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01. The essential part of a sentence is- a) Principal verb b) Auxiliary verb
a) Noun b) Verb c) Transitive verb d) Intransitive verb
c) Hard words d) Feeling 14. Mother loves me. Here `loves’ is an example of
02. Which one of the following is correct? the-
a) Every English sentence must have a verb a) Transitive verb b) Auxiliary verb
b) Every English sentence should have a verb c) Simple verb d) Intransitive verb
c) Every English sentence has a verb 15. Fire burns. What kind of verb `burn’is?
d) Every sentence has a verb a) Intransitive b) Transitive
03. `I did the work.’ Here `did’ is a/an- c) Causative d) Copulative
a) Auxiliary verb b) Weak verb 16. She sleeps. Here the verb `sleep’ is a-
c) Strong verb d) Principal verb a) Transitive verb b) Linking verb
04. No sentence can be formed without the- c) Be verb d) Intransitive verb
a) Transitive verb b) Principal verb 17. River flows. What kind of verb `flows’ is-
c) Factitive verb d)s Intransitive verb a) Intransitive b) Transitive
05. I am in class twelve. Here `am’ is- c) Causative d) Copulative
a) cognate verb b) factitive verb 18. Which one is intransitive verb?
c) auxiliary verb d) Principal verb a) raise b) lay
06. We should obey the laws. Here the verb `obey’ c) set d) rise
is- 19. The door opened automatically. The verb in
a) Principal b) Finite this sentence is-
c) Non finite d) auxiliary a) Transitive b) Intransitive
07. Nothing lasts forever . What type of verb is c) Linking d) Non-finite
`last’ in this sentence? 20. Which of the following is NOT a type of
a) Auxiliary verb b) Participle incomplete verb?
c) Main verb d)Modal auxiliary a) auxiliary verb b) intransitive verb
08. Which one is used both as auxiliary and c) semi-auxiliary verb
principal verb? d) being verb
a) can b) would 21. Mother laughs. ev‡K¨ Laughs wK‡mi
c) might d) am D`vniY?
09. The number of auxiliary verbs in English is- a) Intransitive verb b) Auxiliary verb
a) Eleven b) Twelve c) Transitive verb d) Causative verb
c) Thirteen d) Fifteen 22. Identify the underlined item in the sentence.
10. Bs‡iwR fvlvq Primary auxiliaries KqwU? `Whom do you like most’?
a) 10wU b) 14wU a) Subject b) Relative Pronoun
c) 12wU d) 11wU c) Direct object d) Indirect object
11. He took shelter under a tree. Here the verb 23. Identify the underlined items: What did you tell
`took’ is- her?
a) Transitive b) Intransitive a) predicate b) question
c) both a and b d) None c) indirect object d) direct object
12. The boy read a book. What kind of verb `read’ 24. Choose the correct sentence.
in the sentence is? a) I presented her a flower.
a) principal verb b) auxiliary verb b) I presented a flower for her.
c) transitive verb d) intransitive verb c) She has presented a flower by me.
13. He writes a letter. In this sentence `write’ is- d) I presented her with a flower.
25. Mrs. Lubna has returned- a) He called me a fool
a) the wallet to its original owner. b) He teacher us English
b) to its original owner the wallet. c) I know him to be a coward
c) the wallet to its originally owner d) Rani sang a song
d) a wallet back to its original owner. 38. He ran a race. Here `ran’ is a_____ verb.
26. He gave____. a) Causative b) Copulative
a) to the class a tough assignment c) Cognate d) Factitive
b) to tough assignment for the class. 39. She takes after her mother.
c) the class a tough assignment a) verbal idiom b) phrasal verb
d) an assignment tough to the class. c) regular verb d) intransitive verb
27. Rahat gave ____ a book. 40. Jan turned down the chance to work abroad.
a) at the friends b) to the friends The underlined part is-
c) his friend d) for the friends a) phrasal verb b) regular verb
28. He became a politician. Here `politician’ is c) linking verb d) irregular verb
used as- 41. Which of the following are semi-modals?
a) object b) Subject a) Can, could b) need, dare
c) Adverb d) Complement c) will, would d) must, should
29. It is difficult to pass this admission test. Here 42. Which of the following can be used as a
`difficult’ is- `modal’ as well as a `main verb’?
a) noun b) adjective a) need b) do
c) adverb d) complement c) could d) mind
30. He became a politician. Here `became’ is a/an- 43. Which of the following can be used both as a
a) transitive verb b) linking verb modal and a main verb?
c) action verb d) intransitive verb a) Should b) Would
31. Honey tastes sweet. Here `taste’ is a/an__ verb. c) May d) Dare
a) linking b) intransitive 44. Karim need not think of a job. Here `need’ is a
c) non-finite d) none ___ verb.
