Rev 1 on Site Emergency Plan -KMU
Rev 1 on Site Emergency Plan -KMU
Rev 1 on Site Emergency Plan -KMU
This is to certify that the On-Site Emergency Plan of M/s. The Krishna District
Milk Producers Mutually Aided Cooperative Union Ltd. Milk Products factory,
Vijayawada is prepared as of date of signing of this letter.
The plan is prepared in accordance with the stipulations and is based on the
facts and data available in the plant at the time of preparation of this report.
Further, I have read and verified the plan and found the same in order.
Sl No Particulars Page No
1 Definition of an Emergency 4
2 Objective of Emergency Management Plan 5
3 General Information (Site Information) 6-7
4 Emergency Evacuation map of plant 8
5 Emergency Handling Facilities 9 -10
Definition of Emergency
It is very important to plan and prepare an action plan for tackling emergency before it starts so as
to control at the time of an emergency. It is a procedure, which provides guidelines for handling
emergency situation arising out of fire, toxic chemical release and natural disaster.
A major emergency in the plant is one, which may cause serious injury or loss of life and damage
to the property. This On-Site Emergency Plan explains the code of conduct of all personnel in the
plant along with the actions to be carried out in the event of an emergency. OEP gives guidelines
for rehabilitation, co-ordination and communication.
The emergency procedures outlined are suitable for round the clock coverage including
holidays. These emergency procedures shall be followed as outlined in this On-Site
Emergency Management Plan during general shifts as well.
To achieve this it becomes necessary, that everybody taking part in countering the emergency
should have the knowledge of the resources. Available the possible hazards in handling the
emergencies. The safe counter measure that can be taken the roll each individual has to play and
the duties he has to perform.
General Information
Name of the Company The Krishna District Milk Producers
Mutually Aided Cooperative Union Ltd
Factory Address Vijayawada-520009
Other Information
Timing of Shifts:
Shift ‘G’ 9:00 to 17:30
Shift ‘Office’ 10:00 to 17:00
Shift ‘A’ 00:00 to 08:00
Shift ‘B’ 08:00 to 16:00
Shift ‘C’ 16:00 to 00:00
One or two members from each Department. Each Department Head shall publish the names of committee members.
The members shall communicate the proceedings of the meetings to other employees in smaller groups.
(a) Members of SAFETY Committee should promote and monitor health and safety in the workplace at all
times. Members should monitor the workplace for hazards on a regular basis.
(b) Members of Committee should participate in monitoring of the workplace conditions, walk-around
inspection of the area, accident investigation etc.
(c) The committee should promote and coordinate Health and Safety trainings for their workplace.
(d) SAFETY Committee is responsible for formation and implementation of SAFETY Regulations and
(e) SAFETY Committee is responsible to inform the management about hazardous situation in the
(f) The Committee should promote and monitor the compliance of SAFETY Regulations.
Core Group is the team of members having participation from every department, floor, and shift. Core Group
members are responsible to act during emergency and handle the situation. Core Group Members are regularly
trained by the SAFETY Consultant for the methods to be adopted during emergency. During emergency the
Core Group members have to rush to the site and work under the command of the Incident Site Controller.
The Functions of Core Group Members are as follows:
3. Electrical shock
Electrical earth pits have been identified and are checked once in a year for their electrical resistance. In case of
electrical shock the person is given first aid by the trained first aiders (ref annexure – list of trained first aiders will be
4. Injuries
All The persons are adequately trained on safety and environmental issues. In spite of this if any injuries take place,
prompt first aid is given to the injured person and he is taken to the nearest hospital if the injury is serious.
Emergency Telephone Nos. are given in the annexure and are also displayed as per the distribution list of emergency
B. Falling from height /confined entry unconsciousness / injury from rotating machine: A permit system is in place
for carrying out any work at height, confined space entry and carrying out welding. (Record no. with Operation)
5. ETP failure
The holding capacity of the ETP is good enough for taking care of wastewater for 3-4 days. Adequate provision is
made to ensure the smooth function of ETP
6. Fire : Action Plan for Minor Fire Accident, HSD fire, Furnace Oil Fire& LPG gas fire.
What is fire?
Fire is a major hazard in any industry but is also a very necessary servant in the industry for imparting heat energy
for the various process streams. As helpful as fire is, when property controlled, it can destroy both men and material
PrePrepared by Reviewed & approved by
12 Safety Officer (DGM Plant)
DO DOC .NO:SOP/ENGG/02 REV.NO:00 DATE: 20-02-2021
The Krishna District Milk Producers Mutually Aided Krishna Milk Union
Cooperative Union Limited, Vijayawada (KMU)
when uncontrolled. Fire is a chemical reaction between oxygen and carbon in which heat and light energies are
released. Three things are required before a fire can occur. These are fuel, oxygen and source of ignition. This
combination causing combustion is frequently referred to as the fire triangle.
