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Monster 101, Advice from a PE Veteran

Copyright © 2018 by CJ Major. All Rights Reserved.

Digital copy country of origin United States of America.

The use of any material contained within this book in full or in part without
the express written consent of the author is prohibited by law.

To schedule a counseling session, visit:


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This book is dedicated to all those searching to find their place in the world.

You are not alone.

CJ Major

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This book is for novelty and entertainment use only and is not meant to treat
or cure any medical condition. Consult your physician before attempting any physical
exercises, penis enlargement included. Due to the nature of penis enlargement and
the individual nature of each person’s reactions, techniques performed both properly
and improperly can cause injury, and as such carries risks. You are responsible for
your own well-being and safety. The purchase and use of this book is an
acknowledgment that you are aware of the risks and do everything with your own
free will and that you are responsible for any and all injuries and/or damages you
may incur. Gains and/or improvements are not guaranteed. The author, book
publisher, and all sales outlets of this book accept NO responsibilities or claims, both
expressed or implied, and will not be liable for safety or efficiency of any content
found within the book, whether or not book contents were used correctly or not. You
and you alone are responsible for any and all risks.

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction..........................................................................................................................................8

So why choose PE?...........................................................................................................................................9

Porn VS Reality................................................................................................................................................12

Chapter 2: THE DIAMOND METHOD.....................................................................................................................16

Chapter 3: The Stages of Penis Enlargement........................................................................................................22

Chapter 4: Getting started....................................................................................................................................26

General side effects.........................................................................................................................................29

Keep it secret, keep it safe..............................................................................................................................31

Kegels: Your Erection’s Best Friend.................................................................................................................32


Chapter 5: Warning signs And Safety Guidelines..................................................................................................35

General Safety Guidelines...............................................................................................................................38

Chapter 6: Your PE journal...................................................................................................................................40

Chapter 7: Developing your PE strategy...............................................................................................................42

Chapter 8: Get in the Gain Zone!..........................................................................................................................45

Chapter 9: Girth 101.............................................................................................................................................48

The Exercises...................................................................................................................................................51

Kegel Clamping (Beginner).........................................................................................................................51

Jelqing (Beginner-Intermediate).................................................................................................................52

Modified Jelqing (Intermediate).................................................................................................................54

Shaft Squashes (Intermediate)...................................................................................................................55

Clamping (Advanced).................................................................................................................................56

The Event (Veteran ONLY)..........................................................................................................................59

Chapter 10: Length 101........................................................................................................................................61

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The Exercises...................................................................................................................................................63

Manual Stretching......................................................................................................................................63

Stutter Stretches........................................................................................................................................65

Extenders and ADS (All Day Stretchers) Use...............................................................................................65

Heavy Hanging............................................................................................................................................66

Setting your goals.......................................................................................................................................67

Chapter 11: Head Size and Shape 101..................................................................................................................68

Head Length...............................................................................................................................................68

Head Width................................................................................................................................................69

Deeper Head Lip.........................................................................................................................................70

Chapter 12: Exercise Routines..............................................................................................................................71

Beginner Routines...........................................................................................................................................71

Intermediate Routines.....................................................................................................................................72

Advanced Routines..........................................................................................................................................73

Veteran Routines.............................................................................................................................................74

Chapter 13: Device Guide.....................................................................................................................................76


All Day Stretchers (ADS)..................................................................................................................................78

Vacuum pumps................................................................................................................................................80

Heavy weight hangers.....................................................................................................................................81


Cable Clamps...................................................................................................................................................83

Chapter 14: Your Shape and How to Change it (or how to build your dream penis)............................................84

Chapter 15: The healing process..........................................................................................................................88

Chapter 16: Getting past plateaus........................................................................................................................91

Chapter 17: Speeding up gains.............................................................................................................................95

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Shock Loading..................................................................................................................................................95

Speeding Up Gains...........................................................................................................................................97

Chapter 18: Shrinkage and Gains Inhibitors.........................................................................................................99

Chapter 19: Injuries and treatments..................................................................................................................102

Red Dots on Shaft/Head................................................................................................................................103

Erection Quality (EQ).....................................................................................................................................103


Lymphatic clogs.............................................................................................................................................105

Venous leaks..................................................................................................................................................105

Sharp pain on shaft/head..............................................................................................................................105

Overall Soreness on shaft/head.....................................................................................................................106

Dull pain on shaft/head.................................................................................................................................106

Soreness at base............................................................................................................................................106

Sharp Pain at base.........................................................................................................................................106

Popping feeling at the base/pubic bone........................................................................................................107

Pain at the tip/Blood from urethra................................................................................................................107

General soreness/random pains...................................................................................................................107

Torn Vein(s)...................................................................................................................................................108

Chapter 20: Tips, tricks, solutions, and observations.........................................................................................109

Chapter 21: Sex with a large penis.....................................................................................................................116

Chapter 22: Experimental techniques and the future of PE...............................................................................118

Experimental Techniques..............................................................................................................................118

The Future of PE............................................................................................................................................121

Chapter 23: My personal story...........................................................................................................................123

Chapter 24: References and related material.....................................................................................................127

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Are you tired of being told you’re not good enough? Ever feel that no
matter what you do, you can never measure up? I’ve been told that many
times in my life. Times that made me question my life and my value in this
world. I’m here to tell you that you do have value, that there is hope. It’s
said that some men are born with confidence, while others need to create it
for themselves. For the men looking for that confidence, this book was
written for you.

What you hold in your hands could possibly change your life forever. It
is a collection of my personal experience over the course of 22 years of
practicing PE, or Penis Enlargement to the new readers. I have personally
counselled hundreds of men on multiple free internet forums over the last
several years, so my experience and credibility are well established within
the PE community. In this book you will be exposed to the techniques I have
used, researched, or attempted in efforts to change the size and shape of
my penis. Topics will cover the techniques, theories, and terminology as
well as many other interesting pieces of information I’ve collected over the
years. As a reminder, these are my personal experiences and opinions so
please keep an open mind and know that I can’t possibly cover every aspect
of PE within this guide. For copyright and patent purposes, I will be
generalizing some descriptions and avoid directly using names whenever

Unlike many “get big quick” websites and other media hawking their
wares, I’m not going to lie to you like they do. PE is a very personal thing
and what may work for one person, may not work at all or at different rates
for others. Remember, gaining is gaining regardless of how long it takes.

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With that in mind, the techniques found within were originally designed
around my physiology and what I’ve found generally works for the greatest
number of men. To avoid confusion, the book is written in plain language
that can be easily understood by those whose primary language isn’t
English. Without further introduction, I give you Monster 101.

So why choose PE?

Obviously if you are reading this book you are interested in PE, but the
question is why? What is your primary motivation? I find that men typically
seek out enlargement for a few key reasons:

A. To improve sexual performance and acceptance with partners.

B. To gain confidence in oneself through the psychological edge that
extra size tends to provide.
C. To compete or be equal to a past lover their current sex partner had.
D. To avoid both perceived and actual rejection for what society today
considers smaller size, even when in actuality they are average sized.
E. For personal goals to overcome a challenge in one’s life.
F. For intimidation and to be competitive with others. In other words, to
be the biggest regardless of how useful the extra size is.

I’m not going to sugar coat what you already know. Size does matter
regardless of what society as a whole has been brain-washed to say to avoid
hurting feelings. You know the truth and no amount of feel-good, “size
doesn’t matter” talk changes the fact that men with small to even average
sized penises are looked down upon, rejected, and made the butt of jokes at
their expense. It’s a cruel reality, but there is hope! I experienced all of that
first hand and it was the primary reason why I started PE. So I’m not going

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to try to talk you out of seeking enlargement. I would be doing you a
disservice by doing that. With that said, I will, however, caution you later in
this book about the downsides of too much size.

Have you heard any new small penis jokes lately? I’m sure you have!
The internet is filled with every kind of media displaying men’s genetic
shortcomings as the butt of countless jokes. It would seem that in today’s
modern, understanding, and politically correct world that the only safe
group to make fun of is men with small penises. It’s disgusting, and
reinforces the message “size matters” constantly repeated at all levels of
society. In contrast, 100 years ago very few people concerned themselves
with penis size. Things were far more civil in regards to sex in those days. In
this fast paced and seemingly female-centric world the value of a man has
been reduced from his contributions to family, society, and the world to the
size of his genitals. Regardless of what you are told, no matter what source
it may come from, know that you DO have value and that you are a
complete person and not just valued by the size of your sex organ.

You might ask yourself why. Why is size suddenly so important? For
the answer to that, we have to understand the driving factors behind it.

1. The women’s empowerment movement: For most of recorded

history women were not aware of size differences in male genitalia
and if they were they didn’t voice their preferences publicly for fear
of reprisals from males and society in general. It simply wasn’t
proper to discuss! Combine the slow decades-long rise of the
women’s rights/empowerment movement with free and easy
access to information on the internet within the past 20 years and
you get the situation we’re in today. Suddenly size matters! Simply

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put, women now know what they want and are able to openly
express their opinions in public and to potential partners.

2. Pornographic media: Going hand in hand with the “size matters”

message, the porn industry has had a vastly negative impact on
men’s body self-image. Porn is a huge contributor to men’s feelings
of body inadequacy.

3. Body Dysmorphia: The birth of the internet has granted men

access to countless images of the male body in all shapes and sizes.
This has in turn caused men to be much more self-conscious of their
own bodies and their real or imagined shortcomings. Height can
play into men’s perception of size as well. Taller men will tend to
feel their penis is smaller than it actually is due to its comparison to
the rest of their body which may be considerably larger than
average. Lastly, the foreshortening effect found when looking down
at an angle on their own penis will create a false sense that their
penises are shorter than they actually are.

4. The Internet: The rise of an easy and inexpensive method to almost

instantly convey information, coupled with the apparent anonymity
that the internet provides has literally changed the world as we
know it. It is simply the largest cause of feelings of inadequacy
today. As mentioned previously, the internet singlehandedly has
created a toxic culture of genetic haves and have-nots that
resembles school yard politics more than anything else. I read
countless posts on forums of men suddenly realizing how they
stand in regards to their size, with some men even considering
suicide over their perceived problem. Generations ago, men were
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concerned with survival and now the concern is something so petty
as penis size. How far have we fallen as a culture? The internet is a
wonderful tool, but its power can just as easily destroy as create.

Modern penis enlargement is born.! We men are problem solvers,

aren’t we? In direct response to modern women’s and society’s calls to
men for more size, sprang the PE scene we see today. Millions of men going
online looking for answers. Looking for hope. What first started as small
groups of men searching the newborn internet in the 1990’s has exploded
into the super forums we see now. Hundreds of thousands of men joining
free forums, sharing information and becoming communities of like-minded
and supportive individuals all in the pursuit of satisfying themselves and
their partners.

In conclusion, remember that your current size is only temporary and

simply a stepping stone on the way to achieving your dreams. Gaining is
gaining, regardless of the pace! If you have had bad past PE experiences,
don’t let them get to you but instead use them as learning experiences. In
conclusion, don’t let the past haunt you. Memories were meant to fade so
that you don’t live in the past. Embrace your future! Let’s get started!

Porn VS Reality
A large portion of the male population receives their first images of
other men’s penis size from pornography. This exposure has directly
influenced feelings of inadequacy, which is unwarranted. In reality the men
used in the porn industry represent an extremely small segment of the male
population, with those possessing the largest sizes being in the top 1% of
size distribution. Like other forms of entertainment, the pornography
industry uses fantasy to sell their product. Images of impossibly large
penises are a staple of the industry, feeding into the “bigger is always
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better” mentality that just doesn’t hold true in the real world. Using men
with slightly above average sized genitals, special camera lenses/trick
angles, and small height/framed actors and actresses greatly exaggerate the
male actor’s size. The end result gives men a false image of penis size they
can’t possibly compete with. In reality, most male porn actors are in the 7”x
5+” range, which is only slightly large. As for the largest sizes seen in porn,
be aware that most of the porn actors with very large penises clearly suffer
from medical conditions such as priapism caused by diseases such as sickle
cell anemia, which is the secret behind their abnormal size.

So what’s my point? Don’t compete with a fantasy. When I first

started PE I was just like so many other men, wanting to be as big as the
biggest porn stars. Within the space of five years of trial and error, I had
reached 8”L X 6”G. With no references other than porn at the time, I
actually thought that was only slightly above average. That was until I began
to date and found out the hard way. The reality was far different from what
porn had taught me. From the time I started dating until I got married, I had
just under a dozen partners. In that time I was either the largest they had
ever had, close to the limit of what they could take (painful), or simply too
large. In one case, I had a very beautiful woman that I thought I had a deep
connection with literally walk away when she saw me naked.

Porn had lied to me! Ever hear of being careful with what you wish
for? PE is the same way. You may want that giant monster penis, but be
warned that a serious portion (50% or more) of the human population will
NOT be able to take all of the length or girth that PE can create. Excess
length above 7” and girth above 5.25” causes fitment issues, pain, and
excess friction which can sometimes make or break a relationship. Yes, it is
VERY possible to be rejected for being too small and too large.

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So is sex with a large penis the same way you see it in porn? Not even
close. With increasing size, comes increasing work. The larger it becomes,
the more foreplay is required to prep your partner and forget having
quickies like you might have had before with less size. Additional lubrication
becomes mandatory due to the friction created with larger girth, which can
often break the mood when it has to be re-applied during sex sessions.
FORGET pounding away like you could before becoming larger, as it can
easily damage your partner even if they’re ready for it. Causing bleeding,
tearing, and pain are real problems with excessive size. Condoms more
easily break, with custom larger sizes being mandatory and also harder to
find. Contrary to popular opinion, condoms are NOT one size fits all for
those with excess size. Sex sessions in general become shorter due to the
soreness the excess girth creates as well. It’s nice to have a wrist-thick girth
until you realize your partner is in pain from it rubbing them raw on the
inside. On many occasions, I have had to stop or finish after only a few
minutes because my wife simply can’t take the constant friction.

When interviewed, most female porn stars that have sex with the
largest men on screen actually have stated they prefer average to slightly
above average size (7”) for their real life sex partners versus their massive
film partners. Pain and the added difficulties discussed above being part of
the reasons behind their decisions. It would seem size does matter, but
nowhere near as much as porn might make you think. So what can you do?
Develop a better image of size which is healthier for you and your
partner(s). Search for websites and images that feature men of all size
ranges so you can get an idea of both what the average size is and the range
of sizes in the real male population. Lastly, don’t fall for the false concept
that your partners will simply adapt to accommodate your size. Sex organs

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come in all shapes and sizes for both men and women, so don’t assume it
will always fit or that a potential partner will even want to try to make it fit.

For all these reasons, I usually suggest that those new to PE and
haven’t had sex yet only try to reach average to just slightly above sizes. In
this way, they can avoid being rejected for excess size and possibly hurting
potential partners. Having the “goldilocks” (average to slightly above) size
will allow you to enjoy sex with the largest number of partners, thus
increasing your chances of finding a long term mate. Best advice I can give is
to only go for the larger to huge sizes when you are in a long term
relationship and both you and your partner desire more size and are aware
of the negative consequences that extra size can bring.

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So does PE actually work? Absolutely! PE works on the basic principle

of cellular division as a byproduct of the body’s natural repair and
regeneration process. Essentially it works in much the same way your skin,
muscles, nerves, and veins lengthen in response to bone growth during
childhood. The tissues are stressed, causing microscopic fractures that heal
by filling in between those micro-fractures with new cells. If you
experienced growing pains during your childhood years, you’ve felt the
cellular growth and repair process. With penis enlargement techniques,
over time those cellular increases become cumulative, visibly increasing the
size of your penis permanently. Performed on a consistent basis with the
right techniques, the penile tissues can become very large compared to their
starting dimensions.

The golden formula in the PE world is Stress + Time = Growth. I call it

the Diamond Method because much like pressure over time can form
diamonds, stressing the penile chambers and supporting ligaments creates
additional girth and length. Like many men, I started out by jelqing back in
the mid 1990’s and after suffering several injuries and finally a plateau that
stopped all forward progress. Frustrated, I went back to the drawing board.
There had to be an easier and more efficient way…! As a research and
development type of guy, I went on a quest to find out what truly worked
and what didn’t. After many weeks on the fledgling internet I came across
medical studies related to priapism. I discovered men who possessed in
some cases penis dimensions over a foot long and as thick as a beer
can….natural enlargement, due to pre-existing medical conditions. I was
fascinated! After consuming case study after case study, the same factors

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for growth became apparent to me. It was all about the time the tissues
were exposed to stress, in this case from long episodes of excess blood
pressure brought about by the various patient’s medical issues.

Emboldened with this knowledge, I set about working on the best

techniques to harness this method. So I started with Jelqing. Jelqing
traditionally is performed by introducing blood into the shaft and glans to a
certain volume, then sliding the OK grip up the shaft to create pressure on
the upper shaft and glans. Once the grip reached below the glans, you
would switch hands. The dwell time under pressure was only maybe 2-5
seconds typically, with sometime hundreds of jelqs being performed per
session. Although the technique had given me gains in the past, it was also
a source of anxiety due to the injuries it had caused me, including ripping a
vein off the shaft while dry jelqing…very painful and took a long time to
finally heal. The technique was also very labor intensive for the results it
could produce. I knew what I had to do. Whereas I thought the number of
repetitions was important to growth, it was actually the time I was
accumulating under pressure with each repetition!

So I created the timed pressure hold or now more commonly known as

the modified jelq way back in the late 1990s. Essentially what used to take
hundreds and hundreds of jelqs could now be accomplished by just holding
the pressure and watching TV! The technique minimized hand movement
up the shaft (greatly increasing safety and efficiency) and also created
enormous pressure at the same time. The results were impressive…..larger
girth from the very first session with the shaft thickening so fast it almost
frightened me.! From that time on, every technique or device I use includes
the Diamond Method and the results are much more likely to follow than
with any other approach I’ve ever come across. It simply works! In the past
few years I’ve taught this technique and recently introduced Kegel Clamping

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for those completely new to PE. Same concept with similar results, but
using your erection or kegels to create the pressure required for the
exercises to work properly….increasing safety for those not familiar with
their body’s reactions yet.

So does PE really work? If you look into the mechanisms behind PE

devices, you’ll realize the Diamond Method is already in use for length
creation. To create length, the well-known medical principle called the
traction method is used. The penis is stretched beyond its natural extended
state until cellular micro-fractures are created within the penile chamber
walls as well as the ligaments holding the penis to the body, forcing new cell
creation and thereby growth. Extenders, hangers, and ADS (All Day
Stretcher) devices work using this traction method, constantly repeating the
cellular damage and healing cycle over the course of hours per session to
produce the desired gains. The traction method is also in use to lengthen
limbs, create new skin for burn victims, and enlarge other body parts such
as earlobes so its effects have been well researched by the medical
community. Anyone who says PE doesn’t work simply doesn’t understand
human physiology properly.