32. He went mad. This verb is- a) Principal b) Finite
a) transitive b) intransitive c) Full d) Modal
c) linking d) stative 45. He dare not touch me. Here `dare’ is a-
33. What kind of verb is the word `went’ in the a) Semi-modal verb b) Main Verb
sentence `The dog went mad’? c) Modal Verb d) Pure auxiliary verb
a) Transitive b) Causative 46. He did it. Here `did’ is-
c) Copulative d) Factitive a) Common Verb b) Pro-verb
34. Which sentence uses inchoative verb? c) Reflexive verb d) Causative verb
a) He was king b) It is dark 47. Dip, Feed, Fell, Raise, Set ____ all these words
c) He is weak d) It is growing dark are:
35. They elected him captain. Here `elected’ is- a) Transitive verb b) Intransitive verb
a) Transitive verb b) Reflexive verb c) Causative verb d) Factitive verb
c) factitive verb d) Causative verb 48. He raised his hand. Here `raised’ is a _____
36. I dreamt a wonderful dream. verb.
a) Retained object b) Cognate object a) copulative b) Cognate
c) Reflexive object d) Factitive object c) factitive d) causative
37. Which sentence of the following is an example 49. What is the appropriate translation of ÔAvwg
of cognate object? †Zvgv‡K LvIqvBÕ?
a) I have eat you b) I eat you 60. Identify the sentence where the verb is used
c) I feed you d) I fed you. intransitively.
50. `My mother makes me take the medicine. a) He spoke the truth
a) Auxiliary b) Week b) I feel a severe pain in my head
c) Strong d) Causative c) Ring the bell d) The ship sank rapidly
51. Which one is not a stative verb? 61. He is called a genius. Here the verb is-
a) See b) Taste a) transitive b) intransitive
c) Feel d) Laugh c) linking d) non-finite
52. Honey tastes sweet. What is expressed by the 62. Subject + transitive verb + Indirect object +
verb `taste’? Direct object.
a) state of emotion b) state of being a) He gave me a book
c) event d) state of perceiving b) He gave a book to me
53. Event verbs are used in- c) He gave a good book
a) progressive form b) non-progressive forms d) He gave a book which was good
c) both d) none 63. What is the correct sentence for the structure
54. Which one is an example of an intransitive `S+ LV + Adjective complement’?
verb? a) She is an innocent lady
a) The painted their fences green b) She looks like an innocent lady
b) My family moved to another city. c) She looks innocent
c) We believed the boy d) She is looking an innocent
d) He gave the papers to the lawyer. 64. What is the correct sentence for the structure `S
55. My younger brother has become a lawyer. The + LV + Adjective complement’?
underlined word is a- a) Bannya has fallen ill
a) linking verb b) causative verb b) Bannaya has fallen an ill girl
c) transitive verb d) non finite verb c) Bannya has turned turned to be a fallen
56. I slept a sound sleep and felt better. The woman
underlined word is- d) Bannya has been falling ill
a) inchoative verb b) verbs of perception 65. What is the structure of the sentence `I was
c) cognate verb d) reflexive verb walking in the morning’?
57. Pick out the sentence with causative verb. a) S + VI + Adverbial
a) She is eating rice b) S + VT + Adverbial
b) The letter is being written c) S + LV + Adjective
c) I shall get the work done by him d) S + LV + Prepositional phrase
d) Honey tastes sweet 66. Which is the structure of the sentence `My
58. Which one is transitive verb? mother named me Aquib’?
a) The baby sleeps b) To err is human a) S + VT + IO + DO
c) Fire burns b) S + VT + Obj. + Adj. Complement
d) The girl takes after her mother c) S + VT + Obj. + N. Complement
59. `She milks the cow.’ The intransitive use of d) S +VI + N. Complement
this sentence- 67. Identify the structure of the sentence : `They
a) The cow milking her. elected him their leader.
b) The cow is milked her. a) S + V + O + N. Complement
c) The cow is milking b) S + V + O + Adj. Complement
d) The cow is being milked her c) S + V + O + Complement
d) S + V + O + Direct object
68. `He writes a book’. Pattern of this sentence is- 76. `The milk got bad’ the sentence follows the
a) S + vt + Direct object structure-
b) S + vi + Direct object a) Sub + verb + object
c) S + L-v + indirect object b) Sub + intransitive verb + noun phrase
d) S + L-v + S. Complement c) Sub + intransitive verb
69. Be + verb + ing from. d) Sub + linking verb + Adj.
a) Rana is having a birthday 77. A verb that acts as noun is called-
b) I am to go to send a letter. a) participle b) gerund
c) Rahima has gone to the city c) adverb d) noun
d) Rana having a party went to the zoo. 78. How gerund is formed?
