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Programme Guide BAFPC

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Programme Guide


Discipline of Psychology
School of Social Sciences
Indira Gandhi National Open University

June 2024
© Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2024
Cover Design: Yamini Baba, Research Scholar, Discipline of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, IGNOU,
New Delhi
All rights reserved by the University. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form by mimeograph or
any other means without permission in writing from the Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Further information on the Indira Gandhi National Open University courses may be obtained from the
University office at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110 068 or visit the University Website at

Dear Learner,
Welcome to IGNOU and the Bachelor of Arts (Major) Psychology (BAFPC) programme
under the Four Year Under Graduate Programme (FYUP) according to National Education
Policy (NEP 2020) guidelines. As you have joined the world’s largest University that
imparts education through Open and Distance mode, it is necessary that you are aware of
the university system and its functions. You will also be keen to know some details about
the programme that you have joined and the way in which the university imparts
instructions. This Programme Guide gives the necessary information that will help you in
knowing the university and pursuing the programme. It also gives the syllabus of the
courses that are presently on offer. We therefore advice you to keep this Programme Guide
safely till you complete the Programme.
When you enrol for the programme, you will be allotted a Learner Support Centre (LSC) .
While pursuing this B.A. (Psychology) Major, you will receive support from IGNOU
through the Regional Centre and LSC.allotted to you (from IGNOU’s website, please check
the nearest LSC where the programme is offered).
As a distance learner, you may have several queries while pursuing the programme. We
expect you to be directly in contact with the programme coordinator/ course coordinator,
academic counsellor at the LSC, your Regional Centre, and your peers. For any queries or
doubts, please write to us at the Email Id bapchsoss@ignou.ac.in. While the University
makes every effort to ensure that you pursue the programme of study without any difficulty,
occasionally you might face problems. Please use the iGRAM platform
(http://igram.ignou.ac.in) for quick resolution to such problems.
Also, we advise you to be in touch with the LSC allotted to you for advice / timely
day-to-day information related to this programme and also visit the university website
www.ignou.ac.in at regular intervals. We wish you all the success in pursuing this Bachelor
of Arts (Psychology) Major under the Four Year Undergarduate Programme.

Programme Coordinator
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) Major
Monika Misra


The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is the world’s largest Open
University. It is a Central University established by an Act of Parliament in 1985, to advance
and disseminate learning and knowledge by diverse means, including information
communication technology. The objective is to provide opportunities for higher education to
a large segment of the population and promote educational wellbeing of the larger society.
In a relatively short time, IGNOU has made a significant contribution in the areas of higher
education, community education, extension activities and continual professional
development. As a world leader in distance education, it has been conferred with an Award of
Excellence by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada. IGNOU offers its academic
programmes through its 21 Schools of Studies, with a network of 69 Regional Centres and
about 2005 Learner Support Centres (LSCs). The University also has 12 Recognized RCs
with Army, Navy and Assam Rifles. The University is offering a special skill-based
Bachelor’s Degree Programme under the “Agnipath” Scheme, since August 2023. The
scheme is meant for Jawans, Sailors and Airman of the three services joining as Agniveer in
the Indian Defence Forces. The University also has a network of 25 Overseas Study Centres
(OSC) in 15 countries..
The University offers over two hundred academic, professional, vocational, awareness and
skill-oriented programmes at the level of Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s
Degree and Doctoral Degree. Currently the emphasis is being laid the University on
developing interactive multimedia supported online learning as well, adding value to the
traditional distance education delivery mode with modern technology enabled education
within the framework of blended learning. It has decided to make the learning material
available in digital format. As a national coordinator for SWAYAM (online learning initiative
by the Ministry of Education, Government of India), the university is offering 214 MOOCs
through the SWAYAM platform. IGNOU manages six SWAYAM PRABHA channels as part
of the national policy's implementation for the integration of ICT in education.


The School of Social Sciences (SOSS) is among the larger schools of studies at the
University. SOSS offers academic programmes in eight disciplines: Anthropology,
Economics, History, Library and Information Science, Political Science, Psychology, Public
Administration and Sociology.
The School offers a number of certificate, diploma and degree programmes at the Bachelor’s
and Masters level. It has also expanded its academic activities through research degree
programmes that apply newer methodologies to elicit a more creative response, both from
within a discipline and from inter- disciplinary interactions.


Psychology is the study of mind and human behaviour. Psychologists study the relationships
between brain function, behaviour, and environment. The science of psychology enriches
society and improves our lives. In other words, it helps us understand and better our world.
Psychology has established itself as a scientific discipline, and its application encompasses
wide settings. Because of the varied scope, psychologists have been working on emerging
areas to participate and lead on these and other new themes. The COVID-19 pandemic has
changed our attitude towards mental health and has made us realize that many of our most
pressing concerns are rooted in human behaviour. Some of the problems in the present day
are inequality, climate change, social interaction in the media space, reshaping the workspace,
health and well-being, to name just a few. The application of psychological principles has
helped find solutions to many of the challenges and help achieve the Sustainable
Development Goals, which aim for global peace, prosperity, and well-being.

The undergraduate programme, Bachelor of Arts (Major) Psychology (BAFPC), offers an

excellent opportunity to understand human behaviour. The selection of courses in the
programme provides a rich background for those of you who plan to pursue careers in
psychology, and also who are from varied areas like forensics, nursing, social work,
counselling, education, organization, and law.

Psychology (Major) is an intensive and engaging programme. Practical/Tutorial is an

important component in the Discipline-Specific Core Courses of the programme. We hope
that the Practical and Tutorial activities will encourage you to be curious. We also hope that
you will contact the programme coordinator/ course coordinator for any questions or
clarification related to the courses.

Aims and Objectives Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) Major

The Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) Major (BAFPC) Programme intends to develop an

understanding of the different aspects of human behaviour. It aims to develop professional
skills and competencies in light of the emerging need for trained students in the area of
mental health sector, academic/research institutes, NGOs, government organisations and
applied sciences. The programme will equip with a strong foundation for your career goals.

Programme Outcome:

By choosing to study BAFPC, you should be able to:

● Develop an understanding of different domains of human behaviour
● Get acquainted with the subfields of psychology like, social psychology,
developmental psychology, forensic psychology, environmental psychology, clinical
psychology, counselling psychology, and organizational behaviour;
● Examine the relationship of psychology with other fields; and
● Analyse how psychology is beneficial for the society and lives

Who Can Join the Programme: Eligibility

In keeping with the policy of ‘openness and flexibility’, admission to Bachelor of Arts
(Psychology) Major is open to all those who have completed 10 plus 2 in any stream - arts,
science or commerce. There is NO entrance test for seeking admission.
Medium of Instruction: English and Hindi
IGNOU has been one of the earliest university to introduce credit based academic
programmes with a choice of courses. With the introduction of semester system and an
evaluation system based on 10 point grading system in 2019, IGNOU joins the Central and
State Universities across the country in introducing the Four-Year Under Graduate
Programmes (FYUP) at the Undergraduate level.
The University has launched the Four - year Undergraduate Programme and the scheme is as
There are exit points after first, second and third year. Those who exit after completing three
years (120 credits) shall be awarded a Degree with Major in the chosen discipline. On
completion of four years (160 credits), Degree with Honours in the chosen discipline shall be
awarded. If you want to exit after the 1st Year, you would need to complete one 4 credit
vocational course besides the mandatory 40 credits (1st and 2nd semester) to receive the UG
Certificate. Similarly, if you exit after completing two years having done 80+4 credits you
would be awarded UG Diploma.
Programme Structure Template for Four Years Undergraduate Programmes (3-years
Major /4-years Honours)
Major Programme
Year Semester Discipline Minor Ability Inter-disciplinary Common Total
Specific Enhance-me courses (Introductory Value-Ad Credits
Courses Core (Only for other nt Courses level) Skill ded
disciplines) Enhancement Courses

1st DSC-1 Minor-1 IDC- 1 20

1 BPCCC 101 VOC (6 credits)
Introduction to
Yr Psychology (4 credits) SEC-1

(4 Theory+ 2 (4 credits)
Practical =6

2nd DSC-2 Minor-2 AEC-1 VAC-01 20

BPCC 107 VOC (4 credits) (6
Social Credits)
Psychology (4 credits) BEVAE181:
al Studies

(4 Theory + 2 BEDSV
Tuturial = 6 101:
Credits) Value

Exit 1: UG Certificate 40 (+4)

3rd DSC-3 Minor-3 AEC-2

BPCC-105 DSC (4 credits) 20
Research (4 credits)
II Yr (4 Theory + 2
Practical =
6 Credits)

(4 Theory + 2
Tutorial = 6

4th BPCC-104 Minor-4 SEC-2 20
Semester Statistical DSC (4 credits)
Methods for
Psychological (4 credits)
(4 Theory + 2
Tutorial =
6 Credits)

(4 Theory + 2
Tutorial =
6 Credits)

Exit 2: UG Diploma 80(+4)

5th DSC-7 Minor-5 SEC-3

Semester BPCC-103
Psychology of DSC (4 credits) 20
Individual (4 credits)
III (4 Theory + 2
Yr Practical =
6 Credits)

BPCC 108
Statistics for
(4 Theory + 2
Tutorial = 6

BPCC 133 Minor-6 Internship/Course 20
6th Psychological DSC (4 credits)
Semester Disorders/
BPCC 112 (4 credits)
BPCC 114
(4 Theory + 2
Practical =
6 Credits)

BPCC 102
BPCC 110
Applied Social
BPCE 142
BPCE 143
(6 Credits)

Total 60 Cr 24 Cr 08 Cr 22 Cr 06 Cr 120 Cr

Exit 3: UG Degree with Major 120 Cr.

