User’s Manual
Version 4.65
Instrument specifications
For a listing of instrument-specific constants, as used in the
software for data processing, refer to Appendix A.
Technical assistance
For technical assistance please contact your local Distributor or
a Sequoia Technical Service Representative listed below.
Please be sure to include the instrument serial number with any
Chuck Pottsmith
pottsmith@sequoiasci.com; (425) 641-0944 ext.107
Doug Keir
keir@sequoiasci.com; (425) 641-0944 ext.104
Table of Contents
SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE LISST-100X .............................................................................. 6
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 6
GENERAL DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................... 9
SECTION 2: OPERATION ...................................................................................................................... 12
GETTING STARTED .................................................................................................................................... 13
STEP BY STEP PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................................... 27
Step by Step Procedure: Record and Store Background Scatterfile ................................................... 28
Step by Step Procedure: Offloading/Deleting Data Files ................................................................... 30
Step by Step Procedure: Processing raw data .................................................................................... 32
Step by Step Procedure: View processed datafile ................................................................................ 36
Step by Step Procedure: Real-time data processing ........................................................................... 39
Step by Step Procedure: Configuring data collection ......................................................................... 42
INSTRUMENT COMMUNICATION ................................................................................................................ 47
LISST-100X COMMAND SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 51
LISST-100X COMMAND DETAILS ............................................................................................................ 52
PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION .................................................................................................................. 58
INSTRUMENT MOUNTING, STORAGE AND MAINTENANCE ......................................................................... 62
Step by Step Procedure: Changing the Battery................................................................................... 65
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 67
INDEX .......................................................................................................................................................... 68
APPENDIX A: INSTRUMENT SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION ........................................................... 69
APPENDIX B: DATA STORAGE FORMAT AND SIZE RANGES ......................................................... 70
APPENDIX C: CONNECTOR PINOUTS FOR LISST-100X ................................................................... 76
APPENDIX D: LISST-SOP SOFTWARE BUTTON DESCRIPTION .................................................... 78
APPENDIX E: SOFTWARE UPGRADE INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ........................................... 79
APPENDIX F: HORIZONTAL CHAMBER INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ....................................... 82
APPENDIX G: BIOBLOCK INSTALLATION AND USE ........................................................................ 83
APPENDIX H: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................ 87
WARRANTY ............................................................................................................................................... 90
Principle of The product name LISST is derived from the term that describes
Operation its operation: Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry.
LISST is a Trademark of Sequoia Scientific, Inc.
The main conclusions are that the information content of the data
is most stably retrieved by use of ring-type detectors, with each
ring measuring the scattering over a sub-range of angles, and that
the resolution is limited to relatively few size classes depending
on the noise in the data. For example, for the dynamic range in
scattering angles of 200:1 that is built into the LISST systems,
typically only 12-14 truly independent size classes can be
Agrawal, Y.C., I.N. McCave, and J.B. Riley, 1991: "Laser diffraction size analysis," in Principles, methods and applications of
particle size analysis, J.P.M. Syvitski, editor, Cambridge University Press, pp. 119-128.
Agrawal, Y. C. and H. C. Pottsmith, 2000: Instruments for Particle Size and Settling Velocity Observations in Sediment Transport,
Marine Geology, 168, pp 89-114.
The volume distribution is related to the number distribution via NV = a3 n(a). It represents the volume concentration of particles of
particles in the size range a to a + da. The results from the LISST instruments provide the volume concentration of particles in each
of 32 size classes. The size classes are log-spaced from the range 1.25-250 microns (Type-B instruments) or 2.5-500 (Type-C). See
Appendix B for further details.
Depth and In addition to measuring the particle size and concentration, the
Temperature LISST-100X also has built-in Depth and Temperature sensors.
The Depth sensor is a 500 psi strain gauge sensor. The stainless
steel fitting on the Connector endcap is used for testing this
sensor. It is not required for normal operation. However, when
not used for testing, this fitting helps keep contamination out of
the pressure sensor. The temperature is measured using a high
precision thermistor imbedded into the Connector end cap. Both
values are stored automatically in the standard-format LISST-
100X data file.
Battery Life The primary power source for the LISST-100X is a custom
alkaline D-cell battery-pack. The pack outputs +9 V. It has a
room-temperature capacity of 42 A-hr. When the instrument is in
stand-by mode, (i.e., displaying the L100X:> prompt) the current
drain is 8.5 mA. In Low Power Sleep mode the current drain
drops to 120 µA. For profiling applications, where the instrument
is sampling continuously, the battery pack has about 60 hours of
“On” time. Powering down the instrument between samples can
greatly extend the deployment times. An EXCEL spreadsheet is
included with the software that can estimate the battery
consumption. The spreadsheet can also be downloaded from
Sequoia’s website: www.SequoiaSci.com, click Library, then
For laboratory or tethered usage, a connector is provided on the
endcap to draw power from an external source. The voltages
required from the external power supply are +9 V. Cables up to
50 meters can be provided to supply external power and
communication with the instrument. This can allow real-time
observation of the size distributions.
Precautions LISST-100X is a sensitive optical instrument. Please handle it
gently. Critical alignments may be disturbed if the instrument is
subjected to shock or rough handling. Evidence of shock/rough
handling will void the warranty. Whenever in transit, store the
instrument in the provided padded shipping case.
The LISST-100X uses a laser diode emitting a maximum of 1 mW
of visible (red) light at a wavelength of 670nm. The laser beam
under normal circumstances is not a threat. However, if objects
are placed in the path of the laser beam, the light could be reflected
into the eye causing permanent damage.
Contents of Let’s assume that you are opening the LISST-100X shipping cases for
shipping case the first time. Inside you will find the following: User’s Manual with
software disk, LISST-100X instrument, Plastic Instrument stands, Small
Volume Horizontal Test Chamber, Communications cable, test particles,
insulated stainless steel clamps, External Power cable, and Allen wrench
Step 1: Remove Start by removing the white plastic instrument stands and set them on a
Instrument from flat working surface. Remove the LISST-100X from the case and set it
shipping case. on the stands. The LISST-100X has two distinct ends that we will refer
to as the Optics endcap and the Connector endcap. The connector
endcap has three underwater connectors that are used for communication,
external power, and connecting to optional accessories or instruments.
The battery pack is attached to the inside of this endcap. The optics
endcap contains the optical windows that the laser beam passes through
to make a measurement. The internal optics and electronics are mounted
to the inside of this endcap.
