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Padeepz Ma3251 QB-1

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Large sample test based on Normal distribution for single mean and difference of means - Tests based
on t, Chi 2 and F distributions for testing means and variances – Contingency table (Test for
Independency) – Goodness of fit.
Q.No. Question BT Level Competence
1. Define Type-I error and Type-II error? BTL -1 Remembering
2. Mention the various steps involved in testing of hypothesis BTL -1 Remembering
What are null and alternate hypothesis?
What is the essential difference between confidence limits and
tolerance limits?
BTL -1
BTL -1
5. What are the parameters and statistics in sampling BTL -1 Remembering
6. State level of significance. BTL -1 Remembering
Twenty people were attacked by a disease and only 18 were
survived. The hypothesis is set in such a way that the survival
7. BTL -2 Understanding
rate is 85% if attacked by this disease. Will you reject the
hypothesis that it is more at 5% level.( . = . )
A random sample of 25 cups from a certain coffee dispensing

machine yields a mean x = 6.9 occurs per cup. Use 0.05 level of
significance to test, on the average, the machine dispense μ = 7.0
8. ounces against the null hypothesis that, on the average, the BTL -2 Understanding
machine dispenses μ < 7.0 ounces. Assume that the distribution
of ounces per cup is normal, and that the variance is the known
quantity 𝜎 2 =0.01 ounces.

In a large city A, 20 percent of a random sample of 900 school

boys had a slight physical defect. In another large city B, 18.5
9. BTL -2 Understanding
percent of a random sample of 1600 school boys had some
defect. Is the difference between the proportions significant?
A standard sample of 200 tins of coconut oil gave an average
weight of 4.95 kg with a standard deviation of 0.21 kg. Do we
10. BTL -2 Understanding
accept that the net weight is 5 kg per tin at 5% level of
11. Write down the formula of test statistic‘t’ to test the significance BTL -3 Applying

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of difference between the means.

12. What are the applications of t-test? BTL -3 Applying
13. What is the assumption of t-test? BTL -6 Creating
14. Write the application of ‘F’ test. BTL -4 Analyzing
15. Define ‘F’ variate. BTL -4 Analyzing
16. What are the properties of “F” test? BTL -3 Applying
17. State any two applications of 𝝍 -test. BTL -5 Evaluating

Write the formula for the chi- square test of goodness of fit of a
18. BTL -5 Evaluating
random sample to a hypothetical distribution.
19. Give the main use of 𝝍 -test BTL -6 Creating

What are the expected frequencies of 2x2 contingency table?

20. a b BTL -4 Analyzing

c d
The mean life time of a sample of 100 light tubes produced by a
1.(a) company is found to be 1580 hours with standard deviation of 90
BTL -1 Remembering
hours. Examine the hypothesis that the mean life time of the

tubes produced by the company is 1600 hours.

Test of fidelity and selectivity of 190 radio receivers produced

the results shown in the following table
Selectivity Low Average High
1. (b) Remembering
Low 6 12 32 BTL -1
Average 33 61 18
High 13 15 0
Use 0.01 level of significance to test whether there is a

relationship between fidelity and selectivity.

A sample of 100 students is taken from a large population. The
2. (a) mean height of the students in this sample is 160cms. Can it be
reasonably regarded that this sample is from a population of BTL -1
mean 165 cm and standard deviation 10 cm? Also estimate the
95% fiducial limits for the mean.
Given the following table for hair color and eye color, identify

the value of Chi-square. Is there good association between hair

color and eye color? Padeepz ma3251
Hair color
2.(b) Fair Brown Black Total Remembering
BTL -1
Eye Blue 15 5 20 40
color Grey 20 10 20 50
Brown 25 15 20 60
Total 60 30 60 150
3. (a) Two independent samples of sizes 8 and 7 contained the BTL -2 Understanding

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following values.
Sample I 19 17 15 21 16 18 16 14
Sample II 15 14 15 19 15 18 16
Test if the two populations have the same mean.
The following data gives the number of aircraft accidents that
occurred during the various days of a week. Find whether the
3.(b) Applying

accidents are uniformly distributed over the week. BTL -3
Days Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat
No. of accidents 14 16 08 12 11 9 14

Two independent samples of 8 and 7 items respectively had the
4. (a) following Values of the variable (weight in kgs.) Use 0.05 LOS to
test Analyzing
Sample I 9 11 13 11 15 9 12 14 BTL -4
Sample II 10 12 10 14 9 8 10
whether the variances of the two population’s sample are equal.
The theory predicts that the population of beans in the four
4.(b) groups A, B, C and D should be 9:3:3:1. In an experiment among Analyzing
1600 beans, the number in the four groups was 882, 313, 287 and BTL -4
118. Do the experimental results support the survey?

