SM Unit-I
SM Unit-I
SM Unit-I
Unit - I
What Is Strategy?
Strategy is a chosen path to a destination.
“Strategy is a framework for deciding how you will play the game of business.”
Strategy is the road map - consisting of milestones and actions - that charts a path to achieving a company’s vision.
Definition of Strategy
“Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term. It helps achieve an advantage for the organization through its
configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and fulfill stakeholder expectations.”
2. Set of Actions
- Strategy is a deliberate plan of action
- Outlines specific steps to achieve organizational goals
- Guides decision-making and resource allocation
3. Provides Structure
- Strategy provides a framework for organizational operations
- Defines roles, responsibilities, and relationships among departments
- Establishes clear lines of communication and authority
4. System Oriented
- Strategy considers the organization as a system
- Recognizes interdependencies among departments and functions
- Optimizes overall system performance
5. Future-Oriented
- Strategy focuses on long-term goals and objectives
- Anticipates future challenges and opportunities
- Prepares organization for future growth and development
6. Integrated Approach
- Strategy integrates various functional areas (marketing, finance, operations, etc.)
- Coordinates efforts across departments and levels
- Ensures alignment with organizational goals and objectives
Levels of Strategy
In an organization, strategies can exist at all levels – right from the overall business to the individuals working in it. Here are some common
types of strategies:
Corporate Strategies – These are also explicitly mentioned in the organization’s Mission Statement. They involve the overall purpose
and scope of the business to help it meet the expectations of stakeholders. These are important strategies due to the heavy influence of
investors. Further, corporate strategies act as a guide for strategic decision-making throughout the business.
Business Unit Strategies – These are more about how a business competes successfully in a particular market. They involve strategic
decisions about:
Choosing products
Meeting the needs of the consumers
Gaining an advantage over the competitors
Creating new opportunities, etc.
Operational Strategies – These are about how each part of the business is organized to deliver the corporate and business unit level
strategic direction. Therefore, these strategies focus on the issues of resources, people, processes, etc.
Role of Strategy
4) Personnel Satisfaction.
Strategies contribute towards organization effectiveness by providing satisfaction to the personnel of the organization. In organization
where formal strategic management process is followed, people are more satisfied by definite prescription of their roles thereby reducing
role conflict and role ambiguity. If the decisions are systematized in the organization, everyone knows how to proceed, how to contribute
towards organizational objectives, where the information may be available, who can make decisions, and so on. Such clarity will bring
effectiveness at the individual level and consequently at organizational level. Strategies provide all these things in the organization
through which everything is made crystal clear.
Strategy Formulation
Definition: Strategy Formulation is an analytical process of selection of the best suitable course of action to meet the organizational
objectives and vision. It is one of the steps of the strategic management process. The strategic plan allows an organization to examine its
resources, provides a financial plan and establishes the most appropriate action plan for increasing profits.
Strategic Management
Strategic management is used to denote a branch of management that is concerned with the development of strategic vision, setting out
objectives, formulating and implementing strategies, and introducing corrective measures for the deviations to reach the organization’s
strategic intent.
2. Comprehensive Approach: It integrates various functional areas (marketing, finance, operations, etc.).
3. Goal-Oriented: Strategic management aims to achieve specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.
4. Systematic Process: It involves a systematic process of analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
The hierarchy of strategic intent lays the foundation for strategic management of any organization. The strategic intent makes clear what
organization stand for. In the hierarchy, the vision intent serves the purpose of stating what the organization wishes to achieve in the long
run. The mission relates the organization to the society. The business definition explains the businesses of the organization in terms of
customer needs, customer groups and alternative technologies. The business model clarifies how the organization creates revenue. And
the objectives of the organizations state what is to be achieved in a given period of time.
B. Formulation of strategy:
Formulation of strategy is relates to strategic planning. It is done at different levels i.e. corporate, business, and operational level. The
strategic formulation consists of the following steps.
1. Framing of mission statement : Here the mission states the philosophy and purpose of the organization. And all most all business
frames the mission statement to keep its activities in the right direction.