Step 2: Check for At this time, let’s check the optical windows to make sure that they are
clean windows clean. There are two windows. The receive window is mounted in the
center of the optics endcap. The transmit window is located in the
crossbar suspended above the endcap. The best way to check the
windows is by using a flashlight. By shining light from one side and
viewing from the other the surface of the windows can be easily checked
for cleanliness. If there is dirt or fingerprints on the windows clean them
first by rinsing them with lukewarm water and a mild soap solution (e.g.
mild hand soap, liquid dish soap) and then rinsing off all soap residue
with clean, particle free water such as deionized water, MilliQ water or
distilled water. The windows can also be wiped clean with a soft cloth
(e.g. a lens cloth) and alcohol. It is not recommended to use stronger
solvents, such as acetone or toluene. Also, do not use any abrasive
cleaners or wipes. Treat the windows as you would an expensive camera
Step 3: Attach the Remove the Communications cable from the shipping crate. It is the
Communications cable with the 9-pin DB-9 connector on one end and the 5-pin
Cable underwater connector on the other. Remove the underwater cap from
the Communications connector. The connectors will all look similar.
The Communication connector is the only 5-pin connector. If the unit
Step 4: Install the Remove the Small Volume Horizontal test chamber from the shipping
Horizontal test case if not already installed on to the instrument. Attach the flexible
chamber tubing and tubing stop clamp. This chamber is designed to slip
between the optical windows of the instrument such that the optic can
be submerged for testing or calibration. For more information on
installing the chamber see Appendix F.
We can now fill the chamber with clean filtered water. We use steam-
distilled bottled water filtered through a 0.2 micron filter. Tap water
may contain too many particles and may also contain dissolved gas
that can release and form small bubbles on the optical surfaces.
Step 5: Install the At this point instrument is ready to go. Let’s install the software that is
provided software required for operation of the instrument. A software disk is included
with each instrument. In addition to the communication and
processing program the disk also contains calibration files specific for
your instrument. Follow the installation instructions in the
README.TXT file on the disk to install the software.
Step 6: Start Start the LISST-SOP software by selecting it from the Start menu.
LISST-SOP The name LISST-SOP refers to the Standard Operating Procedure
program functionality of the program. Users with experience on previous
versions of the LISST-100 software may find the Appendix E,
Software Upgrade Installation Procedure a good introduction to the
software. Appendix D has a table describing the functions of each
button. It is highly recommended that existing users who are
upgrading to Version 4.65 from earlier versions (Versions 3.xx) of the
LISST software read Appendix D and E before continuing. There are
a number of steps that must be performed before the software will
function correctly with older instruments.
Step 7: Wake up The instrument is shipped in a low power Sleep mode to conserve
instrument from battery power. To wake up the instrument select Wake Up LISST
Sleep mode from the LISST menu. A dialog box will appear counting down the
maximum time required for the instrument to wake up. The
instrument sleeps for 30 seconds, wakes up for 1 second to look for a
wake up command and then goes back to sleep. Therefore the wait
could be as long as 32 seconds for the LISST-100X. Upon wake up
the instrument status will be displayed. If the cable connections are
not correct or if the battery is not installed a warning message will
appear after the time expires. The serial port settings can be checked
by selecting Serial Port Settings from the Communication menu. The
default settings are COM1, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop
bit, and no protocol.
select the button form the tool bar. A window similar to the one
shown below will appear.
If you do not see the L100x:> prompt, click the Send button.
Commands can be typed into the box in the lower section of the
window. When the Enter key or the Send button is pressed the
command will be sent to the instrument. The Start button sends a GO
command to the instrument to start the instrument sampling using the
current settings. The STOP button sends a CTRL-C to stop the
sampling and to turn off the main power.
If the instrument is still in the Low Power Sleep Mode it will print ZZZ
to the screen every 30 seconds. To wake the instrument from the
Terminal window, press the Stop button immediately after the ZZZ is
displayed. The instrument will only respond to the Stop button for 1
second after the ZZZ is displayed. After the 1 second the instrument is
Step 9: Intro to the The datalogger inside the LISST-100X has recently been upgraded. It
new Datalogger is different from earlier versions of the LISST-100. New instruments
using the new datalogger have been given the name LISST-100X. Units
using the previous version datalogger will be called LISST-100. The
new datalogger of the LISST-100X uses removable Compact Flash
cards. Compact Flash Cards are available with up to 1Gb of memory.
The LISST-100X comes standard with 128Mb. The Compact Flash
Cards can be removed. By using a PCMCIA adapter or USB card
reader the data files can be directly transferred to the PC. The standard
procedure is to offload the files using the LISST-SOP software at 115K
The LISST-100X now has standard two-letter commands that can be
used for interfacing the instrument with other dataloggers and sensors.
The commands are similar to the commands used with the LISST-25X
instrument. A complete description of the commands is shown in the
LISST-100X Command Summary section.
Step 10: Acquiring A new feature of the LISST-SOP is the ability to acquire background
Background scattering in real-time. The background scattering measurement is
Scattering critical to good instrument performance. It is especially critical for
clean water applications where the optical transmission is greater than
80% over the 5cm path. The background scattering will also check the
overall health of the instrument. It will verify that all of the systems are
functioning and that the optics are still in alignment. The current
background will be acquired and displayed relative to the factory
background scattering for the instrument. The image below shows an
example of this display. It is opened by either selecting Collect
Background Scatter Data from the LISST menu or by pressing the
button on the toolbar. After selecting the factory background scatter
file to use for comparison the window will display.
Step 11: The heart and soul of the new LISST-SOP software is the Operating
Configuring Modes window. This window is used to set all of the deployment
Instrument for parameters. To open the window, choose Operating Modes from the
LISST menu or press the button on the tool bar. A window similar
to the one shown below will appear.
The window has four tabs, Instrument Status, Operating Mode, Start
Condition, and Stop Condition. The Instrument Status page gives
information about the current instrument. It also allows previously
saved instrument configuration files to be loaded on to the instrument.
The ability to save the current settings to a file is also available. The
Summary window shows the current deployment configuration.
Step 12: Setting By selecting the Operating Mode Tab at the top of the main window
Operating Mode the screen below appears. This screen is used to set the type of
sampling; Realtime, Burst, or Fixed Sample Rate. You can also select
17 LISST – 100X User’s Guide
the samples per average and sample rates on this screen.