5. (a)
A group of 10 rats fed on diet A and another group of 8 rats fed
on diet B, Recorded the following increase the following increase
in weight.(gm)
BTL -5
Diet A 5 6 8 1 12 4 3 9 6 10
Diet B 2 3 6 8 10 1 2 8 - -
Find the variances are significantly different. (Use F-test)
The marks obtained by a group of 9 regular course students and
another group of 11 part time course students in a test are given
below :

5.(b) Sample I 56 62 63 54 60 51 67 69 58 Understanding

BTL -2
Sample II 62 70 71 62 60 56 75 64 72 68 66
Examine whether the marks obtained by regular students and
part-time students differ significantly at 5% and 1% levels of
Two independent samples of sizes 8 and 7 contained the

following values.
6. (a)
Sample I 19 17 15 21 16 18 16 14 BTL -2 Understanding
Sample II 15 14 15 19 15 18 16
Test if the two populations have the same variance.
In a certain factory there are two independent processes
manufacturing the same item. The average weight in a sample of Applying
BTL -3
6.(b) 250 items produced from one process is found to be 120 Ozs ,
with a standard deviation of 12 Ozs, while the corresponding

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figures in a sample of 400 items from the other process are 124
and 14. Is the difference between the two sample means
Records taken of the number of male and female births in 800
families having four
Children are as follows :
Number of male births :0 1 2 3 4
7. (a) Analyzing
Number of female births :4 3 2 1 0 BTL -4

Number of Families :32 178 290 236 64
Infer whether the data are consistent with the hypothesis that
the binomial law holds the chance of a male birth is equal to

female birth, namely p = ½ = q.
Samples of two types of electric bulbs were tested for length of
life and following data were obtained.
7. (b) Type I Type II
Sample Size 8 7 Applying
BTL -3
Sample Mean 1234hrs 1036hrs
Sample S.D 36hrs 40hrs
Analyze that, is the difference in the means sufficient to warrant
that type I is superior to type II regarding the length of life?

8. (a)
following distribution
Boys 5 4 3
A survey of 320 families with 5 children each revealed the

2 1 0
Padeepz ma3251
Girls 0 1 2 3 4 5 BTL -6
Families 14 56 110 88 40 12
Is this result consistent with the hypothesis that male and female
births are equally probable?
The mean produce of wheat from a sample of 100 fields comes to
200kg per acre and another sample of 150 fields gives a mean
8.(b) Understanding
220 kg per acre. Assuming the standard deviation of the yield at BTL -2

11 kg for the universe, test if there is a significant difference

between the means of the samples?
Two independent samples of sizes 9 and 7 from a normal
9. (a) population had the following values of the variables
Sample 1 18 13 12 15 12 14 16 14 15 Remembering
BTL -1
Sample 2 16 19 13 16 18 13 15
Justify whether the difference between the means of samples of

samples significant?
A simple sample of heights of 6400 Englishmen has a mean of
170cms and a standard deviation of 6.4cms, while a simple
9.(b) Remembering
sample of heights of 1600 Americans has a mean of 172 cms and BTL -1
a standard deviation of 6.3cms. Do the data indicate that
Americans are, on the average, taller than Englishmen?(BTL4)
10.(a) Two random samples gave the following results:
Sample Sum of squares of BTL -1
Sample Size
mean deviation from the mean

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1 10 15 90
2 12 14 108
Analyze whether the samples have come from the same normal
10.(b) A certain medicine administered to each of 10 patients resulted
in the following increases in the B.P. 8, 8, 7, 5, 4, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1. Remembering
BTL -1
Can it be concluded that the medicine was responsible for the
increase in B.P. 5% l.o.s

200 digits were chosen at random from a set of tables. The
frequencies of the digits were given below:
Digits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

11.(a) Frequency 18 19 23 21 16 25 22 20 21 15 Applying
BTL -3
Use χ2 test to access the correctness of hypothesis that the digits
were distributed in equal nos. in the table, given that the values
of χ2 are16.9, 18.3, 19.7 for 9, 10, 11 degrees of freedom at 5%
level of significance.
4 coins were tossed 160 times and the following results were
No. of heads : 0 1 2 3 4
11.(b) Evaluating
Observed frequencies: 17 52 54
z 31 6
Under the assumption that the coins are balanced, find the
expected frequencies of getting 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 heads and test the
BTL -5
goodness of fit.
A sample of 200 persons with a particular disease was selected.
Out of these, 100 were given a drug and the others were not
given any drug. The result are as follows:
12.(a) Number of persons Drug No drug Total Remembering
BTL -1
Cured 65 55 120

Not cured 35 45 80
Total 100 100 200
Test whether the drug is effective or not?
A certain stimulus administered to each of 12 patients resulted
in the following increase of blood pressure
12.(b) Creating
5,2,8,-1,3,0,-2,1,5,0, 4 & 6 can it be concluded that the stimulus BTL -6
will, in general, be accompanied by an increase in blood