Lesser known to both doctors and the public are the girth generation
methods which also function on the Diamond Method. Most of the popular
girth generation techniques are covered within this book, with some
omitted due to it being similar to others on the list. Working on the same
cellular repair and growth principle as the length generation devices,
expansion creation can be accomplished in multiple ways with varying
results. These methods include manual (hand) exercises, mechanical
devices such as clamps and pumps, surgical implants, as well as chemical
injection causing artificial priapism. Thankfully, science and the medical
community have come a long way from the days when I started PE.

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So let’s review the current state of penis enlargement options.

Manual exercises: Have been practiced in various societies for perhaps

thousands of years and were published as soon as the internet went online.
Manual girth exercises are by far the least expensive method and have a
decent track record for producing gains.

Devices: Mechanical devices have been around for the last 100 years
in various forms. All girth devices force blood into the penis, stressing the
tissues past the point of normal expansion to create micro tears in the walls
of the penile tissues, while stretchers simply pull on the penis to create
gains. Up until clamps were introduced, mechanical devices had a poor track
record for producing fast and permanent girth gains versus the manual

Surgery: Surgical girth enhancement is relatively new to the PE

community and success thus far has been hit or miss with failures causing
far worse damage to the penis compared to all manual or mechanical
methods combined. Botched surgeries have caused permanent erectile
dysfunction, disfigurement, complete loss of sensation, and is considered
the method with the highest risks by the PE community due to the addition
of complications common with any surgery. Surgeries include implants,
ligament cutting to add length, as well as injections into the shaft and glans.
One of my recent counseling sessions involved a man who had a girth insert
installed and within months he was informed the tissues were becoming
necrotic and was rushed into surgery to remove it….they had almost been
forced to amputate..! What followed was heart-breaking, as he discovered

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he had lost nearly all feeling in his penis….and was even smaller in length
following the removal. I don’t recommend surgery to anyone.

Chemical PE: The newest form of girth generation and is still in its
infancy, with various methods competing for the title of most effective
technique. In one camp you have the fillers, which use varying materials
injected into the corpus cavernosa and glans to expand the walls. In another
camp, you have the induced priapism proponents that use various injected
compounds to induce prolonged priapism (hours long) with varying levels of
success. Used in conjunction with skin and tissue softening agents, some
swear by the induced priapism method. I personally shy away from needles
anywhere near my penis and the chances of infection, unstoppable
erections, medical complications such as heart attack or stroke, and internal
damage are a real possibility.

Megadosing: New concept of penis enlargement using large daily

doses of vitamins and supplements, with some men reporting “gains” with
repeated usage. What they’re really experiencing is simply improved
erection quality, with many reporting the “gains” stopped after the initial
gains were observed. Doctors will agree that this technique is dangerous, in
that taking large doses of various vitamins and minerals has caused heart
attacks, strokes, and kidney damage among other serious side effects. Your
life is not worth risking in exchange for a tiny increase in perceived size..!

Cockrings: Adjustable and cheap, they have the potential to harness

the Diamond Method by restricting outflow of blood during an erection to
expand the tissues beyond 100% erection. Do not wear one for extended
periods without constantly checking for circulation and discoloration issues
and DO NOT ever wear one while sleeping!

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Free PE Advice Forums: So whom do you trust? Think about joining
one of the free online PE forums and start researching. Seeing is believing!
Simply type “Free Penis Enlargement Forum” into your internet search
software. You’ll quickly find out what works, what doesn’t, and save yourself
untold time and money by avoiding the scams and learning what causes
injuries. The PE forums are an invaluable resource and will help keep you
safe by allowing you to learn from others, some with years of experience.
The forums are great communities to meet like-minded men and maybe
even make friends, so consider joining at least one. You won’t regret it!

Which method do I personally recommend? If I can offer any advice, it

is to take the least risks you can with your most prized possession. Research
PE carefully, and find the method that fits your lifestyle and goals and has
the lowest risks while also providing the best results. As always its best to
work smarter, not harder. Knowledge is power….use it wisely.

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Chapter 3: The Stages of Penis Enlargement

It’s often said that if something were easy anyone could do it. PE
would definitely fall into this category. To help those both new to PE and
seasoned veterans that are curious about what stage of PE they’re in, I
present my version of the PE process from start to finish.

1. Start of Break-in Period: Exercises are started with noticeable

expansion in length and/or girth (inflammation/enlargement/ lower
hang) both during and shortly after a session is performed. Erection
quality (EQ) will very often improve, adding to the increased size seen
during exercise routines as well as the days following a PE session. If
performing girth related routines, quite often red spots will be seen on
the shaft skin due to tiny capillaries being burst due to the pressure
beneath the skin. This is entirely normal, and they will typically
disappear within 24 hours after a session. More details on what to
expect from girth routines can be found in the girth chapter.

2. Hard Flaccid: New individuals with their tissues still in the natural state
(not yet broken down) will often next experience a smaller, harder
(like a rubbery pipe) flaccid size as the body’s natural reaction to the
exercises instead of visible enlargement. This is completely normal,
but can often scare men that are new to PE. Some men will
experience erection problems after noticing the initial hard flaccid
state due to psychological reasons (not physical) in that they may feel
they have “broken” themselves. To be sure, once the initial scare
subsides within hours men will often find their erections to be stronger
and in some cases visually larger. The hard flaccid state can last from

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days to weeks depending upon routine and the individual’s responses
to the stimulus exerted. Also, the hard flaccid can return even when
the tissues are conditioned if they are seriously over-trained or
overloaded which also can appear as lower erection quality.

3. Larger Flaccid: As time progresses, the hard flaccid state will be

replaced with a constant flaccid state that is usually larger than it was
pre-PE. Men at this stage are now entering the Gain Zone covered
later in this book. The tissues have now passed through the break-in
period and are in the state capable of maximum gains. The exercises
will maximize your blood flow, often reversing shrinkage from
age/health issues and as a result erections will be larger and often
harder than a normal erection.

4. Bigger Erections: Increases in flaccid size are followed by longer and

thicker erections that can be easily seen and measured. IT’S

5. Fast Initial Gains: The combination of harder and bigger erections due
to improved blood flow, the “pump” expansion produced by girth
exercises, and the “hidden” or buried length within the body being
pulled free will quite often produce sudden and dramatic size
increases in length and girth. This is deceptive, in that men will begin
to feel as though the gains will continue at this rate to 1” length gains
and up to .5” girth gains in what seems like only weeks to the first few

6. The Wall: The point where all the fast initial length gains stop and
gains slow down. This is caused by the hidden or unstressed length
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being fully pulled free from the body and now the ligaments attaching
the penis to the body begin to resist the pulling forces. The outer skin
also begins to resist the expansion of the girth exercises and has been
stretched to its natural limit by the growing shaft. Many men become
discouraged at this stage, but they must understand if PE is continued
the increases will continue, but at a slower but steady rate. This is
where patience is learned and the point that separates those serious
about gains with those only interested in fast and easy results. In
general girth increases are unaffected at this stage since the skin will
still stretch to handle the thickening shaft.

7. Plateau Phase: The point at which the body adapts to the routines or
techniques being used and length and girth gains will slow then stop,
removing you from the gain zone state as healing occurs. Men will
often either quit at this stage or continue with their once proven
methods, not understanding that just like weight training the
forces/pressure must now increase slightly to return to the gain zone
and keep the gains coming. To break through the Plateau phase,
sometimes changing methods completely, changing routines, or gently
upping the force/pressure are absolutely necessary to re-enter/pass
through the break-in phase again and get back into the gain zone. The
last resort is to take an extended break (weeks/months), to allow the
tissues to fully heal and in the process allow the tissues to atrophy,
which in turn allows you to see gains with the techniques you were
previously using. Use your knowledge of the gain zone texture feeling
to gauge whether you are gaining (woven) or beginning to heal
(smoother/ribs) and use that to know whether a plateau is being
reached before it slows your gains and knocks you out of the Gain
24 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
8. Continued Growth: Size will continue to increase as long as the
exercises are consistently performed following the break in period and
excessive healing is avoided. When signs of a plateau appear, the
individual stays ahead of the body adapting by either switching up to
progressively more advanced routines or increasing force/pressure as
time goes on to break down/keep the tissues broken down. The rate of
growth varies by individual due to multiple variables including age,
health, diet, technique, thickness of tunica, routine/session length, and
session intervals. Consistency and keeping the tissues stressed for as
long as possible of course is key! See the Gain Zone chapter for

9. Goals Achieved! The finish line……the sweet taste of success. You’ve

chosen your target size and grown beyond it slightly in both length and
girth (25” to .5” past your goal) to insure that once full healing occurs
your goal size is the final result. There has been much talk about
performing maintenance routines to make your results permanent,
however I find the over-shoot method to be the most definitive way to
insure your goals remain. Examples? I was 8” L x 6”G back in 2001 and
when I restarted PE in 2015, I was still 8” L x 6”G so this method has
been proven to work.

25 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 4: Getting started

So how do you get started? What should you do first? Let’s start by
taking proper measurements so any changes can be noted and documented.
Find or purchase a solid ruler as well as a tailor’s soft measuring tape (do not
use a metal tape measure for safety reasons) for this activity, or use a piece
of string that can be marked so it can be compared to a measuring device
later. So let’s measure:

1. Bone Pressed Flaccid Length (BPFL): Place the ruler on top of the
penis with the edge of the ruler or tape pushed into the fat pad until it
touches the hard pubic bone hidden under the pad. Hold the
measuring device against the pubic bone, use your other hand to lift
your completely flaccid penis until it touches the measuring device.
Record the length on paper or in your personal PE journal.

2. Bone Pressed Stretched Flaccid Length (BPSFL): Place the ruler on top
of the penis with the edge of the ruler or tape pushed into the fat pad
until it touches the hard pubic bone hidden under the pad. Hold the
measuring device against the pubic bone, use your other hand to grip
the head of your flaccid penis and stretch it to its maximum length.
Record the length on paper or in your personal PE journal. I find the
BPSFL measurement to be the most accurate way to gauge length
increases, as it doesn’t vary greatly versus erect measurements.

3. Mid-Shaft Flaccid Girth (MSFG): Circle the measuring tape around your
flaccid penis in the middle of the shaft until the tape is wrapped snugly

26 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
around the shaft. Record the girth on paper or in your personal PE

4. Flaccid Base Girth (FBG): Circle the measuring tape around the base of
your flaccid penis until the tape is wrapped snugly around the shaft.
Record the girth on paper or in your personal PE journal.

5. Flaccid Head Girth (FHG): Circle the measuring tape around the head
at the widest point of your flaccid penis until the tape is wrapped
snugly around it. Record the girth on paper or in your personal PE

6. Flaccid Head Length (FHL): Place the ruler on top of the fully flaccid
head and measure from the base to the tip. Record the length on
paper or in your personal PE journal.

7. Bone Pressed Erect Length (BPEL): Place the ruler on top of the penis
with the edge of the ruler or tape pushed into the fat pad until it
touches the hard pubic bone hidden under the pad. Hold the
measuring device against the pubic bone, generate an erection using
stimulation until you are fully erect. Record the length on paper or in
your personal PE journal. If you have a curve, measure either with a
tailors tape or at the longest point.

8. Mid-Shaft Erect Girth (MSEG): Circle the measuring tape around your
erect penis in the middle of the shaft until the tape is wrapped snugly
around the shaft. Record the girth on paper or in your personal PE

27 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
9. Base Erect Girth (BEG): Circle the measuring tape around the base of
your flaccid penis until the tape is wrapped snugly around the shaft.
Record the girth on paper or in your personal PE journal.

10. Erect Head Girth (EHG): Circle the measuring tape around the head at
the widest point of your flaccid penis until the tape is wrapped snugly
around it. The head is hard to measure, so if that fails use a piece of
paper to wrap around the head, mark 2 points on it, then measure the
distance between those 2 points. Record the girth on paper or in your
personal PE journal.

11. Erect Head Length (EHL): Place the ruler on top of the head and
measure from the base to the tip. Record the length on paper or in
your personal PE journal.

A word about your measurement results. If this is the first time you’ve
officially measured/compared and are distraught about your current
dimensions, REMEMBER that these are only your starting dimensions and
they will change over time to more positive numbers. It doesn’t matter
where you started, but where you end up that matters. Things are about to
change! Please note that the smaller the penis is to begin with, the faster
and more dramatic the visible results are during the growth process. Now
that proper measurements have been taken to use as a base sample to
gauge your progress, let’s take a look at the PE process itself in the next

28 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
General side effects
So does penis enlargement have any side effects besides increased
size? Yes, and it’s important to decide what increased size is worth to you
and what level of risk you’re willing to accept. Here are a few things to
consider before starting PE.

Time consumption: I find the biggest problem with PE is the sheer

amount of time required to achieve enlargement with even the best
methods. This endeavor can easily require months to years depending upon
your starting size and your goals. Sessions can range from 30 minutes every
other day, to 16 hours a day for those truly obsessed with gaining. I’ve
known men to quit high paying day jobs and work from home just so they
could devote their entire attention to PE, it’s that addictive. Sacrificing time
with your loved ones, friends, and pets to spend countless hours hunched
over yourself trying to increase your penis size will only lead to problems
down the line. Try to create a balance between your PE and regular life, so
do PE when you have time to spare. I lost so many precious moments,
connections, and friends due to my slave-like commitment to making myself
larger and I sometimes regret what I sacrificed. Think of PE as a journey, or
as a marathon versus a short foot race. Slow and steady wins the race. Live
your life, do PE when time allows, use the free journal found on the book
website to maximize gains, and accept you will eventually reach your goals.
Enjoy the journey as much as the rewards.

Discoloration: Applying pressure to any part of the human anatomy

will create discoloration due to the blood being forced into and trapped
beneath the skin. In the case of penis enlargement, girth producing

29 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
exercises not only create blood pressure beneath the skin, but due to the
nature of having to retain that pressure the blood trapped losing
oxygenation and makes the resulting discoloration darker and lasting much
longer than it normally would. Thankfully most of the discoloration
disappears within hours of a PE session, with discoloration from heavier
sessions of PE requiring days to weeks for discoloration to fully disappear.
Would you risk having red dots for a few hours per day on your shaft in
exchange for increasing your size by possibly inches? I believe most would,
but it’s something to consider.

Erection Quality: Contrary to what you might have read, most forms
of PE actually improve blood flow and produce harder and larger erections.
The exceptions to this observation being heavy weight hanging and extreme
(high pressure) clamping which greatly stress the shaft and head walls and
can cause temporary erectile dysfunction or weaker erections that can last
for several hours following a session. Again, the symptoms go away in hours
typically but its best to avoid sex directly following any extreme PE sessions
so there are no possible sexual performance issues.

Injuries: Injuries used to be the biggest concern in regards to PE. They

still can and do happen, especially with those new to PE that don’t know
their body’s warning signs or limitations yet. The vast majority of injuries are
limited to small burst capillaries (red pin pricks) on the skin’s surface
(discoloration), which heal in hours to days typically. As with any form of
physical exercise, the more force that is applied or created the greater the
injury when that force is unleashed. Injuries such as burst main and surface
veins (excess jelqing or clamping pressure), veins ripped from the shaft
(excess stretching force, dry jelqing), nerve damage (circulation cut off,
pressure on sensitive nerves), and snapped or torn ligaments (excess
stretching force/weights) have all been reported. Thankfully PE has come a

30 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
long way and new and much safer techniques now exist, with those types of
injuries being far more rare in the current PE community.

Keep it secret, keep it safe

PE is considered an underground activity to the general public and
discovery of your materials may cause embarrassment in the event they are
discovered. As a general rule, hide this book by using the jacket/sleeve from
another book to disguise it, lock it away on your phone with a pass code, or
store it somewhere it can’t be seen. This secrecy also applies for any
devices you may purchase.

Device manufacturers for the most part know that secrecy is

important to their customers, so the vast majority ship their products in
plain packaging with nothing shown on the outside to describe the contents.
If you are still concerned about being discovered, I recommend renting a
post office box at your local UPS/Fedex/shipping company or post office and
have all PE materials shipped directly to that box instead of risking your
purchase being found and potentially opened by an unsuspecting family
member or partner.

In regards to your collection of devices, be sure to have a quick excuse

as to what it is just in case someone should discover them. I tend to either
lock them away from view or disperse them in plain sight by scattering the
pieces around the room so as to not give away their purpose. Lastly, when
all else fails simply tell others (very hard in some cases) about what you are
doing and what the devices are for. Yes, not my preferred option either!

31 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Kegels: Your Erection’s Best Friend
One of the best sexual health (and PE support) exercises found in the
sexual health community today are what are called Kegels. First described
in the 1940’s, pelvic floor exercises have been embraced within the past
decade for their ability to strengthen the pubic muscles of both males and
females. Benefits include stronger orgasms, sexual stamina, urinary
incontinence prevention, and harder erections. The benefits of Kegels in
regards to PE exercise cannot be overstated as well. Many girth exercises
require Kegels to perform the exercises, so learning to master them can
greatly improve your success with PE.

To perform a Kegel, practice by contracting your pubic muscle to stop

the flow during urination, then start by squeezing that muscle for multiple
repetitions during a set period, say 100 per day for example. Kegels can be
performed at any time, and used while having sex can actually delay
orgasm. Typically I perform Kegels only on my rest days, so that the muscles
are strong for the day I need it for my PE routines. For PE exercises that
require Kegels, usually what’s involved is using the Kegels to pump blood
into the shaft so pressure can be built up within the tissues. Do not perform
Kegels to excess, as kegel injuries (from too much force and
constant/overuse) can occur.

32 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
One of the aspects of PE not often discussed is the real possibility of
contracting a minor to serious infection while on a PE program. It’s very
important to keep good hygiene to prevent infections caused by exposure to
bacteria on your hands and especially your PE equipment. ALWAYS wash
your penis with soap and water following any PE routine to remove
lubricant/grip material and any germs that may have been transferred to
the penis during routines. To give you an idea of the kinds of infections that
can occur, I’ve compiled a list of the most common infections and a brief
description of each.


Sanitize/wash your hands and PE tools with dish washing liquid or skin
safe soap before every use. It could mean the difference between safe PE
and dealing with an annoying to even possibly serious infection.

Jock Itch: By far the most common infection in men. Typically caused
by a buildup of sweat in the groin area that causes a fungal infection.
Symptoms include itchiness and red rash in the general area of the
infection. Treated with over the counter anti-fungal treatments and
repeated sanitary cleaning of the area. Jock itch can be passed onto
partners by direct skin contact.

