(eBook PDF) Video Basics 8th Edition by Herbert Zettl 2024 Scribd Download
(eBook PDF) Video Basics 8th Edition by Herbert Zettl 2024 Scribd Download
(eBook PDF) Video Basics 8th Edition by Herbert Zettl 2024 Scribd Download
(eBook PDF) Translational Medicine in CNS Drug
Development, Volume 29
Brief Contents
Part III Image Creation: Sound, Light, Graphics, and Effects 131
Chapter 7 Audio and Sound Control 132
Preface xviii
Digital Cinema and Video 14
Studio and Field Production 14
viii CO N T E N T S
Analog and Digital Signals 47
Digital System 47
Compression and Codecs 47
Downloading and Streaming 48
CO N T E N T S ix
Large Camcorders 66
Small Camcorders 67
Smartphones 68
ENG/EFP Cameras 69
Studio Cameras 70
DSLR Cameras 73
Digital Cinema Cameras 74
3D Camcorders 75
Focusing 96
Shutter Speed 99
Zooming 99
White-Balancing 100
PART III Image Creation: Sound, Light, Graphics, and Effects 131
How Well Mics Hear: Sound Pickup 135
How Mics Are Made 136
How Mics Are Used 138
Attached Shadows 174
Cast Shadows 176
Falloff 176
Additive and Subtractive Color Mixing 177
Color Television Receiver and Generated Colors 178
Color Temperature and White-Balancing 178
Texture and Detail 355
Color 356
Technical Requirements 357
Materials 358
xvi CO N T E N T S
Epilogue 394
Glossary 395
Index 409
About the Author
H erbert Zettl is a professor emeritus of the Broadcast and Electronic Commu-
nication Arts Department at San Francisco State University (SFSU). He taught
there for many years in the fields of video production and media aesthetics. While
at SFSU he headed the Institute of International Media Communication. For his
academic contributions, he received the California State Legislature Distinguished
Teaching Award and, from the Broadcast Education Association, the Distinguished
Education Service Award.
Prior to joining the SFSU faculty, Zettl worked at KOVR (Stockton-Sacramento)
and as a producer-director at KPIX, the CBS affiliate in San Francisco. While at
Edward Aiona
KPIX he participated in a variety of CBS and NBC network television productions.
Because of his outstanding contributions to the television profession, he received an
Emmy for the prestigious Governors’ Award of the National Academy of Television
Arts and Sciences (NATAS), Northern California Chapter, the highest honor the
organization can give. He is also a member of the Broadcast Legends of the NATAS
Northern California Chapter.
In addition to this book, Zettl has authored Television Production Handbook,
Television Production Workbook, and Sight Sound Motion. All of his books have
been translated into several languages and published internationally. His numerous
articles on television production and media aesthetics have appeared in major media
journals worldwide. He has lectured extensively on television production and media
aesthetics at universities and professional broadcast institutions in the United States
and abroad and has presented key papers at a variety of national and international
communication conventions.
Zettl developed an interactive DVD-ROM, Zettl’s VideoLab 4.0, published by
Cengage Learning. His previous CD-ROM version won several prestigious awards.
F O R T H E S T U D E N T / R E A D E R
P R E FA C E xix
may be on the editing of single-camera footage, the principle of good and bad cuts
can be demonstrated most effectively by switching with a multicamera setup. A jump
cut, for example, can be demonstrated much more easily and effectively by switching
from one camera to another than by hunting for one in your video archives.
A real, however temporary, problem might be that technology is sometimes
outrunning a common terminology for its use. For example, some directors may still
call for a VR roll to retrieve a news package from a server, even though there is nothing
to roll, whereas others may call for specific server and cut numbers. But this time of
transition should not prevent you from using and teaching a traditional terminology,
even if there are variants from one region or station to another.
The following Video Basics 8 highlights might be helpful even if you have used
a previous edition.
Chapter Grouping
To cover the broad spectrum of video production, this book is divided into six parts:
◾◾ Production: Processes and People
◾◾ Image Creation: Digital Video and Camera
◾◾ Image Creation: Sound, Light, Graphics, and Effects
◾◾ Image Control: Switching, Recording, and Editing
◾◾ Production Environment: Studio, Field, and Synthetic
◾◾ Production Control: Talent and Directing
As you can see, the book describes how to move from an initial idea to an
effective screen event regardless of whether you are doing a wedding video, a docu-
mentary, or large-screen digital cinema. It discusses the people normally involved in
the production process, the major tools of video production, and how to use them
to get the intended job done effectively and on time.