2. Analysis of internal & external environment: The management must conduct an analysis of internal and external environment. Internal
environment consists of manpower, machines, and other sources which resides within the organization and easily alterable and
adjustable. These sources reveal the strength and weakness of the organization. External environmental factor includes government,
competitions, consumers, and technological developments. These are not adjustable and controllable and relates to organizations
opportunities and threats.
3. Setting of objectives: After SWOT analysis, the management is able to set objectives in key result areas such as marketing, finance,
production, and human resources etc. While setting objectivities in these areas the objectives must be realistic, specific, time bound,
measurable, and easy attainable.
4. Performance comparison : By undertaking gap analysis management must compare and analyze its present performance level with the
desired future performance. This enables the management to find out exact gap between present and future performance of the
organization. If there is adequate gap then, the management must think of strategic measures to bridge the gap.
5. Alternative strategies : After making SWOT analysis and gap analysis management needs to prepare (frame) alternative strategies to
accomplish the organizational objectives. It is necessary as some strategies are to be hold and others to be implemented.
6. Evaluation of strategies : The management must evaluate the benefits and costs of each every alternative strategy in term of sales,
market share, profit, goodwill and the cost incurred on the part of the strategy in terms of production, administration, and distribution
7. Choice of strategy : It is not possible to any organization to implement all strategies therefore management must be selective. It has to
select the best strategy depending on the situation and it has to consider in terms of its costs and benefits etc.
C. Strategy Implementation:
Once the strategies are formulated the next step is to implement them. The strategic plan is put into action through six sub processes
known as project, procedural, resource allocation, structural, behavioral, and functional implementation. The project implementation
deals with the setting up of organization. Procedural implementation deals with the different aspects of the regulatory framework within
which organizations have to operate.
Resource allocation relates to the procurement and commitment of resources for implementation. The structural aspect of implementation
deals with the design of organizational structures and systems and reorganizing so as to match the structure to the needs of strategy. The
behavioral aspects consider the leadership style for implementing strategies and other issues like corporate culture, corporate politics, and
use of power, personal values and business ethics and social he responsibilities. The functional aspects relates to the policies to be
formulated in different functional areas.
The operational implementation deals with the productivity, processes, people and pace of implementing the strategies For any strategy
implementation there are five major steps. Such as
1. Formulation of plans.
2. Identification of activities.
3. Grouping of activities.
4. Organizing resources.
5. Allocation of resources.
D. Strategic Evaluation:
Strategic evaluation appraises the implementation of strategies and measures organizational performance. The feedback from strategic
evaluation is meant to exercise control over the strategic management process. Here the managers try to assure that strategic choice is
properly implemented and is meeting the objectives of the firm. It consists of certain elements which are given below.
1. Setting of standards:- The strategists need to set standards, targets to implement the strategies. it should be in terms of quality,
quantity, costs and time. The standard should be definite and acceptable by employees as well as should be achievable.
2. Measurement of Performance:- Here actual performances are measured in terms of quality, quantity, cost and time.
3. Comparison Of Actual Performance With Set Targets:- The actual performance needs to be compared with standards and find out
variations, if any.
4. Analyzing Deviation And Taking Corrective Measures:- If any deviation is found then higher authorities tries to find out the causes of
it and accordingly as per its nature takes corrective steps. Here some time authority may re-set its goals, objectives or its planning,
policies and standards.
Roles of Stakeholders
Direct the Management
The stakeholders can be a part of the board of directors and therefore help in taking actions. They can take over certain departments like
service, human resources or research and development and manage them for ensuring success.
Bring in Money
Stakeholders are the large investors of the company and they can anytime bring in or take out money from the company. Their decision
shall depend upon the company’s financial performance.
Corporate Conscience
Large stakeholders are the major stakeholders of the company and have monitored over all the major activities of the company.
Classifications of Stakeholders
Internal stakeholders
Internal stakeholders participate in the management of the company. They can influence and can be influenced by the success or failure
of the entity because they have vested interest in the organization. Internal stakeholders are also known as primary stakeholders.
