The users are made aware of the program through doctors and pharmacies that
share the details about the initiative as a free-of-cost service to support them in
improved quality of life and disease outcomes. Once the user is verified by a
validated prescription, they are eligible for two types of services:
The team reaches out to the patient within 24hours to greet &
request for additional details (prescription) & consent
Team validates the prescription & onboards the patient
(Only Mankind patients at present)
Patient is provided a walkthrough of the services offered
--> Patient awails the services as per requirement
Problem Statement
Though the initiative provides patients with medically validated services, it has been able to
only onboard ~2000 patients in the past 18 months. To provide a better user experience, the
company is planning to completely revamp the website to provide a better UX, redefine the
user journey, integrate a AI-based chatbot, and launch a mobile-friendly application.
The company wants to consult you on the road ahead on how can the initiative be made
more user-friendly, create awareness, understand user persona, potential use case of AI, &
healthcare services preferred (Competitor benchmarking of Digital Health Platforms).