(a) (b) RB
Vdet detec-
top SGB
Idet bottom BLG
Iheater hBN
Vheater,2 back
SG FG contact
(c) (f)
(d) (g)
(e) (h)
FIG. 1. (a) The sample consists of a quantum dot (QD) thermally coupled to a reservoir. The reservoir temperature T (t) is
changed by driving a current Iheater through a heater structure defined by split gates (SG) and finger gates (FG). The charge
detector (CD), capacitively coupled to the QD, carries a current Idet which changes as the number of charge carriers changes
on the QD. (b) Schematic of the van der Waals (vdW) stack in the region of the QD: bilayer graphene (BLG) is encapsulated
between two layers of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) as dielectric. To form a conduction channel, the graphite back gate, BG,
and gold split gates, SGM and SGB, are used to open a band gap and tune the hole carrier density in the BLG to deplete it of
charge carriers underneath the gates. The finger gates, LB, PG, RB, are separated from the split gates by an aluminum oxide
layer (AlOx) and used to define the tunnel barriers and tune the QD. For the 0 → 1- and 1 → 2-transition, respectively: The
DC component of the detector current (c) and (f) with the extracted temperature modulation (continuous traces are fits to
eq. 5), the to I0 normalized second harmonic current (d) and (g) with extracted entropy change (continuous traces are fits to
eq.6), and the entropy obtained by integration (e) and (h) (continuous traces are plots of eq. D14 in (e) and eq. D18 in (h)).
The gray bars ±0.1 ln(2) as a guide to the eye.
Fig. 1(b) shows a schematic side view of the van in the hole conduction regime. The barriers are tuned
der Waals (vdW) stack in which the QD is defined: such that there is no coupling to the left lead. A more
BLG is encapsulated by hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) detailed description of the sample and its operation can
surrounded by a global graphite back gate (BG) and be found in Appendix A.
with two layers of gold top gates: split gates SGM, SGB
to form a one-dimensional channel, and finger gates to
form the QD (plunger gate PG and tunneling barrier
gates LB, RB). The top gate layers are separated by III. ENTROPY EXTRACTION
aluminum oxide (AlOx) as a dielectric. The displace-
ment field is roughly −0.46 V/nm resulting in a band The relevant thermodynamic state variables of the
gap of approximately 50 meV[30]. The device is operated QD–reservoir system include the mean occupation num-
ber N and entropy S of the QD, as well as the electro- QD is then described by
chemical potential µ and carrier temperature T in the
reservoir. In our experiment, µ and T are independent, 1
N (µ, T ) = + N − 1, (7)
externally controlled variables. In an experiment con- µN −µ−T ∆S N −1→N
for N = 0 this is the empty state |0⟩, and for N = 1 this broadened regime and fitting eq.5 to Idet
. The evolution
is the two-fold degenerate Kramers pair |K − ↓⟩, |K + ↑⟩. of T in Iheater follows eq. 3 as can be seen from the
Figures 1(f)-(g) show the measured results for the fit. The experiments for the 0 → 1 and 1 → 2 transi-
1 → 2 charge carrier transition. Starting out at N = 1 tion were carried out at different cryostat temperatures
with the initial entropy kB ln(2), gradually changing the T0 . The data is well described by eq. 3. From Fig. 2 (a)
occupation number to N = 2 by further lowering VPG , the temperature modulation ∆T = T − T0 is extracted
the entropy has a maximum with kB ln(3) before settling for various heater currents. Fig. 2 (b) shows the entropy
at S(N = 2) = 0. The entropy change for the 1 → 2 changes ∆S 0→1 , ∆S 1→2 obtained by applying method
transition is therefore ∆S 1→2 = −kB ln(2). We con- A and B. Both methods show reasonable agreement with
clude from this result that the ground state for N = 2 each other.
