1, 17-21
Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/ajidm/2/1/4
© Science and Education Publishing
Received December 09, 2013; Revised January 04, 2014; Accepted January 09, 2014
Abstract Genitourinary tuberculosis (GUTB) is the second most common form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis,
with more than 90% of cases occurring in developing countries. In GUTB, the kidneys are the most common sites of
infection and are infected through hematogenous spread of the bacilli, which then spread through the renal and
genital tract. Diagnosis of TB is often delayed owing to the nonspecific nature of its presentation; therefore, a high
degree of suspicion should be exercised and a systematic approach should be taken during investigation. The aim of
this study was to apply bleach concentration method for detection of AFB in 5-day morning urine samples obtained
from the suspects of urinary tuberculosis and to correlate the results with conventional Zeihl Neelsen (ZN) staining,
TB culture and TB-PCR. A total of 46 samples were studied from clinically suspected cases of urinary tuberculosis.
All the samples were processed for conventional ZN staining, Bleach concentration followed by ZN staining, TB
culture on LJ media and TB-PCR (IS 6110) by standard protocols. Out of the 46 samples evaluated all were negative
(0%) by conventional ZN staining, while the positivity increased to 7(15.22%) by bleach concentration method, the
gold standard i.e. TB culture had 9(19.56%) positive and the TB-PCR gave 4(8.69%) positive. The results revealed
that bleach concentration method was superior to conventional ZN staining method and TB-PCR. Though TB
culture was found to be the best method, but it takes a long time for the diagnosis.
Keywords: Genito-urinary tuberculosis, M.tuberculosis, conventional ZN staining, bleach method, PCR, TB
Cite This Article: Pranali Pingle, Pradeep Apte, and Rakesh Trivedi, “Evaluation of Microscopy, Culture and
PCR Methods in the Laboratory Diagnosis of Genito-urinary Tuberculosis.” American Journal of Infectious
Diseases and Microbiology 2, no. 1 (2014): 17-21. doi: 10.12691/ajidm-2-1-4.
endemic countries [15]. The analysis of cytokine profiles result into false positivity [33,34]. The false positivity of
in M. tuberculosis-specific CD4+ T cells by PCR reports in absence of clinical findings poses serious
polychromatic flow cytometry could differentiate between challenges these days in diagnosing EPTB cases [25].
active and latent TB [16]. The use of flow cytometry as Various studies have shown bleach concentration
part of the diagnostic algorithm has been exploited for method is cost effective, sensitive, versatile and safe
EPTB infection (e.g. pleural TB), however, due to high procedure for demonstration of tubercle bacilli and is very
cost, its use as a rapid diagnostic test is limited in the valuable in diagnosing case of extra pulmonary
resource-poor settings [17]. The serological antibody tuberculosis [35,36,37,38] and would benefit the patients
detection tests have been widely used and the tools of to receive an early and specific treatment, although it is
genomics and proteomics have led to the use of several not confirmed by WHO experts[39].
antigens for the diagnosis of both PTB and EPTB patients We have used the bleach concentration method in
[18]. Due to inconsistent and imprecise estimates, the urinary samples which is in its type the first study. Using
World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Group Meeting 5 day morning urine samples as a source, the bleach
convened in 2010 has strongly recommended against the concentration prior to Zeihl-Nelson (ZN) staining was
use any of these serological tests for the diagnosis of both evaluated to see the increase in positivity of AFB as
PTB and EPTB cases [19]. Newer molecular techniques, compared to direct ZN staining. Further the results were
such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), although rapid ; also compared by culture on Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ)
are too costly to be routinely used in the settings where media and TB-PCR.
most TB cases occur.[20] The reason for widely used
IS6110 in PCR tests is the presence of its multiple copies
in M. tuberculosis complex genome which is believed to 2. Materials and Methods
confer higher sensitivity [21,22,23]. However, few studies
from different geographical regions of the world have A study of 46 cases of suspected Genitourinary TB was
reported that some clinical isolates have either a single done. This study was performed between 1st January
copy or no copy of IS6110 which leads to false negative 2012-31st December 2012. This included cases of
results [24,25]. For avoiding the contamination during genitourinary TB. The samples included were 5 days
amplification and increasing the sensitivity, new morning urine sample which were collected from the
approaches such as nested PCR (two step amplification) patients attending various out –patient and in-patient
[26,27] and multiplex PCR (amplification of two or more departments at the Medicare hospital, Indore. The
gene targets simultaneously) [28,29,30,31] have been selection of cases on basis of "sterile pyuria" with WBC's
exploited for EPTB diagnosis. present and with or without haematouria in urine but a
During PCR amplification, several inhibitors such as negative routine bacterial culture(in renal TB). The cases
host proteins, blood and even eukaryotic DNA in included belonged to the age groups from 40 to 65. There
extrapulmonary specimens are known to interfere with the were 29 males (63.04%) and 17 females (37.77%). The
sensitivity of PCR and give false negative results details of the samples and the various test findings are
[7,32,33]. Due to extremely high sensitivity of PCR, the indicated in the Table 1. All the samples were processed
carryover contamination of amplicon, previous infection for direct microscopy using conventional ZN staining,
or asymptomatic EPTB infection at another site could bleach concentration method, TB culture, and PCR.
Table 1. Comparison of urine samples treated by direct ZN staining, bleach concentration method, AFB culture and PCR
Findings (positive)
samples sex No of patients
ZN Bleach concentration LJ culture PCR
male 29 0 4 4 2
5 day morning urine samples
female 17 0 3 5 2
Total 46 0 7 9 4
Five early morning specimens were collected on with 1ml of commercially available 4% sodium
consecutive days and the urine was allowed to settle at hypochlorite (merck). After thorough mixing the mixture
4°C. The resulting samples were pooled and centrifuged at was incubated for 15minutes at room temperature with
3000g for 20 min and the final volume was adjusted to 3 to 6 frequent mixing at intervals. (a prolonged exposure to
ml depending on the pellet size. The sediment were divided bleach and a higher concentration of bleach solution
into three equal portions and were then used for analysis. reduces the possibility to detect AFB [41]. An equal
The first portion was used for direct ZN staining and volume of commercially available distill water was then
bleach concentration followed by ZN staining. added and mixed thoroughly using vortex mixer or
disposable sterile plastic pipette and then centrifuged at
2.1. ZN Staining 3000g for 15minutes. The supernatant was discarded, and
smears were prepared using one drop of the sediment, air
ZN staining was performed by conventional method. dried, heat fixed and stained by ZN staining technique. As
a control 2ml of distilled water was centrifuged and the
2.2. Bleach Concentration Method sediment was stained by ZN staining to rule out any error
It was performed using slight modification of the due to contamination while testing each specimen. After
original method [40]. Sterile, disposable test tubes were conventional ZN staining and bleach concentration
used for bleaching. In this approximately 1ml of the methods the smears were examined under 100 oil fields
centrifuged material of 5 days morning sample was mixed for the presence of AFB which is the standard procedure.
American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology 19
2.3. LJ Culture AFB culture, three were positive by PCR but all were
negative by conventional ZN staining [Table 2].
The second portion was used for culture in which the Except the 7 samples which were positive by bleach
deposits were decontaminated by adding an equal volume method, there were two other samples (n = 9) (19.56%)
of molar sodium hydroxide and mixed for 30 min. After which were detected by AFB culture which is considered
centrifugation the sample were neutralized by 8% HCl to be a gold standard in TB diagnosis, while both the AFB
with the help of neutral red and then cultured on LJ slant. culture positive samples were negative by PCR [Table 3].
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