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Financial Year 01-Apr-2020 To 31-Mar-2021 Asst Year 2021-2022 TAN NSKZ13010E


Name of Assessee SANDEEEP KALE Designation PRIVATE

PAN Date of Birth
Aadhar Number Mobile No.
Bank A/c No. Bank Name IFSC

Details of Salary Comp Income Tax as per Old Regime New Regime

Gross Salary 783,164 A) Deduction u/s 80c B) Other Deduction Total Income 485,064 783,164
Salary in Arrears 0 a) D.C.P.S. a) Sec. 80CCD (1B) 25,000 Tax on Total Income 11,753 42,475
H.R.A. 0 b) G.I.S. 0 b) Sec. 80CCD(2) Less: Tax Rebate U/s 87A 11,753 0
c) L.I.C. 0 c) Sec. 80D 54,000 Tax Payable 0 42,475
Less: d) L.I.C. Direct 0 d) Sec. 80E 0 Add: E. C/ Sc @ 4% 0 1,699
H.R.A. 0 e) P.L.I. 0 e) Sec. 80G 100,000 Tax Payable 0 44,174
C.A. 0 f) P.P.F. 21,600 f) Sec. 10(14) 0 Less: Relief u/ s 89 0 0
T.A. 0 g) N.S.C. 0 g) Sec. 80 tta 0 Tax Payable 0 44,174
Balance 783,164 h) Tution Fees 0 h) Tax Deducted from Salary 0 0
Standard Deduction 50,000 i) H.B.L. Repayment 0 i) Income tax payable/refundable 0 44,174
Entertainment Allowanc 0 j) Provident Fund 0 j) apllicable Form 16 Yes No
Profession Tax 2,500 k) Fixed Deposit 45,000 k)
Total 730,664 l) ABC l) Name of Employer
Interest on House Loan 0 m) m) Designation
Income from Other Source 0 n) n) Place NANDED
Total Income 730,664 Aggregate Total 66,600 Deduction u/c VI-A 245,600 Date
[See rule 31(1)(a)]
Certificate under section 203 of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 for Tax Deducted at Source on Salary

Name and address of the Employer Name and Designation of Employee



PAN of Deductor TAN of Deductor PAN of the Employee Date of Birth

PANNOTREQD NSKZ13010E 0 30/12/1899

CIT (TDS) Assessment Year Period with the Employer

The Commissioner of Income Tax (TDS) 4th From To
Floor,A wing,PMT Commercial 2021-2022
Complex,Swargate,Pune-411037 01-Apr-2020 31-Mar-2021
Details of Salary paid and any other income and Tax Deducted Rs. Rs.
1) a) Gross Salary (excluding H.R.A.) 783,164.00
b) Salary received in arrears 0.00
c) H.R.A. received 0.00
2) Gross Total Salary (a+b+c) 783,164.00
3) Less: Allowance to the extent exempt under section 10
a) H.R.A. u/s 10(13A) 0.00
a1) Actual HRA received 0.00
a2) Actual Rent paid 0