70. `Elena became a doctor.’ The sentence follows a) Verb + ing b) Preposition + ing
the structure- c) Noun + ing d) Adjective + ing
a) subject + verb + object 79. Gerund is similar to-
b) subject + linking verb + noun phrase a) noun b) adjective
c) subject + transitive verb + object c) verb d) adverb
d) Subject + intransitive verb + adjective 80. Gerund is related to-
71. The made Karim the captain. a) pronoun b) verb
a) subject + verb + object c) adjective d) adverb
b) Subject + verb + object + complement 81. A `Gerund’ does the work of-
c) subject + verb + object + object a) a verb and a noun
d) subject + verb + complement + adverb b) A verb and an adjective
72. Identify the structure of the sentence : `She left c) A verb and an adverb
her luggage behind’ d) A verb and conjunction
a) S + Vt + O + Preposition 82. Working in the morning is good for health.
b) S + Vt + C + N complement Here `working’ is a/an-
c) S + Vt + O + Adj Complement a) pronoun b) present participle
d) S + V + O + Adverbial c) gerund d) adjective
73. Sub + verb + Indirect object + Direct object. 83. `Reading is an excellent habit. Here the
a) Karim sent me a flower underlined word is a-
b) Flower is sent to me by Karim a) Verbal noun b) Participle
c) I sent a flower to him c) Verb d) Gerund
d) Karim was sent a flower by me 84. Swimming is a good exercise. Here
74. I have been teaching you grammar.’ The `swimming’ is-
structure of the sentence is- a) participle b) nominal
a) S + Vt + Obj + C noun c) gerund d) infinitive
b) S + Vt + Obj Indirect + Direct Obj 85. Swimming is a good exercise. Here
c) S + Vt + O + Adj Complement `swimming’ is a/an-
d) S + Vt + O + N-Clause a) noun b) gerund
75. `Motin has broken the glass’ The sentence c) verb d) adverb
following the structure- 86. He found parking is difficult. `Here `parking’
a) Sub + LV + Noun used as-
b) Sub + Aux. V + Obj a) past continuous b) Gerund
c) Sub + verb + obj c) Participle d) Progressive tense
d) Sub + LV + Adj 87. ____ is considered a serious crime.
a) Shoplift b) Shoplifting
c) Shoplifter d) To shoplifting 99. My favourite activity is reading. Here `reading’
88. The underlined word in the sentence `It has is a-
stopped raining’ is- a) Object b) Complement
a) gerund b) participle c) Gerund d) Verbal noun
c) infinitive d) present continuous 100. Seeing is believing. Here `believing’ is-
89. He started teaching Hamlet. Here `teaching’ is a- a) object of preposition
a) verb b) noun b) object of transitive verb
c) participle d) gerund c) complement of verb
90. John likes gardening. `Gardening’ in the d) object of subject
sentence is- 101. His profession is-
a) gerund b) infinitive a) teaching b) teachery
c) past participle d) present participle c) teachable d) teach
91. Do you enjoy teaching? The underlined word is 102. This is a walking street. The underlined word
a- is a/an-
a) a noun b) a participle a) participle b) gerund
c) a gerund d) an adjective c) verbal noun d) adverbial
92. He avoided making the same mistakes again. 103. A simple infinitive does the work of a/an-
The underlined word is a/an- a) Adjective b) Adverb
a) auxiliary verb b) object c) Noun d) Verb
c) participle d) gerund 104. The base form of a verb is called-
93. I have no objection to walking. The underlined a) an infinitive b) weak verb
word is a/an- c) strong verb d) transitive verb
a) an infinitive b) a gerund 105. She loves to cook chinese dishes. The
c) a participle d) a morpheme underlined word is a/an-
94. There is no credit in earning money illegally. a) participle b) noun
The underlined word is a/an- c) gerund d) infinitive
a) present participle b) gerund 106. To err is human. The underlined word is a/an-
c) verb d) present continuous a) Gerund b) verbal noun
95. The customer grew tired of waiting. The c) infinitive d) participle
underlined word is a/an- 107. Choose the correct sentence.
a) verb b) gerund a) A participle is a word which is partly a noun
c) noun d) present participle and partly an adverb.
96. By working hard, you can prosper. Here b) A participle is a word which is partly a
`working’ is a- pronoun and partly an noun.
a) Participle b) Verbal noun c) A participle is a word which is partly a verb
c) Gerund d) infinitive and partly an adjective.
97. Giving is better that receiving. Here the d) A participle is a word which is partly a verb
`receiving’ is a/an- and partly an adverb.
a) common noun b) adjective 108. Present participle performs the works of-
c) gerund d) present participle a) noun & adjective b) verb & adjective
98. He is found of riding. Here gerund is used as- c) verb & adverb d) verb & noun
a) The subject of verb 109. In the sentence `A barking dog seldom bites’
b) The object of verb the word `barking’ does the function of-
c) Part of compound noun a) Noun and verb b) Noun and adjective
d) The object of preposition c) Verb and adjective d) Verb and conjunction
110. A rolling stone gather no moss. Here `rolling’ c) Present participle d) Adjective
is a- 122. It was very _____ situation.
a) verbal adjective b) gerund a) embarrassing b) embarrass
c) verbal noun d) perfect participle c) embarrassed d) embarrassment
111. A rolling stone gather no moss. What rolling’ 123. He is quite_____ with my progress.
is- a) satisfy b) satisfied
a) Gerund b) Verbal noun c) satisfaction d) satisfactory
c) Participle d) Adjective 124. I needed something to read in order not____.