If all the three of these necessary elements are present in proper proportions, fire will occur. If any one of the three
is removed, fire is impossible. It is, therefore, important that we at all times prevent the triangle from becoming
complete by eliminating at least one side. It is, however, more advisable to remove at least two sides, only the fuel
and oxygen sides of fire triangle can be easily removed. Fuel may consist carbon or hydrocarbon. The fuel side of the
fire triangle is removed by removing the combustible materials, or by preventing hydrocarbon from leaking or
spilling into an atmosphere of air. This will prevent open fire. The oxygen side of the fire triangle is removed by
preventing air from getting into system containing combustible materials, carbon or hydrocarbon. The ignition side
of the fire triangle is controlled to some extent by proper guarding and a number of other mean, but those are so
many sources of ignition that it must be assumed that this side of the triangle is always present.
Types of Fire: Fire has been classified into fire categories – A, B, C, D & E.
CLASS A: Fire involving ordinary combustible materials like wood, paper, textiles, etc., where one cooling effect of
water is essential for the extinction of fires.
CLASS B: Fires in inflammable liquids like Oils, Solvents, Paints, etc, where a blanketing effect is essential.
CLASS C: Fires involving gaseous substances under pressure, where it is necessary to dilute the entering gas at a
very fast rate within.
CLASS D: Fires involving metals like magnesium, aluminum, zinc, potassium etc., where the burning metal is
reactive to water and which require special extinguishing media or technique.
CLASS E: Electrical Fires.
7. Leakage of Ammonia
1. Rush information to the Security Gate/Admin. Dept. by sending messenger or himself shouting
2. Indicate location and, if possible, tell the extent and nature of fire to the Security /Admin.
3. Also, pass on the message immediately to the Factory Manager (DGM Plant), DGM Production,
Personal officer and Welfare Officer and Operations.
Core Group:
1. Rush to the site of fire/accident carrying the safety equipment’s/first-aid box from their respective
2. Carry out fire fighting operation/rescue and follow instructions of Functional Head. Use the personal
protective equipment’s available/required for fire fighting.
3. Return to respective work place after the emergency is controlled.
4. In case core group members are involved in critical operations at the time of emergency, they should
hand over the charge of operations to someone responsible and then rush to the site of emergency.
Personal Officer / Welfare Officer& Admin
1. Rush to the gate office and remain available for directing the traffic and attend emergency calls.
2. He will setup Emergency Control Centre and maintain communication with the incident controller for
evacuation and other help (if required). He will maintain records of incident.
3. Communication to various parties as per defined procedure.
4. Attend investigation of the accident.
5. File reports, if required, to the Police/Factories/Labour Department
1. Report to the Functional In charge and isolate power supply to the affected area, if required.
2. Stay in the generator room. If there is over loading, cut off supply to specific area.
Head (Finance )
1. In case of any damage, inform Insurance Company and make arrangements for filing proper claims.
2. Keep ready cash available for any emergency expenditure.
First Aiders
1. Report to the site of emergency along with a first aid box and provide necessary first aid to victims.
1. On hearing the emergency siren all contract workmen including the supervisors should stop whatever
work they are doing in a safe manner and immediately proceed to the assembly point.
2. In no case the contractor’s workers should continue the job, go to the emergency site or leave the
factory in panic. At the assembly point they should report to their supervisor about their presence and
remain at the assembly point to carry out whatever instructions their supervisor gives them.
3. The supervisor should take the roll call of his workers and ensure that every one of his workers is
accounted for, if not he should immediately report the matter to the authorities in the emergency
response center. The contractor’s employees should return back to their work only after they are
specifically instructed to do so after the emergency is over.
1. They should stop the work forthwith or terminate the discussions they are having and go to the
assembly point.
2. They should remain at the assembly point till the emergency is over. In no case, they should either go to
the emergency site or remain in any part of the factory or leave the factory in panic without being
specifically instructed to do so.
As soon as he is aware of the emergency, the works Main controller will proceed to the emergency Control
Centre. On arrival he will.
Relieve the Incident Main Controller of responsibility for overall control.
1. On declaration of a major emergency, ensure that the outside Emergency Services are called in, and where
required, the nearby organisations are informed.
2. Ensure that key personnel are called on.
3. Exercise direct operational control of those parts of the works which are outside the affected area.
4. Maintain a speculative continuous review of possible developments and assess these to determine most
probable course of events.
5. Direct the shutting down and evacuation of premises in consultation with the Incident Main Controller and
key personnel.
6. Ensure that causalities are receiving adequate attention. Arrange for additional help, if required. Ensure
that their relatives are informed and advised.
7. Liaison with the Senior Officers of Fire and Police Services and with experts on Fire, Safety, Health etc.
provide advice on possible effects on areas outside the works.
