mark Twain”), 164, 165.
Clements, William L., 45.
Cleopatra, forged letter of, 119.
Cockerell, Sydney C., 224, 225.
Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 21, 24.
Colbreath, William, 289.
Collections of Treaties (Jenkinson), 20.
Columbus, Christopher, 269, 270;
letter of, 271, 272.
Compleat Angler, The, 30.
Condell, Henry, 88, 151.
Confederation, Articles of (U. S. A.), 176, 177.
Confessio Amantis, 252.
Congressional Library, 67, 176, 246.
Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur’s Court, A, 164.
Conrad, Joseph, 143, 144, 145.
Cooper, James Fenimore, 6.
Cortés, Hernando, 269, 274.
Cosmographiæ Introductio, 273.
Coster (Koster), Lourens Janszoon, 216.
Cotton, Rev. John, 188, 189.
Coverdale, Miles, 234, 236.
Crane sale (1913), 198, 199.
Crawford, Lord, 250.
Cries of Philadelphia, The, 195.

Dailey Meditations, or Quotidian Preparations for and

Consideration of Death and Eternity (Johnson, 1668), 77.
Dante (Foligno, 1472), 86.
Dare, Virginia, record of birth in Smith’s Virginia, 280.
Davies, Sir John, 52.
Day, Mahlon, 207.
De Bure, Guillaume-François, 214, 215.
De Puy, Henry F., 173, 174.
Deane, Silas, 176.
Decades of the New World (Martyr), 273.
Decameron (Boccaccio), 29, 90, 91.
Declaration of Independence, Gwinnett a signer of, 53, 54, 286;
certified copy of, 176, 288;
letter of another signer (Rodney), 288.
Defoe, Daniel, 59, 60.
Delaware’s signer of the Declaration, 288.
Denton, Daniel, 282.
Devonshire, Duke of, 89, 248, 256.
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 89, 90, 91.
Dickens, Charles, letters about Pickwick Papers, 155, 157;
page from the MS., 156;
a gift to British Museum, 157;
Haunted Man, 158, 159;
MS. of his last letter, 160.
Discovery of the Barmudas, otherwise called the Isle of Devils
(Jourdain), 265.
Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of America (Hakluyt), 275.
Dodd, Mead and Company, 81.
Dodd, Robert, 81, 82.
Don Quixote, 100.
Drake, Francis, 275.
Dreer, Ferdinand J., 105.
Drinkwater, John, 26, 27.
Drury Lane Theatre, 14.
Dying Sayings of Hannah Hill, Junior, 182, 186, 187.

Eames, Dr. Wilberforce, 192, 193.

Eaton, John Henry, 6.
Edmunds, Charles, 51.
Electoral Library, Mainz, 215.
Eliot, John, 43, 44, 78.
Elizabeth, Queen, dedication of Genevan Bible to, 240.
Elizabethan Club library, 50, 255.
Elkins, William M., 202.
Ellsworth, James W., 219, 273.
Emancipation Proclamation, first draft of, 291.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Whitman’s tribute to, 152, 153, 154.
English Historical Manuscripts Commission, 258.
Enough is as good as a Feast (Wagner), reprint of, 256.
Epigrams and Elegies, 52.
“Epimanes,” (Poe), 167, 168, 169.
Epistles for the Ladies, 20.
Estrées, Gabrielle d’, 68, 70, 72, 74.
Eton College library, 217, 218.

Faerie Queene, The, 148-151.

Fall of Princes (Lydgate), 252.
Fenwick, T. FitzRoy, 223.
Fielding, Henry, 37.
Fillon, Benjamin, 100.
First folio Shakespeare, points on, 86;
printing of, 88, 89.
First Laws of New York, 64.
Fitzgerald, Edward, 175.
“Fitzvictor” (Shelley), 55.
Fleet, T. and J., 201.
Fletcher, John, letter to Countess of Huntingdon, 146.
Fogel, Johann, 218.
Folger, H. C., 53, 88, 256.
Forgeries, 98-133.
Forman, J. Buxton, 42, 95.
Fortescue, Hon. John, 217.
Fortune’s Lottery (Paice), 77.
Foster, John, 281.
Fox, George, 191.
Fox, Joseph M., 18, 74.
Franklin, Benjamin, epitaph of, 66, 67;
letter of, 135;
work book of his printing business, 136-139;
MS. of his Autobiography, 142;
signature to the Declaration, 176;
children’s books, 189, 190, 191;
Story of a Whistle, 195, 196;
New England Primer, 196;
Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth, 196, 197;
letter to Jonathan Williams, 197, 198.
Frederick the Great, 176, 177.
Frederickson sale, 40.
French National Library, 215, 229, 245.
Freneau, Philip, 20.
Frick, Henry C., 80.
Fust, Johann, 216, 217, 221.