Urinary Tract Infection: (UTI) Found more commonly in women, the

odds of infections become more likely when the devices being used (and
your hands) are not properly washed and disinfected prior to and after
exercising. This is the second most common infection found in men on the
PE programs I’ve seen. I’ve suffered from UTIs on more than one occasion,
going as far as having a severe kidney infection that required anti-biotics to

33 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
cure. Symptoms include pain during urination, sudden urges to urinate even
when the bladder is empty, fever, and pain higher up on one or both sides
of your torso beneath your armpits. Don’t ignore the signs of a urinary tract
infection, as it can lead to kidney damage! This infection can be passed to a
partner by direct skin contact.

Yeast Infection: Not to be confused with Jock itch, a yeast infection is

also caused by a fungal infection in the genital area. Symptoms include a
thick white mucus from the genitals or groin area. Treated with over the
counter anti-fungal treatments and repeated sanitary cleaning of the area.
This infection can be passed to a partner by direct skin contact.

Staph: Much Less commonly seen in the PE world, this can occur after
your penis is exposed to bacteria on your hands or a small cut on the penis
becomes infected. Staph appears as small (sometimes red) bumps near the
area of infection and should be treated properly by a medical professional
due to its ability to cause serious medical problems and damage to the
penile tissues when left untreated. This infection can be passed to a partner
by direct skin contact.

34 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 5: Warning signs And Safety Guidelines

Now that you have an idea of the basics, let’s move on to keeping you
safe. As with many other exercise programs, there are beginner through
advanced routines that will take you from a newbie to a seasoned Veteran
PE user in relative safety if the protocols are followed. Any physical action
carries risks. Please consult your doctor before starting any physical
exercise routine, PE included, due to the sudden change in blood pressure
and oxygenation levels that may be experienced during a PE routine. Again, I
stress that YOU are solely responsible for keeping yourself safe and for any
injuries you may incur. Watch for the warning signs found within the
guidelines and should you experience any of them, instantly stop whatever
you are attempting and think before restarting or continuing.

Most of the serious injuries I’ve seen occurred during the early days of
PE before the warning signs were developed by learning from mistakes that
were made, with the rest from those who were reckless. Be aware I’ve
personally been injured even after years of conditioning but due to my
adherence to the guidelines my injuries only required a few days to heal at
most. Stay safe! Safety should always be the first thing on your mind during
any PE session. Complacency, ignoring warning signs, and
overtraining/overloading are the primary causes of injury with modern PE
methods. Watch for these warning signs of impending injury and avoid
problems before they start.

Coldness: This one is tricky, because your tissues may be cold because
of oxygen deprivation, constant stimulation (hanging/extending) or simply
because of the cold air the penis is being exposed to. If the head is still

35 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
purple, it’s usually just the cold air or stimulation being felt. Severe coldness
is usually felt right before numbness.

Numbness: This is typically an indicator that blood flow is being cut off
or nerves are being pressed on right before tingling will start to occur. An
important note is when numbness follows long girth routines or heavy
hanging where Edema (fluid buildup) is present beneath the skin of the
head/shaft. It is very normal to lose some sensation when edema is present
due to its ability to block nerve receptors beneath the skin. Full sensation
will return once the Edema is completely gone.

Tingling: When felt at the head/shaft during a routine where blood

circulation is being restricted, that is a sign nerve damage is about to occur.
Should the tingling be sudden and then abruptly stop, nerve damage (very
minor to major) has just occurred. To avoid nerve damage, DO NOT use any
device or technique that completely cuts off blood flow to the glans (head)
or presses with heavy force on the sensitive nerve cluster found on the
bottom side of the head. The overloading of weight while hanging before
the tissues are conditioned to withstand the force can also cause nerve
damage. In devices, string and rope noose devices found in the older
extenders and hangers were and still are notorious for the possibility of
causing serious nerve damage, so I warn men against using that attachment
design. I suffered slight nerve damage myself from the earliest extenders
using the noose, so I have firsthand experience here. Tingling felt
throughout the penis following girth routines is a combination of the nerves
receiving fresh oxygen and the blood flowing out of the penile tissues.

Discoloration: Light red to light purple beneath the skin during a

routine indicates the tissues are still receiving oxygen, darker colors to black
indicate the tissues are being oxygen deprived and must be allowed to

36 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
breathe. I find that tissues can go without oxygen for about 5 minutes
before the blood cells begin to turn black and will seriously discolor the skin.
You will find all of my techniques causing blood flow to be impaired are
deliberately limited to 5 minutes of actual exercise time to avoid discoloring
the skin and feature massage to restore circulation fully before repeating
exercises. Yes, the exercises can be done for longer periods if circulation can
be maintained during the exercises, but that is your personal preference.
For example, I tried clamping for 10 minute periods and the heavy dark
discoloration took weeks to fully disappear versus limiting myself to 5
minutes per session where the discoloration disappears within hours of a
session. Discoloration can also be reversed with skin softening and stretch
mark treatment lotions, among other more specialized lotions made for
treating discoloration.

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General Safety Guidelines
After years of trial and error, the PE community developed their own
set of safety protocols that if followed greatly increase your chances of
remaining safe during your PE journey. These are general rules, so always
think about your safety ahead of potential benefits of any routine.

1. When in doubt, wait it out: The vast majority of PE injuries heal

within days, so allow full healing to occur for things such as bruises
and pain before restarting PE.

2. Build up to the next level: PE is meant to be a gradual process,

allowing your penis to become conditioned to the forces exerted
against it, eventually graduating to the next level of exercises and
devices as your body adapts. Use the advice found in the Gain Zone
chapter to know when to move to the next level. For example,
jumping directly into something very advanced such as clamping is
just asking for trouble.

3. Avoid excessive force: More force or weight is not always the

answer. For the most part, simply increasing weight by 1 pound or
slightly upping the pressure is all that’s required to see continued
gains. Most injuries occur from using excess force.

4. Laziness is no excuse: Complacency and ignoring safety limits

exposes you to force that your penis simply can’t withstand and
injury becomes far more likely. Always be alert to the potential for
injury and be ready to stop at the first sign of a problem.

38 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
5. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should: It’s a saying from
my old engineering days and it still holds true today. Attempting
unproven techniques or exercises without at least conditioning
yourself and having a plan in the event something goes wrong is just
asking for trouble. The worst injury I’ve ever heard of was from a
man who emailed me on the PE forums. He had attached 75
pounds to the head of his penis with a tight shoe string noose and
ignored all of the warning signs (pain, discoloration, numbness). His
penis required surgical repair. Don’t take risks with your most
prized possession. Do your research carefully and be
knowledgeable about any PE method before you attempt it.

39 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 6: Your PE journal

One of the most valuable tools you can purchase isn’t a device, but a
simple notebook used to track your PE journey. Tracking your measurement
statistics, routines, and other data is an invaluable resource to help
maximize gains and avoid plateaus. Either print out the PE journal sample
found on this book’s advertising website or create your own version using a
blank notebook. The book should contain your starting dimensions, date
started, routines and durations with intervals for each, as well as any
supplements you may be taking. The more detailed and consistent your
notes are, the better you can track your progress and as a result fine-tune
your routines to maximize your gains.

Tracking Length Gains: As a good practice, length measurements

should be taken on a rest day or before a daily stretching routine with no
edema remaining from a previous PE session. To properly track length
gains, the most accurate measurement is the bone pressed stretched flaccid
measurement since erections can vary greatly from one to the next. The
erect measurement is good for impressing others, but can be greatly
affected by health, age, medications, etc so for those reasons I suggest using
the BPSFL as your benchmark. Seeing a definitive and repeatable increase
from one day to the next is solid proof the changes are taking place.

Tracking Girth Gains: One of the biggest mistakes that guys make
when measuring their girth is to measure during a workout/while clamped
and consider any changes during the session they measure as gains. The
reality is that edema (fluid buildup) can radically alter your measurements
when taken during your PE session. What you believe to be even a small
increase is actually the skin allowing more edema in during your workout

40 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
than the previous one, which gives the perception of increased size. True
girth measurements should be taken on a rest day when all edema has left
the area (usually within 24 hours). Should you still feel fluid buildup
beneath the skin, give it more time before taking a girth measurement.

Many men take girth measurements while clamped or using a

cockring, which works as long as the measurement is always consistently
taken at the very start of their session when the penis is at its maximum
expansion, but before any edema begins to form. The first minute is the
best time to measure. Due to erection variability, cockrings that normalize
the erection may be necessary for those with erection quality issues. Again,
as long as the measure is taken at the same time and method consistently
the results will be much easier to track.

Tracking Shape Changes: Most PE methods have the unique ability to

subtlety change the shape of the features of your penis over time. So, it’s
very good advice to measure any feature you wish to keep unchanged as a
base line for comparison. Being able to see the very slight changes in the
size of features in your journal entries can help you prevent unwanted
changes to targeted features. By seeing your statistics slowly changing
month by month, you can correct the problems with your routine before the
changes become more and more noticeable.

Learn Cause and Effect: One of the most powerful ways in which your
journal can be used is to track the effects of various PE techniques on your
body. For example, you can determine the ideal number of days needed for
healing to maximize your growth rate or learn which methods work fastest
by doing simple back to back comparisons with your collected data.
Knowledge is power, so why not collect as much as you can to help you
finish your PE journey even faster?

41 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 7: Developing your PE strategy

So where should you start? It’s best to develop your PE strategy based
on several factors. The average PE strategy will include a routine schedule
(on/off days), session lengths (minutes to hours), and techniques/devices.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:

1. What is your starting size?

2. What are your size goals?
3. What is your starting shape?
4. What is your desired final shape?
5. How much private time do you have?

All of the answers to the above questions factor significantly into your PE
strategy, so carefully consider them before any decisions are made. Let’s
break down each question and what it means to your overall strategy.

Starting size: You’ve taken your official measurements in the previous

chapter and now have an idea of where you stand in terms of size. This will
have a serious impact on the second factor to consider. For those on the
smaller side (less than 4.5” length, average to below average girth)
understand that more time and energy will be required to reach above
average/large sizes versus someone who is already average sized, with the
same holding true for those already large men seeking to reach the huge
category. Essentially, the more you start with the less PE you’ll need to do
to reach your goals.

Size Goals: There are basically only two goals I’ve found and they are
Modest and Monster. Modest goals (1” length X .5” girth) can be achieved

42 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
within 6-12 months of PE work on average and can literally mean the
difference between being in one size category or another. I find Modest
goals are far more popular than the Monster goals due to the sheer time
and dedication required for Monster goals. Modest goals allow you to
typically perform both length and girth routines at the same time to speed
up your PE journey.

Monster goals (2”+ in length X 1”+ girth) can be far more time
consuming depending upon your starting size and final goal. Attempting to
gain both length and girth at the same rates as seen for Modest gains
doesn’t work as well, with increasing girth slowing length gains due to the
added mass/cells resisting the stretching forces which reduces many PE
stretching device’s effectiveness. The girth effecting length issue in turn
usually requires achieving your length goals first, then adding in girth
afterward to fill out the penis to the desired girth. Since length and girth are
done separately, the time required can be double versus Modest goals, let
alone the amount of increase desired. For example, a man with a 5” X 4.5”
penis hoping to reach 9” X 6.5” requires YEARS worth of stretching and
expansion, with the lowest estimate being maybe 2.5 years for very fast
gainers to up to 5 years for slow gainers. That level of commitment has to
be taken into account when choosing Monster as your size increase goal.

Starting Shape: Your starting shape can either be retained or changed

according to your desires, but changing it can add time to your PE schedule
if you wish for radical changes such as changing the head size from small to
huge or greatly thickening a thin base.

Final Shape: Going along with your starting shape, this can greatly impact
the time required before reaching your goals and require multiple

43 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
techniques versus only one or two required for those wishing to retain their
original shape.

Private Time: Possibly the single biggest factor. Available time can mean
the difference between months and years of PE work. For the vast majority
of men a balance of on and off days is required due to other responsibilities
also vying for their attention. I often suggest Modest goals for those with
very limited private time, to help prevent frustration setting in from the
slower pace of gains. For those who live alone and have almost unlimited
free time, the Monster goals are far more likely to be an option versus those
with limited time due to family commitments. That doesn’t mean that
those in a relationship can’t achieve the same goals as single men…it’s just
going to take longer for those with less free time.

Once you’ve thought over all the factors, you can start to determine
what your goals are and what the best techniques are to achieve your goals.

44 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 8: Get in the Gain Zone!

Want to know why most men give up on PE and proceed to exclaim

that it doesn’t work? Why some men gain easily while others struggle? They
never finish the initial break in period! There exists a break-in period fairly
early on in the penis enlargement process that most men simply aren’t
aware of. This break-in period typically lasts 4-6 weeks from the start of PE
exercises for those completely new to PE and completes when the first
permanent gains begin appearing. These first real gains are an indication
that the walls of the shaft and to a lesser extent the head have finally
broken down and can no longer withstand the pressure they previously
could due to the unhealed micro-tears building upon themselves over time.
At this time the breakdown of the tissue walls begins to become physically
apparent and can actually be felt beneath the skin on the shaft, most
commonly on the shaft sides while the penis is semi-erect. The normal
smooth or ribbed texture of the shaft walls may now instead have a woven
or bumpy texture feel to it.

The broken down texture felt beneath the skin can be described as
varying in feel from that of a rough woven or knitted (knotty) sweater
material to fine granular bumps depending upon how far the tissues have
been broken down, with the fine bumps being an indicator that the tissues
are in near complete breakdown. Please note that it is not necessary to
completely break down the tissues to a fine texture for gains to occur. If the
woven texture of any kind is felt, anywhere on the shaft, gains will occur the
fastest during this time. This state is what I used to call being in the Gain
Zone years ago on the PE forums. It is also important to note that the
further broken down the walls are, erections may be weaker typically since

45 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
they cannot maintain structural integrity or surface tension as well as Pre-
PE. A good analogy is when a balloon is stretched while under pressure and
cannot maintain its shape when its walls begin to thin out from stretching
beyond its limits.

Another added benefit of being in the Gain Zone is that since the
tissues are broken down the lighter weight/force devices such as extenders
and ADS devices work at a faster rate. With the tissues broken down, they
can no longer resist the forces and all of the available force is now directly
transmitted to the primary length restrictors, the ligaments. Ever wonder
why the extender and ADS companies including jelqing instructions with
their product? Now you know!

Mastering PE means being able to use that woven texture as your best
indicator that PE is still working and gains are possible in my experience.
Reading the woven texture also allows you know whether you are entering
or leaving a plateau period, thus helping you avoid wasted time and effort
while using some routines and devices. Simply put, if using the device or
technique produces and maintains the texture it will be of benefit to you,
while techniques or devices that cannot create or maintain that texture
(keep you in the Gain Zone) should be avoided and are therefore not
beneficial. Some in the PE world describe this as riding the “fatigue”
following the exercises, in other words using the period following tissue
breakdown to create gains. Whatever you would like to call it, its usefulness
cannot be overstated during your PE journey.

So how do you get to this magical Gain Zone I speak of? You must
overload or stress the tissues repeatedly during the start of your PE journey
to create the micro-tears, then continue building on those tears with more
“damage” until the walls literally begin to fracture, creating the texture.

46 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
How best to overload the cell walls? Both length and girth techniques that
feature decent applied force or weight are capable of causing sufficient cell
wall damage to get you into the Gain Zone. Techniques such as Kegel
Clamps and the Shopping Bag hanger are good methods for beginners to
reach the Gain Zone, while more seasoned PE users might require Modified
Jelqing, Heavy Weight Hanging, or even Clamping to push them past the
break-in period. Shock loading is covered in Chapter 17. Remember, once
you are in the Gain Zone you can switch to lighter force/weight routines and
the texture can still be retained if the lighter force/weight routines are
performed consistently to avoid excessive healing which would require
break-down using heavier force.

To use the texture as your PE gauge takes practice but once you get
the hang of it you can use it to help determine your healing rate, optimum
number of rest days, and effectiveness of PE exercises and products. Lastly,
the Gain Zone woven texture will heal and completely disappear (revert to
smooth) over the course of a few weeks, with initial healing (woven texture
fading) just beginning within the first week of PE being ceased, so plan
accordingly. The fact that you can take a week’s vacation while in the Gain
Zone without losing it is a wonderful thing!

Traveling long term? Busy with life? Should you be concerned about
leaving the Gain Zone while away or when standard PE exercises aren’t an
option, use moderate force manual stretches for several minutes each day
or every other day during an extended break period to maintain the woven
texture. I use this technique constantly so I can instantly see gains while
trying out new PE devices being reviewed. In this way, you can start right
back up (even months later) where you stopped PE and immediately begin
to see new gains without having to go through the break-in period again!

47 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 9: Girth 101

Although length is more often discussed in reference to penis size, it is

girth that leaves the biggest physical impression on partners due to the
pleasure it creates. Increases in girth not only greatly improve stimulation
from increased friction during sex, but also improve the visual impact of the
penis by adding overall mass and weight. The most effective techniques I’ve
found to increase girth were discovered after I started researching the
medical condition called Priapism. Priapism is a condition in which blood
flowing out of the penis is partially or fully blocked, causing blood to collect
in the penis which generates high internal pressure due to the heart
attempting to pump more and more blood into the penis.

The results of this excess pressure are often painful erections that can
last for hours at a time for each episode. The side effects of this
unfortunate condition are permanent enlargement (typically more girth
than length) over time due to the repeated stresses experienced by the
penile tissues. Patients with this condition have reached well over 10 inches
in circumference, so PE techniques based off these observations focus on
keeping the tissues in the over 100% expanded state for as long as safely
possible. Mechanical cell wall disruption is the term I use for the mechanism
PE girth techniques use to break down the tunica walls and make gains.

Hence where the Diamond Method (Stress + Time = Growth) came

from. So how do you recreate Priapism (painful erections) safely?

No Pain, No gain: Have you ever heard of that phrase? It’s true with
weight lifting and to a certain degree it’s also true with girth generation.
Want to know my secret to going from 4.25” at my thickest to over 6.5” at
just my mid-shaft and still growing? It’s all about pain management and

48 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
knowing your body’s limits. All of my personal routines create stretching
forces that cause painful expansion throughout the penis. How much pain?
At least enough to be uncomfortable to (in some tougher cases) just
bearable for those with very conditioned tissues like long-term clamping
veterans. This level of pressure is comparable to priapism and gains similar
to those suffering from priapism have been observed by those practicing
these methods, myself included.

Anyone experiencing numbness in their extremities (and penis) due to
medical conditions such as diabetes or as a side effect of medications should
avoid any routine that requires being able to feel and accurately determine
the pressure/pain level experienced during an exercise. Attempting to
perform routines that create high pressure with no way to detect the excess
pressure can be highly dangerous and should be avoided. I am NOT
advocating for anyone to do any exercise to the point of injury.