8. Ensure the accounting for personnel.
9. Control traffic movement within the premises.
10. Arrange for a Chronological record of the emergency to be maintained.
11. When the emergency is prolonged, arrange for the relief of personnel and the provisions of catering
12. In case of prolonged emergencies – involving risk to outside area by windblown materials - contact the
local meteorological office, to receive early notification of impending changes in weather conditions.
13. Issue authorised statements to the news media. Where appropriate, inform Head Office.
14. Ensure that proper consideration is given to the preservation of evidence.
15. Control rehabilitation of affected areas on cessation of Emergency.
Responsibilities & Duties of the Incident Main Controller
As soon as he is aware of the emergency and its location, the Incident Main Controller will proceed to the scene
and on arrival he will.
1. Access the scale of emergency and decide if a major emergency situation exists or is likely to exist. On this
decision, he will activate the subsequent major emergency procedure.
2. Direct all operations within the affected area with the following priorities:
Secure the Core Team.
Minimise damage to equipment, property and environment.
3. Direct rescue and firefighting operations until the arrival of the outside Fire Brigade, when he will
relinquish control to the Senior Officer of Fire Brigade.
4. Ensure that the affected area is searched for unattended casualties.
5. Ensure that all non-essential employees in the affected area evacuate to the appropriate assembly point.
6. Set up a communication point and establish Telephone/Message contact (as appropriate) with Emergency
Control Centre.
7. Pending the arrival of the works Main Controller, assume the duties of the Post and, in particular:
Direct the shutting down of all functions in KMU.
Ensure that the outside Emergency Services have been called in.
Ensure that key personnel have been called in.
immediately affected will be determined by the size of works and the foreseeable rate at which the incident may
Preserving evidence
PrePrepared by Reviewed & approved by
20 Safety Officer (DGM Plant)
DO DOC .NO:SOP/ENGG/02 REV.NO:00 DATE: 20-02-2021
The Krishna District Milk Producers Mutually Aided Krishna Milk Union
Cooperative Union Limited, Vijayawada (KMU)
(Incident Main Controller)
(Technical matters)
Security Supervisor Core Group Members
The principle of Safety Management is “The key to effective line safety performance is management procedures
that fix accountability”
There is a Safety Committee in our Factory formed with an object to support and assist the Management in
achievement of safety in plant. The Safety Committee is chaired by Factory Manager and the frequency of
safety committee meetings is once in quarter.
All the emergency exits are properly marked and evacuation routes to the emergency exits will be kept free and
all the workers are aware of the emergency exits and the evacuation routes.
Security Main Gate lawn & Near to Powder plant is the Assembly Areas during the emergencies.
The Roll Call Officer of the assembly point will not allow any person to go away. In case Works Main
Controller wants to deploy some person out of assembly persons for some emergency duty, he will depute the
wanted persons with proper record.
For any critical work like Welding operations it is ensured that safety permits are filled by authorized person.
Fire extinguishers are placed in various locations of the Factory (R/HR/18). The Fire extinguishers will be checked in
regular intervals by a competent authority.
Training is imparted by identifying Training Needs and Competencies of all grades of employees.
To ensure critical equipment’s / instruments are always in state of readiness. A preventive maintenance schedule is
To identify the Unsafe Acts and conditions, Safety Audits will be conducted once in a month.
All the employees will be given awareness on First Aid and there are trained First Aiders also (Ref: Annexure – List of
Trained First Aiders)
The mock drills are conducted for identified emergency situations. The mock drills are conducted twice in a year. The
report of the mock drills and the corrective actions are properly recorded.
Sl Emergency
Preparedness Response Responsibility
No situation
1 Fire Extinguishers are 1 Inform to the Electrical In-charge to
placed at the Designated switch off the power to the plant
areas 2 Use the extinguishers to put off the
fire if fire is minor
3 Information to security(100) to
operate the emergency siren in case
2 Fire station telephone
major fire
numbers are made HOD Maintenance
4 Evacuate the area & assemble at
available with electrical in safe assemble point & do head
1 Fire Accident charge HOD- Production
5 Vehicle movement to be stopped & HOD- HR
drivers assembly to be ensured
3 Employees are trained to 6 Inform the fire station about the fire Shift In charge
fire fight with the accident if the fire cannot be put off Safety Officer
firefighting equipment’s by the employees
4 Emergency siren
provision at plant
A. Types of Emergency
Emergencies for an LPG system can be broadly classified into three types:
1. LPG Leakage
2. Non-LPG fire which can affect the LPG system.
3. Fire caused by LPG leakage.
a) Ensure that the personnel attending the leaks do not carry with them any sources of ignition
Such as mobiles, match boxes, cigarette lighters, etc.
b) Ensure that there are no live flames, sparks near the leaks.
c) Keep the fire extinguisher handy.
d) Start the fire water pump if available as a precautionary measure.
d) The fire fighting team is fully trained in the use of fire extinguisher and can operate it.