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Vulnerabilty Tools, Assessment and Their Exploitation at Unit Level

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INTRODUCTION 1. The increased reliance on powerful, networked computers to help run organizations and keep track of our personal information, units network or environment has been formed around the practice of network and computer security. Units have solicited the knowledge and skills of security experts to properly audit systems and tailor solutions to fit the operating requirements of the organization. Because most organizations are dynamic in nature, with workers accessing organizations IT resources locally and remotely, the need for secure computing environments has become more pronounced. Unfortunately, most organizations (as well as individual users) regard security as an afterthought, a process that is overlooked in favor of increased power, productivity, and budgetary concerns. Proper security implementation is often enacted after an unauthorized intrusion has already occurred. Security experts agree that the right measures taken prior to connecting a site to an untrusted network, such as the Internet, is an effective means of thwarting most attempts at intrusion. Given time, resources, and motivation, a cracker can break into nearly any system. At the end of the day, all of the security procedures and technologies currently available cannot guarantee that any systems are safe from intrusion. Routers help secure gateways to the Internet. Firewalls help secure the edge of the network. Virtual Private Networks safely pass data in an encrypted stream. Intrusion detection systems warn you of malicious activity. However, the success of each of these technologies is dependent upon a number of variables, including: (a) The expertise of the staff responsible for configuring, monitoring, and maintaining the technologies. (b) The ability to patch and update services and kernels quickly and efficiently. (c) The ability of those responsible to keep constant vigilance over the network. 2. Given the dynamic state of data systems and technologies, securing organizational resources can be quite complex. Due to this complexity, it is often difficult to find expert resources for all of your systems. While it is possible to have personnel knowledgeable in many areas of information security at a high level, it is difficult to retain staffs who are experts in more than a few subject areas. This is mainly because each subject area of information security requires constant attention and focus. Information security does not stand still. Therefore, it is

essential for a administrator to know about the network, systems and environments vulnerability. Vulnerability assessment makes a organization know about its weaknesses and hence the use of tools to find out these vulnerabilities comes in play. DEFINING THE SCOPE OF VULNERABILITY MANAGEMENT 3. Vulnerability Management has been defined as the process of finding, evaluating and remediating vulnerabilities (existing exploitable weaknesses) on servers and workstations. The only way to properly secure a system is to first assess the existing vulnerabilities on each machine, determine the degree of risk for each machine's vulnerability, and then remediate (fix) the vulnerabilities. This process of finding, evaluating and remediating is known as vulnerability management. This concept expands upon the previous best practices around vulnerability assessment as a standalone process. Vulnerability management provides a holistic solution to security threats by handling vulnerabilities throughout the entire lifecycle. In order to effectively manage vulnerabilities, organizations must expand upon these steps: (a) MAINTAINING AN ASSET INVENTORY, (b) MANAGING INFORMATION DISSEMINATION, (c) ASSESSING RISK LEVEL OF ASSETS AND VULNERABILITIES, (d) PERFORMING VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENTS, (e) TRACKING REMEDIATION AND REPORT STATUS, AND (f) PLANNING FOR RESPONSE. In order for the process to be successful, each participating group has to assist in defining the goals and mission of the VM team and take ownership. Each step of the Vulnerability Management process should be documented and published to the teams who are involved. To gain end user support, it makes sense to provide security awareness training around Vulnerability Management and Response plans. ASSETS INVENTORY 4. Obtaining and maintaining an accurate asset inventory is a goal that many organizations never reach. There are many organizations that lack an effective asset inventory. Without an asset inventory, how are the systems and network engineering groups supposed to sift through security alerts and know which ones apply to them and which can be discarded. Administrators should identify a single entity to hold responsible for inventory management to ensure consistency.