Key Terms
Each chapter’s key terms appear at the beginning of the chapter, in the context of the
text, and again in the extensive glossary. They are intended to prepare you for the
chapter’s terminology and serve as a quick reference as needed. The key terms are also
identified in bold italic in the chapter text in the context in which they are defined.
You should make an effort to read the key terms before moving to the actual
chapter text. There is no need to memorize them at this point—they merely serve as
xx P R E FAC E
the first part of the pedagogical principle of redundancy. Hopefully, they will trigger
an aha! response when you encounter them again in context.
Key Concepts
The key concept margin notes emphasize each chapter’s principal ideas and issues
and are intended primarily as a memory aid. Once you learn a key concept, it should
be easier to retrieve the rest of the related information.
Main Points
These summaries recap the chapter’s most important points and key concepts. They
do not represent a true précis—a precise and accurate abridgment of the chapter
content—but are intended as a final reinforcement of the essential points. Beware
of thinking that all you need to do is read the summaries. They are no substitute for
the in-depth chapter content.
The following information is directed primarily to instructors who are already
familiar with previous editions of Video Basics.
Video Basics 8 offers a wealth of support materials for both instructors and students.
These thoroughly class-tested and highly praised print and electronic supplements
are available to assist you in making the learning—and the teaching—experience as
meaningful, enjoyable, and successful as possible.
P R E FA C E xxi
For Students
As a student you can reinforce the text with MindTap for Video Basics 8.
MindTap for Video Basics 8 This customizable digital learning solution combines
readings, multimedia, activities, and assessments into a singular learning path, guiding
students through the course, maximizing their study time, and helping them master
course concepts. MindTap for Video Basics 8 includes chapter engagement activi-
ties, an interactive e-book, homework assignments (adapted from the Video Basics
Workbook), chapter quizzes, and flashcards. New to MindTap is Zettl’s VideoLab 4.0.
These interactive videos allow you to manipulate production equipment in a virtual
studio or field environment and apply various production techniques from the text.
For example, you can mix audio, frame shots, zoom in and out, create your own light-
ing effects, and have plenty of opportunity for editing. (Zettl’s VideoLab 4.0 is also
available on DVD-ROM.) To learn more, ask your Cengage Learning representative
about MindTap or visit www.cengage.com/mindtap.
For Instructors
To help you with class preparation and classroom activities, several assessments and
additional teaching aids are available. If they don’t fit your teaching style or environ-
ment, however, you should in no way feel obliged to use them.
Zettl’s VideoLab 4.0 Even if you lecture or conduct your lab activities in a studio,
you may find it convenient, at least initially, to demonstrate some of the production
techniques by first showing the class examples from Zettl’s VideoLab 4.0, included with
MindTap for Video Basics 8. Such a primer seems to facilitate the use of equipment
in an actual production or lab situation. Zettl’s VideoLab 4.0 now features Advanced
Labs—challenging exercises designed to improve students’ ability with the equipment
and concepts introduced in the regular modules. (These tutorials are also available
on DVD-ROM.) Ask your Cengage Learning representative for more information.
Instructor’s Manual The Instructor’s Manual for Video Basics 8 includes chapter
notes with teaching suggestions and activities, multiple-choice questions, essay/discus-
sion questions, and additional teaching resources. Note that for the multiple-choice
questions, the correct answer is indicated by a symbol and the page number where
the specific problem is first discussed in the text.
As with the previous edition, I am indebted to Cengage Learning, specifically Product
Manager Kelli Strieby and Associate Content Developer Rachel Schowalter for their
support in preparing the eighth edition of Video Basics.
This is the eighth time of my searching for a term that goes beyond a mere
thank-you to Gary Palmatier of Ideas to Images and his gifted team of professionals
who helped create the handsome book you are reading right now; but then I decided
that a simple yet sincere thank-you is still the best way to show my appreciation and
gratitude to Gary for his clean and handsome design, to Elizabeth von Radics for
her exceptionally diligent and knowledgeable copy editing, to Ed Aiona for his truly
professional photography, and to Ranjith Rajaram for his photo research.
I would also like to thank the reviewers of the previous edition, all of whom
made valuable suggestions: Matthew Crick, William Paterson University; Gene
Ganssle, Arizona State University; Jim Gleason, Delta College; Jordan Jannone,
Mt. Sierra College; Marsha Matthews, University of Texas at Tyler; J. Patrick McGrail,
Jacksonville State University; Max Negin, Elon University; Brian Roessler, Coastal
Carolina University; Peggy Southerland, Regent University; and Thelma Vickroy,
California State University, Northridge.