112. Education is the most pressing need of time. a) to bore b) to be boring
Here the word `pressing’ is- c) to be bored d) to be boredem
a) verbal adjective b) gerund 125. The film is really ____
c) pronoun d) none a) borring b) boring
113. Do not get into the running train. The c) bored d) boreing
underlined word is a/an- 126. She seemed ____ and ill at ease, and bent her
a) Adjective b) Verb head.
c) Adverb d) Conjunction a) embarrass b) embarrassing
114. The nightingale is a singing bird. In this c)s embarrassed d) had been embarrassed
sentence `singing’ is a/an- 127. Hamlet, written in early 17th century, is as alive
a) verbal noun b) gerund and____ today as it was nearly 400 years ago.
c) adverb d) participle a) appealing b) appeal
115. A swimming snake bit him in the leg. Here c) appealed d) the appeal of
`swimming’ is a- 128. The movie was (bore) as soon as he became
a) verbal noun b) gerund (bore)
c) infinitive d) participle a) boring, boring b) bored, boring
116. The rain came pouring down in torrents. c) bored, bored d) boring, bored
a) Present participle b) Perfect participle 129. He passed a (write) order.
c) Past participle d) None a) to write b) wrote
117. `She went away dancing.’ Here `dancing’ is- c) writing d) written
a) an adjective b) a gerund 130. The license of ____ drivers should be banned.
c) an infinitive d) a present participle a) drinking b) drank
118. The underlined words here `I have doubts c) drunk d) drunked
about this happening at all. 131. There were ___ reaction after the Bill was
a) Gerund b) Participle passed.
c) Possessive case d) Verb a) a mix b) mix
119. Suddenly finding himself alone, he became c) mixed d) missed
frightened. 132. The tall gentleman____ by the door is the bank
a) gerund b) past participle manager.
c) present participle d) adverb a) who standing b) is standing
120. Riding a horse he went to a distant place. Here c) stands d) standing
riding is- 133. Some of the people ___ to the party can’t
a) a gerund b) verbal noun come.
c) gerundial infinitive d) present participle a) inviting b) invited
121. Opening the file, the detective took out a c) who invited d) they were invited
newspaper cutting. Here `opening’ is a/an- 134. The bridge _____ recently for the railroad has
a) Gerund b) Noun been found faulty.
a) was constructed b) constructed b) The writing of a good letter is difficult.
c) has been constructed c) Good letter writing is difficult.
d) has constructed d) It is very difficult to write a good letter.
135. An inflation rate is only 4 percent ____ a big 146. Verbal noun is close to-
difference to export. a) Past participle b) Adjective
a) make b) making c) Gerund d) Present participle
c) are making d) makes 147. I like travelling to different place of the world.
136. Which one of the following is a correct a) travelling b) visit
sentence? c) world d) places
a) The old man is there happy sitting. 148. The reading of history is interesting.
b) The old man is happy there sitting. a) verbal noun b) gerund
c) The old man there sitting is happy. c) present participle d) simple verb
d) The old man sitting there is happy. 149. Which of the following is active with verbal
137. There is a man___ next door to me. noun with preposition & object?
a) living b) who live a) I saw him go to the garden
c) who lived d) is living b) Amina & Joy made us laugh.
138. The wind made such____ noises, that the c) I am to make a telephone call
children hid under the bed. d) We went to see the launching of the ship.
a) fearing b) frightening 150. The word `following’ in the above is a/an-
c) frightened d) fierce a) preposition b) adjective
139. The people badly_____ relief materials were c) adverb d) noun
gathering at the union council premise. 151. Which part of speech is the word `Regarding’?
a) needed b) needing a) Adverb b) Preposition
c) were needing d) were needed c) Verb d) Noun
140. Natural resources provide the raw 152. I know nothing regarding this matter. Here
material______ to produce finished goods. `regarding’ is a-
a) needed b) are needed a) Gerund b) Preposition
c) which need d) needing c) Apposition d) Conjunction
141. The man _____ the gate has not yet come. 153. Education is enlightening. Here `enlightening’
a) opening b) to open is-
c) opened d) having opened. a) A gerund b) A participle
142. People ____ in village do not get many of the c) An infinitive d) A finite verb
urban facilities. 154. This is a walking street. The underlined word is
a) Live b) are living a/an-
c) living d) to live a) participle b) gerund
143. The man____ in the accident was taken to c) verbal noun d) adverbial
hospital. 155. I joined a riding school. Here `riding’ is a-
a) injured b) had injured a) gerund b) participle
c) being injured d) who injured c) verbal noun d) infinitive
144. Having gained truth, keep truth. 156. The girl dancing is my daughter. The
a) Present participle b) Perfect participle underlined word is a-
c) Past participle d) None a) Gerund b) Participle
145. Which one of the following is the example of c) Preposition d) Infinitive
verbal noun? Your Turn
a) Writing a good letter is difficult.