particles in the QD is non-degenerate. This result is sur-
prising as previous devices studied in higher magnetic
fields suggested a valley-singlet spin-triplet ground state V. ENTROPY IN MAGNETIC FIELD
with a three-fold spin-degeneracy, a conclusion reached
by extrapolating finite bias measurements to zero mag- Figures 3(a) and (b) show the entropy changes ∆S A 0→1
netic field [33, 34]. In our experiment, the entropy peak and ∆S A 1→2 for the 0 → 1 and 1 → 2 transition, respec-
at kB ln(3) corresponds to the QD being equally likely tively, as a function of magnetic field B⊥ . In Fig 3(a),
in any of the microstates of N = 1 (two microstates, upon increasing B⊥ the entropy change decreases from
Kramers pair) and N = 2 (only one microstate), corre- kB ln(2) to 0. This is in agreement with the two-fold
sponding in total to three microstates of equal probability degenerate ground ground state at zero magnetic field
1/3. In Sec. V we study the change of entropy in mag- given by the Kramers pair |K − ↓⟩, |K + ↑⟩. The degen-
netic field and from that provide a possible explanation eracy is gradually lifted with increasing B⊥ due to the
for the lifting of degeneracy at zero magnetic field for the spin- and valley-Zeeman effect: Once the energy split-
second charge carrier state. ting gv µB B⊥ between states |K − ↓⟩ and |K + ↑⟩ exceeds
Fig. 2 (a) shows the mean temperature T of the hole the thermal energy kB T , the degeneracy is fully lifted
bath forming the reservoir as a function of the heater in the thermodynamic sense, and the unambiguous ther-
current Iheater . Temperatures for individual heater cur- modynamic ground state is |K − ↓⟩. Similar behaviour
rents are obtained by tuning the QD into the thermally is also observed for the 1 → 2-transition in Fig 3(b) at
magnetic fields below 100 mT: upon increasing B⊥ the
entropy change increases from −kB ln(2) to 0 as the de-
(a) generacy of the one carrier state is lifted. Further increas-
ing B⊥ leads to a peak in entropy change of kB ln(2) at
210 mT. Since here, the one-carrier ground state degen-
eracy is fully lifted already, the change in entropy must be
fully due to a ground state degeneracy in the two-carrier
charge state.
We compare the extracted entropy change in magnetic
field with the energy level spectrum of the QD obtained
from finite bias spectroscopy measurements performed in
an out-of-plane magnetic which are shown in Fig. 3(c)-
(b) (d). For that we operate the QD into a regime where it
is symmetrically coupled to two leads by adjusting the
voltages of the barrier gates LB and RB. This is different
from the regime in which the entropy measurements are
performed, where the QD is only coupled to one lead,
with the coupling controlled by RB. A source-drain bias
VSD is applied as well as a voltage modulation to the
plunger gate PG in order to measure the transconduc-
tance ∂Idet /∂VPG . By carefully tuning the coupling to
the leads, an excited state in the bias window increases
the average occupation number of the dot, which ex-
FIG. 2. (a) Average temperatures T of the holes tunnel-
ing onto the QD as a function of the heater current Iheater
presses itself in the appearance of a peak in the transcon-
for the 0 → 1- and 1 → 2-transition, respectively. The solid ductance. These peaks are labeled in Fig. 3 and identi-
lines show a fit with eq. 3. The temperature at zero heating fied according to the g-factors extracted. In Fig. 3(c) this
currents differ as the experiments where carried out at differ- is the Kramers pair |K − ↓⟩, |K + ↑⟩, with the g-factors
ent cryostat base temperatures. (b) Entropy changes for the (1)
for the valley- and spin-Zeeman effects gv = 14 and
0 → 1 and 1 → 2 transitions obtained using Method A and gs = 2, respectively, for the first hole carrier in the QD
B. The results of both methods are in reasonable agreement. as well as the Kane-Mele spin–orbit gap ∆SO = 75 µeV.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
FIG. 3. Evolution of the measured entropy change in out-of-plane magnetic field together with the calculated entropy change
(solid line) for the 0 → 1 (a) and 1 → 2 transition (b). for the 0 → 1 and 1 → 2 transitions. Finite bias spectroscopy
measurements in out-of-plane magnetic field performed for the 0 → 1 (c) and 1 → 2 transition (d). The states are identified by
there behaviour in out-of-plane magnetic field.