Step 14: Setting Similarly the Stop conditions can also be selected. Click on the Stop
Stop Conditions Condition Tab to open the Stop Condition window. The available stop
conditions are: Depth, Time. External Mechanical Switch, External
Digital Input, Fixed number of Samples, and Maximum Memory/Low
Step 15: Saving Once the settings have been sent to the instrument the Instrument Status
the settings for Page will display the summary of the settings that have been selected.
future use These setting can be saved for later use by selecting the Save Summary
to LOP. A file name will be prompted for. The file will be given an
LOP extension which will identify it as a LISST Operating Procedure
File. Comments can be entered before saving in the box below the
summary. Previously saved LOP file can be opened using the Browse
Press the Apply button to configure the instrument. This will cause the
settings to be transmitted to the instrument. The configuration will take
about 30 seconds. Once the configuration is completed we can return to
the Instrument Status page to see the summary of the settings and save
them for future use if desired. Press the OK button to complete the
configuration. A prompt will ask if we would like to open the Terminal
window to start the instrument. Choose OK
Step 16: Starting The instrument is now configured for deployment, however, it is not yet
the program running. In order for the instrument to respond to the correct Start
Condition the program must be started.
The configuration of the instrument can be checked by selecting Query
Instrument from the LISST menu or by choosing the button from the
tool bar. A window will appear showing the current status and
configuration. To start the program, press the Start button in the lower
right section of the Terminal window. The program will start and display
text to the screen as it is running. Depending upon the Start Conditions,
text will be displayed approximately every 30 seconds. At this point the
user will know that the instrument is running and is ready to be deployed.
For our example it will be displaying a message that reads “Waiting for
Mechanical Switch ON signal”
Step 17: Collecting When the start conditions are met the instrument will start sampling. The
Data green LED on the connector endcap will illuminate each time a sample is
For our example we can move the white plastic lever on the endcap to the
“1“ position. Sampling will start. If the Terminal window is still open
text will be displayed as the instrument acquires data. Data collection will
continue until the Stop Conditions are met. In our case, until the switch
lever is returned to the “0” position.
If the Start and Stop Conditions are set to Depth, External Mechanical
Switch, or External Digital Input the program will return to checking for
the Start Condition. This will only be true if the Start and Stop conditions
Step 19: We now have the data transferred from the datafile of the instrument to a
Processing Raw file on the PC. To process the data file choose Open Raw Datafile or
press the button on the toolbar. Select the instrument serial number,
raw data file to open, and background scatter file to use when processing
the data. The software will automatically determine the Instrument Type
(A, B or C) using the Serial Number and the InstrumentData.Txt file.
Unlike earlier versions of the software, the RingArea file (instrument
detector calibration file) is automatically selected based on the serial
number. A display similar to the one shown below will appear
Step 20: Viewing Processed data files are stored as ASCII files and as binary files with a
Processed Results PSD extension. The PSD files can be opened and viewed on the screen.
To open a processed Particle Size Distribution file choose Open Particle
Distribution File or press the button on the toolbar. A display similar
to the one below should open. The left hand figure will display a bar chart
showing the Volume concentration in each of the 32 log spaced size
classes. The right hand plot will be the Cumulative Concentration. To
view the samples as a movie press the Timer Off button. The slider bar
next to the button adjusts the refresh rate. The First, Prev, Next, and Last
buttons allow you to step through the measurements one frame at a time.
When the last frame is reached the movie display will stop. Use the First
button to return to the first sample and press the Timer Off button to
restart the display.
Use the Timer button to start and stop data collection. The slider bar
controls the data acquisition time.
The Scale +/- Button adjusts the Particle Size Distribution scale. The
The view rings display is also available when processing a Raw Data file.
However, it is not available when viewing a processed Size Distribution
The above steps are meant to give a brief introduction to most of the
procedures that are required to operate the LISST-100X. Most of these
steps are covered in detailed Step-by-Step instructions in the following
Recording and Recording a background scatter file is the first step in acquiring
storing a data. This step-by-step describes the proper procedure to record
Background and download a background scatter file and save it for later
Scatterfile (zscat processing. Information on interpreting the Background Scatter
file) file is also provided.
Downloading raw Each data collection sequence is stored to a separate datafile on the
data files and compact flash memory. Files can be offloaded to the PC using the
Deleting Raw files Download data function of the LISST-SOP software. After
downloading the data files can be deleted from memory. This step-
by-step procedure covers offloading and deleting files.
Process raw data Data that has been downloaded from the datalogger is in a raw
binary file (.DAT extension). It must be processed into particle
size by the LISST-SOP program. The processing steps including
optional displays and procedures.
View Particle After processing of the data into a Particle Size Distribution (.PSD
size data extension) file the data can be viewed to the screen. This step-by-
step procedure covers the viewing of data and optional displays.
Process data in Real-time processing of data requires configuring the datalogger to
Real-time output the raw information to the LISST-SOP program. This step-
by-step procedure covers the acquisition and storage of processed
Configuring The LISST-SOP software allows the user to program the
Data Collection instrument with a number of start and stop conditions. This step-
by-step procedure lists the available options and the unique
features of each.
2 • Select Offload from the LISST menu or press on the Gets current directory of files
Offload button. from memory and displays the
3 • Choose the files to be offloaded by clicking on the Files selected and path set.
file name on the list. Multiple files can be selected
by hold down the CTRL key while clicking on files.
Use the SHIFT key to select a range of files.
2 • Select Open Raw Data File from the File menu Begins process of specifying
raw data file and all
information needed for data
3 • Choose the serial number of the instrument that Instrument serial number
collected the data to be processed. selected.
8 • The raw scattering values can be graphically Value of rings for current
displayed by selecting the View Rings command frame displayed.
from the DataFrames menu. An example of this
display is shown below. As with the Auxiliary
Parameters, the vertical cursor indicates the sample
currently displayed.
2 • Select Open Particle Distribution File from the File menu. Open Particle
Distribution File
3 • Select the processed data file from the file selection window. Processed datafile
Double click the file or type the file name and press Open. selected.
7 • The scale of the Volume Distribution plot can be changed by Display setting
using the Scale +/- button. After selecting the button a modified.
display similar to the one shown below will prompt you for
the maximum concentration for the Y-axis of the plot.
2 • Open the Operating Modes Window and choose the Real-Time Instrument
Operating Mode. configured for Real-
Time data
3 • Before starting a Real-Time session the output file options must Output file type
be set. This must be done before selecting Open Real-Time selected.
Session. Select Output from the Options menu. The window
below will appear.
Note: A binary PSD file must be selected before any other file
type will be stored. This is used to display the processed data to
the screen.
The ASC type is a spaced delimited file containing all the
processed data.
The LOG file is a space delimited file containing the raw data from
the datalogger. It is strongly recommended that you always build a
LOG file, otherwise troubleshooting the data will be very difficult
if any problems or questions about the data quality should appear.