In a referendum submitted by the students to the body at a
university, 850menand 560 women voted. 500 men and 320
13.(a) Remembering
women voted favorably. Does this indicate a significant BTL -1
difference of opinion between men and women on this matter at
1% level of significance?
Random samples drawn from two places gave the following data
13.(b) Understanding
relating to the heights of male adults: BTL -2

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Place A Place B
Mean height (in inches) 68.50 65.50
S.D ( in inches) 2.5 3.0
No. of adult males in sample 1200 1500
Test at 5 % level, that the mean height is the same for adults in
the two places.
In a random sample of 1000 people from city A, 400 are found to
be consumers of rice. In a sample of 800 from city B, 400 are

14.(a) Analyzing
found to be consumers of rice. Does this data give a significant BTL -4
difference between the two cities as far as the proportion of rice
consumers is concerned?

In a year there are 956 births in a town A of which 52.5% were
14.(b) male while in towns A and B combined, this proportion in a Understanding
BTL -2
total of 1406 births was 0.496.Is there any significant difference
in the proportion of male births in the two towns ?

Padeepz ma3251 UNIT II

One way and two way classifications - Completely randomized design – Randomized block design –
Latin square design -

Q.No. Question
factorial design.
BT Level Competence
1. What is the aim of design of experiments? BTL -1 Remembering
2. Write the basic assumptions in analysis of variance. BTL -1 Remembering
3. When do you apply analysis of variance technique? BTL -1 Remembering
4. Define Randomization. BTL -1 Remembering
5. Define Replication. BTL -1 Remembering
6. Define Local control. BTL -1 Remembering

7. What is meant by tolerance limits? BTL -2 Understanding

8. What is a completely randomized design. BTL -2 Understanding
9. Explain the advantages of a Latin square design? BTL -2 Understanding
10. What are the advantages of a Completely Randomized BTL -2 Understanding
Experimental Design?
11. Demonstrate the purpose of blocking in a randomized block BTL -3 Applying

12. Manipulate the Basic principles of the design of experiment? BTL -3 Applying
13. Why a 2x2 Latin square is not possible? Explain. BTL -3 Applying
14. Analyze the advantages of the Latin square design over the BTL -4 Analyzing
other design.
15. Demonstrate main advantage of Latin square Design over BTL -4 Analyzing
Randomized Block Design?
16. Write any two differences between RBD and LSD. BTL -4 Analyzing
17. What is ANOVA? BTL -5 Evaluating
18. What are the uses of ANOVA? BTL -5 Evaluating

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19. Define experimental error. BTL -6 Creating

20. Express 22 factorial designs. BTL -6 Creating
1.(a) The accompanying data resulted from an experiment comparing BTL -1 Remembering
the degree of soiling for fabric copolymerized with the 3
different mixtures of met acrylic acid. Analyse the classification.
Mixture 1 : 0.56 1.12 0.90 1.07 0.94
Mixture 2 : 0.72 0.69 0.87 0.78 0.91

Mixture 3 : 0.62 1.08 1.07 0.99 0.93
1. (b) A set of data involving 4 tropical food stuffs A, B, C, D tried on BTL -2 Understanding
20 chicks is given below. All the 20 chicks are treated alike in all

respects except the feeding treatments and each feeding
treatment is given to 5 chicks. Analyze the data:
A 55 49 42 21 52
B 61 112 30 89 63
C 42 97 81 95 92
D 169 137 169 85 154
2. (a) The following table shows the lives in hours of four brands of BTL -1 Remembering
electric lamps brand
A: 1610, 1610, 1650, 1680, 1700, 1720, 1800
B: 1580, 1640, 1640, 1700, 1750
C: 1460, 1550, 1600, 1620, 1640, 1660, 1740, 1820
D: 1510, 1520, 1530, 1570, 1600, 1680
Identify an analysis of variance and test the homogeneity of the
mean lives of the four brands of lamps.
2.(b) A company appoints 4 salesmen A, B, C and D and observes BTL -2 Understanding
their sales in 3 seasons, summer winter and monsoon. The
figures are given in the following table:
Season 1 2 3 4

Summer 45 40 28 37
Winter 43 41 45 38
Monsoon 39 39 43 41
Carry out an Analysis of variances.
3. In order to determine whether there is significant difference in BTL -1 Remembering
the durability of 3 makes of computers, samples of size 5 are

selected from each make and the frequency of repair during the
first year of purchase is observed. The results are as follows: In
view of the above data, what conclusion can you draw?
5 8 7
6 10 3
8 11 5
9 12 4
7 4 1