Organizations that are unwilling or unable to manage their networks will end up paying a higher cost in the long run when they cannot quickly find and patch their systems. There are tools for any size Companies that can help teams track and manage their assets. Managing todays network environment poses many challenges. In addition to the new vulnerabilities that are discovered every day, there are the issues of poor change management, rogue servers, and blurred network boundaries. As organizations merge with and absorb other institutions, their networks are typically joined together, but never truly homogenized. The lack of resources, proper tools, and assigned responsibility become the biggest obstacles to maintaining an accurate and up-to-date inventory. These challenges must be handled before an organization takes on the effort of network management. Best Practices 5. Before undertaking the challenge of a network asset inventory, there are several best practices to keep in mind: -Establish a single point of authority for the inventory -Get the word out! If the process is being improved or is completely new, end users and support staff will need to know who to notify when something changes. - Update inventory management systems via change management processes. - Use an asset numbering scheme and use consistent abbreviations and notations when entering data - Validate the inventory annually. Information Management 6. The second step towards true Vulnerability Management is managing the flow of new information into your organization. Currently, there is a constant influx of information about new vulnerabilities, worms, viruses, and threats. This overwhelming amount of data can lead to confusion about where to begin. It is important that part of your VM program involves the use of a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT). The CSIRT can be made up of staff from various teams who participate as one function of their other jobs, or of staff dedicated entirely to serving the CSIRT function. Although we typically may think of the CSIRT as a function that only responds to emergencies, that is not always the case. According to the Carnegie CERT Coordination Center, the first computer security incident response team, the CSIRT can be responsible for disseminating information that describes an intruder attack, security vulnerability, intrusion alert, computer virus, or hoax, and providing any short term

recommended course of action for dealing with the resulting problem. As a filter, the CSIRT can identify which vulnerabilities and threats are serious to your specific organization. Best Practices 7. Because the CSIRT will be challenged to consistently and continuously assess the threat level to the organization, they should create their own best practices and collect them from other organizations. Best practices can assist the CSIRT with quickly and effectively disseminating information and providing guidance to users. Some best practices include: -Use a CSIRT mailing list and allow employees to subscribe to it -Use a CSIRT website to publish all advisories -Hold a daily conference call with the correct security teams and lines of business. Review new vulnerabilities, virus activity, malicious activity, and other important security issues -Create incident response guidelines for employees discouraging them from responding to new security alerts and threats without guidance from CSIRT -Create a standardized alert format, to provide a consistent look for CSIRT communications. Risk Assessment 8. In risk management, the 3 objectives are to preserve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information systems. Before an organization can truly mitigate risk, its security team must assign a risk level to new vulnerabilities as they are announced. This exercise is important since organizations have limited resources and time before new vulnerabilities are exploited. Assigning risk levels allows companies to prioritize large amounts of work to a limited resource pool and still minimize the likelihood that a threat will be realized. According to a survey 64% of attacks during the first six months of this year were aimed at vulnerabilities less than one year old; most of those- 39% percent--targeted security flaws that had been disclosed in the previous six months (Information Week). Risk is determined by four basic elements: the threat, the possible consequences of that threat if realized, the probable frequency of said threat, and the extent of how confident you are that it will happen. CSIRTs can assess new vulnerabilities by reviewing the four basic elements of risk as it pertains to their organization. These reviews can be time consuming and may require a dedicated resource.

Best Practices 9. The most prepared companies will face the challenge of risk level assignment by having documented information about their environments and established processes for handling new vulnerabilities. Best practices should include: - Documented processes for reviewing new vulnerabilities as they are announced and management support behind the team that will handle the function (i.e. CSIRT, Risk Management team, etc.) -Checklists to assist with consistent risk assignment - Published risk ratings for vulnerabilities and definitions of those risk ratings (i.e. what does a High risk vulnerability mean to the general user public?) -Accurate and readily available asset inventories (See Step 1: Asset Inventory) (including the asset owners, and patch levels) and network diagrams - Established and stringent change management process - Defense-in-Depth documentation: the CSIRT should have a published matrix of each security tool deployed in the organization and their respective controls. Attackers and Vulnerabilities 10. Within the community of individuals who find and exploit vulnerabilities in systems and networks are several distinct groups. These groups are often described by the shade of hat that they "wear" when performing their security investigations and this shade is indicative of their intent.
(a) The white hat hacker is one who tests networks and systems to examine