4 • Select Open Real-Time Session from the File menu or press on Open Instrument
the button.
• Choose the correct Background Scatter File and Select an Background and
Output file. Output file selected.
10 • A single sample may be saved to a separate file by pressing the Averaged data
Save Single Sample button acquired and stored
to an ASCII file.
11 • When finished, close the main window to stop communication Finished and
with the LISST-100X. shutdown.
CAUTION: The laser and Main power are on continuously while in
the Real-Time Session. The program will stop and the power will
be turned off when the window is closed. However, if the window
is left open the power will remain on, potentially draining
substantial life from the battery. To turn off the power without
exiting the Real-Time session, press the button on the toolbar.
To start data collection again, press the Next button. The instrument
will power up and store a sample. This will take more time that a
normal sample. Once powered up the instrument will perform as
Instrument Status
Data Collection The LISST-SOP software can configure the Base program with
Routine one of six Stop conditions: Depth, Time. External Mechanical
Switch, External Digital Input, Fixed number of samples, and
Maximum Memory or Low Battery. The details of each condition
are described below.
Setup Commands
OM x Set Operating mode.
ST x Set Start Condition.
TD x Set Start Condition Data
SP x Set Stop Condition
PD x Set Stop Condition Data
SI x Set Sample interval
MA x Set samples per average equal to x
BI x Set Burst Interval
SC mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss Set Clock with time and date, where mm=month,
dd=day, yy=year, hh=hour(24 format), mm=minute,
ss=seconds, Example: ST 01/05/2005 21:05:03
SB x Set Samples per Burst
Acquisition/Action Commands
DL filename Grab sample and transmit it
GO Start Data collection using current parameters
GX Grab sample and transmit it
YS YMODEM offload of file at 115K Baud
ZS Acquire 20 samples and transmit them.
Used by SOP Acquire Background.
ZZ Go into deep sleep mode (minimum power
Directory of C:\
L040305_.BIN 4,136 03-05-04 6:30p
L183705.BIN 1,672 03-05-04 6:37p
input: DS 1
LISST-100X Current Status and Settings
SN = 1004
LISST – 100X User’s Guide 52
OM = 2
ST = 2
TD = 03/10/04 09:22:00
SP = 5
PD = 1
MA = 10
SI = 1
BI = 1
SB = 0
BB = 0
CT = 0
IC = 0
Current Time = 03/10/04 10:18:49
Battery = 890
Switch = 0
Memory= 15005640
Setup Commands
Example: input: OM 3
Cautions: None
Description: The ST command sets the start condition to be used when the GO command
is issued. The start condition options are:
1 = Depth Start
2 = Time/Date Start
3 = Mechanical Switch Start
4 = Digital Input Start
5 = Delay Start
If no value follows command, prompts will be displayed for the value.
Example: input: ST 5
Description: The TD command sets the start condition data to be used when the GO
command is issued. The start condition data is used with the Start Condition
setting. For example, if the Start Condition is Depth Start (option 1) the
input will be start depth in meters. If the start condition is set to Time/Date
Start (option 2) the input for TD will be the start date and time. If the Start
Condition is Delay Start (option 5) the input will be time delay in seconds.
The TD setting is ignored for Mechanical Switch Start (option 3) or Digital
Input Start(option 4).
If no value follows command, prompts will be displayed for the value.
Example: input: TD 12/31/05 23:59:59 or TD 3600
Description: The SP command sets the stop condition to be used when collecting data.
The stop condition options are:
1 = Depth Stop
2 = Time/Date Stop
3 = Mechanical Switch Stop
4 = Digital Input Stop
LISST – 100X User’s Guide 54
5 = Fixed Number of Samples Stop
6 = Maximum memory or Low Battery Stop
If no value follows command, prompts will be displayed for the value.
Example: input: SP 5
Description: The PD command sets the start condition data to be used when the collection
data. The stop condition data is used with the Stop Condition setting. For
example, if the Stop Condition is Depth Stop (option 1) the input will be stop
depth in meters. If the stop condition is set to Time/Date Stop (option 2) the
input for TD will be the stop date and time. If the Stop Condition is Fixed
Number Stop (option 5) the input will be the number of samples to collect
before stopping. The TD setting is ignored for Mechanical Switch Stop
(option 3) or Digital Input Stop(option 4).
If no values follow the “SC” or “sc” command, prompts for entering the time
and date will be displayed.
Example: input: SC 01/05/2001 21:05:03
Acquisition/Action commands
Description: DL command is used to delete file from the Compact flash module.
Wildcards such as *.* can be used.
Example: Input: DL L159*.dat
Output: Are you sure (Y/N)…
Description: Starts Fixed Rate or Burst Mode Data collection using current settings.
Example: Input: GO
Output: Waiting for start conditions…
Cautions: To stop acquisition before it is complete press the Stop button or CTRL-C.
Syntax: YS filename or ys filename where filename is the name of the file to be
Description: Offloads file from Compact Flash Module to PC using YMODEM offload at
115 Kbaud
Example: Input: YS L1391205.dat
Output: Starting…
Notes: The YS will initiate the YMODEM offload on the instrument. A YMODEM
file transfer must be started on the PC to accept the data. HyperTerminal can
accept YMODEM file transfers at 115K baud.
It must be noted that low laser power or high inner rings may not
always indicate misalignment. Low laser power can also occur
because the windows or water is dirty or if there are bubbles on
the window. Large particles or bubbles can cause the inner rings
to be higher than factory values. All of the other possibilities
must be eliminated before the conclusion of misalignment can
be reached.
Maintenance Notes
Battery Power and The main battery is mounted to the connector end cap. SEQUOIA
Access supplies the custom 9V battery packs for use with the LISST-
100X instrument. The use of batteries other than these may void
your warranty. When using laboratory power supplies, the user
must exercise extreme caution in using correct polarities on the
external 3-pin connector. Reverse polarities or misconnection
may damage the electronics, the repair of which would not be
covered under the warranty.
The step-by-step procedure for accessing and replacing the battery
pack is described below.
7 • To expose the battery and battery cable connectors, remove the Battery is visible.
Velcro wrap.
8 • To remove the battery, release the Velcro wrap and loosen the nuts Battery removed and
on the threaded rods. Remove the plate. Do not remove the replaced.
threaded rods. Disconnect the power cord from the battery and
remove it from its place between the rods.
Before removing the battery, make note of its orientation so that the
replacement battery can be positioned similarly.
