10 days workout plan
10 days workout plan
10 days workout plan
Warm-up (5 minutes)
1. Plank Hold
o Hold a plank position for 1 minute. Make sure your body is straight from
shoulders to heels.
o Rest for 30 seconds.
2. Bicycle Crunches
o Perform 3 sets of 20 reps (each side).
o Rest for 30 seconds between sets.
o This move targets both upper abs and obliques.
3. Leg Raises
o Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.
o Lie on your back, keep your legs straight, and lift them up to 90 degrees, then
lower them slowly.
o Rest for 30 seconds between sets.
4. Russian Twists
o Perform 3 sets of 25 reps (each side).
o Sit with knees bent, lean back slightly, and twist your torso from side to side
while holding your hands together.
o Rest for 30 seconds between sets.
5. V-ups
o Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.
o Lie on your back, arms extended overhead, and raise both your legs and upper
body to meet in a "V" shape.
o Rest for 30 seconds between sets.
6. Mountain Climbers
o Perform 3 sets of 30 seconds (as fast as you can).
o This move engages your entire core and gets your heart rate up.
o Rest for 30 seconds between sets.
7. Plank to Push-Up
o Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.
o Start in a plank position, lower one arm to the ground at a time to go into a push-
up position, then return to the plank.
o Rest for 30 seconds between sets.