Gearbox AllTerrainVehicles
Gearbox AllTerrainVehicles
Gearbox AllTerrainVehicles
Design and Analysis of Two Stage Reduction Gearbox for All Terrain Vehicles
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4 authors, including:
Karikalan Loganathan
Vels University
All content following this page was uploaded by Karikalan Loganathan on 28 September 2018.
Design and Analysis of Two Stage Reduction Gearbox for All Terrain Vehicles
L.Karikalan1, K.Mathan2, K.Devanand3, S.Vijay4
Department of Automobile Engineering, VISTAS, Chennai, India
Abstract — The main purpose of this assignment is to provide a gear box with Low reduction ratio, low weight and
efficient for engine up to 500cc. It should also be used in “All Terrain” vehicles demonstrated in BAJA FMAE INDIA,
BAJA STUDENT INDIA. The assignment starts with study on gearbox, theoretical calculations, model designing on Solid
works 2013, analysis, verification, manufacturing, assembly, testing, modification and at last final testing of gearbox.
Keywords-Reduction Gearbox, spur gears, Designing, Analysis
It is true that switching over to gear train reduction from a chain improves the gearbox efficiency. It is
recognized that a gear reduction will increase the weight of the vehicle but we would like the weight to be minimized so
that the drive train weight does not increase the weight of the vehicle by more than 10% of the weight of the previous
vehicle. The gearbox manufacturing will result into quick availability to the students participating in various national
events for which they require similar type of gearbox as well cost has been reduced drastically so it will be efficient for
the students. This gearbox will also help in longer, smoother and efficient working of the machine of all-terrain vehicles
that has been connected with the manufactured gearbox unit. This will also help in easier mounting with quick assembly
and disassembly of the gearbox to the vehicle.
Available gearbox in the market has higher weight. Also these gearboxes are not compact; they are bulky which
is unsuitable for all terrain vehicles. Conventional gearbox also is not suitable with reduction ratio compatibility with
engines for ATV. The conventional gearboxes are not equipped with suitable torque. For optimal integration of the
reduction box to each system and the vehicle there is a minimum distance of six inches and maximum distance of eight
inches between the centerlines of each shaft.
Aditya et al studied the position of the center of gravity in any vehicle affects the dynamic performance like the
maximum tilting angle and maximum acceleration. These dynamic parameters are independent of the engine
performance and specifications and depend only upon the constructional details of the vehicle. Chetan et al experimented
and calculated on the power and braking requirements. On the basis of these requirements and results, a detailed market
study was carried out and suitable materials, components and parts were selected. All these components were installed,
mounted on the roll cage of the ATV thus completing the fabrication process of the vehicle. In this project we are going
to manufacture a two stage reduction gearbox.
2.1. Detailed study of gearbox: By studying the gearbox theoretically the various parameters related to the gearbox such
as types in gearbox, single stage, multistage gearboxes etc. can be understood.
2.2. Theoretical calculations: After the detailed study of the gearbox, the calculation of the gearbox will be
done by considering various parameters. Reduction ratio is decided according to the comfortable engine provided by
considering the FMAEBAJA INDIA event. After the reduction ratio was finalized the diameters of the gears, pinions
shaft can be fixed and then the selecting the bearing type as well as sizes for the proper functioning of the gearbox.
According to the reduction decided we calculated the teeth for the gears and pinions, also calculated the dimensions for
shafts and keys. Finally after all the above calculations it is decided with the calculations for the casing of the gearbox.
2.3. Model designing: Once the calculations of the gearbox finalized, start the designing of the gearbox
virtually on the software such as Solid works 2013 by considering the calculated parameters of the gearbox. Designing of
Solid works 2013 helped with the proper visualization of the gearbox and its orientation accurately. A 3D model was
been formed and it was very easy to detect problems and solve them as compared with the theoretical calculations. With
the help of Solid works 2013software we were able to assemble the gearbox virtually and also it helped in deciding the
tolerances for the bearings and keys selected. The drafting of the gearbox helps for easy understanding of the gearbox
with the dimensions and model. The drafting converts the 3D model to 2d drawings with the dimensions provided.
2.4. Analysis: The 3D model was formed using Solid works 2013 to check whether the calculations design is
correct or incorrect, therefore for the analysis of the gearbox model designed. After doing much iteration and up
gradation and using various steps such as shape optimization factor in ansys, reduced the ample amount of weight
considering gearboxes available in the market. Shape optimization factor helped in removing the material from the
designed part without affecting the safety factor in the design.
2.5. Verification: Results and design of our project with various analysis software like solidworks 2013 and
ansys 14.2.
@IJAERD-2018, All rights Reserved 357
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 5, Issue 03, March-2018, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406
The first step in the gearbox design process is to select the material. A material is to be selected by doing
intensive research on the properties of the various materials. A material is to be selected keeping in mind the various
parameters like strength weight durability cost and other parameters for the sake of designing gearbox 18CrNiMo case-
carburized steel is selected as gear material due to its better mechanical properties.
45C8 carbon steel is selected as shaft material due to its better mechanical properties.
CVT ratio=3-[𝟐.𝟓(𝒓𝒑𝒎−𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟎)𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟎]
Power=Torque*angular velocity
P=T*ω=7.5*1000=35*ω ω=214.285=2*𝝅*N/60
Hence N=2047.3 rpm.
The volume of the all gears and shafts calculated with the classical method is 99.3788, while the optimal design
solution offers a smaller volume, equal to 68.069 i.e. a 31.503% reduction.
The product design requires the dimensions and their characteristics of different size. Market requirements stipulated that
the product needed to be with different size that can fit the circumstances and conditions where it will be used, therefore
required product to be with different size that can meet the market demand. Therefore it is essential to create members of
family of same products but with different dimensions and characteristics. Usage of computer in the design of these
members as well as, usage of computer in creation of construction of a member of family has considerable effect in
shortening the time of product and cost and in increase efficiency and quality of product.
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