Instrument Owner
Auxiliary Parameters
The table below lists the auxiliary parameter labels and calibration constants. These values are saved
in the LISST.INI file. They can be viewed and/ or edited using the “Edit Calibration Constants” from
the DataFrames menu.
Size Ranges There are 32 size ranges logarithmically placed from 1.25 - 250
microns in diameter, or 2.5 – 500 microns (the upper size in each
bin is 1.180 times the lower).
The table below shows the lower and upper limit of each size bin
in microns, together with the median size (also in microns) for
each size bin for type B and C instruments.
Type B Type C
Size bin # Ring # Lower Upper Median Lower Upper Median
1 32 1.25 1.48 1.36 2.50 2.95 2.72
2 31 1.48 1.74 1.60 2.95 3.48 3.20
3 30 1.74 2.05 1.89 3.48 4.11 3.78
4 29 2.05 2.42 2.23 4.11 4.85 4.46
5 28 2.42 2.86 2.63 4.85 5.72 5.27
6 27 2.86 3.38 3.11 5.72 6.75 6.21
7 26 3.38 3.98 3.67 6.75 7.97 7.33
8 25 3.98 4.70 4.33 7.97 9.40 8.65
9 24 4.70 5.55 5.11 9.40 11.1 10.2
10 23 5.55 6.55 6.03 11.1 13.1 12.1
11 22 6.55 7.72 7.11 13.1 15.4 14.2
12 21 7.72 9.12 8.39 15.4 18.2 16.8
13 20 9.12 10.8 9.90 18.2 21.5 19.8
14 19 10.8 12.7 11.7 21.5 25.4 23.4
15 18 12.7 15.0 13.8 25.4 30.0 27.6
16 17 15.0 17.7 16.3 30.0 35.4 32.5
17 16 17.7 20.9 19.2 35.4 41.7 38.4
18 15 20.9 24.6 22.7 41.7 49.2 45.3
19 14 24.6 29.1 26.7 49.2 58.1 53.5
20 13 29.1 34.3 31.6 58.1 68.6 63.1
21 12 34.3 40.5 37.2 68.6 80.9 74.5
22 11 40.5 47.7 43.9 80.9 95.5 87.9
23 10 47.7 56.3 51.9 95.5 113 104
24 9 56.3 66.5 61.2 113 133 122
25 8 66.5 78.4 72.2 133 157 144
26 7 78.4 92.6 85.2 157 185 170
27 6 92.6 109 101 185 218 201
28 5 109 129 119 218 258 237
29 4 129 152 140 258 304 280
30 3 152 180 165 304 359 331
31 2 180 212 195 359 424 390
32 1 212 250 230 424 500 460
bins(:,1) = 1.25*rho.^([0:31]); %lower limit for type B
bins(:,2) = 1.25*rho.^([1:32]); % upper limit for type B
bins(:,3) = sqrt(bins(:,1).*bins(:,2)); %mid-point for type B
The following lines of code in MATLAB will compute the lower, upper and median angles (in
degrees) for the VSF measurement in air and water:
Type B Type C
Ring # Size bin # Lower Upper Median Lower Upper Median
1 32 0.100 0.118 0.109 0.050 0.059 0.054
2 31 0.118 0.139 0.128 0.059 0.070 0.064
3 30 0.139 0.164 0.151 0.070 0.082 0.076
4 29 0.164 0.194 0.179 0.082 0.097 0.089
5 28 0.194 0.229 0.211 0.097 0.114 0.105
6 27 0.229 0.270 0.249 0.114 0.135 0.124
7 26 0.270 0.319 0.293 0.135 0.159 0.147
8 25 0.319 0.376 0.346 0.159 0.188 0.173
9 24 0.376 0.444 0.409 0.188 0.222 0.204
10 23 0.444 0.524 0.482 0.222 0.262 0.241
11 22 0.524 0.618 0.569 0.262 0.309 0.284
12 21 0.618 0.729 0.671 0.309 0.365 0.336
13 20 0.729 0.861 0.792 0.365 0.430 0.396
14 19 0.861 1.02 0.935 0.430 0.508 0.467
15 18 1.02 1.20 1.10 0.508 0.599 0.552
16 17 1.20 1.41 1.30 0.599 0.707 0.651
17 16 1.41 1.67 1.54 0.707 0.834 0.768
18 15 1.67 1.97 1.81 0.834 0.985 0.906
19 14 1.97 2.32 2.14 0.985 1.16 1.07
20 13 2.32 2.74 2.52 1.16 1.37 1.26
21 12 2.74 3.24 2.98 1.37 1.62 1.49
22 11 3.24 3.82 3.52 1.62 1.91 1.76
23 10 3.82 4.51 4.15 1.91 2.25 2.07
24 9 4.51 5.32 4.90 2.25 2.66 2.45
25 8 5.32 6.28 5.78 2.66 3.14 2.89
26 7 6.28 7.41 6.82 3.14 3.70 3.41
27 6 7.41 8.74 8.05 3.70 4.37 4.02
28 5 8.74 10.31 9.49 4.37 5.16 4.75
29 4 10.31 12.17 11.20 5.16 6.09 5.60
30 3 12.17 14.36 13.22 6.09 7.18 6.61
31 2 14.36 16.95 15.60 7.18 8.47 7.80
32 1 16.95 20.00 18.41 8.47 10.00 9.21
Type B Type C
Ring # Size bin # Lower Upper Median Lower Upper Median
1 32 0.075 0.089 0.082 0.038 0.044 0.041
2 31 0.089 0.105 0.096 0.044 0.052 0.048
3 30 0.105 0.124 0.114 0.052 0.062 0.057
4 29 0.124 0.146 0.134 0.062 0.073 0.067
5 28 0.146 0.172 0.158 0.073 0.086 0.079
6 27 0.172 0.203 0.187 0.086 0.102 0.093
7 26 0.203 0.240 0.221 0.102 0.120 0.110
8 25 0.240 0.283 0.260 0.120 0.141 0.130
9 24 0.283 0.334 0.307 0.141 0.167 0.154
10 23 0.334 0.394 0.362 0.167 0.197 0.181
11 22 0.394 0.465 0.428 0.197 0.232 0.214
12 21 0.465 0.548 0.505 0.232 0.274 0.252
13 20 0.548 0.647 0.596 0.274 0.324 0.298
14 19 0.647 0.764 0.703 0.324 0.382 0.351
15 18 0.764 0.901 0.829 0.382 0.451 0.415
16 17 0.901 1.063 0.979 0.451 0.532 0.489
17 16 1.063 1.255 1.155 0.532 0.627 0.578
18 15 1.255 1.481 1.363 0.627 0.740 0.682
19 14 1.481 1.747 1.609 0.740 0.874 0.804
20 13 1.747 2.062 1.898 0.874 1.031 0.949
21 12 2.062 2.433 2.240 1.031 1.217 1.120
22 11 2.433 2.871 2.643 1.217 1.436 1.322
23 10 2.871 3.389 3.119 1.436 1.694 1.560
24 9 3.389 3.999 3.681 1.694 1.999 1.841
25 8 3.999 4.719 4.344 1.999 2.359 2.172
26 7 4.719 5.568 5.126 2.359 2.784 2.563
27 6 5.568 6.571 6.049 2.784 3.286 3.025
28 5 6.571 7.754 7.138 3.286 3.877 3.569
29 4 7.754 9.151 8.424 3.877 4.575 4.212
30 3 9.151 10.80 9.941 4.575 5.399 4.970
31 2 10.80 12.74 11.73 5.399 6.371 5.865
32 1 12.74 15.04 13.84 6.371 7.519 6.921
Elements Parameter
Elements Parameter
1:32 Volume concentration (in µl/l) for size class 1 through 32.