Garrick, David, Prologue recited by, 14;

letter of Dr. Johnson to, 48, 49.
General Advertiser (London), 14.
General Historie of Virginia (Smith), 267, 278;
dedication of, 278, 279;
extracts from, 280.
General Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts, collected out of the
Records of the General Court (1648), 63, 64.
Gentleman’s Magazine, 14.
George the Third, 246.
Gerson, Johannes, 28.
Glass of Whiskey, The, title and page of, 193, 194, 195.
Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft, 40.
Golden Legend (Caxton), 232, 233.
Goldsmith, Oliver, 202, 203.
Goodspeed, Charles, 66, 67.
Goody Two Shoes, 202.
Gower, John, 252.
Grammar, Lindley Murray’s, 6.
Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., letter to his father (1861), 297;
telegram announcing Lee’s surrender, 298, 299.
Gratz, Simon, 119.
Gray, Thomas, 13, 130, 217.
Green, Bartholomew, 200.
Green, T. (New Haven, 1740), 200, 201.
Greene, Belle da Costa, 217.
Greene, Robert, 146.
Grenville, Hon. Thomas, 246.
Gribbel, John, 160.
Grolier, Jean, 21, 22.
Grolier Club library, 50.
Gundulph, Bishop of Rochester, Bible of, 222.
Gutenberg, Johann, 213, 214, 216, 220.
Gwinnett, Button, autographs, 53, 54, 286.
Gwynne, Edward, 88.
Hakluyt, Richard, 275.
Hall, David, 139, 196.
Halsey, Rosalie V., 198, 204.
Hamlet, forged pages of, 126, 127, 128.
Hancock, John, Washington letter to, 9, 10, 11.
Handel, George Frederick, manuscript music of, 69.
Hans Breitmann’s Party, and Other Ballads, 6.
Hariot, Thomas, 275.
Harkness, Mrs. E. S., 220.
Harkness, Mrs. Stephen V., 220.
Harmsworth, Sir R. L., 256, 261, 299.
Harper, Lathrop C., 192, 193.
Harvard University, Widener Library, 45, 46, 66, 85.
Harvey, Gabriel, book given by Spenser to, 149.
Hathaway, Anne, forged letter to, 126.
Haunted Man, The (Dickens), 158, 159.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 26;
MS. title-page of Wonder Book, 180;
his copy of Hubbard’s history of Indian wars, 280, 281.
Hawthorne, William, 281.
Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 41.
Heavenly Spirits for Youthful Minds, 193, 194.
Heber, Richard, 61, 62, 248, 252, 257.
Heminge, John, 88, 151.
Henkels, Stan V., 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 68, 80, 81.
Henry, Prince, Bible of, 239.
Herrick, Robert, 255.
Hesperides (Herrick), 255.
Heywood, Thomas, 256.
Hispanic Society Library, 275.
Historie of New England (Winthrop), 281.
Historie of Plimouth Plantation (Bradford), 281, 282.
History of America (Robertson), 20.
History of America abridged for the use of Children of all
Denominations, 206, 207.
History of Ann Lively and her Bible, 184.
History of Little Fannie, etc., 209.
History of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Epitomized; for the
Use of Children in the South Parish at Andover, 184, 185.
Hoe, Robert, 99, 176.
Hoe sales, 30, 77, 83, 176, 218.
Hogarth, Samuel Johnson’s epitaph for, 48, 49.
Holford, Robert Stayner, 248.
Holford, Sir George, 31, 53, 86, 249.
Holkham MSS., 222.
Hubbard, William, on the Indian wars in New England, 26, 280,
Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of, 187.
Hunt, Leigh, 171.
Huntington, Archer M., 100, 275.
Huntington, Henry E., The Book of Hunting and Hawking, 30;
devotion to book-collecting, 33;
Queen Mab, 42;
collection open to the public, 44, 45;
Bacon’s Essays, 50;
Venus and Adonis, 52;
method of buying, 82, 83;
first folio Shakespeare, 89;
MS. of Franklin’s Autobiography, 142;
Arnold letter, 174;
the Royal Primer, 198, 199;
the Conqueror Bible, 222;
block books, 228;
Coverdale Bible, 236;
quoted, 252;
his collection, 253;
Hamlet, second edition, 255;
Columbus letter, 271, 272;
Cartier atlas, 275.
Huth sales (1912), 46, 50;
(1911), 238.

