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akimbo -- 1. (adv.

) in a position in which the hands are on the hips and elbows

extend outwards
2. (adj.) placed in a way such that the hands are on the hips and the
elbows extend outward
guttural -- harsh, throaty or unpleasant utterance...Marvin Gaye's voice was a
remarkably versatile instrument, sometimes gossamer, sometimes guttural..
glib -- marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing but superficial or
insincere...glib assurances of a corruption-free administration
delirium -- a state of uncontrolled and frenzied emotion...The news of her son's
death left her in a state of delirium
lambent -- flickering lightly over or on a surface, effortlessly brilliant...The
lambent light over the surface of the water

officious -- characterized by excessive intrusiveness, offering unwanted services

or advice to others; meddlesome...Officious interference in almost all matters by
the bureaucracy
smite -- Strike with a firm blow...She smote him on the back with her
umbrella...smitten by polio
snarky -- testy or irritable
gainsay -- to deny or contradict

gratuitous -- 1.unjustified or without apparent reason...gratuitous insult,

gratuitous decision..
2. given or granted without having to pay or
return...gratuitous breakfast..
gratulate -- to hail with joy; express joy at
lampoon -- 1. (v.) to criticize an individual or an institution through humorous
writing or work of art...To lampoon George W. Bush seemed to have been a major
pastime of..
2. (n.) to make the subject of a lampoon..Many cartoonists target
politicians as a subject for their lampoons..
decapitate -- to behead; to cut off the head of...a guillotine was used to
decapitate people
guffaw -- 1. (n.) a loud and boisterous burst of laughter...He burst into a loud
2. (v.) to laugh loudly and boisterously..hsi speech made people
dawdle -- 1. (intr. v.)to idle away; to waste time...it would be unwise to dawdle
away one's time
2. (intr. v.)to loiter or saunter; to move slowly

conflagration -- a huge and destructive fire

grovel -- to lie or crawl with the body prostrate and face downward in fear,
humility etc.

facile -- 1. easily obtained or accomplished...Barcelona recorded a facile 2-0

victory over Manchester United
2. superficial, shallow...These are very facile studies that..
immanent -- inherent; dwelling or existing within...Values immanent in our culture
humdrum -- (adj.) not challenging; dull and tedious; lacking excitement and variety
cortege -- a train of attendants...The cortege of the dead leader, movie star..

emetic -- 1. (adj.) causing vomiting

2. (n.) a substance that causes vomiting
exiguous -- scanty; meagre; inadequate
quietus -- final settlement; finishing stroke that settles or ends...His lengthy
speech served as a quietus to the argument
gauche -- lacking social grace or civility; tactless; crude...Other critics find
the association's fundraising efforts gauche
cynosure -- a focal point of attraction and attention...French Open champion Rafael
Nadal was the cynosure of all eyes at last year's Chennai Open.

inculpate -- incriminate, to accuse

dour -- 1. gloomy; sullen; bleak
2. stubborn; obstinate
3. extremely strict and harsh; forbidding

hypochondria -- a persistent apprehension about one's health, usually when illness

is neither present nor likely

acquiesce -- to agree without protest; to consent or comply tacitly

obsequious -- marked by or displaying servility

lachrymose -- 1. crying or inclined to cry

2. causing or tending to cause tears
cornucopia -- an abundant, inexhaustible supply...The cornucopia of channels on
maudlin -- tearfully or weakly emotional...maudlin love ballads

impolitic -- unwise, imprudent or not expedient...impolitic poll tax, remarks..

expedient -- convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral.

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