Queries the instrument for its current configuration and displays the
Query Instrument
information to the screen.
Set Instrument Sets the internal instrument clock to match the currently connected
Clock computer clock
Pressing the Open Terminal button will bring up the terminal window for
Open Terminal
communication with the instrument including Start and Stop buttons.
The Program Settings button bring up the general settings windows for
Program Settings setting display parameters and other software settings, such as File
Output, Com Port settings, and Plot .
When viewing processed data the Print button will be activated. Pressing
the button will send the current display to the printer.
Step 1) Download Install file: The LISST-SOP Version 4.65 is available from the Sequoia Scientific
web site (http://www.sequoiasci.com/library/downloads/login.aspx). The file downloads are
restricted to registered web-site users only. You can register for download by filling out the form on
the website. Future visits to the download page can be accessed by entering the email and password
selected at the time of registration. Choose the file labeled “LISST-100X SOP version 4.65 installer”.
Save this file to disk.
The LISST-SOP_Install.EXE file is a self-extracting Zip file that contains the files required to install
the LISST-SOP software. This will include SETUP465.EXE, LISST1004.TTB, InstrumentData.txt,
and some instrument specific files for the example instruments #1004 and #1005. Run the program
and press OK to extract the files into a temporary folder of your choice. Before running the
SETUP465.EXE program there are a few tasks that must be performed.
Step 2) Configure Instrument Specific Files: The downloaded install file contains some generic
instrument specific files. These files will need to be replaced with files from the folder containing the
previous version of the LISST software.
Copy the RingArea_1xxx.ASC file and the Factory_ZSC_1xxx.ASC files from the previous version’s
folder or the floppy disk sent with the instrument to the LISST-SOP install folder. The xxx should be
replaced with the serial number of the instrument. For example, for unit 1001 the files should have
the following names, RingArea_1001.ASC file and Factory_ZSC_1001.ASC.
Some older versions of the software did not use this naming convention. If there are no files with
serial numbers in the name copy the RingArea_B.ASC (or RingArea_C.ASC for type C instruments)
to the new folder and rename it using the serial number naming convention as shown above.
Similarly, copy and rename the Factory_ZSC.ASC file.
If multiple instruments are to be used with the LISST-SOP copy a RingArea and Factory_zsc file for
each instrument to the new folder. The example files for instruments 1004 and 1005 can be deleted if
Step 3) Edit InstrumentData.txt: The InstrumentData.Txt file contains a listing of a few basic
properties of each instrument to be used with the LISST-SOP software. Open the file using any text
editor such as Notepad. The file contains five comma-delimited columns of numbers.
The first column is the four-digit serial number of the instrument. The serial number cannot contain
any letters, only numbers. The second column is the instrument type (A, B, or C). Type A is the early
5-500 micron unit (discontinued). Type B is the 1.25-250 micron unit. Type C is the 2.5-500 micron
unit. The third column is the memory size. The options are either 529000 (standard) or 2102000
(2Mb upgrade) for the original LISST-100. For the LISST-100X instrument enter 2102000. The
fourth column is the Volume Conversion Constant. This value is instrument specific and can be
found in the LISST.INI file in the C:/Windows directory from the previous installation. It can also be
found by selecting “Edit Calibration Constants” in the previous versions. The fifth column is an
Step 4) Edit LISST.INI: The LISST-SOP software is designed to support the use of multiple
instruments. The LISST.INI file contains the calibration values for the auxiliary parameters for each
instrument to be used. Before installing the LISST-SOP rename the LISST.INI file in the Windows
folder to LISSTV3.INI and copy it to the temporary install directory.
Open the LISSTV3.INI file with Notepad. Also open the LISST.INI file in the temporary install
directory. In the new LISST.INI file there will be two instrument specific sections labeled
[LISST1004] and [LISST1005] these sections will need to be replaced with the correct calibration
values for each instrument. Each instrument will have its own section with a heading that is
[LISSTxxxx] where xxxx is replace with the serial number of the instrument. The previous version
LISSTV3.INI will have a section labeled [Instrument1]. This section can be copied from the old
LISST.INI file for each instrument and placed into the new LISST.INI file. Save the changes to the
new LISST.INI file. During the setup of the software this file will be copied to the Windows folder.
The existing LISST.INI file will be renamed LISST.old.
Step 5) Run Setup465.EXE and configure software: Run the Setup465.exe program from the
floppy drive. From the Start menu select Run and enter A:/Setup465.exe. A Welcome screen will
appear. Choose Next to continue to the Destination Directory screen. The default directory is
C:\Program Files\Sequoia\LISST100. Use the Browse button to choose a different directory. Once a
directory is chosen press Next. Press Next again to start the install process. When it is completed
press OK to finish and exit the setup program.
From the Start menu navigate to Programs then Sequoia Scientific then LISST100. If a desktop icon
is desired, right click on LISST and choose “Send To” and then “Desktop as icon”. This will create
an icon on the desktop for later use.
Note: The “Start In” directory must be the same as the LISST.EXE program. Start the program by
double clicking on the icon or choosing LISST from the Start menu. From the File menu choose
Settings. Select the File Locations tab. The directory shown should be the same as the installation
directory. If it is not, use the Browse button to navigate to the correct directory. The default directory
is C:\Program Files\Sequoia\LISST100.
Step 6) Configure and Install Base program (for original LISST-100 instruments only): The
LISST-100X no longer uses a Base Program. The following description is for older style LISST-100
instrument that do require a Base Program.