Independence, Declaration of, 53, 54, 176, 286, 288.

Independence Hall and Square, sale of, 177.
Indian wars in New England, William Hubbard’s story of the, 26,
280, 281.
Inland Navigation (Brown), 20.
Instructions for Right Spelling, 191, 192.
Ireland, William Henry, 122-128.
Ives, Gen. Brayton, 40, 99, 267.

Jack Juggler, title page of, 247.

Jaggard, Isaac, 88.
Jaggard, William, 88.
Janeway, Rev. James, 189, 190.
Jansen, Reinier, 191.
Jennings, Samuel, attack on, 65.
Jersey, Earl of, 29.
Johnson, Jacob, 5, 183.
Johnson, Marmaduke, 77.
Johnson, Samuel, Prologue for Drury-Lane Theatre, 14;
A. Edward Newton’s enthusiasm for, 47;
Boswell’s Life, 47;
letter suggesting epitaph for Hogarth, 48, 49.
Johnson, W., 208.
Johnson and Warner, 183.
Jones, H. V., 269, 272.
Jones, John Paul, Life of, 206.
Jonson, Ben, verses on Shakespeare, 88, 89.
Jordan, Mrs. (Dolly), 127, 128.
Jourdain, Sylvester, 265.
Journal of the most Material Occurrences proceeding the Seige of
Fort Schuyler (Colbreath), 289.
Joyce, James, MS. of, 171.
“Judith and Holofernes” (woodcut), 233.

Kane, Grenville, 272.

Keats, John, Amy Lowell on, 39, 40;
his copy of Shakespeare, 40;
MS. of sonnet to Haydon, 41;
Shelley letter referring to, 42;
Wilde’s sonnet on sale of his love letters, 94;
Morley’s sonnet on sale of one letter to Dr. Rosenbach, 95;
MS. letter to Fanny Brawne, 96, 97;
advancing value of, 181.
Kemble, John Philip, 127, 128.
Kennerley, Mitchell, 65, 66.
Kern, Jerome D., 42.
Killigrew, Thomas, 259.
King Edward IV (Heywood), reprint of, 256.
King Lear, forged copy of, 126, 128.
King-Hamy chart, 273.
Kingsborough, Lord, 223.
Kirby, Thomas E., 80.
Koster (Coster), Lourens Janszoon, 216.

Lamport Hall, seat of Ishams, discoveries at, 51.