their performance and determine how vulnerable they are to intrusion. Usually, white hat hackers crack their own systems or the systems of a client who has specifically employed them for the purposes of security auditing. Academic researchers and professional security consultants are two examples of white hat hackers. (b) A black hat hacker is synonymous with a cracker. In general, crackers are less focused on programming and the academic side of breaking into systems. They often rely on available cracking programs and exploit well known vulnerabilities in systems to uncover sensitive information for personal gain or to inflict damage on the target system or network. (c) The gray hat hacker, on the other hand, has the skills and intent of a white hat hacker in most situations but uses his knowledge for less than

noble purposes on occasion. A gray hat hacker can be thought of as a white hat hacker who wears a black hat at times to accomplish his own agenda. (d) Gray hat hackers typically subscribe to another form of the hacker ethic, which says it is acceptable to break into systems as long as the hacker does not commit theft or breach confidentiality. Some would argue, however, that the act of breaking into a system is in itself unethical. (e) Regardless of the intent of the intruder, it is important to know the weaknesses a cracker may likely attempt to exploit. The remainder of the chapter focuses on these issues. Threats to Network Security 11. Bad practices when configuring the following aspects of a network can increase the risk of attack. Insecure Architectures-A misconfigured network is a primary entry point for unauthorized users. Leaving a trust-based, open local network vulnerable to the highly-insecure Internet is much like leaving a door ajar in a crimeridden neighborhood nothing may happen for an arbitrary amount of time, but eventually someone exploits the opportunity. (a) Broadcast Networks-System administrators often fail to realize the importance of networking hardware in their security schemes. Simple hardware such as hubs and routers rely on the broadcast or non-switched principle; that is, whenever a node transmits data across the network to a recipient node, the hub or router sends a broadcast of the data packets until the recipient node receives and processes the data. This method is the most vulnerable to address resolution protocol (arp) or media access control (MAC) address spoofing by both outside intruders and unauthorized users on local hosts. (b) Centralized Servers-Another potential networking pitfall is the use of centralized computing. A common cost-cutting measure for many businesses is to consolidate all services to a single powerful machine. This can be convenient as it is easier to manage and costs considerably less than multiple-server configurations. However, a centralized server introduces a single point of failure on the network. If the central server is compromised, it may render the network completely useless or worse, prone to data manipulation or theft. In these situations, a central server becomes an open door which allows access to the entire network.

Threats to Server Security 12. Server security is as important as network security because servers often hold a great deal of an organization's vital information. If a server is compromised, all of its contents may become available for the cracker to steal or manipulate at will. The following sections detail some of the main issues. (a) Unused Services and Open Ports -Most server administrators do not opt to install every single package in the distribution, preferring instead to install a base installation of packages, including several server applications. A common occurrence among system administrators is to install the operating system without paying attention to what programs are actually being installed. This can be problematic because unneeded services may be installed, configured with the default settings, and possibly turned on. This can cause unwanted services, such as Telnet, DHCP, or DNS, to run on a server or workstation without the administrator realizing it, which in turn can cause unwanted traffic to the server or even, a potential pathway into the system for crackers. (b) Unpatched Services - Most server applications that are included in a default installation are solid, thoroughly tested pieces of software. Having been in use in production environments for many years, their code has been thoroughly refined and many of the bugs have been found and fixed. However, there is no such thing as perfect software and there is always room for further refinement. Moreover, newer software is often not as rigorously tested as one might expect, because of its recent arrival to production environments or because it may not be as popular as other server software. Developers and system administrators often find exploitable bugs in server applications and publish the information on bug tracking and security-related websites such as the Bugtraq mailing list (http://www.securityfocus.com) or the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) website (http://www.cert.org). Although these mechanisms are an effective way of alerting the community to security vulnerabilities, it is up to system administrators to patch their systems promptly. This is particularly true because crackers have access to these same vulnerability tracking services and will use the information to crack unpatched systems whenever they can. Good system administration requires vigilance, constant bug tracking, and proper system maintenance to ensure a more secure computing environment.

