ISSN: 2455-2194
Received: 16-02-2024, Accepted: 10-03-2024, Published: 02-04-2024
Volume 10, Issue 2, 2024, Page No. 98-100
The history of insurance in India reflects a dynamic interplay of economic, legislative, and social factors, shaping the sector's
evolution from ancient times to the present day. This paper traces the journey of insurance in India, highlighting key
milestones such as legislative acts, nationalization, and privatization. It explores the impact of these developments on the
industry's growth, stability, and role in the economy. Through a historical lens, this study provides insights into the challenges
and opportunities that have shaped the insurance landscape in India, ultimately underscoring its significance as a tool for risk
management and financial protection.
Keywords: Insurance, India, history, legislative acts, nationalization, privatization, regulatory authority, economic
development, risk management, financial security
International Journal of Law www.lawjournals.org
International Journal of Law www.lawjournals.org
Mushroom Growth 1972. General insurance corporation was formed with four
Period of Mushroom growth (1900-1912) – during this subsidiaries.
period there was a mushroom growth of Indian companies
and this was mainly due to the swadeshi movement which Era of Privatization
prompted the boycott of British goods, British institutions Era of Privatization (1991 onwards) – insurance sector open
and everything British. to private entities on the recommendations of Malhotra
The indiscriminate mushroom growth of insurance Committee. Both public and private companies played
companies led to the appearance of some evil which had to important roles simultaneously. Growth of more private
be checked by passing Indian Life Assurance Act, 1912. For entities has led to the passing of Insurance Regulatory and
the first time publishing of returns of life insurance began Development Authority Act, 1999 to control and regulate
from 1914. insurance sector in India