Employees and managers are internal stakeholders impacted by organizational strategy and success, with some influence on the
organization's decisions. Owners have a larger impact on organizational management, and take a larger amount of accountability
compared to managers and employees. When it comes to developing and keeping a good relationship with internal stakeholders, a vital
practice in business, the best thing an organization can do is act with good, sound ethical practices. If a corporation is unconcerned with
today’s social issues and makes no effort to tie it in with the local community, it is unlikely to receive much public support, and it’s
pretty difficult to build a strong customer base (and generate revenue, consequently) without a positive image.
The following are major internal stakeholders:
1. Employees
Employees are primary internal stakeholders. Employees have significant financial and time investments in the organization, and play a
defining role in the strategy, tactics, and operations the organization carries out. Well run organizations take into account employee
opinions, concerns, and values in shaping the strategy, vision, and mission of the firm. Having a good reputation among employees is an
important aspect of a strong reputation, because the greatest reputation leverage can be achieved through them, as they shape other
stakeholders’ perceptions of the firm.
2. Managers
Managers play a substantial role in determining the strategy of the organization, and a significant voice in operational decisions.
Managers are also accountable for the decisions made, and act as a point of contact between shareholders, the board of directors, and the
organization itself.
3. Owners
Owners (who in publicly traded organizations can include shareholders) are the individuals who hold significant shares of the firm.
Owners are liable for the impacts the organization has, and have a significant role in strategy. Owners often make substantial decisions
regarding both internal and external stakeholders.
External stakeholders
External stakeholders are not directly involved in decision making and other business affairs and, therefore, may or may not be affected
by the company’s decisions or operations. External Stakeholders, do not participate in the day to day activities of the entity, but the
actions of the company influence them. They deal with the company externally. They have no idea about the internal matters of the
company are.
1. Customers
Customers are one of the most immediate external stakeholders that a company must consider. The primary purpose of providing goods
and services is to fill needs. Understanding the needs of an organization's core customer base, and optimizing operations to best fill those
needs, is therefore a significant part of managing a business. Attracting, retaining and generating loyalty from core consumer markets is
critical for competitiveness.
2. Suppliers
Suppliers are external entities that provide goods, services, or raw materials to help businesses streamline operations. They are essential
partners in the supply chain, influencing quality, reliability, and product pricing. Managing positive relationships with suppliers and
vendors ensures steady and efficient sourcing
3. Government
Government agencies and regulatory bodies greatly influence business operations. These entities set and enforce laws, regulations, and
policies that affect businesses, whether at the local, national, or international level. These external stakeholders cover taxation, trade,
environmental protection, labor practices, and consumer protection. It's imperative to comply with legal requirements set by these
regulatory bodies to avoid fines, penalties, and legal disputes.
4. Shareholder
A shareholder is any person or an institution that owns one or more shares in a company. Due to the holder of a share in a company, they
can be regarded as partial owners. They receive monetary benefits in the form of dividends as and when the company earns profit from
the market.
Shareholders do not engage in the management of a firm’s operations. A board of directors set up by the shareholder looks after the
There are two kinds of shareholders, those who own less than 50% of a company’s stock are known as ‘minority shareholders’, whereas
the shareholders who control 50% or more of a company’s stock are called ‘majority shareholders’.
5. Supplier
Supplier is an individual or organization that provides goods, services, or materials to another organization. Suppliers play a crucial role
in the procurement and supply chain processes of businesses and can be categorized as primary, secondary, or tertiary suppliers based on
their relationship with the buyer.
Primary suppliers are directly involved in the production of goods or the provision of core services and have a significant impact on the
final product or service quality. Secondary suppliers provide components or services that support the primary production process, and
tertiary suppliers offer goods or services that are not directly integrated but are essential for the organization's operations.
3. Resource Constraints
While most protect leaders will say that identifying stakeholders is the easy part it’s surprising how many brainstorming sessions can go
wrong. All too often one of the key issues here is the dynamics between individuals within the contributing project group. Some “loud”
individuals can dominate these sessions and in this situation, the projects managers key task here is to ensure that everyone has an equal
voice and can contribute.