It may be noted that the list of Minor Courses, Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC),
Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC), Interdisciplinary Courses (IDC) Value Added
Courses (VAC), Vocational Courses (VOC) is dynamic and new courses are added to
the basket from time to time. The courses mentioned are indicative. You will get know
the latest updated list of courses from the Common Prospectus and also when you
register/re-register for each year.
*Discipline Specific Minor courses are of four Credits. These courses are to be selected from
other disciplines from the basket of courses. Choose any one discipline to complete all the
three Discipline Specific Minor Courses.


NEP 2020
The University has launched the Bachelor Degree Major Programme with effect from
January 2024 session. The Major degree in a specific discipline will be awarded to the learner
after successful completion of the courses for 3 years, whereas for the learner who continues
the programme for the 4th year also, will be awarded the Honours Degree of 4 years. The
course details of the 4th year will be provided subsequently. The following Bachelor Degree
Programme under FYUP, is on offer as Major (3 years)/ Honours (4-Years):
3.2 Objectives
Beginning January 2024, the School of Social Sciences is offering B.A.(Psychology) Major
programme (FYUP) in Psychology. The programme is designed to enable the learner to take
courses of their choice, learn at their own pace, and adopt an interdisciplinary approach to
learning. It is thus a learner centric programme with flexibility, choices, mobility and
employability built into it.
The Major/Honours degree programme is designed to give an in-depth knowledge to a
student in a discipline of their choice while providing exposure to other disciplines also. The
Major (3 year)/Honours (4 year) programmes have the following objectives:
Introduce the learner to the main themes and topics in a discipline of humanities,
social sciences and sciences with core and elective courses.
Facilitate the learners to work towards ability and skill enhancement through exposure
to appropriate courses.
Introduce learners to reading and writing skills through assignments and exercises of
such kind required at an undergraduate level.
Expose the learners to the importance of interdisciplinarity by enabling them to offer
courses outside their disciplines.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent
Medium of Instruction: English and Hindi
3.3 Credits and Duration
The University follows the credit system for offering all its programmes. One credit is equal
to 30 hours of learners study time. To earn Bachelor’s Degree, a learner has to complete 120
credits in minimum six semesters (Three years). The 120 credits of the programme have to be
earned by completing the courses in different categories. Similarly, the credit load for an
Honours degree programme of 4 years will be 160 credits. The details of the courses for the
4th year will be provided subsequently. The credit load of courses per Semester under
different categories is 20 credits. The Major degree programmes have a mix of following
categories of courses:


(1st , 2nd, & 3rd Year)

a) Discipline Specific Core Courses (DSC): The Total credit weightage under
this Category will be 60 credits. Each of the Course is of 6 credits. All the DSCs in
Psychology are integrated 4 Credits + 2 Credits. Here, 4 Credits is of theory
componenet and 2 Credits is assigned for Practical or Tutorial. A learner needs to
choose one Discipline in which they want to earn the Major degree. Once selected, it
is not changeable.
Course Code Title of the Course No. of Credits
Semester - 1
BPCC - 101 Introduction to Psychology 6 (4 Theory +2 Practical)
Semester - 2
BPCC - 107 Social Psychology 6 (4 Theory + 2 Tutorial)

Semester - 3
BPCC - 105 Development of Psychological 6 (4 Theory +2 Tutorial)

BPCC - 106 Psychological Research 6 (4 Theory +2 Tutorial)

Semester - 4
BPCC - 104 Statistical Methods for 6 (4 Theory +2 Tutorial)
Psychological Research - I

BPCC - 109 Developmental Psychology 6 (4 Theory +2 Tutorial)

Semester - 5
BPCC - 103 Psychology of Individual 6 (4 Theory +2 Practical)

BPCC - 108 Statistics for Psychological 6 (4 Theory +2 Tutorial)

Research - II

Semester - 6
BPCC - 133 Psychological Disorders/ 6 (4 Theory +2 Practical)
BPCE - 112 Organisational Behaviour/ 6 (4 Theory +2 Practical)
BPCE - 114 Counselling Psychology 6 (4 Theory +2 Practical)

BPCC - 102 Biopsychology/ 6 (4 Theory +2 Tutorial)

BPCC - 110 Applied Social Psychology/ 6 (4 Theory +2 Practical)
BPCE - 142 Forensic Psychology/ 6 (Theory)
BPCE - 143 Environmental Psychology 6 (Theory)

Exit 3 60 Credits

b) Interdisciplinary Course (ID): The learners are required to take one Course of 6 credits
under this Category in the first semester. This course will be other than the Major and Minor
Disciplines taken by the students.
It may be noted that the list of Interdisciplinary Courses (IDC), and Value Added
Courses (VAC) is dynamic and the new courses are added to the basket. The list given
below is indicative and you will get the latest updated list of courses from the Common
Prospectus or when you register/re-register for each year.

Sr. Course Title of The Course Credits

No Code
1. BEGG 171 Media and Communication Skills 6
2. BHDG175 Madhyakaneen Bharatiya Sahitya Evam Sanskriti 6
Public Administration
3. BPAG 171 Disaster Management 6
4. BPCG 171 General Psychology 6
5. BPYG 171 Applied Ethics 6
Political Science
6. BABG 171 Understanding Ambedkar 6
7. BSOG 171 Indian Society: Images and Realities 6
8. BSKG 178 Pracheen Bharatiya Rajniti 6

b) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC): Learners are required to study 4 courses of 4

credits each from this Category. One course in each semester will be on offered starting
from 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th semester.

It may be noted that the list of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) is dynamic and new
courses are added to the basket. The list given below is indicative and you will get the
latest updated list of courses from the Common Prospectus or when you
register/re-register for each year.

Sr. Course Code Title of The Course Credits

1. BANS 183 Tourism Anthropology 4
2. BCHS 183 Laboratory Management Skills 4
3. BCOS183 Computer Application in Business 4
4. BEGS 183 Writing and study Skills 4
5. BHDS 183 Anuvaad Sidhaant Evam Pravidhi 4
6. BHIS 183 Traditions and Perception of Craft in Bharat 4
7. BPCS 183 Emotional Intelligence 4
8. BPCS 185 Developing Emotional Competence 4
9. BSSS 183 Life Skills 4
10. BTTS 183 An Introduction to Machine Translation 4
11. BBCS 485 Bioinformatics 4

c) Ability Enhancement Course: Two courses worth 8 credits (4 credits each) will be
offered from this category in 2nd and 3rd semesters.

It may be noted that the list of Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) is dynamic and new
courses are added to the basket. The list given below is indicative and you will get the
latest updated list of courses from the Common Prospectus or when you
register/re-register for each year.

Sr. Course Code Title of The Course Credits


1. BEVAE 181 Environmental Studies 4

d) Value- Added Course: One course of 6 credits is offered to the learner from this
Category. The course is on offer only in the first Semester.
It may be noted that the list of Value Added Courses (VAC) is dynamic and new
courses are added from time to time. The list given below is indicative and you will get
the latest updated list of courses from the Common Prospectus or when you
register/re-register for each year.

Sr. Course Code Title of The Course Credits

1. BEDSV 101 Value Education 6

e) Vocational Courses: The learner is required to study 3 vocational courses (4 credits each)
worth 12 credits in a span of 3 years (6 semesters). These may be related to the Major
discipline or otherwise as per the choice of the student.

It may be noted that the list of Vocational Courses is dynamic and new courses are
added from time to time. The list given below is indicative and you will get the latest
updated list of courses from the Common Prospectus or when you register/re-register
for each year.

Sr. Course Title of The Course Credits

No Code
1. BECS 184 Data Analysis 4
2. BPAS 184 Logistics Management 4
3. BHDS 184 Radio Lekhan 4
4. BCOS 185 Entrepreneurship 4
5. BCOS 186 Personal Selling and Salesmanship 4

Exit options from the Programme: The learner who would like to take exist from the
programme after completion of first or second year, will have to complete a Vocational
Course worth 4 credits in addition to the required number of courses to be completed in these
years (40+4 credits after first year and 80+4 credits after 2nd year).


As mentioned earlier, each credit of this programme is equivalent to 30 hours of learner study
comprising all learning activities (i.e. reading and comprehending the print material, listening
to audios, watching videos, attending counselling sessions, teleconferencing and writing
assignments responses). This means that you will have to devote approximately 180 hours of
study for a six-credit course (30 x 6) and 120 study hours for a four-credit course (30 x 4).
Since you have three courses of six credits and one four-credit course to complete in the first
semester and a similar workload in the second semester, you need to put in a total of 1200
hours of study in a year. This means that you will have to devote around four hours of
study every day for at least 300 days in a year. You are therefore advised to adjust your
reading schedule keeping this workload in view. With this schedule, you will be able to
complete all courses of the First year.
The University offers a lot of flexibility and openness in the courses and duration for the
completion of programmes. You should take full advantage of this flexibility. As indicated
earlier you can finish this programme in three years by earning 120 credits. If you are not
able to complete it within this period, you can take a maximum of six years to complete the
programme. It would be better if you plan it in a systematic way. At the beginning of each
semester/year, the University will make available study materials and assignments according

to scheme of study. It is, however, up to you to decide which courses you would complete in
a particular year. Completion of a course would involve studying the course, completing the
assignments and obtaining pass marks in both assignments and the term end examination. If
you are busy elsewhere and not able to fully devote yourself to the programme you should fix
your targets every year. If you feel that instead of 44 credits you would do only 24 or 36
credits in a year, plan it from the beginning of the year, study only those courses, do the
assignments for them and appear for term end exam. Carry over the rest to next year. Again,
next year, decide your goals for that year. Whenever you decide to do the assignment of a
previous year’s course, download the assignment from
www.ignou.ac.in/Downloads/Assignments, ensuring the correct validity and the course code.
Submit the completed assignment according to the schedule mentioned on the cover note, and
take the term end examination (For details see Section 7.1 of this Programme Guide).
Through a proper planning you can finish this programme according to your convenience.