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4. Five doctors each test five treatments for a certain disease and BTL -2 Understanding
observe the number of days each patient take store cover. The
results are as follows (recovery time in days)
Doctor 1 2 3 4 5
A 10 14 23 18 20
B 11 15 24 17 21
C 9 12 20 16 19

D 8 13 17 17 20
E 12 15 19 15 22
Estimate the difference between (a) doctors and (b) treatments

for the above data at 5% level.
5. Perform a 2-way ANOVA on the data given below: BTL -3 Applying
Treatment 1
1 2 3
1 30 26 38
2 24 29 28
3 33 24 35
4 36 31 30
5 27
z 35
Use the coding method subtracting 30 from the given no.
6. The following data represent a certain person to work from BTL -2 Understanding
Monday to Friday by 4 different routes.
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
1 22 26 25 25 31
2 25 27 28 26 29 Padeepz ma3251

3 26 29 33 30 33
4 26 28 27 30 30
Test at 5% level of significance whether the differences among
the means obtained for the different routes are significant and
also whether the differences among the means obtained for the
different days of the week are significant.
7. BTL -4 Analyzing

Analyze the variance in the following Latin square of yields of

paddy where A, B, C, D denote the different methods of
D122 A121 C123 B122
B124 C123 A122 D125
A120 B119 D120 C121
C122 D123 B121 A122
Examine whether the different methods of cultivation have
given significantly different yields
8. (a) The following data resulted from an experiment to compare BTL -1 Remembering

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three burners A, B, C. A Latin square design was used as the

tests were made on 3 engines and were spread over 3 days.
A 16 B 17 C 20
B 16 C 21 A 15
C 15 A 12 B 13
Test the hypothesis and infer that there is no difference between
the burners.

8.(b) A variable trial was conducted on wheat with 4 varieties in a BTL -5 Evaluating
Latin square design. The plan of the experiment and the per plot
yield are given below.

C25 B23 A20 D20
A19 D19 C21 B18
B19 A14 D17 C20
D17 C20 B21 A15
9. A farmer wishes to test the effects of four different fertilizers A, BTL -1 Remembering
B, C, D on the yield of Wheat. In order to eliminate sources of
error due to variability in soil fertility, heuses the fertilizers, in a
Latin square arrangement as indicated in the following table,

where the numbers indicate yields per unit area.
A18 D25
C22 D21 B10 A17
Design an analysis
22 of variance
21 to determine
10 if there
17 is a
significant difference between the fertilizers at α=0.05 and
α=0.01 levels of significance.
10. Set up the analysis of variance for the following results of a BTL -4 Analyzing
Latin Square Design(use α = 0.01) level of significance

A12 C19 B10 D8

C18 B12 D6 A7
B22 D10 A5 C21
D12 A7 C27 B17
11. In a 5x5 Latin square experiment, the data collected is given in BTL -6 Creating
the matrix below Yield per plot is given in quintals for the five

different cultivation treatments A, B, C,D and E. Perform the

analysis of variance.
A48 E66 D56 C52 B61
D64 B62 A50 E64 C63
B69 A53 C60 D61 E67
C57 D58 E67 B65 A55
E67 C57 B66 A60 D57
12. In a Latin square experiment given below are the yields in BTL -3 Applying

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quintals per acre on the paddy crop carried out for testing the
effect of five fertilizers A, B, C, D, E. Analyze the data for
B25 A18 E27 D30 C27
A19 D31 C29 E26 B23
C28 B22 D33 A18 E27
E28 C26 A20 B25 D33

D32 E25 B23 C28 A20
13. Find out the main effects and interaction effects in the following BTL -3 Applying
factorial experiment and write down the analysis of variance

(1) a b ab
00 10 01 11
I 64 25 30 60
II 75 14 50 33
III 76 12 41 17
IV 75 33 25 10
14. An experiment was planned to study the effect of sulphate of BTL -3 Applying

potash and super phosphate on the yields of potatoes. All the
combinations of 2 levels of super phosphate (p) and two levels of
sulphate (k) of potash were studied in a RBD with 4 replication
for each. The yields obtained are given in the following table.
The yields obtained are given in the following table. Analyze the
data and give your conclusion (with α = 1%)
Block Yields ( per plot)
(1) K P KP

23 25 22 38
P (1) K KP
40 26 36 38
(1) K KP P
29 20 30 20
KP K P (1)

34 31 24 28

Newton Raphson method – Gauss elimination method – pivoting – Gauss Jordan methods – Iterative
methods of Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Seidel – Matrix inversion by Gauss Jordan method – Eigen values of a
matrix by power method


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Q.No. Question BT Competence

State the order of convergence and condition for convergence of
1. BTL -1 Remembering
Newton-Raphson method
2. State the principle used in Gauss – Jordan method BTL -1 Remembering
3. State the error term of Newton Raphson method BTL -1 Remembering
State the condition for the convergence of Gauss Seidel