Laud (William), Archbishop, 242.
Lawler, Percy E., 136-139.
Laws of New York (Bradford, 1694), 19.
Lazarus, forged letter of, 120.
Lee, Gen. Robert Edward, letter resigning commission in U. S.
Army, 294, 295;
letter after close of the war, 295, 296;
Grant’s announcement of his surrender, 298, 299.
Legacy for Children, being Some of the Last Expressions and
Dying Sayings of Hannah Hill, Junr., etc., 186, 187.
Leicester, Earl of, 222.
Leland, Charles Godfrey, 6.
Leningrad Library, 221.
Lenox, James, 84, 243, 244, 267, 271, 272.
Leonard, Zenas, 284.
Lessons for Children from Two to Five Years Old, 197.
Library, Ambrosian, 271;
British Museum, 50, 157, 221, 226, 244, 245, 246;
Cambridge University, 50, 245;
Congressional, 67, 176, 246;
Electoral (Mainz), 215;
Elizabethan Club (Yale), 50, 255;
Eton College, 217, 218;
French National, 215, 229, 245;
Grolier Club, 50;
Hispanic Society, 275;
Leningrad, 221;
Mazarin, 24, 211, 212, 214, 215;
National, of Brazil, 221;
New York Public, 84, 228, 236, 237, 271;
Newberry, 253;
Philadelphia Free, 237, 250;
Record Office, London, 146, 259;
Somerset House, 146;
Sorbonne, 23;
Spanish National, 100;
University of Michigan, 45;
University of Pennsylvania, 197;
University of Southern California, 45;
Vatican, 221;
Widener (Harvard), 45, 46, 66, 85;
Windsor Castle, 217;
Yale University, 220.
See also names of individual collectors.
Life of Samuel Johnson, 14, 47.
Lincoln, Abraham, autographs of, 290;
first draft of Emancipation Proclamation, 291;
of Baltimore address, 291;
other addresses and letters of, 291, 292;
account of his death, 294.
Little Truths, 206.
Lives of Highwaymen, 206.
Lives of Pirates, 206.
Lives of the Twelve Cæsars, 206.
Lord Jim (Conrad), MS. page of, 145.
Louÿs, Pierre, 116.
Lovelace, Richard, 255.
Lowell, Amy, 39, 40.
Lucas, Vrain, 117-121.
Lucasta (Lovelace), 255.
Lufft, Hans, 236.
Luther, Martin, 235.
Lydgate, John, 252.

McCarty and Davis, 6, 183.

MacDonald, Ramsay, 246.
MacGeorge, Bernard Buchanan, 87.
Malone, Edmund, 127.
Malory, Sir Thomas, 29.
Manutius, Aldus, 21.
“Mark Twain,” 164, 165.
Marlowe, Christopher, 52, 146, 261.
Martyr, Peter, 273.
“Marvel, Ik” (Donald G. Mitchell), 6.
Mary Magdalene, forged letter of, 120, 121.
Mason, William, 130.
Mason, William S., 67, 196.
Massingham, H. W., 142, 143.
Mather, Cotton, 185, 190, 191.
Mazarin, Cardinal (Jules), 21, 23, 211.
Mazarin Library, 24, 211, 212, 214, 215.
“Meistersinger, Die,” MS. page of, 73.
Melville, Herman, 6, 26.
Mentelin, 231.
Menzies, William, 267.
“Messiah, The” (Handel), MS. page of, 69.
Michigan, University of, 45.
Millar, Eric G., 225.
Milne, A. A., 28.
Milton, John, 259.
Mitchell, Donald G., 6.
Moby Dick, first edition, 26;
presentation copy, 26, 27.
Molière (Boucher, 1734), 85, 86.
Moll Flanders, 206.
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 238, 239, 245.
See also Morgan Library.
Morgan, Junius Spencer, 238.
Morgan, Pierpont, Library, letter of George Washington, 10;
Malory’s Morte d’Arthur (Caxton), 29;
collection open to public, 45, 263;
Vespucci letter and commonplace book, 56, 57;
librarian of, 217;
MS. Bibles, 222;
Holkham MSS., 222;
block books, 228;
Lufft Bible, 236;
Coverdale Bible, 236;
He Bible, 239.
Morley, Christopher, sonnet on Dr. Rosenbach’s purchase of Keats’s
love letter, 95, 96, 97.
Morrison, Alfred, 100.
Morrison sale, 55.
Morte d’Arthur, Le, 29.
Mostyn, Lord, 256.
Mother Goose’s Melodies, 203.
Motherless Mary, a Young and Friendless Orphan, etc., 206.
Mourt, George, 282.
“Murders in the Rue Morgue, The,” 93.
Murphy, Henry C., 267.
Murray, Lindley, 6.

Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England

(Hubbard), 26, 280, 281.
Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, MS. page of, 251.
New England Magazine, Poe’s letter to, 170.
New England Primer, 196.
New England’s Prospect (Wood), 282.
New York Cries, 207, 208.
New York Public Library, 84, 228, 236, 237, 271, 272.
Newbery, John, 202.
Newberry Library, 253.
Newton, A. Edward, 47, 67, 237.
Nichols, Charles L., 288.
North, Lord (Frederick), Benedict Arnold’s letter to, 172, 173, 174.

Occleve, Thomas, Poems of, 252.