Am I talking torture or injury level pain? Absolutely NOT! For those

new to PE, you simply need to push the tissues past the 100% erection level
to where the head becomes very plump and shiny and the
erection/expansion begins to be slightly uncomfortable. The slight pain
being felt is coming from the walls being pushed past the breaking point,
creating those all-important cell producing micro-tears in the cell walls. As
your tissues adapt, the pain level may need to be gently increased, but I find
that if you follow a linear path (unlike vets like myself that unknowingly
have greatly strengthened our tissues from hitting plateaus) you can ride
that slightly uncomfortable level of pain for most of your PE journey. Once
you reach the pain level you know is tolerable (do not torture yourself),
dwell on that during each five minute expansion session for max results.
As a general rule the pain should be an overall stretching pain and
NEVER be a sharp pain in any particular point on the penis, as that is a sign

49 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
of an injury about to occur or that has occurred. Should you feel any sharp
specific pain like I’ve described above during your girth routine, STOP
So how do you create that painful level of expansion? By introducing
stress on the shaft and/or head using manual or mechanical pressure and
holding it as long as possible without causing injury. The collection of
exercises and devices found in this chapter are the best girth producing
techniques I’ve found to generate huge girth increases. Be aware that all of
the techniques produce fluid buildup (edema) and slightly weaker erections
immediately following the sessions. Waiting 12-24 hours after sessions will
allow erections to return to normal or as firm as the weakened tissues will
All girth sessions are kept to 5 minutes of exercises, then 5 minutes of
massage or rest to restore circulation. This cycle is repeated for 30-60
minutes total per session for beginners, which for example translates into
30 minutes of total exercise time (5 min on/5 min off) for a 60 minute PE
session. Of course, as you condition your tissues sessions longer than an
hour are possible (and encouraged) to maximize your time while in the
expanded state to better replicate actual priapism episodes. Remember that
pressure over time equals enlargement, not the actual number of reps you
do. Guys often get wrapped up on completing “reps” which in PE can be
counterproductive. Be warned that holding the pressure for periods longer
than 5 minutes at a time will produce stagnant blood and excess dark
discoloration of the shaft skin. Sessions totaling 30-60 minutes of exercise
time, done every other day yield good results. Use your journal to fine tune
the on/off day schedule to maximize gains using your body’s healing factor
to produce the best results. For instance, some men need 1 day of rest,
while others see the best results from no days off or several days off.
Everyone needs to determine for themselves what works best for rest
As a general note, experiencing small red dots on the shaft
during/after a session and fluid buildup (edema) is normal and typically goes

50 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
away completely in 12-24 hours. The exception to this is clamping, which
can cause extra discoloration due to the extreme pressure it can create.
Should you see red dots form on your head, stop any exercises until it fully
heals because doing the exercises while the red dots are still visible will only
cause them to become worse. Eventually, the shaft will occupy more and
more of the space between the shaft and skin formerly filled by edema. The
lack of fluid buildup will become most noticeable when the shaft begins to
fight for space so do not be concerned with fluid buildup lessening over
As with any program, ALWAYS start with the beginner exercises and do
not begin with the advanced methods, as injury can be the likely outcome
followed by an extended rest period for healing to occur. No shortcuts, as
they will only harm you and slow your overall progress! DO NOT; I repeat,
DO NOT try the advanced exercises like clamping first before performing the
beginner exercises....! You risk serious damage to yourself until your tissues
have been conditioned to handle the tremendous stress that these
techniques can produce.

The Exercises
Kegel Clamping (Beginner)
Brand new technique designed as an entry level expansion method.
Also known by some old school veterans as ballooning. This technique does
not tend to produce red spots at the level that modified jelqing does and is a
great routine for those who cannot control their erections enough yet for
more advanced routines. Ever wonder what someone suffering from an
episode of Priapism feels? This exercise repeats it safely and has excellent
feedback from the users who have tried and gained from it. In regards to
pressure output it can easily rival jelqing.

To perform a Kegel Clamp, form an OK sign grip with thumb and

forefinger at the base of your flaccid penis with the palm facing you, not too

51 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
tight. Fingers should be lubricated with lotion that doesn’t dry out easily and
washes off quickly. Circle the shaft tightly and either Kegel in blood or
stimulate yourself to add blood to the shaft above your grip. Be sure your
foreskin is retracted, unless you want the foreskin to grow along with the
head. To add blood, open the grip and either Kegel in blood or let the
erection mechanism do it (DO NOT continue to get fully hard). Continue to
allow more and more blood in by opening and closing your grip, with the
grip ALWAYS going back to the tight grip seal it was when you started while
flaccid. As you add increasingly more blood, the entire shaft and head will
begin to feel tighter and start to become slightly painful with the stretching
sensation. The head will become shiny and stretched very tight. At this
point, HOLD that grip/pressure and dwell on that overall stretching pain
sensation. You can squeeze the grip tighter to increase pressure as well.
Hold as long as you can, (30 or more seconds up to a few minutes
depending upon grip strength/stamina) and then reset and repeat until a
total of 5 minutes have gone by. At the 5 minute mark, release your grip
and massage the shaft and head to restore circulation for 2-5 minutes (also
helps prevent discoloration) and then start another 5 minute expansion

Jelqing (Beginner-Intermediate)
The most well-known and perhaps most infamous of all the PE
exercises. Known at the infancy of the internet as the Arabian Method
among other lesser known names, it’s primarily a girth producing exercise
that can also often create the initial length gains found with those new to
PE. Jelqing has gained a bad reputation due to its widespread use and mis-
use which can cause injuries of which the vast majority are temporary
discoloration, hard flaccid (as discussed in another chapter) and erection
52 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
issues to due to very aggressive pressure being used. The technique was
among the very first posted online at the birth of the internet and as such
has been around for over 20 years. Jelqing has been replaced more recently
with more efficient and less dangerous techniques including those based on
priapism studies and include Modified jelqing, Kegel Clamps, and many
other pressure creation techniques. Jelqing (especially without lubrication-
dry style) can cause sometimes serious injuries that include torn shaft veins
and friction burns. I do not recommend this exercise.

To perform Jelqing, lubricate your hands with a lubricant that’s easy to

wash off. Form an OK sign grip with thumb and forefinger at the base of
your flaccid penis with your palm facing you, grip not too tight. Circle the
grip tight enough to form a seal but not too tight that you cannot easily slide
it. Either kegel in blood or stimulate yourself to add blood to the shaft
above your grip until you are about maybe 75% erect, still floppy. Be sure
your foreskin is retracted, unless you want the foreskin to grow along with
the head. Leaving the head retracted may not be an option for some and is
fine. Now slide that grip/seal up the shaft fairly slowly until it reaches below
the head, holding there for a second or so. The head will become shiny and
stretched tight. While your hand is at the top, you can either use your other
hand to set up another jelq at the base, then let go of the hand at the top to
start a new jelq OR reset with the same hand you started with. Most find
alternating hands the easiest. Either way, each grip ALWAYS goes back to
the slightly tight grip seal it was when you started while flaccid. One rep is
completed when the grip slides from the bottom to the top. Should you get
above 80% erect during jelqing, wait until it passes to avoid over-pressuring
your tissues.

As for duration and timing, I’ve seen men perform anywhere from 10
to hundreds of standard Jelqs during a session, however, I suggest resting

53 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
when your hands get tired or discoloration begins to occur. A word of
caution that gripping too tightly can and will cause damage to the veins and
internal structure, so be careful with your grip. To improve on efficiency
and safety of the old standard jelqing, modified jelqing was created. Less is
Modified Jelqing (Intermediate)
Jelqing for the 21st century! A higher pressure and more energy
efficient form of jelqing that reduces the upward motion found in traditional
jelqing (reducing hand fatigue) and greatly increased the efficiency of gains
by its focus on dwelling on the pressure created versus the number of
repetitions found in standard jelqing. Considered an HPE (High Pressure
Event) exercise in that it has the potential to recreate the effects of
priapism. I created it many years ago when normal jelqing stopped
producing gains for me. Other methods similar to this also exist now in the
PE community. Counting reps or strokes (found in standard jelqing) is
replaced by the concept of holding and dwelling on the pressure you
created as long as possible, with the focus being on the time spent
expanded with the grip as low as possible on the shaft. In Modified Jelqing,
you are only sliding the grip up maybe an inch to generate the pressure
versus performing an entire rep as found in standard jelqing.
To perform Modified Jelqing, lubricate your hands with a lubricant
that’s easy to wash off. Form an OK sign grip with thumb and forefinger at
the base of your flaccid penis with the palm facing you. Tighten the grip
tight enough to form a seal but not too tight that you cannot easily slide it.
Now, either Kegel in blood or stimulate yourself to add blood to the shaft
above your grip until you are about maybe 80% or more erect, just below
full erection. Be sure your foreskin is retracted, unless you want the foreskin
to grow along with the head. Leaving the head retracted may not be an
option for some and that is fine. Now slide that grip/seal up the shaft,
traveling only approximately 1” up the shaft until you feel pressure, which
will cause a slightly painful stretching sensation. The lower on the shaft

54 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
(toward the base) you created the pressure, the more of the shaft that will
experience the expansion. Hold that as long as you can (30 seconds to
minutes, until your hand tires), then reset and repeat, switching hands if
necessary until a total of 5 minutes have gone by. At the 5 minute mark,
release your grip and massage the shaft and head to restore circulation for
2-5 minutes (also helps prevent discoloration) and then start another 5
minute expansion session.

Shaft Squashes (Intermediate)

This exercise builds huge mid-shaft girth due to the high pressure that
it can produce. The exercise uses the same principles as Modified Jelqing to
produce the expansion forces. Be sure to keep the head flaccid during the
exercise to avoid pressure dots from appearing on the head. Considered an
HPE (High Pressure Event) exercise in that it has the potential to recreate
the effects of priapism.
To perform Shaft Squashes, no lubrication is required unless you would
like to use some. Set your base grip hand the same way as the modified
Jelqing routine, but use your free hand to grip below the head (OK grip) with
your hands opposing each other, like you would hold a videogame
controller. Use the hand holding the head to squeeze blood out of it. Now,
Kegel in blood so that it is trapped in the shaft in between your hand grips
until the shaft is 80% or more full but not hard/erect. With only blood in the
shaft and none in the head, slowly force (do not slide) both your grips
together. This will produce high pressure, so be careful and watch for any
pain other than a stretching pain sensation. Hold the "squash" as long as
you can like a modified jelq. At the 5 minute mark, release your grip and
massage the shaft and head to restore circulation for 2-5 minutes (also helps
prevent discoloration) and then start another 5 minute expansion session.

55 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Clamping (Advanced)
For advanced users and veterans who have previous experience with
high pressure exercises and know their limits. Done even correctly, clamping
can be very dangerous due to the extreme pressures it can create.
Considered an HPE (High Pressure Event) exercise in that it has the potential
to recreate the effects of priapism. I myself have burst veins even with the
conditioning I have, so be very careful during any clamping routine. This
exercise is highly effective for girth and head size. Done over time while
using a higher erection level, you may experience a slight increase in length.
Clamping is currently the best girth creator for the lowest investment,
costing less than a candy bar in many countries. Simply type in Cable Clamp
using an internet search and purchase the adjustable (like hand cuffs)
orange color style in the small to medium size with quick release button
feature. Whatever clamp you decide to purchase, be absolutely certain it is
easily adjustable and can be immediately removed in an emergency. I
HIGHLY recommend that you DO NOT purchase the very cheap metal penis
clamps that cannot be removed quickly for safety. I bought one myself and
found out during a session how dangerous that can be when mine jammed
during a high pressure set and I almost panicked before finally getting it off.
Don’t risk you penis, be sure your device has a quick release button

For clamping, it’s best to have some form of padding that can both
protect your delicate shaft skin while also allowing the force from the clamp
to be transmitted through it. Silicone sleeves, soft pipe insulation (non-
fiberglass), sock material, and many others can be used. As long as you can
close the clamp at least a click or two while wearing the padding at full
erection, it should work. Should you be able to close the clamp several
clicks with little to no pressure being felt, switch material or consider the

56 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
smaller clamp and build up to the medium version. The goal is to create the
most pressure with only a few clicks of the clamp. When the padding begins
to wear out, swap it out with fresh padding, because failing to do so will
actually lower the pressure over time versus using fresh padding.

To perform clamping: Slide or wrap your padding as low as possible at

the base. As a general rule, the padding should be either seamless or
overlapped to avoid splits when pressure is applied. Become 80% or more
erect, but not fully hard (still floppy). Position the clamp so that the quick
release button is facing your dominant/preferred hand before attaching it
(one click) directly in the middle of your padding for the most skin
protection. You now have several options to use the clamp.

1. Overall girth (shaft/head): Allow the erection to continue, stressing

the clamp and padding as the shaft and head are stretched past
their limits. Adjust the clamp by one click at a time to maintain the
stretching level pain/pressure during the 5 minute session.

2. Overall girth (shaft/head): At 80-90% erection, adjust the clamp by

one click at a time until the stretching level pain/pressure is felt.
Adjust the clamp one click at a time during the session to maintain
the stretching level pain/pressure during the 5 minute session.

3. Head/base girth: At 80-90% erection, adjust the clamp by one click

at a time until only a light overall pressure is felt. Grip right below
the head and squeeze with your hand. This will produce
tremendous force on the head and base. Hold that stretching level
pain/pressure during the 5 minute session, switching hands if
necessary. Had a veteran PE guy a few years ago freak out after
seeing the expansion while using this technique.

57 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
4. Shaft and base girth only: At 80-90% erection, adjust the clamp by
one click at a time until only a light overall pressure is felt. Grip the
head and squeeze with your hand. This will produce tremendous
force on the shaft and base. Hold that stretching level
pain/pressure during the 5 minute session, switching hands if

5. Girth with slight length increase: Reach 90% (almost hard) erection
before attaching the clamp, adjusting the clamp by one click at a
time until stretching level pain/pressure is felt. Adjust the clamp
one click at a time during the session to maintain the stretching
level pain/pressure during the 5 minute session. Can also produce
slight length gains over time.

6. Girth Buster: (This is the most dangerous girth technique I know).

First reach 100% rock hard erection before even attaching the
clamp, adjusting the clamp by one click at a time until stretching
level pain/pressure is felt. Continue to adjust the clamp one click at
a time during the session until you can barely stand it (safely).
Again, only the overall pressure sensation should be felt, with no
sharp pains. This technique is very capable of getting past girth
plateaus for the more advanced users/veterans. If you are trying to
avoid adding more length, be sure to perform all girth routines with
less than 100% erection. Please be extremely careful and know
your limits before attempting this routine!

Regardless of the clamping technique, at the 5 minute mark you need

to release the clamp and remove it while leaving the padding on. Massage
the shaft/head for 5 minutes (until color returns to normal) and then re-

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apply the clamp and repeat the process again. Leave your padding on for
the entire clamping session, as it can become very difficult to re-apply if
edema is building beneath the skin. Repeat this 5 minutes on, 5 minutes off
clamping and massage cycle for up to 60 minutes (total 30 minutes of
clamping time) to begin with. Going for 10 minutes per session is not
advised, as it will deeply discolor the skin. Once you have gotten used to the
forces and the procedures, clamping can be done 5 on/5 off for several
hours at a time, as described in The Event later in this book. CAUTION...too
much pressure can burst veins..!!!! With clamping, know your upper limit of
tolerable pain and pressure and always stay below it.

By the end of any heavy pressure clamping sessions, erections are

usually mushy and the head and shaft are very bloated and huge from the
edema created. Ejaculations immediately following clamping and girth
sessions can be very intense due to the extra blood flow to the head. A
burning sensation during ejaculations and urination right after extreme
pressure sessions is possible and goes away once the swelling disappears.
All of the swelling/edema and most erection issues will usually be gone by
the next day. Discoloration following heavy clamping can take a few days to
weeks to fully clear up depending upon the severity of pressure used. In the
past, I've gained 1/2 (.5”) inch in permanent shaft girth in 3 months using
these techniques. During the off days, let the tissues heal with no weight
training if you want girth only gains and it’s often a good idea to apply skin
softening lotions on healing days to help the skin expand/grow faster as well
as prevent stretch marks.
The Event (Veteran ONLY)
Basically my attempt to recreate a full priapism "episode" that a friend
of mine once had that increased his dimensions .25" in both length and girth
permanently after experiencing painful priapism for 4 hours straight. This

59 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
experiment is dangerous and should only be attempted by
advanced/veteran PE users. Essentially, you're performing the modified
jelqs or clamping sessions for a combined total of 240 minutes (8 hours if
doing the 5 minutes on, 5 minutes off cycle as described in the clamping
section) The concept is pure insanity and I have only attempted it twice and
in both cases my hands gave out! Rest/healing following this level of
exercise is suggested at 7-10 days before attempting another “event” but
consult your PE journal to fine tune the number of rest days needed for your
individual program.

Remember, with great girth comes great responsibility..!

60 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 10: Length 101

When people think of penis size, they instantly think of length of

course. The pursuit of penis length increases has been an issue with men
for thousands of years, with every method under the sun being tried over
the years to lengthen it. So which methods actually work? Thankfully with
modern science and technology there are multiple alternatives. Compared
to the process involved with girth generation, the length creation process is
considerably simple. The formula Stress + Time = Growth that is discussed
in the girth chapter also holds true for the lengthening of the penis. Stress
in the form of a load, whether it manually with your hands or a device of
some design, is used to start the cellular damage and repair cycle that leads
to length increases. The possibilities are endless for this discovery, because
unlike the sex organs found in other mammals the human penis does not
have a bone contained within in it which could limit or prevent
enlargement. So in effect the human male penis can be stretched to become
very long, with the only limits being the time and force required to stretch

What does this mean for you? Well, how long would you be willing to
perform stretching or wear a device to permanently gain from one to
several inches of length? With devices such as extenders and light ADS
devices, the typical formula goes that for every 1000 hours of wearing time,
you gain approximately 1” in length (1000 = 1”). I have found that
calculation to be inaccurate for the higher gram/weight load devices, with
the formula being closer to maybe 600-700 hours equaling 1” of gains. So to
a certain point the higher the level of force, the faster your gains. Of course,

61 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
those figures are for those in the post-wall phase and do not take into
account the effect of “newbie” gains experienced when PE is first started.

Those new to PE quite often experience from .5” to a whole 1” or

more of increase in weeks, called newbie gains by many in the PE
community. The sudden gains are the result of the normally hidden
portions of the penis being pulled outside the body until the ligaments
finally are pulled tight and the sudden length gains stop. A great many scam
websites and sellers will use these newbie gains to justify that their products
or methods work, when in reality even manual stretching with just your
hands can often produce the same results. The true test of a device is when
you hit the length gains wall (post-newbie) and the device is still able to
produce dependable gains at regular intervals. Also, I find the sweet spot
for me with ADS (vacuum attachment style) weight to be between 4-6
pounds as it produces reliable gains but doesn’t make the devices slip off.
Max weight I’ve used for ADS is 10 pounds but it’s hard to keep attached.