Inattentive AdministrationAdministrators who fail to patch their systems are one of the greatest threats to server security. According to the System Administration Network and Security Institute (SANS), the primary cause of computer security vulnerability is to "assign untrained people to maintain security and provide neither the training nor the time to make it possible to do the job."This applies as much too inexperienced administrators as it does to overconfident or motivated administrators. Some administrators fail to patch their servers and workstations, while others fail to watch log messages from the system kernel or network traffic. Another common error is when default passwords or keys to services are left unchanged. For example, some databases have default administration passwords because the database developers assume that the system administrator changes these passwords immediately after installation. If a database administrator fails to change this password, even an inexperienced cracker can use a widely-known default password to gain administrative privileges to the database. These are only a few examples of how inattentive administration can lead to compromised servers. Inherently Insecure Services Even the most vigilant organization can fall victim to vulnerabilities if the network services they choose are inherently insecure. For instance, there are many services developed under the assumption that they are used over trusted networks; however, this assumption fails as soon as the service becomes available over the Internet which is itself inherently untrusted. One category of insecure network services is those that require unencrypted usernames and passwords for authentication. Telnet and FTP are two such services. If packet sniffing software is monitoring traffic between the remote user and such a service usernames and passwords can be easily intercepted. Inherently, such services can also more easily fall prey to what the security industry terms the man-in-the-middle attack. In this type of attack, a cracker redirects network traffic by tricking a cracked name server on the network to point to his machine instead of the intended server. Once someone opens a remote session to the server, the attacker's machine acts as an invisible conduit, sitting quietly between the remote service and the unsuspecting user capturing information. In this way a cracker can gather administrative passwords and raw data without the server or the user realizing it.

Threats to Workstation and Home PC Security 13. Workstations and home PCs may not be as prone to attack as networks or servers, but since they often contain sensitive data, such as credit card information, they are targeted by system crackers. Workstations can also be co-opted without the user's knowledge and used by attackers as "slave" machines in coordinated attacks. For these reasons, knowing the vulnerabilities of a workstation can save users the headache of reinstalling the operating system, or worse, recovering from data theft. (a)Bad Passwords Bad passwords are one of the easiest ways for an attacker to gain access to a system. For more on how to avoid common pitfalls when creating a password, refer Army Cyber Security Policy. (b)Vulnerable Client Applications Although an administrator may have a fully secure and patched server that does not mean remote users are secure when accessing it. For instance, if the server offers Telnet or FTP services over a public network, an attacker can capture the plain text usernames and passwords as they pass over the network, and then use the account information to access the remote user's workstation.Even when using secure protocols, such as SSH, a remote user may be vulnerable to certain attacks if they do not keep their client applications updated. For instance, v.1 SSH clients are vulnerable to an Xforwarding attack from malicious SSH servers. Once connected to the server, the attacker can quietly capture any keystrokes and mouse clicks made by the client over the network. This problem was fixed in the v.2 SSH protocol, but it is up to the user to keep track of what applications have such vulnerabilities and update them as necessary. Vulnerability Assessment 14. Vulnerability Assessment (VA) is the process of identifying vulnerable assets. The VA team functions as the ethical hacker and attempts to find and fix vulnerabilities before a malicious hacker does. It is crucial for organizations to identify vulnerable systems quickly and accurately.

