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• Answer all (MCQ) multiple choice questions in paper I.

• In each of the questions 1 – 40, underline the

correct or the most appropriate answer.

1. .……............. can be considered as raw data.

(a) Sithum’s G.C.E. (O/L) examination results

(b) Z-Score of G.C.E. (O/L) examination results

(c) The average marks of students of G.C.E. (O/L) examination

(d) The top ten total marks of students of G.C.E. (O/L) examination

2. According to Question 1, statement ……….. can be considered as information.

(a) a and b (b) b and c

(c) a, c and d (d) b, c and d

3. Which of the following is NOT an attribute of information?

(a) Accuracy (b) Size

(c) Relevance (d) Timeliness

4. What are the examples for systems that we are using in day today life ?

(a) Automated Teller Machine (ATM), QR Code

(b) Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine (MRI), Computerized Axial Tomography CAT)

(c) Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID), Closed Circuit TV(CCTV)

(d) Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT), Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

5. Which of the following medical equipment uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves?

(a) CAT scanner (b) MRI scanner

(c) CT scanner (d) X– Ray

6. A disadvantage of using a micro computer than a mini computer is:

(a) It consumes less electricity (b) It’s smaller

(c) It’s less expensive (d) It has less memory capacity

7. A hybrid computer is one having combined properties of:

(a) Micro & Mini computers (b) Mini & Super computer

(c) Mainframe & Super computers (d) Analog & Digital computers

8. The fastest and most expensive computers are:

(a) Super Computers (b) Quantum Computers

(c) Mainframe Computers (d) Micro Computers

9. The instructions for starting the computer are stored in:

(a) Random Access Memory (b) CD Rom

(c) Read Only Memory (d) All of there

Consider the following statements

A - Keyboard is an input device

B - Monitor is an output device

C - Flash Drive is a storage device

10. Which of the above is / are true?

(a) A only (b) B only

(c) A and C only (d) All A, Band C

11. Which of the following is not a secondary storage medium?

(a) Solid State Media (b) Magnetic Memory

(c) Optical Media (d) Cache Memory

12. MICR stands for

(a) Magnetic Ink Character Recorder (b) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

(c) Magnetic Ink Code Reader (d) None of the above

Consider the following statements.

A - Magnetic Tapes are used to back-up data in server computers

B - Hard disk is an example for read/write memory

C - Magnetic Media are used to read/write data from/to compact disks

13. Which of the above is / are true?

(a) A only (b) B only

(c) A and B only (d) All A, Band C

14. Which printer can produce the best quality printouts?

(a) Dot-matrix printer (b) Ink-jet printer

(d) Daisy-wheel printer (d) Laser printer

15. QWERTY is connected with:

(a) Keyboard (b) CPU

(c) Mouse (d) USB

16. Which of the following is not a pointing device?

(a) Touchpad (b) Barcode Reader

(c) Joystick (d) Trackball

17. What is the base value of the number system that consist of the digit set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}?

(a) Two (b) Eight

(c) Sixteen (d) Seven

18. The decimal number 839 is equal to:

(a) 1A916 (b) 34716

(c) 14816 (d) 2D916

19. Which is the smallest of these data capacities?

(a) 2 KB (b) 2049 bytes

(c) 0.5 MB (d) 3 Giga bits

20. The hexadecimal equivalent of the octal number 35 is:

(a) 1C 16 (b) 27 16

(c) 1D 16 (d) A1 16

21. Which of the following is the smallest unit of data?

(a) Byte (b) Bit

(c) Kilobyte (d) Megabyte

22. What is the logic circuit that represent the following truth-table?

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

23. Which is the correct Boolean expression output for the logic circuit given below?

(a) (A . B)’ + C (b) A . B + C

(c) (A’. B) + C (d) (A’. B). C

24. Select the correct statement regarding the integrated circuit given below.

(a) When pin 1 = 0 and pin 2 = 1, then pin 3 = 1

(b) When pin 4 = 1 and pin 5 = 1, then pin 6 = 1

(c) When pin 9 = 0 and pin 10 = 1, then pin 8 = 0

(d) When pin 12 = 1 and pin 13 = 0, then pin 11 = 0

25. What are the shortcut keys to copy a selected word and paste it in a different place?

(a) Ctrl+V, Ctrl + X (b) Ctrl+C, Ctrl + V

(c) Ctrl+C, Ctrl + X (d) Ctrl+X, Ctrl + F

26. Which of the following is a single-user operating system?

(a) Windows2000 (b) Unix

(c) MS-DOS (d) None of these

27. Which of the following errors will be handled by the operating system?

(a) Power failure (b) Lack of paper in printer

(c) Network connection failure (d) All of these

Consider the following statements.

A – An operating system is needed to manage hardware and software

B – Ubuntu is a licensed operating system

C – Operating systems are a type of application software

28. Which of the above statements are correct about operating systems?

(a) A only (b) B only.

(c) A and B only (d) B and C only

29. What is the false statement?

(a) Mail merge facility in word processing software can clone the same greeting card for

many people.

(b) A document created using a word processing software can only be orientated in one direction.

(c) Word processing software can insert page numbers.

(d) .docx is a file type created by word processing soft wares.

30. What is the default alignment in a word processing software?

(a) Left (b) Right

(c) Centre (d) Justify

31. Which function in a spreadsheet can tell how many numeric entries are there?

(a) SUM (b) CHKNUM

(c) COUNT (d) MIN

The cell C1 contains the formula =$A$1+B1 in the below spreadsheet segment. A B C




32. If the formula entered in cell C1 is copied to cell C2, what will be displayed in cell C2?(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4
(d) 10

33. What is the formula entered in cell A3?

(a) A1+A2 (b) =A1+A2 (c) =$A$1+A2 (d) =A2+A334. What is the correct formula to enter in cell C4 to find
the largest number in the above

spreadsheet segment?

(a) =SUM(A3:B3) (b) =MIN(A3:B3)

(c) =MAXIMUM(A3:B3) (d) =MAX(A3:B3)

35. The slide that is used to introduce a topic for the presentation is called the:

(a) Title slide (b) Topic slide (c) Table slide (d) Graphslide36. Which feature is not in a multimedia
presentation software ?

(a) Scan for viruses (c) Zoom

(c) Set background color (d) Slide show


Grade 9 (National) Information and Communication Technology I - July 2021

37. Consider the following diagram and the statements given underneath. A – Many-to-Many
relationship is exist between students and courses.

B – One student can follow many courses and one course is followed by many students.

Which statement is true?

(a) A only (b) B only

(c) A and B only (d) None of them

Answer Question 38-40 using the scenario and the tables given below.
A company gives various loans for their employees. Following tables are extracted fromthecompany’s

Employee table

Loan table

38. Which of the following is suitable for the primary key in the Loan table?

(a) Loan_No (b) Date (c) Amount (d) Emp_No39. Which of the following could be a foreign key?

(a) Emp_No in the Employee table (b) Loan_No in the loan table

(c) Emp_No in the Loan table (d) Loan_No and Date in the loantable40. What type of relationship does
the Employee table and the Loan table have?

(a) One-to-One (b) One-to-Many

(c) Many-to-Many (d) No relationship at all

ENDRef :ImEmp_No Name Telephone_No

E200 Sagara Perera 071567832

E201 Nelum Ranaweera 077783494

E202 Mohomed Nawaz 077958473

Loan_No Date Amount Emp_No

6580 2021/01/08 Rs.50,000 E200

6588 2021/02/18 Rs.40,000 E202

6610 2021/05/21 Rs.20,000 E200

Student follow Course



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