I constantly get asked what the best length routine is in terms of

scheduling rest days and I have just one piece of advice. Start stretching!
The single most important thing you can do to speed length gains is to
simply spend as much time as possible with the tissues under stress. The
longer (time) you can stretch, the longer it will become. But, what about
rest days? There aren’t any rest days in a good stretching routine. Spend as
much time per day as you can afford to and you will be amazed at the
increases you will see. There is also a way I’ve found to speed the stretching
process up.

Tissue shock: Explained in the Gain Zone Chapter and in Chapter 17,
this method uses either a girth routine such as modified jelqing, clamping,
or heavy weight hanging to shock and break down the tissues, making your

62 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
devices and routines more effective.. Using some form of shock briefly (5-10
minutes) before each ADS/extender wearing session has two benefits. The
first benefit is that the shock breaks down the tissues so that they can no
longer resist the stretching forces, with only the ligaments remaining to
resist the stretching forces. The entire stretching force is now focused on
the ligaments for faster gains. The second benefit is that the shock load
creates excellent micro-tears which are then used by the light stretching of
the device to create even more new cells. Be aware that using a
girth/expansion exercise briefly before ADS/extender use will not increase
girth for the most part due to the very short time the expansion occurs and
the fact that the tissues are immediately being stressed lengthwise for far
longer periods following the girth routine. Essentially, whichever direction
you expand/stretch the penis in the most is the direction growth/repair will

The Exercises
Manual Stretching
The most basic PE exercise and a good exercise for beginners. The
exercise teaches you several key disciplines to quality PE routines including
erection control, force application, and above all patience. Manual
stretching could be considered the gateway to the slightly more advanced
manual routines such as Jelqing.
The most basic technique begins with the formation of your OK grip of
your thumb and forefinger just below the head. To help grip the penis, use
baby powder, toilet paper wrapped around the head/shaft, or a sports grip
spray rated for skin exposure. If uncircumcised, the foreskin should be
retracted to avoid excess force placed on it and to ensure transmission of
the maximum force from your hands into the shaft while pulling. Form a seal
just tight enough that doesn’t allow the head to slip through the grip, but
loose enough to allow the head to breathe as much as possible during your

63 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
pulls. The head should be completely flaccid to avoid blood being forced
into the head during the session.

Now, pull straight out with light force to begin with, adding more
strength to your pulls as you get used to the sensation. Continue to gently
add more force until you feel the base begin to feel tight and a strong
resistance is felt. Dwell on this level of force until your hand tires, typically
30 seconds to minutes of time. Switch hands if necessary. No pain should
be felt other than a possible soreness at the base after a 15-60 minute
session. Do not be concerned about the number of repetitions or not feeling
that soreness feeling after the first few sessions. The soreness at the base
will sometimes appear after several sessions have previously been
completed, with the support ligaments being stretched to their limit and
now responding with signs of cellular repair. I prefer a 5 minute exercise, 5
minute off massaging style to restore circulation and alternate back and
forth for the time period of a session.
As with any PE exercise, be alert for any numbness, tingling, or
discoloration (stagnant blood indicator) as these are signs to stop or change
your grip to allow for more circulation. Nerve damage can occur by using
too much force or gripping too tightly. If you are jelqing before the
exercises, only minimal force like ADS or extender level (over time) is
needed to stretch the tissues/ligaments to see growth in length.

64 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Stutter Stretches
Also known in the PE community as “piss pulls”. This technique uses
your body’s ability to form new cells quickly following any damage to create
gains. High force is not recommended, but instead lighter to moderate
force due to the fact the tissues have already been stressed repeatedly.
Also, repeatedly stretching throughout the day can tend to be harder on the
skin, so be sure to use light to moderate stretches for this reason. To try out
this theory, perform stretches for 2-5 minutes every 2 to 3 hours throughout
the day, totaling as much as a dedicated PE session would generate. This
technique is great for those with limited time and privacy. I find that
depending upon the strength of the ligaments, some men may experience
slow to no gains using this method versus an ADS or extender approach so if
that is your observation, move on to higher force and duration methods to
see gains.
Extenders and ADS (All Day Stretchers) Use
Currently the best known method of creating additional length safely
is by applying gentle force over extended periods of time. Force is
generated by either hanging weights or pulling (traction). Countless before
and after examples photos can be found on both the device manufacturer
sites and the free PE forums, so rest assured both extenders and ADS
devices can deliver results if used properly for several hours per day, every
day for max progress.

65 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Heavy Hanging
Produces similar length gains when compared to extenders or ADS
use, but also creates a thicker base girth due to the body thickening the
base to counteract the force. The typical formula for heavy hanging gains
is .5” of base girth increase for every 1” length increase. Do not try to hang
heavy weights to start with! Start with light weight like you would with
standard weight lifting and work your way up to progressively heavier
weights. Weight should only be increased by one pound at a time and only
when you can no longer feel your base being stressed or the soreness at the
base. A lack of soreness indicates the ligaments have adapted and more
weight must be used.

To heavy hang very inexpensively, you can use a shopping bag filled
with water bottles or jugs. Simply add 1-5 pounds (soda bottles, 2 Liter
bottles, water jug) into to a shopping bag and hang the handles of it from
your gripping wrist, worn like a wrist watch. Next retract the foreskin if
you have it and form an OK grip with palm facing downward. Grip the shaft
just below the head with a tight enough grip to not allow the head to slip
through the OK hole. This looser grip will allow the head to breathe and
avoid nerve strain. Gently allow your arm to go limp while keeping the hand
grip tight enough to hold onto the head/shaft. This motion loads more and
more weight onto the head and stresses the shaft. When the base begins to
feel strained, stop loading more force and dwell on the hold. Following the
routine, you may feel soreness at the base, which is normal. Should the
weight be too high to dwell on the hold, reduce the weight in the bag and
retry. Performed for a few minutes before long ADS or extender sessions,
this technique can shock the tissues and improve the speed of gains as
discussed in the tissue shock section.

66 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Setting your goals
So now that you have an idea of how length gains work, how long
should you get? That is entirely up to you, but I do caution that men stop
around seven inches for several reasons. Seven inches (bone pressed) in
length is considered large, but still not too long to become an issue and as
such it fits the maximum number of sexual partners. The best advice I can
give is to achieve the “goldilocks” size of seven inches and then if you are in
a long term relationship, consult your partner and agree on getting larger
together. Being rejected for size (like I was) or becoming incompatible to
your current lover can make you regret your decision. Achieving extra
length just for bragging rights can cost you in several ways. For example you
won’t be able to insert it completely into a partner, which in the case of
women will prevent their clitoris from being stimulated from the sensation
of your pubic bone rubbing theirs during sex. Excess length also can greatly
increase the likelihood of accidentally hitting a woman’s cervix and in men
internal structures which can cause them pain. I’ve learned the hard way
that bigger isn’t always better, and the fact is the larger it is the fewer and
fewer partners who can and will want to have sex with you.

67 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 11: Head Size and Shape 101

The glans or "head" is the most noticeable feature of the penis and
changing the size and shape of it can drastically change the overall look of
the penis. The head expansion exercises listed here break down into either
length focused or width (girth) focused. To increase both, exercises that
expand the tissues in both directions must be done equally during the same

Head Length
Increasing head length is also increasing the overall length of the
penis, so increasing head length is a great way to add additional length even
faster. To achieve this, you will need to use the Modified Jelqing technique.
While fully flaccid, form an OK grip with your thumb and forefinger around
the shaft about an inch below the head. Lubrication is not usually required,
but can be used. Use Kegels (not your erection) to push blood into the head
and shaft, using the OK grip like a valve to allow more and more blood in.
Once the head and shaft are tight with blood, slide your OK grip towards the
head until a stretching level of pain/sensation is felt. The head will become
very tight and shiny, which is a good sign. Hold that grip for 30 seconds or
up until your hand tires. Dwell on the pressure and switch hands if
necessary. After 5 minutes of exercise, take 5 minutes to massage the
tissues and restore circulation.
This method can also build slight shaft length over time due to the
shaft being stretched during the exercise. Remember to hold the pressure as
long as you can, switching hands as your hand gets tired. Keeping the
exercise to 5 minutes really helps to avoid stagnant blood/discoloration.
Over time small stretch marks might be seen as it grows, so applying skin
softening lotion before and after this exercise can help to prevent marks
from forming. Should you see red dots form or bruising, too much force is

68 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
being used and you need to allow it to heal completely before restarting the
exercise. If you are not circumcised, be sure to have the foreskin covering
the head so that it also receives the expansion. The presence of the foreskin
will also focus the blood more to the tip, helping head length gains.

Head Width
Increasing head width or girth is also increasing the overall thickness of
the penis, so increasing head girth is a great way to add additional mass to
the penis and make it more visually impressive. To achieve this, you will
need to use the Modified Jelqing technique like the head length exercise,
but with a twist. While fully flaccid, form an OK grip with your thumb and
forefinger around the shaft about an inch below the head. Lubrication is not
usually required, but can be used. Use Kegels (not your erection) to push
blood into the head and shaft, using the OK grip like a valve to allow more
and more blood in. Once the head and shaft are tight with blood, slide your
OK grip towards the head. The head will become very tight and shiny, which
is a good sign. Now, use your free hand to squeeze (with thumb and
forefinger) the area of the shaft between the OK grip of your other hand and
the head. Pressure will build instantly and a stretching level of
pain/sensation should be felt. Hold that grip for 30 seconds or up until your
hand tires. Dwell on the pressure and switch hands if necessary. After 5
minutes of exercise, take 5 minutes to massage the tissues and restore
Unlike the head length exercise, this method does not tend to build
shaft length over time due the location of the gripping hands during the
exercise. Remember to hold the pressure as long as you can, switching
hands as your hand gets tired. Keeping the exercise to 5 minutes really helps
to avoid stagnant blood/discoloration. Over time small stretch marks might
be seen as it grows, so applying skin softening lotion before and after this
exercise can help to prevent marks from forming. Should you see red dots
form or bruising, too much force is being used and you need to allow the
dots to heal completely before restarting the exercise. If you are not
69 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
circumcised, retract the foreskin covering the head so that it does not
receive the expansion, which helps widen the head. The foreskin can be left
covering the head if expansion of the head to loosen the skin or enlarge the
foreskin is desired.

Deeper Head Lip

To create a really nice defined ridge or lip on the head and thus a
wider overall corona ridge, use a rubber cock ring that is the same size as
the circumference of the shaft area just below the head. Wearing the ring
while jelqing or clamping, the head ridge grows beyond the ring and
develops a nice deep step/lip at the base of the head and makes it much
easier to hold onto for manual stretching and device attachment. Head
length will also increase slightly while using this method.

Combined, the head exercises described can produce huge head size
increases over time. Years ago, my head was approx. 1"L x 3.5" girth and at
last measurement was at 2.25'L x 6" girth.

70 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 12: Exercise Routines

Please read the warning signs and safety guidelines section before
proceeding with any of the routines found in this chapter. Failure to do so
increases your risk of encountering problems and causing injuries.
Complete descriptions of the exercises and their application can be found in
the Length and Girth Chapters. You decide the exercise and routines for
each level of PE experience. It’s best not to combine multiple girth or length
exercises, but to focus on one exercise (example: Stretching in one
direction) for maximum results. Routines are meant to be done in a natural
progressive order as the body adapts to keep ahead of the healing factor,
ensuring continued gains. Keep in mind everything listed are only
suggestions, so make any changes you want to fit your needs.

Beginner Routines
Length Exercises: Light strength manual stretches, light weight hanging,
short duration (& weight) for ADS and extender use, Shopping bag hanger
(light weight).

Duration: 30-60 minutes per session, no breaks unless required during each
session. (1-5 Minutes shock routine prior to length routine)

Girth Exercises: Standard Jelqing or Kegel Clamps.

Duration: 30 minutes per session, alternating 5 minutes of exercise with 5

minutes of rest (30 minutes total time = 15 minutes of exercise).

Erection Quality (EQ): 100 Kegels on rest days only.

Beginner Schedules

71 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Length Only: Every day with no rest days, 60 minutes to as many hours per
day as you can handle.

Girth Only: Every other day, alternating PE session with rest days. Use until
PE journal indicates your optimum healing rest days schedule.

Balanced (Length + Girth): Either alternate length and girth days (30-60
minutes per session) or perform 50% length and 50% girth (for 60 minutes
total) every day. Both routine styles have been proven to produce decent
gains. Consult your PE journal to fine-tune your length /girth routine

Intermediate Routines
Length Exercises: Medium strength manual stretches, Light weight hanging,
long duration (hours per session) for ADS and extender use, Shopping bag
hanger (medium weight).

Duration: 60 minute sessions for manual stretches/hanging or perform

Stutter stretches throughout the day. No breaks unless required during
each session. (1-5 Minutes shock routine prior to length routine)

Girth Exercises: Modified Jelqing, Compression Squashes. Limit heavy

weight hanging for base girth to 10 minutes max. Light pressure pumping
after routine is optional to keep tissues expanded.

Duration: 60 minute sessions, alternating 5 minutes of exercise with 5

minutes of rest (60 minutes total time = 30 minutes of exercise).

Erection Quality (EQ): 100 Kegels on rest days only.

72 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Intermediate Schedules

Length Only: Every day with no rest days, for as many hours per day as you

Girth Only: Every other day, alternating PE session with rest days. Use until
PE journal indicates your optimum healing rest days schedule.

Balanced (Length + Girth): Either alternate length and girth days (30-60
minutes per session) or perform 50% length and 50% girth (for 60 minutes
total) every day. Both routine styles have been proven to produce decent
gains. Consult your PE journal to fine-tune your length /girth routine

Advanced Routines
Length Exercises: Long duration ADS and extender use, Long duration Heavy
weight hanging. Heavy weight sling hanger, Strong manual stretching.

Duration: As many hours per day as you can. (1-5 Minutes shock routine
prior to length routine) Manual stretching for 60+ minutes or Stutter
stretches throughout the day.

Girth Exercises: Clamping (less than 100% erect), Compression Squashes.

Heavy weight hanging for base girth (limit 10 minutes). Light pressure
pumping after routine is optional to keep tissues expanded.

Duration: 60 minute or longer sessions, alternating 5 minutes of exercise

with 5 minutes of rest (60 minutes total time = 30 minutes of exercise).

Erection Quality (EQ): 100 Kegels on rest days only.

73 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Advanced Schedules

Length Only: Every day with no rest days, for as many hours per day as you

Girth Only: Every other day, alternating PE session with rest days. Use until
PE journal indicates your optimum healing rest days schedule.

Balanced (Length + Girth): Either alternate length and girth days (30-60
minutes per session) or perform 50% length and 50% girth (for 60 minutes
total) every day. Both routine styles have been proven to produce decent
gains. Consult your PE journal to fine-tune your length /girth routine

Veteran Routines
Length Exercises: All day duration ADS and extender use, Heavy weight
hanging, Strong manual stretching. Heavy weight sling hanger.

Duration: At user discretion. (1-5 Minutes shock routine prior to length

routine) Manual stretching for 60+ minutes or Stutter stretches throughout
the day.

Girth Exercises: Clamping (100% erect), high pressure compression

squashes/squeezes. Short duration (10-30 minutes) max weight hanging for
base girth. Light pressure pumping after routine is optional to keep tissues

Duration: At user discretion, alternating 5 minutes of exercise with 5

minutes of rest. Multiple hour sessions more effective, but not mandatory.

Erection Quality (EQ): 100 Kegels on rest days only.

Veteran Schedules

74 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Length Only: Every day with no rest days, for as many hours per day as you

Girth Only: Every other day, alternating PE session with rest days. Use until
PE journal indicates your optimum healing rest days schedule.

Balanced (Length + Girth): Either alternate length and girth days (30-60
minutes per session) or perform 50% length and 50% girth (for 60 minutes
total) every day. Both routine styles have been proven to produce decent
gains. Consult your PE journal to fine-tune your length /girth routine

75 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 13: Device Guide

Search for penis enlargement products and there are hundreds of

results with dozens of different device designs. Which ones work and which
ones don’t? I’ve developed a basic guide for the most popular devices that
includes descriptions, their efficiency, as well as any potential side effects to
keep you safe and save you money. Keep in mind that these are my opinions
only and are not absolute, as many manufacturers and users swear by
certain products and have seen results with them. The advice I offer is
meant to fall on the side of caution to increase the chances of keeping you
safe, so it’s best to learn how your body responds and apply devices based
on your needs. Measure carefully before ordering, since many companies
do not allow refunds after purchase for hygienic reasons!

IMPORTANT: Under NO circumstances should you attempt to wear a

device of any kind while sleeping! The risks greatly outweigh the potential
benefits. Men have lost their penises by falling asleep with devices on.
Regardless of how the device is being advertised, don’t risk damaging or
even losing your penis by wearing a device overnight. In general, DO NOT
wear any device if there is the potential to fall asleep with it on. Drinking
alcohol or drug use of any kind while wearing a device can greatly increase
the chances of falling asleep with it on. Serious injuries can and do happen
when you are careless, so always be alert and ready to remove a device to
prevent injuries from occurring. Early in my PE career, I had been out
drinking earlier in the evening and when I can home I decided to use a pump
while watching TV. I nodded off and when I came to my entire penis was
turning black! I had only drifted off for maybe 15 minutes, so you can only
imagine what the effects of falling asleep overnight would be like. Don’t

76 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
take risks with your most prized possession. Lastly, be sure to wash and
disinfect your device before each use to avoid urinary tract infections.

Typically consisting of a set of spring loaded extension rods attached to
a ring base and top frame piece that exerts small gram-sized amounts of
force, comparable to up to about 6 pounds (max) of comparable weight
hanging force. Prices range from very cheaply made versions sold online to
high end/high quality models costing hundreds of dollars.

Extenders are usually sold with multiple attachment methods to fit the
greatest number of users. Typical gains calculation using the average
extender on the market are approximately 1 inch of length gain for every
1000 hours worn. Regardless of what attachment is sold with it, avoid any
attachment that uses a noose design, because it will cut off circulation to
the head and cause problems such as nerve damage, numbness, and
discoloration unless it has an area open (blood groove) on the bottom to
allow the head to receive fresh blood. To date, extenders are the only
medically reviewed device proven through various studies to increase penile
length. Extenders tend to not be as effective with men possessing larger
girths (6”+) due to the resistance caused by the additional girth.