4. BTL -1 Remembering
iteration method for solving a system of linear equation
5. Name two direct method to solve system of linear equations BTL -1 Remembering
6. What are the merits of Newton’s method of iterations BTL -1 Remembering

Distinguish between Gauss elimination and Gauss-seidel
7. BTL -2 Understanding
8. Give an example of transcendental and algebraic equation? BTL -2 Understanding
Explain why Gauss-Seidal method is better than Jacobi’s-
9. BTL -2 Understanding
iterative method?
10. Find the smallest positive root of x3 - 2x + 0.5 = 0 BTL -2 Understanding
Find the real positive root of − 𝐜 𝐬 − = by Newton’s
11. BTL -3 Applying
method correct to 6 decimal places
Solve the following system of equations using Gauss-Jordan
12. BTL -3 Applying

elimination method + = , −
Find the dominant eigenvalue of the matrix
by power
BTL -3 Applying
Arrive a formula to find the value of √𝑵 where N ≠ 0, using BTL -4
Newton-Raphson method
15. Drive the formula to find the value of 𝑵 / and 1/N where N ≠ 0, Analyzing
BTL -4
using Newton Raphson method
16. Write down the difference between Gauss Seidel method, Gauss Analyzing
BTL -4
Jordan method

17. Evaluating
Evaluate Δ[x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)] BTL -5
Compare Gauss elimination and Gauss Jordan methods BTL -5 Evaluating
What is the inverse of 𝑨 = by Gauss Jordan Method BTL -6 Creating
20. Generate the iterative formula for Gauss-Seidel method? Creating
BTL -6

PART - B Padeepz ma3251

1.(a) Solve the equation = . using Newton-Raphson BTL -1

Find the numerically largest eigenvalue of [ − ]by
1. (b) BTL -2 Understanding
using power method
2. (a) Using Power method, find all the eigenvalues of 𝑨 = BTL -1 Remembering

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[ − ]

Using Newton-Raphson method, solve = . taking

2.(b) BTL -2 Understanding
the initial value

3. (a) Find the largest eigenvalue of the matrix [− ] by
BTL -1 Remembering

power method. Also find its corresponding eigenvector

3. (b) Predict the inverse of the matrix[ − − ]using Gauss

BTL -2 Understanding

Jordan method
Solve the following set of equations using Gauss – Seidal
4. (a) iterative procedure − + + = ; − + ; + BTL -3 Applying
− =

4.(b) Infer the inverse of the matrix [ ] using Gauss-Jordan

BTL -2 Understanding

5. (a) eigenvector of the matrix 𝑨 = [

Determine the largest eigenvalue and the corresponding

] with the initial vector BTL -4 Analyzing

𝑿 = [ , , ]𝑻
5. (b) − BTL -1 Remembering
Find the dominant eigenvalue of [ ] by power

6. (a) Give the iterative formula to find √𝑵 and where N is positive BTL -1 Remembering

integer using Newton’s method and hence find √

If 𝑨 = [ ], find A-1 by Gauss-Jordan method BTL -5 Evaluating

7. (a) BTL -1 Remembering

Find the numerically largest eigenvalue of 𝑨 = [ ]

and the corresponding eigenvector
7. (b) −
Examine the inverse of the matrix [ ] using Gauss
− BTL -4 Analyzing
Jordan Method
8. (a) By Gauss Jordan elimination method, find the inverse of the
BTL -6 Creating

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matrix [ − ]

8. (b) Solve by Gauss – Seidal method the following system: +
BTL -3 Applying
− = ; + + = ; + + =
9. (a) Solve the following equations by Gauss – Elimination method: BTL -3 Applying
+ + = ; − + = ; + + =

9. (b) By Gauss-Jordan method, find the inverse of
BTL -5 Evaluating
𝑨=[ − ]

10. (a) Examine the following system of equations using Gauss – Seidel
iterative method 8 − + = ; + − = ; + − BTL -4 Analyzing
10. (b) Solve 2x + y + 4z =12; 8x – 3y + 2z = 20; 4x + 11y – z = 33 using BTL -3 Applying
Gauss elimination method
11. (a)
Generate the inverse of the matrix [ ] by gauss-Jordan
BTL -6 Creating

11. (b)
Identify the dominant eigenvector of the matrix A=
BTL -4 Analyzing
[ ] with ( ) as initial eigenvector

12. (a) Detect the solution by Gauss – Elimination method 3x + 4y + 5z
BTL -2 Understanding
=18; 2x –y + 8z = 13; 5x - 2y + 7z = 20
12. (b) Point out the solution by Gauss – Seidal method: x + y + 54z
BTL -4 Analyzing
=110; 27x + 6y - z = 85; 6x + 15y + 2z = 72

13. (a) Identify the dominant eigen value and vector of A = BTL -1 Remembering

[ − ]using Power method

13. (b) Find the positive real root of 2x3 - 3x - 6 = 0by Newton’s method BTL -2 Understanding
14. (a) Identify the positive real root of − − = using BTL -1 Remembering
Newton – Raphson method.