A prescribed fee (which is Rs. 16500/- at present) is to be paid for the Bachelor of Arts
(Psychology) Major Programme @Rs 5500/- per year at present. In the First year, in addition
to prescribed fee (which is Rs. 5500/- at present), a prescribed Registration fee (which is Rs.
300/- at present) (non-refundable) and an University Development fee (which is Rs 200/- at
present) also has to be paid. The programme fee should be paid only by means of Debit
Card/Credit Card through online mode only. Fee once paid is not refundable.
According to the University policy, the programme fees is subject to revision. In that
case, the revised fee shall be payable.
Although the Bachelor of Arts programme is a semester-based programme, registration is
done annually. Just as you have registered for the first two semesters at the start of the
programme, you will have to re-register for the Second year (third and fourth semesters) and
Third year (fourth and fifth semesters) before the beginning of the academic year. Please visit
the University website at regular intervals for all the updates (www.ignou.ac.in).
The submission of Re-Registration form and payment of programme fee must be done at the
beginning of each year, as per schedule given below, by online mode only (Debit Card/Credit
Schedule for Re-Registration*
For January Session For July Session Late Fee
1st August to 2nd October 1st Feb to 31st March Nil
3rd October to 31st October 1st April to 30th April ₹ 200.00
1st November to 30th November 1st May to 31st May ₹ 500.00
1st December to 20th December 1st June to 20th June ₹ 1000.00

* Above fee and dates are indicative only. As and when it is necessary, the University
may revise the date/s and/or re-registration fee and the fee shall be payable by you as
per schedule of payment notified by the University.
Timely payment of programme fees is the responsibility of the learner. The learner is
expected to remit the fees as early as possible without waiting for the last date. Non-payment
of fee would result in the withdrawal of access to self-learning material and permission to
write the examinations. It may also result in the cancellation of your admission. If any learner
willfully appears in an examination without proper registration for a course, disciplinary
action shall be taken against them as per rules of the University.


The methodology of instruction adopted by the University is different from that in the
conventional universities. The Open University system is more learner-oriented in which the
learner is an active participant in the teaching-learning process. Most of the instruction is
imparted through distance rather than face-to-face communication.
The University follows a multi-media approach for instruction. It comprises of
• Self-Learning Material
• Audio-video programmes transmitted through radio and television
• Teleconferencing sessions
• Face-to-face counselling at Learner Support Centres by the Academic Counsellors
• Assignments/ Tutorials/ Practicals/ Dissertation
6.1 Course Material
The self-learning material (SLM) of each Course, in print or eBook format, is the primary
form of instruction. You should concentrate mainly on the SLM that are sent to you in the
form of printed books or eBooks. The course material would be sufficient to write assignment
responses and prepare for the Term End Examination (TEE). We would, however, suggest
you to read additional material, especially those given in the Suggested Reading section of
the course material.
The course material prepared by the University is self-learning in nature. Each course is
printed in the form of a single book or eBook. The course is divided into a number of Blocks.
A six-credit course generally has four to five Blocks. Each Block consists of Units (minimum
two to maximum five units). Normally, the Units covered in a Block are thematically
arranged. The introduction section of the book provides an overview of the course, its
objectives, guidelines for studying the material, and related aspects. The Block introduction
explains the coverage of the Block as a whole as well as the coverage of each Unit in that
Each Unit is structured in a way to facilitate self-study. Each Unit begins with Learning
Objectives which will give you an idea on what you are expected to learn from the Unit. The
Introduction provides an overview of the major theme of the unit. An attempt is made to

forge a link with the topics of the previous Units and the topic to be covered in the Unit. This
is followed by the main text, which is divided, into various sections and subsections. At the
end of each section we have provided questions for self-evaluation under the heading of
Check Your Progress. You should attempt this part, as it will help you in assessing the
immediate absorption and check your understanding of the topic. Questions in Check Your
Progress are for your practice only, and you should NOT submit answers to these questions to
the University for assessment. We have not provided the full length answers, as we would
like to encourage you to write in your own words and not rely on memorizing the course
The section Summary gives a brief account of what has been discussed in the Unit. This
summary enables you to recall the main points covered in the Unit. Each unit ends with
References which gives the list of books and articles that have been consulted to prepare the
unit. In addition, at the end of each Unit, a list of Suggested Readings is given. Some of
these books listed in this section will be available in the libraries at the Regional Centre.
There is also a section on weblinks for online resources, which might be helpful.
In order to comprehend the SLMs, read the Units carefully and note down the important
points. You can use the space in the margin of the printed pages for making notes and writing
your comments. While reading the Units, you may mark the difficult words and look for the
meaning of such words in a dictionary. If you still do not understand something, consult your
counsellor during the face-to-face sessions at the LSC for clarification. Alternatively, you
may write to the course coordinator/programme coordinator for clarification.
Dispatch of Study Material
The dispatch of material will start once the online process of registration is complete and the
admission is confirmed. You can expect to receive your study material within one month of
closing of the registration for the programme. If any course material is missing or you receive
wrong or defective material, please address your query to the Regional Centre or write to
Student Services Centre at ssc@ignou.ac.in.
For the students who have applied for digitized version, the SLM maybe accessed from
www.ignou.ac.in/eGyankosh/ BA (H) Psychology.
6.2 Academic Counselling
In distance education, face-to-face contact between the learners and their academic tutors/
counsellors is an important activity. The purpose of such an interaction is to answer some of
your questions and clarify your doubts, which may not be possible through any other means
of communication. It is also intended to provide you an opportunity to meet fellow learners.
There are experienced academic counsellors at the LSC to provide academic counselling and
guidance to you in the courses that you have selected for study. The academic counselling
sessions for each of the courses are held at suitable intervals throughout the academic session.
Attendance in the academic counselling sessions for theory courses is not compulsory, but we
would suggest you to attend these sessions as they may be useful in certain respects, such as
to share your views on the subject with teachers and fellow learners, comprehend some of the
complex ideas or difficult issues, and get clarifications for any doubts which you would not
otherwise try to raise.

Face-to-face counselling will be provided to you at the LSC assigned to you. You should note
that the academic counselling sessions will be very different from the usual classroom
teaching or lectures. Academic counsellors will not be delivering lectures. They will try to
help you to overcome difficulties, which you face while studying for this programme. In
these sessions, you must look into the subject-based difficulties and any other issues arising
out of such difficulties. Besides, some of the audio and video material that is available at that
time will be played in the counselling sessions. The University normally organizes four
academic counselling sessions for a 4-credit and six sessions for a six-credit course. One
theory session is of two hours.
Similarly, for a two credits Practical component, there will be at least two counselling
sessions, each session will be of three hours. These sessions are MANDATORY. In case there
are less than 10 students in a LSC, the learners will be clubbed with the nearby LSC.
Before you attend the academic counselling sessions, please go through the SLM and note
down the points to be discussed. Unless you have gone through the Units, there may not be
much to discuss. Try to concentrate on relevant and important issues. Try also to understand
each other’s points of view. You may also establish personal contact with your fellow
participants to get mutual help for academic purposes. Try to get the maximum possible help
from your academic counsellors.
6.3 Learner Support Centre
To provide effective student support, we have set up a number of Learner Support Centres all
over the country. You will be allotted one of these LSC, as per the availability of the
programme. However, each LSC can handle only a limited number of students, thus, it may
not always be possible to allot the LSC of your choice. The particulars regarding the LSC to
which you are assigned, will be communicated to you.
Every Learner Support Centre will have:

A Coordinator who will coordinate different activities at the centre.

An Assistant Coordinator and other support staff appointed on a part-time basis.

Academic Counsellors in different courses to provide counselling and guidance to you in

the courses you have chosen.
LSC will have six major functions:
Counselling: Face-to-face counselling for the courses will be provided at the LSC. Online
sessions might also be conducted by the academic counsellor for theory. However, Practical
sessions will be conduted in the face -to face- mode at the allotted LSC. As mentioned earlier,
there will be four academic counselling sessions for a 4-credit theory component, and two
sessions for the Practical component.
The schedule of the counselling sessions will be communicated to you by the Coordinator of
your Study Centre on your registered mail.