Ockanickon, an Indian King, The Dying Words of, 81, 82.
Odes, Gray’s, 13.
Old Dame Trudge and Her Parrot, 209.
Omar Khayyám, MS. of, 175.

Paice’s Fortune’s Lottery, 77.

Paine, Philip, Dailey Meditations, 77.
Pallinganius’s Zodyacke of Lyfe, 77.
Palmart, Lamberto, 37.
Pamela, 204.
Paraphrastical Exposition, etc. (1693), 65.
Parker, James, 139.
Pascal, forged letter of, 118.
Passionate Pilgrim, The, 52.
Patty Primrose, 187.
Pellechet, Mademoiselle, 217.
Penn, William, 282, 283.
Pennsylvania, University of, 197.
Pennypacker, Samuel W., 8, 9, 10, 11, 91.
Penrod, 187.
Pentateuch, forged text of, 225, 226;
the Tyndale translation, 236.
Pepys, Samuel, 259.
Perry, Marsden J., 87, 128.
Peter Piper’s Practical Principles of Plain and Perfect Pronunciation,
208, 209.
Pforzheimer, Carl H., 159, 219, 237.
Pfister, Albrecht, 220, 221, 229.
Philadelphia Free Library, 237, 250.
Philes, George P., 3.
Philley, John, 65.
Phillips, Samuel, 184, 185.
Phillipps, Sir Thomas, 222, 223.
Pickwick Papers, The, 155-159.
Pilgrim’s Progress, The, 31, 32, 33.
Pirates, a Tale for Youth, The, 206.
Pizarro, Francisco, chart used by, 274, 275.
Poe, Edgar Allan, 3, 4, 6, 93;
MS. of “Annabel Lee,” 164, 166, 167;
letters, 168, 170;
MS. page of “Epimanes,” 169;
advancing value of, 181.
Poitiers, Diane de, 57, 58.
Political State of Europe, The, 20.
Pollard, Alfred W., 245, 255.
Polock, Moses, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 35, 36, 37, 104,
105, 181-184, 264, 265, 266.
Poor, Henry W., 79.
Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson (Shelley), 55.
Primer Improved, 199.
Pretty Book for Children, A, 203.
Prize for Youthful Obedience, The, 206.
Proceedings of the Convention, 1775, Washington’s copy of, 288.
Prodigal Daughter, or a strange and wonderful relation, etc., 202.
Progressive Primer, 199.
Prologue (Johnson) for opening Drury Lane Theatre, 14.
Prophecies That Remain To Be Fulfilled (Winchester), 20.
Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania, 196,
Prose Romances (Poe), 93, 95.
Psalter of Fust and Schöffer, 217.
Ptolemy’s Geography, 58.
Pudd’nhead Wilson, 164.
Pug’s Visit to Mr. Punch, 209.
Putnam, Herbert, 246.

Quaritch, Alfred, 63, 64, 84, 85, 218, 238.