My former colleagues in broadcast education and the industry were, once again,
ready to help: Professors Marty Gonzales, Hamid Khani, and Vinay Shrivastava of the
Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts Department at San Francisco State
University; Rudolf Benzler, TV match specialist, UEFA Champions League; and Don
Thompson, manager of engineering operations, KTVU, Fox 2.
Very special thanks go to Steve Shlisky, producer/editor at KTVU and media
professor at Laney College; Television Engineer Michele French, Broadcast and
Electronic Communication Arts Department at San Francisco State University; and
David McKenna, postproduction manager and audio engineering instructor at the
University of California, Los Angeles, for their continuous and prompt help in mak-
ing this book as accurate and current as possible.
I am again greatly indebted to the many volunteers who modeled for and
helped stage the many photos in the current and recent editions of Video Basics:
Socoro Aguilar-Uriarte, Noah Aiona, Karen Austin, Ken Baird, Hoda Baydoun, Clara
Benjamin, Rudolf Benzler, Tiemo Biemüller, Gabriella Bolton, Michael Cage, William
Carpenter, NeeLa Chakravartula, Andrew Child, Laura Child, Renee Child, Christine
Cornish, Ed Cosci, Jason Domingo, Jeovany Flores, David Galvez, David Garcia, Eric
Goldstein, Tumone Harris, Sherae Honeycutt, Poleng Hong, Chin Yu Hsu, Michael
Huston, Lauren Jones, Akiko Kajiwara, Hamid Khani, Philip Kipper, Andrew Lopez,
Fawn Luu, Orcun Malkoclar, Brittney McCahill, Joseph Mengali, Renée Mengali,
Jasmine Mola, Johnny Moreno, Anita Morgan, Morgan Mureno, Tomoko Nakayama,
Tamara Perkins, Richard Piscitello, Ildiko Polony, Adriana Quintero, Robaire Ream,
P R E FA C E xxiii
Kerstin Riediger, Joaquin Ross, Maya Ross, Algie Salmon-Fattahian, Eric Sanchagrin,
Heather Schiffman, Alisa Shahonian, Pria Shih, Vinay Shrivastava, Jennifer Stanonis,
Mathias Stering, Heather Suzuki, Julie Tepper, Takako Thorstadt, Jeremy Valencia,
Jason Villaroman, Mike Vista, Andrew Wright, and Arthur Yee.
My wife, Erika, again gets a big hug for keeping me focused on the writing of
this edition of Video Basics.
Herbert Zettl
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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Miles
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and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no
restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it
under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this
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Language: English
Miles Lawson;
Pass through that deep stone porch, and you enter the farm
kitchen, a long room, whose low, raftered ceiling is made
lower still by the rack which is stretched across it, on which
rest flitches of smoked bacon, and a large assortment of
dried herbs and simples; for Mrs. Lawson is famed through
the dales for her herb teas and febrifuges. She is known,
too, for better things than these; for the perfume of her
humble piety spreads like an atmosphere around her,
though her daily cup has long been seasoned with the bitter
herbs of affliction. She does not complain of these
distasteful draughts, but declares that they are the best of
medicines, the very things to strengthen and purify the
soul's health.
"If they were not good for me, I shouldn't have them. My
Saviour knows what a bitter cup is; and he wouldn't hand it
to me unless he saw I wanted it."
They were not of gentle birth; but they have been a race of
sturdy, free-born yeomen, "statesmen" * of the dales,
watching jealously over the integrity of their fell-side acres,
and of their few green meadows beside the stream: and in
every generation since 1562, has there been a young "Miles
Lawson of the Yews" to transmit the memory of him of the
old oak chest.
The said books distend the old leather bag on the shoulders
of the young man who enters, far more than do the few
quaint articles of his slender wardrobe. If this be all he
includes under the portentous name of "luggage," life is a
tolerably simple thing, after all.
"Winter has been here since I saw you, Mrs. Lawson. How
did you bear up under the cold? Has the rheumatism been a
little quieter?" This was spoken in a voice of such singular
sweetness and power, that if one had caught its accents in
the midst of the crush of one of the principal streets of
London, one would have been impelled to look round and
search out the speaker.