In Fig. 3(d) the ground state is labeled as |Sv Ts0 ⟩⊕|Tv0 Ss ⟩. 0 → 1 transition is consistent with the excited state spec-
Its energy does not change in out-of-plane magnetic field trum measured with finite bias spectroscopy and also
as there is no valley- or spin-Zeeman effect, as discussed previous findings [33, 34]: The ground state has a two-
in Sec. VI. The shift of the transconductance peak in fold degeneracy (Kramers pair |K − ↓⟩, |K + ↑⟩) lifted in
magnetic field comes from the fact that the addition en- out-of-plane magnetic field due to the valley- and spin-
ergy for the second carrier is affected by the energy of Zeeman effect. For the 1 → 2 transition the extracted
the first carrier. We observe a state crossing at 210 mT entropy change reveals a non-degenerate ground state for
caused by a valley-triplet spin-singlet state labeled as the two-carrier charge state at zero magnetic field. This
|Tv− Ss ⟩. Its energy gap to the ground state at zero- has not been observed before. Previous studies hinted
magnetic field is ∆ = 205 µeV. From the shift of the towards a three-fold degenerate ground state given by a
transconductance peak of |Sv Ts0 ⟩ ⊕ |Tv0 Ss ⟩ and |Tv− Ss ⟩, valley-singlet spin-triplet states [33, 34].
the g-factor of the valley-Zeeman effect in the two carrier We attribute this finding to the effect of the Kane-Mele
regime is found to be gv = 16, supporting the proposed type spin–orbit interaction [36, 37] present in BLG and
energy spectrum discussed in Sec. VI. Their values also the exceptionally small exchange splitting between dif-
agree with previous findings [33–35]. ferent valley states. A model is developed (Appendix B)
In the thermally broadened limit, the entropy evolu- with the resulting energy spectrum shown in Fig. 4.
tion in magnetic field can be calculated. The calculation For the two-carrier charge state, the Kane-Mele type
is carried out in Appendix D and results in expressions spin–orbit interaction leads to a coupling of the valley-
for ∆S calc calc
0→1 (eq. D32) and ∆S 1→2 (eq. D33). The corre-
singlet spin-triplet state |Sv Ts0 ⟩ with the valley-triplet
sponding traces are plotted in Figs. 3 (c) and (d). They spin-singlet state |Tv0 Ss ⟩. This results in the three-fold
show reasonable agreement with the measured entropy degeneracy being lifted. The new ground state is denoted
changes. as |Sv Ts0 ⟩ ⊕ |Tv0 Ss ⟩. Its energy is lowered by
s 2
J1 + J2 J1 + J2
∆′SO = + ∆2SO − (9)
Measuring entropy allows us to directly determine the compared to the valley-singlet spin-triplet states |Sv Ts− ⟩,
ground state degeneracy of charge states in a BLG QD. |Sv Ts+ ⟩. To give an estimate, we assume that J1 ≈ J2
This approach gives insights beyond conventional trans- and set J1 = J2 = ∆ = 205 µeV and ∆SO = 75 µeV. Pre-
port spectroscopy techniques where degeneracies are de- vious experiments showed J1 , J2 ≃ 1000 µeV [33]. This
tected in an indirect way by the energy levels splitting results in ∆′SO = 25 µeV. The extended data set on fi-
in magnetic field. The extracted entropy change for the nite bias spectroscopy presented in Appendix C shows
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(a) (b) RB
top SGB
SG SG SGC2 bottom BLG
7.5 µm
(c) (d) heater 1 (e) heater 2
Idet SGC1
200 nm LB 200 nm 200 nm
FIG. 5. (a) Optical microscope image of the used sample. The BLG flake is outlined in white. The applied back gate
voltage is negative, rendering the BLG p-type/hole conducting. The split gate pairs SGM, SGB and SGM, SGT are used to
electrostatically define a conducting channel. (b) Schematic of the VdW stack structure in the region where the QD is defined.