157. A lost opportunity never returns. Here `lost’ is d) an example of verbal noun
a- 168. ____ eggs were served to the players.
a) gerund b) verbal noun a) Boiled b) Boil
c) participle d) gerundial infinitive c) To boil d) Boiling
158. A retired officer lives next door. Here the 169. I found the boy reading a book. Here `reading’
underlined word is uses is a/an- is-
a) Gerund b) adverb a) Present participle b) Noun
c) preposition d) participle c) Gerund d) Verb
159. What is the correct use of gerund? 170. Talking exercise is a good habit. Here `taking’
a) I saw the girl dancing. is-
b) I am dancing on the floor. a) Present participle b) past participle
c) Dancing is a good exercise. c) gerund d) perfect participle
d) The girl came here dancing. 171. Don’t disturb a sleeping baby. Here `sleeping’
160. Going there he found his friend absent. Here is a-
`going’ is a- a) gerund b) verbal adjective
a) gerund b) present participle c) verbal noun d) perfect participle
c) noun d) past participle 172. We enjoyed swimming in the river. Here
161. Swimming is good for health. the underlined `swimming’ is a/an-
word is uses is a/an- a) verb b) infinitive
a) Gerund b) Participle c) determiner d) gerund
c) Phrase d) Clause 173. Hearing the noise, the boy woke up. Here the
162. Making a good result in the exam needs a lot word `hearing’ is a/an-
of hard work. Here `making’ is a- a) noun b) participle
a) present participle b) pronoun c) verb d) adverb
c) adjective d) gerund 174. He was born in 1980. What kind of verb is it?
163. He started reading. the underlined word is uses a) transitive b) intransitive
is a/an- c) linking d) non-finite
a) verb b) participle 175. He is found of fishing. the underlined word is
c) gerund d) infinitive uses is a/an-
164. `Reading is a good habit.’ Here `reading’ is a- a) gerund b) participle
a) verbal noun b) verb c) verb d) adjective
c) gerund d) present participle 176. Reading is one of the best means of developing
165. The word `walking’ in the sentence `Walking language skills.
is good for health’ is- a) gerund b) participle
a) a participle b) a gerund c) verb d) adjective
c) an adjective d) an object 177. The movie is a_____ one to watch in the
166. Tom rather ____. What shall we do to cheer cinema hall.
him up? a) bored b) bore
a) depressing b) depressed c) boring d) none
c) depressingly d) depression 178. I like reading literature. Here `reading’ is-
167. Walking in the morning is good for health. a) main verb b) modal verb
This is- c) participle d) gerund
a) an example of gerund 179. I came from watching a live football match. the
b) an example of infinitive underlined word is uses is a/an-
c) an example of participle a) a gerund b) a participle
c) an infinitive d) a causative verb 191. The Canterbury Tales, written in about 1386, is
180. Last night I watched a _____. as alive and ____ as it was nearly 600 years
a) touchy movie b) touching movie ago.
c) touchable movie d) touched movie a) appealed b) appeal
181. The machine made in Japan is now working c) appealing d) the appeal of
well. Her `made’ is- 192. Which sentence contains a gerund?
a) Present participle b) Past participle a) The man is running
c) Perfect participle d) Simple past b) He enjoys running.
182. Can you smell an odour? the underlined word c) He was hit by a running bus
is uses is a/an- d)He went away running
a) verb of perception b) cognate verb 193. Which one is correct?
c) inchoative verb d) quasi-passive verb a) She was boring in the class.
183. Smoking is a bad habit. Here `Smoking’ is- b) She was bored in the class
a) Infinitive b) Gerund c) She fell boring in the class
c) Participle d) None d) She was feeling boring in the class
184. Reading history makes one wise. Here 194. I walk because walking is a good exercise.
`reading’ is- a) verb-adjective b) verb-verb
a) Gerund b) Verbal noun c) verb-gerund d) verb-adverb
c) Past participle d) Present participle 195. The Harvest moon is the full moon nearest the
185. Which of the underlined ones is a gerund? equinox ____ a period of several days when the
a) I know the dancing girl moon rises after sunset.
b) This is my reading room a) It brings b) bringing
c) Bring me the floating paper c) for bringing d) brings
d) I saw him reading 196. Which of the following is a strong verb?