Evaluation of Assignments/ Tutorial/ Practical: Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) will be

evaluated by the Academic Counsellors appointed for different courses at the LSC. These
assignments will be returned to you with tutor’s comments and marks obtained. These
comments will help you in your studies. In a similar manner, Tutorial (included in the
assignment as a separate activity) will be completed and submitted at the LSC which will be
evaluated by the academic counsellor. Separate passing marks (35%) must be obtained in
both the components separately.
Practical will be conducted at LSC in the physical mode. Practical will have a separate TEE,
the details of which are explained in the self-learning material.
Library: For each course, some of the text books or the books suggested under ‘Suggested
Readings’ will be available in Library at the Regional Centre. Many a times, LSC also has a
library facility.
Information and Advice: At the LSC and Regional Centre, you will get relevant information
regarding the academic counselling schedules and the courses offered by the University. You
will also get guidance in choosing your elective and application oriented courses.
Audio-Video Facilities: The LSC is equipped with audio-video facilities to help you make
use of the audio and video materials prepared for different courses. Media notes, describing
the contents of each programme, will also be available at the LSC. This will help you to
know the contents of each programme.
Interaction with Fellow-learners: The LSC gives you an opportunity to interact with fellow
learners. It is the contact point for you. All important information is communicated to the
Coordinators of the LSC and Regional Director. The Coordinators would display a copy of
such important circular/notification on the notice board of the LSC for the benefit of all
IGNOU learners. You are, therefore, advised to get in touch with your LSC for day-to-day
information about counselling schedule, assignment submission, tutorial submission, and
practical conduction.
6.4 Interactive Radio Counselling
The University has the facility of interactive counselling through All India Radio network all
over India. You can participate in it by tuning in to your area Radio station. Experts from
various discipline areas are available for this counselling. Learners can put across their
questions to these experts by using the telephone. The telephone numbers are announced by
the respective Radio Stations. This counselling is available on all days. The topic for each
session of the interactive radio programme is available in the Gyanvani section of the
University website.
6.5 GyanDarshan
IGNOU in collaboration with Doordarshan now has an exclusive Educational TV Channel
called Gyan Darshan. It is available through cable TV network. The channel telecasts
educational programmes for 24 hours every day. Live telecast is from 3-5 p.m.and repeat
from 8-10 p.m. Apart from programmes of IGNOU, it will have educational programmes
produced by various national education institutions. You should try to get access to it through
your cable operator. The schedule of programmes and live sessions is available at the study

centres one month in advance. You can also get the schedule of programmes and live sessions
from the University website.
6.6 GyanVani
Gyan Vani is an educational FM Radio network providing programmes covering different
aspects and levels of education including Primary and Secondary Education, Adult
Education, Technical and Vocational Education, Higher Education and Extension Education.
There will be programmes on various aspects and courses of Bachelor of Arts. The schedule
of the programmes is uploaded on the University website.
6.7 Teleconference/EDUSAT
To reach our learners spread in different parts of the country, we take the help of
teleconferencing. These sessions are conducted from University Campus, Delhi. The learners
can attend these at their Regional Centre and specified LSCs of IGNOU. It is a one way video
and two way audio facility. The teleconferencing is available on Gyan Darshan-2 and Edusat.
The faculty members of the University, and other experts as resource persons participate in
these sessions. You can write your problems and questions to the programme coordinator/
course coordinator through emails; or may also contact over telephone. These will help in
resolving your queries related to courses and other general information pertaining to the
Bachelors of Arts (Psychology) Major programme.


The system of evaluation followed by the University is also different from that of
conventional universities. IGNOU has a multi tier system of evaluation.
● Self-assessment exercises within each unit of study.
● Continuous evaluation mainly through assignments which are tutor-marked, practical
evaluation, and tutorial evaluation, depending on the nature of the course opted for.
● The Term End Examinations.
● Project/Practical work depending upon the requirement of the course.

The evaluation consists of two parts: i) continuous evaluation through assignments, and ii)
term end examination. In the final result, all the assignments of a course carry 30% weightage
while 70% weightage is given for the Term End Examination (TEE). University follows a
grading system for continuous evaluation as well as term-end examination. It is done on a ten
point scale using the letter grades as given below: The University has decided to provide
numerical marking also in the grade card and award of division for the Bachelor of Arts.

Letter Grade Numerical Grade Percentage

O (Outstanding) 10 ≥ 85
A+ (Excellent) 9 ≥ 75 to ˂ 85
A (Very Good) 8 ≥ 65 to ˂ 75

B+ (Good) 7 ≥ 55 to ˂ 65
B (Above Average) 6 ≥ 50 to ˂ 55
C (Average) 5 ≥ 40 to ˂ 50
D (Pass) 4 ≥ 35 to ˂ 40
F (Fail) 0 ˂ 35
Ab (Absent) 0 Absent

You are required to score at least 35% marks (Grade D) in both continuous evaluation
(assignments) as well as the term-end examination of each course. You are also required to
obtain 35% in Practical or Tutorial component. In the overall computation also you must get
at least 35% marks (Grade D) in each course to claim the B.A. degree. The scores of
continuous evaluation and term-end examination are not complementary to each other for
qualifying a course.
Learner who does not qualify in the term-end examination is allowed to take up the Term End
Examination in the next semester. It means you can take the TEE of the first year courses
during the second year of your study. Similarly, second year courses can be carried over to
the third year.
7.1 Assignments/ Tutorial/ Practical
Assignments constitute the continuous evaluation. The marks that you secure in the
assignments and tutorial will be counted in your final result. As mentioned earlier, an
assignment of a course carries 30% weightage, for the courses that do not have Practical or
Tutorial, and 20% weightage for the courses that have Practical or tutorial. Practical and
tutorial will have 10% weightage. You are therefore advised to take your assignment
seriously. A simple omission on your part may put you in great inconvenience later.
For each course of this programme, you have to do two to three Tutor Marked Assignments
(TMA) depending upon the nature of the course. The TMA for each semester can be
downloaded from the Student Zone of the University website.
You have to complete the assignment within the due dates specified in the assignment
booklet. You will not be allowed to appear for the term-end examination for any course if you
do not submit the assignment in time for that course. If you appear in term-end examination,
without submitting the assignments, the result of the term-end examination is liable to be
Ensure that your assignment responses are complete in all respects. Before submission you
should ensure that you have answered all the questions in all assignments. Incomplete
assignment responses may affect your grades adversely.
The main purpose of TMA is to test your comprehension of the learning materials you
receive from us and also to help you get through the courses. The evaluators/academic
counsellors after correcting the assignments return them back to you with their comments and

marks. The comments will guide you in your study and help in improving it. It is therefore
important that you collect the evaluated TMA along with a copy of the assessment sheet
containing the comments of the evaluator on your performance.
Similarly, tutorial are reflective exercises that promote critical thinking. The responses for the
tutorial activities are open ended and to be written in one’s hand writing, like the TMA.
Tutorial component will also be evaluated by the academic counselor.
The content provided in the printed course materials should be sufficient for answering the
assignments. However, if you have access to other books, you may make use of them. The
assignments are designed in such a way as to help you concentrate mainly on the course
material and fairly use your personal experience.
You have to submit your assignment response sheets/ tutorial response sheets to the
Coordinator of the Learner Support Centre assigned to you. For your own record, retain
a copy of all the responses which you submit to the Coordinator. If you do not get back your
duly evaluated tutor marked assignments along with a copy of the assessment sheet
containing comments of the evaluator on your assignment within a month after submission,
please try to get it personally from your LSC. This may help you to improve upon future
Keep duplicate copies of assignment responses of TMAs submitted to LSC. They may be
required to be produced at Student Evaluation Division on demand. Also maintain an account
of the corrected assignment responses received by you after evaluation. This will help you to
represent your case to the University in case any problem arises.
You must complete the Pracical component in the face to face mode at the allotted LSC. The
counseling sessions for the Practical (2 Credits) are mandatory. The TEE of Practical will
also be conducted at the LSC (the details of the evaluation scheme is mentioned in the SLM).
If you do not get a pass grade in any assignment, or tutorial, you have to submit it again. Get
fresh assignments from the Student Zone tab of the University website. However, once you
get the pass grade in an assignment, otr tutorial, you cannot re-submit it for improvement of
grade. Assignments/ tutorial are not subject to re-evaluation except for factual errors, if any,
committed by the evaluator. The discrepancy noticed by you in the evaluated assignments
should be brought to the notice of the Coordinator of the LSC, so that the correct score is
forwarded by him/her to the Student Evaluation Division at Headquarters.
In case you find that the score indicated in the assignment sheet of your Tutor Marked
Assignment has not been correctly reflected or is not entered n your grade card, you are
advised to contact the Coordinator of your LSC with a request to forward the correct award
list to the Student Evaluation Division at the Headquarters.
Do not enclose or express doubts for clarification, if any, about study material or assignment
along with the assignment. Send your doubts in a separate cover to the Director, School of
Social Sciences, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068. Give your complete
enrolment number, name, address, title of the Course, Course Code, LSC name, and attach
the assignment questions on top of your letter. If you have any specific grievances, you use
the iGRAM (http://igram.ignou.ac.in) platform for a early response from the University.


1) Write your Enrolment Number, Name, Full Address, Signature and Date on the top right
hand corner of the first page of your response sheet.
2) Write the Programme Title, Course Code, Course Title, Assignment Code and Name of
your LSC on the left hand corner of the first page of your response sheet. Course Code and
Assignment Code may be reproduced from the assignment. The top of the first page of
your response sheet should look like this:

ENROLMENT NO. : .................... NAME : ......................................

COURSE CODE : ....................
COURSE TITLE :.....................
ASSIGNMENT CODE : .................... SIGNATURE:
.................... .....................................

