As you go deeper... Because you want to attract wealth, you listen to these words and they convince
your mind, which in turn motivates you and conditions you to believe that you deserve wealth and that
you are worthy
of wealth. First you are acquiring the belief that you deserve wealth and now you are ready to
acquire wealth. Every day, as you become more open to acquiring wealth, you are also open to
opportunities that help you to make money. You have clear ideas of what you can do to attract
wealth and ideas of what you will offer or give in return for your wealth.
Your desire for wealth is fired by your unshakeable belief that you have the drive, the discipline, the
work ethic and the ideas that bring wealth to you. Anything of value that you require will also require
you to learn or do something new. You have the right balance, as you are able to give and receive.
You give of your time, skill and talents, and you are financially more and more well-rewarded for
that. You go after wealth with fierce determination and powerful self-belief and an ever improving
ability to see yourself as wealthy, with a wealthy lifestyle. So right now, think about how much
money you want and what skill, industry or ideas you can share to bring you that amount of wealth.
Every day you are forming a blueprint, a plan for wealth that your mind
is saying ‘Yes’ to and that you are moving towards, knowing that what you want wants you,
and what you are moving towards is simultaneously moving towards you. As you make your
plan more real with the amount of money you wish to acquire, the date you wish to acquire it
and the work you are prepared to do to acquire it, your acquisition of wealth becomes more
real, more lifelike and more attainable.
You make a mood board with the amount of money on it, the date, the lifestyle, the career; and as
you look at your mood board daily, your mind says ‘Yes’ to it and works with you to make it happen.
You have this above your bed, in front of your desk and on your computer and phone screen-saver.
As you purposefully look at this every morning and night, your mind sees you already in
possession of the wealth you are focusing your mind on through your mood board. You write
statements and affirmations on there too, and this increases your faith that you will achieve
everything you are seeing and focusing on. Your affirmations are commands to your mind to
accept your images and take you to them; they are repeated instructions to your subconscious to
bring you wealth, to make you super-wealthy. You daily focus on this mental image of achieving
wealth and riches over and over again, so your mind both accepts it and works to make it happen.
You have so many abilities and talents, and they are becoming more obvious every day. Your mood
board is on your wall and on your laptop, you look at it every day knowing that what the mind says
©Marisa Peer ® 2021 • You do not have the r ight to reprint or resell this document. You al so may not give away, sell, or share the content
herein. No par t of this document may be reproduced or t ransmitted in any form what soever without the express written, dated and signed
permission f rom the author.
‘Yes’ to, the body says ‘Yes’ to. You fully, 100%, believe in yourself and in your ability to achieve
wealth. You can do anything that is necessary for your wealth. As you look at your board, you see
written onto it and you fix into your mind:
©Marisa Peer ® 2021 • You do not have the r ight to reprint or resell this document. You al so may not give away, sell, or share the content
herein. No par t of this document may be reproduced or t ransmitted in any form what soever without the express written, dated and signed
permission f rom the author.
• the exact amount of money you desire; exactly what you intend to give in return for the money
you desire; a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.
• a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to
put this plan into action.
• you pin up images and write out statements that are a clear, concise statement of the amount
of money you intend to acquire; name the time for its acquisition; state what you intend to
give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to
accumulate it.
You look at this and say it out loud daily, and you see, feel and believe yourself already in possession
of the money. You use positive words rather than negative about your financial situation. You live in
an abundant mindset and use abundant words by saying things like:
“I am rich, I am wealthy in so many ways, I can and will have that purchase soon. I have
so much abundance and more is constantly coming my way.” Say, “I am enough and I
have enough every day,” as this moves away from a perception of scarcity and instead causes
you to focus on all that you have instead.
You are always open and alert for new ideas and opportunities to make money. You have a great
ability to reach decisions and you have absolute faith in yourself. You work towards your
visualizations; they are embedded
in your imagination. You use all your senses - the smell, sound, sight, taste and feel of riches, you
use. Your imagination, combined with your will and your determination to make it happen, is. The
catalyst for everything you achieve is your imagination, added to your desire and your self-belief
that you have what it takes brings you wealth.
You have confidence and an unshakeable, unwavering drive to attract wealth, and you shut out
negative and discouraging influences. You are genuinely interested in ways and means of acquiring
riches with a state of mind that becomes, is, 100% focused and committed. You read, plan and
visualize definite ways and means to acquire riches, and back your images and your plans with
persistence. Feel wealthy - now. If you went to a poor country, you would feel wealthy. If you visit
down-and-outs, you come home and feel like a billionaire. You are already extraordinarily wealthy
compared to many; so feel that feeling and know you can build on it, and attract more and more
wealth and riches as you adjust your thinking about what wealth truly is - you are open and ready
to receiving an abundance of it into your life.
©Marisa Peer ® 2021 • You do not have the r ight to reprint or resell this document. You al so may not give away, sell, or share the content
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permission f rom the author.
©Marisa Peer ® 2021 • You do not have the r ight to reprint or resell this document. You al so may not give away, sell, or share the content
herein. No par t of this document may be reproduced or t ransmitted in any form what soever without the express written, dated and signed
permission f rom the author.
As you are open to wealth, you are open to opportunities to make money, because your mind is
open to new opportunities that bring in money and you are open to taking the right risks, now
that your fear of lack is long gone. You can handle any situation you meet. You have confidence
in your ability to become and stay wealthy. You have workable ideas and you are a visionary. You
radiate confidence about attracting wealth into your life and you have workable ideas that others
receive enthusiastically. Your confidence in your money-making ideas is growing daily. The most
driving part of you - your subconscious mind, is ensuring that you have poise and are
comfortable, relaxed and at ease on every occasion, as you move on from one fantastic
achievement to another. Each day, you become more aware of the full, powerful impression
these true concepts are having on you, replacing old beliefs with new powerful ones that are
remaining embedded in you and having a powerful, permanent, pervasive impact on you.
achieve that.
You know you deserve it and are excited about it - you excite your imagination - the most powerful
part of you
- by using positive powerful words and images re wealth and attracting
©Marisa Peer ® 2021 • You do not have the r ight to reprint or resell this document. You al so may not give away, sell, or share the content
herein. No par t of this document may be reproduced or t ransmitted in any form what soever without the express written, dated and signed
permission f rom the author.
©Marisa Peer ® 2021 • You do not have the r ight to reprint or resell this document. You al so may not give away, sell, or share the content
herein. No par t of this document may be reproduced or t ransmitted in any form what soever without the express written, dated and signed
permission f rom the author.
©Marisa Peer ® 2021 • You do not have the r ight to reprint or resell this document. You al so may not give away, sell, or share the content
herein. No par t of this document may be reproduced or t ransmitted in any form what soever without the express written, dated and signed
permission f rom the author.