AFM images of the (c) QD (black circles) formed with finger gates LB, PG, RB and the charge detector tuned with finger
gate T, and the (d) (e) heater gate structures to form the ohmic constrictions, which are formed with split gates SGM, SGC1,
SGC2 and finger gates FGC1 and FGC2.
(0,0,0) (0,1,0) (-1,0,0) (0,0,-1) (-1,1,0) (0,1,-1) (-1,0,-1)
FIG. 6. (a) Charge detector current as a function of left and right barrier voltage. The plunger gate voltage is fixed to 3.25 V.
Three types of resonances, corresponding to three types of QDs are observed: 1. pn-junction defined electron QD under LB
corresponding to the horizontal transconductance peaks. 2. barrier defined hole QD between LB and RB corresponding to the
bent transconductance peaks. This is the QD used for the entropy measurements. 3. pn-junction defined electron QD under
RB corresponding to the vertical transconductance peaks. The number triplet labels the occupation number of the respective
QDS (1., 2. 3.). (b) Diagrams showing the band bending induced by the finger gates LB, PG, RB in order to form the different
types of QDs for a few exemplary cases. QDs form where the conduction band edge Ec or valence band edge Ev crosses the
chemical potential µ in energy.
Here, we put forward a model that captures the effect of Kane-Mele type SOI, as present in BLG, on the energy
spectrum of the second charge carrier state. We assume that the carriers are in there orbital ground state. The valley
quantum numbers are denoted as K + (valley plus), K − (valley minus), and the spin quantum numbers as ↑ (spin
up), ↓ (spin down). We focus on the Hilbert space spanned by valley- and spin degree of freedom, i.e. H = Hv ⊗ Hs .
One can form valley-singlet and -triplet states:
|Sv ⟩ = √ (|K + K − ⟩ − |K − K + ⟩) (B1)
|Tv ⟩ = |K − K − ⟩
|Tv0 ⟩ = √ (|K + K − ⟩ + |K − K + ⟩) (B3)
|Tv+ ⟩ = |K + K + ⟩ (B4)
as well as spin-singlet and -triplet states:
|Ss ⟩ = √ (|↑↓⟩ − |↓↑⟩) (B5)
|Ts ⟩ = |↓↓⟩
|Ts0 ⟩ = √ (|↑↓⟩ + |↓↑⟩) (B7)
|Ts+ ⟩ = |↑↑⟩ (B8)
The Hamiltonians operating in H describing the one- and two-particle energy spectra are then given by
|K − ↓⟩ |K + ↑⟩ |K − ↑⟩ |K + ↓⟩
− 12 (gv + gs )µB B⊥ 0 0 0
1 (1)
0 2 (gv + gs )µB B⊥ 0 0
HES = (B9)
0 0 ∆SO − 21 (gv − gs )µB B⊥ 0
0 0 0 ∆SO + 21 (gv − gs )µB B⊥
|S T 0 ⟩ |Sv Ts− ⟩ |Sv Ts+ ⟩ |Ss Tv− ⟩ |Ss Tv+ ⟩ |Ss Tv0 ⟩
v s
0 0 0 0 0 ∆SO
0 −gs µB B⊥ 0 0 0 0
0 0 gs µB B⊥ 0 0 0
0 (2) (B10)
0 0 0 0
J1 − gv µB B⊥
0 0 0 0 J1 + gv µB B⊥ 0
∆SO 0 0 0 0 J1 + J2
Diagonalization leads to the eigen states and -energies compiled in Tab. I and Tab. II. The spectrum is visualized
in Fig. 7. The Kane-Mele SOI induced splitting between the new ground state and the first excited state of the
two-carrier charge state is given by
s 2
J1 + J2 J1 + J2
∆′SO = + ∆2SO − >0 (B11)
2 2
The angle θ characteristic for the superposition that forms the new ground state is given by the relation
tan(θ) = (B12)
J1 + J2
From this one can see that the strength of mixing between states |Sv Ts0 ⟩ and |Tv0 Ss ⟩ depends on how large the Kane-
Mele spin–orbit gap ∆SO is compared to the exchange splittings J1 , J2 . For ∆SO ≪ J1 + J2 one obtains |Sv Ts0 ⟩ as
the ground state, whereas for ∆SO ≫ J1 + J2 the ground state is given by the superposition √12 (|Sv Ts0 ⟩ − |Tv0 Ss ⟩).