186. Muslin was a fabric ___ by the famed weavers a) Run b) Walk
of Bangladesh. c) Make d) Jog
a) woven b) weave 197. Which is an example of strong verb?
c) wove d) had woved a) sleep b) fill
187. Betrayed by his friends, he started living alone. c) believe d) forget
Here `betreayed’ is a- 198. Which one of the following is a regular verb?
a) gerund b) present participle a) Began b) Knew
c) verbal noun d) past participle c) Taken d) Wanted
188. A gerund performs the functions of a/an- 199. Which one is a weak verb?
a) Verb b) noun a) Chide b) Creep
c) adjective d) adverb c) Cleave d) Cling
189. Which of the following sentence does not have 200. Awake Gi past participle ‡KvbwU?
a gerund? a) Awaken b) Awoken
a) I see a sleeping child c) Awaked d) Awakei
b) Walking in the morning is good for health 201. The past participle of `bleed’ is-
c) He fancies visiting the Eiffel tower a) bled b) bleded
d) Please stop writing. c) bleeded d) bledened
190. Write an essay on the (give) topic. The right 202. The present form of the verb `Besought’ is-
form of verb is- a) Besight b) Beseight
a) gave b) give c) Beseech d) Beseecht
c) giving d) given 203. What is the past form of `blow’?
a) blowed b) blowt 217. `Fed’ is the past form of the verb-
c) blew d) blewd a) Food b) find
204. The past participle of `beat’ is- c) Fight d) Feed
a) beat b) bitten 218. Past participle of `Freeze’-
c) beaten d) bit a) Freezed b) Freeze
205. What is the past form of `beat’? c) Frozen d) Freezering
a) beat b) beated 219. eat Gi past form ‡KvbwU?
c) beaten d) none a) ate b) eated
206. Point out the past tense. Bite- c) eaten d)
a) Biten b) Bit 220. Identify the past participle of the word `fling’.
c) Bue d) Bited a) Flang b) Flung
207. The past participle form of `Bear’ is- c) Flungen d) Flunged
a) Bore b) Borne 221. The present form of `Felt’ is-
c) Borned d) Bear a) Fall b) Fill
208. `Bear’ kãwUi past participle n‡”Q- c) Feel d) Fell
a) Bore b) Bear 222. The river has ____ its banks.
c) Born d) Beard a) overflown b) overflowed
209. The thief who broke into our house was___- by c) overlfew d) overloaded
our pet dog. 223. Sometimes there was so much rain that the
a) bited b) bitten river ____ over the bridge.
c) biten d) bitted a) flown b) flew
210. Which of the following is a form of `die’? c) has flown d) has flown
a) dryad b) dye 224. The water ____ down the side of the hill.
c) dying d) dieing a) flew b) flowed
211. Choose the correct past participle form of c) flow d) floated
`Drink’? 225. The past participle form of the verb `flow’ is-
a) Drank b) Drunk a) fled b) flew
c) Drunken d) Dronk c) flowed d) flown
212. What is the past participle form of the verb 226. Some people had to /had tried to escape in
`Choose’? boats when the river ___ its banks.
a) Chosed b) Chosen a) overthrow b) overflowed
c) Choosing d) Chase c) overcame d) overpowered
213. What is the past participle of the verb `come’? 227. The past participle form of `flee’ is-
a) came b) come a) Flowed b) Falled
c) comed d) camed c) Felt d) Fled
214. What is the correct past participle form of 228. The enemy has (to flee) away.
`draw’? a) flee b) flew
a) drew b) drewed c) fled d) fly
c) dreawn d) drawed 229. The bird has ____ away.
215. What is the past participe of the verb `Dwell’? a) flown b) fly
a) dwelt b) dwelled c) flied d) fled
c) dwelted d) dweled 230. Choose the sentence with correct participle.
216. The past participle of the verb `Fell’ is- a) The bird has flowed away.
a) felt b) fallen b) The river has overflown the banks.
c) felled d) fled c) The bird has fled away.
d) The river has overflowed the banks d) The shirt was hanged on the wall
231. He lost his temper in public. The present form 243. She usually ___ the baby down for sleep at this
of `lost’ is- time.
a) loose b) loss a) lies b) lied
c) lost d) lose c) lay d) lays
232. What is the correct past participle of the verb 244. Which spelling is correct?
`lead’ ? a) layeing b) lieing
a) Led b) Leaded c) lying d) lahying
c) Lade d) Leaden 245. The correct use of verb has been made in.
233. The picture was____ on the wall. a) He laid the book on the table.
a) hanged b) to hang b) He had lain the book on the table.
c) hung d) to be hanged c) He lay the book on the table.
234. I wanted the poster to- d) He lain the book on the table.
a) be hang b) be hanged 246. The nurse has ____ the baby in the crib.
c) be hung d) hung a) lain b) lay
235. Get the picture ____ in your room. c) laid d) lied
a) fastened b) hanged 247. Which one s a past form?
c) put d) hung a) lied b) lay
236. The painting is _____ on the wall. c) put d) all of these
a) hang b) hunged 248. The boy ____ the paper on the desk.
c) hanged d) hung a) lay b) laid
237. The man was_____ for murder. c) lied d) lain
a) hung b) hunged 249. After the hurricane, uprooted trees ____ all
c) hanged d) hang over the ground.