less: 10 % of Salary - 0.00

a3) 40% of Salary 0.00
(least of above is exempt as HRA) 0
b) C.A. 0.00
c) T.A. 0.00
d) Total amount of exemption claimed under section 10 0.00 0.00
4) Total amount of salary received from employer (2-3d) 783,164.00
5) Less: Deductions under section 16
a) S Standerd Deduction under section 16(ia) 50,000.00
b) Entertainment allowance under section 16(ii) 0.00
c) Tax on employment under section 16(iii) 2,500.00
d) Total amount of deduction under section 16 52,500.00 52,500.00
6) Income chargeable under the head "Salaries" (4-5d) 730,664.00
7) Add: Any other income reported by the employee
a) Interest on Housing Loan 0.00
b) Income under the head Other Sources 0.00
8) Gross Total Income (6+7a+7b) 730,664.00
9) Deductions Under Chapter VI-A
(A) Section 80C, 80CCC AND 80CCD
a) D.C.P.S. 0.00
b) G.I.S. 0.00
c) L.I.C. 0.00
d) L.I.C. Direct 0.00
e) P.L.I. 0.00
f) P.P.F. 21,600.00
g) N.S.C. 0.00
h) Tution Fees 0.00
I) H.B.L. Repayment 0.00
j) Provident Fund 0.00
k) Fixed Deposit 45,000.00
l) 0 0.00
Gross Total (Aggregate amount deductible under 66,600.00 66,600.00
section 80C,80CCC & 80CCD shall not exceed 1,50,000)
(B) Other Sections
a) Sec. 80CCD (1B) 25,000.00
b) Sec. 80CCD(2) 0.00
c) Sec. 80D 54,000.00
d) Sec. 80E 0.00
e) Sec. 80G 100,000.00
f) Sec. 10(14) 0.00
g) Sec. 80 tta 0.00
Gross Total 179,000.00 179,000.00
10 Aggregate of deductions amount under Chapter VI-A (9A+9B) 245,600.00
11 Total Taxable Income (8-10) 485,064.00
12 Tax on Total Income 11,753.00
13 Less:Tax Rebate U/s 87A (if Total Taxable Income below 5 lack, upto rs. 12500/-) 11,753.00
14 Tax Payable (12-13) 0.00
15 Add: Education & Health Cess @ 4% 0.00
16 Tax Payable (14+15) 0.00
17 Less: Relief under section 89 (attach details) 0.00
18 Tax Payable (16-17) 0.00
19 Tax Deducted from Salary 0.00
20 Net tax Payable/ Refundable 0.00
I 0 working in the capacity of 0
(designation) do hereby certify that the information given above is true, complete and correct and is based on the books of
account, documents, TDS statements, and other available records.

Place : NANDED
Date : 30/12/1899
Note : That the above tax calculation is
correct as per Income-tax Act provisions. (Signature of the employee)
Hence certified. Name of Employee Designation

(Signature of the person responsible for deduction of tax)

Name of Employer Designation
0 0
[See rule 31(1)(a)]
Certificate under section 203 of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 for Tax Deducted at Source on Salary
Name and address of the Employer Name and Designation of Employee


PAN of Deductor TAN of Deductor PAN of the Employee Date of Birth
PANNOTREQD NSKZ13010E 0 30/12/1899
CIT (TDS) Assessment Year Period with the Employer
The Commissioner of Income Tax (TDS) 4th From To
Floor,A wing,PMT Commercial 2021-2022
Complex,Swargate,Pune-411037 01-Apr-2020 31-Mar-2021
Details of Salary paid and any other income and Tax Deducted Rs. Rs.
1) a) Gross Salary (excluding arrears) 783,164.00
b) Salary received in arrears 0.00
2) Gross Total Salary (1a+1b) 783,164.00
3) Less: Deductions
a) C.A. under section 10(5) 0.00
b) Employers contribution in NPS under section 80CCD(2) 0.00
c) Deduction under Section 80JJAA 0.00
d) Total amount of exemption claimed (3a+3b+3c) 0.00 0.00
4 Income chargeable under the head "Salaries" (2-3) 783,164.00
5 Add: Any other income reported by the employee
a) Income under the head Other Sources 0.00
6 Total Taxable Income (4+5) 783,164.00
7 Tax on Total Income 42,474.60
8 Less:Tax Rebate U/s 87A (if Total Taxable Income below 5 lack, upto rs. 12500/-) 0.00
9 Tax Payable (7-8) 42,475.00
10 Add: Education & Health Cess @ 4% 1,699.00
11 Tax Payable (9+10) 44,174.00
12 Less: Relief under section 89 (attach details) 0.00
13 Tax Payable (11-12) 44,174.00
14 Tax Deducted from Salary 0.00
15 Net tax Payable / Refundable (13-14) 44,174.00
I 0 working in the capacity of 0
(designation) do hereby certify that the information given above is true, complete and correct and is based on the books of
account, documents, TDS statements, and other available records.

Place : NANDED
Date : 30/12/1899
Note : That the above tax calculation is
correct as per Income-tax Act provisions. (Signature of the employee)
Hence certified. Name of Employee Designation

(Signature of the person responsible for deduction of tax)

Name of Employer Designation
0 0

1,00,000/- 12 12,00,000/-
0 13 0
14 126000
15 126000
16 126000
17 126000
18 126000
19 126000
20 126000
21 126000
22 126000
23 126000
24 126000
25 126000
26 126000
27 126000
28 126000
29 126000
30 126000
31 126000
32 126000
33 126000
34 126000
35 126000
36 126000
37 126000
38 126000
39 126000
40 126000
sal 882243 1018795
pension 499781 136552
erriers 136552


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