What’s important here is that the stakeholders get mapped out and being loud and domineering does not always equate to knowing
everything so facilitating the situation to get maximum input from your team is a must.
4. Breakdown Communication
Effective communication is critical in stakeholder management, but it's often challenging to get it right. Common mistakes include:
a) Lack of Clear Purpose
- Failing to define the purpose of each communication, leading to:
- Information overload
- Confusion among stakeholders
- Ineffective influence or engagement
b) Inappropriate Communication Methods
- Using a one-size-fits-all approach, rather than:
- Choosing the right method for each stakeholder or group
- Considering bespoke methods for specific individuals
- Ensuring accessibility and inclusivity
c) One-Way Communication
- Neglecting to establish two-way communication channels, resulting in:
- Stakeholders feeling ignored or unheard
- Missed opportunities for feedback and engagement
- Ineffective issue resolution and conflict management
Strategic Intent
A pre-defined future state is one that the organization is planning to reach within a stipulated period.
“Strategy Intent is long-term goals that reflect the preferred future position of the firm.” – Lovas and Ghoshal
Collective Consciousness in Common End
Vision is the category of intentions that are broad, all-inclusive, and forward-thinking – Miller and Dess
Vision Statement – Statement defining the company’s long-term goals.
To establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.
Process of Envisioning
2. Conduct an Audit
- Assess the organization's current state, including its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
- Identify the organization's values, mission, and existing vision statement (if any).
Definition of mission
“A mission provides the basis of awareness of a sense of purpose, the competitive environment, the degree to which the firm’s mission
fits its capabilities and the opportunities which the government offers”- David F Harvey
Provide customers with the best tasting, most nutritious choices in a wide range of food and beverage categories on eating from morning to night!
1. Product/ Service
The mission of a business also focuses on the products/services of the firm.What are the major products and whether they are according
to the needs and wants of the target customers? Mission statement should clearly identify the products.
2. Target Market
Another important component of the company’s mission is the target market. It should through some light/identify the target market of
the company. The target market of the company is the geographical boundaries in which the company is or is willing to operate and
deliver its product/services.
3. Technology
An ideal mission statement also declares the technology of the company.What technology the company is using and what are the
methods of operation and process. Or in general, how the flow of value chain is occurring in the company.
4. Philosophy
This component declares something bout the culture of the business It throws light on the basic beliefs, values and aspirations and
ethical priorities of the company.
6. Self concept
Self concept means that what is the company’s core competency. What is its core business and distinctive competitive advantage. The
mission statement should deliver some information about it.
8. Public Images
This component of the mission statement shows the company’s intentions to be responsiveness towards the social, environmental and
other community aspects. It shows the concern of the company toward the public opinion. It also throws light on the post purchase
behavior. All f these factors represents the public image of the company.
Guidelines for Effective Mission Statements
a. What are the needs and desires of the organization’s clients or a. To more effectively improve health practices
beneficiaries? b. Improved health practices contribute to the health and
b. Why is this important? development of Africa
Business Definition
Business definition refers to the description of products, services, activities, functions, and markets in which an organization deals.
1. Concept of Product/Service:
- What products or services will the business offer?
- What needs do they fulfill for customers?
- How do they differ from existing offerings?
2. Customer Segment:
- Market Segmentation: Identify specific customer groups with shared needs.
- Market Targeting: Select target customer segments to focus on.
- Market Positioning: Define how the business will be perceived by target customers.
3. Value Creation:
- How will the business create value for customers?
- What unique benefits will it offer?
- How will it differentiate itself from competitors?