Also, the base of most standard extenders will not fit girths in excess
of 6 inches in circumference or above comfortably unless a larger girth base
is ordered separately for additional money. Lastly, regardless of what the
advertising says, extenders cannot be worn easily under clothing due to the
huge bulge they create and are almost impossible to walk around with while
wearing one. The best extender application is while sitting in privacy. To
maximize comfort, consider purchasing an extender with a vacuum head
attachment option or retro-fitting a standard extender with a vacuum head
77 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
attachment, as they have been found to be the most comfortable which
translates into longer wear times and better results. Lastly, to maximize
performance try to purchase the highest gram force springs available for the
extender you purchase. More gram force transmitted to the shaft translates
into faster gains.

Be aware that extenders and many ADS setups are very dangerous to
wear while sleeping due to the possibility of the device shifting and cutting
off blood flow and causing permanent damage. I caution against wearing
any device while sleeping, even those advertised to be designed for night
time use, due to the possibility of injury should any issues arise while
sleeping. I feel it’s not worth the risk.

All Day Stretchers (ADS)

This class of enlargement products is widely varied in design and
effectiveness, but are based on the same traction principle that extenders
function on. Prices range from extremely inexpensive to hundreds of
dollars. Look for products that can hang from 2 to 6 pounds of weight/force
to see decent gains from these devices. As with all devices and techniques,
AVOID products that restrict/block blood flow to the head, which can cause
permanent nerve damage and loss of sensation. Most are able to be
concealed beneath clothing with varying degrees of success. ADS devices
include but are not limited to:

Clampers: The devices found here usually use some form of

constriction or friction to attach a weight or a cord to the shaft. They can be
effective if used properly and have an added benefit of being able to create
new skin by being worn at the very base and allowing the skin to push
forward and dam up, allowing it to stretch the skin. This technique is very
effective when skin creation is needed for additional length gains at the time
78 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
the skin is stretched to its limit from PE exercises and the skin is hindering
additional length gains. Depending upon the construction, these devices
can hang up to 50 pounds for short periods. Typically sold with knee strap
attachment systems as their form of applied force.

Ring systems: Consisting of multiple weighted rings worn like a sleeve

on the shaft, with the user adding more rings as the penis lengthens. Having
worn some of these devices for hours long periods, I find they simply lack
the weight necessary to produce length gains, which I’ve found to be 4+
pounds for lengthening to occur at the same rate as an extender. For this
reason, I don’t recommend them.

Vacuum attachment: Relatively new to the PE product line-up, this

type of ADS can be fairly versatile in that they can be used as either an ADS
or heavy hanging setup. Things to look out for include the fitment of the
vacuum cup attachment, as ordering the wrong size can cause frustration
when it doesn’t fit properly. Side effects from the vacuum attachments
include blisters to the head with moderate weight (6-10 pounds) when worn
for long periods unless using tape or their provided skin protector. The
chances of developing blisters increases significantly when used as a heavy
hanging device. I’ve found even after wearing the sleeves included to
prevent blisters that blisters can still appear, so these devices may be best
used for lower weights/tension in a ADS role. I have one myself and can
hang up to 6 pounds comfortably for long periods of time safely. Be careful
to always clean both the vacuum cup and suction tube with mouthwash
after each use to kill bacteria that can form following a session and to prep it
for the next use.

Loose Loop/Lanyard: A simple change to the dangerous noose design

makes this attachment method worth looking into. Lanyards usually consist

79 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
of a loop with a lock, allowing the loop to remain loose and as a result it
allows the head to receive fresh blood. Very inexpensive, these designs
typically are used as light ADS devices capable of holding up to 10 pounds
reliably. Look for soft silicone/padding and avoid the cheaper raw
cords/string/wire that can cut into the skin once the weight/tension force is
applied. Always be sure to leave the lock loose to ensure circulation is
reaching the head. Not as comfortable as the vacuum head attachments.

Sleeves: Advertised as an ADS, but really more of a PE support device

that allows the shaft and head to be kept in the extended position for long
periods. Typically made from soft silicone, they can be rolled on and off like
a condom and are fairly inexpensive but will also tear after multiple uses
due to the soft silicone material. Always measure carefully before ordering
a sleeve, as it can tend to reduce blood flow if the sleeve is too tight.
Sleeves are impractical for wearing under clothing unless somehow hidden
or restrained with straps due to the bulge they create under clothes. As a
support device, it is said these devices can help keep the tissues elongated
following a stretching/hanging session, but I find their benefits as a ADS
negligible at best.

Vacuum pumps
By far the oldest of all the enlargement devices on the market, with
advertisements for them being found in some of the earliest men’s
publications at the turn of the 19th century. Typically constructed of high
impact acrylic plastic, vacuum pumps use a cylinder and some form of pump
to evacuate the air (or water) from the chamber. The vacuum force draws
blood and lymph from the body into the cylinder, the pressure forcing an
erection and gently stretching the penile tissues in all directions. The next
generation water based pumps follow the same formula as the dry air

80 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
models, the argument being that exposure to hot water while under
expansion helps with results.

Although both the air and water based pump manufacturers claim
excellent results, most of the actual “growth” is caused by the short term
buildup of edema (fluid buildup of blood and lymph) trapped between the
shaft and outer skin. The pumps simply lack the force to generate the stress
required to create micro-tears within the penile walls. Permanent size
increases (outside of the outer skin stretching temporarily from pumping)
are very slow in comparison to current PE techniques such as extending
(length) and clamping (girth). Pumps still have value, however. Used in
conjunction with other PE devices and techniques, pumps can be excellent
support devices to be used after other PE exercises to keep the tissues in a
stressed/expanded state. For example, pumps can be used for several
hours (at low pressure) following a girth workout to allow the tissues to heal
while in the expanded state, in much the same way extenders function and
has been shown to be successful to aid girth gains.

Heavy weight hangers

Operating under the same theory found in traditional body building,
that adding progressively heavier weight will increase length. This method
exposes a common misconception in regards to length gains. The secret to
effective hanging for length is in the time spent hanging, not in the actual
weight used. Extenders are the perfect example. They only use grams of
force, but are able to constantly produce gains via tractive cell division. The
same holds true for heavy weight hanging with the difference being the
weight used. When you use progressively heavier weight, the body adapts
by thickening the shaft and base in response to counteract the force. So
essentially, if you hang with progressively higher weight at the same time
period intervals as an extender, it will get both thicker (mostly base) and

81 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
longer at the same rate as an extender. In short, to create base girth with
very little length gains, heavy hang for short periods of time vs the long
hours an extender is worn. If you are shooting for huge length gains, try to
avoid heavy hanging at all if possible unless it’s for very short periods
(ADS/extender shock load) so that you do not strengthen the ligaments
which can slow gains. If heavy hanging for length (long sessions), the
average base girth gain is .5” in thickness for every 1” of length increase.
The biggest problem with heavy hanging for the same time periods as
the extenders is in the level of comfort. Regardless of device, comfort
ranges due to the weight used between fairly to very uncomfortable due to
the attachment methods which often causes a loss of circulation to the

Strap, jaw, or gripper method: The oldest heavy hangers are usually
made of leather, rubber, or plastic and some form of buckle/belt to secure
the device to the penis. Prices range from very cheap to expensive, but also
tend to carry a higher risk of circulation being cut off to the head due to the
simple clamp design. I recommend against using them for more than a few
minutes at a time due to the risks of nerve damage and circulation cutoff.

Vacuum heavy hanger: Utilizing a stronger vacuum head cup and

attachment point versus the light weight versions, these are considered
fairly safe versus the old strap method and far more comfortable in practical
use. Weight load limit for the best models is roughly 40 pounds, so they are
fairly robust devices.

Shopping bag/weight sling: By far the cheapest and safest of the

heavy hanging techniques. I use this one myself and it can be done by
anyone with a simple shopping bag! Using a regular shopping bag (weight
sling or rope if using heavier weights) to hold the weight, this method simply
uses the loaded bag hung from your own gripping hand to attach the weight

82 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
to the penis and as a result can be instantly adjusted and discontinued in
case of discomfort. This method’s weight capacity is only limited by how
much the user can hang from their wrist. I describe this method in detail in
the Length section of the book.

Designed to recreate the same seal and pressure your hand can during
manual jelqing, these devices have a poor track record. Typically consisting
of a series of padded rollers, these devices are actually adapted versions of
tools used in other industries. They quite simply lack the ability to form a
solid seal that could be used to create the needed pressure.

Cable Clamps
Typically made of plastic and resembling a small version of the hand cuffs
that the police use, these very inexpensive devices are currently the best
girth producing PE tools available. Clamps are very durable and easily
adjusted by using a tab and lock system which can be released instantly in
the event of an emergency. The pressure that they can generate is
impressive, and I can personally attest to having gained .5” in 3 months
using a clamp. Originally used as a way to organize cabling and wiring, they
were quickly adapted to serve as PE devices. Clamps can either be applied
while partially erect to act as a constrictor with the erection doing the work,
or applied while 100% fully erect for those men who already clamp and are
looking for more pressure.

83 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 14: Your Shape and How to Change it (or how to
build your dream penis)

Going right alongside size increases, many men have sought to change
the shape of their penis to better please their own aesthetic and their
partners desires. Each exercise found in PE has a distinct impact on the
shape of the penis, with shape changes becoming increasing visible with the
passage of time. As a result, having a shape goal should be part of your PE
strategy from the very beginning. In this chapter I will describe the various
common shapes and how each device and exercise can affect the overall
shape, allowing you to decide how you want to proceed to achieve your

First off, let’s see what you’re working with. There are no right or
wrong shapes, none more highly valued than any another so no worries
regardless of what you are starting with. All shapes can stimulate nerve
endings of sex partners, so don’t get too focused on one type being
somehow more ideal than another. Penis shape is a highly personal
preference. For example I started out with a curved, classic football shape.
Using multiple techniques, I slowly changed it into a fairly straight stick-shift
shape with a thicker base tapering to a large head. Everyone has their own
vison of how they want their penis to look, so include what shape you truly
want when developing your PE strategy. These shapes include but are not
limited to:

84 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Baseball Bat: Thinner base with thicker mid-shaft and average to large

Spike: Thicker base tapering to thinner mid-shaft and small head.

Stick-Shift: Thicker base tapering to thinner mid-shaft and large head.

Lolli-pop: Thinner uniform base and mid-shaft, large head.

Football: Thinner base with thicker mid-shaft and small head

Uniform: All girths being similar in circumference.

Thicker than or as thick as it is long: Also called the slang term “Chode”.

Longer and thin overall girth: Also known as the derogatory term “Pencil

Now that you understand what basic shape you are and have an idea of
what shape you’d like to have as the final outcome, let’s take a look at
what’s available in the present PE world to shape the penis.

To thicken the base only: Use short or long duration heavy weight hanging,
stronger pull manual stretches. High loads for short time durations (minutes
per session versus hours) will produce a thicker base but very little if any
length increases. If serous length increases are desired (2”+ length increase)
avoid thickening the shaft base until your length goals have been achieved
to avoid strengthening the support ligaments as well as creating additional
mass that can resist stretching exercises.

To thicken mid-shaft only: Use Jelqing, Modified Jelqing, Kegel Clamping,

Squashes, and Clamping.

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Increase head length: Create pressure right below the head with the
modified jelqing technique, pushing blood directly into the head and holding
the pressure until the head is shiny and tight.

Increase head girth: Use the same grip/technique as the head length
exercise described above, then with your free hand squeeze right below the
ridge of the head. The pressure will cause the head to become shiny and

Shaft girth with no base or head increase: Use shaft squashes with glans
and base completely flaccid.

Longer with no girth increase: Use an extender or light weight ADS for as
many hours as it can be worn per day.

Girth with no length increase: Modified Jelqing, clamping, short duration

heavy stretches, head squeezes, and short duration heavy weight hanging
works best. Any girth exercise that doesn’t stretch out the penis like
standard jelqing or is done with less than 100% erection levels will produce
almost exclusively girth gains.

Balanced length/girth increase: For those seeking more modest gains (1”
length, .5” girth) Either alternate girth and length days (one girth, then one
length, repeat) or perform both length and girth exercises on the same
workout day. I find it easier to perform stretching first, then girth work as it
is much easier to stretch the tissues when the head and shaft are not

Monster (large (2”+ length/girth increases): The preferred strategy is to

gain all your length first to your goal (do not over-shoot length goal) using
an extender or light weight ADS device and then fill in the base, shaft, and
head girth with the girth techniques listed above. The girth exercises will

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make the length gains permanent, as well as add the over-shoot length
required to keep your target length goal. Gaining length before girth is
generally considered easier than girth first since the thicker the girth is, the
harder it is to stretch and lengthen.

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Chapter 15: The healing process

One of the most important parts of PE and something often

overlooked is managing the healing process. Much of the emphasis is
placed on the exercises and while they are important, the healing cycle is
where most of the growth occurs. Properly managing your off hours and
days can mean the difference between excellent gains and struggling to see
any improvement at all. Like any other damage done to the body time must
be set aside for the healing process, but just how much? For those solely
concerned about length, there shouldn’t really be rest days due to the much
smaller level of deformation being done to the tissues (requiring less
recovery) versus the more intense girth focused routines, so for the sake of
this discussion we’ll be talking about both girth only and balanced
(length/girth) routines.

I constantly get asked what the best on/off schedule for reliable gains
is and I honestly have to say that your PE schedule needs to be tailored to
your own individual needs. All men heal at different rates, so instead of
trying to copy what has worked for others you need to discover what works
best for you and your body. So where do you start? That is where your PE
journal can become a critical resource! By carefully tracking your starting
statistics, routines, time schedule, and gains you can pinpoint the healing
period sweet spot for optimum gains. For example, a man with excellent
health in his 20’s is probably going to heal much faster than a man in his
40’s who smokes. My schedule compared to when I started 20 years ago
has changed considerably to coincide with my health and as such has
continued to yield results because I observe what my body requires for rest
time and I adjusted for it. So to that end, patience and being consistent with

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recording your results must become a habit to be able to pinpoint your
optimum healing window.

So how do you determine your optimum healing cycle window? Once

you get past the initial break-in period described earlier in the book and are
experiencing steady visible gains, you can try this experiment. This
experiment can push the limits of your patience but really pays off in return
with increased gains and faster progress. At the beginning of the month,
carefully document your statistics in your journal. During the course of that
month, carefully track the hours/minutes for each routine, which routine
was performed on what day, supplements ingested, and rest days. At the
end of the month, again take measurements and compare them to last
month’s results and write it in your journal with any notes pertaining to your
sessions, etc.

Now comes the experimenting! The following month, only change the
rest day schedule to allow for more or less rest days, but be consistent with
everything else for that month. Document everything as you did the
previous month and measure at the end of that month. Did your gains
increase, decrease, or stay the same? You’ve just made your first step
towards tuning your healing cycle to determine what works best for your
body. So in this way you can use the one month time span model to adjust
your routines and healing rate to maximize gains. As time progresses, you
will know how many days off, exercises, and other data yield the best results
versus using guesswork. The key to the experiments is to only change ONE
item per month and although the process can try your patience, it can really
help in the long run by greatly reducing wasted time and effort.

Knowing your body and your healing cycle also has another great
benefit by allowing you to know how many days you can rest from PE when

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taking time off is unavoidable due to life’s demands. You will know how
many days off you can take before healing begins to reverse the woven
texture described in the Gain Zone chapter, which will help you avoid having
to re-enter the days or weeks long break-in period again. To help slow the
healing process when you may have to take an extended PE break, avoid
any supplements/foods/situations if possible that speed up the healing
process. In this way you can extend your mandatory break and prolong the
healing cycle, thus staying in the Gain Zone longer.

With that being said, those focused only on length can also use the PE
journal to tune their routines to maximize gains. By documenting all
information including supplements, routines, etc. you can determine what
works best and what was detrimental. The key to all of this is in changing
only one factor per month, otherwise the additional new factors will
prevent you from discovering what truly works and what doesn’t.

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Chapter 16: Getting past plateaus

As described earlier in the book, a plateau is when the techniques

being used are no longer effective and size increases stop. Essentially, the
body has either healed sufficiently that the tissues need to be broken down
again due to an extended break or the tissues have adapted to the forces
being exerted by your current PE techniques. Regardless of the cause, you
can push past the plateau using the advice found in this chapter.

No length gains for weeks/months: Repeating the same entry level

stretches with the same force and weight won’t help since the body has
adapted. You need to shock the tissues with short duration heavy weight
hanging before every stretching session to break down the tissues,
something that the lighter stretching can no longer do now that the body
has adapted. As long as you keep shocking the tissues before using a light
weight ADS (4-6 pounds) or high-gram rated extender, it will keep getting

No girth gains for weeks/months: This problem is all about force

application, specifically the lack of it. At one point I jelqed for almost a year
with zero results, so I am well aware of how frustrating that can be. This can
be overcome with progressive force routines, such as switching to higher
pressure exercises such as moving from jelqing to modified jelqing or from
modified jelqing to clamping. Keep ahead of the body adapting and use
your journal, visible gains, and woven Gain Zone texture to know when to
upgrade your routine.

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General Gains Plateau

Progressive Force Method: During my early PE journey, I spent almost

a year desperately jelqing in the hopes of continuing to increase my size.
Distraught, I began to research alternative methods and stumbled onto
medical reports about Priapism victims. What I discovered would
completely change my views on how the enlargement mechanism
functioned and influence every routine I’ve created since. Priapism victims
all had one thing in common no matter what the disease they suffered from.
All patients experienced prolonged (hours long), painful erections which
forced their tissues to expand beyond their normal limits. Once the
erections subsided and the patients healed, permanent enlargement in girth
and often length were the direct side effects.

So there’s the crux of the enlargement formula (stress + time =

growth). Using this formula I developed a modified version of the standard
jelqing routines which focused on creating pressure high enough to cause
slightly painful stretching for extended periods (minutes) of time versus the
short duration (1-2 second) standard jelqing that I had always performed.
The results were dramatic! Holding the pressure as long as possible (up to 5
minutes at a time) and increasing the pressure of the routines when my
body adapted pushed me quickly from the five inch erect girth I had when I
plateaued to six inches in what seemed like just a few months. When I
restarted PE in 2015, I began clamping while continuing to use the same
formula and was able to document a full .5” permanent increase in girth in
just three months. The formula and techniques have now been validated by
multiple users on the ajelqforyou forum who have also gained at similar
rates, posting their progress photos on the site.

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So what does this mean to you? It means that once you begin to
experience slow or no gains you need to either increase the force or weight
used slightly or switch to a method creating more force as the body adapts
to see continued progress. Examples of this can be found in the routines
section, where you can see the progression of the techniques from the basic
exercises to the more advanced exercises and devices. Progressively adding
more force has shown to push even hard gainers into the gain zone.

