Film HIstory
Film HIstory
Film HIstory
Reproduce movement
Vallon- Pont d’art - Painting of Cave 32,000 years +
《Cave of Forgotten Dreams》by Werner Herzog (Germany),2010
3D Documentary Flim about the Chauvet Cave in Southern France, which contains
some one of the oldest human-painted images yet discovered.
Shadows Theatre since prehistoric times
Wayant Kulit, a traditional form of Shadow Puppets originally found in the cultures of
Yogyakarata (Java) and Bali in indonesia.
Around 10 to 70 AD, Heron of Alexandria described his mobile automatic theatre
Figure move, music is produced, fire is lit liquid flows and many more wonders occur
Since mid-XVIth C. the magic lantern (Christiaan Huygens , Kircher)
It became very popular during
Robbertson (Fantasmagories) in paris between 1798 and 1830
Shows and religions
Dissolves, movement of one character in incrustation on a painted scenery
With multiple lenses lantern even 3-D is possible - 19th C
During the 19th C we have optical toys and physiological experiment , The
Borgev vendredi
Wall-E 10 fev.
Red Sorghum is a 1987 Chinese film about a young woman's life working in a distillery for sorghum liquor. It is based on the first two
Raise the Red Lantern is a 1991 Chinese-language romantic drama film directed by Zhang Yimou and starring Gong Li.
12 Dec. 1894, Louis Lumières, in Lyon, Cinematographe: projection for a large of people
Working living the Factory, lyon, 19th march 1895
The presentation in the Grand Cafe, in Paris 28th of DEC. 1895
Lumière «vues animées» between 1895-1904
700+ military views: WWI & Germany
Lumière First program(28 dec. 1895)
StarFlim Paris
Melies one of the 3 first big producing company
A trip to the moon 260 meters= 12min
Hand colored versions existed
Pro: Many pirate copies :
In 1902m he filmed the biggest production of the time
Clip5(the logos in the stars and rockets, the color of the flag, in the mashroom cave,)
End of melies film production
He didn’t vhange his style
Loosing money 1910
1911, Pathé, take 50% of
1912: A la conquête du Pôle, i;portant to fantastic and sc film
After 3 films, M stop his production in 1913
Toy seller
Pathé the biggest production co,pqny in the zorld(1897-1913)
Charles P exhibited Edison’s phonographs and then Kinetoscopes on fairs. He
1902, he sold many in the world
After 1903, the french company suffer the competition from the new Hollywood
Clip7a:Max Linder with panio accam, the debuts de Max in the cinema. the copyright,
max is usually with the suits but get in trouble, 默片
Clip6: The History of crime , very dramatic, the flash back
Clip 7
Leon Gaumont was th e 2 biggest
Alice Guy was the 1st woman film director, 1920s,
LG is employed and the runs a photography and Optics shop in Paris,
Clip-Alice-La fee aux Choux
Clip-Alice-the conscequences of feministe
Sound is made before,
In many countries film insdutry began around 1900-1907
In brighton, England, films were produced with humour and many ideas
Attack on a china mission
“Electric Theatre Grenier” 1903-1904 X-rays, Orchestrion, cinematogeaphe, group of
In 1907, the Charles Pathe decided to rent films instead of selling them
Less fairgrounds attractions
Beginning of movie theatres(called Cinmas around 1910)
More educated
More complex, longer
Legitimation processe
Sarah bernhardt
Realism is stronger since 1913
Germinal 1913
Beginning of the animation films
John Stuart Blackton in English immigrated
Realism is stronger since 1913
Geminal 1913
The french Avant-garde(1920-1932) and Poetic Realism(1930-1939)
Film as Art
Riciotto Canudo:in 1911 birth of Sixth Art.
Canudo call the cinema “the 7th art” in 1919
Creation of 1st cine-clubs, in France:1907
Louis Delluc, Germaine Dulac
Cine-clubs stayed very popolur until the 1970s
What’s an “avant-garde”
Dadaism, Cubism(Ballet mecanique)
The <<First-Avant -Garde>>(in cinema) impressionnism
Le cinéma impressionniste
From 1915 (Abel Gance: Dr Tube Madness) to 1929.
• Louis Delluc, Germaine Dulac, Abel Gance, Marcel
L’Herbier, Jean Epstein
• SuperimposiFon and Visual Effects
Impressionist films are narraFve films, but the most
important are impressions, sensaFons and visuals elements.
• Example:
• Jean Epstein, The Fall of the House of Usher, 1928 [CLIP1b]
The candles folating in the trees. Candles, young man, morning,camera movement, and
sometimes there are some ghosts. Impressionniste avant guerre
• Jean Epstein, La Glace à trois faces, 1927
• Extrait: h*p:// glace-a-trois-faces-
• His films were lyrical, long (5 hours), with powerful shots,superimposicon, triple screen,
movements (travelling in all direccons)
• La Roue (The Wheel) was presented in a version of 7h30, in 1923.
• Clip 2: Napoléon, Abel Gance, 1927 (1st version 6h)
Put the 3 screen together ()
Abstraction of abstraction: Viking Eggeling(在德国工作,德国有很多抽象电影)
Dada movement began in 1917 in Switzerland (科学,技术,战争,人类)
只在 club 看,很少人会看
René CLAIR: Entr’acte
Relache 结束之后不走才能看到电影
Un chien andalou
Séance 1303
0304 la dernière cours
In France many comedies in the 1930s RAIMU Pierre FRESMAY, it’s famous because the accent of
Marseille. French version, German version, sui
Poetic Realism is an important style:what the majority of people living in France
Jean Renoir:Boudu sauve des eaux1932(B)
Jean vigo: L’Atalante 1934,anticipation of poetic realism
Angles of filming
Poetic Realism : Dialogs by Jacques Prévert, Henri Jeanson, Charles Spaak and other famous
Films by Marcel Carné, Jean Renoir, Julien Duvivier, Jean Grémillon.Typical film from the
French Poetic Realism and 1936 Popular Front:
La Belle Equipe, Julien Duvivier, 1936. Star: Jean Gabin(famous actor).Clip 6
Jean Renoir, son of the impressionist painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, internationally
acclaimed for his Grande Illusion, 1937. Clip 7. Dark and light ,Change fro,
没有墙是直的,用墙上和地上的光影表现暴力, 房顶和窗户的角度也很奇怪