14. (b)
If A = [ ], find A-1 by Gauss-Jordan method BTL -4 Analyzing

Lagrange’s and Newton’s divided difference interpolations – Newton’s forward and backward
difference interpolation – Approximation of derivate using interpolation polynomials – Numerical

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single and double integrations using Trapezoidal and Simpson’s 1/3 rules.


Q.No. Question Padeepz ma3251 BT Competence


1. State any two properties of divided differences BTL -1 Remembering
State the formula to find the second order derivative using the
2. BTL -1 Remembering
forward differences
3. Write down the Lagrange’s interpolating formula BTL -1 Remembering

4. State the Simpson’s 1/3-rule in numerical integration BTL -1 Remembering
5. State the use of Lagrange’s interpolation form BTL -1 Remembering
Write the need of Newton’s and Lagrange’s interpolation
6. BTL -1 Remembering
7. What is meant by interpolation? BTL -2 Understanding
Using Lagrange’s formula to fit a polynomial to the data and
find y at x = 1
8. BTL -2 Understanding
X: -1 0 2 3
Y: -8 3 1 12

9. x : 5
y : 7
Form the divided difference table for the following data:
BTL -2 Understanding
Find the polynomial which takes the following values given
10. f (0) = -1, f (1) = 1 and f (2) = 4 using the Newton’s interpolating Understanding
BTL -2
State the formula to find the second order derivative using
11. BTL -3 Applying
forward difference formula
Predict divided difference table for the following data

BTL -3 Applying
(0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 2.5), (3, 2.3), (4, 2), (5, 1.7) and (6, 1.5)
13. What is the order of error in Trapezoidal and simpson’s one-
BTL -3 Applying
third rules?
14. Interpret inverse Lagrange’s interpolation formula BTL -4 Analyzing
Analyze the divided differences with arguments a, b, c if
15. BTL -4 Analyzing
f(x) = 1/x

16. Show that the divided difference of second order can be Analyzing
BTL -4
expressed as the quotient of two determinants of third order
17. Evaluate ∫ . by Trapezoidal rule, dividing the range into 4 BTL -5 Evaluating
equal parts
Evaluate ∫ , using Trapezoidal rule, taking h = 0.5 BTL -5 Evaluating
19. Using Trapezoidal rule, evaluate ∫ with h = 0.2 hence
+ BTL -6 Creating
obtain an approximate value of 𝜋

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Describe in numerical integration, what should be the number of

20. intervals to apply Simpson’s one – third rule and Simpson’s BTL -6 Creating
three – eighths rule

The population of a certain town is given below. Find the rate of

1.(a) growth of the population in 1931, 1941, 1961 and 1971 BTL -1

Year (x) : 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971
Population (in 1000) : 40.62 60.80 79.95 103.56 132.66
Given 654=2.8156, 658=2.8182, 659=2.8189
1. (b) BTL -2 Understanding
and 661=2.8202. Find the value of 656 using

Newton’s divided difference formula
Find y (22), given that
2. (a)
X: 20 25 30 35 40 45 BTL -1 Remembering
Y: 354 332 291 260 231 204
From the following table of half-yearly premium for policies
maturing at different ages, estimate the premium for policies
2.(b) maturing at age 46 and 63 Analyzing
BTL -4
Age x : 45 50 55 60 65

3. (a)
x : 0 2 3 4 7 9
Premium y: 114.84 96.16 83.32 74.48 68.48
Find ′ , if BTL -3 Applying
f(x): 4 26 58 112 466 922
From the given table, compute the value of 𝒊 ⁰
3. (b)
X : 0⁰ 10⁰ 20⁰ 30⁰ 40⁰ BTL -2 Understanding
Sin X: 0 0.17365 0.34202 0.50000 0.64279
4. (a) Evaluate ∫ ∫ using Trapezoidal rule
+ + BTL -3 Applying
Using Newton’s forward interpolation formula, find the

4.(b) polynomial f(x) satisfying The following data, hence evaluate f(x)
at x = 5 BTL -2 Understanding
X: 4 6 8 10
f(X): 1 3 8 16
Examine the value of the integral∫ to 3 decimals,
5. (a) + + Analyzing

dividing the range of integration into 8 equal parts using BTL -4

Simpson’s rule
5. (b) Find the sixth term of the sequence 8, 12, 19, 29, 42 BTL -1 Remembering

6. (a) Use Lagrange’s interpolation formula inversely to obtain the BTL -1 Remembering
root of the equation f(x) = 0, given the following data:
X: -1 0 3 4
f(X): -38 -12 6 12