Binge and Purge Method: The second method I’ve found to push past
plateaus also works well, but I find requires far more patience. Also referred
to as the Atrophy Method. This means taking an extended break of weeks to
months (max) once a plateau is reached. Much like body building when the
person no longer lifts weights to maintain their muscle size and strength,
atrophy sets in and muscles, ligaments, and tissues begin to shrink from the
lack of demand placed on them. The penis acts in a similar fashion until it
reaches a settling point in length, which users report is typically .5” in
shrinkage in length, and .25” to .5” in girth once PE activity has ceased and
all healing has occurred. Tissues and ligaments that were once able to
withstand multiple pounds of weight and substantial pressure lose their
strength over the course of months. Erections still appear hard and strong,
but the supporting structure weakens as time passes and the tissues leave
the gain zone and return to normal texture.

The result of this method is often significant size increases once PE is

restarted. The shrinkage that occurred is reversed and new growth occurs
more rapidly since the now weakened tissues can expand and stretch more
easily versus their previously strengthened state. This replicates the second
observation of priapism patients, of a cycle of painful erection events
followed by full healing in between. Does the atrophy method work?
Absolutely, as shown in many men on the PE forums who have practiced PE

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for years before hitting plateaus and stopping, only to restart again and
suddenly seeing new gains (using the exact same routines they previously
used) and pushing past their old plateaus.

So which method do I endorse? Both have had very successful results,

so I find it’s a matter of personal preference. I will say that the progressive
force method is preferred far more often than the atrophy method due to
the patience involved and additional time required. For those with sporadic,
scheduled windows of available time often months apart, the atrophy
method is probably a safer bet. To best utilize the atrophy method, sessions
must be much longer and more intense (versus the progressive method
levels of force) for the brief periods that PE is being performed, followed by
extended rest periods. That means multiple hours per day in traction or
expansion using the exercises for the days you are actually performing PE. If
you want to try a short term version of this technique, See “The Event”
description found in the girth chapter.

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Chapter 17: Speeding up gains

Shock Loading
For those experiencing slow to no gains from their length exercises,
performing shock-loading on the penile chambers can mean the difference
between achieving results and never seeing progress. Creating micro-
fractures which then heal during the stretching process is an essential part
of the enlargement process, one which is well documented by medical
studies into extenders. Naturally thicker penile chamber walls, conditioned
(toughened) walls due to past exercises, as well as lower tension stretching
devices and routines can all contribute to a lack of length increases.

Shock loading is the answer. Shock loading works in two significant

ways. The technique first creates those essential micro-fractures which
can’t be produced by many stretching devices and routines. Secondly, over
time the process disrupts the cell walls of the penile chambers and causes
them to lose their structural strength while on the PE program. With the
chamber walls disrupted (broken down), the chambers no longer offer
resistance to the stretching forces which results in the stretching force being
focused mostly on the ligaments at the base. Stressing the ligaments
anchoring the penile tissues to the pubic bone over long periods of time is
the primary way length gains occur.

Shock loading is accomplished by performing various exercises, with

the most popular being described here. The best application of shock
loading is by performing the exercises for just 5 minutes before every
stretching session.

The exercises and techniques known to work for Shockloading include but
are not limited to:

95 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
-Kegel Clamping
-Modified Jelqing
-Shaft Squashes
-Manual stretching
-Shopping bag (Heavy Hanging)

It is suggested to use these routines in the order they are listed, with
manual stretching and the shopping bag used to provide extra force against
the ligaments versus the girth oriented routines. Please note you need to
only do just one of the routines listed for proper shock loading.

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Speeding Up Gains

There are multiple things you can do and consume to increase gains,
many being free or costing very little money. This list isn’t definitive, with a
great many other successful tips existing in the PE community but it will help
give you an idea of what can be done fairly quickly.

General Health: Your age is less of a factor than your overall physical
condition. Staying at a healthy weight, getting enough sleep, controlling
allergies and auto-immune disorders, exercising, and consuming a good diet
that includes vitamins and minerals goes a long way towards speeding gains
afforded by faster cellular repair responses.

Supplements: A good multi-vitamin that includes vitamins and

minerals found to aid in cellular repair are recommended. Examples include
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Phosphorus, and Zinc. I use an allergen free multi-
vitamin and also consume protein tablets to aid in cellular repair. For
example, I take protein tablets following any routine (especially when on
girth routines) as a general rule.

Protein: This can either be meats, certain plants, or weight lifting

protein formulas. I find the weight lifting proteins to be more effective due
to their contents containing cellular repair ingredients. Daily consumption
of the weight lifting formulas should be limited to avoid becoming
dehydrated and when using protein it is recommended to drink more water
in general. As a general rule, take protein following PE exercise, especially
after girth exercises.

Heat: I find it generally best to apply heat only after a routine and not
before or during it. Why do I say this? Applying heat before your exercises

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will actually allow the tissues to better resist the tearing forces of the
exercises by increasing the tissue’s ability to stretch and deform instead of
causing micro-tears and breaking down. What works in the weight lifting
world (warm up first to prevent injury) is actually counter-productive to a
good PE program. Applying heat (hyper-thermic treatment) after your
exercises triggers your body’s repair mechanism and generates heat shock
proteins, which in turn increases/speeds cellular generation and repair. As
always results vary and you need to use your PE journal to determine
whether heat works for you and at what points in your routines.

A word of caution in regards to heat application. Safe methods of

heating include but not limited to include dipping the penis into a container
of warm water, baths and showers, heated wet towel, heat pad, or rice sock
heated in a micro-wave. I would not recommend any infra-red heat lamps
due to their ability to cause skin damage and the chance of burns if the
penis is accidentally touched by the lamp’s surface. Moist heat is the safest
heating method I’ve found. Lastly, gains will still occur if no heat is applied,
so don’t be concerned if you cannot include this into your routines due to
time or available resources.

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Chapter 18: Shrinkage and Gains Inhibitors

So are there any things that can slow gains or even shrink the penis?
Actually, there are and you may be exposing yourself to them right now!
The list that follows is only a sample of things I’ve found that can have a
negative effect on your PE progress and your penis size in general.
Remember to put your health above gains, which means that you should
not stop taking life-sustaining medications in the pursuit of more/better
gains. Your life is worth far more than a slight increase/faster gains when
looking at the big picture of your life. Work with your body’s needs/find safe
alternatives as part of your overall PE strategy.

End of PE program: Following the end of your PE Journey and all

healing occurring, there will be unavoidable shrinkage. Expect maybe .5” in
length and .25 to .5” in girth loss when the body pulls some of the penis
back into the body as the tissues and ligaments settle and all inflammation
has healed. Plan for this during your PE strategy and set your goals
accordingly. Some men do not see this level of shrinkage, but plan for it.

Poor lifestyle/Diet: By far the area with the most impact on gains is
your overall health. Consumption of junk food, large amounts of refined
sugar, and a lack of vitamins and minerals will slow your gains significantly.
I’ve had individuals who actually thought they had plateaued when in reality
their poor diet was slowing gains down to a crawl.

Auto-Immune Disorders/Disease: Being someone with an auto-

immune disorder who experienced practically no gains for months before I
was diagnosed, I can tell you it can dramatically affect your PE success. Get
your allergies and illnesses under control and you will be amazed at how

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fast your body responds to PE. I find many auto-immune disorders such as
Celiac disease and some allergies can be treated by avoiding starchy foods
such as wheat, corn, dairy, artificial ingredients, and starchy vegetables that
contain the protein Lectin. Of course, consult your doctor to develop the
best treatment for your situation.

Smoking: Shown in clinical tests to actually shrink the penis, it’s highly
recommended to stop smoking to prevent shrinkage and gains slowing from
its effects.

Drinking Beer: Consuming beer containing Hops has been shown to

significantly lower testosterone production in men due to its estrogenic
properties. Research your drinks and you will be surprised at what’s in

BPA Plastics: Bisphenol-A, a chemical found in many plastic food and

beverage containers has been linked to testosterone loss.

Soy: There have been increasing amounts of estrogen and soy being
placed into the food supply for decades and this has been shown to
negatively impact penis size, cognitive abilities, and sexual function.

Prescription Drugs: I HIGHLY recommend checking the history of the

medications you are prescribed before actually using them! For example,
some anti-depressants are well known to literally shrink the penis, with men
reporting a loss of in some cases multiple inches (2+) of length and serious
levels of girth. If possible, find natural alternatives to medications.

Stress and Sleep Deprivation: Lack of adequate sleep can raise

cortisol levels, which will contribute to lowered testosterone levels.

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Obesity: Fat tissues (Adipose tissue) secrets the enzyme aromatase
that converts testosterone into estrogen.

Anti-Inflammatory Medications: Taking these before or after a

workout can slow cellular repair and the inflammation process which in turn
slows gains.

Illegal Drugs: Any drugs that have an effect on blood flow will cause
issues with erections. Examples include Cocaine, Ecstasy, and Crystal meth
among many others. When blood flow is negatively impacted, PE exercises
are as well by not being able to maintain erection quality among other

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Chapter 19: Injuries and treatments

Even with all of the advancements in the realm of safety in regards to

penis enlargement, injuries can still occur. For the most part all of these
injuries revolve around excessive force. Men in general have moderate to
very strong hands, which can sometimes translate into far too much force
being applied to an organ not designed by nature to handle sudden high
loads or high pressures. Besides their strength, men will also increase the
stress beyond safe limits due to their competitive nature and need to see
immediate improvement. We want results! Well, unfortunately that (in
some cases desperate) need to see changes will force those with normally
level heads to override their better judgement. Patience is the single most
important factor that will keep you safe while on your PE journey. This
cannot be stressed enough.

There are several common injuries reported by the PE community and

I humbly report I have experienced all of them at one point or another to
varying degrees. Know that the vast majority of injuries are cured by simply
waiting for healing to occur before restarting. One thing to remember about
injuries, use them to learn from, not run from. Some men will experience
minor injuries such as red dots on the shaft or slight erection quality loss
right after a routine and stop PE, not understanding that some necessary
side effects need to occur during the growth process. Don’t let minor
injuries deter you from the goals you set for yourself. Should an injury occur
allow the proper time to rest, treat it and learn from it, then come back with
a plan to solve the problem. Should you have questions, the free PE forums
and the veterans on them are excellent resources to ask. Chances are they
have an answer. When in doubt, wait it out! Below are the injuries most

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often seen and their respective treatments. Should you experience ongoing
symptoms and /or have concerns, do not hesitate to seek medical attention.

Red Dots on Shaft/Head

By far the most common complaint and the one that heals the fastest. The
red (pin prick) dots are created by the excess pressure exerted on the
tissues during girth or length exercises and consist of tiny burst capillaries
beneath the skin. Completely harmless, the dots on the shaft are usually a
sign that girth exercises have reached a stage where pressure is increasing
to the point that the blood vessels are at their limit. The dots heal within
12-24 hours typically, with those practicing higher pressure routines such
clamping seeing dots remain for longer periods due to the extreme
pressures. Dots seen on the head, however, are another matter. In the
event you see red dots on the head, allow them to heal like the shaft dots
would. Should those red dots not go away in the same time period as the
shaft dots or get worse, allow time for them to fully heal or they will
continue to return due to the anatomy of the glans.

Erection Quality (EQ)

Often seen in the form of a sudden or general loss of maximum hardness or
rock-hard level erections, typically from girth workouts. Understand that
during the growth process the walls of the penis are in a broken down state
and depending upon the individual you may experience weaker erections.
This condition can often be corrected by extra rest, augmenting your EQ
with the inclusion of kegels into your PE strategy, or reducing the
duration/force of the exercises that are being performed. As a general note I
find that “morning wood” erections, although less common during PE, will
often be much larger/stronger. Contrary to the PE scare stories, to date I

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have not seen a legitimate case of complete erectile dysfunction caused by
simply jelqing as claimed online.

Overall blood volume can come into play over time as well. As the
blood volume needed to fill your erectile chambers increases, your body
may simply not be able to provide the blood pressure required to maintain
erections for the periods it used to be able to. This can often be seen with
men with naturally large penises in that they can experience this condition
as well as veinous leaks that prevent the erection from reaching full
hardness. I can confirm this to be the case with myself, in that my
previously instant rock-hard erections (even post PE) cannot be maintained
at the same duration and hardness as my now much larger dimensions.
Those with larger overall bodies or mass may experience these issues to a
lesser extent versus men with smaller bodies due to the extra blood volume
found in larger men. Lastly, it’s recommended not to perform PE exercises
known to affect EQ right before or the day of a sex session to avoid
performance issues in general.

Felt as hard points or hard veins beneath the skin, it is caused by a
blood clot within a vein or artery due to excess pressure and blood
stagnation. Should you feel hard points under the skin that appear to be
hard veins, do not continue any PE exercises until healing has occurred and
the thrombosis has disappeared on its own. Venous thrombosis can often
be treated with anti-coagulants such as aspirin or vitamin K, deep tissue
massage, as well as heat application on the site.

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Lymphatic clogs
Felt as clumps of edema or hardness beneath the skin that do not
disappear within 24 hours after a PE session. I find most can be treated with
massage and heat to help drain the excess lymph.

Venous leaks
Caused by excess pressure damage to the veins and also found
naturally occurring in some men with larger sized penises. Leaks are created
by excess pressure to the veins and arteries, with tears appearing as bruising
for surface leaks and sharp pain often felt for tears within the penile
structures. Best treatment is to stop all PE until the tear(s) fully heal, which
can take days to 2 or more weeks depending upon the level of injury. EQ
may suffer following this kind of injury but will return to normal EQ once
healing has progressed.

Sharp pain on shaft/head

Most often caused by excess pressure/force on the tissues resulting in
a small tear/sheer either in a vein, return valve, shaft wall, or ligament
within. Pain sources within the tissues can be hard to pinpoint with
accuracy, but in general it indicates something has/is being torn.
Treatment is rest until the pain goes away completely, sometimes requiring
days to a week or more depending upon severity. Lower quality erections
may follow this pain, less by an actual injury but the psychological effect of it
causing weaker/no erections.

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Overall Soreness on shaft/head
Usually indicating the tissues have been well exercised following a
routine and can also occur after ejaculations for those on high pressure girth
routines like modified jelqing. Very normal.

Dull pain on shaft/head

Often an indicator of over-training where the tissues are already well
broken down and are now just being worked beyond what is needed to see
gains. This symptom can also be a sign that something is close to being torn
(vein from shaft, etc.). Treat with rest until erection quality improves.

Soreness at base
Soreness after a stretching routine is the most common time this will
be felt. The ligaments connecting the penis to the pubic bone can be
strained and have been stressed past their limit. Typically, if soreness
follows a stretching routine it indicates the ligaments are under stress and
cellular division/repair is occurring. Not feeling the soreness at the base can
be a sign that the ligaments are not being stressed enough for length gains
to occur.

Sharp Pain at base

One or both of the ligaments supporting the penis have been stressed
to the point of starting to tear and they require rest, with rest ranging from
days to a week or more.

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Popping feeling at the base/pubic bone
This effect is caused by the ligaments being pulled free from the body
sufficiently enough for the ligament joint to ride across the pubic bone,
creating a sudden pop and sudden soreness being felt. While fairly
harmless, it can scare you the first time and there are stories of this event
“ruining” the penis, which is a myth. Common term for this phenomenon is
a “lig popping”. It is not necessary to experience a ligament popping to see
gains in length. There is usually no rest required for healing from this event.

Pain at the tip/Blood from urethra

Caused by the walls of the urethra being exposed to excess pressure
by girth and stretching routines, with the pressure sometimes causing small
tears in the urethra walls. Allow it to heal completely in a few days to a
week, and when stretching be sure that the head is completely flaccid.

General soreness/random pains

If felt on the rest days at random intervals, these aches and pains are
most often caused by healing taking place, also known as growing pains.

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Torn Vein(s)
Condition in which a vein or veins have been literally partially or fully
torn from the shaft or apart. The only examples being observed in men who
were dry jelqing (no lube) while using a very tight grip and extreme force.
Condition can also be caused by someone performing the exercises without
being able to feel the pressure and pain levels of their penis, such as those
with numbness in their extremities. Complications include possible internal
bleeding and prolonged weaker EQ. Very rare in the PE community, as the
warning signs such as pain usually prevent men from injuring themselves
this severely. Treatment is commonly the surgical re-attachment of the
veins to the shaft.

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Chapter 20: Tips, tricks, solutions, and observations

Here is a collection of hints and inside info I’ve collected over the years
that might be of interest.

- Masturbation: Contrary to popular belief, masturbation after your PE

workout won’t affect gains. It’s a matter of personal choice. I find it
can actually help flush stagnant blood faster from the swollen tissues
and in turn introduce fresh oxygenated blood to the newly created
micro-tears. Masturbation also produces small amounts of cortisol
which boosts the immune system. Think about it. Your tissues have
been damaged, so what does masturbation have to do with cellular
level wound repair other than to possibly improve it via improved
blood flow? For those thinking abstinence improves gains, your journal
is the key to determining for yourself whether that’s really the case.
For the record, I ejaculate following every routine and I am inches
thicker and longer than when I started. Best way to know for yourself?
Carefully track it in your journal for several months and see what
works for you.

- Length Disparity: In general, the thicker you become throughout the

shaft the more your stretched flaccid length will be longer than your
erect length. The disparity can be as high as 1.5” difference between
erect and flaccid lengths. At this time, due to the mechanics of
erections and the structure of the penis, there is no way I am aware of
to correct length disparity.

109 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
- Shaving: If you must shave the base and/or shaft, do it after a PE
session or on a rest day to avoid creating ingrown hairs. The reason
for this is that the hair stubble can actually be pulled inside the skin
from the stretching mechanics and become forced beneath the skin.
Ingrown hairs can cause pain and small hard bumps (cysts) beneath
the skin. Treatment for ingrown hairs can involve using sharp tweezers
or needles (ouch), so try to avoid creating them in the first place.

- Device strength: Want to know how much force your PE device is

actually producing? Attach an inexpensive fish weighing scale found at
a sporting goods store to your device and find out how much weight or
pull it creates. I find the sweet spot to be between 4 to 6 pounds of
force (typical extender force) to see decent gains from any product. If
the force measured is under 4 pounds, gains will be slower in general.

- It sucks: Do you own a cheap vacuum cup attachment that requires

using a suction tube that works by using your mouth to create the
vacuum? I find those devices to be very unsanitary. Here’s how to fix
that. Purchase a hand operated vacuum pump used to bleed the
brakes of a car and adapt the vacuum cup attachment tubing to fit the
pump. Problem solved! Prices for the brake bleeding vacuum pump
(identical to the PE version) are very cheap compared to what the PE
sites sell it for typically.

- Controlling Erections: For those new to PE, controlling your erections

during a workout can become extremely frustrating. Practicing to
control your stimulation level is crucial for successful sessions.

110 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
If you are doing a length routine, consider having an orgasm
earlier (hours) before your PE session so that you are less likely to
become erect while stretching. It also helps to avoid any direct or
indirect stimulus such as pornographic images and/or thoughts before
and during a routine. Girth is another story.

