How to Improve Emotional Self-Regulation Among Children with Autism and Attention Disorders _ Pepperdine Online California
How to Improve Emotional Self-Regulation Among Children with Autism and Attention Disorders _ Pepperdine Online California
How to Improve Emotional Self-Regulation Among Children with Autism and Attention Disorders _ Pepperdine Online California
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Does your child get distracted easily and need to be repeatedly reminded to
complete a simple task? Does their room look like it’s been hit by a tornado
and they are constantly misplacing personal items? Do they have emotional
outbursts when plans suddenly change?
For parents, many of these behaviors may seem familiar. But many typically
developing children are able to improve their self-management skills, or
executive functions, as they grow older and take on more responsibility. Some,
including children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, traumatic brain injury and other
learning disabilities, have a harder time and may face executive function
Although executive functions are often thought of as brain functions, Dr. Adel
Najdowski, director of the Master of Science in Behavioral Psychology program
at Pepperdine University, says all executive functions involve behavior.
Therefore, individuals with deficits may be able to learn specific behaviors to
improve their executive function performance. In her recently published
manual, “Flexible and Focused: Teaching Executive Function Skills to
Individuals with Autism and Attention Disorders,” Dr. Najdowski, who
also teaches with the OnlinePsychology@Pepperdine program, outlines
principles, procedures and activities that practitioners, educators and parents
can use to improve the executive function skills of learners with deficits. This
lesson is an adaptation of one section in her book on emotional self-
regulation. For more detailed explanations on each lesson, read Flexible and
Focused: Teaching Executive Function Skills to Individuals with Autism and
Attention Disorders
What Is Emotional Self-Regulation and
Why Is It Important?
Emotional self-regulation is the ability to adapt behavior when engaged in
situations that might provoke emotions such as stress, anxiety, annoyance and
frustration. A person with strong emotional regulation skills can:
Before beginning the lesson, it’s important to note that the child should
already be capable of identifying and labeling emotions. The activities should
be initiated when a child is in a good mood. This lesson is also meant to be
taken in stages with the child moving to the next step after they have
successfully developed a mastery of the preceding step.
Coping Strategies
Counting to 20
Asking for help
Talking to a friend
Thinking of a compromise
Walking away
Letting it go
• Correctly identifies situations that make the child feel an emotional level
• Correctly identifies situations that make the child feel an emotional level
—across two to three sessions.
• Correctly identifies situations that are a big deal versus not a big deal—
across two to three sessions.
• Correctly role-plays coping mechanisms—across two to three sessions.
• Successfully implements coping mechanism when warned about a
difficult situation—across three to five sessions.
• Successfully implements coping mechanism when not warned about a
difficult situation—across three to five sessions.
This lesson is not meant to replace meaningful consequences for a
child’s behavior. Children who react negatively to situations should
not get what they want. Children who are able to use the discussed
coping mechanisms should gain access to reinforcers. Reinforcers
vary from child to child and can include praise or more tangible
assets like candy or stickers. Children should not have regular access
to reinforcers throughout the day, and you should make certain the
child wants to earn the reinforcer and has not become bored with it.
If the child is not responding to the reinforcer, you may also
consider whether you need more continued reinforcement or
whether you should be reinforcing more quickly after a positive
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