238. He ___ for murder. a) were laying b) laid
a) hanged b) was hung c) were lying d) were laid
c) was hanged d) was hunged 250. The book that you see ____ on the table
239. The shipmates of the Ancient Mariner cursed belongs to me.
him and _____ the albatross around the neck/ a) laid b) laying
a) hanged b) hung c) laying d) lain
c) hang d) hanging 251. I saw the beggar ____ on the floor.
240. Choose the correct sentence. a) laid b) lying
a) He was hunged for murder. c) lay d) lie
b) He has been hunged for murder. 252. Albert Einstein’s Theory of Realtivity ____ the
c) He was hanged for murder. foundation of the possibility of time travel.
d) He had been hanged for murder. a) will lay b) laying
241. Which one is correct? c) laid d) lay
a) We hanging the picture in the wall 253. I ____ your notebook on the table.
b) We were hung the picture on the wall a) have lain b) have lay
c) We hung the picture on the wall c) have laid d) setting
d) We hanged the picture on the wall 254. I (to lay) the book on the table.
242. Choose the correct sentence: a) laid b) lies
a) He hanged the shirt on the wall c) lays d) lay
b) He hung the shirt on the wall 255. The princess____ down the slept for twenty
c) He hunged the shirt on the wall years.
a) lain b) lied 267. Which one is the past tense of `steal’?
c) lay d) laid a) Stolen b) Stole
256. You may_____ down for a nap as soon as you c) Stoled d) None
do your homework. 268. The past participle of `swim’ is-
a) lay b) lie a) swam b) swum
c) lain d) laid c) swung d) swumped
257. H (to lie) on the bed in the last noon. 269. Past participle of `sing’ is-
a) Lay b) Lied a) sang b) sung
c) Lies d) Lieing c) sing d) song
258. He has____ in bed. 270. The past participle of `spit’-
a)laid b) lied a) spite b) spitten
c) lain d) lay c) spat d) spate
259. The hen_____ an egg yesterday. 271. Past tense of the verb `shear’ is-
a) lain b) laid a) Sheared b) Shore
c) lay d) lied c) Shear d) Shorn
260. Identify the correct sentence. 272. What is the past form of `String’?
a) Yesterday I laid in bed untill noon a) Strang b) Strong
b) Last Friday I lay my hands on the desk c) Strung d) Stringed
c) He was laying in the sun 273. Which one is the correct past participle of the
d) Now I lay me down to sleep. word `smell’?
261. Choose the correct sentence. a) Smell b) Smelt
a) Javed was so exhausted that he lain down for c) Smeld d) Smelded
a sleep. 274. The correct past form of `slay’ is-
b) Javed was so exhausted that he had laid a) slane b) slain
down for a sleep. c) slyed d) Slew
c) Javed was so exhausted that he was lying 275. The past participle form of `slay’ is-
down for a sleep. a) slane b) slain
d) Javed was so exhausted that he will lay c) slyed d) slew
down for a sleep. 276. The past participle of `Slide’ is-
262. You have made your own bed and now your a) Slider b) Slad
must ___ on it. c)Sled d) Slid
a) lay b) lie 277. Choose the correct verb form.
c) lain d) laid a) Stink , stinked, stinked
263. The present verb from of the word `sworn’ is- b) stink, stanked, stanked
a) swore b) swor c) stink, stancked, stancked
c) swered d) swear d) stink, stank, stunk
264. The past participle of the verb `Swear’ is- 278. The past form of the word `tear’ is-
a) swore b) sworn a) teared b) torn
c) sworne d) swear c) tore d) tears
265. The past tense of the verb swing is- 279. Past form of `Wear’ is-
a) Swing b) Swinged a) Weared b) Wore
c) Swung d) Swunged c) Worn d) Worned
266. The past participle of the word `seek’ is- 280. The past participle of `tear’ is-
a) seeked b) sought a) teared b) torn
c) saught d) soughtt c) torned d) tearing
281. Which is the past form of the verb `wring’? 293. What is the past participle form of `put’?
a) Wrang b) Wrung a) putted b) putten
c) Wranged d) Wringed c) had putten d) put
282. What is the past form of `weave’? 294. What is the past participle form of `Split’?
a) wove b) weaven a) Spoilt b) Spoiled
c) weav d) weavt c) Split d) Spilitted
283. Past form of `withhold’ is- 295. He ___ the ball so hard that it flew over the
a) withholded b) withheld tree.
c) withhelded d) no past form a) hitted b) hit
284. The past participle form of the word `underlie’ c) hitting d) hits
is- 296. What is the past participle form of `Quit’?
a) underlain b) underlay a) Quit b) Quitten
c) underlaid d) underlaided c) Quited d) Quitted
285. All there verbs are in past tense- 297. The past participle form of the verb `spread’ is-
a) Spoke, Cost, Left a) spreaded b) spreaden
b) Take, throw, Cut c) spread d) Spreadened
c) Read, Set, Swim 298. Choose the past participle form of the verb
d) Beat, Bite, Bear `telecast’.
