Lecture 6
Lecture 6
Lecture 6
Lecture 6
Displacement and position
Displacement sensors are basically used for the measurement of movement of an
object. Position sensors are employed to determine the position of an object in
relation to some reference point.
Proximity sensors are a type of position sensor and are used to trace when an object
has moved with in particular critical distance of a transducer.
Displacement sensors
1. Potentiometer Sensors
Resistance strain gauge follows the principle of change in resistance as per the equation
2.2.5. It comprises of a pattern of resistive foil arranged as shown in Figure 3. These foils
are made of Constantan alloy (copper-nickel 55-45% alloy) and are bonded to a backing
material plastic (ployimide), epoxy or glass fiber reinforced epoxy. The strain gauges are
secured to the workpiece by using epoxy or Cyanoacrylate cement Eastman 910 SL. As the
workpiece undergoes change in its
shape due to external loading, the resistance of strain gauge element changes. This change
in resistance can be detected by a using a Wheatstone’s resistance bridge as shown in
Figure 2.2.4. In the balanced bridge we can have a relation,
R2/ R1 = Rx / R3 (2.2.6)
where Rx is resistance of strain gauge element, R2 is balancing/adjustable resistor, R1 and R3
are known constant value resistors. The measured deformation or displacement by the stain
gauge is calibrated against change in resistance of adjustable resistor R2 which makes the
voltage across nodes A and B equal to zero.
Strain gauges are primarily used as sensors for machine tools and safety in automotives. In
particular, they are employed for force measurement in machine tools, hydraulic or pneumatic
press and as impact sensors in aerospace vehicles.
3. Capacitive element based sensor
Capacitive sensor is of non-contact type sensor and is primarily used to measure the linear
displacements from few millimeters to hundreds of millimeters. It comprises of three plates,
with the upper pair forming one capacitor and the lower pair another. The linear displacement
might take in two forms:
a. one of the plates is moved by the displacement so that the plate separation changes
b. area of overlap changes due to the displacement.
Figure 5 shows the schematic of three-plate capacitive element sensor and displacement
measurement of a mechanical element connected to the plate 2.
Due to an alternating voltage input to the primary coil, alternating electromagnetic forces (emfs)
are generated in secondary coils. When the magnetic core is centrally placed with its half portion in
each of the secondary coil regions then the resultant voltage is zero. If the core is displaced from
the central position as shown in Figure 7, say, more in secondary coil 1 than in coil 2, then more
emf is generated in one coil i.e. coil 1 than the other, and there is a resultant voltage from the coils.
If the magnetic core is further displaced, then the value of resultant voltage increases in proportion
with the displacement. With the help of signal processing devices such as low pass filters and
demodulators, precise displacement can be measured by using LVDT sensors.
LVDT exhibits good repeatability and reproducibility. It is generally used as an absolute
position sensor. Since there is no contact or sliding between the constituent elements of the
sensor, it is highly reliable. These sensors are completely sealed and are widely used in
Servomechanisms, automated
measurement in machine tools.
A rotary variable differential transformer (RVDT) can be used for the measurement of rotation.
Readers are suggested to prepare a report on principle of working and construction of RVDT
Applications of LVDT sensors
• Measurement of spool position in a wide range of servo valve applications • To provide
displacement feedback for hydraulic cylinders • To control weight and thickness of medicinal
products viz. tablets or pills
• For automatic inspection of final dimensions of products being packed for dispatch
• To measure distance between the approaching metals during Friction welding process
• To continuously monitor fluid level as part of leak detection system
• To detect the number of currency bills dispensed by an ATM
1. Explain the principle of working of LVDT.
2. Describe the working of RVDT with a neat sketch.
3. List the applications of potentiometer sensor in/around your home and
1. Boltan, W., Mechatronics: electronic control systems in mechanical and
electrical engineering, Longman, Singapore, 1999.