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6.(b) Evaluate ∫ by using Simpson’s one-third rule and hence

+ BTL -5 Evaluating
deduce the value of
7. (a) A rod is rotating a plane . The following table gives the angle θ BTL -1 Remembering
With respect to time t seconds
t: 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
θ: 0 0.12 0.49 1.12 2.02 3.2
From the data given below, find θ at x = 43 and at x = 84

7. (b)
X: 40 50 60 70 80 90 BTL -4 Analyzing
Θ: 184 204 226 250 276 304

8. (a) Using Lagrange’s Interpolation formula, Find the polynomial
f(x) form the following data
BTL -6 Creating
x : 0 1 4 5
f(x): 4 3 24 39
8. (b) From the following table, estimate the no. of students who
obtained marks between 40 and 45. Understanding
BTL -2
Marks : 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
No. of students: 31 42 51 35 31
9. (a)

x: 1.5 2 2.5 3
Find the first,second and third derivarive of the function f(x) at
3.5 4
BTL -1 Remembering
f(x): 3.375 7 13.625 24 38.875 59

9. (b) . .
evaluate ∫ ∫ using Simpson’s 1/3rd rule, divide the
BTL -5 Evaluating
range into 4 equal part
10. (a) Determine by Lagrange’s interpolation method,the no. of
patients over 40 years using the following data:

BTL -4
Age over (X) years : 30 35 45 55
No. (Y) patients : 148 96 68 34
10. (b) The velocity V of a particle at distances from a point on its path
is given by the table
T feet: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Applying
BTL -1
Vfeet/s: 47 58 64 65 61 52 38

Estimate the time taken to travel 60 feet by using Trapezoidal

And Simpson’s 1/3rd rule.
11. (a) Use the Newton divided difference formula to calculate
, ′ ′′ from the following table
BTL -2 Understanding
X: 0 1 2 4 5 6
f(X): 1 14 15 5 6 19
11. (b) Construct Newton’s forward interpolation polynomial for the BTL -1 Remembering
following data:

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X: 1 2 3 4 5
f(X): 1 -1 1 -1 1
12. (a) Find f (x) as a polynomial in x from the following data by using
Newton’s divided difference formula and find the value of f (8) Understanding
BTL -2
X: 3 7 9 10
f(X): 168 120 72 63
12. (b) Find the value of cos(1.74),using suitable formula from the

following data
BTL -6 Creating
x: 1.7 1.74 1.78 1.82 1.86
Sin(x): 0.9916 0.9857 0.9781 0.9691 0.9584


13. (a) Detect the value of " from the following data:
X: 0 1 2 3 4 Analyzing
BTL -4
f(X): 1 2.718 7.381 20.086 54.598
13. (b) By dividing the range into 10 equal parts, evaluate ∫ 𝐬𝐢 BTL -3 Applying
by Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule. Verify your answer with
14. (a) Using Lagrange’s interpolation, find the value of f (9), from the BTL -1 Remembering
following table
X : 5711 13
f(X): 150392 14522366 5202
14. (b) . .
Evaluate ∫ ∫ by Trapezoidal rule with h=k=0.1 BTL -5 Analyzing
Taylor’s series method – Euler’s method – Modified Euler’s method – Fourth order Runge-
Kuttamethod for solving first order equations – Milne’s predictor corrector methods for solving
first order equations – Finite difference methods for solving second order equations..


Q.No. Question BT Competence


1. State the advantages of Runge - Kutta method over Taylor BTL -1 Remembering
Series method

2. Remembering
State the merits of RK – method over Taylor series method BTL -1
3. Remembering
Write Milne’s predictor-corrector formula BTL -1
4. ′ Remembering
Write down the Euler formula for = , , = BTL -1
5. Remembering
Define initial value problems BTL -1
6. Write down the Runge– Kutta method of order 4 for solving Remembering
BTL -1
initial value problems in ordinary differential equation

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7. Explain the terms initial and final value problems BTL -2 Understanding
What is main difference between single step and multi-step
8. BTL -2 Understanding
methods in solving first order differential equation
9. Find y (0.1) by Euler’s method, if = + , = Understanding
BTL -2
10. What are the distinguished properties of R-K methods? BTL -2 Understanding
11. Use R-K method of second order to estimate y (0.4) given
BTL -3 Applying


= , =
12. Given ′ = − and y (0) = 1, determine the value of y (0.1) by
BTL -3 Applying
Euler’s method

13. Obtain the finite difference scheme for differential equation
BTL -3 Applying
+ =
Using Taylor’s method, find y at x = 1.1 given
BTL -4 Analyzing
= + , =
15. Identify the multi-step methods available for solving ordinary Analyzing
BTL -4
differential equation
16. Using Taylor series method, find y at x = 0.1, 0.2 given = − Analyzing
BTL -4
, =
17. z
correct to 4 decimal places)
Bring out the merits and demerits of Taylor series method
Apply fourth order Runge– Kutta method to find y(0.1)
BTL -5
BTL -5 Evaluating
given = + , =
19. Analyze Taylor’s series up to x3terms satisfying ′ + = +
BTL -6 Creating
, =
20. Compute y at x = 0.25 by Modified Euler method given ′ = Creating
BTL -6
, =

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Apply Taylor series method to find and approximate value of y
1.(a) BTL -1
when x = 0.1, 0.2 given that = + , =
Evaluate y (1.2) and y (1.4) correct to 3 decimal places by the
1. (b) Understanding
modified Euler method, given that = − , =

BTL -2
taking h = 0.2
2. (a)
By Taylor series method find y(0.1), y(0.2) and y(0.3) if = Remembering
BTL -1
− , =
Using R-K method of 4th order find y (0.8) correct to 4 decimal
2.(b) BTL -4 Analyzing
places if = − , 𝒊 . = .

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3. (a) Solve the BVP ′′ + ′ = , = , = using finite BTL -3 Applying

difference method, taking h = 0.25
3. (b) By modified Euler’s method, find y(0.1), y(0.2) and y(0.3)
BTL -2 Understanding
if = + , =
4. (a) Given = + , = , . = . , . =
BTL -3 Applying
. , . = . . by Milne’s method

4.(b) Using Euler’s method find the solution of the IVP =
BTL -2 Understanding
𝐥 𝐠 + , = at x = 0.2 taking h = 0.2

5. (a) Consider the initial value problem = − + , = Analyzing
BTL -4
. using the modified Euler method find y(0.2)
5. (b) Using Taylor series method, find y (1.1) and y (1.2) correct to 4 BTL -1 Remembering
decimal places given = and y (1) = 1
6. (a) Using Euler’s method find the solution of the IVP BTL -1 Remembering
= 𝐥 𝐠 − , = at x = 1.6 taking h = 0.1

If =
Runge-Kutta method of fourth order and hence find y(0.8) by
= , find y(0.2), y(0.4) and y(0.6) by
BTL -5 Evaluating
Milne’s method

7. (a) Using Euler’s method, solve = − , = at x = 0.1, BTL -1 Remembering
0.2, and 0.3
7. (b)
Solve the BVP − = , with y (0) = 0, y (1) = 1, using finite
BTL -4 Analyzing
difference method with h = 0.2

8. (a) Consider the IVP ′ = − , = . Using the Euler’s

method find y (0.2) and Modified Euler method find y (0.4) and BTL -6 Creating
y (0.6) then by using Milne’s method obtain y (0.8)
8. (b) Solve by Euler’s method, the equation = + , = ,
BTL -2 Understanding
choose h = 0.2 and compute y (0.4) and y (0.6)

9. (a) Given ′ = − , = , . = . , . = BTL -1 Remembering

. , find y (0.3) using Taylor’s series method
9. (b) Using Milne’s predictor-corrector method, find y (0.4), given
′ ( + )
that = , = , . = . , . = BTL -5 Evaluating
. , . = .
10. (a) Using finite difference methods find y (0.25), y (0.5), y (0.75)
satisfying the differential equation " + = , = , = BTL -4 Analyzing

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10. (b) By fourth order Range – Kutta method find y(0.2) from Applying
BTL -2
= − , = taking h = 0.1
11. (a) Using R-K method of fourth order ,findthe value of y at x=0.1,if
y satisfies the equation = + given that y=1 when x=0, BTL -2 Understanding
correct to three decimal places
11. (b) = + , where y =0 when x =0 , find y(0.2), y(0.4) and BTL -1 Remembering

y(0.6) , using Taylor series method
12. (a) Using modified Euler method, find y (0.2), y (0.1) given = + Understanding

BTL -2
, = Padeepz ma3251
12. (b) Given = + , = , . = . , . =
. , . = . , evaluate y (0.4) by Milne’s predictor BTL -6 Creating
– corrector method
13. (a) Using Taylor method, compute y (0.2) and y (0.4) correct to 4
decimal places given = − and y (0) = 0, by taking h = Analyzing
BTL -4
13. (b)
− = + , = , z
Using finite differences solve the boundary value problem

= with h = 0.2
− =
+ BTL -3 Applying
14. (a) Solve the following by finite difference method BTL -1 Remembering
given y (0) = 0, y (1) = 1 with. h = 0.25
14. (b) Determine the value of y (0.4) using Milne’s method given =
+ , = , use Taylors series to get the value of y at x = BTL -4 Analyzing
0.1, Euler’s method for y at x = 0.2 and R-K fourth order
method for y at x = 0.3

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