The Base program is a combination of all of the previous TTB programs. The LISST-SOP program
is used to choose the desired settings that are then used to command the Base program. Before
loading this program on to each LISST instrument we must first configure it with the correct serial
number and memory size.
Open the LISST1004.TTB program with any text editor such as Notepad. Change the serial number
to match your instrument serial number at Line 1815. If the instrument is configured with a 2MB
memory upgrade you will also need to change Lines 10010 and 13620. At these lines there are two
lines of code. One line has REM in front of it. To switch lines move the REM from one to the other.
Save the file as LISSTxxxx.TTB where xxxx is the serial number of the instrument. This step should
be repeated for each instrument.
LISST – 100X User’s Guide 80
Note: Some instruments may have custom features such as the options Conductivity and Temperature
sensor. These instruments will require a custom Base program that has been modified to work with
the instrument. Contact Sequoia Scientific for more details at info@SequoiaSci.com.
After changing the serial number, this program can then be loaded into the instrument. Before
installing the program into the instrument using the new LISST software, connect the
communications cable and establish a connection using the new Terminal window of the LISST
software. To open the terminal window choose Terminal Window from the Communications menu.
Make sure that no programs are running, the OK> prompt is displayed. The clear any resident
program by issuing a NEW command.
To install the new base program from the LISST-SOP program select the Send Program option from
the LISST menu. A file selection dialog box should be displayed. Choose the program that is to be
loaded on to the instrument and select OK. A transfer status display will appear as the program is
loaded. To confirm the loading, issue a LIST command from the Terminal Window.
The software and instrument are now ready to use.
The BioBlock Anti-Biofouling Shutter system is a bolt-on option that is available for the LISST-25X, LISST-
100, and LISST-100X. Copper disks are placed very near the optical widows. The copper discourages any
biology from growing on the optical windows. The BioBlock is self-contained with its own battery pack. It
uses a 5V logic signal from the dedicated BioBlock connector on the LISST-100X connector endcap. This
appendix is separated into three parts. The first section covers the installation of the BioBlock onto the LISST-
100X. The second section discusses configuring the firmware in the instrument to recognize the BioBlock and
use it during data collection. The third section
discusses general maintenance such as cleaning and
battery replacement.
Input options:
0 = BioBlock is not connected.
1 = BioBlock is connected.
10 = BioBlock is connected and issues a command to close the BioBlock.
11 = BioBlock is connected and issues a command to open the BioBlock.
As shown in the shown in the table above the BB command has multiple input options. In addition to telling
the firmware that the BioBlock is connected, the command can also be used for testing the operation of the
BioBlock. For example, issuing a BB 10 command will enable the connection and send the command to close
the BioBlock. A BB 11 command will also enable the connection and send an open command.
During normal sampling the BioBlock will be commanded to open before each sample is collected. After the
sample is recorded the time until the next sample is computed. If the time remaining is less than 30 seconds
the BioBlock will remain open. If the time is greater than 30 seconds the BioBlock will close and then reopen
two seconds before the next sample.
When using the Real Time mode of the LISST-SOP software, the BioBlock will not be commanded to open at
the beginning of sampling. Therefore it must be manually opened using the BB 11 command.
To issue the BB command, open the Terminal window on the standard LISST-SOP Windows software. At the
L100X:>> prompt type BB followed by the input option. Pressing Enter will set the BioBlock connection and
issue any open or close commands. If a Display Status (DS) command is now issued the listing of the
instrument status will now include a message that the BioBlock is now connected.
The BioBlock uses two standard alkaline D batteries for power. The electronics inside the BioBlock includes a
battery monitor. If the voltage of the battery is too low a signal will be sent to the LISST-100X. If LISST-
100X sees that the BioBlock battery is low it will command the BioBlock to remain open. By monitoring the
battery, the BioBlock can be left in the open position before the battery voltage is too low.
Step 1) Disconnect the cable attaching the BioBlock to the LISST-100X at the BioBlock. The BioBlock can
remain connected to the LISST-100X if desired.
Step 2) Remove the three screws holding the connector endcap to the main body of the BioBlock. These
screws are 4-40UNC socket head cap screws that are 5/8 inches long.
Step 3) Carefully remove the endcap from the main body by gently pulling on the endcap with a slight twisting
motion. Be careful not to pull the assembly out too far. Wires connect this endcap to the internal circuitry
and therefore the travel is limited.
Step 4) The two batteries are held in place by a battery mount attached to the connector endcap. Remove the
batteries and replace with fresh alkaline batteries. If desired wrap each battery with electrical tape to keep it in
place during installation. Please note that the battery mount is flexible and when inserted in to the housing the
squeeze on the batteries will increase to insure a good connection. Make sure that the tape does not impede the
batteries from sliding and making good contact.
Step 5) Check the O-ring on the connector endcap. The surface should be clean and free of cuts. If needed,
add a very light coating of O-ring grease to make assembly easier. The O-ring is a Parker O-ring #2-133.
Step 6) Carefully slide the battery assembly into the housing. It should be possible to rotate the assembly after
installation to line up the screw holes.
Step 7) Install the three screws holding the endcap in place. Tighten the screws to just slightly tighter than
finger tight. The sealing of the endcap is *NOT* dependent on the tightness of the screws. Since the
metal screws are threaded into plastic it is easy to over tighten the screws and strip the threads in the housing.
Do not over tighten the screws.
Step 8) Reattach the cable to the LISST-100X and test the operation using the BB 11 and BB 10 commands.
The commands can be issues through the Terminal window of the LISST-SOP software.
A: We'll be happy to look at your data and help you figure out what is going on. We ALWAYS need the
following from you:
1) The raw data (the file(s) with either a .DAT or a .LOG extension).
2) The zscat file you used for processing your data.
3) The serial number of the instrument you are using.
If you are returning data from more than one instrument, please send them in separate emails, with data from
only one instrument in each email, and the subject line clearly indicating instrument type and serial number.
Email the data to your local Sequoia distributor, together with a detailed explanation of what you were doing
and how the data were collected. If you purchased the instrument directly from Sequoia, email the data to
PLEASE NOTE: We cannot use the .psd or .asc files produced by the LISST-SOP for
troubleshooting – do not include these in your email. We can only help you if you supply the
information listed in 1-3 above.
A: In addition to checking the cable, power and serial port settings, make sure that the instrument is not
running. Open up the terminal window and confirm that no program is running. If a program is running, stop it
by clikcing the stop button, close the terminal window and try to query the instrument again.