(a)Thinking Like the Enemy Networks are commonly comprised of operating systems, applications, servers, network monitors, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and more. Now imagine trying to keep current with each of these. Given the complexity of today's software and networking environments, exploits and bugs are a certainty. Keeping current with patches and updates for an entire network can prove to be a daunting task in a large organization with heterogeneous systems. Combine the expertise requirements with the task of keeping current, and it is inevitable that adverse incidents occur, systems are breached, data is corrupted, and service is interrupted. To expand security technologies and aid in protecting systems, networks, and data, you must think like a cracker and gauge the security of your systems by checking for weaknesses. Preventative vulnerability assessments against your own systems and network resources can reveal potential issues that can be addressed before a cracker exploits it. A vulnerability assessment is an internal audit of your network and system security; the results of which indicate the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your network. Typically, vulnerability assessment starts with a reconnaissance phase, during which important data regarding the target systems and resources is gathered. This phase leads to the system readiness phase, whereby the target is essentially checked for all known vulnerabilities. The readiness phase culminates in the reporting phase, where the findings are classified into categories of high, medium, and low risk; and methods for improving the security (or mitigating the risk of vulnerability) of the target are discussed. If you were to perform a vulnerability assessment of your home, you would likely check each door to your home to see if they are closed and locked. You would also check every window, making sure that they closed completely and latch correctly. This same concept applies to systems, networks, and electronic data. Malicious users are the thieves and vandals of your data. Focus on their tools, mentality, and motivations and you can then react swiftly to their actions. (b) Defining Assessment and Testing Vulnerability assessments may be broken down into one of two types: Outside looking in and inside looking around. When performing an outside looking in vulnerability assessment, you are attempting to compromise your systems from the outside. Being external to your company provides you with the cracker's viewpoint. You see what a cracker sees publicly-routable IP

addresses, systems on your DMZ, external interfaces of your firewall, and more. DMZ stands for "demilitarized zone", which corresponds to a computer or small sub network that sits between a trusted internal network, such as a corporate private LAN, and an untrusted external network, such as the public Internet. Typically, the DMZ contains devices accessible to Internet traffic, such as Web (HTTP) servers, FTP servers, SMTP (e-mail) servers and DNS servers. When you perform an inside looking around vulnerability assessment, you are somewhat at an advantage since you are internal and your status is elevated to trusted. This is the viewpoint you and your co-workers have once logged on to your systems. You see print servers, file servers, databases, and other resources. There are striking distinctions between these two types of vulnerability assessments. Being internal to your company gives you elevated privileges more so than any outsider. Still today in most organizations, security is configured in such a manner as to keep intruders out. Very little is done to secure the internals of the organization (such as departmental firewalls, user-level access controls, authentication procedures for internal resources, and more). Typically, there are many more resources when looking around inside as most systems are internal to a company. Once you set yourself outside of the company, you immediately are given an untrusted status. The systems and resources available to you externally are usually very limited. Consider the difference between vulnerability assessments and penetration tests. Think of a vulnerability assessment as the first step to a penetration test. The information gleaned from the assessment is used for testing. Whereas, the assessment is checking for holes and potential vulnerabilities, the penetration testing actually attempts to exploit the findings. Assessing network infrastructure is a dynamic process. Security, both information and physical, is dynamic. Performing an assessment shows an overview, which can turn up false positives and false negatives. Security administrators are only as good as the tools they use and the knowledge they retain. Take any of the assessment tools currently available, run them against your system, and it is almost a guarantee that there are some false positives. Whether by program fault or user error, the result is the same. The tool may find vulnerabilities which in reality do not exist (false positive); or, even worse, the tool may not find vulnerabilities that actually do exist (false negative).Now that the difference between a vulnerability assessment and a penetration test is defined, take the findings of the assessment and review them carefully before conducting a penetration test as part of your new best practices approach.