Organizational goals refer to the ideal situations to be achieved in an undefined time-duration in future
“An organization falling short of its tartest might set up a task force to develop new policies for achieving a higher level of goal
attainment.” -Robey
Features of Goals
1. Specific
- Clearly and concisely defined
- Avoids vague or general statements
- Provides a clear direction and focus
- Leaves no room for misinterpretation
- Example: Instead of "Improve customer service," a specific goal would be "Reduce customer complaints by 20% within the next 6
2. Measurable
- Quantifiable, allowing progress to be tracked
- Includes specific numbers, percentages, or amounts
- Enables evaluation of success
- Allows for adjustments and corrections
- Example: "Increase sales revenue by 15% within the next quarter" is measurable, whereas "Increase sales" is not.
3. Achievable
- Realistic and attainable, considering available resources and constraints
- Takes into account limitations and challenges
- Encourages motivation and commitment
- Avoids setting unrealistic or demotivating targets
- Example: Setting a goal to "Double sales within the next month" might be unrealistic, whereas "Increase sales by 5% within the next
quarter" is more achievable.
4. Relevant
- Aligns with the organization's mission, vision, and values
- Supports overall strategic objectives
- Ensures goals are purposeful and meaningful
- Avoids conflicting or distracting goals
- Example: If an organization's mission is to "Improve community health," a relevant goal would be "Reduce smoking rates among youth
by 10% within the next year."
5. Time-bound
- Has a specific deadline or time frame for completion
- Creates a sense of urgency and focus
- Enables prioritization and resource allocation
- Allows for tracking progress and evaluating success
- Example: "Launch a new product within the next 9 months" is time-bound, whereas "Launch a new product someday" is not.
Types of Goals
1. Strategic Goals
- Long-term, high-level objectives that align with an organization's mission and vision
- Focus on overall direction and scope
- Typically set by top management or leadership
- Examples:
- Increase market share by 20% within the next 3 years
- Expand into new international markets by 2025
- Achieve industry leadership in innovation and R&D
2. Tactical Goals
- Mid-term objectives that support strategic goals
- Focus on specific processes or departments
- Typically set by middle management or department heads
- Examples:
- Implement a new customer relationship management (CRM) system within the next 12 months
- Reduce production costs by 15% within the next 6 months
- Launch a new marketing campaign targeting a specific demographic
3. Operational Goals
- Short-term, specific objectives that support tactical goals
- Focus on daily operations and tasks
- Typically set by front line managers or team leaders
- Examples:
- Increase daily production output by 10% within the next quarter
- Reduce customer complaint response time to under 2 hours
- Achieve a 95% order fulfillment rate within the next 3 months
Strategic objectives are broader goals that companies can use to direct business growth, connecting the company's values in their
vision statement to actionable steps and plans.
“Objectives may be defined as the targets people seek to achieve over various time periods.” - Robert L Trewatha and M Gene
Features of Objectives
1. Multiple Objectives
- Organizations often have multiple objectives to achieve different goals
- Objectives may be related to various aspects, such as financial performance, customer satisfaction, or employee development
- Multiple objectives help ensure a comprehensive approach to achieving overall goals
2. Priority-Based
- Objectives are ranked in order of importance and urgency
- Prioritization helps focus resources and efforts on the most critical objectives
- Clear priorities enable effective decision-making and allocation of resources
4. Flexibility
- Objectives should be adaptable to changing circumstances and environments
- Flexibility allows for adjustments in response to new information, challenges, or opportunities
- Objectives should be able to pivot when necessary to ensure continued progress
Goals Vs Objectives
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance refers to the way in which companies are governed and to what purpose. It identifies who has power and
accountability, and who makes decisions.
“Corporate governance is defined as the system by which companies are directed and controlled.” -Cadbury Committee
Social Responsibility: Corporate governance serves as a driving force in fostering social responsibility among companies. Integrating
ethical practices and considering the interests of various stakeholders, including customers, lenders, suppliers, and the local
community, helps organizations contribute positively to society. Effective corporate governance ensures that directors act in the best
interests of the company while considering the broader impact of their decisions. It provides a framework for responsible management
and distribution of resources, ultimately enhancing value for all stakeholders and facilitating sustainable development.