2) Do not use a netbook for connecting to a LISST-100X. It will generally not work. If you are using
a netbook, switch to a desktop, a laptop, or a notebook computer (in that preferred order) running the
Note for DELL users: It is known that some DELL computers have an error in their BIOS that
makes it difficult to connect to the serial port, either directly if it exists or via a USB-serial adapter if
no serial port exists. If you are using a DELL computer, check on DELL’s website (www.dell.com)
if a BIOS upgrade is available for your particular model. If an upgrade is available, download and
3) If possible, connect directly to an actual serial port (i.e. do not use a USB-Serial adapter unless
absolutely necessary) and check if this makes a difference.
4) Close the LISST-SOP and open up the MOTOCROSS program. This program is located in the
LISST100 directory on your computer (motocross.exe). Be sure that the selected communication port
is correct and that its settings are correct.
5) Check the connectivity of the communication cable. You will need 2 paperclips and a voltmeter.
You also need to consult the connector diagram for the 5-pin connector, both the male bulkhead
connector and the cable end (see Appendix C). Make sure that the cable is connected to the serial port
of the PC and proceed as follows:
- Check the voltage between pins 1 and 2 on the communication cable. You may need the paperclips
to extend the measuring pins of the voltmeter to make a proper contact inside the cable. The voltage
should read 12 V. If it does not, the cable may be defect.
- Short the female pins 4 and 5 on the communication cable using one or both paperclips. Type some
characters into MOTOCROSS. They should appear on the screen. If they do not, the cable may be
-Measure the voltage between pins 3 and 4 of the male bulkhead 5-pin connector on the LISST-100X.
The voltage will be 0 most of the time, and should spike to between -5 to -9V every 2 minutes for
about 2 seconds. It can be challenging to maintain contact for 2 minutes, so take care to ensure
constant contact, and then watch the voltmeter continuously.
6) Remove the end cap, and disconnect the main battery. Measure the battery voltage on the main
battery. It should be above 6V and close to 9V for a new battery. If it is below 6V replace the battery
and try again.
7) Locate the test point TP2 (minus) and P12 (plus) on the connector endcap board. Measure the
voltage between the 2 test points. This voltage should be the same as for the battery.
8) Locate the right hand side of D2 and measure the voltage between the right side of D2 and TP2.
Voltage must be present.
Q: When I try to program the instrument I get this error (note: [Instrument1335] will change depending on the
serial number of your instrument):
This Statement of Limited, Extended Warranty applies to the products ("Products") being purchased by
("Customer") from Sequoia Scientific, Inc. ("SEQUOIA") pursuant to PO
(the "Order"). The Products include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
1. Limited Warranty
SEQUOIA warrants that upon delivery by SEQUOIA (a) the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship, (b) the
Products will perform substantially in accordance with SEQUOIA's applicable specifications, and (c) any Products (or components or
parts thereof) that are manufactured by SEQUOIA do not infringe any U.S. patent or copyright.
2. Correction of Non-Compliance
If any Product does not comply with the warranties set forth in 1(a) and 1(b) above, SEQUOIA will, at its option, either (a) repair the
Product, (b) replace the Product, or (c) refund the purchase price paid by Customer to SEQUOIA for the Product; provided that
Customer gives SEQUOIA written notice of the noncompliance within one (1) year after SEQUOIA's delivery of the Product (as the
same may be extended for repaired or replacement Products as provided for herein, the "Warranty Period"). If Customer does not give
SEQUOIA such written notice within the Warranty Period, then such warranties will be satisfied in full. Customer will cooperate with
SEQUOIA's efforts to repair or replace any noncomplying Product. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Customer will
comply with SEQUOIA's request for return of any such Product to SEQUOIA (in which event SEQUOIA will pay for round-trip
shipment within the United States) or for access to accomplish the repair or replacement on Customer's premises. As to any Product
repaired or replaced by SEQUOIA, the Warranty Period will end upon the later of one (1) year after SEQUOIA's delivery of the
original Product or 90 days after SEQUOIA's delivery of the repaired or replacement Product. Any Product, component, part or other
item replaced by SEQUOIA becomes the property of SEQUOIA.
3. Infringement Indemnification
If any Product does not comply with the warranty set forth in 1(c) above, SEQUOIA will defend and indemnify Customer against any
third-party claim asserted in any proceeding against Customer based on this noncompliance; provided that Customer gives SEQUOIA
prompt written notice of the claim, SEQUOIA has exclusive control over the defense and settlement of the claim, Customer provides
such assistance as SEQUOIA may request in connection with the defense and settlement of the claim (in which event SEQUOIA will
reimburse the reasonable out-of-pocket costs incurred by Customer to provide such assistance), Customer does not settle the claim
without the prior written consent of SEQUOIA and, upon SEQUOIA's request, Customer returns the Non-Complying Product to
SEQUOIA for modification, replacement or a refund of the purchase price paid by Customer to SEQUOIA for the Non-Complying
Product, less a reasonable allowance for Customer's use prior to return.
4. Exclusive Warranties
5. Exclusive Remedies
6. No Consequential Damages
SEQUOIA will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, any cover, or any loss of revenue, profit,
data or use.
7. Limitations of Liability
8. Statute of Limitations
Customer will not commence any action based on breach of warranty with respect to any Product more than 18 months after
SEQUOIA's delivery of such Product.
9. Software
The Products may include or be delivered with certain computer programs, databases or other software that is proprietary to SEQUOIA.
SEQUOIA hereby grants Customer a nonexclusive license to use such software solely for the purpose of operating Products. Customer
will not: use any such software for any other purpose; modify, adapt, translate, or create derivative works based on any such software;
or disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer any such software. No title to or ownership of any software or intellectual property
rights are transferred to Customer.
All software, data, technical information, and written materials provided by SEQUOIA are provided with restricted rights. Use,
duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical
Data and Computer Software clause at 48 C.F.R. § 252.227-7013 or in subparagraph (c)(2) of the Commercial Computer Software-
Restricted Rights clause at 48 C.F.R. § 52.227-19, as applicable. Portions of these items may be unpublished. SEQUOIA reserves all
rights under applicable copyright laws.
In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between any provision of this Statement of Limited Warranty and any other provision of
the Order, the provision of this Statement of Limited Warranty will control.
This Statement of Limited Warranty will be governed by the laws of the State of Washington without reference to its rules relating to
choice of law, except to the extent preempted by the laws of the United States. The U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International
Sale of Goods will not apply.
By:_____________________________________ By:_____________________________________
Title:____________________________________ Title:____________________________________