Quaritch, Bernard, 99.
Queen Mab, 40, 42.
Quentel, Peter, 235, 236.
Quinn sale (1924), 143.
Record Office, London Public, 146, 259.
Redgrave, G. R., 255.
Reed, John Watson, 89.
Relation or Journal of the Beginning and Proceedings of the
English Plantation settled at Plimouth in New England
(Mourt), 282.
Republican Party, Lincoln’s MS. speech about formation of, 291,
Revere, Paul, 287.
Reynard the Fox, 11.
Ricci, Seymour de, 174.
Richelieu, Cardinal (Armand Jean du Plessia), 21, 22, 23.
Richmond, George H., and Company, 81.
Rio de Janeiro, national library at, 221.
Robertson, William, 20.
Robinson Crusoe, 59, 60.
Rodney, Cæsar, 288.
Rosenbach, A. S. W., purchase of a Washington letter, 10, 11;
Reynard the Fox, 11, 12;
Gray’s Odes, 13, 14;
Johnson’s Drury Lane Prologue, 14, 15;
Gutenberg Bible, 17;
inheritance from Moses Polock, 19;
books from Washington’s library, 20;
first edition Adonais, 25;
Moby Dick, 26, 27;
Shakespeare first folio, 27;
The Book of Hunting and Hawking, 30;
Pilgrim’s Progress, 31, 32, 33;
Keats’s copy of Shakespeare, 40;
Shelley’s own copy of Queen Mab, 40;
Baxter’s Call to the Unconverted in Indian language, 43;
letter of Dr. Johnson to Garrick, 48, 49;
second edition Venus and Adonis, 53;
signature of Button Gwinnett, 53, 54;
letter of Amerigo Vespucci, 55, 56;
commonplace book of Giorgio Vespucci, 56, 57;
first edition Robinson Crusoe, 59, 60, 61;
book from Lamb’s library, 61;
Bradford’s First Laws of New York, 64;
first book printed in New York, 65;
Franklin’s first draft of his own epitaph, 66, 67;
Missal of Gabrielle d’Estrées, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74;
MS. of Handel’s
“Messiah,” 69;
MS. of Wagner’s “Die Meistersinger,” 73;
Lope de Vega’s Carlos V, 77;
first volume of verse printed in North America, 77, 78, 79;
Unpublishable Memoirs, 82;
first folio Shakespeare, 84, 85;
the Holford first folio, 86;
four folios from the Perry sale, 87;
volume of nine Shakespeare plays, 88;
Poe’s Prose Romances, 93;
MS. sonnet by Oscar Wilde on sale of Keats’s love letters, 94;
letter of Keats to Fanny Brawne, 95, 96, 97;
autograph letter of Cervantes, 100, 101, 102;
letter written by George Washington, 106, 107;
illustrated MS. letter of Thackeray, 110;
MS. of Wilde’s Salomé, 112, 113, 114, 116;
MS. dedication of Wilde’s Sphinx, 115;
forgery of a Shakespeare MS. by Ireland, 123;
Ireland’s confession, 128;
autograph letter of Franklin, 135;
Franklin’s work book of his press, 138, 139;
MSS. of Bernard Shaw, 142, 143;
MS. of Conrad’s Victory, 143, 144;
of Lord Jim, 145;
Shakespeare’s Troylus and Cresseida, 147;
presentation copy, first edition of The Faerie Queene, 148, 149,
book given by Spenser to Gabriel Harvey, 149;
MS. of Walt Whitman’s “By Emerson’s Grave,” 152, 153, 154;
Dickens’s letter about beginning Pickwick, 155, 157;
MS. pages of Pickwick, 156, 157;
Dickens’s note in verse, 158, 159;
his last written letter, 160;
MS. poems of Burns, 161, 162, 163, 164;
MSS. of Mark Twain, 164, 165;
Poe’s “Annabel Lee” and “Epimanes,” 166, 167, 168, 169, 170;
MS. page of Joyce’s Ulysses, 171;
letter of Benedict Arnold, 172, 173, 174;
MS. page of the Rubáiyát, 175;
contemporary certified copies Declaration of Independence and
Articles of Confederation (U.S.), 176, 177;
MS. title page of Hawthorne’s Wonder Book, 180;
collection of old-fashioned books for children, 182-209;
Gutenberg Bibles, 212, 213, 218, 219, 220;
Pfister (Bamberg) Bible, 220, 221;
the 1462 Bible (Mainz), 221;
MS. Bible of eleventh century, 222;
Gospels of ninth century, 223, 224;
French illustrated Bible of fourteenth century, 224;
early English Bible pictures, 224, 225;
ancient block books, 227, 228;
Jenson Bible (1479), 231;
Caxton books, 232, 233;
annotated He Bible (1611), 239;
Jack Juggler (1555), 247;
MS. of White’s Selborne, 251;
MSS. of Chaucer, Gower, Lydgate, and Occleve, 252;
the Battle Abbey Cartularies, 257, 258;
letter of Beau Brummell, 258;
MS. of Arnold Bennett, 262;
a tea-ship broadside, 266;
old Spanish MS. concerning Cortés, signed by Charles V, 268,
Columbus letter (1493), German edition, 271, 272;
the King-Hamy chart, 273;
charts used by Cortés and Pizarro, 274, 275;
tailor’s bill to De Soto, 276;
first work of Captain John Smith, 277, 278;
Washington’s autographed copy of Proceedings of the
Convention (Richmond, 1775), 285;
signature of Button Gwinnett, 286;
pass for Paul Revere, signed by Joseph Warren, 287, 288;
Cæsar Rodney letter about signing of the Declaration, 288;
Lincoln letters, 290;
first draft of Emancipation Proclamation, 291;
Lincoln’s Baltimore address, 291;
his speech on formation of Republican Party, 291, 292;
his letter about the flag, 292;
Walker letters about Confederate flag, 292, 293;
notebook describing Lincoln’s death, 294;
Lee’s resignation of commission in U. S. Army, 294, 295;
letter to Beauregard; after the surrender, 295, 296;
letter of Grant to his father, 297;
telegram of Grant to Stanton, announcing Lee’s surrender, 298,
Rosenbach, Philip H., 85, 112, 172, 176, 177, 268, 269.
Rosenbach, Rebecca, 183, 184.
Rosier, James, 277.
Rowley, Thomas (Chatterton), 129, 130.
Roxburghe, Duke of, 89, 90, 248.
Royal Battledoor, The, 203.
Royal Primer, 198, 199.
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, The, 175.
Rule of the New-Creature. To be Practiced every day in all the
Particulars of which are Ten, 188.
Rutland, Duke of, 259.
Rylands (John) Memorial Library, 229, 245, 263.