Establishing a Methodology To aid in the selection of tools for a vulnerability assessment, it is helpful to establish a vulnerability assessment methodology. Unfortunately, there is no predefined or industry approved methodology at this time; however, common sense and best practices can act as a sufficient guide. What is the target? Are we looking at one server, or are we looking at our entire network and everything within the network? Are we external or internal to the company? The answers to these questions are important as they help determine not only which tools to select but also the manner in which they are used. Evaluating the Tools An assessment can start by using some form of an information gathering tool. When assessing the entire network, map the layout first to find the hosts that are running. Once located, examine each host individually. Focusing on these hosts requires another set of tools. Knowing which tools to use may be the most crucial step in finding vulnerabilities. Just as in any aspect of everyday life, there are many different tools that perform the same job. This concept applies to performing vulnerability assessments as well. There are tools specific to operating systems, applications, and even networks (based on the protocols used). Some tools are free; others are not. Some tools are intuitive and easy to use, while others are cryptic and poorly documented but have features that other tools do not. Finding the right tools may be a daunting task and in the end, experience counts. If possible, set up a test lab and try out as many tools as you can, noting the strengths and weaknesses of each. Review the README file or man page for the tool. Additionally, look to the Internet for more information, such as articles, step-by-step guides, or even mailing lists specific to a tool.

Best Practices 15. Performing vulnerability assessments can be a time consuming and tedious process. VA teams can look to others in the security community for best practices and formulate their own from experience. Some things to remember: (a) Always start with an asset inventory. If you dont have one, make one using nmap to scan your network.

(b) Get permission and change control to run your scans, in case you cause a network disruption. (c) Test new checks in a lab to identify any false positives, false negatives, and potential service disruptions. (d) Create custom policies by OS or by industry standard (SANS Top 20, Windows Top 10 Vulnerabilities) and specific to your environment (e)Identify what scanning methods and operating procedures are best for your organization, and document how you choose to proceed in a standard Operating procedure. VULNERABILITY TOOLS AND THEIR EXPLOITATION AT UNIT LEVEL 16. Vulnerability tools help you find or discover any vulnerability your system, network or organization has, which can be used by hackers for malicious purposes. Vulnerability Tools are a computer programs designed to assess computers, computer systems, networks or applications for weaknesses. Types of Vulnerability tools: (a) Port scanners. (b) Packet Analyzers. (c) Network Mappers. (d) Vulnerability Scanners.

Port scanners 17. A port scanner is a software application designed to probe a server or host for open ports. This is often used by administrators to verify security policies of their networks and by attackers to identify running services on a host with the view to compromise it. It tells which all ports and services are opened and not in use, and can used by a hacker. The most commonly used is NESSUS. Nessus is a full-

service security scanner. The plug-in architecture of Nessus allows users to customize it for their systems and networks. As with any scanner, Nessus is only as good as the signature database it relies upon. Fortunately, Nessus is frequently updated and features full reporting, host scanning, and real-time vulnerability searches. Remember that there could be false positives and false negatives, even in a tool as powerful and as frequently updated as Nessus.

Packet analyzers 18. A packet analyzer (also known as a network analyzer, protocol analyzer or sniffer, or for particular types of networks, an Ethernet sniffer or wireless sniffer) is a computer program or a piece of computer hardware that can intercept and log traffic passing over a digital network or part of a network. As data streams flow across the network, the sniffer captures each packet and, if needed, decodes the packet's raw data, showing the values of various fields in the packet, and analyzes its content according to the appropriate RFC or other specifications. Most common used are Capsa, dSNIFF, Scoop etc.The versatility of packet sniffers means they can be used to:

Analyze network problems. Detect network intrusion attempts. Detect network misuse by internal and external users. Documenting regulatory compliance through logging all perimeter and endpoint traffic. Gain information for effecting a network intrusion. Isolate exploited systems. Monitor WAN bandwidth utilization. Monitor network usage (including internal and external users and systems). Monitor data-in-motion. Monitor WAN and endpoint security status. Gather and report network statistics. Filter suspect content from network traffic. Serve as primary data source for day-to-day network monitoring and management.

