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(Approved by AICTE New Delhi. Accredited by NBA, NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade &
Permanently Affiliated)
Dakamarri, Bheemunipatnam(M),
This is to certify that this community service project entitled “PLANTATION” done by
and P.YASHWAN(23985A0343) during theacademic year 2024-2026 in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the completion of 2024-2025 Academic year of Bachelor of
Head of the Department
Associate Professor
Department of
Department of
Mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering
This is to certify that this mandatory community internship service project titled
“PLANTATION” is bonified word done by us in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the completion of second year (AY 2024-2025) in Dakamarri, Thagarapuvalasa for the
degree BTech and submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Raghu
Engineering College Dakamarri.
We also declare that this community service project is a result of our owneffort and that
not been copied from anyone and we have taken only citations from the sources which are
mentioned in the references.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PSO3: Apply the managerial, interdisciplinary skill set, and domain-specific tools in
working system processes to implement and deploy a quality-based product to meet
evolving needs.
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(Community Internship)
➢ To sensitize the students to the living conditions of the people who area around
➢ To make students aware of their inner strength and help them to find new/out of
box solutions to the social problems.
➢ To make students socially responsible citizens who are sensitive to the needs of
the disadvantaged sections.
➢ To develop a holistic life perspective among the students by making them study
culture, traditions, habits, lifestyles, resource utilization, wastages and its
management, social problems, public administration system and the roles and
responsibilities of different persons across different social systems.
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We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible
without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. we would
like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.
We would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the principal Dr. Ch. Srinivasu
who has been a constant support in this noble act.
We would like to express sincere thanks to our Head of the Department of Mechanical
Engineering MR.P.VIJAYA KUMAR for his valuable suggestions and constant motivation
that greatly helped me in completing the project work successfully.
Course : B-TECH
This project germinated from group discussions held during the daily study of My Moral Book
which is our school´s Spiritual Development curriculum comprised of lesson-wise arrangements
of prayers, holy-writings, moral stories, art ideas, cooperative games, and other activities
relevant to the theme of each lesson being studied.
In brief the service project, described in more detail below, involved planting litchi trees in the
homes of families located around the School campus. The participants in this project were
students of Classes 1 – 3 (6 – 9 yr olds), some volunteering parents, our entire school staff, and
the families we visited in the neighboring community.
Making groups and leaders – Every class made 5 groups of 5 students each. Both, the teacher
and students were involved in the formation of groups. Below are some observations made by
the teachers during this process:
"Initially, the students were self-centered. Each of them wanted to be the ‘group-leader’. When
asked for
volunteers they all raised their hands simultaneously! However, after some thought they realized
that only one person per group could assume this responsibility while the rest could contribute
in different ways. The members of each group choose their own group-leader. Through this
exercise we observed that the students learnt to sacrifice their own desire to be leader for the
sake of their group."
Another teacher added, "And, when we asked them why they chose a particular group member
to be leader, they said because that peer was ‘helpful’ and ‘well behaved’."
Visit by an expert from the area´s Horticulture Dept, Agriculture Office – Students extended a
warm welcome to Mr. Subrata Das at School. He began by speaking in brief on the history of
the litchi tree and the different types of litchi trees planted all over India. He went on to explain,
step by step, what needed to be done in order to grow a healthy and beautiful tree.
Students took notes while Mr. Das was talking and they even asked questions such as, "Sir, how
deep should we dig before placing the litchi sapling in?", "Why is this tree so important?" "Why
do we need to use insecticide with soil and manure?", "How much water does this tree need".
Involving parents - During the last parent-teacher meeting 15 parents volunteered to join the
service project and accompany the children in their community service efforts. The student
groups then presented their plans to the volunteers. The parents were very impressed with the
strategies and preparations made by the children.
On the day of the plantation activity the student groups, volunteering parents and teachers first
gathered together at School and prayed for the success of the project. Route maps of the
families to be visited were given to each group and its assistant adult. Teachers had already
visited these families previously in order to receive their permission and participation in our
As the groups reached their assigned homes, one student (chosen by the group) shared the
purpose of their visit. The family would then show them to the backyard where they wished to
have the tree planted. The students went to work in a systematic manner since each of them was
assigned a role in advance. They dug, planted, covered and watered the sapling and proceeded
to educate the family on how to care for the tree.
Finally, they thanked the families for their support and returned to school for an evaluation session.
Some observations shared by the families visited were, "the students performed their duties with great
joy, even singing while they worked together", "I was impressed with the introductory presentation
made by the student, the purpose of their visit became quite clear to me".
"Considering their age, they have done a good job! I feel the service project is very important for a
child´s learning."
"I was nice to see that the families warmly welcomed the students."
"I think more activities like this one should be conducted so that students may learn more of such
important life skills."
"They shared with the family whatever they had learnt. Not even a single point taught by the expert
was missed out!"
While some groups managed to return to school immediately after they visited the families,
others scheduled time on the following weekday in order to evaluate their efforts and successes
in the field.
Here are some student reflections on the service activity performed:
"It is more enjoyable to work practically in the field than in the classroom!"
"We thought that we wouldn´t be able carry out the task but after doing it we realized that it
is easy and exciting!"
"We have learnt the real meaning of service!"
"We have learnt how to love, respect and help others and serve God!"
"We have learnt how to meet and talk to unknown people!" Teachers´ observations of the
"The students felt constant joy and they were united throughout their activities. The cooperation
amongst them was easily visible; some of them helped in writing/correcting spellings in the
group´s plans and observations, others helped in digging, watering, presenting the purpose of their
visit to the families, etc."
"The children were aware of the fact that they were serving God throughout this activity."
"Those children who had been reluctant to speak earlier were now beginning to respond to the
teacher and their peers during the project´s activities. They started to express their feelings and
opinions with more clarity and confidence. In fact, they have continued to display this ability even
after the project has been completed, and with other subject teachers too."
Volunteering Parents´ comments on the students:
"Everyone worked together, it was good! They took ownership of their work!" "More of such
projects are needed for the growth of our children!"
"Even without my help the group did a great job in planting their trees."
"They have done everything as per the rehearsed sequence, it was unbelievable!" "I never
expected such wonderful work from such young children!"
The next plantation was done at Bajaj showroom, Murali Nagar. With prior intimation to the branch
manager, we've planted saplings with the help of the showroom employees.
As we were planting, one student explained the motive behind our project and the importance of
planting to the employees.
They dug, planted, covered and watered the sapling and proceeded to educate the employees on how
to care for the saplings.
After being appreciated by the showroom's manager for our passion in promoting a better
environment, we have thanked them for providing us the opportunity, and returned to college for an
evaluation session.
Tress plays an important role in balancing environment ecosystem and as well to counter the Global
warming we must plant a trees to avoid pollution without trees we can’t survive, daily we are using so
many things from plants like food, medicine etc so in order to bring awareness I went to the nearby
houses and suggest them to plant trees.
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Environmental Impact
Final Thoughts
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