Applying an out-of-plane magnetic field B⊥ does not cause a change in ground state for the N = 0 and N = 1
charge carrier states. For the N = 2 charge carrier state there is a ground state crossing happening at field B × . For
B⊥ > B × the new ground state is given by |Tv− Ss ⟩. Further increasing the magnetic field leads to higher orbital
states coming down in energy. This is not shown in Fig. 7.
(a) (b)
FIG. 7. Energy spectrum without (a) and with (b) considering the effect of Kane-Mele type SOI for the two-carrier charge
state N = 2.
(a) (b)
FIG. 8. (a) Coulomb diamond measurement at the 1 → 2-transition. The transconductance peaks show the ground state
and an excited state separated in energy ∆SO from the ground state. The lever arm for the first carrier is extracted from this
measurement. (b) Finite bias measurement in out-of-plane magnetic field. The ground state splits into two states, the Kramers
pair |K − ↓⟩, |K + ↑⟩. The excited state splits into the Kramers pair |K − ↑⟩, |K + ↓⟩. From the slopes we extract the g-factors
(1) (1)
for the valley- gv and spin-Zeeman effect gs for the first carrier. All extracted parameters are compiled in Tab. III.
(a) (b)
FIG. 9. (a) Coulomb diamond measurement at the 1 → 2-transition. The transconductance peaks show the ground state and
two excited states: one for positive bias separated by theenergy ∆′SO from the ground state, one for negative bias separated by
the energy ∆′SO + J1 from the ground state. The lever arm for the first carrier is extracted from this measurement. (b) Finite
bias measurement in out-of-plane magnetic field. The ground state does not split. The excited state with energy separation
of ∆′SO only visible for positive bias moves down in energy with a g-factor of 2.0, indicating that it is the state|Sv Ts− ⟩. The
excited state with an energy separation of ∆′SO + J1 only visible for negative bias moves down in energy with a g-factor of 16.0,
indicating that it is the state|Sv Ts− ⟩. All extracted parameters are compiled in Tab. IV.
QD is coupled to a reservoir, allowing for carrier and energy to fluctuate. If the coupling is dominated by thermal
broadening, i.e. kB T ≫ ΓR , the thermodynamics of the system is in general described in the framework of the grand
canonical ensemble. The grand partition function is given by
∞ X
∞ E
(N )
−N µ
X − i
Z(µ, T ) = e kB T
N =0 i=0
∞ E
(N ) ∞
−N µ X ∆
(N )
− 0k T − ki T
= e B e B (D2)
N =0 i=0
(N ) (N )
where Ei is the energy of the ith excited state of the N -charge carrier state, E0 the ground state energy of the
(N )
N -charge carrier state, and ∆i the energy difference between the respective excited state and the ground state. All
macroscopic state quantities such as N (µ, T ) and S(µ, T ) can be calculated from Z(µ, T ), as well as the occupation
