Art Appreciation Lecture Slides Chapter 2
Art Appreciation Lecture Slides Chapter 2
Art Appreciation Lecture Slides Chapter 2
What Is Art?
Harry Hickman
Artist & Audience
Cost & Value
Marcel Duchamp,
Fountain, 1917
James Hampton. Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations’ Millennium General Assembly. ca. 1950–64.
James Hampton
Art For An Audience of One
• Disinterested Contemplation is a
term referring to one’s ability to look
beyond the actual, practical and
personal in search of underlying
beauty and pleasure.
Photography in particular
presents an ideal medium
for disinterested
contemplation for its ability
to capture subject forms
and phenomena
• Style: In art, style refers to any characteristics, Pablo Picasso, Girl Before a Mirror, c.1932, oil on
generally in a larger body of work, recognized as canvas. While the image depicts recognizably human
constant, recurring, or coherent. figures, they have been abstracted to achieve a different
look or aesthetic appeal.
“Somewhere between naturalism and
abstraction lies stylization.”
(Getlein, 35)
Pablo Picaso,
First Communion, 1896.
Compare these two pieces by
Pablo Picasso. Painted roughly
12 years apart, the first piece
shows Picasso’s skill with more
traditional, naturalistic painting.
• One thing that might be said of most of the pieces shown, thus far, is that
they all require a fair amount of skill or resourcefulness to execute.
• Must a work of art, either representational or non (or purely focused upon
process) be visually pleasing to earn the title of art?
Gustave Flaubert
Portrait of the artist, Francisco
Goya, circa 1915
• Deconstruction
Short Writing Assignment
• Now that we have discussed—at length—what art is from both technical and
philosophical standpoints, it’s time to get your two cents. In a single page or
paragraph, write out your own definition of what is or is not art. Sometimes these
slippery kinds of topics can be difficult to put into words, so it might be better/easier to
think of a work of art you enjoy or respond to, and speak to why that particular piece
qualifies as art.