Spy on other network users and collect sensitive information such as passwords (depending on any content encryption methods which may be in use). Reverse engineer proprietary protocols used over the network. Debug client/server communications. Debug network protocol implementations. Verify adds, moves and changes. Verify internal control system effectiveness (firewalls, access control, Web filter, Spam filter, proxy).

Network Mapper 19. It generates a network map, which speeds up accessing to remote hosts' properties and resources, and managing those. Scan your network, find hosts, place them on a network diagram, and monitor their state. Nmap is a popular tool used to determine the layout of a network. Nmap has been available for many years and is probably the most often used tool when gathering information. An excellent man page is included that provides a detailed description of its options and usage. Administrators can use Nmap on a network to find host systems and open ports on those systems. Nmap is a competent first step in vulnerability assessment. You can map out all the hosts within your network and even pass an option that allows Nmap to attempt to identify the operating system running on a particular host. Nmap is a good foundation for establishing a policy of using secure services and stopping unused services. Vulnerability Scanners 20. A vulnerability scanner is a computer program designed to assess computers, computer systems, networks or applications for weaknesses. There are a number of types of vulnerability scanners available today, distinguished from one another by a focus on particular targets. While functionality varies between different types of vulnerability scanners, they share a common, core purpose of enumerating the vulnerabilities present in one or more targets. Vulnerability scanners are a core technology component of vulnerability management. Most commonly used are nikto, Vlad, Nikto is an excellent common gateway interface (CGI) script scanner. Nikto not only checks for CGI vulnerabilities but does so in an evasive manner, so as to elude intrusion detection systems. It comes with thorough documentation which should be carefully reviewed prior to running the program. If you have Web

servers serving up CGI scripts, Nikto can be an excellent resource for checking the security of these servers.

HOW TO EXPLOIT THESE TOOLS 21. These tools are easily available on internet, many are free but few are quite expensive. But if a unit requires having its network secure it has to have the knowledge of what all vulnerabilities your network or systems have. For that a unit requires to buy or procure these tools. As mentioned earlier these tools do a wonderful job of finding the vulnerabilities, mapping the network, locating the hosts and finding the weaknesses of network which can compromise the security of unit as a whole. A units network administrator should be a nodal agency for loading, using and testing these tools. Hence no one should use these tools without his permission or his physical presence. Once the people in an environment learn how to go about it they can work effectively and can inform the administrator about any changes they see or notice. Hence making the job of administrator easier and securing the environment. But the main task lies in evaluating the true security of an environment, identify as many as vulnerabilities as possible, with honest evaluations and prioritizations of each. Not all systems react same to a vulnerability testing. Vulnerable systems could be knocked offline by some of the tests, and production could be negatively affected by the loads the tests place on the systems. Benefits of these vulnerability assessment and tools are: (a) Creates proactive focus on information security. (b) Finds potential exploits before crackers find them. (c) Results in systems being kept up to date and patched. (d) Promotes growth and aids in developing staff expertise. (e) Abates financial loss and negative publicity. A very important aspect which comes here is the reporting procedure. Effective reporting is critical because without it, management and system administrators will not understand the organizations security posture, what remains unfixed, and who should be held responsible. Reporting also gives management something tangible to associate with the vulnerability and a way to measure successes and failures. Remediation tracking brings Vulnerability Management full circle. With

organizations increasingly at risk from unresolved vulnerabilities identified by assessments, remediation is the key to enabling enterprises to quickly 'cover their assets. If vulnerable hosts are not tracked to remediation, it seems pointless to even find the vulnerabilities. These tools help us know these vulnerabilities in time and remediation tracking can be done thereafter effectively. CONCLUSION: 22. Hence these vulnerability assessment tools in our environment prove to be of great benefit. It can secure the units network, systems and other devices. Hence making a environment more efficient, secure and adaptable for new users. The well defined rules and regulations on duties and usage of units network and other assets make all users aware of new techniques; the reporting system keeps the remediation tracking easy.

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