3) Read the assignments carefully and follow the specific instructions, if any, given on the
assignment itself about the subject matter or its presentation.
4) Go through the Units on which the assignments are based. Make some points regarding the
question and then rearrange those points in a logical order and draw up a rough outline of
your answer. While answering an essay type question, give adequate attention to introduction
and conclusion. The introduction must provide a brief interpretation of the question and how
you propose to develop it. The conclusion must summarise your response to the question.
Make sure that the answer is logical and coherent, and has clear connections between
sentences and paragraphs. The answer should be relevant to the question given in the
assignment. Make sure that you have attempted all the main points of the question. Once you
are satisfied with your answer, write down the final version neatly and underline the points
you wish to emphasise. While solving numerical problems, use proper format and give
working notes wherever necessary.
5) Use only foolscap size paper for your response and tie all the pages carefully. Avoid using
very thin paper. Allow a 4 cm margin on the left and at least 4 lines in between each answer.
This may facilitate the evaluator to write useful comments in the margin at appropriate
6) Write the responses in your own hand. Do not print or type the answers. Do not copy your
answers from the Units/Blocks sent to you by the University. It is advised to write your
answers in your own words as it will help in grasping the study material.

7) Do not copy from the response sheets of other students. If copying is noticed, the
assignment will be rejected.
8) Write each assignment separately. All the assignments should not be written in continuity.
9) Write the question number with each answer.
10) The completed assignment should be submitted to the Coordinator of the Study Centre
allotted to you. TMAs submitted at any other place will not be evaluated.
11) After submitting the TMA, get the acknowledgement from theCoordinator on the
prescribed assignment remittance-cum-acknowledgement card.
12) In case you have requested for a change of Study Centre, you should submit your TMA
only to the original Study Centre until the change of Study Centre is notified by the
13) If you find that there is any factual error in evaluation of your assignments e.g. any
portion of your assignment response has not been evaluated or the total of score recorded on
your assignment response is incorrect, you should approach the Coordinator of your study
centre for correction and transmission of correct score to headquarters.
14) There is NO re-evaluation for TMA/ Tutorial/ Prctical and 35 are the minimum pass
marks is each of the component.
7.2 Term End Examination
As stated earlier, the term-end examination is the major component of the evaluation system
and it carries 70% weightage in the final result. You must fill the Term End Examination
(TEE) form online before the last dates i.e. 31st March for June exam and 30th September for
December exam. Plase visit IGNOU website for latest updated information.
The University conducts TEE twice a year i.e., in June and December. You can, however,
take the examination only after completing one year of study. This means that the Term End
Examination for your first and second semesters will be conducted together at the end
of First year. Similarly, for third and fourth semesters and for the fifth and sixth semesters,
the TEE will be conducted together at the end of the Second and Third year of the
programme. If you miss taking any examination at the end of the year, you may take those
courses in next TEE conducted in June or December.
A learner is permitted to appear in the TEE, subject to the following conditions: -
● Registration for the courses is valid and not time barred.
● Required number of assignments in the course has been submitted by the due date.
● Minimum time to pursue these courses as per the provision of the programme has
been completed.
● Examination fee is paid for all the courses in which the learner is writing the

In the case of non-compliance of any of the above conditions, the result of all such courses is
liable to be withheld by the University. In case you fail to get a pass score (35% marks) in the

Term End Examination, you will have to reappear at the next Term End Examination for that
course within the total span of the programme i.e. six years.
Submission of Online Examination Form
The learners are required to fill in the Examination form to appear in the TEE each time i.e.
for every exam (December/June) a learner has to apply a fresh. Fill-in the exam form online
for all the courses that a learner plans to take in a TEE. The learner also to submit separate
exam form for Practical component. The course codes for theory and Practical will reflect
in the exam form. To avoid discrepancies in filling up examination forms and avoid hardship
in appearing in the TEE, you are advised to:
1) Remain in touch with the Regional Centre/ Student Evaluation Division, IGNOU, for
change in schedule of submission of examination form.
2) Fill-up all the particulars carefully and properly in the examination form to avoid rejection/
delay in processing of the form
3) Retain proof of submission of examination form till you download your Hall Ticket.
Examination Fee and Mode of Payment
The schedule for submission of TEE Form is available at the IGNOU website during each
session. The prescribed fee (which is Rs. 200/- at present) is payable per course. The mode of
payment of examination fee is only through Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking.
Examination fee once paid is neither refundable nor adjustable even if the learner fails to
appear in the examination.
Hall Ticket for Term End Examination
No hall ticket shall be dispatched to the examinees. Hall Tickets of all examinees are
uploaded on the University website 7 to 10 days before the commencement of the Term End
Learners are advised to take the printout of the Hall Ticket from the University website
after entering the enrolment number and name of the programme of study, and report at the
examination centre along with the Identity Card issued by the University at tested by the
Director of the Regional Centre. Without a valid IGNOU Student ID Card issued by the
Regional Centre/ University, examinees will NOT be permitted to appear in the examination.
Every learner must bring his/her identity card for appearing in the TEE along with the Hall
Ticket. Learner will be allowed to appear in the TEE for those courses only for which
registration is valid and the prescribed minimum duration of study is completed. In case, any
learner has misplaced the Identity Card issued by the University, it is mandatory to apply for
a duplicate Identity Card to the Regional Centre concerned well before commencement of the
examinations. The learner without valid ID Card will not be allowed to enter the
Examination Centre premises.

Examination Date Sheet

Examination date sheet (i.e., schedule which indicates the date and time of examination for
each course) is uploaded on the University website at least fifteen days from the
commencement of the TEE. You are advised to see whether there is any clash in the
examination dates of the courses of the same year, you wish to take, i.e., Examination of any
two courses of the same year, you wish to take are scheduled on the same day at the same
time. There might be a clash in the dates of the courses from different years. In this case, you
are advised to take the TEE for one course and the other course in the next TEE.
Declaration of Result
It is your duty to check whether you are registered for a course and whether you are eligible
to appear for that examination. If you neglect this and take the examination without being
eligible for it, your result will be cancelled.
All efforts are made to declare the results well before the deadline for submission of
Examination Form for the next TEE. In case, result for a course is not declared you should
fill the Examination Form for that course without Examination Fee. In case, you appear in the
TEE of that course, you have to send a demand draft (drawn in favour of IGNOU, New
Delhi) of requisite amount to the Registrar, Student Evaluation Division (SED) Division,
New Delhi failing which your result of that course will not be declared.
Early Declaration of Result
In order to facilitate learners who have secured admission for higher studies or got selected
for employment, etc. and are required to produce statement of marks/grade cards by a
specified date, the University provides for early declaration of result. The learner can apply
for early processing of his/her answer scripts and declaration of result. Such a student is
required to apply in prescribed form (available on the University website) along with i) fee of
₹ 1000/- per course through demand draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at New
Delhi, and ii) attested photocopy of the admission/employment offer. You must submit the
request for early declaration of result before the commencement of TEE, that is, before June
1st or December 1st for June and December TEE respectively. The University in such cases
will make arrangement for early processing of answer scripts and declare the result as a
special case possibly within a month’s time from the conduct of examination.
Re-Evaluation of Examination Scripts
Students who are not satisfied with the marks/grade awarded to them in the TEE may apply
in prescribed form for re-evaluation within one month from the date of declaration of results,
i.e. the date on which results are made available on the University website on payment of
prescribed fee (which is Rs. 750/- at present) per course is payable online. The better of the
two scores of original marks/grade and marks/grade after re-evaluation will be considered
and updated in the student’s record.
Re-evaluation is permissible in TEE (theory course) only and NOT in practical, project
report/dissertation, assignment, and tutorial. A sample application form with rules and
regulations for this purpose is available at the University’s website.

Improvement in Division/Class
Learners of the Bachelor Degree Programme who have completed the programme and wish
to improve their Division / Class may do so by appearing in TEE. Only those students of the
programme who fall short of less than 2% marks to secure 2nd and 1st division are eligible
for reexamination.
Students may apply in the prescribed form from 1st to 30th April for June TEE and from 1st
to 31st October for December TEE along with prescribed fee (which is ₹ 750/- at present) per
course by means of a demand draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at New Delhi.
Improvement is permissible in TEE only and not in Practicals /Lab courses, Project,
Workshop, Assignment, Seminar, tutorials, etc.
Learners wishing to improve their marks will have to apply within six-months from the date
of issue of final statement of marks/grade card to them, subject to the condition that their
registration for the programme/course being applied for improvement, is valid till the next
TEE in which they wish to appear for improvement. Rules and regulations in detail for this
purpose are available at the University’s website.
Obtaining Photocopy of Answer Scripts
After the declaration of result, if the learner is not satisfied with the marks awarded, they may
request for a Photocopy of Answer Scripts. The request for obtaining Photocopy of Answer
Scripts by the learner must be made within 45 days from the date of declaration of result to
the Student Evaluation Division, IGNOU, New Delhi in the prescribed format along with
prescribed fee to be paid online

While communicating with the University regarding examinations, please write your
enrolment number and complete address clearly. In the absence of such details, the Student
Evaluation Division will not be able to attend to your problems.