Scams: Instances of corporate fraud have eroded public confidence and underscored the need for robust corporate governance
practices. Scandals, such as the Harshad Mehta case and CRB Capital fraud have inflicted substantial losses on small investors and
highlighted the importance of transparency, accountability, and risk management. By implementing effective governance mechanisms,
including independent audits, internal controls, and board oversight, companies can detect and prevent fraudulent activities. Strong
corporate governance acts as a safeguard, protecting the interests of shareholders, upholding ethical standards, and maintaining the trust
of the investing public.
Corporate Oligarchy: In India, the promotion of shareholder activism and democracy remains an ongoing challenge. Corporate
governance practices need to address the issue of concentrated power and promote transparency, accountability, and shareholder
participation. Encouraging diverse representation on boards, allowing proxies to speak at meetings, and fostering shareholder
associations are vital steps toward countering corporate oligarchy. Effective corporate governance ensures a level playing field,
promotes equitable decision-making, and helps establish a culture of inclusivity and fairness within organizations.
Globalization: The integration of Indian companies into global markets and the pursuit of international listings have underscored the
importance of robust corporate governance practices. Strong governance frameworks are vital for establishing trust among global
investors, complying with international regulations, and fostering transparency and accountability. By adhering to global governance
standards, companies can enhance their competitiveness, attract capital, and ensure the confidence of international stakeholders.
Effective corporate governance facilitates strategic decision-making, risk management, and integrity in financial reporting, enabling
companies to thrive in a globalized business environment.
2. Remuneration
- Incentivizes executives to act in the company's best interests
- Ties compensation to performance and long-term value creation
- Aligns interests of executives with those of shareholders
3. Audit Committees
- Oversees financial reporting and internal controls
- Ensures accuracy and transparency of financial statements
- Provides independent review of company's financial practices
2. Government Regulations
- Establishes minimum standards for corporate governance
- Protects shareholders, employees, and other stakeholders
- Ensures compliance with laws and regulations
4. Competition
- Encourages companies to innovate and improve performance
- Provides market discipline and incentives for efficiency
- Promotes allocation of resources to highest-value activities
5. External Auditor
- Provides independent review of company's financial statements
- Ensures accuracy and transparency of financial reporting
- Identifies areas for improvement in internal controls and governance practices
“Corporate Social responsibility means devising corporate strategies and building a business with the society’s needs in mind.” -Cannon
1. Economic Responsibility
For a legal entity to exhibit economic responsibility, it must operate in a manner that prioritizes financial sustainability while actively
contributing to the economic well-being of other businesses and their community.
Economic responsibility often includes:
2. Environmental Responsibility
With climate change now an evergreen topic on the minds of shareholders and consumers alike, companies must do their part to use
natural resources in a sustainable manner. Environmental responsibility minimizes the negative impact of their business operations on
the planet by reducing carbon emissions and waste, using renewable sources of energy, and adopting a more conservationist mindset.
It’s one of the fundamental elements of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). Companies can demonstrate
environmental responsibility by:
Reducing their energy usage by setting their lights and HVAC systems on timers, using LEDs instead of traditional light bulbs,
and installing solar panels
Installing recycling and compost bins at the workplace
Placing firm limits on the amount of packing and using eco-friendly materials
3. Ethical Responsibility
Corporate ethical responsibility refers to a company’s obligation to conduct business in a morally sound and principled manner. It involves
adhering to ethical standards in decision-making, operations, and interactions with stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers,
and the community.
Examples of ethical responsibility include:
Treating employees fairly and providing a work environment that is physically and emotionally safe
Honoring confidentiality agreements to protect private information
Maintaining oversight over suppliers and partners to verify they adhere to contractor agreements and other guidelines
Following all rules and regulations related to your business
Ensuring that business practices are conducted with honesty and an appropriate level of transparency
4. Philanthropic Responsibility
Philanthropic responsibility occurs when an organization gives back to the community via charity drives, volunteer services, and
other community initiatives. Supporting these initiatives can instigate positive change in regard to education, health care, or social
welfare. Companies can show commitment to philanthropic responsibility by: