in Phone : 0471-2546400
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The following is the Short List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to
be called for interview, subject to the verification of Original documents, for selection to the post of Microbiologist
(Bacteriologist) - STATEWIDE (Category No. 411/2023 ) in Kerala Water Authority on Rs.36,500-89,000 on the
basis of the OMR test held on 29-07-2024.
The Register Numbers are arranged in their numerical sequence and the arrangement does not in any way, indicate
their respective rank on the basis of the said test. The candidates whose numbers are included in Short List are
directed to be present for verification of original documents as per schedule published in due course.
Main List
1002190 1002390 1002408 1002531 1003049 1003455
1006574 1006689
Supplementary List
1003185 1003945 1004472 1005501 1006236 1006272
1006390 1006445
Scheduled Caste
1002462 1004408 1005164 1005218 1006057
Scheduled Tribe
1006767 1006856 1006910 1006950 1006959
1002034 1003760 1005065 1005678 1006090 1006115
Latin Catholics/A.I
1001410 1001587 1002195 1003346 1003864
2 Microbiologist (Bacteriologist)
1000809 1004543 1006030 1006144 1006875
1000502 1001129 1002647 1006239 1006424
SIUC Nadar
1000729 1001037 1001071 1001296 1001362
1000805 1002432 1003019 1005644 1006316
Hindu Nadar
1000517 1000724 1000743 1001025 1006604
Note :-(1) Inclusion of Register Numbers in this list is purely provisional subject to scrutiny and admission of
application on absolute basis. Inclusion of Register numbers in the Short List does not confer any right on the
candidate for inclusion in the Ranked List.
Note :- (2) The short list has been prepared based on the details furnished by the candidate in the application and
subsequent claim if any made will not be entertained at any stage of the selection.
Note :- (3) 32(Thirty Two) candidates who have secured top most marks in the OMR Examination are included in the
Main List of this Short List.The marks secured by the last candidate in the Main List is 60.67 ( sixty (point) six
seven).For the purpose of satisfying the rules of reservation of appointment to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
Other Backward Classes (and other reserved categories if any ) necessary Supplementary list is prepared by
including sufficient numbers of candidates from lower mark ranges in the order of merit of the candidates belonging to
such classes.
Note:- (4) The Short List has been prepared by including the register number of candidates who have secured top
marks in the OMR Examination held on 29.07.2024.
Note :- (5) Candidates included in the Short List should present and produce in person the original documents for One
Time Verification. Date,time and Venue of OTR Verification and interview wiil be intimated through profile message
and SMS
Note :- (6) According to the existing procedure, revaluation of answer scripts is not allowed but answer scripts can be
rechecked after the publication of Ranked List. Detailed instructions will be published in the Ranked List to be
published for the post.
Note :- (7) Candidates belong to Other Backward Classes included in the Short List , eligible for reservation are
required to produce Non Creamy Layer Certificate as per G.O (P) No.81/09/SC/STDD dated 26.09.2009 issued by
Village Officer and SC/ST candidates are required to produce Community Certificate (Form III/ Digitally signed) issued
by the Revenue Authority not below the rank of Tahsildar and candidates who claim EWS reservation are required to
produce EWS Certificate as per GO(Ms) No.5/2020/P&EA dated 04-03-2020 issued by the Revenue Authority along
with other documents at the time of OTR verification of original documents
Note :- (8) The register number of those candidates who do not produce the required documents within the prescribed
time limit and whose applications found otherwise defective will be deleted from the Short List without further notice.
Note :- (9) Copy of answer scripts of the OMR Test held on 29-07-2024 will be issued to those candidates who, apply
for the same remitting the prescribed fee after approval of the Ranked List. No answer scripts are invalidated for the
post. Refer to Notification No : ER6-3/5/2024-KPSC Dated 18.12.2024.
Section Officer