IGNOU Web Site

www.ignou.ac.in offers relevant information to the general public and student support
facilities to the learners through the Single Window Informaton and Student Support
(SWISS). These include:
 Online registration for fresh admission of various programmes
 Online Re-Registration
 Online submission of Term-End Examination Form
 Results of the Term End Examinations
 Checking status of study materiel

 Downloads Assignments/Question papers/Forms

 Catalogue of audio/video programmes
 Schedule of Gyan Darshan/Gyan Vani/ programmes
 Admission announcements
 Addresses of regional and study centres
 Update on the latest happenings at the University
 Checking of student’s mailing address
 Entrance test results
 TEE date-sheet
 Examination Hall Ticket
 Course Completion Status
 Accessing e-GyanKosh: using this web site you can download your course material and
view video related to your courses.
Scholarships and Reimbursement of Fees
Reserved categories viz., scheduled caste/scheduled tribe and learners with physical
disability, have to pay the fees at the time of admission to the University along with other
Learners with physical disability admitted to IGNOU are eligible for Government of India
scholarships. They are advised to collect the scholarship forms from the Directorate of Social
Welfare or Office of the Social Welfare Officer of the concerned State Government and
submit the filled-in forms to them through the concerned Regional Director of IGNOU to
Similarly, for reimbursement of programme fees SC/ST students have to submit their forms
to the Directorate of the Social Welfare or Office of the Social Welfare Officer of the
respective State Government through the concerned Regional Director of IGNOU.
Change of Medium
Change of medium is permitted within 30 days from the receipt of first set of course material
in the first semester/year ONLY, on payment of prescribed fee (which is at present ₹ 350/-
plus ₹ 350/- per 4 credit course and ₹ 700/- per 6 credit course for BAFPC programme).
Payment should be made by way of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of “IGNOU” payable at
the place of concerned Regional Centre. All such requests for change of Medium should be
addressed to the concerned Regional Centre only, as per schedule.
Change or Correction of Address
There is a printed form for the change/correction of address/name. A copy of the same is
available online on the university websites under Student Zone. In case there is any
correction or change in your address, you are directed to make use of that form addressed to
the Registrar, Student Registration Division (through concerned Regional Director). You are

advised not to write letters to any other officer in the University in this regard. Normally, it
takes four to six weeks to effect the change. Therefore, you are advised to make your own
arrangements to redirect the mail to the changed address during this period.
Change of Learner Support Centre
BAFPC programme is not activated at all LSCs of IGNOU. A learner is required to opt for
only such LSC which is activated for the programme. As far as possible the university will
allot the study centre opted for by the student. However, the university may change the LSC
at its convenience without concurrence of the student at any time.
For the purpose of change of LSC, you have to send a request to the Director of your
Regional Centre. A copy of the same may be sent to the Student Evaluation Division at the
Counselling facilities for a programme may not be available at all the Centres. Therefore, you
are advised to make sure that counselling facilities are available for the programme you have
chosen, at the new Centre opted for. As far as possible the request for change of LSC is
considered favourably. However, the allotment of a new LSC is subject to availability of
the programme at the new Centre asked for. For BAFPC, change in LSC must be
refrained, until it is utmost required. Also, BAFPC is delivered through selected LSCs across
Change of Regional Centre
If you want to transfer from one region to another, you have to send your application seeking
transfer to the Regional Centre from where you are seeking a transfer marking copy to the
Regional Centre where you would like to be transferred to. Further, you have to obtain a
certificate from the Coordinator of the LSC from where you are seeking transfer regarding
the number of assignments submitted. The Regional Director from where the learner is
seeking the transfer will transfer all records including details of fee payment to the new
Regional Centre under intimation to the Registrar, Student Registration Division (SRD) and
the learner as well. For change of Region in practical oriented courses like Psychology, ‘No
Objection Certificate’ has to be obtained from the concerned Regional Centre/Study Centre
where you wish to transfer. In case any learner is keen for transfer from Army/Navy/ Air
Force Regional Centre to any other Regional Centre of the University during the
cycle/session, he/she would have to pay the fee-share money to the Regional Centre. In case
the learner seeks transfer at the beginning of the session/cycle, the required programme
course fee for the session/cycle shall be deposited at the Regional Centre. However, the
transfer shall be subject to availability of seats wherever applicable.
Issue of Duplicate Grade Card/Mark sheet
A duplicate Grade Card is issued after a request is made on the prescribed form along with a
draft of prescribed fee (which is ₹ 200/- at present) to be paid in favour of IGNOU, New
Delhi. The form for the purpose is available on the IGNOU website.
Issue of Duplicate Degree Certificate
A duplicate degree certificate can be issued after a request is made on the prescribed form
along with a demand draft of prescribed fee (which is 750/- at present) in favour of IGNOU,
New Delhi. The following documents are required to be attached with the requests for issue
of duplicate degree certificate:

1) Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of prescribed amount (which is ₹ 10/- at

2) Copy of FIR lodged with the police station regarding loss of Degree Certificate.
3) Demand Draft/IPO for requisite fee.
The form and the format for the purpose are given on the University website.
If you are not able to complete the programme in a maximum of 6/8 years, the University has
made a special provision for re-admission. You have to take the following two steps for
a) Take admission afresh in the Programme like other students by fulfilling the admission
criteria and paying requisite fee for the Programme.
b) Apply to the University for the transfer of credits you have earned under the old enrolment
with applicable fee.
Full credit transfer may be allowed if the syllabus and methodology now in vogue are similar
to that governing the student under the old enrolment.
Simultaneous Registration
Guidelines for Pursuing Two Academic Programmes Simultaneously
According to UGC Guidelines (2022), “A student can pursue two full time academic
programmes in physical mode provided that in such cases, class timings for one programme
do not overlap with the class timings of the other programme. 2. A student can pursue two
academic programmes, one in full time physical mode and another in Open and Distance
Learning (ODL)/Online mode; or up to two ODL/Online programmes simultaneously. 3.
Degree or diploma programmes under ODL/Online mode shall be pursued with only such
HEIs which are recognized by UGC/Statutory Council/Govt. of India for running such
programmes. 4. Degree or diploma programmes under these guidelines shall be governed by
the Regulations notified by the UGC and also the respective statutory/professional councils,
wherever applicable.”
Violation of the above guidelines will result in cancellation of admission to all the
programmes and forfeiture of the programme fees.
Migration Certificate
For Migration Certificate, requisition may be sent to the Regional Director along with the
following documents:

1) Application (can be obtained from the IGNOU website)


2) Attested copy of the mark sheet.

3) Prescribed Fee (which ios ₹ 500/- at present) in the form of demand draft drawn in
favour of IGNOU payable at the city where the Regional Centre is located.
Refund of Fees
The refund request will be considered as under:
a) Before the last date for submission of admission form Programme fee will be
refunded after deduction of prescribed amount.
b) Within 15 days from the last date for submission of admission form-Programme fee
will be refunded after deduction of prescribed amount.
c) Within 30 days from the last date for submission of admission form-Programme fee
will be refunded after deduction of prescribed amount.
d) After 30 days from the closure of the last date- No refund will be allowed.

The last dates for submission of admission form will be considered separately i.e., last date
without late fee and last date with late fee. However, late fee, if any, will not be refunded.
In cases of (a) to (c) above, the candidate will make a written request to the Regional Director
(RD) concerned for such a refund. The Regional Centre (RC) will process the cases as soon
as possible after ascertaining the credit of the same in IGNOU Accounts.
Disputes on Admission and other University Matters
The place of jurisdiction for filing of a Suit, if necessary, will be only at New Delhi/Delhi.


During the course of your study, you might require some additional information about rules
and regulations as well as how to resolve some of the issues in completing your studies at
IGNOU. You must know whom to contact for specific information. Here is a list of addresses
and contact numbers and emails of offices in the University to contact for specific
information or problem.

Identity Card, Fee receipt, Concerned Regional Centre

Bonafide Certificate, Migration,
Scholarship forms
Non-receipt of study material Material Production and Distribution Division
Asst. Registrar ( Exam-II), SED, Block-12,
Schedule/information regarding IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
Exam form, Entrance test, E-mail: evaluationsed@ignou.ac.in
Date-sheet, IGNOU Hall ticket Ph. 29536743, 29535924-32 / Extn-2202, 2209
Dy. Registrar ( Exam.III), SED, Block-12, IGNOU,
Result, Re-evaluation, Grade Maidan Garhi, NewDelhi-110068
Card, Provisional Certificate, E-mail sedgrievance@ignou.ac.in

Early declaration of Result, Ph. 29536103, 29535924-32/Extn. 2201, 2211,

Transcript 1316
Asst. Registrar (Assignment), SED, Block-3,
Non- reflection of Assignment Room No-12, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New
Grades/Marks Delhi-110068
E-mail : assignments@ignou.ac.in
Ph. 29535924, Extn-1312, 1319, 1325
Dy. Registrar ( Exam.I), SED, Block-9, IGNOU,
Original Degree/ Diploma/ Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
Verification of Degree/Diploma E-mail evaluationsed@ignou.ac.in
Ph.29535438, 29535924-32/Extn-2224, 2213
Asst. Registrar (Student Grievance), SED, Block-3,
Student Grievances related to IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
evaluation E-mail sedgrievance@ignou.ac.in
Ph. 29532294, 29535924-32/Extn-1313
Director of the School concerned or
Academic Content bapchsoss@ignou.ac.in
Regional Director, Student Service Centre,
Student Support Services and IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
Student Grievances, E-mail ssc@ignou.ac.in
Pre-admission inquiry of various Ph. 29535714,29533869, 2953380
courses in IGNOU Fax-29533129

Most of the operations of the University are online. Wherever you are required to submit a
hard copy, the University has made available different application forms on its website.
Download the forms from the Student Zone of the University website. You should also visit
the website of your Regional Centre for information related to induction meeting,
counselling sessions, Assignment/Tutorial/Dissertation submission and other related



CORE COURSES: First and Second Semesters


BPCC 101 Introduction to Psychology (4+2 Credits)
The course is offered in the first semester of BA (Psychology) Major programme. This course
attempts to explain the nature, subfields and scope of psychology. It also explains the human
behavior and the underlying cognitive, biological and affective processes that makes each
individual behave differently. Different facets of human behaviour like perception, thinking,
language, learning, memory, motivation and emotion have been discussed.
Course Structure
THEORY Credits -4
Block 1 Introduction to Psychology
Unit 1: Origin of Psychology
Unit 2 : Nature and Scope
Block 2 Perception
Unit 3: Perception: Meaning, Laws, Perceptual Constancies, Factors affecting Perception
Unit 4: Perception: Types and Errors of Perception
Block 3 Thinking and Language
Unit 5 Thinking
Unit 6: Language
Block 4 Learning and Memory
Unit 7 Learning
Unit 8 Memory
Block 5 Motivation and Emotion
Unit 9 Motivation
Unit 10 Emotion
Block 6 Practical Guidelines
Practical Credits- 2
Based on the theory, you will be conducting practicals such as Muller-Lyer Illusion, Transfer
of Learning, and Paired Associate learning experiments. Practical sessions will be organized
at your allotted LSC in the face to face mode. It is mandatory to attend all the Practical
sessions. There is NO assignment for the Practical component. It will have a seaparate TEE,
conducted at your LSC.


BPCC- 107 Introduction to Social Psychology (4+2 Credits)

The course is offered in the second semester of BAFPC programme. This course provides a
deep understanding of social influences, interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, and the
processes that underlie social interactions.

Course Structure
THEORY Credits-4

Block 1 Introduction to Social Psychology

Unit 1 Introduction to Social Psychology
Unit 2 Theories of Social Psychology
Block 2 Self in Social Context
Unit 3 Self and its processes
Unit 4 Self in Social Context
Block 3 Social Cognition
Unit 5 Social Cognition: Understanding Social Behaviour- I
Unit 6Social Cognition: Understanding Social Behaviour- II
Unit 7Attitude And Attitude Change
Block 4 Social Influence
Unit 8 Social Influence
Unit 9 Aggression and Social Influence
Unit 10 Interpersonal Attraction and Pro-Social Behaviour
Block 5 Group Dynamics
Unit 11Group Processes
Unit 12 Leader and Leadership

TUTORIAL Credits- 2

Based on the theory component, activities would be given (along with TMA) to enhance
reflective and critical thinking.

Interdisciplinary Courses

It may be noted that the list of Interdisciplinary Courses (IDC) is

dynamic and new courses are added from time to time. The list given
above is indicative and you will get the latest updated list of courses from
the Common Prospectus or when you register/re-register for each year.

Media and Communication Skills (BEGG 171) 6 Credits

Through this course we propose to introduce you to the various channels of mass
media such as the newspaper, magazine, radio, television and, last but not the least,
the internet. The internet today, with things like blogs, message boards, podcasts,
video sharing, etc., has given the ordinary man and woman more power than s/he
ever enjoyed in the past and, which until recent times, was availed only by the mass
media producers. New technologies have transformed the world of media. They have
shattered the social boundaries of the world. People now live in close proximity
because of the new inventions in technology. The idea of communication may be
very simple but it leads to immensely interesting and sophisticated ramifications.
Through this course we take up the functions and elements of communication and
give you various strategies and rules about how to write for different mediums of
mass communications.
Disaster Management (BPAG 171) 6
Human vulnerability to disasters is an age-old phenomenon. Disasters play havoc
with the lives of people. They cause excessive losses to the humanity and
infrastructure. Disaster management as an area of study is of recent origin. Disaster
management education seeks to provide understanding of different techniques and
impediments in the way of disaster mitigation. IGNOU was the first University in
India to launch a Certificate Programme in Disaster Management through ODL in
The Course aims to familiarise the learners with the: meaning and classification of
disasters; institutional framework of disaster management in India; importance of
preparedness, prevention and mitigation; major steps in disaster response;
dimensions of damage assessment; relevance of rehabilitation, reconstruction and
recovery; climate change; relationship between disasters and development; relevance
of indigenous knowledge, and disaster management strategies.
This introductory and multi-disciplinary course has no prerequisites and students
from science/social science/ commerce background can take it up.
General Psychology (BPCG 171) 6
The course aims to introduce the learner to the basic processes, various applications
and fields of psychology. It will also explain the theories and methods in psychology.
Applied Ethics (BPYG 171) 6
Applied Ethics is the science of morals or that branch of philosophy which is
concerned with the practical application of certain principles of morality. It concerns
the moral conduct of individuals in the real world scenario. It deals with ethics in the
workplace; in and of the environment; of the self as concerning the ethical

considerations of suicide and euthanasia; of law and other aspects of public life.
Thus, within the scope of the practical aspect of ethics is environmental ethics,
business ethics, medical ethics, cyber ethics, professional ethics and so on.
Understanding Ambedkar (BABG-171) 6
This course introduces you to the social, economic and political ideas of Ambedkar.
It deals with Ambedkar's philosophical contribution towards sociological
interpretations of gender, caste and cultural issues; Indian economy and class
question; ideas of politics such as nation, state, democracy and law and
constitutionalism. This is expected that learners will strengthen their creative
thinking with a collective approach to understand ongoing social, political cultural
and economic phenomena of the society.
Indian Society: Images and Reality (BSOG 171) 6
This course seeks to provide an interdisciplinary introduction to Indian society. It
tries to understand the perceptions and the existing realities around major institutions
of Indian society such as nation, village, caste, class, tribe etc;.


It may be noted that the list of Ability Enhancement Courses is dynamic and
University regularly adds new courses. The list given above is indicative only
and you will get the latest updated list of courses when you register/re-register
for each year.
Environment Studies (BEVAE 181) 4 Credits
Earth is the only known planet in the solar system that supports life. Despite the
vastness of the earth, life exists only in a very thin layer enveloping the earth called
biosphere. Sun is the only source of energy which enables continuous interaction
among various life forms. For a long period of time, there has been a symbiotic
relationship between human being and nature. Due to excessive human
interference and unsustainable practices, millions of people’s life and livelihoods
and other living organisms on the earth are at risk. These environmental issues
have now become common problems and shared responsibility of each individual
on the earth to act judiciously to reverse these negative impacts. Therefore, there
has been a growing need to create awareness amongst all the stakeholders. Keeping
this in view, Environmental Study is being introduced as a compulsory course for
all the learners at under-Graduate level.



It may be noted that the list of Skill Enhancement Courses is dynamic and
University regularly adds new courses. The list given above is indicative only
and you will get the latest updated list of courses when you register/re-register
for each year.ROPOLOGY
Tourism Anthropology (BANS 183) 4
In the industrial sector today, tourism is the fastest growing. Human beings with their
innate curiosity and the urge to know what lies beyond their immediate horizons
have ventured to far off places since time immemorial. Tourism is intrinsic to human
desire to travel and explore thus, every human being at one point of time or the other
has explored as a tourist, be it going on a short vacation, pilgrimage etc. Tourism
affects not only the lives of the people who visit places as a tourist but also has a
huge impact on the spaces visited that is the host communities their social and
economic lives, the natural environment, artistic productions and so on. Thus,
anthropology is intricately associated with tourism.

In this course we will try to understand the anthropology of tourism and tourists. It’s
development through an anthropological lens to understand the commodification of
culture owing to tourism. The course will also take into account the tangible and
intangible hertiages and the new emerging avenues in the field of tourism
Writing and Study Skills (BEGS 183) 4
In order to be successful in the sphere of education and the work place, it is
important to develop good study habits and improve our writing skills. In this course
Writing and Study Skills (4 credits) we begin with the basics of good writing which
includes developing our critical, analytical and interpretive skills. Along with that we
need to improve our vocabulary and refine our punctuation skills. We also need
grammar to write not only with fluency but with accuracy. The course also includes
note taking skills and development of the skill of summary writing.
Anuvaad Sidhaant Evam Pravidhi vuqokn fl)kar vkSj izfof/k (BHDS 183)
4 Credits
;g ikB~;Øe 4 ØsfMV dk gSA bl ikB~;Øe esa fuEufyf[kr fcanqvksa dks “kkfey fd;k
x;k gS %

vuqokn dk vFkZ] Lo:Ik ,oa izÑfr( vuqokn dk;Z dh vko”;drk ,oa egRo( cgqHkk’kh
lekt esa ifjorZu rFkk ckSf)d&lkaLÑfrd vknku&iznku esa vuqokn dk;Z dh
HkwfedkA vuqokn ds izdkj % “kkfCnd vuqokn] Hkkokuqokn] Nk;kuqokn ,oa

lkjkuqokn( vuqokn izfØ;k ds rhu pj.k&fo”ys’k.k] varj.k ,oa iquxZBu( vuqokn dh

Hkwfedk ds rhu i{k&ikBd dh Hkwfedk ¼vFkZxzg.k dh½ f}Hkkf’kd dh Hkwfedk
¼vFkk±rj.k dh izfØ;k½ ,oa jpf;rk dh Hkwfedk ¼vFkZ laizs’k.k dh izfØ;k½A
ltZukRed lkfgR; ds vuqokn dh vis{kk,a( ltZukRed lkfgR; ds vuqokn vkSj rduhdh
vuqokn esa varj( x|kuqokn ,oa dkO;kuqokn esa lajpukRed Hksn( fdUghsa nks
vuwfnr Ñfr;ksa dk leh{kkRed v/;;u % d½ ^xhrkatfy^ dk fganh vuqokn&gal dqekj
frokjh [k½ vkpk;Z jkepanz “kqDy }kjk fganh esa fd;k x;k Hkkokuqokn ^fo”oiziap
dh Hkwfedk^A dk;kZy;h vuqokn % jktHkk’kkuhfr dh vuqikyuk esa /kkjk 3¼3½ ds
varxZr fu/kkZfjr nLrkost dk vuqoknA “kkldh; i=@v/kZ”kkldh; i=@ifji=
¼ldqZyj½@Kkiu ¼iztsaVs”ku½@dk;kZy; vkns”k@vf/klwpuk@ladYi&izLrko
¼jsT;ksyw”ku½@fufonk&lafonk@ foKkiuA ikfjHkkf’kd “kCnkoyh ds fuekZ.k ds
fl)kar] dk;kZy;] iz”kklufof/k] ekufodh] cSad ,oa jsyos esa iz;qDr gksus okys izeq[k
ikfjHkkf’kd “kCnkoyh rFkk izeq[k okD;ka”k ds vaxzsth rFkk fganh :iA