The opposite holds true for girth routines. For girth routines,
erections are often repeated multiple times at various levels of
hardness. To practice controlling your stimulation, try this exercise.
Stimulate yourself using visual/manual stimulation until you become
hard. Stop stimulating yourself. Now, keep that erection as best you
can without having an orgasm for a five minute period. At the end of
the five minutes let go of those sexual thoughts, allow the erection to
pass, and massage (squeeze + kneed) your shaft and head to get used
to the sensation of the massage. While massaging, view or think about
non-porn related materials such as a TV show, movie, or paperwork.
The erection will have partially/completely subsided during the
massage period. At the end of the non-sexual period (5 minutes)
repeat the stimulation process above.

This repeated cycle trains you to not only control your erections
but also teaches self-control for those with pre-mature ejaculation and
porn addiction. What really helped me was isolating what stimulated
me the most and using it like a switch to be flipped whenever I wanted
an erection.

- Urination: Girth routines and some length work can create significant
swelling of the glans (head) and this can create problems urinating
following a workout. To solve this, take a plastic bottle and cut it in
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half. Keep the half with the bottle cap end, remove the cap, and you
have yourself a great way to direct your urine into the toilet versus all
over the bathroom!

- Frenelum Tear: On rare occasions, excess force during stretching and

to a lesser extent girth routines can cause the skin beneath the glans
tip to tear. Should this occur, let it heal completely before restarting
PE. As a quick way to close the tear and speed healing, some men use
super glue on the area to seal the wound and allow it to heal while the
skin is pressed together. Obviously allow the glue to dry fully before
allowing the area to touch other surfaces such as underwear.

- Peyronies Disease: The mechanism behind why the hard plaques form
within the shaft is still being studied, with new techniques such as
ultrasonic devices being used to break up the plaques, as well as
experimental use of erection enhancement products and natural cures
such as research into castor oil.

- Penis is curved, up/down/left/right: The best way to correct this is

using an extender due to their ability to straighten the penis using
tractive force. Over time, the traction will produce growth in the
curved portion of the penis, evening out the sides with the end result
being a straighter and longer penis. ADS devices are less successful
with straightening due to the fact they typically pull the penis at an
angle instead of entirely straight.

- Low hangers: Want low hanging testicles? Find a wrist weight meant
for aerobics exercise (2+ pounds) and wrap it around your scrotum.

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The weight will stretch the scrotum skin over time and the testes will
naturally hang lower permanently.

- Sensitivity loss: Minor to moderate nerve damage can sometimes be

corrected over time with repeated heat treatments and increased
blood flow exercises found in some girth exercises. Submerge your
penis for extended periods in warm to just bearable hot water or a hot
wrap. This heat shock helps stimulate the nerve receptors to
encourage peripheral nerve repair. You can also use exercises such as
kegel clamps, modified jelqing, and pumping to force more blood into
the head, which will help generate new nerve cells.

- Reversing Prone Masturbation and its effects: The laying down and
thrusting into the bed and objects type of masturbation can have
debilitating effects when done long term. Loose foreskin, loss of
sensitivity, and numbing of the sexual response are among the
common symptoms. To help reverse these issues, the general
suggestions below have been shown to be effective.

1. Avoid any sexual stimulation for at least a week. This will help
rebuild your libido/desire and reset your sex drive.

2. After the first week, use only your hands for stimulation.
Going forward, stimulate only with your hands to orgasm
every day to re-train your mind to associate sex completion
with your hands and not the prone position.

3. If you have loose foreskin, it can be corrected thru PE

stretching/sculpting techniques including making the head

113 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
4. For loss of sensitivity, see the sensitivity entry found in this

- Tight Foreskin: Is your foreskin hard to pull fully back to expose the
head? Pinch the skin at the tip closed to form a seal. Urinate to push
urine into the foreskin, stretching it with the pressure of the urine.
Hold the pressure, release, and repeat. If more pressure is required,
use a finger to apply force to the inflated foreskin. Afterward, apply a
skin softening lotion to the foreskin. Repeat the process and over time
it will loosen the skin and allow free movement of the foreskin without
having surgery. For seriously tight foreskin, this solution may sound
crazy but it works very well. Buy a cheap toy squirt-water gun with a
thin barrel/tip. Attach a cable clamp below the head just tight enough
to seal the head off from the shaft. Use one hand to seal the tip of the
water gun barrel with the foreskin, and use your other hand to pull the
trigger of the water gun. The clamp insures that none of the water
pressure enters the lower shaft, prostate, etc. Pump the water gun to
inject (clean) water into/under the foreskin, forcing it to expand.
When a stretching level of pain is felt, hold that pressure for as long as
you can, typically 30 seconds to a few minutes. Let go of your upper
grip to the water gun to release the pressure, reset, and repeat. This
method quickly enlarges the foreskin on even tough/tight foreskins.
Unorthodox, but very effective!

- Stretch Marks: To avoid stretch marks, use lotions specializing in

stretch mark prevention after PE routines to both prevent stretch
marks and weaken the skin which in turn allows the skin to more easily
expand for faster gains.

114 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
- Larger Flaccid: It’s been noted that wearing an extender or ADS can
greatly increase your flaccid hang over time, but to quickly create a
larger flaccid to quickly make a better impression at the gym or
bedroom, do a quick stretch or one or two very light pressure modified
jelqs to temporarily create a much larger and fuller flaccid size.

- Turkey neck: Have loose skin between the scrotum and the shaft of the
penis? While performing any PE exercises, when possible wear a
rubber or silicone ring at the base to both prevent more skin from
forming and to stretch out the existing skin to correct the turkey neck.

- Tight shaft skin: Often caused by the shaft growing to the point that
during an erection the skin can be painfully stretched tight. Many men
feel this is their PE limit, but it really isn’t. To push past it, begin by
either using pumping to create looser by stretching the skin with
pressure against the skin, as well as use skin softening agents/lotions
that help weaken or break down the keratin which will allow the skin
to stretch and grow at the same rate as the shaft. Creating and
loosening skin improves gains as well by removing the resistance that
the skin usually provides to slow gains.

- Premature Ejaculation: Training yourself to stop when getting close to

orgasm as well as using your ability to Kegel to prevent the ejaculation
response. I also find the product known as Benzocaine (also known as
Oragel & Baby Oragel) to be effective when applied on the bottom of
the head and tip a few minutes before sex. Numbs sensitivity down
enough that sex isn’t overly stimulating.

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Chapter 21: Sex with a large penis

So what’s it really like to have sex with a larger than average penis? I
would say, “With great size comes great responsibility” would be the best
response. As size increases, so does the chance of injuring a partner and
having other issues. Here are just some of the factors to consider when
considering going for the huge to monster level sizes. Being as large as the
porn stars you see has quite a few downsides compared to the fantasy
you’re sold when viewing big penis porn.

Length: The positive side is that you can now reach pretty much every
part inside your partner and do almost any position without slipping out.
The negative side is that the longer it is, the more careful you have to be to
avoid hitting delicate internal parts such as the cervix in women. You can’t
just go all the way in as you could before and must now guess how far to
carry each stroke while thrusting. Length above a certain point is simply for
eye candy and isn’t useable during sex, as it can’t be fully inserted.

Girth: The positives are balanced by the negatives with extra girth. As
the surface area increases, so does the amount of friction you’re creating on
the vaginal or anus walls. The result is often greatly improved pleasure for
your partner versus a normal or thinner penis. Vaginal orgasms are far more
common with greater girth, and there are no longer worries about it not
being felt by a partner. As I said, the negatives balance it out. Foreplay
becomes mandatory for those with serious girth increases, with you having
to gently work the head in and allow your partner time to adjust to the mass
being inserted. It can be a slow process. The additional friction also makes
constant lubrication almost mandatory to avoid excess friction. In general,
as girth increases the sex sessions tend to become shorter due to the

116 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
friction causing the vagina or anus to become rubbed raw. In many cases,
anal sex is completely out. Excess girth also causes the thrusting to become
much slower to avoid tearing your partner’s opening. Forget about
pounding away like you could when you were thinner unless you want to
cause pain and bleeding.

Proper condom sizing is very important to protect against disease and

pregnancy. Larger condoms that fit properly in general are harder to come
by, and the chance of normal sized condoms ripping is a real possibility. I
found it got bad enough that I had to get a vasectomy so I no longer had to
try and buy condoms that fit. Improperly sized condoms rip and can kill
erections from the squeezing of a tight condom. I learned that the hard way
when pregnancy resulted, so be aware to purchase proper fitting condoms
regardless if your partner says “one size fits all.” They don’t.

117 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 22: Experimental techniques and the future of PE

Experimental Techniques

Over the passage of time the existing methods evolve, new methods
appear while others disappear, and other methods that were merely
considered theories years before are now widely in use. I’ve collected a few
of the more promising or entertaining experimental theories I’ve come
across in the last few years. This list is brief, with many more found online
for you to discover and possibly research yourself.

Bee or Wasp Stings: Yes, this was actually considered (half) seriously a
few years back in the PE community. Being stung once or repeatedly to use
the inflammation and venom to produce gains. Results were not definitive
if I recall. Honestly, I can’t even begin to imagine how painful that process
would be or for how long that would take.

Stutter Pumping: I named this method after the medical condition

called Stuttering Priapism, the technique uses a regular dry or wet style
vacuum penis pump to keep the tissues under stress for as long as possible
after a heavy pressure event (HPE) such as clamping. First, an HPE exercise
is performed for a normal session period. The pump is then worn for as
many pumping sessions as the user can provide immediately after the HPE,
or uses the pump sporadically throughout the day, in either case providing
as much time under stress as the user can provide. As with extender use,
the shock of the HPE routine prior to using the pump allows the lower
pressure/force of the pump to be effective in creating new micro-tears and
cell division.

118 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Stutter Pumping works very well for those who have large amounts of
private time, such as those single men who work from home. The results
are quite impressive with documented gains of inches in girth (and length if
also stretching) increases in just months versus in some cases years for
those with less time to devote to PE. This method also operates on the
Stress + Time = Growth formula, which is another great example of the
golden PE formula in action.

Ball bearing/bead insertion: Currently practiced in several countries

as a way to enhance the girth and pleasure provided to partners, the small
plastic or metal balls providing additional friction. Essentially, it’s the
process of inserting or ceramic plastic balls between the shaft and outer
skin. Side effects include infections, misshaped penis, as well as the body
rejecting the foreign material over time.

Cold Snap method: I’ve been toying with the science behind this
technique and find its concepts fascinating. The science behind this theory
compelled me to attempt it myself. The effects of temperature on the
human body in the context of body building have indicated that more
damage occurs to tissue when it is stressed while in a cooled or chilled state.
While this method can cause additional injury to joints while weightlifting,
the potential for extra or faster gains when used with PE techniques is
worth investigating further. Combine chilling the tissues in a cold/freezing
container of water (cup with ice cubes for example) before and possibly
during an exercise routine could produce faster tissue breakdown. Now,
couple the faster tissue breakdown from cold exposure before/during a
routine with exposure to heat following a routine to jumpstart healing could

119 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
potentially be a huge discovery. All that’s left now is for men to start
experimenting with cold and heat in their PE Journey.

Pria Pump: Taking the old vacuum style pump into the 21st century by
actually making it an effective enlargement tool. My experiments using
modern science to completely redesign the standard vacuum pump.
Currently in the testing stages, the hope is to one day perfect the design for
mass consumption.

Fat or Silicone injection: As the name implies, material is injected

between the outer skin and inner shaft, with the result being increased
girth. Side effects include infections, misshaped penis, as well as the body
rejecting the foreign material over time.

120 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
The Future of PE

With the state of science and medical technology advancing at such an

accelerated rate, we may see some of these techniques go from the trials
stage to main stream within a few years. The future of safe and effective PE
is bright indeed! Here are just a few of the concepts I’ve come across within
the past few years.

Penis Transplant: Penis transplants are still very rare and rife with
complications, but medical technology is beginning to overcome those
hurdles with new advances in tissue and nerve generation. I believe within
my lifetime we will see these go from risky to very common as the
technology for micro-surgery and AI become more advanced.

Jelqing Free PE: The days of the old standby Jelqing are numbered
with it possibly being completely forgotten by future generations, replaced
by much safer and more efficient exercises. The trend away from traditional
jelqing can already be seen even now with the introduction of all new
methods and devices such as the new girthing pump designs and pressure
based exercises. As it stands today, you can gain inches in both length and
girth without ever having to perform the old standard Jelqing to see gains.

121 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Nano-Bots: Once considered science fiction, within the next 2-3
decades we should begin to see medical grade nano-technology that could
be programmed to produce new cells in any area desired. I can guarantee
one of the first applications of this technology will be in regards to penis

3D Printed PE tools: The maker movement has really taken off in

recent years, with 3D printers costing a fraction of what they did years ago.
The result is a huge increase in home grown PE tools being created and
greatly improving the ability for the every man to either print his own PE
tools or invent new tools of his own design.

Puberty Pill: With advances in medical technology and DNA research,

how many years will it be before the scam enlargement pill is finally
replaced by the real thing. I’m personally betting on the nano-bots
becoming widely available much sooner than we might see this become

122 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 23: My personal story

I've had requests for my personal story on the PE forums, so I’ve

included it as an example of how PE can change your life.

I was 25 when it all started back in 1996, over 20 years ago now...I’m
getting old! I was small in my mind at 5.5" stretched flaccid length x 4.25"
girth at the thickest point, with maybe roughly 3 to max 3.5" girth head
(didn’t measure), and a 1" flaccid length visible, about the thickness of my
thumb. The worst was that it turtled and was almost non-existent when
cold. Like most guys I had always wanted to be bigger, but honestly thought
it mattered more to me than women. Basically I believed the often repeated
lie that size didn't matter. The reality, however, changed my life forever.
When I finally had the courage to be with a girl that I really liked and
trusted, she laughed and commented once we were naked and then made
an excuse to leave. I never heard from her again. I was broken inside….

Determined to do something about it, I spent weeks searching the

early internet for anything that worked to enlarge myself. At the time, PE
was considered a black magic art form with only a few men posting what
would eventually be called Jelqing on a handful of hard to find sites. There
was a magic "perfect" size that I had read about in many articles and men's
forums at that time...8” length x 6” girth. I had my goal.

Starting with the techniques available at the time, (jelqing and manual
stretching) I had the initial fast gains that so many men report. I was
overjoyed..! That first realization that PE really worked was one of the most
incredible experiences of my life. For a while it was as though I had won the

123 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
lottery, but those techniques eventually stopped producing gains (I was
about 6.5" x 5" then if I recall) no matter how many jelqing reps or stretches
I did. I had hit a plateau and spent almost a year desperately searching for a
solution. It was around that time that I discovered through my research into
Priapism what is now called modified jelqing. Between that revelation and
the introduction of a new, solid pewter all day stretching device (ADS) a
modified Circle Device by Dfrance Company (company is now closed) that I
wore sometimes up to 16 hours a day.....I was able to get to that magic 8x6.!
The turning point for me and what made me decide to try dating again, was
the 9-11-2001 event that occurred here in the USA. It forced me to realize
that I couldn't wait for the perfect size or moment...that life is short and I
could die at any time. I started dating again.

Dating before had been a game of anxiety, but with the added
confidence I had with my new size really worked. Before I knew it, I had
dated several women before meeting my first girlfriend who couldn't stop
talking about it. Fast forward a few girlfriends later and plenty of stories
later, and I was married with children of my own. PE had done its job, and
was gathering dust. That was until that fateful day in 2015. My wife and I
had been married for years and she had rarely commented on my size
compared to all my past girlfriends. I didn't think much of it until she one
day made some comments about her size preferences (you're not that big,
I’ve had much larger) and it put me right back to that day years earlier....I
wasn't big enough....again.

By this time, PE was lightyears advanced versus when I had first

discovered it. Forums like Thunders Place, PE Gym, and other free PE advice
websites were now gathering places for hundreds of thousands of men all
over the world, sharing techniques and information. Excited to share my
experiences and hopefully gain more size, I signed up. Known as M8ter on

124 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Thunders Place, I was named after the playful but helpful cartoon character.
I was met by disbelief, both because of what I had gained and because I had
no photo proof. The starting photos I had were long gone after almost 2
decades from when I had started. Attacking PE like I had before, I gained an
extra .5" in girth and .75" in length in 3 months, verifying it this time with
photos, documenting every .25" increase, which I still do today. Due to my
attention getting activities on another website, I was forced to quit the
forums and stop PE or deal with the consequences.

Fast forward to 2017 and my wife had mellowed on both my PE and

the forums. Having had bad experiences on the large PE forums, I decided
to join Reddit.com and quickly discovered so many men on th brink of
suicide or suffering from deep depression over their penis size. I decided to
do something about it, getting involved and offering advice to any who were
in search of it. I was bombarded by questions and still do today! After a few
weeks of answering questions, I was approached by someone tech savvy
enough to help start a free PE advice forum on Reddit.com called
ajelqforyou. My user name on Reddit.com is now M9ter or M9 for short.
The response has been overwhelmingly positive and I can't thank all of the
incredible veterans and newbies who frequent the forum enough for all
their contributions. They make the forum the great community it is and
have made me realize how important PE is to so many men. To that end I
cruise Reddit and the internet regularly, searching for men who are looking
for answers like I was years ago.

So you’re probably wondering what my current dimensions are, right?

My current dimensions as of my last measurement are 9.25” stretched
flaccid length (8.75 - 9” erect), 6.75” base girth erect, 6.5” mid-shaft girth
erect, with an erect head size of over 6” in girth (2” wide) and slightly over
2.25” in length. My flaccid dimensions are currently over 6” bone pressed

125 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
length and 5.5” girth mid-shaft. Essentially my current flaccid size is larger
than the average male is erect, so yes you could say PE really works. Body-
wise, I’m thin and my height is 5 feet, 5 inches tall, so it’s slightly out of
proportion to my frame!

On a personal note, I'm an advocate of men's rights and male

empowerment. Far too much emphasis has been placed on size, so it's my
goal to empower men with PE so they can gain confidence in themselves
and experience the joy I felt all those years ago when I discovered that PE
really worked. I humbly ask that if you are successful with your PE journey
and you see another man struggling with his size and you have the
opportunity to help, please do so. Pay it forward! Your intervention may
save someone’s life. In closing, I leave you with some words I live by.

“When there are no more heroes, it is then that you must become

126 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com
Chapter 24: References and related material

Websites you might find helpful:

 https://www.reddit.com/r/AJelqForYou

 https://www.thundersplace.org/

 http://www.pegym.com/

Reddit.com is the property of:

Reddit, Inc.
548 Market St. #16093
San Francisco, California 94104

All rights reserved.

127 www.EnlargementUnlimited.com

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