(N )
probability pi (µ, T ) of the microstate labeled (N, i). In terms of Z(µ, T ) one finds
(N ) ∂ ln Z(µ, T )
pi (µ, T ) = −kB T (N )
∂ ln Z(µ, T )
N (µ, T ) = kB T (D5)
∂ ln Z(µ, T )
S(µ, T ) = kB ln Z(µ, T ) + kB T . (D6)
(N −1)
For the charge transition N − 1 ↔ N contributions of other charge states can be neglected if kB T ≪ E0 −
(N −2) (N +1) (N )
E0 , E0 − E0 . The grand partition function becomes
(N −1)
−(N −1)µ ∞ ∆
(N −1)
(N )
−N µ ∞ ∆
(N )
− 0 X − i − 0 X − i
Z (N −1↔N ) (µ, T ) = e kB T
e kB T
+e kB T
e kB T
i=0 i=0
(N ) (N −1)
If additionally kB T ≪ ∆i , ∆i one can also neglect excited states of the respective charge state in the expression
for the grand partition function. Under these considerations, the grand partition function, the microstate probabilities,
and the entropy are for the 0 → 1-transition given by
(0) (1)
E E −µ
− k0T − 0
Z (0↔1)
=e B +e kB T
·2 (D11)
(0) 1
p0 = (1)
µ −µ
− 0
kB T +ln(2)
(1) (1) 1 1
p|K − ↓⟩ = p|K + ↑⟩ = (D13)
2 µ
kB T −ln(2)
h i
(0) (0) (1) (1) (1) (1)
S (0↔1)
= −kB p0 ln(p0 ) + p|K − ↓⟩ ln(p|K − ↓⟩ ) + p|K + ↑⟩ ln(p|K + ↑⟩ ) (D14)
(1) (2)
E −µ E −2µ
− 0 − 0
Z (1↔2) = e kB T
·2+e kB T
(1) (1) 1 1
p|K − ↓⟩ = p|K + ↑⟩ = (D16)
2 −
kB T −ln(2)
(2) 1
p|Sv T 0 ⟩⊕|T 0 Ss ⟩ = (2)
s v µ −µ
kB T +ln(2)
h i
(1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2)
S (1↔2)
= −kB p|K − ↓⟩ ln(p|K − ↓⟩ ) + p|K + ↑⟩ ln(p|K + ↑⟩ ) + p|Sv T 0 ⟩⊕|T 0 Ss ⟩ ln(p|Sv T 0 ⟩⊕|T 0 Ss ⟩ ) (D18)
s v s v
Note that here the kets merely serve as labels. Only the ground state degeneracies of the respective charge states
and the temperature determine the line shape of these functions.
By putting the chemical potential µ far away from any transition, the particle number N is fixed. The QD is in
the N carrier state with absolute certainty. A description in the canonical ensemble framework is appropriate. The
partition function is then given by
∞ (N )
Z (N )
(T ) = e kB T
Z (0) = 1 (D21)
p0 =1 (D22)
S0 = 0 (D23)
(1) e 2kB T
p|K − ↓⟩ = (D25)
Z (1)
(gv +gs )µB B⊥
(1) e 2kB T
p|K + ↑⟩ = (1)
hZ i
(1) (1) (1) (1)
S1 = −kB p|K − ↓⟩ ln(p|K − ↓⟩ ) + p|K + ↑⟩ ln(p|K + ↑⟩ ) (D27)
where we included only the states lowest in energy as ∆SO > 4kB T in the experiments. For the N = 2 carrier state
we find with Tab. II:
∆′ +J1 −gv µB B⊥
− SO
Z (2)
=1+e kB T
(2) 1
p|Sv T 0 ⟩⊕|T 0 Ss ⟩ = (2) (D29)
s v Z
∆′ +J1 −gv µB B⊥
− SO
(2) e kB T
p|T − S = (2)
h Z
(2) (2) (2) (2)
S2 = −kB p|Sv T 0 ⟩⊕|T 0 Ss ⟩ ln(p|Sv T 0 ⟩⊕|T 0 Ss ⟩ ) + p|T − S ⟩ ln(p|T − S ⟩ ) (D31)
s v s v v s v s
where we included only the states lowest in energy as ∆′SO > 4kB T and states causing a ground state crossing at finite
B⊥ . With these expressions we define
= S1 − S0 (D32)
= S2 − S1 (D33)