Traditions and Perception of Craft in Bharat (BHIS 183) 4

This course is an attempt to introduce the younger Bharatiya (Indian) generation to
the timeless creativity of the human hand and mind in Bharat (India). Knowledge
and practices associated with craft have been an integral part of the Bharatiya
(Indian) Knowledge System since the Saraswati-Sindhu Civilization. From the
Pasupati seal- (circa 2350–2000 BCE) and Dancing girl (circa 2300–1750 BC) of
Saraswati-Sindhu civilization to the 21st century bamboo craft of the North-Eastern
Bhartiya (Indian) states, Bharat (India) has seen the finest hands synchronising with
the most innovative minds. Not only did the country support a huge diversity in
materials, processes, makers, and contexts in the development of crafts, but also
created a strong patronage system to build a sustainable ecosystem for the craft
communities. Today, Bhartiya (Indian) craft is not only a vestige of the past, but a
contemporary practice of production and consumption that is sustainable, green,
respects the human hand, contributes to the wellbeing of the mind, and strengthens
the economy. The course, thus, establishes craft also as a contemporary discourse, a
living tradition which is relevant to the modern economy as well as a sustainable
lifestyle. There are fourteen Units, which cover all the aspects concerning crafts in
Bharat (India) from the historical development of crafts, to the challenges different
crafts (handicrafts) face in modern times, the prospect of its growth, its significance
in society and human life and the cases of marvelous achievements and greatness of
craft traditions.

Emotional Intelligence (BPCS 183) 4

This course will help the learner to know the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI)
and introduce the various components of emotional competencies. Various models of
EI and their assessment will be described. Further, the course will cover the
applications of EI in various settings and strategies to improve EI.
Developing Emotional Competence (BPCS 185) 4
The course will introduce the concept of emotion and highlight the relationship
between emotional intelligence and emotional competence. Further, it will help the
learners know and acquire different strategies to develop emotional competencies.
Life Skills (BSSS 183) 4
The course on Life Skills has been developed to equip the learners with information
pertaining to diverse fields of life. Mostly individuals find that such information is
either scattered or confusing due to multiple reasons. Present course makes most of
the relevant information available in a consolidated form. This course intends to
create awareness about miscellaneous legal issues which a citizen must be aware of.
Issues associated with public health have been discussed along with information
related to First Aid. This course addresses a very important dimension of present-day
life; digital literacy. Financial literacy is a must skill for the new age learners,
therefore couple of units have been devoted to teach the skill of banking.
Governments have been regularly extending various kinds of civil, legal,
administrative, etc. services for the benefits of the citizens. In the spirit of federal
structure of our governance, some of these services and administrative functions
have been decentralised. The last section of the course talks about career skills,
where apart from discussing several career opportunities available to the youth, unit
elaborates the ever- increasing avenues of self-employment.
An Introduction to Machine Translation (BTTS 183) 4
In this skill enhancement course, we are going to learn about ancient and modern
translation theories, multilingualism, translation of technical terms and institutions
working in the area of translation. Then issues and challenges occurring in
translation shall be discussed in detail including linguistic and cultural differences,
ambiguity, fidelity, untranslatability et. al. We shall also discuss the historic
development of translation industry in India and the world and skills required to hunt
jobs in the translation, interpretation and localization market. All this information
shall lead to a strong fundamental understanding of the learners about translation
theory, multilingualism, challenges in translation and translation industry scenario.
This will equip students in handling the progression of the course which entails
various approaches and methods to Machine Translation (MT). Learners shall be
studying the challenges occurring in the output of machine translation. They are also

going to learn how to build the corpus, database, terminology and wordnet
mechanisms required to build a robust machine translation system. Moreover,
learners will be exposed to the various tool building techniques and methods
essential to develop a machine translation system. Lastly the course discusses
evaluation methodologies, usage and the state-of-the-art in machine translation
Bioinformatics (BBCS 485) 4
Bioinformatics is one of the emerging fields of allied sciences. Researchers from
disciplines like Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Computer Science , and Statistics
contributed to the development of this subject. It involves the development of
algorithms, databases, and computational tools to understand biological processes,
predict protein structures, analyze genomic sequences, and much more.
Bioinformatics subject has vast applications in the field of Medicine, Pharmacy with
special emphasis on drug design and development. Bioinformatics is an
interdisciplinary field that combines biology, computer science, mathematics, and
statistics to analyze and interpret biological data, particularly data from
molecular biology.

VOCATIONAL COURSES – Semester 1 and 2

It may be noted that the list of Vocational Courses (VOC) is dynamic and
University regularly adds new courses. The list given above is indicative only
and you will get the latest updated list of courses when you register/re-register
for each year.OPOLOGY
Data Analysis (BECS 184) 4
Many students who have mathematical, statistical and/or Economics background are
pursuing Honours Program. They need to equip themselves with skills on applying
statistical and mathematical knowledge in analysing real life situations. Such
application oriented skill will enable them to find jobs in various social and cultural
organisations, NGOs, etc. at lower and middle level. The course on Data Analysis
aims at catering to this need.
Logistics Management (BPAS 184) 4
Logistics Management is the part of supply chain management that involves
planning, implementing, controlling the movement, storage of goods and services
and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption to
meet the needs of the customers.

This Course on ‘Logistics management’ attempts to introduce the learners to the

concept, principles of logistics, logistics management cycle. The important
components of logistics management that includes procurement of material and
inventory control, handling, packaging, transportation, warehousing, storage,
information monitoring are analysed. The emerging trends in the area of logistics
management that encompasses customer satisfaction, green logistics, issues
pertaining to outsourcing logistics management and its challenges are examined in
the course.
Radio Lekhan jsfM;ks ys[ku (BHDS 184) 4
;g ikB~;Øe 4 ØsfMV dk gSA bl ikB~;Øe esa fuEufyf[kr fcanqvksa dks “kkfey fd;k
x;k gS %

Ekk/;e ds :i esa jsfM;ks % jsfM;ks % ,d ifjp;] ,sfrgkfld ifjizs{;] ladsr vkSj dksM] n`';
ladsrksa dk JO; ladsrksa esa ifjorZu ¼jsfM;ks :ikarj.k½A tulkekU; rd igq¡pkuk %
jsfM;ks vkSj tulapkj] jsfM;ks lekpkj ys[ku] tulsok mn~?kks’k.kk,a] izpkj vkSj
jsfM;ks foKkiu] MkWD;wesaVªh] :id] if=dk vkSjO;fDr fp=] okrkZ] lk{kkRdkj vkSj
ifjppkZA jsfM;ks ys[ku esa dYiuk dk egRo % jsfM;ks ukVd] jsfM;ks ds fy,
miU;klksa vkSj dgkfu;ksa dk :ikarj.k] euksjatu laca/kh dk;ZØe] vk¡[kksa ns[kk gky
¼desaVªh½A jsfM;ks vkSj f”k{kk % f”k{kk ds {ks= esa jsfM;ks dh Hkwfedk]
cPpksa ds fy, jsfM;ks] Ldwy ds fy, izlkj.k] vukSipkfjd f”k{kk esa jsfM;ks dh
Hkwfedk] eqDr f”k{kk iz.kkyh esa jsfM;ks dh HkwfedkA

Value Added Course

It may be noted that the list of Value Added Courses is dynamic and University
regularly adds new courses. The list given above is indicative only and you will
get the latest updated list of courses when you register/re-register for each
Value Education (BEDSV 101) 6
This is the introductory course on Value Education. The socio-cultural milieu of the
present day modern society is afflicted by multiple social malaises like corruption,
hatred, terrorism, violence etc. and it is direly in need of a value-based education.
Such value oriented education can help to combat the negative influences in the
society. In such a scenario, the role of education is very important because it can help

in reconstructing the society through a holistic development of individuals-cognitive,

physical, affective and moral.

Values are the principles to guide our thought and behavior. They determine not only
what we do, but also who we are. The identity of persons or cultures is largely
defined by the set of values they accept. This is especially true for cultures because
every culture must have a set of behaviors it regards as permissible and another that
it regards as taboo. The presence of diverse perspectives and traditions thus promote
solidarity and mutual understanding, which help prevent societies from becoming
intolerant. Multiculturalism gives the privilege to the society for respecting,
understanding and tolerating each one’s culture. Multicultural diversity means a
commitment to inclusion and support of individuals from all groups and

NOTE: The mentioned IDCs, AECCs, SECs, VOCs, and VACs are indicative.
The courses in each category are added from time to time. The learner must
check the latest list of courses being offered in that admission cycle from the
Common Prospectus.

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