EE606701 HET Class test 5
EE606701 HET Class test 5
EE606701 HET Class test 5
A rural community is located in a hilly area with access to a small river. The population
relies on wood and kerosene for energy, which causes deforestation and health hazards. To
address the energy challenge, the community plans to implement a hybrid Micro-Hydel-PV
power system to provide sustainable and clean electricity.
The local climate receives a fair amount of sunlight year-round, and the river’s flow is
consistent throughout the year. The idea is to combine a micro-hydropower system with solar
PV panels to meet the community’s energy needs. The installed micro-hydropower system
generates 20 kW of power, while the PV panels provide an additional 15 kW during peak sun
1. What are the key factors that make a hybrid Micro-Hydel-PV power system suitable for this
rural community?
The hybrid Micro-Hydel-PV system is suitable for this rural community due to the following
1. Geographic Features: The community is located in a hilly area with access to a river,
which is ideal for micro-hydropower.
2. Climate Conditions: The region receives ample sunlight throughout the year, making
solar PV a viable supplementary energy source.
3. Sustainability: This system reduces dependence on wood and kerosene, leading to less
deforestation and better health conditions by providing clean energy.
4. Reliability: The combination of micro-hydel and solar PV ensures a continuous supply
of electricity, as hydropower can be generated day and night, while solar PV
supplements energy during the day.
5. Energy Independence: The system provides energy autonomy for the community
without relying on fossil fuels or external energy suppliers.
2. What challenges might arise during the implementation of the Micro-Hydel-PV system in
this rural community?
1. Initial Costs: The upfront cost of installing both micro-hydropower and solar PV
systems can be high, potentially requiring external funding or subsidies.
2. Technical Expertise: The community may lack local technical expertise to install,
maintain, and repair the hybrid system, requiring external support or training.
3. Seasonal Variability: Although the river flow is consistent, extreme seasonal
variations (e.g., drought or flood) could affect hydropower output, while cloud cover or
rainy seasons may reduce solar PV efficiency.
4. Grid Integration: If the community intends to connect the hybrid system to a national
or regional grid, technical challenges related to synchronization and grid compatibility
may arise.
3. Explain how the hybrid nature of the Micro-Hydel-PV system improves reliability compared
to a single-source system.
The hybrid nature improves reliability by ensuring continuous power supply. When one source
is unavailable or underperforming, the other can compensate:
4. What environmental benefits can the community expect from switching to a Micro-Hydel-
PV power system?
5. What social and economic benefits might the community experience from the hybrid power
1. Improved Quality of Life: With reliable electricity, households can have better
lighting, access to communication (TV, radio, internet), and can power appliances that
improve daily life.
2. Economic Opportunities: Electricity enables the establishment of small businesses
(e.g., mills, refrigeration, shops), which can create local jobs and improve economic
3. Education and Health: Schools can operate better with electric lighting and
equipment, and health clinics can use medical devices and refrigeration for vaccines,
improving healthcare services.
4. Cost Savings: Over time, the community will spend less on energy sources like
kerosene or diesel, reducing household energy costs and increasing disposable income.