286. The prices of rice are- a) telecasted b) telecast
a) raising b) risen c) teleastted d) telecasten
c) raised d) rising 299. The art exhibition will be_____ next week in
287. Are there any matters ____ from the minutes of Bangladesh Television.
the last meeting? a) telecast b) published
a) risen b) arisen c) telecasted d) broadcasted
c) arising d) arousing 300. He took a lot of care and ____ the table for his
288. Onion prices have_____ too much this month. guests.
a) raised b) risen a) laid b) lead
c) rise d) rose c) lied d) led
289. She was so sound asleep that it was most 301. What is the past participle of `do’ is-
difficult to____ her. a) did b) done
a) raise b) rouse c) undone d) undo
c) rise d) arise 302. Which one is the ____ ing form of the verb
290. It is our policy to deal with the problems as `singe’?
they ____. a) singing b) singeing
a) arise b) raise c) singging d) singeiing
c) rise d) rouse 303. Present participle of the word `pertain’ is-
291. It was our policy to deal with the problems as a) is pertaining b) pertains
they ___. c) pertaining d) pertained
a) arose b) rose 304. `People lauded Mandela’s humanity, kindness
c) raised d) roused and dignity.’
292. The past participle of the verb `shut’ a) laude b) led
a) shuted b) shut c) lead d) laud
c) shooted d) shoot
1 b 2 a 3 d 4 b 5 d 6 a 7 c 8 d 9 b 10 b
11 a 12 c 13 c 14 a 15 a 16 d 17 a 18 d 19 b 20 b
21 a 22 c 23 d 24 d 25 a 26 c 27 c 28 d 29 d 30 b
31 a 32 c 33 c 34 d 35 c 36 b 37 d 38 c 39 b 40 a
41 b 42 a 43 d 44 d 45 c 46 a 47 c 48 d 49 c 50 d
51 d 52 d 53 c 54 b 55 a 56 c 57 c 58 d 59 c 60 d
61 c 62 a 63 c 64 a 65 a 66 c 67 a 68 a 69 a 70 b
71 b 72 d 73 a 74 b 75 c 76 d 77 b 78 a 79 a 80 b
81 a 82 c 83 d 84 c 85 b 86 b 87 b 88 a 89 d 90 a
91 c 92 d 93 b 94 b 95 b 96 c 97 c 98 d 99 b 100 c
101 a 102 b 103 c 104 a 105 d 10 c 10 c 108 b 109 c 110 a
6 7
111 d 112 a 113 a 114 d 115 d 11 a 11 d 118 b 119 c 120 d
6 7
121 c 122 a 123 b 124 c 125 b 12 c 12 a 128 d 129 d 130 c
6 7
131 c 132 d 133 b 134 b 135 b 13 d 13 a 138 b 139 b 140 a
6 7
141 a 142 c 143 a 144 b 145 b 14 c 14 a 148 a 149 d 150 a
6 7
151 b 152 b 153 b 154 b 155 a 15 b 15 c 158 d 159 c 160 b
6 7
161 a 162 a 163 c 164 c 165 b 16 b 16 a 168 a 169 a 170 c
6 7
171 b 172 d 173 b 174 b 175 a 17 c 17 c 178 d 179 a 180 b
6 7
181 b 182 a 183 b 184 a 185 b 18 a 18 d 188 b 189 a 190 d
6 7
191 c 192 b 193 b 194 c 195 b 19 a 19 d 198 d 199 b 200 b
6 7
201 a 202 c 203 c 204 c 205 a 20 b 20 b 208 c 209 b 210 c
6 7
211 b 212 b 213 b 214 c 215 a 21 c 21 d 218 c 219 a 220 b
6 7
221 c 222 b 223 d 224 b 225 c 22 b 22 d 228 c 229 a 230 d
6 7
231 d 232 a 233 c 234 c 235 d 23 d 23 c 238 c 239 b 240 c
6 7
241 c 242 b 243 d 244 c 245 a 24 c 24 d 248 b 249 c 250 c
6 7
251 b 252 c 253 c 254 a 255 c 25 b 25 a 258 c 259 b 260 d
6 7
261 c 262 b 263 d 264 b 265 c 26 b 26 b 268 b 269 b 270 c
6 7
271 b 272 c 273 b 274 d 275 b 27 d 27 d 278 c 279 b 280 b
6 7
281 b 282 a 283 b 284 a 285 a 28 d 28 c 288 b 289 b 290 a
6 7
291 a 292 b 293 d 294 c 295 b 29 a 29 c 298 b 299 a 300 a
6 7
301 b 302 b 303 c 304 d

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