"Mat was off to the Scar after the sheep, hours ago," said
"He had better get them to the lower fells before long, I'm
thinking," said his mother, turning towards the window, and
looking at the sky; "there's a snow-storm in yon clouds
above Rowter Fell—though 'tis over late in the season for
"If I read the signs aright," said the schoolmaster, "we shall
have a quiet life hereaway, blocked in by a deep fall of
snow. A fine time for Mat and his learning. Perhaps we shall
get Miles, too, to go over some of the old ground and
refresh his memory. Is Miles at home?"
"He always used to like me to set him off as far as the top
of Green Gap in all weathers," said Alice, mournfully; "but
he thinks I can't keep up with him now, he says, and yet I
can run all the way there and back faster than old Chance."
"No; he will not let him go either, though the dear old fellow
whines after him."
"Nae; 'twas Chance and I. But Chance did it all. I'm sure he
saw the storm coming, he looked so all around, and sniffed,
and began at the sheep before I set him. But there are two
men yon, who want Miles."
"What like are the men?" asked the widow uneasily. "And
what do they want of Miles?"
"Did you bid them in, Mat? I would as lief know who my
son's friends may be."
"They said they would bide without and speak with him
"No. 'Twas only for a talk with him. He wasn't in the Gap,
where he should have met us, for we are naught but
friends: as he wasn't there, we came on. That's all."
"Well!" said the miner, after a pause. "If you can't tell us
anything, we are off again. Come along, Jack."
Mark was still standing under the yew trees, thinking over
this suspicious affair, when he heard a step and a whistle,
and Miles himself appeared, lounging along with his hands
in his pockets. He started, and flushed crimson, when he
recognized the old friend and master who had not only
taught him all that he knew of book-learning in his many
migratory visits, but who had earnestly endeavored to
counteract the faults of his character by instilling good,
sound Bible principles. The younger man's face was a
strikingly fine one as to outline and feature; but there was a
look of uncertainty and hesitation, a wandering, restless
expression about the eye, which gave the impression that
principles were beginning to give way to mere impulses,
healthy feeling to heartless selfishness; a critical moment in
a young man's history.
"Well Miles, dear old fellow, I'm glad you are come home.
There's a storm abroad, and we shall have a rare time for
the books. I have brought a history of England, and a book
about the stars."
Miles held out his hand; but it was not with his old eager
cordiality: no hearty welcome to the old Yews was given or
felt; and after an awkward silence, he turned round and
said in a constrained voice, "I am sorry I shall not be at
home for awhile. I have business that takes me away."
Mark Wilson turned the full power of his piercing eye upon
his face, and was grieved to see that his friend's eye fell
under the searching survey. "I am sorry too, I am sure. I
thought we should have had some capital times of reading
and talk in the long evenings, when the mother has got her
knitting and her Bible, and Mat is learning to write, and
Alice is listening with her eyes as much as her ears. I
confess I am very sorry, Miles, unless you have some object
in hand on which you can ask God's blessing, and your
mother's prayers, just as freely as if you were sitting in your
father's own seat in his own old place."
Mark lifted up his heart in silent prayer and then replied, "I
will just leave this little word with you, my brother, 'If
sinners entice thee, consent thou not.'"
The poor fellow wrung the hand of his old master, while a
rushing tide of feeling rose within him until it left a moisture
even in his softened eyes. Mark pressed his hand in return,
in wise silence; and the two reconciled friends entered the
farm kitchen together. Neither knew that during this painful
conversation, one, feeble in body but strong in faith, had
been earnestly wrestling for a blessing; and that even
young Alice had stolen into the old oak parlor, and slipping
down on her knees, in a dark corner, had offered up the
clear, pure gems of a sister's tears. The mother looked up
through her misty spectacles, and saw, as the young men
crossed the threshold, that the prayer of faith had gained
the victory, at least for this time.
"Mother, we'll have a regular jolly evening, as Mark is come.
He shall not say a word about his old books; we're going to
have a holiday. Where's Alice? Alice give us your best
riddle-cakes, and Mat shall bring out some of his whitest
honey. Let us have some broiled ham, too; and then we'll
crack * to heart's content."
"Oh, they are very well; the sons are fine likely lads, and
Bella is a clever winsome girl. They have got a deal of
learning, out of my mouth amongst them. Fine scholars
they will be, the best in the round, except you, Miles, and
little Mat here. At least, you have been my prime scholar,
and Mat promises fair. I wish you would keep it up. It is a
fine thing to have a good home-pursuit, something to keep
the hearth bright besides the peat and the logs."
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