Santangel, Luis de, Columbus

letters to, 270, 271, 272.
Sassoon, David, 224.
Sauvages, Des (Champlain, 1603), 66.
Savonarola, Girolamo, 229.
Scarlet Letter, The (quoted), 281.
Schelling, Felix E., 259.
Schöffer, Peter, 216, 217, 221, 236.
School of Good Manners Composed for the Help of Parents, etc.,
Schoolmaster Printer, the, 30.
Scolenberg, Baron von, 177.
Scotch Rogue, The, 206.
Scott, Sir Walter (quoted), 252.
Scott, Gen. Winfield, Lee’s letter to, resigning commission, 294,
Search after Happiness, The, 206.
Second Part of the Tragedy of Amboyna, 282.
Sedgwick, Theodore, 54.
Shakespeare, first folio, 27, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88;
second folio, 35;
Keats’s copy of, 40;
Venus and Adonis, 51, 52;
The Passionate Pilgrim, 52;
Poems, 87;
history of folios, 87, 88, 89;
Jonson’s verses in, 88, 89;
early sales of, 89;
forged MSS. of, 122-128;
Vortigern and Rowena (forged), 127, 128;
Troylus and Cresseida, 147;
editorial comment on his MSS., 151, 152;
Trowbridge set of the four folios, 219;
earliest American purchase of a first folio, 244;
Hamlet, second edition, 255, 256;
The Tempest, 265.
Shapira, ----, 225, 226.
Shaw, George Bernard, 142, 143.
Shelley, Adonais, 25;
Queen Mab, 40, 42;
personal correspondence, 42;
notes, 42;
Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson, 55;
advancing value of, 181.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 128.
Ship of Fools, The, 22.
Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, and
Ireland, 1475-1640, 255.
Singularitez de la France Antartique, autrement nommée
Amérique, 58.
Skinner, Abraham, Washington letter to, 9, 10.
Smith, George D., 52, 83, 198, 199.
Smith, Harry B., 40, 155.
Smith, John, 267, 277, 278, 279, 280.
Some Excellent Verses for the Education of Youth, 200.
Somerset House, 146.
Sorbonne, library of the, and Richelieu collection, 23.
Sotheby sales, 31, 32, 33, 52, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91.
Soto, Hermando de, 276.
Spanish National Library, 100.
Spencer, Earl, 90, 91, 245, 248, 263.
Spenser, Edmund, 148-151.
Sphinx, The (Wilde), dedication of, 115.
Spiritual Milk for Boston Babes. In either England: Drawn out of
the breasts of both Testaments, etc. (1684), 188, 189.
Spitzer chart, 275.
Spring, Robert, 105, 106.
Stanton, Edwin M., 298, 299.
Stevens, Henry, 243, 244.
Story of a Whistle, The, 196.
Strawberry Hill Press, the, 13.
Streeter, Thomas E., 200.
Stuart, John T., 290.
Sussex, Duke of, 248.
Swann, Mrs. Arthur W., 54.
Sweynheym and Pannartz, 231.
Sykes, Sir Mark, 248.
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