CPP Full Info
CPP Full Info
CPP Full Info
Vision: To be a world class manufacturer of fertilizer and ancillary products, with a focus on safety, quality and positive contribution to national economic growth and development. We will care for the environment and the communities we work in while continuing to create shareholders' value. Mission: Our mission is based on purpose which reinforces our position as a driving force in national agriculture industry. It thrives on the goals we have set for ourselves:
To be the preferred fertilizer company for farmers, business associates and suppliers by providing quality products and services. To provide employees with an exciting, enabling and supportive environment to excel in, be innovative, entrepreneurial in an ethical and safe working place based on meritocracy and equal opportunity. To be a responsible corporate citizen with a concern for the environment and the communities we deal with.
Company Overview
The Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited was incorporated on December 24, 2003, as a joint venture between two major business groups in Pakistan namely, Fatima Group and Arif Habib Group. The fertilizer complex is a fully integrated production facility, capable of producing two intermediate products, i.e., Ammonia and Nitric Acid and four final products which are Urea, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN), Nitro Phosphate (NP) and Nitrogen Phosphorous Potassium (NPK) at Sadiqabad, Rahim Yar Khan. The Complex has a 56MW captive power plant in addition to off-sites and utilities. The Complex has been allocated 110 MMCFD of gas from the dedicated Mari Gas fields.
Foundation stone was laid on April 26, 2006 by the then Prime Minister of Pakistan. The construction of the Complex commenced in March 2007 and is housed on 950 acres of land. The Complex, when completed, is designed to produce: 500,000 Metric Tons of Urea per Annum 420,000 Metric Tons of Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) per Annum 360,000 Metric Tons of Nitro Phosphate (NP) per Annum 420,000 Metric Tons of NPK per Annum
The Complex, during its construction phase engaged over 4,000 engineers and technicians from Pakistan, China, USA, Japan and Europe. The Complex provides modern housing for its employees with all necessary facilities. This includes a school for children of employees and the local community, a medical centre and sports facilities. The Company is listed at all stock exchanges of Pakistan, through a successful initial public offering (IPO) in February 2010. 200 million ordinary shares were offered to the public bringing the issued Share Capital from 1,800 million to 2,000 million shares.
Mr. Arif Habib is the Chairman of Fatima Fertilizer. He is also the Chairman of Arif Habib Corporation Limited, Pakarab Fertilizers Limited, Thatta Cement Company Limited and Arif Habib DMCC Dubai. He has remained the President/Chairman of Karachi Stock Exchange six times in the past. He is the founding member and former Chairman of the Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited. He has served as Member of the Privatization Commission, Board of Investment, Tariff Reforms Commission and Securities and Exchange Ordinance Review Committee. As the President of the Karachi Stock Exchange, he introduced a number of reforms including the establishment of central depository system, introduction of computerized trading and risk management. He participated in a number of professional advancement courses, including Development of Securities Market, organized by the SEC, Washington DC, USA in 1992. He visited over a dozen of stock exchanges in different countries for exchange of views.
Mr. Fawad Ahmed Mukhtar is the Chief Executive Officer (Director & CEO) of the Company. He is also the Chairman of Fatima Group and holds the following portfolios:
Chairman Reliance Weaving Mills Limited Fatima Energy Limited Reliance Commodities (Private) Limited
Fazal Cloth Mills Limited Fatima Sugar Mills Limited Air One (Private) Limited Fatima Trading Company (Private) Limited Furrukh Trading Company (Private) Limited
Ethics and Business Practices We believe in conducting the company's business in a manner that respects, protects and improves the environment and provides employees with a safe and healthy workplace. We conduct our business in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. Employees must be completely familiar with the permits, Health Safety and Environment policy, local laws and regulations that apply to their work. All employees are expected to understand the laws and business regulations related to their work and comply fully so that our shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, stakeholders and the
Government have complete faith in the way we operate and that our business decisions are made ethically and in the best interests of the Company. Employees are obligated to act in accordance with the company's code of Ethics and Business Conduct and are restricted to using only legitimate practices in commercial operations and in promoting the Company's position on issues before governmental authorities. Inducements intended to reward favorable decisions and governmental actions are unacceptable and prohibited. Employees are prohibited from using their positions, company property or information for personal gain, and from competing with the Company. Employees are also prohibited from taking advantage from opportunities that become available through the use of Company information, property or their position. Assets and Proprietary information We consider our company's assets, both physical and intellectual, very valuable. We have, therefore an obligation to protect these assets in the interest of the Company and its shareholders. Protection of the Company's information is important for our business. All employees are expected to know what information is proprietary and which must not be disclosed to unauthorized sources. Employees are responsible for applying all available tools to manage the Company's information resources and records. Relations with Business partners We seek to do business with suppliers, vendors, contractors and other independent businesses who demonstrate high standards of ethical business behavior. Our company will not knowingly do business with any persons or businesses that operate in violation of applicable laws and regulations, including employment, health, safety and environmental laws. We shall take steps to assure that our suppliers, vendors and contractors understand the standards we apply to ourselves, and expect the same from them. Our Employees We believe that highly engaged employees are the key ingredient in professional development and business success. Therefore, we invite our employees to contribute their best and to avail the opportunities for improvement and growth. We are an equal opportunity employer and promote gender diversity, self-development and innovation. We provide employees with tools, techniques, and training to master their current jobs, broaden their skills, and advance their career goals.
Natural gas is reformed to produce Ammonia for the entire Complex and carbon dioxide for the Urea Plant. The machines and equipment of the Ammonia Plant have been revamped by General Electric (GE). Sojitz Corporation, Japan has provided performance guarantee for the Plant. Based on Kellogg process, steam reforming of the natural gas, the Plant has a designed production capacity of 1,500 MTPD.
Nitric Acid plant is based on the latest dual pressure Uhde Technology and has been designed by Uhde GmbH, Germany. A large compressor train was overhauled and revamped by its original manufacturer for optimum results. Nitric Acid produced at Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited is 60% pure.
Technology Inputs Production Capacity Stamicarbon Technology Ammonia Gas 500,000 MTPA System 2000 plus Carbon Dioxide
Urea Plant is based on Stamicarbon's latest Technology System 2000 plus with patented Safurex material using total recycle, carbon dioxide stripping with pool reactor process (Approximately 66% of new Urea plants in the world are based on Stamicarbon technology). Urea Plant at Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited has a designed capacity of 1,500 MTPD.
Nitro Phosphate (NP) plant is based on modern European technology. The Plant has been designed to use low grade rock phosphate without compromising on product quality in order to maximize profitability. Once commissioned, the Plant will be capable of producing 1,200 MTPD of NP. NP is a prilled fertilizer in which each prill has evenly distributed amounts of nitrogen (22%) and phosphorus (20%).
Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) Granulation Plant is designed and manufactured by Uhde and has a production capacity of 1,400 MTPD. CAN is hygroscopic by nature and absorbs moisture from the atmosphere therefore it can be used in the soil without sufficient water. It contains 13% Nitrate Nitrogen which supplies nutrients immediately to the plants and 13% Ammonium Nitrogen gives food slowly till ripe up of the crop.
Fatima Group E-110, Khayaban-e-Jinnah, Lahore Cantt., Pakistan. PABX: +92 42 111-FATIMA (111-328-462) Fax: +92 42 36621389